So another war begins......

42  2018-04-14 by Jac0b777

As I read the titles of the news just now, I died inside a little. I won't lie, it hit me right in the heart. They wanted their war and now they have it. The coordinated efforts and nodding heads on all sides make this whole ordeal even worse.

People are in Syria. Real people. People like you and me. Those people are in the middle of this war. They will be killed, tortured, their towns bombed, their country ravaged.

I look at the thread on r/worldnews. I see people making jokes, others nod their heads in agreement. Assad had it coming, right? We need to avenge the children being gassed, right? It's all fair and just, the US and its European allies are doing it in the name of the people, of the Syrians, in the name of freedom......right? And those that disagree are Russian trolls, bots from the Kremlin, Assad's lackeys, child murderers and rapists.

One commenters says: "Do people here actually believe the reason for the strike is because of moral outrage and wanting to protect the poor civilians? Get real." another replies, seemingly completely unironically: "What is it for then?"

Does anyone now, anyone that has looked, truly looked at what's going on, anyone that hasn't been born yesterday, isn't here to push an agenda, troll or provoke and has been witness to the US and their allies' conflicts for the past decades - does any one of those still believe that the US and its allies are doing this in order to save the children? I am genuinely curious - does anyone truly unironically believe that this war is being fucking fought to protect the fucking children from Assad's fucking chemical weapons?!

I've had enough of this shit. Truly, I've had enough. For some reason, for some reason totally beyond me, I thought this wasn't going to happen - not yet at least. But here we are, at the brink of a new major conflict, yet again.

What can we do? What can you do? Why don't we ask ourselves these questions? It's not like we are helpless, it's not like YOU are helpless. If you live in a country that is in this war, you can protest, you can speak out in any way you know how to, you can call your congressman, your representative, you can make your voice heard. Now is not the time to be silent.

Are we going to just mind our own business and let this shit keep going on? Are we going to just keep looking the fucking other way as the entirety of the Middle East gets bombed to kingdom come? When is it going to dawn on people that this is not going to stop with Syria? Do you realize that Iran is likely next? Do you realize what massive casualties a war with Iran would entail? How many trillions more would be spent on those wars? Do you realize that everyone would be affected by extreme fluctuations of oil prices as a result of that war, which could destabilize the economy in its totality?

But ultimately, ultimately - do you really think it will stop with Iran? Do you really think that, if we don't cry out for peace, if we don't make our lives a symbol, an example of peace and empathy and if we don't demand peace on a global scale - do you really think that you, wherever you are, will be safe from the consequences of more and more conflicts? Conflicts with Russia? With China? With anyone labelled an enemy of "freedom"?

This is not every man for himself anymore. That time has passed if we want to survive as a species. It's time humanity stood its ground and it's time we stand our grand together, not separately anymore. It's time for this shit to stop. People will say it's complicated. No it's not. There is no complication in this. The US and its allies are not the world's police force, they are not here to judge how countries should be governed. If that is the case, shouldn't the US be bombing North Korea first? Shouldn't they be bombing Saudi Arabia for the genocide in Yemen, instead of actually SELLING THEM FUCKING WEAPONS?

I want peace. Not only for the world, for myself as well. For me and the world are not separate. I pledge that I will make deeper and deeper peace in my own life, with those I interact with and those closest to me. That I will move towards deeper peace with all those that I encounter in my life. I will move to become a beacon, an example of this peace, this empathy. I ask you, all of you to do the same. Become peace in your own life and in your interactions with others.

And as you do so, do not forget about the world. If we cry out for peace, if we demand peace, if we CHOOSE peace, things will change.

Divided we are weak, yet united we are strong. If we cry out for peace in one voice that voice will be stronger than anything else. That voice can win and change the world.

I wish you all well in this time of insanity and may you all hug those you love the most today and tell them you love them.

If you are in any way spiritually inclined, pray for the Syrians, pray for the world. At this point, no positive energy is wasted. If that prayer moves you towards any action that may seem of help, so much the better.

I love you all.


It’s like that saying bombing for peace is like... war doesn’t create peace...

You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace...

tell japan that.

Yeah I guess the tables have turned a bit now too. Our enemies also have big boomies and have spent decades of testing them since that whole Japan ordeal.

It might be a little harder these days to play the unexpected results from a big boom boom card.. I doubt we can get away with bombing countries into democracy anymore..

Bombing countries into democracy is really funny. Because we live in a democracy, right?

Well.. I guess we are portrayed as being democratic via our media and unaltered totally legitimate and trustworthy 2 party voting/polling systems and super reliable and honest politicians. Freedom to speak privately amongst our peers etc. Just don't open your mouth in public please. It's not nice to speak against currently elected officials. That shit will just get you straight up assassinated.

That's just justifying war crimes, it was really about showing Russia their big nuclear dicks. Both countries were in an arms race because they both got Nazi scientists from ww2. Everything I've seen talking about the state of japan later in the war says they were in shambles and that it would be nothing to move in and start annexing the country, but it was held off until the eggheads like Oppenheimer finished development of the atomic weapons.

Think about it, what if Russia got better Nazis or developed nukes before the US then immediately used it on Mexico? The war would've been over with or without nuclear weapons, arguments about zealotry to the empire are cop-outs.

That was a message heard around the world.

They need to throw a couple rescue bombs their way

US been at war with mideast and asia since 1953. Pretty much the whole world blind, eventually =L

Well, we have always been at war with eastasia.

Amazing post.


The only thing missing is examples from the past.

""There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.'" – President George W Bush, Nashville, Tennessee; September 17, 2002

Just a reminder that there are documented examples of false flags used as justification for military intervention.

Here are a few:

The Lavon affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.

On 4 April 1953, the CIA was ordered to undermine the government of Iran over a four-month period, as a precursor to overthrowing Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. One tactic used to undermine Mosaddegh was to carry out false flag attacks "on mosques and key public figures", to be blamed on Iranian communists loyal to the government.

The CIA project was code-named TP-Ajax, and the tactic of a "directed campaign of bombings by Iranians posing as members of the Communist party", involved the bombing of "at least one" well known Muslim's house by CIA agents posing as Communists. The CIA determined that the tactic of false flag attacks added to the "positive outcome" of Project TPAJAX.

This one wasn't carried out, but it's pretty interesting:

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

Also planned, but not carried out, on the topic of Syria:

Nearly 50 years before the war in Iraq, Britain and America sought a secretive "regime change" in another Arab country they accused of spreading terror and threatening the west's oil supplies, by planning the invasion of Syria and the assassination of leading figures.

Newly discovered documents show how in 1957 Harold Macmillan and President Dwight Eisenhower approved a CIA-MI6 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria's pro-western neighbours, and then to "eliminate" the most influential triumvirate in Damascus.

Filthy damn jews..

USS Maine, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11 and many more as well, and that's not even getting into non US ones like the Reichstag fire used by Hitler to suspend civil liberties and propel Germany towards WWII.

Also, your write up of Operation Northwoods sort of brushes on it, but the part of the plan dealing with hijacked planes was the playbook they ended up using ~40 years later, on 9/11.

I think he's misunderstood what happened.

There is no war, a handful of sites were targeted and the jets are back home already.

That's what MSM try to tell us. And that's also how a real war often starts.

Oh right thanks for keeping me up to date

That's what MSM try to tell us.

I dislike this kind of empty conspiracy-rattling. Either we have evidence of something or we do not. Merely being inclined to expect something is not evidence.

I dislike this kind of empty conspiracy-rattling.

It is a conspiracy forum.

His problem is not that people are suspicious but that they equate reported my MSM as false. Thats stupid and lazy. He prefers actual evidence. A conspiracy forum is no invitation to just claim stuff willy-nilly.

they equate reported my MSM as false. Thats stupid and lazy.

Are you actually trying to say that the MSM isn't guided by the protocols of Operation Mockingbird?

You're here, in a conspiracy sub, actually saying that people who distrust the propaganda machine which is the Western MSM, are "stupid and lazy". If thats not the kettle calling the pot black, I don't know what is.

You have no idea what is occurring in the world around you.

I say you can't say XYZ is false because it was said on the MSM.

I fully agree. Truth is everywhere, but so are lies. Evidence is the only guiding principle, regardless of source.

Like all the evidence that the government and MSM spouted about WMDs in Iraq? How many innocent Iraqis have died because of that “evidence” many senseless deaths of our service members because of this “evidence”?

Yet you still give them the benefit of the doubt? You still consider their lies “evidence”?!?!....people like you have blood on their hands.

No, I’m referring to audit-able evidence.

You sound manic

What sources are you relying on for this audit-able evidence?

Funny, I thought the people who hung on every word of the MSM were the stupid and lazy ones....

I dislike this kind of empty conspiracy-rattling.

It is a conspiracy forum.

Conspiracy theory doesn't have to be mindless. It can be evidence-based.

I would take it a step further and say they emerged from dissatisfaction with generally-accepted 'evidence'.

It's conspiracy hypothesis.

Have you never watched the MSM pump up the call for war? Do you not remember (or weren’t alive) when the MSM mercilessly pushes us into the war in Iraq because of WMDs that didn’t exist? This isn’t even a conspiracy man, this is how corporate owned media aligned with its warmongering government counterparts pushes their agenda that almost always ends in wars.

If this is news to you, you haven’t been paying close enough attention.

No he doesn't because he works for them.

Same thing with terrorism and this new russiaphobia. You hear nothing about either then over night at one point that’s all they start talking about. You can see it all over reddit people have been brainwashed this way to hate Russia with no proof or reason. Its almost terrifying to see it happen in real time watching people slide into manufactured hate and fear.

Same with politics. They pumped up Trump and excluded Bernie and here we are bombing another country that has done nothing at all to us.

Trump has no conscience and could be controlled. Bernie was another jfk that wouldn’t toe their line I feel. Either way the president was never going to change anything. Tbtp must be forcfully stopped by the people.

Completely agree. I don’t believe that TPTB have enough juice to stop Bernie from winning in 2020, they might kill him, but if they do, they will lose everything.

I dislike this kind of empty conspiracy-rattling.

Then go back to your false reality in r/politics. Everyone there agrees with the MSM narrative and you can quit crying about people disagreeing with it.

I don’t agree with what he said, but we shouldn’t encourage people to go to that sub.

Then go back to your false reality in r/politics.

You know... I expect better of people who claim to question the status quo than merely trading it in for a different dogma.

What are your thoughts on the captured ISIS commander who turned out to be a brigadier general in the Israeli IDF?

Great source, thank you. Seems very legitimatAHAHAHA

Do you believe literally everything you read on the internet?

Mi amo spurdospadrus, I only listen to the news that's shoved down my throat by wolf blitzers circumsized cock.

I don't watch TV news, but I am technically Jewish. So I guess I'm an honorary deep state member since I don't have to worry about dick cheese

You don't have to have a badge and pension to push deep state ideology.

Do you disregard or actively lash out against everything critical of Israel?

Do you know why cats scream in the night? I do.

We protect you goys. Protect you from horrors you can't even imagine. Things that would make H.P Lovecraft puke in fear.

And the thanks we get from you--the goys who we taught how to make houses instead of dung-huts.. It'd be so easy for us to step back from the city walls and let the nightmares in, and more and more of us are saying it's time to leave your ilk to your own devices..

You cry and cry that everybody is against you but given the chance you stab people in the back. Your entire culture is two-faced, where I'm from that's unacceptable. men are supposed to act with honor and speak with truth. I mean, have some dignity.

I don't have any problems with Judaism as a religion in and of itself, besides the bloody baby cock-sucking, that shit ain't right. But it's controlled from the inside by a group of evil individuals that will stop at nothing to commit genocide and call it "self defense".

They've been nomads historically since the beginning of time, everything they ever had they had to take. Now, farmers working a field to feed their family only to have it mowed down by a pack of wanderers aren't going to like that. But you don't understand, you think yourself to be above others just because an old book justifying this gives you the "warm and fuzzies". If you stopped pretending to be better than everyone for a minute, they might not hate you.

So, if you have anything to actually contribute to the conversation of Isis being commanded by Israel please do.

If you're just going to pout then take your partial penis in the corner, put on a bra and skirt, and keep your mouth shut.

Hahaha oh my god you're literally retarded

Removed. Rule 10


Our missiles did nothing to change the reality that we are competing with Russia over oil pipeline interests in Syria. Until that is resolved we are going to be involved in Syria.

Who the hell really knows what's going on. We apparently have soldiers in Niger. And black ops in dozens of countries. How many of those are on clandestine missions for the CIA, how many are PMC running illegal operations for drug cartels that lobby to US politicians, etc. According to some, we've been battling Russia in the Arctic Circle for a couple years now.

We definitely have troops in/around Niger, i am aloud to say that I was deployed near by for 7 months, within rotations. And if our mission had any use there’s definitely no intention to leave any time soon lol.

During that time iirc, a few spec oprs got ambushed and killed by militant types.

That one made the news right?

Yes indeed you are correct!

I can >kinda < confirm Australia has troops around that area.

Neither confirm nor deny! However, elsewhere, I love deploying with Aussies, they are a great group to work with!

The Niger Delta is oil rich. We are competing for pipeline dominance in Syria. Basically, follow the oil.

There is no war, a handful of sites were targeted

...because of something Assad never did...

They know it was Assad. It was a barrel bomb out a helicopter. The rebels don't have helicopters.

Do we have video of this or just the word of the White Helmets?

There's video.

Do you mind providing a link to said video?

If no war evolves from this, I concede I am wrong in my prognosis.

The war like rhetoric, the appointment of war criminal John Bolton, the incredible itch the US and its allies seem to have for more conflict, including the insane amount of pro-conflict propaganda,...all point to the very real possibility this will be more than a one off strike.

It could also be that they are testing the ground to see the public's response to the initial strike - and if nobody protests, if people agree with this, further strikes and attacks will be pushed.

But only time will tell.

Fox and Friends literally told Trump to bomb Syria to push the Comey book story to the back burner.

The chemical weapons attack was just an excuse.

They did bump up military spending just prior to this strike. Just saying. Are we expecting something much bigger soon?

If no larger conflict blooms from this i will also be overjoyed to say i was wrong.

As much as I want to believe that...I'll wait to see if Assad decided to gas more civilians next week to justify round 2.

As much as I want to believe that...I'll wait to see if Assad Mossad decided to gas more civilians next week to justify round 2.

We have soldiers on the ground there, and have had them for some time helping these "rebels".

Remember everyone, trust the government narrative. That's what's most important in times like these.

Bro they didn’t do it for fun. If it doesn’t work they will do another strike. And another. The goal is the continuation of the war. These strikes are to tip the scale in the terrorist favour so they can beat Assad.

Remindme! 3 months

Much the same /u/Jac0b777


I'm with you friend; thanks for your thoughts and feelings, it's a rough time and we need each other!

This post at least makes me feel better knowing others think as i do and aren’t lunatics. My entire life its been non stop murder and genocide from America the UK , Israel and their allies, it legit tears me up inside see how many people act like other people in other countries that are less advantaged than them are treated as though they do not have value and don’t deserve to live .... because the MSM told them so. The majority of the Western world has lost their fucking minds and are the worst terrorist there are on this planet today.

The entire point of shills are to make you think everyone else thinks one way.

I've met enough Americans online and in person that support bullying and genocide third world countries that I believe the majority of Americans are criminal minded. If someone robbed them and killed their family they'd be upset but they support their own kind doing it over-seas.

It's our elites, the government, a majority of normal people would be against going to these wars killing innocent people and sending our poor troops to their death on the orders of the masters. But what can we do to stop them, we're powerless to stop them at this moment

Last time I was in America white people called me spic you're country is a piece of shit and you all pander away the awful shit that happens there as "it's only the elites" bullshit it is.

What are people meant to do exactly? It is the elites that have fucked everyone over. By the way i'm not even American

Obviously needs to be a regime change but how are people meant to storm in and hold these people accountable?

Challenge the Manifest Destiny.

Thank you, thank you. All of this is what I'm feeling as well. It is amazing how quickly people forget and how easily manipulated populations are by the media. It's hubris every time.

Well said.

Thank you for eloquently voicing your feelings and opinions. I agree with all you said.

For me, this post has been a little bit of light in this dreary, empty night.

I didn't read most but I just want to point out that Syria has been in a war for years already, have been bombed and thousands dead

OP knows that. They were referring to US involvement and possible declaration of war.


If they really care about the syrians, they should've accept syrian refugees.

Accepting refugees while creating more refugees is not a sustainable solution. Add false flag terrorist attacks to a multicultural society and all rights will be taken away for the sake of protection. If they care about the Syrians or people in the middle east, they would either withdraw entirely from the middle east or use their power and wealth to build schools and hospitals not just drop bombs that just kill people and not do anything.

Quell your prayers for love and peace you'll wake the thought police

The propaganda is working!


Hey, Obama droned the shit out of the ME and he has a Nobel Peace Prize (never revoked).

Whatabout Obama!!!

So what are you saying

Bring your partisan shit out of here.

If criminal investigation then invoke Hilary. If Warmongering invoke Obama. Right?

Obama arguably had authorization under the AUMF. Syrian government forces are in no way arguably covered under such authorization. Obama stopped short of what he wanted because he acknowledged his lack of congressional authorization. Trump didn't seek any authorization because he is thinks he supreme authority, and his base loves it.

Trump had already killed more people with drones in one years than Obama did in 8.

Fuck your weak as whataboutism. Just advocating more war because defending your leader is always most important.

lol wut

What do you not understand? English do you speak it?

Oh shit I didn't know Obama was president right now?

It’s not war. Putin just has to save face now so there will be a Russian response on pre determined and agreed targets (like the allied strike was) and will do as much damage as the allied attack, ie some empty warehouses, Where the only gas emissions are from a flatulent mouse.

I find that believing in peace is one of the toughest and yet most resilient positions to be in. it is a stance I was asked to take as child, and I still believe in peace today.

it is not human nature to be so cruel and greedy as this evil force (wherever it has come from) has led us to believe. people lived together in peace long ago, it's not an impossibility, but it gets closer to becoming one as people submit to such ideas -- that humans are violent by nature, self-interested to the point of self destruction.

I appreciate posts like this when I see them because they remind me I am not alone in seeing the possibility of a better world, shaped through effort and solidarity. thank you.

When you say people lived together in peace long ago, what are you referencing? From what I have read and seen I believe we are in the most peaceful world that has been. Of course dropping bombs on civilians is far from peaceful but there has been much worse done even in recent history.

It never happened

I'm against the strikes, but do we have reports of civilians being hit? I just assumed they hit some empty buildings. Last time trump attacked an empty airfield.

I heard there were 3 confirmed casualties, which honestly doesn't sound like a lot when you consider 120+ rockets have been fired.

$300 million in chest pounding.

Casualties, nobody KiA

I guess I used civilian incorrectly but death in general

Those people are in the middle of this war. They will be killed, tortured, their towns bombed, their country ravaged.

Are you talking about when ISIS devastated Syria? When ISIS was cutting people up with chainsaws, drowning people in cages, raping women, torturing?? The USA took care of that problem.

(Beirut) – International efforts to deter chemical attacks in Syria in the year since the devastating sarin attack on Khan Sheikhoun on April 4, 2017, have been ineffective, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch has collated and analyzed evidence of chemical weapons attacks in Syria between August 21, 2013, the day of the deadliest chemical weapon attack in Syria to date, and February 25, 2018, when the Syrian government used chlorine in the besieged enclave of Eastern Ghouta.

The information, based on data from seven sources, shows that the Syrian government is responsible for the majority of 85 confirmed chemical weapon attacks. The data also show that the Syrian government has been largely undeterred by the efforts of the United Nations Security Council, the international Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and unilateral action by individual countries to enforce the prohibition on Syria’s use of chemical weapons. source

Do you only get the "feels" when the big bad USA, UK and France team up for limited strikes on chemical weapon manufacturing? Maybe you have been tore up since the 2013 attack on Khan Sheikhoun? I highly doubt it

Article is self discredited garbage:

February 25, 2018, when the Syrian government used chlorine in the besieged enclave of Eastern Ghouta.

The Syrian government was found not guilty of that attack. The question to be asked is, why are you proliferating known lies

Article is self discredited garbage:

posts one example with no source. lol

Aren't you the guy with all the crazy 911 knowledge and arguments? And now you approve of US military policy? What gives? If you're the guy I'm thinking of, I used to love reading your comments dismantling people's defense of the official 911 story. Do I got the wrong guy?

Same guy. 9/11 ultimately brought me to Reddit to share what I had learned with a wider audience. Makes me happy to hear it was not in vain.

Trump slamming and threatening Jeb over 9/11 earned him my immediate support. I do not have a problem with taking out chemical weapons facilities and wiping ISIS off the map. Overthrowing a democratically elected Assad was never Trumps goal and not something I would ever support. I wish he would take out Israel and North Korean chemical weapon facilities but I am not holding my breath on those.

My support is not blind. For example, I hoped his talk about bringing back torture was just inexperience and it seems it was. I detest torture and this sub I created proves it. r/AbuGhraib

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Yoo... should be in cages.

The US funds ISIS...

Used to

The people at the top don’t give a fuck about the Syrian people, and we have fucking people being played like a fiddle from the media, you’d think they at least be suspicious after Iraq and Libya.

Too busy watching sports, movies, and playing with gadgets to be suspicious.

This comment section is so full of wow so woke! morons And not actual strategies to do something, you're as bad as the people you're making fun of you know that right

Most internet activity is porn-related..

He did say “playing with gadgets”

Let's be serious for a minute here...

Saddam was a bloodthirsty psychopath who would not hesitate to use whatever he deemed necessary to maintain power in Iraq. This included, but was not limited to, chemical weapons, death squads, rape, torture and all kind of fucked up shit his demented mind could dream up.

Gaddafi was a terrorist supporter who was behind the Lockarbie bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. All 243 passengers were killed in the explosion along with 11 people on the ground who were hit by the aircraft debris.

Fuck everything about those two cocksuckers. Nobody in their right mind is mourning their passing.

You're kidding yourself if you don't think America is responsible for their actions more than anyone else. Please wake the fuck up already..

Article about America's involvement with Saddam

Yeah... Obviously it was MK-Ultra mind control that made him take the actions he did. No free will whatsoever on Saddam or Uday's part. The rapes, the murders, the chemical weapons and campaign of terror he waged on his own country... All of it simply the result of American Imperialism. It would have happened no matter who was running Iraq, right?


The pot calls the kettle black! ahaha America funded and helped weaponized his regime.. but there's no use of trying to convince a sheep of this.

hope someone gives you a hug today, you obviously need it.

Why don't you go fuck yourself?

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Indeed. Don't think for a moment that this isn't about controlling Syria in order to restrict access to the Mediterranean for Iranian oil and gas.

Someone doesn't want to get impeached and so conceited to a war to save his own neck, perhaps. Deals with the devil are most lucrative when you know you're just going to hell anyway.

Exactly! I don't see a rush to welcome Syrian refugees to protect them from gas attacks!

And Afghanistan and Yemen.

All good for genie energy, wiki it

Kingdom Come was a great game. Sorry I saw that and it was all I could think of. I agree with you, we need to stop or we will drive ourselves to extinction. We need to work together on issues that matter like world hunger, disease, mental and physical disabilities, etc. Or the wide variety of threats the earth faces like climate change, astroid impacts, the magnetic field pole flip (which we are overdue for. It is also very interesting I recommend researching it), a super volcano eruption (which we are overdue for), a solar flare storm (I can’t remember if we are also overdue for one), etc. We already have specific organizations working on some of these issues but imagine what we could accomplish if we all worked together. What happens if we do end up facing a worldwide epidemic or (it might seem far fetched to you) but an extraterrestrial threat? We can’t be fighting each other while we all get killed. We are also much easier to control in groups fighting each other. That’s why certain “higher up” people push the ideas of racism, sexism, political parties, geographical hatred, etc. Its true, there is strength in numbers. Enough with this constant conflict, do we really want to rebuild society again? If we even get the chance. No one wants war except for the people who don’t have to participate and/or profit off of it; i.e the bank. Did you know they are known to fund both sides of wars? They don’t care about anyone, they only care about money. I’m not particularly religious but my thoughts and sympathies go out to Syrians. Let’s hope this can be stopped.

"whenever the Legislators endeavor to take away, and destroy the Property of the People, or to reduce them to Slavery under Arbitrary Power, they put themselves into a state of War with the People, who are thereupon absolved from any farther Obedience, and are left to the common Refuge, which God hath provided for all Men, against Force and Violence. Whensoever therefore the Legislative shall transgress this fundamental Rule of Society; and either by Ambition, Fear, Folly or Corruption, endeavor to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other an Absolute Power over the Lives, Liberties, and Estates of the People; By this breach of Trust they forfeit the Power, the People had put into their hands, for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the People, who have a Right to resume their original Liberty.”



The people in power remain in power regardless of who is elected to office. Those elected to office seem to have no ability to remove these deep state individuals from power. Until the American people learn that their elected officials are powerless, and identify the deep state NeoCons pulling the strings (and executing them for treason) these kind of things will continue.

I'm thinking about heading to Costa Rica. I agree with your last 2 paragraphs. They're very beautiful. I agree with the rest of it as well! Love to you!

I can't say as I blame you. As soon as I get my financial act together I plan to get out of here too.

What? I thought they just sent a few missiles just like they did a year ago.

Well said. Thank you for caring for our only world, our earth family, for seeing the stupidity of war, for putting into words what I feel. Mass murderers running so called civilized 1st world countries UK USA France you assholes. Fuck you.

Great post.

All I wanted was one, single scrap of evidence proving that Assad actually did it. But we were never given it. We’re just supposed to go along with whatever the West tells us.

To question the West is now considered paranoid and stupid. To be considered sane in our society now, you are supposed to believe whatever conspiracy theories the West invents, and never ask any questions. Even if they use those theories to justify war.

Not only is there no evidence that Assad did it, all signs indicate he didn't do it. And we've already been through this twice before with Syria.
It really couldn't be more obvious that it's CIA & friends performing false flags.

Asking questions is the "conspiracy theory" now.

Really activates the almonds

We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Every. Fucking. Thread.

by almonds, are you talking cyanide? because i see how asking questions gets us there.

Heart attack gun for you

Saying it was Assad is by definition a "conspiracy theory". How ironic.

I mean, if you search up you'll find various sources such as UN investigators identifying almost all previous chemical attacks in the region to be sourced from the Syrian Government..

Not identifying, guessing.

Guessing is separated from identifying by recognising trace elements in the production of a chemical and pairing that with manufacturing facilities that have that trace element.

By people with PHDs and millions of pounds worth of scientific equipment. Very different from guessing.

identifying by recognising trace elements in the production of a chemical and pairing that with manufacturing facilities that have that trace element. By people with PHDs and millions of pounds worth of scientific equipment. Very different from guessing.

It's.. still a guess. A very good shot, but it's biased by who funds them.

Well to be fair the government did produce all the chemical weapons. But I'm sure you're aware of that a big part of the country has been controlled by terrorists for the last years, right?

Because chemical weapons usually require containment facilities for preparation and delivery. These facilities require electrical power, and people with degrees in chemistry related fields to manage them.

While it isn't impossible for a terrorist group to have these resources, the chance of them being exposed to the chemical before deploying it or deploying it incorrectly are both quite high.

I suppose you are right. But I mean, isis ran several oil refineries and pretty much set up their own government. I certainly don't think it's unreasonable to think they could have done it.

Thankyou for being reasonable. If I may expand on what you are saying in reference to ISIS

The difference between an oil refinery and a facility for the production and storage of chemical weapons is quite large. One of the reasons is that ISIS would be able to recognise oil facility buildings at a distance and avoid causing great amounts of damage (with the aim of taking over)

Facilities containing nerve agents would usually have most of their facility underground, so it would be quite easy to bomb the initial building to rubble, and not even discover its true purpose.

Beyond that the issue is even if they could get access to a sarin nerve agent (what the UN has identified was used in the past in Syria) it is one of the most volatile nerve agents around. This means it transforms from a liquid to a gaseous state very very easily. Without someone with a degree in chemistry with a focus on containment and control of nerve agents (and people like that are both rare, and very employable internationally, so they don't tend to stick around when a country descends into civil war) the chances of them

A removing it from containment in a secure facility - lets call it 80% B transporting it to a staging area in a ongoing warzone - lets call that 60 % C transferring the agent from its initial storage container to a delivery method - lets call that 50/50 D The delivery method being effective at both keeping the sarin pre-delivery - this is where things get very dicey, since unless they have a tool designed for chemical delivery, exposure and a chemical leak could be very very likely - so lets say 25%

The issue here is not just how unlikely they could pull something like this off successfully, but also the risk reward involved for the terrorists. One leak and some of ISIS best engineers and scientists are dead, along with hundreds of soldiers in the staging area. All for a single attack that kills not much more then five or ten suicide bombings or IEDS could achieve in the same time frame, with a much lower risk threshold.

And Assad has these skilled scientists/engineers still working unhindered?

More likely him then a terrorist group yes

But its not an "A or B only" situation so you can't use the unlikelihood of A to bolster the likelihood of B

No its an a b c d e f situation like all of them. But the most likely (the Syrian government deploying a chemical weapon) can still be used as support against the improbability of others

But the most likely can still be used as support against the improbability of others

But aren't you doing the exact opposite of what you just said? You're describing the unlikelihood of one... and using that to indicate the other.

Well no, that is simply a way of saying what I said in reverse. I'm basing this off occams razor so I think that makes sense

First step in applying Occam's razor is to consider how many assumptions must be made for each competing answer.

  • Assad did it: must assume they did this nonsensically while winning and thus idiotically courting response, must assume they retained access to facilities, must assume retained access to qualified personnel, must assume some undisclosed advantage/reasoning behind the act

  • terrorists did it: must assume access to facilities, must assume access to qualified personnel

  • US did it: must assume wanted conflict

That's me applying the razor. How did yours go?

That doesn’t prove in any way that Assad was behind the alleged attack. A state sponsor such as Israel or Saudi Arabia could have supplied the personal and logistics for the attack, motivated to keep the US in the region doing their dirty deeds.

How quickly we forget.

The Independent:

The Guardian:

Seymour Hersh:

Turkish MP claims Turkey smuggled Sarin to Syrian rebels:

These are generally reputable sources. What picture is this painting? A complicit Turkey, with help from the CIA, smuggling arms from Libya to Syria to arm rebels. Is it much of a stretch to believe they smuggled chemical weapons too?

The CIA has been rogue for years, they no longer work in the favor of the American people or the American Government

Never did. They were Nazis from the start, literally.

Thank you for the links.

Is a plant that produces chlorine considered a chemical weapons plant? I mean there are a lot of other uses for chlorine, so it seems like a tricky definition what would move a regular chemical facility into the realm of weapons facility I wonder.

If you search up you'll find various videos of people faking these chemical attacks too. Fuck knows who to believe.

Lmao I don't trust the UN for shit

General Mattis actually said he was "confident enough" that Assad did it. It's really sad they don't need evidence, they only need to believe he did it.

He was at least pushing for a more reserved response than apparently what Trump had in mind.

He also said there is no evidence for past or present chemical attacks by Assad. It could easily have been 'rebels' (Islamic militants funded by the US).

Are they Isis, or related to them?

ISIS is a buzzword. Let's just say 'Islamic fundamentalists'. Assad is a moderate that has kept the militants under control, until the US started arming them. Same with Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi. Israhell wants Syria totally subdued, as they believe they have a right to the region.

There was never even an investigation. They put more effort into fabricating the Iraq story. Here they are literally just using Al Qaeda to fake some videos

He doesn't need evidence for anything, this is how he operates, make something up and declare it, and if you disagree you're fake.

A single person is not responsible for this though.

Who's disagreeing, though?

And even if they gassed 200 of their own, it's not American, truly American, to go over there and bomb them. Unconstitutional by the values of our founding fathers, and unconstitutional by current practice (must all our mixed Zionist Congress first).

Money, power, and Zionism have perverted American government. Will the people stand up to it? Will we attempt to weild power?

Even if he did use gas, so what? America has used chemical weapons more than all countries on Earth combined. If Assad only used old-fashioned bombs, would the kill rate be any different? Dead is dead.

There was never even an investigation that was visible to me with evidence that would likely reveal sources and methods.


How convenient

Let's have you do some work to justify your position that others didn't do it for you.

What kind of evidence that you could reasonably be expected to see would you accept? Give me a scenario. Because if you can't think that up, you aren't looking for truth but just wanting to believe what you want to believe.

So how about it?

This is like asking someone to explain why they are skeptical of a liar that has fabricated evidence countless times to fulfill their motives. The West has blatantly fabricated evidence countless times to justify removing someone they don't like from power. This is basic US history. Why do I need to explain something so basic to you?

Now you are moving the goal posts. First, you said you wanted an investigation, presumably one that could be expected to satisfy you. But now you reveal the truth, which is that there is no investigation that can satisfy you. Why not say that instead? Its far more honest.

There was an attack already, without an investigation. How credible would an investigation be at this point when we have had a conflict of interest established already? Or do you not understand the concept of conflicting interests? When someone establishes the fact that they want to do something at any cost, they cannot be trusted at all.

How do you know there was no investigation? How do you know the sources and methods? You don't. The truth is that there is nothing you could reasonably expect to read, see or here that you would believe, because you don't believe anyone in a position to provide it to you, even if they did. That's the truth.

What I don't like is when people dress up their skepticism as a lack of evidence. They just won't believe it. So just be honest and say that. Don't play this bullshit evidence game. Be honest.

You don't understand the concept of conflicting interests at all. What do you propose we do with someone caught fabricating evidence in the past, who is in such a rush to fulfill their motive that they go ahead with it and tell you to just take their word on it? Are you dense?

So your position is ultimately:

  1. Take the liar's word on the matter
  2. Ignore the liar's conflict of interest
  3. Ignore the fact that his accusation doesn't even have any logical basis to it (Assad would never gas innocent civilians in a war he is winning right after the US announced they were leaving)

You are just trying act smart by being contrarian to common sense and its not working.

Nah, you just aren't being honest. Its fine to distrust the government and doubt everything the governments that bombed say. I'm not criticizing that. I'm criticizing the dog and pony show of being unsatisfied with a lack of evidence, when there is no one in a position to provide it that you would believe. And we've gone back and forth a lot and you've presented no scenario that suggests you will. Nothing. Be honest. Stop with the bullshit.

You have had 3 chances to demonstrate any remote understanding of conflicting interests and haven't done so. You are the average pseudo-intellectual trying to feel better about their abysmal intelligence by being contrarian to everything.

You've had four chances to do something besides insult because you can't answer a question.


More insults. Answer the damn question or admit you are full of it.


What really blows my mind is the rush to get some bombs on the ground before the inspectors even have a chance to get to the location and examine the evidence.

:( kills two birds with one stone. And who are we to "discipline" them, especially when we ourselves have chemical weapons. Russia and Syria are in the right on this. Israel-influenced US wrong.

I couldn't agree more, this reeks of false flag and worse, a lazy one. At the least the poisoning in the Uk recently was a bit more suspect but I think that was false too.

Good point. Maybe it isn't possible to gather evidence now it is destroyed.

That is possible as well, but I think they bombed other targets than the city the gas was supposedly used in.

I agree, this does seem possible.

It's a.sad state we're in. If they gave us any evidence we might not believe it anyway.

Yeah I agree, from what I've seen the evidence seems to be that it wasn't Assad, but the US wanted a reason to go to war so that's exactly what they got...and who cares if that reason is real or not right? They only start the wars, they don't have to fight in them.

How should the evidence come? Honest question here. It will always come in the form of news media. Images. Quotes. Interviews. Various other forms of proof. Through the same vehicle we know lies to us.

So either it’s all fake or it’s sometimes true but we always never really know. They like it that way.

What form would you consider good enough to make you believe? I’m curious. I wish sometimes I could play doubting Thomas and stick my fingers into the metaphorical “wound” and prove it with my own eyes. But that’s impossible.

Things felt so much easier as a child, even when I found out santa clause didnt exist.

You're right though, its hard to discern the agenda from the truth. I dont think I know the solution, but I try to apply as much logic to the information as I can. When things dont seem to initially fit into my idea of things, I ask more questions until i feel satisfied or feel lied to

I feel like the biggest unanswered question is, "why would Assad do this once he has taken a position to win the war against the rebels?" Because he's an evil man? Come on. It seriously makes no sense that he would now pick this point in time to gas his own people. This is only going to hurt him within his own country and region, even if the West turned it's head and did nothing about it. I feel like in this day and age of news media and fake and truth being thrown around so much, we need to analyze what were given, think on it for a day or so, and then go with our gut feeling on the topic. It's hard to deciefer real from fake now. The powers that be realized we started waking up and doing our own research,, so now they're using the scatter information and disinformation tactic. Confuse the masses with a larger amount of propaganda.

Can someone explain who these rebels are? Are they Isis or related to them?

I think the question of how he could gas his own people is deeper than “clearly not because they’re his own people.” I think that there exists a very real vein of “eye for an eye” punishments in that nature and portion of the world, from a historical and cultural standpoint and the idea that he could punish his own people for allowing any dissection - is not so far fetched as to have never been done before.

Perhaps letting the inspectors in for a day or two? Crazy.

Right. But hey - that’s what you’re told. What makes you believe it?

Why NOT wait a day or two for the inspectors to look around?

I didn’t say that wasn’t a good idea. But I asked more to the point - what would make you feel you were fed the truth. Maybe they DID stay more than two days. You just got told a lie. Maybe they stayed two and got all they needed; they are inspectors / scientists after all. My point is meta, nothing to do with real black and white facts.

This is a good question, and ultimately very hard to answer. But I think for everyone there is a point at which where they accept something as being the truth. For me, that means a full, convincing explanation of why they think Assad did it, and the methodology behind how they came to the conclusion. A fully detailed explanation usually takes a very complex web of lies to fake, a web of lies that will mostly likely have flaws, and therefore quickly falls apart.

I don’t disagree but I have to add in terms of disaster, I think often the simplest is the probably truth and we, as plebs, really “crave” the entertainment value a web of lies brings with it - we have decades of purpose built tv shows to make us think that it’s got to be an issue when it might really not be.

Think not so much 9/11 in the extreme case, but Pulse, Sandy Hook, etc. places where conspiracy folks are so quick to use the silly phrase “crisis actor.”

This is a good point. I think Pulse and Sandy Hook are different though. Both of them are actually quite simple situations, so any logical person will lean towards the simplest explanations. These kinds of things have happened all over the world and are always pretty similar: someone becomes pent up with extreme amounts of rage which is due to deep seated psychological issues, but which they justify with an ideology or some kind of narrative, and then they snap and plan a mass murder. There are so many precedents that all point to the same thing.

Anything happening in Syria right now is usually very complicated. This gas attack is especially complex. So many different groups could have done it, and working out who did it is incredibly difficult. The reasons for why different groups could have done it are numerous and varied, as are the reasons for why they wouldn't have done it. Even then, the recent history is murky and told differently by people with different agendas. No matter which angle you take, there must be a web of complexities involved in your explanation.

I agree, thank you for your replies.

I think what makes the Syria stuff so “dense” is that it’s got so much muddled history that one can “cherry pick” the nuggets of detail that can make one actor look worse than the other, and visa versa. What really hurts though is that there are families in war torn areas that are just going about their days trying to work, clean house, get laid, and there exists bullshit nobody can live in peace. It doesn’t really matter who is the baddest bad guy, in this picture, imho.

Absolutely. I've met a few Syrian refugees and each one I met was extremely friendly, but also filled with sadness. They all have awful stories to tell. It was pretty heartbreaking, especially meeting kids who have seen things that I can't even imagine. Every Syrian I met just wanted their country to be peaceful again.

It sickens me that there are clearly a number of very powerful forces pushing the conflict, forces that obviously don't give a fuck about the people caught up in-between. Ordinary people buckle under the rumble of the war drums, with nowhere to turn to and nothing to protect them. There are very few precedents that would seem to inform a belief that the West is interested in the Syrian people's safety. I can't help feeling that the plight of the Syrian people is just collateral in a proxy struggle between various world powers.

I've just watched a Q&A on BBC News 24 of a US Military General and a White House rep. A question was asked about why they did not wait for a currently on going investigation into whether Assad actually was behind the chemical weapons and whether there is actually any chemical weapons in relation to this report at all anyway. They both said they believed the reports - completely disregarding the lack of official evidence of the attack - and quickly moved on.

Later in the Q&A, the White House rep made a statement about the US/UK/France missile launch being aimed at a "known" chemical weapons plant.

I mean, first there's an incomplete investigation, then you're bombing a "known" chemical plant?!

This is rhetoric politics being used to cover up a provocative attack on a regime that has only ever been reported as attacking Israel, and yet all we see is Syria retaliating on Israel after their cease fire is broken, BY ISRAEL!!!

This is some deep seated Bullshit game of Risk, where Israel is somehow pulling every string, apart from Russia's. Now, whether Russia has it's only seedy plan for Syria is a different story. But every element of this now very real global conflict is fucking fishy.

The west has also made us believe that everyone from the middle East is a terrorist from all the wars and then all the movies they make after those wars about their poor soldiers being wounded in battle even though they started that war

And that's the saddest thing. As a Middle Eastern who still hasn't had their country bombed, I always wonder when we're going to be next. I don't want to die now. I still haven't done anything worthwhile in my life. I just want to have a happy life. To wake up early every day to water my plants. To fall in love and have an adorable family. I don't want that taken away from me. We're just normal people who have dreams like yours. It's depressing how people can be brainwashed into thinking otherwise.

A book called Enemy Combatant, by Mozzam Begg really made me think about the conflicts in the Middle East from the other perspective. He was detained for 3 years in bagram and Guantanamo. What’s fucking crazy is that I know for a fact that many people do not even think about middle easterners as human beings with intricate lives, having hopes, dreams, feelings, and fears just like the rest of us. A lack of experience and empathy coupled with a blind trust of those in power is dangerous.

What country are you from?

Egypt. We already have a problem with terrorist organizations here. So if things ever get really bad, I imagine Western countries would intervene under the pretense of protecting the Suez canal.

not having read other posts and on mobile: lets say he did do it. okay. we have the tech to single out him and his compatriots. why a strike now? unless it is a distraction. it was on abc news at 5:30am. no other strike has been in the last 10 years.

Another mind blowing thing is that they're still thing to bother with a team to "verify" it was Assad behind the chemical weapons, as though they could find any other results now that these three countries have decided that he's behind it.

Convenient timing for the British government as well, a chance to hit a major sphere of influence for Russia a matter of weeks after a Russian ex-spy was murdered on British soil.

You summed up my extreme disgust, shame, and sickness at watching the globalists for 3 decades. Who the F buys this shit anymore

You many, obviously. It's sad, and scary to realize.

You many, obviously. It's sad, and scary to realize.

Every single media figure of note is launching an unimterrupted jazz stream over this except Alex Jones, who is a certified charlatan/fraud.

It's easy to see why people get sucked into his bullshit.

We're all doomed.

I will say in defense of the simpleton who asks "What is for then?" that it is really difficult to understand what the war is for. Pipelines? Israel? Anti-Russia proxy war? US control of the ME? Dole for the defense industry?

My own opinion is that we should be wary of the "single reason" thesis and instead look for multiple forces leading to an outcome. Emergent behavior.

A small handful of wealthy psychopaths are using the U.S. military (our sons, daughter, sister & brothers) to execute their own personal world domination agenda.

Who are they?

Follow the money

NWO at work is what is going on.

You've just got two large empires fighting over the space between them. Nothing to see here, move along. This has been going on for millennia.

-Israel has had their sight on Syria for decades. They want it at least beaten into total submission.

--Fundamentalist Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe that the Rapture (or Armageddon) can ONLY occur after a massive war that kills most of the Earth's population. Many fanatics in power are doing everything they can to hasten this event. They call it 'saving the poor children'.

Israel wants Syria destabilized and weak. This much is easily understood.

Another thing is the Suni-Sia split. Saudi Arabia wants Iran and by extension Syria weak and defeated.

"puts on my tin foil hat"I think it may have to do with,I believe it was Qatar and the Saudis wanting to run a gas pipeline thru syria to compete better in europe and cut out russia, but since assad and putin are pals, he told them to fuck off. Hillary gets loads of money from both on what was likely pitched as a can't lose presidential race and "shockingly" pushes for heavy military intervention in Syria to get assad out and someone who will make a deal in. That fails and Trump seems to not want to get involved so plan B emerges to make all these "atrocities" happen that pulls at the heartstrings of every red blooded amercian to get public pressure for the war.

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God this shit hits home. I have family in Iran. They're next. This has to stop now. Not after Syria, before.

This country was taken over by a group of people with a policy coup, Wolfowitz and Cheney and Rumsfeld and you could name a half dozen other collaborators from the Project for a New American Century. They wanted at us to destabilize the Middle East, turn it upside down, make it under our control. It went back to those comments in 1991. Now did anybody tell you that? Was there a national dialogue on this? Did senators and congressman stand up and denounce this plan? Was there a full fledged American debate on it? Absolutely not; and there are still isn’t, and that’s why we are failing in Iraq, because Iran and Syria know about the plan.

All you have to do is read the the Weekly Standard and Bill Kristol and he blabber mouthed it out all over the world…. They could hardly wait to finish Iraq, so they could move in to Syria. It was like a lay down, oh our legions are going to go in there. This wasn’t what the American people voted George Bush in to office, well they didn’t actually vote him to office, but it wasn’t… what he campaigned on. He campaigned on a humble foreign policy, the most arrogant foreign policy in American history. He campaigned on no peace keeping, no nation building and here he is with Afghanistan and Iraqis; astonishing.

The post Cold War plan is here.

I read it at the time. They called it the "Wolfowitz Doctrine."

PNAC was the continuation of the plan.

Scooter Libby wrote much of the Wolfowitz Doctrine.

If that is the case, interesting he was let off the hook.

Its interesting timing, and maybe someone tipping their hat.

Love you too mate. Peace.

It will take time.

Old Christians in America need to die, replaced by young Asians.

That is the only way to change America.

Lol why young Asians? The US has always been a melting pot. People get caught up with the present news cycle & the patriot act and it’s indefinite detention of immigrants, but we’ve had Asians here since we needed “legal slaves” to build our railroads. This was after the Civil War, you see. If you want more immigration history go read a book.

Have many kids do you have?

Who are their fathers?

Like 10 women

Thank you.

You have confirmed our Hypothesis.

Do you want to kill yourself immediately or retire slowly?

I fear death so retire slowly, totally

Do you like Asian food?

It is incredibly sick.

I think right now we need to study and learn how the globalists pushed this civil war from day one in 2011.

Remember this all started because a few elites kids painted anti assad grafitti. I could see something like this happen in the future America.

Globalists using social rifts to push for civil war.

It's sick

I'm all for peace

Those people are in the middle of this war. They will be killed, tortured, their towns bombed, their country ravaged.

Let's be very, very clear: those people are in the middle of a war zone and have been for years. Many of them have already been killed, tortured, their towns bombed and their country ravaged.

does any one of those still believe that the US and its allies are doing this in order to save the children?

I think that that would be an absurdly reductionist view, so no. I believe that this is being done because the lack of a military response would have sent a clear signal to regimes around the world who are headed by madmen, held back from chemical weapon use only by the fear that it would bring international reprisals. Now, is it an effective deterrent? Maybe in part. The reality is that such madmen find plenty of conventional ways to kill.

But, ultimately, this isn't about projecting any kind of control over the region (which the invasion of Iraq clearly was, and I said exactly so at the time). This is a targeted and specific attack, as I think you will see over the coming days.

This is not every man for himself anymore. That time has passed if we want to survive as a species.

Well, if it's not, then I think opposing the use of chemical weapons is a pretty high priority. I would have desired a different, more nuanced approach, but when you tell someone that they are on notice for their use of chemical weapons and then they go ahead and use them, either you respond in some way, or you lose all credibility.

Same here... got that sick feeling in my stomach when I heard it started. So much for non intervention. Thanks MIC.;sh=80819929

It was false flag to destroy the msm/deep state narrative that trump is on Putin’s side.

Stay woke /r/conspiracy

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The base way empty braj. Which you would know if you read what I posted.

Thank you /u/Jac0b777.

I share your sentiment exactly and will focus on the positive in this slightly darker world today.

We have to go off, and die for our Jewish masters. You didn't know if you kill, or die for a Jew you get a one way ticket straight to heaven. All heil Gods chosen people.

Not only is there no evidence that Assad did it, all signs indicate he didn't do it. And we've already been through this twice before with Syria.
It really couldn't be more obvious that it's CIA & friends performing false flags.

Yep, and Trump and everybody up top knows this. It's he putting in a show for us or for the media?

They shouldn't have chemical weapons in the first place. Even if this most recent chemical attack had nothing to do with Assad, hes used it multiple times before and we warned them not to do this during Obama's presidency. Too bad we looked like a bunch of pussies when they did use chemical weapons and we did nothing.

You’re aware that he literally handed over his chemical weapons supply to NATO right?

Clearly not if chemical weapons were used last week.

How do you know they were used by him? You're a ripe target for a timeshare in Florida if you just eat up whatever you're told without blinking an eye.

Even if they weren't used by him, we're bombing the plants where they were made so they cannot be used again. If Assad has an issue with that, I think his stance on the use of chemical weapons will be clear.

Another claim you can’t say you’ve seen proven.

What are you referring to? That we're bombing the chemical weapon plants? We know that's true and have video evidence of it.

You cannot prove the chemical weapons used last week against Syrian civilians were created in those plants. Nor can you even prove those attacks even happened, but that’s another conversation.

The first step to seeing through the lies is to ignore what you’re told and follow what actually happens, the truth.

All that ranting and nothing about a solution. This is today's generation. Complain about everything, solve nothing

Amen to that.

The first step is awareness and spreading truths and ideas. There can be no solution if nobody acknowledges there's a problem.

Also, in a way OP did offer something of a solution. Be peaceful, to yourself, and to others. It's cliche and it won't fix all the problems we have, but little things have the power to eventually change the world. Shit starts from the ground up. Start local, and it will spread.

Yep. Speak up, speak loud, speak proud, but wait for someone else to actually do something about it.

I mentioned a solution - speak out against the war, speak for peace, speak loud and don't be afraid to speak. Protest, gather, make your voices heard.

I do not live in the US or in a country that is involved in this conflict, if I were, trust me, I'd make my voice heard, no question about it.

But even this, spreading awareness, talking about it here, has an impact. Every post that is for peace is a step in the right direction. Every voice, even online, means something. It shows people we all want peace, we are in this together, it sends ripples through anyone that may be following orders to give it a second thought, especially those in the military. It encourages debate and through debate, solutions are found.

Beyond that, find peace within and be an example of peace in your own community, family and life.

May I ask, what are your proposed solutions?

I would suggest you take a break from the internet.

You have an enormous superiority complex, and you write like a lit student.

Your blog is a graveyard of inane spiritual expression drivel.

You won't do anything, and you don't know anything. You've already admitted as much in previous comments, even setting up a cushion for an outcome in which you are completely incorrect.

You're an ego-maniacal self imposed distraction to real life, and the response you are receiving here is only due to the forum you chose. Reddit is a backwards thinking group assuming they are fighting for progressive thoughts.

I'm wasting just as much time responding to you as you did writing this pompous trash initially.

Pat yourself on the back, and wipe away your pointless tears as you sit there in self-approbation.

I hope you find peace in your heart and your life my friend. I sincerely wish you well.

Much love.

I hope you work through whatever it is that made you this way.

Good luck. There's an actual world out there for you to experience if you ever give it a chance.

I am experiencing plenty of the world, my life is quite wonderful actually.

Again, I wish you well and I hope you too can work out whatever made you this way.

Your view of the world is not a true view, though.

You're not as tranquil as you would like to believe. Your passive aggressive response should tell you as much.

You will become a human being one day. Today is not that day. Today you are a creation of your own hubris.

The fact that you think he is being passive aggresive shows that it is you who has something wrong with them.

He used my own words as a response.

This is quintessential passive aggression.

It's not a difficult notion.

Stop talking. You sound autistic

Nice. OP is a blog posting yoga enthusiast spouting monologues about love and peace and I'm autistic because I'm not dense enough to miss passive aggression.

This sub is full of lunatics.

Good whatever. Fuck off then.

I hope you find peace in your heart and your life my friend. I sincerely wish you well.

Much love.

Eat a dick

Again, I wish you well and I hope you too can work out whatever made you this way.

Removed. Rule 10

Removed. Rule 10

And what about the comment it was in reply to?

Please report any rule violations to ensure the are seen. Thanks.

Dude stop talking. You sound autistic

made you this way.

Made him... care about people being bombed?

I'm not going to keep trying. There is something very wrong about the people here. I had always assumed you were individuals who questioned everything and explored the bizarre theories out forward, but you're all liberal fearful hippies praising and defending a blog posting meditation lunatic because he told you he loved you all.

It's actually sickening.

It's sickening because people don't want Syria to be bombed?

What's sickening is that you don't give the slightest fuck about the possibility than Syria might have been framed for using chemical weapons, and we just start bombing them without evidence top justify it. THAT is sickening.

If we're on r/conspiracy, you're supposed to be critical of everything, including random imperialistic wars done "for the banter" on the off chance the Assad probably did it. Maybe you don't belong here.

Oh I do not belong here and I have no interest in being here.

If you want to equate being critical of information to an essay on love, then be my guest. You just said everything I thought this sub should be back to me.

The overwhelming response the OP has received serves only to show how deluded this user base is.

OP is an egomaniac. I only ever commented on that, and directly to him. He's a sick individual and so are all those who responded with their sentiments of love and peace.

A warped view of the world makes sense on this sub. I just assumed it was a view of information, and not that everyone here is a hippy with cult like tendencies.

That's the sickening part.

Ah yes, a sick individual is the one who dislikes war.

Cult like are the ones who agree with that sentiment.

Fucking listen to yourself, jesus christ.

you're twisting what i'm saying big time, buddy boy.

i said none of what you're saying i did.

and while we're at it, let's just speak plainly. there is no war. will there be one? most likely not, but there's always a chance. is there one now? no. the residents of the area have stated it was just a display, that they weren't phased at all, and that they slept through the 'bombing'.

regardless of any war talk, you're not interested in what i say, you're just interested in being upset.

peace and love to you and i hope you have a beautiful life a bloo bloo bloo

I think your main issue here is that he said a lot of things that you feel are more sentimental than raitonal. But at the end of the day, boiling it down to what you would consider the rational parts of it, it has a point that you have severely missed in favour of mocking people for having emotions when thinking about the people who will end up dying in a continued war.

Oh what pathetic people, having emotions regarding war, they should just be stoic and uncaring about these things, like you, right?

you're not interested in what i say, you're just interested in being upset.

You don't have fucking anything of substance to say, that'll be why. All you're doing here is tearing other people's opinions down, not providing anything yourself.

i only ever criticised OP and his ridiculous monologue, coupled with the absurd response it has received.

there is no point to it. its an essay on a hypothetical presented as fact, consisting of nothing but faux heartfelt sentiments about non existent wars, and the typical carry on of a new world filled with peace and love without any suggestion of how to achieve it outside of 'let's just be nice to each other!'.

it's empty! it's drivel! it's someone who thinks they are enlightened (if you haven't read his blog for the love god take a look at the man you are defending) and thinks they operate on a higher level than others, stroking their ego while an entire group of people agree, and for what reason? for peace, and love, and bleurgh.. it's pointless self approbation. it's just grotesque to see so many people say 'you're great' with the expected reply of 'you're great too' so you can all feel like you're on a higher plane.

bunch of delusional narcissists. and im called autistic, and cold, and foolish. you're all out of your god damn minds. sucking each other off like crazy with a holier than thou attitude.

that's what's sickening. i've made no mention of anything else being sickening.

the typical carry on of a new world filled with peace and love without any suggestion of how to achieve it outside of 'let's just be nice to each other!'.

To which I asked "what do you expect anyone to do?". We don't have power over the executive branch, we barely have power over congress. So genuinely, what do you expect these people to do? Answer that fucking question, please.

Poeple who support peace try to vote for people who will keep the peace. If they don't, then that's a fault with the system.

In addition, having an opinion on the stance to convince others to join your pacifistic opinions is arguably the BEST thing you can do for the cause to perpetuate ideas. Second best is writing a letter to your local rep. But in this situation, fucking none of those would have helped, because it was a decision made by one man. So I ask again, what SHOULD we do?

take the ride and accept you can do fuck all and not try to avoid the shit show by writing blogs about other planes and alternative states of consciousness.

assuming you're in the US, you're not going to have to deal with anything. you'll read articles and complain, but you won't have to deal with a damn thing.

people claim taking in refugees is the answer, but only 5 percent of them even CLAIM to be from syria.

relocating people will do nothing but hurt the countries that allow them to enter.

you can't do a damn thing, i can't do a damn thing, OP certainly can not and will not do a damn thing (he's far too involved in himself), and ultimately 95% of governments can't do a damn thing.

all you can do is watch. peace, love, and brotherhood just aren't human nature. it's a delusion, it's a distraction. stop having strong opinions and aligning yourself with a party. just watch the show.

having said all of this, i really couldn't give 2 shits about the point you had me answer. my point has always been, and is still, that OP is a grotesque individual, and you're all kissing his hands crying 'me too my brother' only to make yourselves feel special.

accept you can do fuck all and not try to avoid the shit show by writing blogs about other planes and alternative states of consciousness.

you can't do a damn thing, i can't do a damn thing,

Right so, never express your opinions on the war in public, on the internet, or even in private, is that right? Because it might piss you off a bit?

but only 5 percent of them even CLAIM to be from syria.

The headline of that source literally says 20% (1 in 5).

he's far too involved in himself

You think he's involved in himself? As in narcissistic? You think he doesn't actually care about Syrians, but instead only care about imaginary internet karma? Which of those is more likely.

peace, love, and brotherhood just aren't human nature

Yes they are. Ever heard of Mutual Aid theory? Humanity is only special BECAUSE of it's bonds and tribal nature, we are social creatures, which is fucking EXACTLY what makes us successful as a species, and moving closer towards that idea only makes us stronger. That's why we're living in a relatively peaceful period of time relative to all of human history, that's why the internet was invented to conect people across the goddamn globe.

just watch the show.

Why fucking bother? If all life is to you is entertainment, then it's nothing, it's watching TV. But that's wrong, because life IS participation. It's expressing your opinions, talking to people, making arguments, getting involved.

my point has always been, and is still, that OP is a grotesque individual, and you're all kissing his hands crying 'me too my brother' only to make yourselves feel special.

You consider him "grotesque" because he expresses sympathy and love for everyone. It's ironic. You are symbolic of humanities flaws, things we seek to remove.I recommend you reconsider your own midnset, not just to make yourself more positive but to improve the world in some small fraction.

of course you can write about your ideas. that is not a solution to the problem, which was your question. 'what can we do?'.

i meant to say 1 in 5. that was an error on my part.

yes, he very much is in it for the 'karma' aka the need to affirm his worth and intelligence. you are all stroking his inflated ego for him.

there is no way mutual aid theory applies to the modern world. it's not practical and completely eliminates technological progression on the scale it is currently.

expressing opinions, talking to people, etc. this has no impact on the events you are discussing whatsoever. this is just discussion. ive got nothing against discussion, but it will not prevent a missile strike.

telling each other you are great and correct is the reason for the problems you complain about. you call me symbolic of flaws. this is again stroking your own ego, reaffirming to yourself that you are correct. that you are 'great'. pretty sure this is freud's actual definition of 'love'; that you say to a person that you think they are great with the expected response to be 'you are also great'.

OP is a narcissist. this, i think i would go as far as to say, is undeniable. to write a blog and an opinion piece such as this post, you have to be. to think that you are enlightened to this degree when the content is theoretical, emotional, subversion of reality.

here is all i have said, seeing as youre so enthusiastic about twisting every god damn thing i write:

OP is an egomaniac. Everyone responding (in the case of this sub) has a desire to feel validated.

that is not a solution to the problem, which was your question. 'what can we do?'.

Which you really still haven't answered. If you make the points you are making, there must be something that these people CAN do that would keep you happy. So what is that?

In addition, not doing something about it does not necessarily mean his opinions are somehow fake or that he's just doing it for the attention.

there is no way mutual aid theory applies to the modern world. it's not practical and completely eliminates technological progression on the scale it is currently.

On the contrary, Mutual Aid theory is more relevant than ever. Our technological advancement is continually built off everybodies work in the field. We do not live in a society where one person can invent something entirely by himself. In many ways, we never did, but even more so today.

You can see it, the AIs being developed today, self-driving cars, robotics, drones, medical advancements. None of it exists in a vacuum, none of it is being developed in a vacuum, in fact our scientific community is now more connected to the world than ever, and we tend to share most of our research.

but it will not prevent a missile strike.

Neither will anything other than an Iron Dome style air-defence system. Should we start corwdfunding for one for Syria?

telling each other you are great and correct

Which nobody has done. Saying you agree is not this.

freud's actual definition of 'love';

Citation needed. In addition weren't most of his theories on psychology disproven later on anyway? That love does not necessarily stem from a desire for resources, but other, less objective, more emotional preferences?

OP is a narcissist. this, i think i would go as far as to say, is undeniable. to write a blog and an opinion piece such as this post, you have to be. to think that you are enlightened to this degree when the content is theoretical, emotional, subversion of reality.

So do you consider any philosopher who writes long, wordy books, or scientist who writes long articles, to be a narcissist in the same way then? Because this seems pretty disingenuous given that you have no background on him whatsoever. Stop making stupid fucking asusmptions, that is literally the opposite of what this subreddit is about.

ah man, you're exhausting. im so sick of you manipulating my words to mean something else and then making points for them that im expected to refute.

look, think what you want. if you want to reply to a post about love and harmony with 'i love you too', then go ahead. if you dont see any issues with it, or what it says about an individual, then its fighting a losing battle. im falling into the same category as all of you by even making points in my favor. discussing it isnt doing anything about it.

im not even sure why i decided to continue talking with you anyway. you went from telling me to eat a dick to pretending youre a scholar.

if youre under 21, then ok, i get it, youre in that phase. if youre not, then god help you.

to you i say (in a non passive aggressive way according to yourself), eat a dick.

if you want to reply to a post about love and harmony with 'i love you too', then go ahead

Which, again, NOBODY has done. People are agreeing with the pacifistic sentiment, and you're being a whiny bitch about it.

discussing it isnt doing anything about it.

So let's never discuss anything ever because it's just circlejerking and not doing things, right? Fuck off. Discussion is INTEGRAL tp politics.

you went from telling me to eat a dick to pretending youre a scholar.

Did I hurt your feelings? You're the one who's telling everybody in this entire thread that their opinions are worthless and "cult-like", don't play the fucking victim.

First and foremost you have a god awful ability to understand anything I'm saying, and a tremendous ability to twist my words.

You're 19. You're a kid. You're doing the same thing every 19 year old does, so I'm not going to continue responding to you or be surprised by your actions.

You're angry, you're smug, and you're a teenager, so the first two make sense.

Best of luck, and go fuck yourself.

You don't have an substaance to anything you've said, it's not my fault for trying to understand such low value words.

Well first of all I'm not 19, so where the fuck did you get that from? Secondly quit your whining, because it's no productive to your point.

You sound a little butthurt. hahaha lol.

You posted 2 years ago stating you were 17.

You will grow out of this.

Again, god bless, and go fuck yourself.

YOU WENT THROUGH 2 YEARS OF MY FUCKING POST HISTORY? Holy fuck I've got a stalker. That's an achievement, I guess.

That guy is a huge troll in other subs too.. just a total loser. Don't engage him, he's a waste of time.

I don't think he's a troll. I think he's just young and impressionable, and an ego maniac dunce.

You're probably correct, but he did admit to being a russian bot (if only facetiously).

ah man, you're exhausting. im so sick of you manipulating my words to mean something else and then making points for them that im expected to refute.

look, think what you want. if you want to reply to a post about love and harmony with 'i love you too', then go ahead. if you dont see any issues with it, or what it says about an individual, then its fighting a losing battle. im falling into the same category as all of you by even making points in my favor. discussing it isnt doing anything about it.

im not even sure why i decided to continue talking with you anyway. you went from telling me to eat a dick to pretending youre a scholar.

if youre under 21, then ok, i get it, youre in that phase. if youre not, then god help you.

to you i say (in a non passive aggressive way according to yourself), eat a dick.

ah man, you're exhausting. im so sick of you manipulating my words to mean something else and then making points for them that im expected to refute.

look, think what you want. if you want to reply to a post about love and harmony with 'i love you too', then go ahead. if you dont see any issues with it, or what it says about an individual, then its fighting a losing battle. im falling into the same category as all of you by even making points in my favor. discussing it isnt doing anything about it.

im not even sure why i decided to continue talking with you anyway. you went from telling me to eat a dick to pretending youre a scholar.

if youre under 21, then ok, i get it, youre in that phase. if youre not, then god help you.

to you i say (in a non passive aggressive way according to yourself), eat a dick.

ah man, you're exhausting. im so sick of you manipulating my words to mean something else and then making points for them that im expected to refute.

look, think what you want. if you want to reply to a post about love and harmony with 'i love you too', then go ahead. if you dont see any issues with it, or what it says about an individual, then its fighting a losing battle. im falling into the same category as all of you by even making points in my favor. discussing it isnt doing anything about it.

im not even sure why i decided to continue talking with you anyway. you went from telling me to eat a dick to pretending youre a scholar.

if youre under 21, then ok, i get it, youre in that phase. if youre not, then god help you.

to you i say (in a non passive aggressive way according to yourself), eat a dick.

How the fuck do you suggest any individual goes about stopping Syria from being bombed? We're not fucking Gods.

And where do you see me suggesting we stop the bombing ya nugget. Engage your brain before typing.........

I'm talking about people who do want the bombing to stop you sausage, do you suggest they personally fly in and catch the bombs like superman?

Engage YOUR brain before typing.

Maybe you should reply to them....... just a thought

Reply to who?

I appreciate the time you took to type this up, but IMO it's more fear porn.

Nothing has happened today that hasn't happened on many days in the past.

I couldn't read the damn, whiny thing. Trump is smarter than this: I know it's hard for some to believe but he is. He know about the false flags and he warned everybody he was going to stone, like last year, so everyone could clear out.

Trump and his allies are trying to get the false flag groups to misstep and show themselves COUGHisraelCOUGH

Trump is already envisioning his checkmate in November 2024 after he is elected for a third term.

I agree with the notion that this has been this way for many years, but the fact that there is a public agreement of every part involved, makes me wonder what part does media play here, and why do the governments involved are making public these attacks. And that is why I think this time is different. It seems like they wanted everyone to know how effective and powerful they are towards something completely ‘ruthless’, obviously coming from some government they have been (for a long time too) condemnating in public.

I believe this a time for being actively discussing and questioning everything that comes to us; discussing its purpose, intentions, and meaning.

I like the gist of your post. Of course peace.

However, you call for more of what got us into this mess.

Divided we are weak, yet united we are strong.

No more collectivism! Divided we are strong. United we are evil, obviously. What can we do then? Advocate for government at the lowest possible level. Advocate for state secession from the federal government. Advocate against legal tender laws. These are real ways to stop it. Decentralized swarm of people who are not going to take it anymore.

Broke: United We Stand

Woke: Divided, the state falls.

I agree with you that we have no place in the middle east but i disagree that there's anything we can do to change it. The powers that be, the global elite and the U.S. government have more power than every single American combined. No amount of "speak your mind" or "tell them what we think" will change the fact that war is a trillion dollar business and peace is a non-existant, unrealistic dream. I commend your post and I agree with it but with the people who call the shots, the money that is made and the blatant ignorance of what the majority of the citizens want, no change is going to happen. Reminds me of a joke:

How many protesters does it take to change a lightbulb?

  1. Protesters don't change anything....sad but true.

If our government has to lie to create a reason for the American people to go along with going to war, then yes, the position of the people carries some weight. Otherwise they would not be trying so hard to sell false narratives and just go to war.

So raising awareness is what we can do and what we should do.

I almost puked reading that thread on world news. People drooling over the weapons system and getting gilded. It's disgusting. I'm going to call my representatives this morning and leave some angry messages for them. I'll also join any protests but the news won't cover them like they didn't during Iraq 2. I'm trying not to feel hopeless here.

If there was a large scale peace protest, the msm would just be like "They dont care about the children! They are Russian shills!"

I really wish there was something we could do but its looking hopeless. They wanted their war and they got it.

Thank you.

Thanks OP!! This has been planned by the Prince of Evil for a very long time. This is just the beginning of a total world war to ultimately end in a One World Govt/Religion/ bank. Prayer is all we have left😇🙏

Prayer is pretty much what got us here in the first place.

Please explain?

Prayer has led to nothing but war. Every fucking time. Sorry dude, I'd love to say practice what you preach, but it would be lost on you.

If they want to pray, let them pray. It has nothing to do with you and won’t affect you in any way.

Anyone who truly believes our military actions are “for the good of humanity” is either severely lacking in brain cells, or woefully and willfully ignorant.

Or D) All of the above.

We are all powerless though. If we weren't, then literally all the information we have would be censored. But there's no point in that if we don't have the ability to even act on it.

Didn't what happened recently (bombing specific targets) the same thing that happened about a year ago? Did the US go to war then too? Haven't things since that first strategic attack been relatively benign?

We are all powerless though. We are beyond the point of any action - it is too late, their grip on the world is too strong. If we weren't, then literally all the information we have would be censored and not get to us. The reason it isn't is because as is the case right now, we can't do anything with the information we have, right now we are all wage slaves who won't be able to do anything more - that's their tool to disempower the public.

We are beyond the point of any action - it is too late, their grip on the world is too strong.

you can call your congressman, your representative, you can make your voice heard.

This is a waste of time. Your congressman doesn't give a fuck what you think no matter which side of the aisle you are on. Until you start costing them money, you can shove your phone calls right up your ass for all they care.

When is it going to dawn on people that this is not going to stop with Syria?

It's never going to stop. For evidence I would like to cite...all of recorded history.

You seem like a nice person with your heart in the right place. But love and peace aren't going to save the world at this point. Love and peace are gentle, passive powers that are disrupted easily and take great effort to maintain. The powers that be, they operate off the shit that is deeply ingrained in us, the little screws they can turn on any individual who's voice for peace grows too loud.

Hierarchical power is like a Tower of Babel, built by slaves, inhabited by psychopaths who think they can buy their way into Heaven, and will only fall by blood and fire. If you want things to really change, you are going to have to be ready to bleed and die for it. Revolutions are slow and violent, and the people who start them are not the people who see them finished.

Otherwise, quiet, secret, organized subversion is probably more effective at getting the weeds off the lawn(we are in a conspiracy sub after all) but the roots are deeper and we don't even know who the players are at that level.

I look at the thread on r/worldnews. I see people making jokes, others nod their heads in agreement. Assad had it coming, right? We need to avenge the children being gassed, right? It's all fair and just, the US and its European allies are doing it in the name of the people, of the Syrians, in the name of freedom......right? And those that disagree are Russian trolls, bots from the Kremlin, Assad's lackeys, child murderers and rapists.

What thread are you looking at?

The top comment in the top thread is this:

One day, regardless of how this all turns out, I hope our descendants will at least remember that beneath the geopolitical struggles, the lives of Syrian people were what we should have focused on in the first place.

I have difficulties finding those comments you write about.

Nice post

Thank you for this.

They’re doing this for one reason: Greed.

Call it money, power, fame, or recognition...... those who think they rule this world want more or it all.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We have to say, “No more!” with our actions. We must not be complacent. We must not ever, ever give up Hope.

The furious anger of the Masses has the power to move the freedom in this world to the next level, if we would only face our truths and FORGIVE those who do this. That doesn’t mean excuse them from punishment. But if we are to move forward we must excuse these tumors of men with Truth and Love. Fuck Hate. Anger can be righteous and focused and a POWERFUL force of change if we ACT on it with proper contemplation.

It's another obvious false flag just like what happened before both Iraq wars

Um, no. Do some fucking research.

It was a limited strike. Hell, the planes are back. There's no war happening.

400,000 civilians are dead since the war began in Syria, much of it due to US bombs. The US news barely scratches the surface of what really happens there

Let’s hope this does not escalate into the US going to war in Syria.

Why the fuck has the US government not fixed Flints water crisis first before going into Syria to save people of another country. If that’s what they really are doing.

Because the US is run by globalists not nationalists.

We give more money to Israel than to help our own country. They dont give a shit about flint or anything else

Technically we give them money which they then use to buy our weapons, so we basically just give the money straight to the military industrial complex.

Within Japan's ancient animistic thought known as Shinnto, there is a powerful War God named Hachiman. Why would someone pray for peace to a war God? Because no one can bring about peace except the war God.

Or you know, praying to a god of peace like Buddha. Do you guzzle your military propaganda every morning or slowly sip it?

Are you impressed with the power of Russian bots, and worry the CIA doesn't know anything about this strategy because we hear nothing of CIAbots?

Because two wrongs make a right and if our foes are doing something that's all the reason we need to do it as well. The US fucks with other governments just like the Russians do. So we should fuck with more governments or less?

ISIS beheads people. Is that a good strategy in your eyes?

Bombing evaporates people. I am for winding down the global war machine. Madness everywhere.

And terror creates terrorism. Winding down the machine means we stop spreading the virus of violence not worshiping that machine at it's alter. Evoking a long dead war-deity of Shintoism is hardly an expression of peace.

I will duck after this, but movies and video games would be a start. Desensitized people we have become.

What "war" has "started"?

Do you have any idea what you're talking about, or is this just emotional spewing with no basis in fact?

I don't think any of us truly know what's going to happen next. It could be just a few targeted airstrikes and nothing moee or it could very well escalate into another costly conflict. Assad is winning and the West doesn't like that. Either way, these attacks are very worrying to me.

The conspiracy theorist side of me thinks this might be something of a test to gauge the reaction of the masses to more involvement in Syria.

Either way it doesn't change the message of his post much.

Trump said they were pulling out. Then all of sudden does a complete 180, sends ships back t Syria, and starts sending missiles. That's an act of war

prayers are farts in the wind

war never ends.

This is no war.

Our idiot in chief wanted to distract the world and lobbed some missiles at empty bases.

Why empty? Because he got approval from his handler Putin and they were evacuated.

This will be roundly decried and nothing will come of it.

Sorry I am not entirely on board, yes Trump would have liked that but Britain and France would not have signed off on a meaningless strike. Not to mention Putin is not taking this lightly.

that's fine - the accuracy (or not) of my statement will be shown by the events of the next couple of days

i'll say it again - trump flexing his muscles, nothing will happen

Your disgust and lack of patience is apparent and something that we share. Like being surrounded by those Unity creatures from Rick and Morty.. don't challenge the line or BWAAAAH!!!

My own brother was one of these zombies up until very recently. 2 years ago he'd be excited right now and saying thinks like "screw em" and "they had it coming" because he was fully taken in by it all. He's different these days, and finally understands my exasperation.

It's only with wisdom (time) that we realize the BS and say no more! The problem is that they know how we feel when we're Young, and they use our youth against the world.

We all know this is to do with oil and arms deals.... There should be no war until we see Trump and his supporters, Teresa May and her Conservative supporters putting their sons on the frontline first... It would be interesting to see how sure they are that this war is so necessary then.....

So true mate.. These people with money believe they are exempt from such duty. Hats off to old ginger over there in pom land actually getting his hands a little dirty with the air force only to have mummy call him home and stop him due to the reward on his head. We need more people in power or with money getting out in the trenches.

Won't happen though... They don't give a crap about normal people and we're just cannon fodder...

Peace and love :) <3

The civil war in Syria has been going on for quite since the Arab spring back in 2010, your dramatic hyperbole about a new war is ill informed or misleading. I doubt very much your heart broke because this war torn land is getting a new round of attacks given this gas attack was on the small pocket of resistance that Assad and the Russians have not ended yet.

Yes the US and other western nations have supported rebels against Assad, and Russia has supported Assad making this another in a long list of fronts where western and Russia forces conduct proxy wars. However we cannot forget this is also the result of the long and terribly bloody civil war Sunni and Shiite have been conducting in this region. I do not actually support this action but your post is a blatant appeal to emotion without facts or knowledge.

Except that’s the exact reason it’s being fought, because of the chemical attack on the civilian population. I’ve yet to see another logical explanation. Let me guess, we’re in the Middle East for oil right now too, right?

Thank you for such an amazing post. I cried reading it. It makes me so much angry and sad that people are so easily tricked and manipulated by the Government every day of the year and the manipulation is so deeply rooted if you try to provide opinion it easily ends in sheer hatred and abuse.

Ultimately, we as human species are watching our own demise.

It's not so much a war as an extension of America's obsession with dropping bombs on people.

Amazing post. You have said it perfectly. Where is the proof? That these things are happening and whos causing it? Its just like Iraq and Afghanistan all over again. I was so heartbroken when I found out and its unreal.

No offense meant to /r/conspiracy but how is it that this is the first place I have found this kind of caring and rationale? Great post and great community.

All the main subs are fucked with shills,bots,bad mods, reddit admin agenda, etc.

All the main subs are fucked with shills,bots,bad mods, reddit admin agenda, etc.

To think this sub is exempt from that is pretty rich.

can confirm. it's just a little better than the rest.

I'm really impressed too what a great post. I've definitely been trying to police myself of how I've been talking to people lately especially on the internet so making micro peace as a push for macro peace is a cool idea. Honestly I thought this post was going to be full of Trump shills yelling I'm impressed.

r/conspiracy is arguably one of the most anti-war subs. The whole point of r/conspiracy is to point out the crimes of those who rule us which usually entails them going to war for bullshit reasons (or fucking and eating kids but whatever same thing basically (legit they probs use a similar mentality))

Couple that with a burning desire to question everything and boom you get posts like this.

Syria is such a fucking joke btw. Fuck everyone who is doing shit their rn gdit.

You guys gotta stop playing bingo, and come on over to intergalactic 14D battlechess !! This is win all over.

GEOTUS didn't start this Syria nonsense, but he is allowing it to end.

Nice post.

It's not another war. It's been they same war since the British invaded the ottiman empire

Should have just left the ottomans in charge.

Looks like the people of Damascus are celebrating today. I don't know if these airstrikes even make a difference to these human beings anymore. It's just another day for them.

I personally am a little worried about a us Israel nato vs Russia and China war breaking out.

I feel like if that happens most of us are in for a bad time.

We better start prepping for basic training.

They got pictures of the missile strike but no proof of the weapons attack ?

What can we do? What can you do?

Mass praying to God will work better than any protests or writing Congress which has proven time and time again to not give two flying fucks about what we think unless it is to score political points.

Great post. So sick of these bloodthirsty governments. I would be pissed if I was a Trump supporter, he was supposed to be the anti war candidate.

People dont seem to think about all the innocents that will die as a result of this unnecessary war. As long as we get rid of "the bad guys" its totally Ok though! Who cares if 100s of innocents die if big bad Assad who totally had a good reason to gas his own fucking people when he was winning the war is killed??

It's very clear this is about the US not wanting Russia to get that pipeline, not about avenging any children. But the masses will believe anything they are told.

This particular strike may not amount to much but its clear that the US wants to eventually have a large scale intervention with Syria.

What war? Are you retarded?

Don't vote republican, easy as that.

Implying this hasn't hapenned during the years of Democrat rule.

Bring your partisanship out of here, both sides are unsalvageably corrupt.

it's very obvious one side relishes in this and the other doesn't, both sides aren't the same, stop propagating that nonsense.

And why does the other not relish in this? Were all the bombings in the last presidency not overseen by a Democrat?

There's a pretty stark difference in how these operations are handled, if you don't see it you're choosing not to, and that's your choice to have that opinion instead of living in the reality we share, you've created your own version that makes sense to you, and I can't stop you, I can just say good luck, it's you that has to live with your mind, not me, so I feel bad for you.

So good luck out there, please don't hurt anyone based on the things you believe.

keep your pity to yourself my dude, your inaptitude to answer just gave me my answer

We would’ve been at war with Syria and Russia almost immediately if Hillary won. She all but guaranteed it.

you're lost man, sorry you gotta live with that.

I bet you think I’m a Trump supporter too. So who’s lost now? I supported neither but it’s a verifiable fact that Hillary ran on a platform that included no fly zones over Syria, which would have immediately led to a conflict.

you're reasoning, you're defensiveness, your comment history, you're lost man, I'm sorry you gotta live with yourself because it seems like a sad mind to live with.

Wow. Thanks for admitting defeat at least.

k, good luck with your beliefs.

Love how you provided no counterproof whatsoever.

You say it's a verifiable fact that Clinton would have done something, we're in 2018 and you're talking about Clinton, what the fuck can I say to someone like you, you have your mind made up.

I'm so over trying to reason with this kind of mentality, you're lost if you go straight to using Clinton to defend something he did, it's fucking pathetic to say "Both sides are the same" when they aren't, and that's a verifiable fact when you look at voting records.

So whatevs man, you got your mind made up, and I do too, however I made my mind up watching 30 years of politics and seeing the republicans being warhungry and the democrats cleaning up their mess, but what do I know, that's just been the case for 30 years now and you have some cases where dems also engaged in military activity during democratic admins, so that's a great what about to have so you never have to answer for your own personal responsiblity, as long as someone else has made a mistake at one point in time, you can make as many mistakes as you want.

What counterproof would you like to see? That she isn't president, because she isn't fucking president, so get over her loss and deal with the dude that's publicly bragging about throwing away your money on bombing something to look like a strongman.

You brought it up as a comparison between parties. Don’t dangle bait and then pretend others are at fault.

You really dum enough to believe that one party is better than the other? Big parties are controlled by corporations and banks. Voting does nothing

Until we realize we are all responsible actually like we actually realize when we're hungry or thirsty it won't stop.

Were their any casualties in the latest US strike?

The only enemy to freedom I've experienced in my entire lifetime is big brother.

Naw man. Mission accomplished, didn't you see the tweet.

I get the joke, but what worries me is he could be referring to an ulterior mission.

They destroyed any evidence hat could have been found. That was the mission.

I for one, as a german citizen, am glad that Merkel's backbone was at least sufficient to not join the operation(s).

Not yet anyway.

People are in Syria. Real people. People like you and me. Those people are in the middle of this war. They will be killed, tortured, their towns bombed, their country ravaged.

The current death toll in Iraq, whose invasion began with "surgical bombing strikes" under Bush I, stands at about 500,000. This doesn't include the 500,000 children killed by the Bush I sanctions executed by Clinton I.

But ultimately, ultimately - do you really think it will stop with Iran?...

Don't look now, but there's a whole continent full of natural and human resources to be plundered just a little to the Southwest of Syria.

Does anyone now, anyone that has looked, truly looked at what's going on

That's the problem. No one looks at these events because people just don't care. Maybe it's voluntary because they don't want to burden themselves or involuntarily because they don't have time to do it. Doesn't matter what the reason it, if they don't inform themselves they'll be manipulated by lies.

They all swallow what the daily newspapers deliver them and they never question the content. If those who don't care were more critical, they'd be motivated to search deeper. But somehow they are content with the narratives we're told.

Love you too, thanks for sharing and educating

“Are we going to just mind our own business and let this shit keep going on?” That question alone is why a lot of people support attacking Syria. Now I’m not very informed on how precise our methods of doing so are, but I could assume that we are doing it with the least amount of civilian and American troop deaths.

One answer to the question of why. Israel

I agree with all of this but every time I think about world peace, one problem cames to my mind; people. High number of population only brings problem, life standart per person keeps dropping, people get unhappy, their pshycology gets worse, crime rate rises etc... I think this by itself will be enough to create a war anyway. If you have 1m dollars, 5 dollars is nothing but if you have 100$?

Through technology and a different mentality, even a high level of people could live together in peace. But either way, in first world countries the population boom is already starting to slow down and the same will happen in the third world soon enough.

If we start treating nature with respect, if we treat each other with respect, things can be different. I have seen people change and I have seen myself change - the majority of people have an incredibe ability for cooperation and empathy, but it is being pulled out of us and destroyed by the crazy society we live in. To me meditation, intospection....were key to invoking my own empathy, I know similar ways of mindfull engagement can help others as well.

It is almost if this society was designed in a way to destroy our sense of compassion and cooperation. ..,

Global growth is already leveling.

With the threat of North Korea going away, they needed something new I suppose

If there was a report saying that Assad was taking the babies out of their incubators people would believe that bull shit.

Seems like a Pro-Islamic post. Honestly who cares about these countries. There is an Islamic take-over in Europe as we speak

Honestly, I care. Needless suffering never helps anyone. Supporting the reckless use of force by our leadership is at best counter-productive.

It's not like we are bombing France or Belgium, who have no problems. This is Syria, a country killing it's own people for 7 years. Obama warned them in 2012 and they are still doing it. I don't get the surprise factor people have

How is getting rid of people who support such a backwards ideology with anti-western values be labeled as "counter productive"

Please first define “western values”.

Well lets define Islamic values. Genital mutilation, stoning, honor killings, halal meat (animal torture). Towns with Sharia law has this going on but since it's the "law" it tends to fly under the radar. Women don't have any choices on primarily Islamic countries (ESPECIALLY Syria)

Are you saying they practice these things in Saudi’s Arabia? Dubai? My local mosque?

Maybe not dubai. Saudi Arabia? Yes. Mosque - maybe. There's leaked footage of a mosque in the UK teaching kids that they should kill non-muslims. Radicalizing them. I'm sure if a gay walked into a mosque wearing neon and had a pride pin, it wouldn't go down well...

How are those things different than what happened at the word of faith fellowship?

You mean that cult? No correlation. Sure, for example the Catholic church has too many pedos. But there are far many more pedophiles in Islamic culture. Google "Rotherham pedo ring" - there are many more like it throughout Europe. Btw, Christianity reformed. And yes, Catholicism, a sect, has a pedo problem. Pretty fucked up

So if I understand you, your position is that all people in middle eastern countries are muslim and all believe the same thing, but christian individuals' beliefs vary, and the "bad" ones are in cults?

After September 11th, all bets are off. Screw those people. I say this turn the Middle East into a sheet of glass and get this over with already.

Any honest reader of r/conspiracy should already recognize that if there is any us vs them, it is regular folks in any country against elites in any country.

And even if the regular folks there were united against “us”, wiping them out would only make it easier for the deep state in us and uk to keep “us” in check.

That's your interpretation. I'm never going to be on the same side as the Muslims. If that means blowing into Smithereens, I don't give a s***.

Well said

I’ve lived all over.

There are good people and assholes in any group of people.

As an atheist I was treated better in the Middle East than I am in the US... and my beliefs can be punished. Y death in several of those countries... yet I had no issues. In the us I’ve had a church try to burn my house down with me in it.

Should we bomb the Christians there just to get rid of the Muslims?

Get therapy.

You are a soft man. Your grandfather probably wouldn't recognize you.

I understand your feelings, very depressing, but I ask you, what could the Roman people do when their rulers decided another conquest was necessary? The people who wrote the U.S.constitution knew history, law, and a little about sociology. They made a system that was totally dominated by an oligarchy and it's needs. They have learned from history and have engineered the populace to their specifications. This is a global system at this point and soon the establishment will not need huge populations (they are actually counterproductive), and need to begin to cull the-"useless eaters" to fully achieve their goals. I wish I could offer words of comfort or hope, but I don't foresee the masses suddenly rising up and demanding they be taken seriously. Since you can't really do anything, maybe disengage a little and focus on other things that mean something to you. Good Luck!

No offence, but the moment we think we are defeated is the moment we lose.

When you've already given up and given in to our "fate", where the "useless eaters" will be culled by the elite's robot armies of the future, a path we are heading towards, then we are already lost.

Then it's over.

Don't you see that?

I will fight for this shit till the day I die, I will fight to spread awareness, peace, encourage people that it's not over until it's over, that they are only slaves as long as they believe they are. That as impossible as it may be, things CAN still be turned around as long as enough people notice what's happening.

You can have it your way, but for me, as long as there is a glimmer of hope left, I won't give up on peace.

Thank you!!!

I couldn't have said it better myself !

And here the US was distrating people and blowing up the the Facebook issues to sort of cover up what they were planning until it already happened. Classic US government

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Man ww3 is rough. I went to work today and got a breakfast sandwich from mcdonalds. they messed up gave me a biscuit instead of a bagel. I am devastated.

Great post. Stop paying taxes and and the war machine will grind to a halt.

Hear, hear

Well we can't even name the culprits, so how would we stop them? Besides, I agree 100% with you. We gotta make a stand.

Very well said

I will say- when i saw RT news & a few other websites this morning over coffee, and read that the airstrikes were happening, i was like- awww fuck, that's it, it's on.

Only time will tell what happens- but i just have this weird feeling everything will compound into something worse...

For all the shills coming out of the woodwork, this is Israel's war, not President Trump's.

Oh come on. It's not like we'd go start a war in a middle Eastern country simply because of the whims of our government. We've come such a long way since then.


I'm a liberal. I don't support this war. But here is my problem. This sub played a huge part in defending Trump and literally nailing Hillary for every small thing you did. And now you act surprised that he becomes a WarHawk. You reap what you sow.

What about all the people that said they were both shitbags?

I actively said neither needed to hold the office of securing a bucket of piss.

And I respect that view, idk about the rest of the sub though.

As an American, i am sorry to say this, but Russia, China and Iran need to do one bold move and destroy israel before it is too late for them and the rest of the world.

Their mistake is that they are being destroyed one by one, so they need to do something and sadly, a peaceful way is not on the table, since it will not work.

Those people only understand things in one way.

I hear you. A lot of people out there agree with you. A lot of us don't know anything meaningful to do.

Stay close to the people who understand you. Hold tight to the things you know are true. This isn't the first and it won't be the last.

Woav. That’s fucking true.

Every generation goes through the awakening.

We're ruled by psychotic, power obsessed megalomaniac, doing evermore extreme things to control the narrative whilst enriching themselves.

War is good for business until it isn't, it will never cease.

Very well said. Maybe a collective consciousness is the best weapon we have against the cabal?

Anyone with half a brain knows we aren’t there to protect children from being gassed, nor do we give a shit about war crimes. This is just laughable. My question is, what strategic benefit do we have destabilizing Syria? By all accounts Assad is winning this conflict. Without further intervention from outside forces this seven year disaster, which has killed more than 500,000, could be over very soon. Why is the west doing this? Is it to destabilize the region further so Israel can finally have their second coming? Is it something as simple as to restock some armaments for the military industrial complex? I don’t see any other strategic reason to do this. Any insight would be appreciated.

Whether or not you like our dislike the current president, it must be stated: Assad cannot be held unaccountable.

What war? Trump preceded the strike with a 5 day warning, only infrastructure was destroyed. No one is invading or unseating Assad. Calm your tits.

Sorry if I seem a bit all over the place here.

This war, to me, is just another big blot of darkness that need be purified from our subconscious so that we can evolve. I think a large part of our collective remains incredibly insensitive. Might the universe believe we need a war in order to make our insensitivities known? Might we need to, on a collective scale, recognize how far from connected we've been from the world, for decades? Might a disgusting, illogical, unfair, evil war be the universe's mechanism to awaken us? We seem very aware right now, relatively speaking (comparing now to the past), thanks to the internet. And all of our eyes are on this war.

Now, for the first time, a large portion of us will watch this war. We won't look away. We're too aware of it. What will happen when we really see what goes on? How will the world respond?

I know it is silly talk to say "This is what the universe wants", as we are the universe, making things on Earth happen as we so choose and believe and feel is right. But, sometimes it's effective to look at the world as sort of a symbol. Look out at the world, see what's happening, and ask, "Why?" Why is this happening? What could this be trying to show us? What do we need to do? How do we respond?

This war is, truthfully, way more complicated than we can fathom. There are so many factors, so many agendas, so many different colored hats, all trying to get what they want out of the world. So, in my opinion, the best thing to do is to just be your true self. Let go of your attachment to the world, because it is out of our control. Live your life here, now, in your community. Be the best version of yourself, so that others can see you and learn from you. Others, especially children, will recognize how detached you are from the war, and they too will not worry about it. They too will grow up to become detached from these bizarre, insane stories that our world leaders are desperately trying to write for their own psychopathic enjoyment.

Everyone just needs to let go. The world's political stage has proven itself to be uncontrollable and insane. Every time we try to control it, we get fucked over by someone we trust. So, I think, by now, many of us can recognize that the best response might be to just let go, completely, of any sort of attachment to this war. Maybe that's what this war is calling for.

PS: Hey, OP!

When I saw about the U.S. attack, the first thing I thought was: I bet "they" will let up on Trump a bit now.

There is an entire military industrial complex that makes billions of dollars from global wars. I think while Trump was NOT playing ball, they were leaning on him pretty hard. ALL media outlets attack him all day, DOJ is on a witch Hunt until they find something to charge ANYBODY with, etc.

So I wonder if since he caved and gave them a war, if they'll let up a bit on him? That's how it reads to me.

There are legitimate reasons why North Korea still exists largely unmolested by US/US Allies. A preemptive strike cannot ensure the obliteration of NK's missile silos, not to mention conventional artillery. With Seoul so close to the border, once the bombs drop on Pyongyang, and Kim retaliates a lot of south koreans will die. Any prior evacuation attempt could tip off Kim to an incoming strike, so it is implausible.

That said, while I think it is only right to doubt every 'fact' from these mainstream news outlets, it's still important to keep realistic. Attacking Iran benefits the corrupt higher-ups how, exactly? If the global economy collapses, as you say, wouldn't that be a bad thing for these multinational company-owning magnates? Where does it say that Iran will be next?

I don't think anyone rational thinks this was done to "save" anyone from anything. It was a diversionary tactic, a sleight of hand designed to obscure the political fiasco in Washington

if you can't beat them.. fuck it. fuck the syrians. all of them. especially the babies. am i doing this right? what's the point, let's go full pro government, guys! I will follow the US gov blindly, no questions will be ever asked again.

They are bombed some chemical buileings that were abandoned 5 days ago.

Truth! We're going down a path that is going to change the world as we know it..

Protesting will help nothing, armed conflict is the only solution.

it would help ... it did end the vietnam war

I would like to think that's also what happened.Not like there was a massive resistance movement in Vietnam supported by other Red States.

So much for MAGA. What does syria have to do with making America great again? We should not be involved no matter if he did it or not. No evidence that he did. Stupid

Campaigns like this one happen every day. The reason why this one feels more real is because the TV (and internet) have shoved it down your throat, and then televised it. The President is still on good terms with Assad and Russia. This is all a move to shut the war-mongers up about Syria. They now can never, ever claim Assad gasses his own people (Which Syrians will tell you he never, ever has). This was a chess move.

I know Assad didn't gas his people and now we're going to war over it. I'm just so ashamed of America.

I sort of see it like pack animals. Not to say I support what's going on, but it boils down to mutually assured destruction. What's next? I think what's next is knock some smaller countries around, join us or die. Give us your wealth and resources. At the end it will be like the big 3, or the big 5 in a game of UN roulette. Only the strong survive? I Think it's the lucky and the spineless that will survive. I used to see that as a sign of weakness in people, not being accountable for things, dishonesty, etc. But now I'm not sure. So people have to start acting like cock roaches if you want to live comfortably. Have a nice day ✌️

Hey, did you know that Aardvarks tend to avoid very rocky terrain because rocks are difficult to dig in u/crabsneverdie ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.

It doesn't matter if their is evidence you still have to go thru congress and if not then what's the point of a democracy.

Let's not forget Military is a huge business. It is now and it always has been. Mission Accomplished.

So once again we are jumping into a possible war without all the information. Is Mr. D launching missiles as a show of force like last year or is he serious about starting a war he said he wouldn't. I am generally curious about wtf is going through his head when following this course of action. Is he trying to weed out all the war hawks in Congress? I hope within the coming days some speck of truth finds its way to the forefront ahead of all the propaganda being spread by the major news corps and everyone else not in it.

russia should give assad nukes ... only way for syria to get peace

The strategy is to bomb targets that are a high probability that it will make the biggest impact on chemical weapons with the minimum amount of casuaties.

This is step 1.

The reaction to step 1 will be a message from assad. This could go two ways...really 1 way. Assad will say "I did it, I chem'd my own people, I'm sorry, here is the locations to the rest of them. I surrender." If he says that, I would watch out for Deepfake conspiracies to be suppressed and, of course, make the people who suggest that look loony toons.

Or Assad will say "It wan't me" and we will be told he is lying based on evidence that is "top secret" and can't be "displayed publicly for national security reason". And if we suggest that he didn't actually do it, we will be labeled conspiracy nuts and buried.

Step two: Ramp up bombing efforts to tier 2: Bombing structures that have major impact with less regard to loss of life.

Step 3 and 4 area about like what you would think. 3 being having increased disregard for casualties and of course 4 having zero regard. And of course the further degradation of the middle east leaving anyone (cough Israel cough). Further throwing trust between Russia, Iran, NK, China, etc.

And around and around we go. All based on Section 2 of Article 2 saying the "President has the power to do whatever the fuck he wants as long as it pertains to "National Interests"" and since Presidential overreach is not defined by this in the Constitution it leaves a lot to interpretation. Secretary Mattis agreed with the use of this executive power and off they went.

If you want a question to ask your Representatives I might make it, "What evidence do we have that Assad ordered the use of chemical weapons on his own people knowing the blowback?"

"As further details began to emerge about the sites targeted by the US-led strikes, Col Gen Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian military said the strikes had not caused any casualties and that Syrian military facilities suffered only minor damage."

You need to have more faith. Donald Trump knows he's not 'fully' in power, as in, there are Deep State/NWO still in power. Putin has told Trump this when he first became president. He said that your enemy will be the NWO.

Honestly, the US has taken down COUNTRIES in the matter of HOURS/DAYS with its military might. You honestly think a large, coordinated military campaign such as this one would cause 'no damage'?

Trump tweeted that there might be an attack. Who does that? No one.. at least, not anyone that wants to spoil the element of surprise.

He knows what he's doing. He knows that a world war in Syria isn't going to help anyone and he's honestly most likely a closet isolationist; which is smart right now for America.

Trump is doing the best he can while trying to prevent WW3.

Well, it's certainly not anything definitive, but Trump's tweet makes it seem like he's trying to make this bombing (which was only chemical weapons facilities that had been evacuated already) a one-and-done, at least until the next staged atrocity forced him to do something.

I'm still holding onto hope that Trump is doing what he can to stop the system's madness, but none of us really know.

one thing that i cant wrap my mind around is, why would assad or any other dictator would bother developing chemical weapons? Knowing the hostility and disgust these weapons cause around the globe why would he do it? -are they easer to make than conventional weapons? are they a lot more effective in combat? dont they require a high level of sophistication and extreme precaution when handling?

I think most people (including me) even dont know what a chemical weapon look like and how they are launched or used. do you drop them from a plane or throw them with a catapult?

and what difference does it make how civilians die at war? how is dying by a chemical weapon makes it more important than a dying by a car bomb etc. hundreds of civilians die everyday in wars around the globe. USA's dear ally saudi arabia killed thousands in yemen for example.

well as the saying goes :“If it looks like shit, smells like shit, and feels like shit, you don't have to actually eat it to know it's shit.”

I think it would be very interesting to see what would happen if every single citizen in the United States were to boycott tax season. I mean, the government works for us, right? We pay their salaries. What services are we paying for, exactly? Infrastructure, education, healthcare, and welfare programs are all fucked. They are not providing the services for which we are paying them. They're using our money to bomb Syrian civilians. So why are we paying them?

Of course, it would only work if everybody did it, including the wealthy. One can dream.

Good post.

Your writing is... different. The repeating words really through me off.

Anyway I have to ask, as a non-supporter. What is the other option? Could we really do nothing or just humanitarian shit, and basically solidify that these heinous acts are acceptable?

I truly do not have anything against Syrians or muslims, but fuck religion and fuck Assad.

Just fucking sad that the millions spent on missiles could almost not be redirected to humanitarian efforts, become someone's greed always comes into the equation. I almost think bombing them is the only option, it's not like any other major countries are going to suddenly defend them. I hate that I feel this way.

Hey, thanks for the message.

It's a difficult question, I'm not going to lie. I think the worst part is seeing how totally fake the moral outrage is and how obvious it is that the bombing is not due to the children, especially with the insane amounts of arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which is killing its own people and bombing Yemen (undoubtedly filled with suffering children as well).

Not to mention the whole thing strongly feels like a false flag event designed to wisk us all into new wars. Why would Assad do this now, at the end? He might be an evil dictator, but he isn't a total moron, he knows events like this would be used against him.

But even more so, it's the whole spectrum of insanity going on on the Middle East, the bombing of Iraq, the drones killing innocents. ...if this was a one off attack and truly an act of virtue to help the Syrians, this would be a different story altogether. But at least in my mind, the trust in these conflicts is eroding, people see the vast majority of them (or more likely, all of them) are not due to compassion and are not actually spreading freedom and peace.

I think that attacking a country like that should be the last resort, when all else fails, all negotiations, diplomacy, humanitarian aid... and even then should only be done by a country that actually has the good of those people in mind. I strongly doubt the US and its allies do.

Before any of that though, the US has plenty of domestic problems where it can funnel its money, instead of spending it all on the military and engaging in these endless wars...

I just had this conversation yesterday with my sister, to try and get an honest answer. As to "why avoid talking about real issues" For my sisters early 30 something peer group it boils down to fear from lack of understanding and a normalcy bias. So, they avoid learning the important information purposefully so as to not violate their own normalcy bias. I called that willful ignorance! She said it was overwhelming... I'm personally always trying to change my approach in just bringing up conversation and general awareness. Appreciate the post.

No one actually believes Assad did the chemical attack, no one thinks the US and NATO wants to get into Syria for any good reason. Even on T_D people are shaking their heads at this.

r/worldnews and r/politics are 100% shills, so whatever typical opinions you see there, you can be sure are the intended narrative.

It's truly shameful that Christianity has been associated with war. Too many so-called Christians are eager to go out and "defend their country", never stopping to contemplate the fact that the people they're going to go kill probably also pray to God for protection. They never seem to look deep into the motivations for these wars, never realizing that they are all, including this one with Syria, deeply immoral.

"Then Jesus said to him: 'return your sword to its place, for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.'" Matt. 26:52

"He will render judgement among the nations and set set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore." - Isaiah 2:4[search_id]=5db0bd49-83f3-47ec-ac57-2b4dad9dd1d1&amp;insight[search_result_index]=0

Your message resonated, Jacob. They may say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one. I love you too. We need to get away from the fear of that word - of the symbol of the highest and most evolved state of mind a human can experience. There is a spectrum to love, but the meaning has been hijacked by greeting card companies, fast food, pop culture, you name it. We need to get comfortable being kind, being empathetic, and telling people we value and cherish what is good in them; that we love them.

You are not alone, Jacob. Let us hope this enlightened understanding continues to grow.

Thank you for that wonderful message. We share very similar perspectives, even from a spiritual point of view.

Plenty of love to you as well my friend :) <3

(Btw, if you're interested in more of my perspective and feel so inclined you can check out my blog as well-

I'll have a coffee and spend some time with it today!

"Find the others." (Tim Leary)

Love you bro im so glad im not alone!


I feel completely betrayed. I really hoped Trump would ramp down our involvement in the middle east. I would have voted for Hillary if I knew he was going to keep it going, install neocons and theocrats.

We really need to start looking at 3rd parties if we legitimately want to get out of this catch 22, no matter who you vote for you get the same outcome cycle.

Remember when we were going to all delete FB because of the immoral spying and data collecting we were doing? As long as the circus runs, the people will be occupied.

Usually it's circus and bread, but with how people are so connected with their entertainment (including myself), I'd wouldn't be surprised if some people tried to live off the circus alone.

Hmm .....demmand peace on a global scale? Whos gonna give it to you the new world order?

Yeah I didn't quite catch on why they started to attack Syria so suddenly..

It went from "oh a gas attack, we must investigate"..

"oh they won't let us investigate, hmm what are we gonna do?"

and then without any thorough investigation:


protest yeah..hmm

There is no war between the US and Syria. Never will be either. Donnie just needed something to clear the front page of the bad news about him (Comey book, Stormy, Russia, his cabinet, his lawyer, etc.)

There isn't going to be a war. Most of the missiles have been shot down by the Syrians, by the way.

I'm hoping that by supposedly destroying Assad's chemical weapons capability that it will no longer be used as a ploy to bring in more troops.

World news sub is straight cancer. Just fucking poison. It's fucked how detached from reality the people in that sub are

You think what happened last night has any bearing whatsoever on the current conflict? Syria was completely decimated as a country by 2015. We are way beyond the point of avoiding war and we’ve gotten to the point of Russian intervention in the Middle East on behalf of an authoritarian regime, which is unhealthy for the state of humanity. Despite what you may think the West has the moral high ground and has a code of ethics it justifiably enforces on the world when it can. Western long term objectives are righteous and since 2009 American methods have fallen within the realm of morality.

Who's proxy war is this anyways? They sit quietly while we get OUR hands dirty?

The mass "culturally created" are so dumbed down and so consumed with everything else and especially themselves.. They literally question nothing or see nothing but themselves. If you told them grass was really purple in color.. And if its on the news, in hollywood, a celebrity says it to be true.. It's "truth"! Now they don't even have to take time to fabricate these news stories or false stories because the majority will only see (the color purple). And those that see green are quacks or possibly have a chemical imbalance ;p

Sadly very true, I agree.

Fuck man, got me tearing up... I've never contacted my state representatives, but it might be time to make some calls and write some letters.

It breaks my fucking heart to think of all the people who will suffer in this conflict. It breaks my heart to think of all the American citizens who will be left behind while the government spends trillions on an endless war.

I wish I knew more of what I can do to take a stand against this travesty.

Thank you. You stole the words right out of my mouth. What is happening to Syria is deeply sickening. And I too was somehow hopeful that this war they have blatantly and recklessly trying to get started might possibly be thwarted somehow. I guess I was hoping trump somehow knew better (and to me that was the only good part of him being in office. I never believed he would “drain the swamp” and never agreed with the large majority of his platform, and the two party system is a scam). It’s clear our govt has never cared for the truth when it came to Syria. My heart breaks for the people of Syria.

All we can do is make our voices heard. Thank you for your call to action there.

I am not a smart person, but I always thought fighting the bad is good because it stops them getting bigger.

nice war with 0 deaths lol

nononcriminaldetainment #noforceddrugging

How does one give gold?

No need. It's the thought that counts. Thanks :)

I need to learn how, and honestly this is this first post I think really deserves it.

I think there's a button somewhere underneath the text block of the main post. It says "give gold" or "gild post" or something like that. I'm not sure, becaue I'm on mobile at the moment. Thanks again :)

Kim (NK): Dictator, batshit insane, kill his own people = Twitter/ PR feud.

Assad (Syria): Dictator, batshit insane, kill his own people = let’s bomb him!!

Duerte (Philippines): Dictator, batshit insane, kill his own people = Twitter / PR feud.

Hint: Oil / Pipeline.

Anyone else YouTube warning you that this was funded by the Chinese government? That's the first time I've ever seen that. (Not trying to debunk this post, I agree with it...just never seen that on YouTube before.)

Tldr? Please. Why should I give a fuck about a 3rd world country?

How many trillions more would be spent on those wars?

Each tomahawk is $1.87 million. So we just dropped way over $125 million in one strike. That is a lot of profit going in the war machine's pocket, but to them it's just that drop of blood that gets the sharks into a feeding frenzy.

We're not bombing Assad for killing his own civilians. That's the BS Fake News narrative. Syria, like N. Korea and Iran is a gov't overtaken by the Deep State and under the control of the CIA. The targets, chemical weapon facilities, were CIA assets. Trump is KILLING THE DEEP STATE wherever the black ops are in control. He, Putin, Rocket Man and Assad could even be working together to cut out the cancer. DON'T DESPAIR! Trump can't come right out and tweet that he is at war with agencies and forces within our government so he has to repeat the stupid script about Assad gassing his people.

War is the ultimate spectator sport where self-righteous warhawks can smugly play armchair general with other people’s lives.

That’s not today that no war is justified, but rather the bar is often lowered by leaders looking to satiate the bloodlust of their people.

Fuck Trump and all that voted for him. Idiots

United we stand, divided we fall. Don't let politics, religion, ethnicity, race, gender, and all these other classifications of HUMAN divide us. We are all the same, striving for a better world. Great post, keeping fighting the fight OP!

Always my man, always :)

this is all planned. we have to keep the economy going.

this is why the US government needs to be overthrown. REAL PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING! WAKE UP! THIS IS NOT FUCKING ACCEPTABLE. they are no better than Hitler and his regime, who also killed innocent people. and brainwashed all the inhabitants of the country in which they control, just like the US government.

Post gave me shivers.

YOu are right, but overpopulation and the US military industrial complex think otherwise. All the military spending needs justification.

Excellent post, brother. I missed it when you wrote it but found my way back.

Have you ever read Richard Bach? I think you'd like him, or would have at one point in your life. He wrote a book called One, and in it the main character, an American pilot, and his wife meet a Russian pilot and his wife (I think this was end of the cold war time period, but could be wrong). I forget which, but one of the pilots told this story to the others.

My great grandfather and your great grandfather had their houses across a field from each other. At one point a feud between them started. No one remembers how it started or why, but the feud continues to this day. Over time, our families each stockpiles weapons, and pointed them at each other's house. You and I are supposed to hate each other.

But I have no quarrel with you. You have never done me wrong, and anything you may have done to my family you did because of a feud that both our families continued. You and I can make peace, because I recognize this war is no good for my family, and you recognize this war is no good for yours.

I think I butchered that a bit, and probably added some of my own thinking, but that story has always stuck with me. That and the image of Christmas between the trenches in WWI. It shows that we the people do not want war, and that war is never for our own benefit, or out of our own hatred, but out the fears our misleaders have fed us.

If I know they're lies, and you know they're lies, than you and I have no quarrel, no reason to fight each other, nor have a war fought on our behalf or in our name. And if we know this, and more of us start to know this, they can't have war. I think protests can be important, but more important than that, and the reason we really have protests, is passing this knowledge and understanding from one individual to another. Anyway we can do that is a good way.

I love you all.

I love you, too.

Thanks- I was truly pissed and emotional after the missile strikes and was pretty convinced another war was about to start (I'm kind of surprised it hasn't, honestly), so the post really just wrote itself after that.

I do know Bach quite well :)

I've read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, which might have been the shortest book I've ever read haha :D but it was awesome and I totally enjoyed his writing style, not to mention his deep insight into the nature of our reality, interwoven into such a simple tale. I also bought another one of his short books (are they all so tiny?), Illusions, a few years back, but for some reason I've never read it in full.

I remember borrowing his autobiography recently from the library, but couldn't find the time to read it (I often go to the library and get tons of books, then only read the ones I feel drawn to, which means I always have tons of borrowed books at home, many of which I never have the time to read lol).

I've never heard of the book you mentioned (One), but I'll check it out if it's good :)

I fully agree with your final premise. What we need, as corny as it may sound, is indeed simply more awareness. Humans are sleepwalking and they are like sheep being led to slaughter - they have no awareness of what it means that wars are happening on the other side of the world, they sometimes don't even think wars should be stopped, as to some, violence is somehow simply "human nature".

But deep inside, people don't want more war, they don't want more conflict, more violence, more pain, more suffering. The fact that my post was so well received and the comments were so overwhelmingly supportive of this peace, shows that. Deep inside, people want peace. They crave it, they need it. But they are led to war, because they have been devilishly tricked that more war will some day lead to peace! Can you imagine that! But people believe this, because they have been taught that way. This is also how they work in the microcosm of their own life,where they then assume that more anger will resolve anger, that more self hate will resolve self hate, that harsher punishments will stop crime, that their own emotions need to be repressed, controlled, destroyed....they don't see how peace, compassion, love, calmness defeats the fear, the pain. They were taught differently.

But it's changing, people are waking up. What we can do is make people more and more aware of the peace they already want, of the truth they already know. That's it. The transformation always comes when you point people to their own truth, to their own wisdom and compassion. You know it's there, because you've seen it in yourself, now you help the others see it in themselves. We shouldn't tell people what to do or how to act, we should just point them to their own wisdom on how to act, their own compassion, their own truth.

That is the true catalyst for change from my perspective.

I think I've only read One and Illusions, which I think I picked up in a flea market or similar place. IIRC, One is a bit longer than Illusion. If you've read him, and just from reading your writing, there's probably nothing jaw-dropping in it for you, but I think it would be an enjoyable read if you need a dose of hope now or at some point in the future.

What we need, as corny as it may sound, is indeed simply more awareness.

Something Brap told me years ago and has stuck with me: when you preface something with a disclaimer like that, it means you're not really committed to it. (Again, sure I butchered his words, but I think I got the gist). It's not corny — it's truth — our society has just perverted our values to the point where we feel embarrassed to even express it. Just one of the many mind games we have to work past, both individually and collectively.

I'd say it's crazy that people are so caught up in their own drama to not realize the consequence of action, but I really only need to take a look in the mirror to understand it. The line between good and evil truly does cut through each human heart. The hatred and anger out there is a reflection of the hatred and anger I still harbor in here. It's a daily struggle but worth the price of admission.

We shouldn't tell people what to do or how to act, we should just point them to their own wisdom on how to act, their own compassion, their own truth.

Perfectly put. I can't add anything to that.

This sounds like a declaration of war against the powers that be.

Im in.

Its about time the people take back planet Earth from the rich. This is OUR planet too. Not theirs. Too many people are dying like pawns because our leaders bicker constantly and innocents are dying as a result of it. Kids left parentless, parents left childless.

Hell, even the people who are meant to protect others when a natural disaster happens rob the people of their life for their own agendas.

No fucking more. If its a global war against the people they want. Then a global war against the people is what they will get. I kinda like the idea of a global milita willing to fight for the safety of everyone.

I don't think any of us truly know what's going to happen next. It could be just a few targeted airstrikes and nothing moee or it could very well escalate into another costly conflict. Assad is winning and the West doesn't like that. Either way, these attacks are very worrying to me.

The conspiracy theorist side of me thinks this might be something of a test to gauge the reaction of the masses to more involvement in Syria.

Either way it doesn't change the message of his post much.

Because chemical weapons usually require containment facilities for preparation and delivery. These facilities require electrical power, and people with degrees in chemistry related fields to manage them.

While it isn't impossible for a terrorist group to have these resources, the chance of them being exposed to the chemical before deploying it or deploying it incorrectly are both quite high.

How quickly we forget.

The Independent:

The Guardian:

Seymour Hersh:

Turkish MP claims Turkey smuggled Sarin to Syrian rebels:

These are generally reputable sources. What picture is this painting? A complicit Turkey, with help from the CIA, smuggling arms from Libya to Syria to arm rebels. Is it much of a stretch to believe they smuggled chemical weapons too?

You’re aware that he literally handed over his chemical weapons supply to NATO right?

It never happened

Honestly, I care. Needless suffering never helps anyone. Supporting the reckless use of force by our leadership is at best counter-productive.

You say it's a verifiable fact that Clinton would have done something, we're in 2018 and you're talking about Clinton, what the fuck can I say to someone like you, you have your mind made up.

I'm so over trying to reason with this kind of mentality, you're lost if you go straight to using Clinton to defend something he did, it's fucking pathetic to say "Both sides are the same" when they aren't, and that's a verifiable fact when you look at voting records.

So whatevs man, you got your mind made up, and I do too, however I made my mind up watching 30 years of politics and seeing the republicans being warhungry and the democrats cleaning up their mess, but what do I know, that's just been the case for 30 years now and you have some cases where dems also engaged in military activity during democratic admins, so that's a great what about to have so you never have to answer for your own personal responsiblity, as long as someone else has made a mistake at one point in time, you can make as many mistakes as you want.

What counterproof would you like to see? That she isn't president, because she isn't fucking president, so get over her loss and deal with the dude that's publicly bragging about throwing away your money on bombing something to look like a strongman.

I'm against the strikes, but do we have reports of civilians being hit? I just assumed they hit some empty buildings. Last time trump attacked an empty airfield.

Because two wrongs make a right and if our foes are doing something that's all the reason we need to do it as well. The US fucks with other governments just like the Russians do. So we should fuck with more governments or less?

ISIS beheads people. Is that a good strategy in your eyes?

This comment section is so full of wow so woke! morons And not actual strategies to do something, you're as bad as the people you're making fun of you know that right

Most internet activity is porn-related..

Right. But hey - that’s what you’re told. What makes you believe it?

Stop talking. You sound autistic

Heart attack gun for you

Trump said they were pulling out. Then all of sudden does a complete 180, sends ships back t Syria, and starts sending missiles. That's an act of war

Is a plant that produces chlorine considered a chemical weapons plant? I mean there are a lot of other uses for chlorine, so it seems like a tricky definition what would move a regular chemical facility into the realm of weapons facility I wonder.

You cannot prove the chemical weapons used last week against Syrian civilians were created in those plants. Nor can you even prove those attacks even happened, but that’s another conversation.

of course you can write about your ideas. that is not a solution to the problem, which was your question. 'what can we do?'.

i meant to say 1 in 5. that was an error on my part.

yes, he very much is in it for the 'karma' aka the need to affirm his worth and intelligence. you are all stroking his inflated ego for him.

there is no way mutual aid theory applies to the modern world. it's not practical and completely eliminates technological progression on the scale it is currently.

expressing opinions, talking to people, etc. this has no impact on the events you are discussing whatsoever. this is just discussion. ive got nothing against discussion, but it will not prevent a missile strike.

telling each other you are great and correct is the reason for the problems you complain about. you call me symbolic of flaws. this is again stroking your own ego, reaffirming to yourself that you are correct. that you are 'great'. pretty sure this is freud's actual definition of 'love'; that you say to a person that you think they are great with the expected response to be 'you are also great'.

OP is a narcissist. this, i think i would go as far as to say, is undeniable. to write a blog and an opinion piece such as this post, you have to be. to think that you are enlightened to this degree when the content is theoretical, emotional, subversion of reality.

here is all i have said, seeing as youre so enthusiastic about twisting every god damn thing i write:

OP is an egomaniac. Everyone responding (in the case of this sub) has a desire to feel validated.

Are you saying they practice these things in Saudi’s Arabia? Dubai? My local mosque?

How are those things different than what happened at the word of faith fellowship?