Last week, the Israeli military slaughtered unarmed protesters in Gaza and it was ignored by the MSM and the oligarchy. This week, Syria allegedly attacked its people with chemical weapons, so we are attacking. When are we bombing Israel?

26  2018-04-14 by FartfullyYours


When our guys do war crimes they aren't actually war crimes. see, it's that easy!

Sad but true

You should throw in the point that not only were they unarmed protesters...but the one video shows them on the ground praying as they were shot. The shit is mind blowing.

I saw that video. Nauseating is the adjective that I would use.

Best place to find a link?

They say that one is fake...

Who says that?


I wondered this also.

Given the severity of the Syria response Israel should be a smoking crater.

People in this sub are always going to be looking for answers Clueless

Including you, since you're in this sub?

This is why we are being DISARMED in AMERICA, because US Is under an ISRAELI COUP.

10 years ago, I would have said you were insane. Today, I suspect that you are correct.

The entire congress is guilty of high treason

Who the hell is being disarmed in America? Outside of NRA fearmongering, I haven’t seen guns being seized or real legislation being passed.

Chicago passed an 'assault weapon' ban, ambiguous nondeifined term is including some shotguns and handguns, California is making weird restrictions like you can't have a clip that comes out easily, you must have a specialized tool/screwdriver to change out the clip.

And I read about one county or town (can't remember) that is heavily anti-gun, and constitution be damned is requiring all citizens to turn in their weapons.

Add in the MSM campaign, David hogg, and the ignorance of the triggers of what is actually causing these unfortunate loss of life (hind: mental illness, lax or ineffective checks when purchasing, mkultra j/k kinda) and I'd say there is a political push when CNN starts using kids as props, and they start having speeches and airtime but are not able to be criticized in any way (because they are kids)

Those laws aren’t new and people talking about wanting firearm restrictions isn’t the same thing as actually disarming anyone. Big difference and best not to cry wolf.

So, you do not agree there is an organized effort with planned marches, media talking points, and demonstrations? Ok man.

Is that what I said? No. What I said is that Americans are not being disarmed. Is there a push for stricter gun control legislation? Yes. But if you understand anything about the law, you would know that constitutional protection of gun ownership is currently at a historic high and has been since at least the Heller decision. We have to remain vigilant to prevent disarmament, but it is categorically false to say that Americans are being disarmed at the present time.

Ok, I just heard about this stuff on a podcast or radio (Chicago gun law passed, and the California regulations), and wrongly assumed. All the stuff going on in the news right now has me on edge.

But if you understand anything about the law, you would know that constitutional protection of gun ownership is currently at a historic high and has been since at least the Heller decision.

And to read this has me less worried, but as you say, vigilant to what is going on.

Please accept my apologies, thanks for your insight and correction.

When Israel uses chemical weapons against them?

Even France made it clear that they weren't attacking because innocent civilians were killed. They said Syria crossed the red line of using chemical weapons. It doesn't make what Isreal did ok, or the litany of other innocent civilian deaths elsewhere in the world. But the US, UK, and France all said that the issue here is the use of banned chemical weapons.

They said Syria crossed the red line of using chemical weapons.

Which is a Mossad manufactured fairy tale.

Regardless of whether or not it was true, there were zero claims that Israel was using chemical weapons against Palestinians. Hamas should fake a chemical weapons attack and blame it on Israel.

That would never make it to the msm anyway

Oh, so like when Israel used White Phosphorus in Gaza?

White Phosphous is not classified as a toxic chemical weapon. It is not banned for use either.

Using any munitions on civilians is in fact forbidden but the topic here is the use of banned chemical weapons.

what is the significance of weapons being chemical or conventional? they all kill people at the end no? and there was one post how inconvenient and inefficient chemical weapons are in real combat but couldnt find it.

Chemical weapons are more than just lethal; they are often disfiguring and cause extreme suffering. They also cripple and blind soldiers who do survive, so it’s one thing to kill 10,000 soldiers in a battle. It’s another thing to leave 10,000 soldiers with melted skin, blind, shrieking & mad with pain and fright, and then basically saying “good war” and now they live life like that.

Sounds just like the weapons of mass destruction line. You know when they keep repeating it over and over and over it's just likely total bullshit.

It's totally possible that the chemical weapons attack either didn't happen or was perpetrated by someone other than Assad. Either way, the reasoning for attacking Syria was because of the supposed use of chemical weapons.

And you posted yesterday saying "WW3 just started". This is a pretty boring World War so far, when can I expect more action?

Russia, Iran, and Syria are in a proxy war with the US, Saudi's, France, UK, and Israel. 500,000 Syrians have died so far, 500,000 Yemenis as well. I doubt Yemenis or Syrians find any of this 'boring'. I'm listening to the Russian Foreign Minister give a press conference right now who is basically saying the UK is responsible for the chemical attack. What would constitute as a world war for you? The same people who killed millions of Iraqis for oil after false claims of 'weapons of mass destruction' are at it again. I don't understand how far your head needs to be buried in the sand to go about your normal day thinking everything is just gravy.

He bought the Big Gulptm of Kool Aid

The last time 'they' said Syria crossed the red line, the sarin came from an Al Nusra lab in Turkey.

It was reported on the frontpages of all major news sites.

How is that "ignoring"?

Except that it wasn't. It was added to their webpages long after it occurred to provide the illusion of objectivity. The top stories on the teevee that week were anti-Trump hit pieces, as usual.

That is simply not true at all.

Why are you making such a claim?

Because it is true. I made it point to watch the US national news during the Gaza protests. As usual, it was the Israeli press and Al Jazeera that actually covered the massacre.

Why would you expect a report about protests in Gaza on national news in the US?

Next time, watch the international news.

At least you agree that it was not reported on the frontpages of all major news sites.

But it was.

You seem confused.

If you are on the US CNN site then you need to switch to CNN international and voila it was there on the front page.

It was reported on the frontpages of all major news sites.

You seem confused.

Are you claiming that it wasn't?

If you are on the US CNN site then you needed to switch to CNN international

And for some reason almost everyone reported it as Palestinians "clashing" with IDF forces. Being shot from the other side of a fence by snipers is far from a clash, it's a massacre.

At least you agree that there were indeed reports.

And Zuckerbot. I mean, they played his interview with Congress TWICE. In full. Something big was obviously going on to devote this much screen time to a scapegoat.

We'll never bomb Israel

And if we do, I believe it’ll be the beginning of the end.

I think Solomon's temple needs to be rebuilt first..

Then we can go ahead and fulfill Revelations

Isn't that in Ethiopia? Inflation is crazy. Imagine how many workers you could get if you feed them and give them a home on your land. 2 shifts of 12 hours 6 days a week (for the Sabbath of course) and its all funded by those fucking tv ads

Solomons temple was rebuilt and destroyed on September 11th, 2001. WTC 7, AKA the Salomon Brothers' Building, along with WTCs 1 & 2, AKA Jachin and Boaz fell on that day.

At least, that's my little hypothesis.

It's not ON the PNAC hit list.

Samson option probably includes the US

Answer: never

"We don't always bomb people, but when we do it's christians" - USA



Hopefully tommorow. Fuck those wack jobs.

The United States doesn't get upset about countries killing their own citizens when they use our weapons to do it.

I'd wager those chemical weapons were still probably of US origin

I'd wager those chemical weapons were still probably of US origin

we shake our heads sadly at savagery's acts all the while maintaining our tact not to remind ourselves of the unpleasant fact of all of the terror our country's backed

it's time for histmk-ultra ring a bell? and if you're a despot in desperate need of sarin or shells, as long as you're buying, the u.s. always sells

it's the american way, so please don't delay: send off today, just one decade's pay and you too may say that your troops play with weapons made in the u.s.a.

When they start using chemical weapons?

White Phosphous is not classified as a toxic chemical weapon. It is not banned for use either.

Using any munitions on civilians is in fact forbidden but the topic here is the use of banned chemical weapons.

That's what WP does to people.

Maybe you should read the link. A respected and renown human rights watchdog group is highlighting WP being used in human rights abuses.

Just because TPTB have been able to keep it on the table doesn't mean it use causes horrific human suffering.

You seem to be okay with that, though. Wonder why.

Non-Mobile link:

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The Palestinian conflict is directly related to the Syrian conflict. Our meddling in the middle East which has cost millions of lives by now, is on the behalf of Israel, which is in a symbiotic political relationship with the U.S., which requires Israel in order to position western civilization advantageously in a geopolitical struggle with Russia and China, seeing as they together possess the most defensively advantageous positions geopolitically.

Not sure if this is conspiracy or just common sense.

The narrative is just there to corral the population into acceptance of another war.

Weren't they just chemical weapons facilities that we blew up? Which according to the Geneva Convention is it makes sense to blow up production facilities making things that are inherently illegal as opposed to bombing a crowded urban setting with disputed territory affairs...

Weren't they just chemical weapons facilities that we blew up?

That fairy tale wasn't believable the first time it was told. Now that we are on the third iteration, it hasn't got any more credible.

So what do you think we actually did in Syria? And why do you think dropping bombs on Israel is legitimately a good action to take?

So what do you think we actually did in Syria?

The same thing we always do in the Middle East: Destroy Israel's enemies for them.

And why do you think dropping bombs on Israel is legitimately a good action to take?

Refer to the answer of the first question.

Why do we destroy Israel's enemies for them?

Israel is the good guy. If the idiot protestors would just stop and be peaceful, there would be no problem. The land belongs to Israel and it will ALWAYS belong to Israel, do what do those idiots hope to achieve by acting out and having temper tantrums? The Palestinians are the problem, not the Israelis.

Abort yourself, please.

Why? Because I'm not a brainwashed koolaid-drinking lib like you? Because I can think for myself? Sorry, Hillary - the truth is the truth whether u like it or not.

Removed. Rule 4

A nuke could solve the problem.

(((Bugs))) can survive nuclear holocaust

Don't kid yourself about Israel. They would throw each and everyone of us to the lions if it guaranteed their territory. I use3d to think Israel was our very best ally and we could count on them to the bitter end. Then I found what they did to the USS Liberty back in the sixties. That was supposed to be a false flag to draw the USA into a war with Egypt which of course would have been a very good thing for Israel. I just see those Egyptian painted jets just ripping away at those poor bastards stuck in that boat. They killed something like 36 Americans that day. Their orders had been to sink it and make sure there was not one survivor. I know the Liberty to be the truth. It really makes me wonder about 911. There are just way too much evidence pointing at Israel and at some of our wicked inner circle. What really pisses me off is that these assholes are going to get away with it. We lose what 5000 in Iraq and Afghan, not to mention the over a million Arab's that most likely had nothing at all to do with it. I have always heard that "Ignorance is Bliss" and I think it's true. have you ever tried to convince family or friends about any of this kind of stuff. They are just convinced I'm crazy. Maybe their right.

Huh, I always wondered about the liberty.

What evidence is there that links Israel to 9/11? The U.S. was definitely involved, but I don't see Israel's connection to 9/11.

You could start with the Israeli intelligence agents that were arrested on 9/11, the dancing Israelis.

That's all? Muslims were also celebrating the 9/11 attack. I have also suspected Israel may have been involved in 9/11, but essentially that's the only evidence. The attackers weren't Israeli, most were from Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were definitely involved.

These particular celebrating Israelis were in NJ and caught in a van with bomb making / spy shit. There's also an Isrseli art student angle that I don't know much about.

There's no slam dunk for proving "Israel did 9/11" it's more like "Isrsel, US, and Saudi Arabia longtime partners in terror did 9/11.

But if you believe Israel controls US foreign policy, then it's only a small stretch to get to "Israel did 9/11".

From what I have read in more than one source one of the first things that came up was "THE DANCING ISRAELIS" which was a van load of Israeli "art" students who were reported by some woman during the 911 as it was happening. They were filming the Towers and were seemed very elated. They were picked up by the police. The first report said there were demolition odds and ends in the van. They were arrested and held-turned out to be mossad and were released. Second thing was the new owner of the Towers complex was a Jew who had paid some hundreds of millions for the complex and it was considered a very bad deal because the Towers were coming up on a deadline for needing asbestos removal form all buildings-was going to cost close to a billion dollars. Two weeks after buying them the new owner took out a previously absent terrorism clause on the insurance. He ended up making 4 1/2 billion dollqars. He also mentioned before the collapse of Tower 7 that due to extensive damage to tower 7 that they were going to have to PULL IT. This is an expression used in the demolition business that meant to professionally detonate it. Where did he learn that expression. Also it takes weeks of preparation to ready a building to be PULLED. This is the only way a building will go straight down in it's own footprint. So far all of this is confirmed facts. There was a big story going around that all the Jews that worked in the Towers were warned not to go to work that day and supposedly only something like 18 Jews ended up dying that day (there were supposed to be several thousands of Jews working at the Towers. There are pictures on the Internet showing several of the "ART" students at the Towers with huge amounts of demolition gear in the background. They had supposedly rented an entire floor at one of the Towers. There is a lot more, if you search, but it is all mostly here say. When you think about who might have a reason for having done this and then made sure that BIN Laden and the Arab Jihadists were immediately made the only suspect, how about Israel. What better way to get the USA involved in a huge war in the Mideast and utter devastation to many Arab countries. The USA destroyed more of Israels' enemies than they would have ever been able to do. I really don't know if Israel was really involved in all this shit but somebody did it and what could they gain from it?

soon first syria then iran then israel

Isr431 is like if the mafia tried to claim they were a sovereign nation


Damn i wish that was real (or even allowed with the superbug over lords)

It was real, They 1984ed it for "proliferation of violent content"

I linked Youtube videos of the Israeli Defense Forces. Yeah.

Russia has always been the last arrow in the Zionist quiver. I warned you and here we are. Americans might as well be getting on the train to Auschwitz right now. You went down like bitches.

The better question is why we didn’t slap Israel in the mouth when it used white phosphorous in violation of the Geneva Convention.


How did MSM not report it? There were news articles about it on almost every news site I checked

Funny, I watched the US national news when it was happening and it was nothing but the standard anti-Trump hit pieces. The tactic of posting a story on their websites days after occurs is to provide the illusion of credibility.

Israel owns the US.

Hard cold fact.

Religion is the single worst thing to happen to mankind.

They have nukes, so whenever the US is ready for a nuclear war.

They don't have ICBMs to deliver them, but they can just manipulate the US into nuking itself.

I saw that video. Nauseating is the adjective that I would use.

And if we do, I believe it’ll be the beginning of the end.

It's not ON the PNAC hit list.

They say that one is fake...

Abort yourself, please.

Why? Because I'm not a brainwashed koolaid-drinking lib like you? Because I can think for myself? Sorry, Hillary - the truth is the truth whether u like it or not.

Removed. Rule 4

Samson option probably includes the US