What is up with all the Anti-Israel posts, some of which are outright Anti-Jewish, as of lately ?

0  2018-04-14 by Swiss_Pharaoh

Submission Statement: It seems like someone is trying to frame this community as Anti-Jewish apparently. Is this maybe a move to shut any critical voice against the war in Syria up ? Calls for censorship under the guise of anti-hatespeech could be the next step here.

Protesting a criminal state/government isn't the same as condemning an entire religious group for no sensible reason.


Judaism and Zionism are inseparable. Never forget that.

That's not true at all. I know plenty of Jews who don't give a damn about Israel and would rather not be associated with it.

So they do not actively practice Judaism. How does that make my statement untrue?

So they do not actively practice Judaism

Because now you're putting words into my mouth and making assumptions at the same time.

I agree with that. There's definitely some radical parts to judaism, like any other major religion, but there's also a whole hearted community that resides in between both polarities.

To draw a simile... there are Christians who do not sympathize with KKK extremist that are good, kind, Christians. The difference between that simile and fact is that the KKK does not have a bone fide state, literally killing those who are displace by their agenda.

The KKK would toatally do that if they were sponsored by international financiers, had penultimate control of media representation in the West, and could claim that any reproach against their institution was anit-semetic, oh I mean anti-christian....

Yup. I don’t know how this happened but most of my friends are Jews. They aren’t wealthy. They aren’t stingy. They aren’t running Hollywood or the banks. They believe Israel is committing war crimes in Palestine and the US is fighting their wars. They don’t like Israel receiving foreign aid.

They do believe in the Holocaust.

what fucking nonsense

Define Judaism and we'll talk

plenty of jews are anti-zionists. most of the true believers are actively against the idea of there being a jewish state.

yup. likely pretext to ban.


always a lively bigot population here.

Removed. Rule 10

It's a smear tactic. Put up something seemingly agreeable to the emotionally charged thinker, slide some obvious Hitler esque take to it all, have bots upvote it. Easy peazy. It should be obvious but need I explain why the dumbest easily debunkable posts from here make the front page of reddit?

Israel has casually committed atrocities against peacefully protesting Gazans lately. Plenty of right-thinking observers have condemned this in appropriately strong terms. And plenty of actual anti-Semites gleefully jump on the opportunity to spread their bullshit. But anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism. (Pretty sure the Palestinian people are more genetically Semitic than the average Israeli citizen, ffs.)

Whats up with all the whats up with anti israel posts?

might have something to do with them shooting 700+ unarmed civilians in the last week or so....

this place isn't anti jewish, its anti-israeli. fuck israel and every one of its wretched citizens. worse than the fucking nazis were imho.

It's most likely JDIF trolls who don't want the genocide of Palestine to get out of hand....so they infiltrate social media...

As of now they are spewing the same ole..."we have to protect ourselves from the evil rock throwing Palestinians" You know...they have miles and miles of underground tunnels and have been shooting imaginary rockets at us.... I mean Israel has every right to come to any house and claim it as their own who would be mad at that?

Not to mention snipers shooting children and celebrating afterwards. Then after that..the government coming out and stating those military officers deserve medals....

Israel deserves the Obama Nobel peace prize for their solid work the last couple years

Always playing the victim.

Let's get it straight: Jewish, Israeli, and Zionist are three entirely different things. You can be Israeli without being Jewish or Zionist. You can be Jewish without being Israeli or Zionist, and you can be Zionist without being Israeli or Jewish. In fact, the largest group of active Zionists by far are American Evangelical Christians, who see the ascendance of Israel as a step towards Armageddon and the return of their saviour. When I am using these terms I try to specify: Jewish People, Israeli State, Zionist Cunts etc.


antisemitic sentiment is on the rise for some time in the western world

Israel is a terrorist state. Anti-American sentiment is on the rise too.

When you behave like an asshole, people don’t like you.

The idea of trying to pinpoint the Jewish “bad guy” aka the opposite of generalization is the problem when you look at the facts. There are lots of factors to why this community are causing problems.

1: nepotism: example Jewish owned business tend to hire people based off nepotism, you can find evidence of this at CNN, Fox News, CNBC and other media based companies throughout Hollywood where nepotism is prevalent. However there are reason for this type of behavior within there community with I will go into detail about.

2: upbringing: being told from a young age that you belong to a group of people chosen by”God” and hated by all humanity has interesting effects on the minds of children. Even if they are not religious bringing up WW2 to educate your child on their past history and what to watch out for creates the same effects of being untrusting of people outside of the “tribe”. Jews as a group show more prevalence to Schizophrenia which might be caused from their upbringing.

3:Political donations: Jews contribute a lot of money to political parties through special interests and PAC’s normally this would seem ok but when it impacts foreign relations as it has its becomes a negative. As a group they donate more money than almost any other group of Americans. however they also as a group join the American military in fewer numbers then any other group and most of their military enrollment seems to be with the Israeli military so they can become duel citizens. Hopefully you can see how controlling our foreign relations through lobbying and not having their children fight our wars can be viewed as a problem.

4.over representation in Ivy League colleges Jews as a demographic represent 2 percent of the population of the United States of America however their Ivy League numbers range from 15% at Brown to 28% at Yale, how can a demographic of 2 percent of America make up 15 percent of brown and 28 percent of Yale? And before you say yeah that’s only 2 colleges it’s at 60 ivy leagues colleges where numbers range between 15 to 30 percent. Even adding in the IQ myth still wouldn’t account for these numbers and again “Nepotism” comes in to question these numbers

  1. Over 50 percent of democratic donations come from Jews. If this was an honest representation of of Jewish thought process and political standing we would see this being represented in the Israel government in larger numbers.However we don’t see that what we see More closely resembles Nazi Germany nationalism with genetic testing for Jewishness to become a citizen and an extreme right wing foreign policy.

  2. Israel, leader in illegal organ harvesting, human trafficking of illegal sex trade.

Upbringing part 2 Jewish history and “Anti-Semitism” on a Psychological level creates a real problem in constructive criticism with the Jewish population which is only Exacerbated by special interests groups made to combat anti-semitism. To put it into layman terms they are creating their our problems by claiming to be victims of anti-semitism when people notice the negative things they do.

These special interest groups act as an over protective mother to shield or push back blame onto the person who noticed the negative things and label them “antisemite” for noticing or bringing it up. This only reinforces the “tribe mentality” in the population of an us vs them with them being any and all non Jews. However when they can’t be protected under anti Semitic label they will push individualism as a cause and will stress this was that individual or group of individuals that doesn’t represent the community and not to generalize them by the actions of a few. Again all this does is reinforce the victim mentality and tribalism and nepotism within their own community.

To answer the OP’s question there are legit reasons to be anti-Semitic and post about it especially when it could cause WW3. When as a group their political donations, foreign policy and close relationship with Israel effects our foreign relations. See you can’t claim individualism when more then half of your population Israeli Jew or American Jew is on the same page it doesn’t work that way and yes as a group you can judge their actions. I will give you an example was Germany blamed for the Nazi? Or did they only blame only the individuals involved? They did both!

So they do not actively practice Judaism

Because now you're putting words into my mouth and making assumptions at the same time.