r/Israel is an alt right religious fundamentalist racist haven. If you read through the comments, you will see them hate on blacks/ Africans, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, whites, disabled people, and lgbt.

6  2018-04-16 by showmeurboobsplznthx

I follow their sub because in interested in the region amd have family there. I've noticed a lot of hate and prejudice in their sub. People keep talking about removing this from reddit and that r/conspiracy is a hate breading ground, but Israel is way worse. I've seen people call blacks the Hebrew word for nig###. I've seen them call Palestinians pigs cockroaches infestations and so on. They talk about gays should die as its a sin. They laugh at soldiers killing children. They call Americans slaves and other things. It is just as bad as t_d for racist nationalism. For some reason its ok for them but not ok for the alt right t_d users. They even say disabled people are being punished by god.

The conspiracy is with reddits admins to squash religious funfdamentalists in America while giving the ones from Israel a safe place and promote it.


You know who rules when you can't say anything bad about them but they can say bad about everyone else with zero repercussions! Not to mention they kill other people with no word of objection, ala Palestinians, among others.

I was just shocked seeing them call Africans the Hebrew word for nig###.I reported it and it's still up.

I bet my ass you're the one that will get banned for reporting them.

This is why when I hear people say…"Not all Jews are bad/support Israel" I think to myself…"They better be speaking out then cuz if they're not they're every bit as much of there problem as the bad ones."

Luckily many Jews are speaking out and even being arrested for protesting Israeli actions. I think somewhere around 50% of US Jews are opposed to Netanyahu / far right Israel / Zionism.




This sub tends to have a lot of anti Jew comments. Is this an anti semitic Haven?

You brought up jew. It is nowhere in my post. It just says Israel.

You brought up your post. It is nowhere in my post. It just says "this sub".

hashtag never forget. The Genocide of the Caananites.

Thankfully at least Christians teach what really happened

Thankfully at least Christians teach what really happened

Unrelated comment but... they say that a guy lived inside a whale and a dude walked above water and was the son of god.

Unrelated comment but... they say that a guy lived inside a whale and a dude walked above water and was the son of god.

Yeah but, Genocides happen, and we have prove that even in current year they go on.

Why are you commenting about something unrelated in his post then? You're clearly the one out of line if that's how you look at it.

And again…are Jews the only semitic people? If I support Palestinians (who are semitic) and don't support Jewish actions in the M.E. am I anti-semitic?

Fuck if I know man. I am anti Israel myself, but I think a lot of shit on this sub crosses the line to anti Jew

Well when 2% of the US population has a hand in controlling a majority of the MSM news outlets…banking and entertainment and use that influence to further an agenda that only has their best interests at heart how can you blame people for holding animosity towards them?

They don't

Denial aint just a river in Egypt.

Anyone who denies that Jews are ridiculously over represented in this fields is either uninformed or lying. I'll give you there benefit of the doubt and suggest you do some research.

Removed. Rule 10.

No they don't.

Source: Was a mod there for about 5 years.

They don't remove the comments. Look at all the hate after the recent protests. Its an alt right hate sub. While a lot of users arent this way, many are racist religious fundamentalists.

Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to screenshot them and post, no?

Last time I did that, the removed my post and banned me from their sub saying i was encouraging brigading and harassment.

  1. Go to /r/Israel
  2. Look up one of those "horribly racist" comments you claim exist
  3. Press "CTRL+PrtScn" on your keyboard.
  4. Open up Paint
  5. Press "CTRL+Insert" on your keyboard.
  6. Save the file
  7. Upload it to Imgur
  8. Post it here to show that what you are saying has some truth behind it and it's not just some garbage you invented 30 seconds ago.

tumbleweed passing by, what a surprise

Why’d you go back then? Doesn’t seem legit, no offence.

I like to see whats going on but anytime its sytia Iran Palestine, it gets to be racist and trashy.

Schvartze and cushi are deragatory words as slaves or subsociety people. Not equal.

"Schvartze" is Yiddish, and not a very common term in Israel. Not a derogatory term either, it means "black". "Cushi" translates to "African". In recent years people have been complaining about its usage so it's funny watching Israeli politicians and news personalities trying to talk about Africans without using the word "African". There's no equivalent to the n-word.

Israel's religious fundamentalist use them as deragatory because they don't like Africans. My aunt says a lot of high society look down on them. Netanyahu even said Africans have bad character that corrupts Israel's good character and values. That's the sane argueargument the alt right in America hold. Israel has alt right too and they are in power. That's why I fight them. They think their race is superior and that God wants them to rule all people and be the high class.

None of what you said answers my response to you. And I will stand by the fact that you invented something out of whole cloth to post here because you could not find anything to back up your assertions that bigoted language is a mainstay of /r/Israel.

So I'm calling you out on it. Back up your post with some actual evidence (top comments calling Palestinians roaches, usage of the n-word, calling for the death of gays, etc.) or leave and apologize for the deceit that you knew this subreddit would so quickly swallow.

I mean, this sub isn't known for loving all people either. In general it's pretty anti-semitic

I mean, this sub isn't known for loving all people either. In general it's pretty anti-semitic

it seems like you didn't even read the post.

btw: would you, perchance, define antisemitism?

"The globalist Jews control everything bad with the entire world, are the cause of all of our problems, and their agenda is to bring America down to its knees! They're also inadvertently the reason why I'M so unsuccessful in life. The JEW bankers won't even give me a loan!!"

Literally half the sub.

If you knew this sub well enough to judge half it's user base the way you did, then you'd know that the first thing when it comes to what you're strawmanning there is that there's a difference between Jews and Zionists. Don't be a butthole, dude.

"The globalist Jews control everything bad with the entire world, are the cause of all of our problems, and their agenda is to bring America down to its knees! They're also inadvertently the reason why I'M so unsuccessful in life. The JEW bankers won't even give me a loan!!"

that's an example, not a definition

Literally half the sub.

your statistic is dubious

"The globalist Jews control everything bad with the entire world, are the cause of all of our problems, and their agenda is to bring America down to its knees!"

would you consider it antisemitic if someone said that some rabbis are of the opinion that gentiles are born to serve jews, or that the islamization of europe is a good thing?

Ummm…so only Jews are semitic?

This sub is one of the only places where Jews and Zionism are treated as the separate topics topics that they are. We deserve a fucking ribbon.

There’s been a lot of full blown antisemitism and holocaust denial on here recently.

I just visited /r/Israel and I couldn’t find much on there that shocked me. I’d also like to remind the OP that despite Israel’s horrific treatment of Palestine, it is nonetheless the most liberal country in the Middle East. There’s a lot of backwards views in the Middle East and the views you find among Israelis will seem mild in comparison. KSA still executes people for being gay and even for witchcraft, and honour killings happen across the Islamic world.

Yeah, there is some anti-semitism that happens here. These are heavy topics that many feel emotionally about.

israel and netanyahu are WAY more anti-semitic an racist

KSA still executes people for being gay and even for witchcraft, and honour killings happen across the Islamic world.

...and we have the mandatory what-about-istan comment. What a shock!

Get back to us when your What-about-istans have:
Their "dual-citizens" in the House and Senate.
$3+ Billion per year in "aid" to buy military toys.
A training center to indoctrinate US police in suppression tactics.
Four million "Christians" united for Whataboutistan
An American-Whataboutistan Political Action Committee

Your whataboutism is just a dismissal of not wanting to look and criticize both sides. He brought up an argument, we don't need the label of whataboutism.

The topic of this thread is Israel and the typical "muh holocaust deniers" and "look over there" cards were played.

$4 billion of taxpayer money is given to the Arab controlled oil industry every year.

USA pulled out support for Israel in the 1973 war because KSA enforced an embargo against them.

KSA and Qatar funding Syrian rebels https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSBRE85M07820120623

USA pulled out support for Israel in the 1973 war because KSA enforced an embargo against them.

[Citation needed]

Why don't you read the article you're citing? The embargo was after the US had supported the (winning) Israeli side.

No, the embargo was on enacted on 19th (by Libya), and the 20th (by the other Arab states) of October. The war ended on the 26th of October.


I still haven't seen this "pull-out" by the US.

Saudi Arabia threatened a complete embargo, unless America forced Israel to pull back. As a result, a ceasefire was agreed.

A lot? Maybe a few comments

Unless youre ready to back your statements with at least 10 unique instances from "lately"

Right, the problem isn't Judaism, it's Zionism.

Hold on there. I said the problem wasn't all jews. But jews that take judaism literaly, christians who take their books literally, or muslims, yeah, those folks have lost their minds, and if allowed, will use that as an excuse for oppression.

This subreddit also have a lot of anti Jew, Christian, Muslim and Trump Support

Have you considered that maybe the same people who are spreading divisive bullshit all over the internet are also doing it to israel?

I know people post stuff in here like the holocaust was fake and Jews reeeee. They then log into their second account and go to top minds and Israel and post how racist antisemetic people are.

Lets not suspect the same people that sterilize their immigrants, no sirree couldn't possibly be them

One of the central tenets of Judaism is that Jews are God's one and only chosen people, and it is the Jewish destiny to rule over all the lesser races. You can't have Judaism without racism.

You can't have Judaism without racism.

It's called Christianism

This is certainly not unique to Judaism.

I've never claimed it was. It's more central to Judaism thought.

In the Abrahamic religions it certainly is. In Christianity there's no such thing as "chosen people" you aren't special because of your belief or the colour of your skin, the same with Islam. There's no such thing as chosen people in either Christianity or Islam, these religions aren't ethnicity based religions. Whether Christians or Muslims treat people differently is strictly irrelevant, that's something that is not based on scripture or if it is, it's based on very shoddy scripture which most scholars would reject. Jews believe in religion through your ethnicity, not through your beliefs. Many Jews believe that if you have descended from Israel who was a person I believe he changed his name from Yacob, then you are a true jew and that is one of the main reasons why they don't see Ethiopian Jews as being real Jews. People will often say it's anti semitic to criticise Judaism and Jews, it isn't. It's a perfectly valid criticism of Judaism and how Jews believe in ethno supremacy. It's absolutely despicable. The idea of God choosing you as a group of people based on your lineage is so incredibly dangerous, people underestimate just how dangerous it is. You can literally get away with murder because you're the chosen people, you can kick people off your land, why? Because you're a chosen group of people. Judaism is unique in being ethno religious in the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism has its own issues with caste and other religions have their own issues.

I didn't realise the chosen people reffered to ethnicity rather than just followers of the religion. Forgive me if I don't just take your word for it though, I'll have to do some further reading before I can agree/disagree.

Don't believe anything I say because I myself could be wrong I would of course recommend everyone do their own research but from what I know the idea of "chosen people" was because God made a covenant with the second son of Abraham and through him all nations would be blessed and they would be God's chosen people. In Islam which is very similar to Judaism in many ways doesn't have an idea of chosen people and it's largely believed that it's a fabrication, especially considering what God's supposed chosen people did throughout the old testament.

Islam believes they are the real Jews as they are the spiritual successors. Much like many christians read verses that imply they would like to go back to Israel...

Islam doesn't believe they are the real Jews. Islam recognises that Jews come from a different person and Muslims come from a different person. Muhammad descended from Ishmael, the first son of Abraham whereas Jews descended from Isaac who is the second son of Abraham. In Genesis 17:20, it mentions that through Ishmael a great nation would be made however Muslims don't believe in that, it just so happens to be in the old testament.

The only verse that makes Muslims special from the old testament is Genesis 17:20 "And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation."

However Muslims do not believe in this. Muslims do not rely on the old testament or the new regarding their religion. Muslims believe that these books have been corrupted and therefore they cannot be relied upon. There are some scholars who say you can believe in the old testament and new as long as it doesn't contradict Islam however this is not something that authentic Islamic scripture mentions. You are right about what Christians do however Muslims see the old and new testament as being corrupt and they do not rely on them. They have in the past, especially with the curse of ham but nowadays not so much.

Not special, but: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahrif each faith believes they are the authentic Abrahamic teachings. We are in agreement, perhaps my words were a bit loose, but that is the reason Islam feels it has a religious right to the same parts of Palestine as Jews... because they are the "real" abrahamic faith.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahrif

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 171690

That's not what I was saying, in the old testament, God said I will make a covenant with Isaac, and Geneisis 17:20 says that I have also heard him, I will make him into a great nation too. Not that the covenant would be established through Ishamael. Whether it was Isaac or Ishmael who was about to be sacrificed is highly debatable among Muslims and that is not an issue I would like to get into. Muslims do not believe in having rights to Israel/Palestine because the covenant was made through Ishmael. In fact, this simply isn't even an issue in mainstream Islam. No Muslim actually cares about who the covenant was through or who was meant to be sacrificed but what is clear is that arabs at the time of Muhammed believed they came from Ishmael, Muhammed himself came from a tribe which was believed to have come from Ishmael. There is nothing significant about that per se, the Quran does not mention anything about the fact that Ishmael would be blessed with a nation and nor does the Quran mention anything about Muhammed's lineage. The idea of Ishmael which would 1) Be monotheistic, 2) have its own laws 3) have a direct connection with God comes from the old testament. Muslims don't even know about the covenant between God and Ishmael of the old testament because it's not in Islam, Muslims believe that Ishmael was about to be sacrificed but God saved him and the significance of that was it showed obeidance to God and Hajj is done to commemorate that. Jews believe the sacrifice of Isaac establishes a covenant, Muslims don't believe that the attempted sacrifice of Isaac establishes a covenant.

Well in christianity the israelites were the chosen people too. So thats where youre wrong. Starting right off the bat with your comment here. You should try actually opening a bible and reading it not just parroting what you see others saying.

Its also been warped. In the bible it specifies they were chosen as examples of morality. That was thousands of years ago when they actually had morals

What I said was in Christianity there's no such thing as chosen people as in you can be Christian based solely on your faith, you don't have to come from a certain lineage to be considered a true Christian which is however quite odd, especially considering the fact that Jesus himself mentions many times that he has come for the lost sheep of Israel alone but from what is understood as Christianity and from Matthew 19:28 I believe, Jesus mentions that make everyone a Christian, I am paraphrasing by the way.

I must have stopped reading my b

No, the Jews were not moral at that time. They were chosen because they were stubborn and after they finally believed they would hold that belief for thousands of years in diaspora.

No... "chosen" refers to that Jews were chosen to carry the weight of commitment to god, because Jews were the more stubborn and "stiff necked" people. Also in the Talmud it does not say Jews will rule, it says when they are united and godly, that other people will want to emulate them. It's not a master-slave relationship.

Talmud Jews believe this, I don't think Torah Jews do.

Have you read the old testament?

Not the entire thing, why?

Because it states in no uncertain terms that the Jews are God's one and only chosen people and that they are destined to rule over all the lesser tribes.

Interesting. Not doubting you but I'd like to see a source (should be easy to provide).

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_as_the_chosen_people

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 171513

I don't think you understand what fundamentalism is, nor have you read your own link.

I do, although that's tangential, and I did. Why?

The Torah is the first 5 books of the old testament, in which it says etc. Etc.

Can you cite biblical scripture that proves your point?

Sure, read Deuteronomy.

You do realize it specifies they are chosen as models for humanity. Not chosen as a special group.

If youre going to try to quote something make sure you get the whole thing not just the parts that support your narrative

Maybe do your research before you spout off next time.

Shit comment is shit. Cant even say what I got wrong. Because unlike you ive actually read the bible. Zone in along kiddo

I've read the entire Bible 13 times, In every major English translation.

You should try reading it again. Youre obviously missing parts

No, I just don't interpret it to suit an agenda.

I mean, lets not forget that the Israelites committed genocide 4 times in the Torah, supposedly at God's command.

I have no agenda I'm a Gnostic that hates Israel. I just feel like people twidt the words to that which they arent.

Problem is we cant ever know what in the bible is the word of god vs the word of man its been corrupted so many times.

Even if it says morals (and we ignore genocide) we dont necessarily knlw its the true word.

It could be. They could have been picked. Or theyre lying and its not even in there.

I personally dont think god would choose one over the other for he loves all his creations even the monsters of the other realms.

God doesn't exist.

You need to smoke some dmt

Don‘t you mean, “Occupied Palestine”

well israel is probably funding reddit so....

This thread needs some Kosher stool softener.

anything with the word Israel in it really gets your dicks hard in /r/conspiracy

And sticking up for the racist fucks makes your pussy wet, right?

nope. I'm just not obsessed with some middle eastern country that has no effect on my daily life. if you can find some racism in that then you might be a moron.

some middle eastern country that has no effect on my daily life

Looks like you're the moron if that's really what you think.

Israel effects countless aspects of the US, most importantly our foreign policy which tends to kill young americans.

so that's Israel's fault that our foreign policy sucks? does Israel make us occupy countries for oil?

Yes, exactly.

Removed. Rule 10.

Good day sirs, I respectfully submit the opinion of myself that I have frequented r/Israel and have not seen the hate on all those subjects that this this post attested to.

Undoubtedly, statistics would show there be a dick or a few in every sub, however to say it’s an “alt right religious fundamentalist racist haven” would be a persons opinion, and in fact I would strongly disagree with this statement.

Don’t need to go into how Israel is the only democracy over there, the rights of an Arab in Israel versus a Jew in practically every other Arab or Persian country, that deflects. The Gaza Strip is a fucked up situation, no Israeli would disagree.

This conspiracy sub itself tends to have characters that espouse anti israel/Jew threads about once a week. Being that it is a conspiracy sub, and that Jews have been targets for millennia, this doesn’t surprise me, I expect that this forum would have these opinions.

However, respectfully, I don’t find any interest in Jewish cabals, it seems contrived. Personally, I’m more interested in space, politics, innovations, pre existing civilizations and the like.

I don’t see how this is a conspiracy post, it appears to me that someone is trying to rile up anger towards an ethnic group. And yeah I realize that some Jews aren’t zionists.

OP, if there is a conspiracy here change my mind, otherwise I don’t see your angle.

I suppose I write this as an experiment to see a reaction, or just one beer to many.

You hit all the talking points ;) while I am a shepardi jew with a Knesset member in my family, I think its a gasoline to fundamentalist who follow the Talmud, judiasms Mormon or johavahs witness is to Christianity. Netanyahu has broken gods law and has corrupted many more to do the same. Bc of this r/Israel has become a place to barf his extremism as Russian trolls barf Putin's extremism. I made this post in hopes their community will see it and see that Israel supporting Americans dont want to see it become Israel's T-D, alt right religious fundamentalist are ruining Israel and America. A good portion of the Israel sub are just as idiotic and prejudice as the r/the_Donald sub. The world needs to fight this because religion should be tolerance and compasdion, not war and hate.

Americas bed rockof belief is this: All men are free to practice their religion side by side. The government shall represent no religion. We are all equal and land can't be ruled, only used in peace and for the benefit of all.

someone finally learned that jews only like their own

I believe in my countries base. Religion is your own and govt shpuld be free of it. Dont hate on Jews bc Netanyahu is not a jew as he's chose money and power over God. Its the corrupt in Israel ruining it trying to be modern Moses and David.

Dude you're literally posting this in r/conspiracy.


Besides, I'm an Israeli. I very often have to travel to Tel Aviv, Haifa, Acre, Carmiel, and Beersheba. Basically I get to meet all different types of Israel's society. From the most liberal left (Tel Aviv) to right wing (Beersheba) to mixed cities (Haifa, Carmiel) or dominantly Arab cities (Acre). I've never actually seen anyone who is anti-LGBT other than migrants from the former Soviet Union (telling you this as an immigrant).

Noticeable hatred towards Arabs is actually very limited to certain geographic locations such as towns and cities close to Gaza (they get all the rockets) and in about half the settlements. Some sects of Arabs, namely the Druze, are actually very appreciated in Israel, and I don't think anyone hates them other than the Ultra Orthodox Jews who hate literally anyone who isn't them so it's not a big deal (we all hate them back anyway).

Hatred towards blacks/africans is limited to southern Tel Aviv, who has taken in thousands of African immigrants and subsequently was under-developed and under-funded, which obviously angered the long time residents of southern Tel Aviv. Other than them, nothing else. Their feelings to them can be described as somewhat similar to what Europeans are thinking about the immigrants they're taking in, except somewhat less extreme.

Christians pretty much get no hate in Israel. It's just one of those things you mention in small talk and never really focus on it because Israelis are not all that interested in religion anyway.

Whites are practically the majority in Israel, and disabled people.... Well how do you even hate disabled people? That's nuts. Never seen such thing.

Also reddit is open to the WORLD, the WHOLE world. Take a moment to digest that.

Now can you verify with any certainty that every poster is Jewish? Or Israeli?

some middle eastern country that has no effect on my daily life

Looks like you're the moron if that's really what you think.

Israel effects countless aspects of the US, most importantly our foreign policy which tends to kill young americans.
