Israel did 9/11

9  2018-04-17 by jswilson99

Yes it is true. Israel did 9/11. There is no more need to speculate or wonder because we now know that Israel did 9/11. It wasn’t George Bush, or the Deep State, or the Vatican, and it certainly wasn’t Osama Bin Laden. It was Israel. It is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact.

To prove that Israel did 9/11, we first need to look at the evidence. Unfortunately most of the evidence was destroyed when the steel at ground zero was made into tiny bits and then sold off to China. Failure to analyze the evidence is a crime in itself and Attorney General John Ashcroft, a Zionist who pushed for the war on terrorism, and his assistant Michael Chertoff are responsible as leaders of the DOJ. We can tell with what little evidence we do have is that nanothermite was found in the dust that fell onto lower Manhattan. The dust contained tiny droplets of molten iron and that just isn’t possible in a crash scenario from the official story. Explosives had to be used and witnesses confirmed that there were explosions. We can also see white smoke coming from the building and that is only possible if the core of the building was exploded causing the concrete and drywall to become white smoke. We are also told that law enforcement captured the pilots licenses of the terrorists and a terrorist bandana, but it doesn’t make sense how that would survive in a burning airplane.

Now we must look at who actually did the attack. The official story claims that there were 19 Arab hijackers that somehow took control of planes that were under tight security. 6 or 7 of the “terrorists” living in Florida had duplicate licenses in their name which means someone was going around and using their name. We also know that Mohammed Atta, the leading hijacker, was snorting cocaine and partying in Florida days before. What we do know is that there are photos of Israeli Art Students rigging the building with boxes of explosive material. We also know that 120 Israeli spies connected with the art students were arrested shortly after 9/11 in connection with the event. We also know that the only people arrested in connection to the event were MOSSAD agents driving a van filled with explosives and also a picture of a plane crashing into a twin tower on the side of their van. Even though they were arrested and failed lie detector tests, all of these MOSSAD agents were quietly deported by Michael Chertoff, a man who co-authored the PATRIOT Act. Also 5 dancing Israelis were arrested for celebrating the scene and they had cameras ready to film the action before it happened.

Now we must look at who planned the attack. PNAC was a neoconservative think tank that formed in 1997. PNAC called for America to have “full spectrum dominance”, however they would need “a new Pearl Harbor” for this to occur. 12 of the 22 PNAC members embedded within the Bush Administration were dual citizens of both Israel and America. We also know that 2 Jewish billionaires purchased the lease on the twin towers, despite the towers being nothing but a liability. The towers were filled with asbestos and it would have taken Billions of dollars to extract it. However they doubled the insurance on the lease within the 6 weeks they owned the buildings until the attack. We also know that Kroll Associates had security licenses to the 3 buildings and they were controlled by a Jewish CEO who was very pro Israel. We also know that $2.3 trillion dollars were lost on the day before 9/11 and Dov Zackheim, the man responsible as Comptroller of the Pentagon, and a Zionist Jew was unable to explain the disappearance of the money.

Israel did 9/11 and it is obvious. It benefitted them in many ways. Benjamin Netanyahu even said “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq”


Submission Statement: Israel did 9/11. It wasn’t the Deep State. And it wasn’t Osama. It was Israel. Israel has done things like this in the past such as the bombing of the King David hotel.

There were many conspirators in the event to make the magic happen. Cheney stood down the air force and there were multiple terrorism drills going on (co incidentally of course).

A lot of people / corporations benefited not least Israel Inc.

Yes, I’m also willing to admit that a lot of corporations led by radical Zionists also benefitted from the attacks. Not JUST Israel

The Israeli art student's, Gelitin B-thing E-team art project in the towers that year.

The Israeli's who magically were deported after being arrested that day who went on Israeli tv and said they were only there to film the event.

Lowy and Silverstein, Israeli visiting Jew's buy an asbestos filled bad investment months before the event and insure it for terrorism.

The network was broad but don't forget the financial aspects of who benefited in case someone accuse you of being Anti Jewish.

Are you also willing to admit (or do you even know), that the CIA and top military ranks are filled with brass who have Jesuit/SMOM connections and/or were trained in Jesuit colleges? Because that's a fact, that you curiously seem to "overlook".

Why do you always mistake someone who went to a Jesuit founded college as someone who is a Jesuit agent? Is anyone who goes to Creighton, Gonzaga, or Boston college someone who is being carefully groomed to serve the Jesuit Order? All of these Jesuit colleges you mention are controlled by Jews. Just because they went to a Jesuit college doesn’t make them a Jesuit. And please please please provide just a scrap of proof that the Jesuits were involved in 9/11. Do you have any names at all? Any? You can’t do it because it’s a completely false narrative and you have never ever ever presented a shred of evidence in any of your comments that prove it. I just gave you 3 paragraphs of straight facts explaining Israel’s involvement. Let’s see if you can do the same with the Jesuits

Why do you always mistake someone who went to a Jesuit founded college as someone who is a Jesuit agent?

I don't.

Is anyone who goes to Creighton, Gonzaga, or Boston college someone who is being carefully groomed to serve the Jesuit Order?

No, and this is a common fallacy of everyone is or nobody is. That said, if you have various connections and are a part of various secret societies, then yes... It's safe to say, that person is being "groomed".

All of these Jesuit colleges you mention are controlled by Jews.

LMAO, wat? Going to need to sauce for that claim.

Just because they went to a Jesuit college doesn’t make them a Jesuit.

Never said it did. You should also look up the difference between being a Jesuit and being a Jesuit coadjutor. Pro tip!

And please please please provide just a scrap of proof that the Jesuits were involved in 9/11.

Names, institutions, organizations, think tanks, etc etc. Can all be found in this short video. That is, if you care to go deeper down the rabbit.

Do you have any names at all? Any?

Sure do, see above.

I just gave you 3 paragraphs of straight facts explaining Israel’s involvement.

Wow, three whole paragraphs of speculation and claims! You've provided words, but little to no sources/evidence to back them up. Furthermore, your (false) claim that the truck had the mural on the side of it, was debunked years ago.

Let’s see if you can do the same with the Jesuits


There were many conspirators in the event to make the magic happen.

Agreed. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Guiliani. How many of them are Israeli? They need to be held accountable, but blaming Israel absolves them of any wrongdoing, possibly by design...

Ehhhh I'd say the Deep State runs Israel, the US, and the EU. So while, yes, Israeli intelligence was the primary tool used for the job, it was ultimately motivated by the Deep State.

Yup the deep state crosses international borders. Countries dont matter to the NWO.

The mossad demo team's business Urban Moving Systems was paid close to $500k that year in federal assistance for the job.

The evidence just keeps piling up

you mean the evidence that it might have been Israel AND the US. Your literal first sentence tries to put blame entirely on Israel with zero on the US government. Do you honestly think they could have pulled off every single aspect of 9/11 without the US's assistance? If so that would mean you fully believe that the plane that crashed into the pentagon and in PA were actually planes.

By trying to claim it was 100% only Israel with no help whatsoever, basically disproves many of the accepted theories on 9/11.

You stating that your's and only your opinion on this theory is even more reason to doubt/discredit your theory without even diving into it.

You are as ignorant about this as the people who are positive that 9/11 was nothing more than a terrorist attack.

500000 is such a low number though. I mean, the amount of money transacted that day was so large, that 500k doesn't seem worth it. I mean, the 2+ trillion missing, the shit ton of gold in the wtc, the maturity of the secret black budget that was used to bankrupt russia... 500k is nothing. Some real power was moved that day. I recall seeing a snippet of a congress minutes where a congressman almost 80 years prior predicted the power exchange in 2001. Urban moving company I think played a much smaller part in the plan, like just transporting the explosives, not planting them.

$500K is actually the going rate for a vast international conspiracy that kills ~3000 and open up a continuous war now targeting 7+ countries. Trust me, these guys know how to negotiate, if that's what they got, that's the rate.

Excellent satire.

I think the US crime syndicate had more involvement in 9.11 than Israel did personally.

They are the ones that stood to benefit the most from it.

The "israel did 9.11 all on their own" argument absolves the American government of any wrongdoing, and that is not cool. You can't blame Israel for everything.

Exactly. Not only was the Mossad founded by a Knight of Malta, Reinhard Gehlen, but the head of Mossad during 9/11, Halevy, admitted the CIA led the world-wide intelligence response, with Halevy having received the CIA Director's medal for his cooperation with US intelligence in that false flag.

Thus the Mossad works for the CIA, which is ran by Catholics, and like the Mossad was started by a Knight of Malta, William Donovan, not Jews. The CIA director during 9/11 who bestowed this award upon Halevy was George Tenet. Tenet went to Jesuit Georgetown along with the head of the number one Jewish neocon think tank in America, David Steinmann of JINSA (the organization behind PNAC), along with the head of Saudi Intelligence who resigned 10 days before 9/11 after setting up the hijackers.

The Chief Architect of the Patriot Act was Viet Dinh, who is a professor at guess where?

The foremost involved agents from America, Israel, and Saudi Arabia that I listed are attached to US intelligence and the Catholic church specifically Jesuit Georgetown.

Michael Chertoff is a papal court Jew having visited the grave of John Paul II in Rome. See also Michael Chertoff's Jesuit Connections.

Benjamin Netanuyahu wanted to give the pope Mount Zion in 2014. He is another papal court Jew.

"Those who call themselves "Jews" but are not" = State of Israel.

Why does the papacy want Greater Israel and the rebuilding of the temple?

Israel was founded as crusade state of the pope. I just posted about this.

Orthodox Jews do not run Israel, secular Jews do, and they do not want to build third temple; see below quotation. They are however fine giving this land to the papacy. Simon Perez started proceedings to undermine Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem by selling it out to the Vatican.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to maintain the status quo that prohibits Jewish prayer at the site, and has ordered members of Knesset not to approach the Mount, a move contested by Jewish zealots bent to building a third temple.

You say secular Jews run Israel. If you are talking about Likud their position is to maintain the religious status quo. And your last link is the Ashkenazi chief rabbi calling for the temple to be built. So I'm not convinced the leadership of Israel doesn't care about the temple.

I will look into this giving Jerusalem to Rome thing, really interesting.

Reinhard Gehlen was a nazi. When and why did he start Mossad ?

Gehlen worked closely with US intelligence after the war and then went on to set up Mossad. He was a major player in uniting the intelligence agencies for the Jesuit Order which was the purpose of his founding of the Mossad.

I wouldn't be confident in it being true that Gehlen set up Mossad

It's in his obituary.

I upvote your comment, but I don’t see “CIA run by Catholics”. Undoubtably many Catholics work inside the org, but Illuminati types run the operation, from everything I see, and they bow to the Prince of Lies.

...have you looked at the list of CIA directors?

John Brennan (Jesuit Fordham)
David Petraeus (Jesuit Geogrgetown)
Michael Morell (Jesuit Georgetown)
Leon Panetta (Jesuit Santa Clara)
Michael Hayden (Catholic)
George Tenet (Jesuit Georgetown)
Robert Gates (Jesuit Georgetown)
William J. Casey (Jesuit Fordham, Knight of Malta)
George H. W. Bush (Skull and Bones; worships the pope in their initiation ceremony)
William Colby (Catholic)
Vernon A. Walters (Jesuit Stonyhurst)
Allen Dulles (collaborator with Pius XII; Uncle of powerful Jesuit Cardinal Avery Dulles)
John A. McCone (Catholic, Knight of Malta)
Walter Bedell Smith (Catholic)
William Donovan (Catholic Knight of Malta, Knight of St. Sylvester)
John Negroponte (honored by Jesuit Georgetown)
James Clapper (Catholic Jesuit Georgetown Professor)
James Angleton (Knight of Malta)

Catholics themselves admit they dominate the CIA.

They also created and control the DHS

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is Catholic Joseph Dunford (Jesuit Georgetown).

The Jesuit US Department of Defense: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Trumps's foreign policy advisors are predominantly Catholic including Joseph E. Schmitz who is a Knight Of Malta, Walid Phares who was trained by Jesuits, Keith Kellogg trained by Jesuits at Santa Clara University, Carter page who was trained at Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, George Papadopoulos who graduated from Catholic DePaul University.

Yes, you are correct. But I was making more of a spiritual assertion than a religious one.

Oh here is zhanli again, coming to the defense of any claim that Israel or zionists are responsible for the world's shit. Look at his comment history to see how bias this guy is.

Maybe I'm just the only guy pointing out the fact that Israel seems to be the scapegoat of almost every major conspiracy?

That's a great observation. What a coincidence that "almost every major conspiracy" has something to do with Israel. I don't know if you believe in statistics and probabilities... but that seems a little high to be coincidental. Agree?

I wonder why. It's almost like little pissant men need a scapegoat, becouse they can't just admit they are pissants. It has to be some big conspiracy done by a convenient other yes that is why they are failures in life it's not that they are stupid unpleasant failures from a bygone era. No it's the Jews fault.

piss off zioscum

Imo the two countries are so aligned they may as well be though of as "USrael".

Google 'Juniper Cobra'. They're openly in each other's pockets.

Oh wow, joint military training every 2 years:

Non-Mobile link:

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I'd believe Cheney had more to do with 9//11 than the jews... can't blame them for all your problems. Look who profited the most.

That web page says they got a small business loan of $498,750.

That kind of loan is insane... try getting a loan like that and they will laugh you out of the building. This thread is being brigaded hardcore Israel is tricking the goy to make more room for eastward expansion eliminating any leader or organization that can resist this expansion

Federal Assistance? Impossible! OP says the government had nothing to do with it!

If you want anyone to take you seriously, you really need to work on your use of the English sentence structure.

I take him seriously. I’m not a dolt. I can look past semantics and focus in on the message.

Fair enough. I stopped believing in the 911 conspiracies when I found out that this nanothermite didn't actually exist. Meaning there was zero actual evidence of it other than one guy claiming he had a sample. If I'm mistaken please link me

I'm not noob enough to come right out and tell you you'r wrong but here is an article explaining some of the tactics which were dishonestly used to debunk to thermite theory, and here's [a scientific paper researched by 9 scientists from the Universit of Copehagen]( relating the evidence of thermite to the destruction of the twin towers.

Imo Building 7 is enough to establish false flag and is very clear cut.

forum slide

Pretty exhaustive list of evidence...

I love that site bro.

You are 100% correct and don’t forget the computer chip systems sold by the Saudis in the early 90s that could literally stop and take over any Boeing commercial jet in the world and there would be no way for the terrorists to access the controls of the plane whatsoever, as it would be remotely controlled by a third party on the ground and guided safely to the closest air base. They were never switched on and most information on these systems were only known to flight attendants, government officials, and the creators of these jets back then, and after 9/11, they were touted as a “new feature”, despite being implemented years beforehand... Oh, and I believe it was actually Daub Z. who originally created those chips and sold them to Boeing...

Only known to flight attendants?

Certain Israelis were most likely involved, but couldn't have done it without inside help and the cooperation of certain other foreign agents. Change title to "Israelis colluded in 9/11 attacks" and you get my upvote.

That’s not true. Israel did the attacks and Americans colluded. That’s a better way to put it

Sorry, but simply stating that it isn't true doesn't necessarily make my statement false. If you won't stand for any disagreement, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.

BB-18........ so incredibly unnerving to look through those “art photos”...

What's BB-18? When I look it up I get some obscure TV show.

I believe it's on the boxes of the explosives the art students were rigging.

Yes I'm curious too.

For the most part I agree, it was Rothschild Zionism. Also that’s a pretty bold statement to claim Zionist don’t have high positions in the US government or the deep state. David Icke has a good lecture about Rothschild Zionism and connecting all the dots and players.

Everyday this month I've noticed a high number of posts against Jews and Israel. Maybe I missed them in the past due to the high number of anti-Russian posts.

It wasn’t George Bush, or the Deep State...

The Deep State is veil used to hide Israel's backers.

Or Israel is the veil they use to hide behind perhaps?

Satanic Israel is behind Every False Flag. They literally seek to Enslave Humanity.

Nothing you said prevents this from being Israel, US, and Saudi Arabia working together.

I hear so much about these movies, but where are they? Has anyone actually seen them?

Also 5 dancing Israelis were arrested for celebrating the scene and they had cameras ready to film the action before it happened.

I like New Pearl Harbor better.

Behind Israel and their corrupted US and UK agents are masonic agents positioned as Zionists, who goals are to collapse the world into a totoalitarian world government, with power centralized in Israel. They want Jerusalem, and to gain control of Temple Mount so they can rebuilding King Solomon’s temple. They want to establish a new world order with a new religion for the new age of the zodiac. 9/11 was starting gun. I see Syria as the lynch pin for the end game.

Do you have any sources to back up this claim? I see no links.

Bro, he said it's "obvious" and then he stated a bunch of unrelated things. And Atta was using Cocaine. So it was the Jews. It's "obvious."

Of course I get a downvote for seeking the truth.

Didn't down vote you.

The main thing I've learned on this sub is you're only allowed to be skeptical of what The Man says happened. Not about internet theories. Those you cannot question.

Lmao. Yeah, it seems that some people have a hard time being skeptical. Sad.

The main thing I've learned on this sub is you're only allowed to be skeptical of what The Man says happened. Not about internet theories. Those you cannot question.

I think this could be phrased differently.

This sub first and foremost welcomes information unwelcome in other places. As it's said, if you can't discuss it here, then where can you?

This sub also welcomes people to be skeptical of all things. Now, if you want to be skeptical about a MSM story in another sub, you're going to be downvoted and called crazy. If you want to be skeptical about an MSM story here, it is welcome.

However, if your hobby is to come here to be skeptical about the skeptics then that's going to be discouraged to the extent that we don't want the conversation to be shut down here like it would be in another sub.

There are organized groups working every day to try and remove this sub as a place for these types of conversations. Every sort of label has been applied and complaint as been made but the sub remains because people continue to fight for the opportunity to question the narrative, not to be buried in it.

It's not an MSM source so it's 1000% confirmed.

I'm sure making people dislike muslims even more is reason enough for Israel to have part in this event, but it just seems to me they're just another group which benefited from the attack, and not the sole responsible.

I noticed a pattern: Zionist agenda always does something that is beneficial to their cause on multiple fronts at once. 9/11 allowed them to establish unconstitutional Patriot Act, which was obviously pre-written in advance, and passed in a matter of days. It allowed them to push anti-Muslim rhetoric in the media which made people hate Muslims more and care about middle east less. It tricked the public into fighting more Zionist wars.

You don't think the Saudis had anything to do with it? I think it was USA/Israel/Saudi Arabia working together, as well as Britain too because Tony Blair was on board immediately.

When in doubt, blame the Jews. It's worked in the past.

I am confused on why the buildings having asbestos is an issue? There is abestos in tons of homes and buildings. My river house has asbestos siding


Dread to think what will happen to this world when the same bastard suck U.S. dry?

Germany has been paying the price (for being kind to give them refuge) until Bad Jews Never Forgive & Forget; Persecuting even Centenarians who Never Kill any Jew during WWII, One after another.

Indeed they did, Chriostopher Bollyn solved it years ago. I've never heard anyone debunk his work, they just attack him as an anti semite, or ignore it altogether.

We can also see white smoke coming from the building and that is only possible if the core of the building was exploded causing the concrete and drywall to become white smoke.

White smoke in a fire means the fire is oxygen-rich. Think what a camp fire looks like.

its more accurate to say "the people behind Israel did 911" don't let the real perpetrators get away with it.

What we do know is that there are photos of Israeli Art Students rigging the building with boxes of explosive material.

Wait, what? Really? What is the evidence here? I mean, don't get me wrong: I absolutely believe 9/11 was an inside job, I know about the dancing Israelis, and I agree with your overall premise. But I've never heard of documentary evidence proving that Israeli art students rigged WTC with explosives.

I've heard the "Israeli art students planting explosives" thing many times and I've never seen any evidence for it. OP needs to post this or stop claiming that as proof.

Given the training day the airforces has and the misdirection of two of the fighter jets. They were not without help.

Also given that dubya wasn’t evacuated immediately it was known the country was under attack away from his pre planned visit to a school, going against all protocol it seems they were not without knowledge either.

I was thinking the "Eye" memorial at ground zero would be a nice place to string up all these fucking bastards, an appropriate venue, and quite a display.

Mossad and its American associates are the obvious culprits behind 9/11. Who benefits from the crime? The attacks against the twin towers started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no air traffic controller sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon perhaps? Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No IFF -- friend or foe identification -- challenge. Even in Pakistan, if there is no response to IFF, jets are instantly scrambled and the aircraft is shot down with no further questions asked. This was clearly an inside job. Bush was afraid and rushed to the shelter of a nuclear bunker. He clearly feared a nuclear situation. Who could that have been? Will that also be hushed up in the investigation, like the Warren report after the Kennedy assassination?

The whole world already knows this. This is a simple restatement of what everybody already knows.

Everywhere except in America, where Jewish dominated media envelops everyone in a poisoned darkness, everybody knows that Jewish kingpins pulled off 9/11 as an excuse for making war on every obstacle to their world financial hegemony, and killing as many non-Jews as possible in the process to further consolidate their domination of the whole world.

This widening war on the Islamic world, already responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths, is a direct result of the 9/11 hoax, everything based on false spin concocted by Jewish strategists not for U.S. best interests, but for the demonic master plan of the Jewish Sanhedrin, which rules the Jewish moneymen who buy the presidents and the generals, to kill or enslave the rest of the world. They control you, whether you want to admit or not. They control your bank account. And they make you support their insane war program by all this wall-to-wall patriotic spin.

The totally Jewish-controlled U.S. media have long ago suspended their journalistic capabilities in favor of blatant cheerleading about their favorite subject - Muslim terrorists. Every day they urge you to kill them. If there ever was a systemic hate crime, this is it.

Yet, as the infamous list of the 19 hijackers was released by the FBI two days after the infamous event, and except for two feeble-minded patsies, no other perpetrator has ever been arrested for the greatest crime in American history, what kind of conclusions are we to draw from the fact that all of the people who were in charge of America when this dark day happened, instead of being fired for incompetence, were promoted and allowed to continue their criminal activity?

What does all this say about the American mind?

It is not functioning, thanks to the poisoned blanket of U.S. media, and a deliberately twisted educational system that has produced killer Jewish robots instead of fully invested philosophically clean humans.

Every cop in the world should be brought up on charges of willful obstruction of justice for not blowing the whistle on President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and all their Jewish handlers - in the White House, in the Congress, in the media, and most especially in the banks) for their stunningly criminal behavior in both lying about the events and implementing a totally illegal coverup of the crime scenes.

But the Jewish judges atop the U.S. legal system said it was all OK, and the media, led by the New York Times and CNN, never mentioned all those Jewish fingerprints visible in the pyroclastic dust covering the disintegrated corpses in the rubble of the Twin Towers.

In an interview only a mere weeks after 9/11, Hamid Gul - former head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) from 1987-1989 - told Arnaud de Borchgrave, United Press International, of who he thinks was behind the attacks. Here are a few exceprts from the transcript:

De Borchgrave: So who did Black Sept. 11?

Gul: Mossad and its accomplices. The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies. That's $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by surprise. I don't believe it. Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.

Immediately after the attacks Bin Laden was interviewed by Pakistani newspaper Ummat. When asked if he was involved in the attacks he stated:

"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle."

He went on to say:

"In the same way, whether it is President Bush or any other U.S. President, they cannot bring Israel to justice for its human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such crimes. What is this? Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United States? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks."

He further goes on to state:

"I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the [U.S. Government] system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in the control of the American Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid down by them. So the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word."

You know all this is true. You know you are living a lie every day, by accepting what the TV robots tell you is true.

Yet you wring your hands and kvetch that you don't know what to do, when in fact you do. You just don't have the courage to do it, because you're a robotized American dreckdroid, who goes out and kills other people for reasons simply because you have been ordered to by those who control you. Despicable. You are despicable, because you don't have the courage to say what you clearly know, even though you about to lose everything you ever loved because of your failure to say what you know and confront the beast. And now it's too big to stop.

Why are people talking about Israel? The folks who did 9/11 don't care for borders, they don't care for country's, they don't care about people. This is a divide and conquer thing, everybody is pointing fingers, nobody sees the real conspires.

the saddest thing is saying israel did it is actually hardly any different from saying that the US gov did it...

They are two arms of the same grimy octopus

Lol people actually believe 9/11 happened? It's all a conspiracy to make us think the towers existed in the first place.

This, look at all these sheeple that believe those fictional structured ever stood on Manhattan.

Yep, they did 9/11. It's time to cut off our false friends from the gravy train and let them deal with their own poorly chosen location. Never forget US chose the worst two allies on the planet because of the BUSH family.

Odd since a terror attack would go against the 10 commandments.

No way... Can't be the Jews. They're the innocent victims.

Anyone who looks into 9/11 unbiased will come to the same conclusion. I have nothing against Jews but Zionism is the problem.

If you haven't yet, read 'Solving 911' by Chris Bollyn.

Can you provide your sources?

Hours of honest research

I’d love to believe you when I say that but if i bring this up to friends and family they will laugh st my face unless I have proof.

Commenting to read later. If this annoys anybody then please explain to me how to save a post cause I don’t see it. Thanks!

A lot of your evidence is a confusing mishmash of various conspiracies and you got quite a bit of it wrong.

  • There were no Israeli art students rigging the building. There were a group of Viennese artists who rigged up some projects in one of the towers about a month before 9/11. This picture is often floated around as "proof" that the artists planted explosives because BB-18 is also the name of a type of electrical fuse which some conspiracy theorists misunderstood to mean demolition fuse.
  • "120 Israeli spies were arrested". Again, you're mixing up several facts. 120 people were detained after 9/11 in a nationwide sweep to try and find any connection. Only a small handful of Israelis were caught up in it and they were all let go after the cops couldn't find any evidence for arrests. And yes, several actual Mossad agents were rounded up in the arrests but none had any connection to the attacks.
  • "Mossad agents with van with picture of 9/11". The picture was photoshopped. There were actually two groups of Israelis driving a van who were arrested. One for filming the collapse and one several days later for having their van stall on the George Washington Bridge. The second group had an erroneous report stating that there were explosives found. Nothing was found, the cops had a suspicion of explosives because of a bunch of dark skinned people speaking a Middle Eastern language driving a van right after 9/11 was considered suspicious.
  • "Dancing Israelis". One middle aged woman claimed she saw these guys dancing and that's why they were arrested. According to the interview with her, she saw them set up video equipment after the planes hit the towers. The myth that they were prepared to film is based on a poor translation of an Israeli interview with them. Naturally, the original Hebrew cannot be found so no one can verify what they actually said. There's a good chance these guys were actually Mossad agents, but again there's nothing to connect them with 9/11.

That's all you had to say about Israel. The rest of your post has little to do with an Israeli connection and a lot of it is similarly flimsy. Like 9.3 trillion dollars didn't "disappear". That's another myth. What actually happened was that Rumsfeld announced that the DoD accounting was poorly managed and there's about 9.3 trillion dollars worth of money that they don't have a full trace on which budgets they came from and which projects it went to.

Why didn't we go after Israel though? ELI5

Did we just guess it was Iran and kinda go along with the first motive? Did THEY own the media and sway this?

Israel is a very large part of the Deep State. They own/control a majority of our intelligence industrial complex technologies and services. Israel/Deep State did 9/11.

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And I'm sure they justify their actions because they think they're the chosen people. The Jews were chosen by Satan and have been lied to. The Messiah came and liberated us, thank you Jesus! We came to this Earth with nothing and we'll leave with nothing, no need to be money hungry. Let's treat out neighbor the way we want to be treated was what Jesus came to preach. He didn't form a religion, he actually hated religion. That's why the Jews saw him as a threat, while the Romans just saw him as a nuisance. The Catholics twisted the words of Jesus to create a dogmatic state of fear. Jesus is the truth and the truth will set you free.

9/11 was not a conspiracy, the government wasn’t lying. Want to know how I know that for a 100% fact? I have proof and evidence on my side, conspiracist have absolutely nothing to support there made up bullshit, and I can prove it. If you believe in this bullshit conspiracy than please comment your 3 most bullet proof and convincing details of evidence to support your claim. I will be able to easily dismantle any claim because the conspiracy isn’t real, if it was I wouldn’t be able to make this claim. Oh and after I dismantle you evidence, do not just immediately make up more evidence as I will only respond to your 3 best, or else this would never end. If you think my responses are incorrect though please feel free to explain why.