April 18th 2018

7  2018-04-18 by insp1red90

Alright boys and girls it’s officially April 18th 2018 in eastern time. What time did they say the event was happening? Was it Eastern? Central? Pacífic?


What event? I'm on the east coast. What am I supposed to be waiting for?

I guess the apocalypse? I'm also on EST and the world hasn't ended yet.

Well, I'm watching re-runs of Johnny Carson on Antenna T.V. (cable channel). So hopefully the world lasts so I can see the whole episode of The Tonight Show. LOL!

Please continue watching Carson (back when late night entertainment wasn't politically dividing, just FUNNY). There is nothing to see here. Remember, "the mayans said 2012 was the end!"

It's like that, only written in crayons. Nothing to see here.

Carson ended. Then I watched Twilight Zone. 🙂 Yes, I know nothing is going to happen.

The mayans didnt say that. They didnt day anything. It was just an end t ok the calendar for that particular age. The Mayan calendar was based of the astrological alignment. If I am not mistaken we went from the age of pisces, to the age of aquarius

Shouldn't you have done the research? At least prior to making a post expecting people to spoon feed you information. You've given 0 context. And now on the 19th, because of people like you, we'll get about 10-15 people saying "durr hehe see it's the 19th conspiratards, I told u guiz nothing would happen another failed prediction hurrr"

Here's my prediction: Literally nothing will happen

Slow down there, turbo

We need apacolypse on-demand. This set programming has no place in today's busy society.

Like all the transparent elitish convos Trump has with other leaders?

You rang?

I've quoted Horace on every single 4-18 thread. I'll quote him again, after I state that I doubt anything will happen today.

" carpe diem quam minimum credula postero" which translates as "seize the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow". I will now quote the full poem, with a citation:

Ask not ('tis forbidden knowledge), what our destined term of years, Mine and yours; nor scan the tables of your Babylonish seers. Better far to bear the future, my Leuconoe, like the past, Whether Jove has many winters yet to give, or this our last; This, that makes the Tyrrhene billows spend their strength against the shore. Strain your wine and prove your wisdom; life is short; should hope be more? In the moment of our talking, envious time has ebb'd away. Seize the present; trust tomorrow e'en as little as you may.


I heard it was rescheduled.

Oh wow good thing I’m drunk

Drunk Redditing is seriously the best LOL.

Saluete, friend. What are you drinking tonight? I myself have had a selection of Yuengling- both their Lager and Lord Chesterfield Ale.

Uh well 151 run was on sale, and I had some extra Gatorade laying around so uh yea. You know how it is.

I can’t do beer man, I know that liquor Is quicker (in death) but I really don’t need the carbs. But salute comrade


Yeah- I tend to stay away from the liquor and pay my dues with the Beer lol.

To finish your quote: "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker" -Gene Wilder (In Willy Wonka nonetheless LOL)

Stay safe out there friend.

I’m safe, I have my 45 at my side at all times, while on the subject, if you’re a socialist reading this.... arm yourself you little pussies.

I consider myself an Anarcho-Syncidaclist/Socialist, and I've slept with my handgun under my pillow ever since my local Antifa threatened to doxx me LOL!

If you’re anarcho socialist that means you’re a Marxist-Leninist and those antifa pussies are little losers that don’t know shit about theory.

I don't believe in the Centralization of Lenin, but I agree about Antifa not having a goddamn clue about Theory lol.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" Anyone who claims they know is a liar

I think this is an event planned by the other side.

haha Thank you for the chuckle

why do people post this as some sort of truth like its not copy pasted out of the bible?

One thing you will learn eventually is that a lot of the bible is true even if some has been corrupted by man. I recommend dmt

Ancient book that says the Earth is 6000 years old, promotes creationism, portrays a god that would massacre 50 teenage boys for mocking a bald man with bears, etc. No thanks.

Bible does not say earth is 6000 years old, does not promote creationism, and sacred stories have meaning if you read in between the lines instead of taking it all literally. The old testament is about the character of God and His relationship with man. The 6000 years old thing is if you add up the age of all genealogy plus the age of the Bible. Not even East Orthodox (the original church of Christ that the Roman Catholics try to claim they are) believes to take it literally.

If you can't trust everything it says, how can you trust ANYTHING it says.

You can trust it all. The Bible is meant to be interpreted. For example, the Serpent in Genesis that tempts Eve, many Christians believe the serpent represents Satan. Adam and Eve can be interpreted to mean our ancient human ancestors. The forbidden fruit can be interpreted as trying to be your own God ("knowledge of good and evil"). You might say that these are just my interpretations and you are absolutely right, some Christians interpret it as all literally. But the overall message each gains is the same, that God created the universe and earth, that humans fell away from God and into sin, that God is loves humans anyway, etc. That's what I mean when I say the Bible is universal, it could be understood 1000 years ago and today and the messages still get carried through.

It does indirectly claim earth is 6000 years old and directly claims the earth was created in 6 days and no evolution took place, and there's no justification for the brutal tyrannical being portrayed in the bible. If the government did what god did, you would be revolting right now

They forget that some of us suspect the Jesus and "God" thing is BS and probably a psyop

The bible is bullshit though

With the Killary tape coming, I bet she nukes the planet. RIP comrades!

two things 1) How does a post about the end of the world somehow have to include Hillary Clinton. 2) Is she going to launch those nukes with hopes and dreams?

Well played!!!!!

Touche Sir/Madame

1 / 2 s

The tape that everyone believes exists just because a random dude on 8chan says it does?

OPSec ++++

The [E]agle is in the [Pizza]

Thr0w enough shi[T] at the wall, does it stick?

Q only [S]peaks in riddles

Why is this relevant?

Why is this relevant?

Ok this one made me laugh lmao

Yes... it was clearly sarcasm this place is fucked obv. Happy 4/18

They were very vague and just gave stupid clues to look out for.

"The sky will turn dark blue when it does stay inside"

"Take dramamine (motion sickness medication) and write down your memories"

Then the real kicker "Some people may not recognize when it happens"

Essentially its all horseshit that a few people have capitalized on to spread fear. Either it happens and a lot of people die or it doesn't and we go on about our lives.

Wasn’t this supposed to happen last year? About the same time if not a little later in the fall?

Ya it was September 23rd was the set date.

So, uhhhh. I'm on the east coast, and it's 1:08 AM now, and I don't know if it's because I'm high, but I was just chilling in my room and I heard my dog howling, which made me feel super paranoid. I went to the room he was in, and through the window I heard really distant sounds that sounded like huge chainsaws. It was super freakish. Why would I hear chainsaws at 12:30??

lmao I'm 2 high

Blaze a little more record the sounds and post it! We will review it and then determine if you are indeed too high!

Idk if this has anything to do with anything but, last night i was with my GF and her parents at this restaurant. We were waiting on our food and for some reason i felt a little odd and kinda dizzy and puked in the bathroom of this restaurant. Weird motion sickness style type feeling? idk

Just saying, went I was a kid, me and my buddy were those asshole kids who would ride 2 stroke dirtbikes up and down the street at any hour of the night because we felt like it.

The neighbors never called the cops because they were just used to it I think lol

Bad part about the mari. Is the paranoia with some strains.

Sativas do me like that.

I really love the strain I have but as soon as anything out of the ordinary happens I'm instantly paranoid as fuck


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I just had a huge hit of nausea, I actually had to lie myself down and have a noise in my ear, a bit like when someone is on the phone call, not speaking but you could hear the hum of the connection.

Tilted towers right?

Jk. I’m out of the loop. What’s going on?

No, I think you're right. This is viral marketing for Fortnite.

Tilted is cancer. Fuck that place.

It's now 1300 local here, but the aircraft we have on base (a US base in England) have been flying out/coming back non-stop all through the morning/day so far. It could just be that I'm paying more attention after Syria, but it seems to be a much larger amount of activity compared to normal.

Nice, thanks for the update. Keep 'em coming if there's more!

WWIII starting maybe?

Drunk and waiting for the moon to blow up, or something.

Once I had a really crazy lucid dream where the world was ending and we looked outside the window, after looking outside the window we noticed the moon was HUGE as in covering the whole sky huge.

I remember we couldn’t go outside of the house. I went outside anyway and the moon was pulling everyone who went outside into outer space. It was trippy.

After it pulled us all we all went to a different dimension. Such a weird dream lol. I should make a movie script out of it.

Sounds like The Traveler in Destiny.

It’s 12:03am April 19th in Sydney right now and nothing yet lol

Still waiting as usual....

Slow down there, turbo

If you’re anarcho socialist that means you’re a Marxist-Leninist and those antifa pussies are little losers that don’t know shit about theory.

1 / 2 s

One thing you will learn eventually is that a lot of the bible is true even if some has been corrupted by man. I recommend dmt

Once I had a really crazy lucid dream where the world was ending and we looked outside the window, after looking outside the window we noticed the moon was HUGE as in covering the whole sky huge.

I remember we couldn’t go outside of the house. I went outside anyway and the moon was pulling everyone who went outside into outer space. It was trippy.

After it pulled us all we all went to a different dimension. Such a weird dream lol. I should make a movie script out of it.

They forget that some of us suspect the Jesus and "God" thing is BS and probably a psyop