The frazzlewhatever video is disinfo.

1  2018-04-20 by snstrmstch

How is it not obvious to some of ya'll. Even more so, try Googling a description of the video and see what happens... paint a target on your own back for fucks sake.


But what if I don't use the goog?

Don't worry, they deliver. Just like they did with this.

Is there even a video. The only "evidence" presented so far is a single image.

If you somehow were to obtain the evidence, you're fucked. If you can somehow find a video, if it even exists which is one hell of a stretch, it will be from a source that either put it there to fuck you, or is already known about and monitored by said source. The whole thing is sensationlistic as fuck, and validates/stimulates a lot of people's confirmation biases, and should be so easy to see through. There have been posts all day here trying to have it validated, but do you really think someone here is going to post a link or something? Come on people.

I am aware. This is the same shit Trump and Fox News pulls. Trump says some dumb shit that he says he's heard from somewhere. Fox News report on it. Trump points to the Fox News report and says "See, even Fox News is reporting on it." Same shit being pulled by useful idiots and people spreading disinfo here.

To be fair, it's all peer reviewed lol. Just so happens the peers are all lying, self-serving, murderous fucks with tenfold more money than empathy.

What is frazzlewhatever?

Would you believe there is a video floating around of Hillary Clinton AND Huma Abedin raping/murdering a young girl, doing rapey stuff, cutting the girls face off and wearing it as a mask, in some kind of Luciferian ritual to harvest the child's adrenochrome (sp?) that was discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop and leaked by some unnamed NYPD agents to the "deep/dark web" to pressure the FBI from covering up the fact that this is what is apparently commonplace in the circles of the elite? Or so i gather...

Oh I gotchya. Why did you refer to it as frazzlewhatever?

Guess I shoulda called it frazzlegate?

What does the word frazzle have to do with it? Why not call it the Hillary tape, or something along those lines?

No idea, didn't coin it. Maybe it was a file name or something? Just making reference to what I've seen it being alluded to on here as.

Oooooh okay. I've just never seen it called that before.

No worries, I don't get it either.

Apparently the file the video was in was called Insurance and the video was labelled frazzeldrip. I think....from memory.

Do you think there is actual footage? I first heard about this a while ago and it seems like it’s been resurected these last few days. Anyway, it hear it’s floating around on the deep web, which everyone has access to if you know what to do why hasn’t anyone been able to bring it up.

You realize you'd be in possession of child porn, in which the child was murdered and had their fucking face cut off, and worn as a mask by a former First Lady, Sec. of State, and Democratic Presidential Nominee right?

I've seen multiple people state definitively that they tried to find the snuff video on the dark web and couldn't find anything. Someone out there might have a secret video like that, but it's not available in any public way.

Would you believe someone as powerful as HRC would allow this to be recorded?

You do realize shit that is actually real and does exist online, right? There are some seriously fucked up people in the world. Why would it surprise you, if US politicians (and others) are among those said sick fucks?

I do, but just because you want these people to be proven as evil as you think they are doesn't mean that this particular video exists. Big difference between "what if" and "what is".

By the way, I'm so glad you in particular responded. I'll be honest, I respect the hell out of your intellect. Think about this though, you're incredibly well read, smart as all fuck, and everyone who knows you here can attest to that... but what are you really doing with it? Yeah you have a cabin in Alaska or something like that, and while that sounds awesome, if you care as much as you let on, why wouldn't you Snowden-up and apply any of that towards making anything better on the whole? Not trying to be an asshole, but for someone so "in the know", why spend so much time here and not making tangible differences in the world as you see it? Again, I mean no disrespect, but I feel as vocal as you are, it kinda begs the question, no?

Thanks for the kinds words (ish).

That said, I'm seeking to find an island and create my own country ;). After all the rabbit holes, and what I've learned (and know), that is the only viable option/solution, imo. Takes time and lots of self educating, though (try self teaching International Law - holy shit). In the mean time, I'm here to learn and discuss with others.

I believe my Soul Being chose to be here for a purpose, and I believe I'm honoring it, by engaging with others (and inspiring), even it's just one other Soul Being. Totally worth it, imo.

My compliments(ish) were sincere, I truly admire your depth of knowledge and passion for uncovering information about things that most people don't even think about. I do question your certainty about many thing also though, as you tend to present information as gospel often, and I feel that can be just as harmful as propaganda to people who want to know more, but have their curiosity coopted by those who say they have answers. For what it's worth, I think you give people great things to think about, however it seems like you have your mind made up about some things that are fantastically unknowable. I also think starting your own nation is unrealistic as it is naive. Is self-teaching international law going to keep you from being obliterated by any forces (not necessarily US) that have no respect for such a thing? I like you man, I really do. Feel free to PM me if you can help me understand where you're coming from.

pm me when you get your country up and running! seriously


Of course! Why didn't I see that before?!


why wouldn't you Snowden-up

Ask MLK or JFK

Even Q said this video is fake. Its so preposterous to once again muddy the waters. It's no coincidence that for months we are getting MSM reports about fake videos being the new thing then this pops. There is currently a war being waged against conspiracies and creation of this ridiculous premise is serving to discredit conspiracies on a wide scale. I do believe there is some kind of HRC video but nothing satanic or ritualistic. Let's use critical thinking.....WHY WOULD THEY LET ANYONE RECORD THAT???

Blackmail material for their masters.

Apparently the file the video was in was called Insurance and the video was labelled frazzeldrip. I think....from memory.