Meat free worry
2 2018-04-20 by Mimicking-hiccuping
Does anyone else feel that we are being pressured into giving up eating meat? Past few weeks I've been getting the feeling it's becoming a huge social pressure. It's on the radio, it's on TV, magazines everywhere. Vegan this and vegan that. Super veg that has nearly the same texture of meat. Celebrity chiefs give up on eating meat etc. Just recently heard aswell, some head boffin wants to introduce a meat tax (at 20%) to tackle obesity. That's not just on processed meat. That's red meat too. I have a dreading feeling that meat will again become a luxury item, priced out of reach.
1 mattd504 2018-04-20
I hope you're right. Beef could use a little price reduction
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
You've missunderstood my text buddy. He wanted the price INCREASED by 20%
1 mattd504 2018-04-20
Oh, yeah, that would suck. Murder is delicious AF
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Your right.
1 AbsyntheMinded_ 2018-04-20
Meat tax? Meat isn't the reason people are fat. It's sugar ffs
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
I think a mix of sugar and candy fat is terrible.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
And polyunsaturated like. They did feed studies on livestock proving that. Hogs fatten right up on corn and soy oil and soybeans.
Soy is also goitergenic causing thyroid disorders and its in almost everything.
1 AbsyntheMinded_ 2018-04-20
If you eat real food you do t get fat. Literally.
I'm eating junk and processed shit but sticking to my calories and I stay around 270lbs. I can eat the same calories in really food (fresh meat, green veggies and dairy and it drops off me without effort.) Sadly sugar is a highly addictive substance same with corn, wheat and starchy vegetables as the body metobalises it into sugar (glycogen)
So no, meat is not making people fat. Cheaply made nothing foods full of empty calories is what's making people fat because the body doesn't get what it needs nutritionally and you're basically fall and still starving.
They need to find better alternatives for farming meat. They can have a rotation of land, let the cows live there plant shit in it when they're done using all the cow shit as fertiliser. Here in the north of England that's a common process. Literally by my aunt's house near the moors there are four fields that have trees in them that get rotated. In the first year one field will have cows in another will be left open, two have trees. They chop the trees put them on the old cow field for mulch to replensh the land and plant new ones in the first open field. Move cows to freshly chopped field. Repeat. That way the amount of trees is the same. The land has useful turnover and the birds have new trees to live in when they migrate back. If more places had a simmilar turnover for the land we wouldn't be fucking up so much new land.
I see people advocating for eating less meat and pushing veganism but that's just as destructive as you need open space to grow crops. I know there's plans to make multistory greenhouses but realistically how is that any better than battery hens. Same thing to me only there isn't a conscious animal involved.
1 saltedpecker 2018-04-20
It's not sugar either. It's eating too much.
People eat too much sugar, and too much meat. Too much salt usually too.
1 ZombieRightsActivist 2018-04-20
That's true, but some meat still has a lot of fat content in it.
1 AbsyntheMinded_ 2018-04-20
But eating fat doesn't inherently make you fat. Eating the wrong fats and too much in general makes you fat.
1 ZombieRightsActivist 2018-04-20
1 lolWiz 2018-04-20
The price of beef has just about doubled the last ten years
So ECON 101 tells us this should greatly increase demand for its substitute good, veggie burgers and alternative diets.
Smart people are just cashing in an a cleverly devised nutritional fad that doesn’t guarantee anything about a persons life expectancy.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
A 20% tax isn't a price increase due to supply and demand tho. It's a tax. It goes to Government. A cow will still cost what a cow costs, but potentially with another 20%tax levied on it.
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
Fuck em and buy local. You don't want to eat the meat the government/cooporations supply you with, neither the drugs they supply.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I don't take pills. Not for a long time. Glass of water and a cool, dark room usually shifts any ailment I've ever had.
1 Fiveinchtaint11 2018-04-20
What so called nutritionist thinks people get fat from eating meat?
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
It was the same feller that managed to push a sugar tax on us all here in the UK. Absolute roaster.
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
Grain industry paid "nutritionists" and the AMA etc. But I know you were being sarcastic.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Try and replace 'eating meat' with 'watching MSM' and then read your statement again.
Eating meat is a major contributor to the fuckedupness of this planet. I say that as a meat eater myself but I have begun to cut down on it a lot.
Meat tax is probably a good idea, earmark it for saving rain forests.
Yes it will, and should, become a luxury eating. With 7 billion of us there is no way we can all eat meat every day. Most people on this planet are basically vegetarians.
1 StopHAARPingOnMe 2018-04-20
How is taxing americans going to save something in Brazil. You have no logic. Most people arent vegetarians because we are naturally omnivores.
Your entire comment wreaks like a beta vegan that's upset humans are humans
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Most people on this planet are basically vegetarians. This is what I said. Most people can not afford meat, or only afford a little bit like 1 chicken per month or 1 small fish per week etc. It has nothing to do with naturally being omnivores.
You can use the tax to buy rainforest and then leave it alone, f.ex. instead of letting McDonalds purchase meat from Brazilian producers that cut down rainforest to put cattle on that land.
Your comment reeks of being out of touch with reality. 7 billion people can not eat like Americans do, we'd need multiple Earths to support that.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
Soybeans are why rain forest is being destroyed. Cattle come after because the soil is bad in rainforests and morning can grow after.
We should stop using soy except non GMO naturally fermented and in moderation. And end CAFO and feed animals on grass/pasture with supplemented small amounts of non GMO and non soy feed rations.
That will save rainforest.
1 Joe_Sapien 2018-04-20
So I replaced 'eating meat' with 'watching MSM' through out your entire comment. Good point. We should be taxed to watch the MSM. It will make people stop.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Lol. Yeah! 20% MSM tax which should go straight to independent media.
1 Joe_Sapien 2018-04-20
Dude. I like you.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I have tried to eat more hunted meat than shop bought, but it's easier said than done here in the UK.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Sure. I think the key is to treat the meat as a side dish instead of the main course.
F.ex. in China or Africa most people will eat a little bit of meat and a lot of e.g. rice. Whereas in the west people will eat a lot of meat and a little rice/potatoes.
You could probably easily stretch f.ex. 1 rabbit to a whole week or longer by doing it the Chinese way.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Chinese people are tiny tho. We, as westerners have evolved taller and stronger over the past few generations due to our high protein diets.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Think they've remaind roughly the same size 🤣😂
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
I call your bluff and raise you one Bao:
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
One Chinaman. You should see my cousin. Skinny as a streak of piss, but near 7 foot 🤣👍
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
This is a misconception. Visit markets in Asia. Meat is everywhere. And the Masai eat meat and milk and trade for veggies etc. They are very healthy. The Inuit survive almoat exclusively on animal.
We've been lied to by grain industry, AMA, govt agencies etc. They villify the cheap and easy to obtain traditional foods for laboratory created processed foods "balanced" by so-called experts with limited understanding of our nutritional needs.
I highly recommend you read a book written a long time ago by a dentist who was curious why "modern" people had so many tooth decay and crowding issues while not westernized populations with traditional diets did not.
He traveled the world and made astonishing discoveries. And none of them were beneficial to big industry and government control so they've been suppressed.
Free online:
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects
Member Research Commission, American Dental Association Member American Association of Physical Anthropologists Author, "Dental Infections, Oral and Systemic"
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Well not so sure about the Masai:
Yeah lots of meat, but how much does the individual actually eat on a daily basis? and I don't mean people in big cities, I mean rural which is most of them.
If that book has been 'supressed' then how come it is available online?
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
Supression happens when it isn't taught in schools. When MSM ignores information to push the grain industry food pyramid instead.
Suppression of many facets of our favorite conspiracy theories happens every day. Like WTC Building 7 and 6.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Well, it's not necessarily 'suppression'. Many things are not taught in school! Do you want every crackpot idea to be taught in school? Basically you normally need a quite large consensus of scientists/scholars before something is taught in school.
WTC7 demolition theory does not have consensus among a large (enough) group of credible scientists.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
Heart disease has been found to be Vitamin C deficiency but thanks for article I will check it out.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
You jave it wrong though. Pasture raised animal products are healthful and good for the environment. Check out some articles on and has farmers listed by area.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
If all animals were raised on pastures we'd need 10 Earths covered in pastures to make enough. It's simply not feasible. A steak would cost 1000$.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
And yet tens of millions roamed our plains with no problems. No it can be done. We have a lot of unused land potential.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
This is true, then we killed and ate them all...
Even 10s of millions are not enough! These 10 million would be eaten in 10 days if distributed globally!
I found this (not sure of credibility but no reason to doubt it):
300 million cattle slaugthered yearly worldwide...
1 iota_updates 2018-04-20
Stop supporting cattle factories! Most of that meat is infested with cancer and they do sell it anyways. If you want to eat meat go hunting, or buy locally sourced. Cattle farming has destroyed the environment more than literally anything else... BUT MUH 26OZ STEAK... Fuck Corporate America
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Yo not think processed meat is more to blame for cancers ? I think a big ol' steak is just a slab of cow. Unless it's pumped full of hormones.
1 YaBoyVolke 2018-04-20
Cattle factory cows don't tend to be natural/organic.
1 iota_updates 2018-04-20
Admittedly I don't understand the process of growing lab meat, but on the surface it seems like a better alternative than the current system. Whereby animals kept in captivity know nothing but suffering for their entire miserable lives just to be bred and slaughtered.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
Lab meat should never be trusted. Visit sime local farms that pasture raise and respect their animals. Buy from them. The difference in quality and nutrition and taste is quite noticeable.
1 wile_e_chicken 2018-04-20
I would say yes processed meat is way worse. If you're going to eat meat, grass-fed, free-range is better -- ideally, hunted not factory -- but it's still not great for you. You really should pair that diet with some form of fasting to give the body time to recover -- this would be normal in a hunter-gatherer scenario.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I don't do heavy carbs. When I'm tucking into steak etc, it's usually with a shit ton of spinach and vegetables. The body doesn't do well breaking down red meat if it is eaten with starchy carbs. It overloads the digestive tract. If you eat it with greens its digestion is helped along.
1 WhydoesNASAlie 2018-04-20
The cancers come from what they spray on our crops, which is what the cows eat, so I guess you’re in a way correct. Why do you think they crisscross the sky every day now? Population control is the name of the game
1 pinkbunnybitch 2018-04-20
I don't eat meat (government meat scares me & all i can afford/in the city), but I'm a believer that if you want to eat meat you should go out n hunt it
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I do. I get alot of rabbit, squirrel when I can and trying for my FAC and a permission so I can get my end venison.
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
Also heard eating the meat that is local to your area is healthier for you, so I'm sure your doing great.
1 mikellerseviltwin 2018-04-20
absolutely not. However, it would be a good idea. Cows are one of the worst parts of global warming and a significant amount of the agriculture we need to grow, is simply to feed the meat that we produce to eat.
1 daysOFdelusion 2018-04-20
Cows are no worse for the environment than the once massive herds of wild grazing animals were. In particular, in the U.S. the bison.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
This is patently false. Pastured animals help lock CO2 back into soil. We had millions and millions of Bison running the plains doing just that before they were nearly eradicated to starve the Indians out.
Soybeans and the like pollute and that is the product they slash and burn rain forest over. Soils are bad in rain forest though so they move after a harvest or two and slabs and burn more. The cattle get moved on after and actually help build up soil.
Croplands devestate local wildlife far more than pastured livestock. And it takes a lot more land to feed people with too.
CAFO is definitely evil and sickening and needs to be changed.
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
It's a spiritual and intellectual awakening. It's a moral issue for the folks who've seen the fucked up videos. The internet helps it spread faster. Intellectually, we're learning that some of the greatest athletes in the world today (free of drug enhancements) are shifting off of meat. When you think about the negative vibrational emotional energy that goes into the meat we eat today as opposed to the meat we ate 100 years ago, it's understandable that people are raising eyebrows and saying "Hold up, I've been status quo with society, but do I really want to contribute to the suffering of other animals when I can get my nutrients and energy from vitamins and plants?"
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I'd rather a social shift came through education and choice, tlrather than a taxation. It's an erosion of free will and choice
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
Same, but how would it be implemented? Education system feels gutted and manipulated to certain agendas.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
No idea. But I don't think its the governments place to decide, by way of pricing out a social class, what you should eat. They have already upped tax on tabacco, introduced a minimum pricing on alcohol, brought in a sugar tax on candy and soda and now a meat tax. It's another step tward.....I dunno but I'll be fucked if this can still be called a democracy.
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
For sure not a democracy in my eyes, as well. If only taxes weren't flat at the sales tax level, but were variable per adjusted annual income. I get the idea of using taxes as a financial incentive to adjust a people's behavior for the "greater good," but a flat tax that treats all income brackets the same for sales tax rubs me wrong. You make a strong point.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Tax system is a joke. I've also ideas about why a universal income is a slippery slope, I just haven't been able to put it all down yet.
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
I mean money is just a representation of energy, right? It values certain energy. However, the value of said energy is based on a people's collective values and morals. Wait, or is it...If a small minority with warped morals and values control the valuation of energy (labor/time) traded for money, then we wind up where we are. Idk. If lies were impossible, we'd have all this solved. If we could all tap into each others consciousness to detect lies, we wouldn't have so many issues. Buh. Fucking verbal communication is bullshit.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I'll need to read that 3 or 4 times.
1 Thadderful 2018-04-20
It isn't an erosion of free will as you can still act to buy meat, and barely of choice as the prices would only hypothetically rise 20% if you're buying so much meat that a rise like that would make it hard to consume the same amount afterwards then you're who the tax is for lol.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
It is an erosion. I will still buy the same amount for myself as I feel I eat a balanced diet. But it would now eat into my disposable income, which is where I've got the issue.
1 guenonsbitch 2018-04-20
Do you realize how expensive meat actually is?It’s effects on the environment are horrendous, we are plowing through the amazon in the name of McDonald’s, it’s HEAVILY subsidized. You act like cheap meat is a right, when for most of history it has been scarce and expensive. It must return to prices that reflect the actual cost of our animal agriculture system. Enough is enough, it’s destroying our planet.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Our UK prices are substantially higher than USA's already. Especially if you want UK reared meat. I do agree that ethics is an issue though.
1 guenonsbitch 2018-04-20
Yes, I try to encourage all of my meat eating friends to eat grass fed, organic, preferably from a local farm meat, but often the complaint is “it’s too expensive.” You get what you pay for, though, and commercially produced meat is a real killer.
1 Swan_in_a_Cage 2018-04-20
Killing animals has a price.
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
Would you say raising your meat in a proper manner and killing them unexpectedly is fine? I tend to think so but Idk.
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
I leaned that way for a while until recently. It's a law of one, spiritual reason for me. The propagation of life has taken a new importance for me. Gardening took new importance. I used to go out of my way as a kid to step on ants for some reason (I was (am?) a selfish asshole). These days I liken avoiding eating meat to avoiding stepping on ants if that makes sense.
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
So we kinda evolved enough to not have to eat meat, that's a good way of putting it. It shit hit the fan then eating meat would be appropriate again.
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
This says it best. You got it.
1 DeezNuts1 2018-04-20
What pro athletes are vegan. Besides Brady.
1 stevenbarcynski 2018-04-20
Your mom.
1 WhydoesNASAlie 2018-04-20
Bill Cooper said that there is a concerted effort to get us to stop eating meat. Part of the depopulation agenda
1 guenonsbitch 2018-04-20
Pythagoras, Emerson, Ghandi, Tolstoy — so many people involved in this agenda. HA! Look at fast food and pharmaceuticals and tell me where the real agenda is. Blows my mind how few people on conspiracy can see the modern food industry for what it really is: soul deadening and Body destroying.
1 WhydoesNASAlie 2018-04-20
Expand on this an it if you have the time. I haven’t gotten huge into how they fuck with our food but I do not doubt that they do
1 guenonsbitch 2018-04-20
Where to begin? The use of pesticides, particularly cancer-causing Round-Up, has wreaked havoc on our systems. Agricultural runoff, especially from pig farms (see North Carolina), is causing dead zones and horrible health problems for nearby neighbors. Farming practices have led to nutrient deficiencies in food, up to 70% (we don’t even know what food should taste like anymore.) The sugar industry took all their notes from the tobacco companies. Processed meats are known carcinogens and yet the American Heart Association continues to include recipes on their website including bacon.
One of my faves is this guy Howard Lyman, ie The Mad Cowboy. His book is super short and worth the read. Basically he was a fourth generation cattle farmer who almost died of his heavy meat diet and destroyed the soil of his family’s farm, then had a remarkable change of heart after a life-saving surgery. He went on to become a vegan, lobbying against Big Meat in Washington. At one point he went on Oprah, and Big Meat came after both him AND Oprah, claiming violation of Ag Gag laws. Yup, in many states it’s actually illegal to say anything disparaging against the meat industry.
I loved reading the China Study, one of the things that actually opened me up to conspiracy. T Colin Campbell was a doctor, not a Vegan, who went to the Philippines to investigate a spate of children getting cancer. It turned out to be the rich kids who ate dairy, and it was casein activating a particular cancer causing gene at the root of it. His rat and mice experiments are INSANE.
Tons of great documentaries out there. Food Inc, Cowspiracy, What the Health, Earthlings, etc. William Engdahls Seeds of Destruction about Monsanto is a thrilling read. DEEP conspiracy happening over there.
Basically, human bodies are designed to eat mostly plants, especially fruits and veg we can pluck off the vine. I’m not going to say everyone should be Vegan, because that would cause a fight, but at the very least we should be eating far less meat than currently. Excess protein turns into fat. Milk from other animals isn’t meant for us, it’s meant for their babies. Even michael pollen, of The Omnivores Dilemma and a MSM staple, admits we should be eating maybe a couple ounces a day.
Hope this is enough to get you started. I didn’t include links but it’s all easily google-able and it’s a rabbit hole I’ve been going down for a few years now. Just remember— we are what we eat. So if we are consuming hormone pumped, antibiotic fed, tortured animals, well, just look at the state of America.
1 WhydoesNASAlie 2018-04-20
No need for links. Your sincere response is appreciated and I’ll head on down the rabbit hole. Thank you for the start
1 NotVeryGoodAtStuff 2018-04-20
Red meat is bad for you, but it's delicious so I probably won't give it up anytime soon
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
No it's not. Native peoples thrived over millennia on eating ruminants. From Native Americans that relied heavily on the American Bison to the Huns and their milk, blood and meat of horses, Nordic peoples and domesticated Reindeer, to Masai and the Celts and Norse. List goes on and on. Most every culture hunted red meat animals if they were available in their environment.
Now CAFO meats injected with hormones and fed GMO grain laced with antibiotics is some thing else entirely.
1 NotVeryGoodAtStuff 2018-04-20
Red meat is bad for your heart and cholesterol.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Since when is it bad for you?
1 daysOFdelusion 2018-04-20
Yes but it has no relation to ecology, it is about profits.
The profits will be huge for insect proteins compared to beef, chicken and pork and there is a disaster in the loss of the food from the oceans.
What remains, will be reserved for the top 1% only. The rest of us get larvae and insect protein.
The propaganda move to drive us away from meat began about 20 years ago. National Geographic is one of the leaders in anti-meat eating.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
I'll be honest, I don't mind eating insect protein. As long as it's not forced on me as the only option.
1 daysOFdelusion 2018-04-20
Right, we should still be allowed to buy our meat and chicken and eggs or if we live where it is possible grow our own.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Your right.
1 Ls2323 2018-04-20
Sure. I think the key is to treat the meat as a side dish instead of the main course.
F.ex. in China or Africa most people will eat a little bit of meat and a lot of e.g. rice. Whereas in the west people will eat a lot of meat and a little rice/potatoes.
You could probably easily stretch f.ex. 1 rabbit to a whole week or longer by doing it the Chinese way.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
No it's not. Native peoples thrived over millennia on eating ruminants. From Native Americans that relied heavily on the American Bison to the Huns and their milk, blood and meat of horses, Nordic peoples and domesticated Reindeer, to Masai and the Celts and Norse. List goes on and on. Most every culture hunted red meat animals if they were available in their environment.
Now CAFO meats injected with hormones and fed GMO grain laced with antibiotics is some thing else entirely.
1 DawnPendraig 2018-04-20
Lab meat should never be trusted. Visit sime local farms that pasture raise and respect their animals. Buy from them. The difference in quality and nutrition and taste is quite noticeable.
1 TheRadChad 2018-04-20
So we kinda evolved enough to not have to eat meat, that's a good way of putting it. It shit hit the fan then eating meat would be appropriate again.
1 Mimicking-hiccuping 2018-04-20
Since when is it bad for you?