What's the truth about World War II?

0  2018-04-20 by amateurrocketbuilder

Was Hitler just an evil man trying to take over the world? Did the good guys really win? Did the holocaust really happen? Someone redpill me on WWII please...


It never really ended, the nazis simply changed venue.. see operation paperclip.

So the Nazis are pulling the strings today ?

They had been in league with the Vatican, so probably there's some overlap.

That means they must’ve never hated Jews that much. Israel has it made and so do Jews around the world

There's another alternative, that Israel has nukes and probably both sides have enough dirt on and mutual uses for each other...

You realize Israel wouldn’t exist without the Havaara agreement signed by the Nazis? It is absolutely absurd to say that Nazis hate Jews if indeed they still run the world

what does it even mean 'run the world'? but yeah, there are some jews that have the world by the balls, so to speak.

You're in the conspiracy sub and you've never heard of the Jews running the world??

What does that even mean? Running the world.. ruining the world, we can see who is doing that, but running it? I'd say the world runs us still.

I don’t know. You made the claim that the Nazis are still “pulling the strings” and you cited operation paperclip. The thing about that is operation paperclip only brought intelligent Nazi scientists into America. It’s not like America put Nazis into the government and started adopting National Socialist policies.

Running the world and pulling the strings is the same thing ok and you seem to know what pulling the strings means

only brought intelligent Nazi scientists into America. It’s not like America put Nazis into the government and started adopting National Socialist policies.

the US employed 1000 nazis during the cold war. as for policies they are indeed congruent. false flags to cover invasions, the dept. of homeland security, the OSS which became CIA, the patriot (enabling) act. it's the same old song and dance.

The Rothschild family. Fun fact, they are also from Germany as well as Jewish. Seems kinda fishy. (Correct me if I’m wrong but I also think the Rockefeller family is too)


wrong and so?

You asked for an example of jews running the world.

How old are you?

All I know is that the red army was not an army of presents.

It's a rather large subject to break down in a reddit comment...

Read 'the 4th reich' by Jim marrs, if you've got some time on your hands.

Look up the documentary called The Greatest Story Never Told, it is the ultimate red pill on WW2, you sound ready

That is just another side of the false dialectic.

What I am about to tell you will sound so outrageous that almost all people will instantly assume it is a joke.

World War Two was a staged event from the first day.

This is why the 'V2' rockets and 'air raids' were not targeted at the wealthy areas of London.

This recent podcast explains the situation.

Hitler was no hero. Churchill was no hero. There are no heroes in a play (other than what we imagine).

Hitler was a Christian, and Churchill was a Druid.

If you like bullshit and made up facts then yeah! Dive right in!

Hitler was right and the Jews lied about him. That’s the most brief and correct summary to be made

A great book about second world war that everyone should read is The Myth of German Villainy. It puts the holocaust in to perspective.

Support the author buy the book, https://www.amazon.com/Myth-German-Villainy-Benton-Bradberry/dp/1477231838

Alternatively you can download a copy from this link for free. http://911tv.org/Library/LB-0003%20Bradberry%20-%20Myth%20of%20German%20villainy.pdf

This will give you an idea of the world and events leading to the wars, covering the rise of communism, the red terrors across Russia and Europe, Weimar Republic and more.

The only truth you'll ever get is that the Allies won and the Axis lost. But you'll at least have a better understanding of the events that led to the war and go beyond 'muh evil Nazis, hitler is worse than the devil, babies, german people mysteriously went genocidal on jews for no reason and you should believe everything Israel tells you they are your greatest ally, schindlers list is 100% true and only thing you need to know or see about the holocaust and mandatory viewing for all high school classes'.


Well as George S. Patton said, "We fought the wrong enemy." That should help answer your question.

Makes that car wreck of his a tad more fishy.

He was trying to educate the world on Veganism at the end of a Gun.

No, the good Guys did not win because they were never involved in the first place.

Yes, the Holocaust Happened. Jews, Roma (Gypsies), physically and mentally disabled people and Poles were also targeted for destruction or decimation for racial, ethnic, or national reasons. Millions more, including homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Soviet prisoners of war, and political dissidents also suffered grievous oppression and death under Nazi rule.

6 gorillion Jews were targeted to be exact.

They used all these people for Labour.
There were some executions but on the same scale as western powers at the time.

The war would of ended in 1940 if it wasn't for Churchill...Hitler offered England a peace treaty before any bomb was dropped on England. There was one condition to this peace treaty, Germany would be allowed to keep the land it lost due to WW1. Churchill refused resulting in the downfall of the British Empire...USA waited until England was out of money before helping.

Who do you think funded Germany after they were decimated after WW1? Some historians and researchers say Hitler/Germany was funded by Zionist Bankers.

Also, the bombs raids on England were in response to Munich getting bombed.

I won't give my opinion on the Holocaust, but I will ask one question. Would you consider the Zionist who control the world bank good guys? If no, then there's your answer

Thanks laying down these facts. It was hard to de-program from the WW2 victor's history. Greatest History Never Told was a great starting point.

Decide for yourself; read the sources everyone condemns, read the finest historian of WW Two Don't waste your time with historians who quote each other, you won't learn anything. Here are free downloads to 2 million pages written over 40 years by David Irving. Enjoy; a movable feast is served! Enjoy! http://www.fpp.co.uk/books/index.html

Fascism was a response to the Marxism and communism that was taking over. Germany was in dire straights due to unfair war reparations from wwi. Desperate times create desperate measures.

don't forget that nukes are and always have been fake.

I’m intrigued by why you think this. Care to explain or tell me something to research.

Russia had more influence on the war than the phonied up United States "hero" story.