r/TopMindsOfReddit, r/AgainstHateSubreddits and r/SPLCenter: How well known subreddits are being used as fronts to attack and berate various subreddits and it's users.

8  2018-04-21 by lets_get_lowwerr

Posting this from a throwaway account as I'm sure TMOR, AHS and SPLC will try to doxx me.

First of all, lets take a look at what the "Southern Poverty Law Center" is. According to their website, SPLC is a organization aimed to "to ensure that the promise of the civil rights movement became a reality for all."

Sounds noble. But if you browse through their website, it's quite obvious: They are an organization that targets and attacks anyone and anything that shows remote support/identification to the "Right". The "Right" being Conservatives, Republicans etc. etc.

SPLC is so powerful, and I bet none of you knew this, they are the ones behind YouTube and Google's intense censorship of 'extremist content'. SPLC is in charge of policing for YouTube and Google.

But what falls under 'extremist content' you may ask? Conservative organizations. Yes. SPLC has labeled Conservative organizations as "hate groups" which is a classification under their 'extremist content'. Do you see where this is going?

SPLC polices extremist content. SPLC labels any Conservative organization a "hate group". SPLC censors any and all Conservative content.

Just the other day, they released a hit piece about The_Donald. It's quite the pathetic read. It targets and attacks Trump supporters and the like, clearly showing it's bias. What is interesting though is the SPLC seems to have a keen interest about Reddit.

SPLC has their own subreddit, /r/SPLCenter. It's not a very active subreddit, but their moderator list is quite extensive for a subreddit with 646 users.

Looking further into their moderator list, you can see that some of SLPC's moderators are also moderators of TMOR and AHS.

  • User duckvimes_ is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit and AgainstHateSubreddits.

  • User WorseThanHipster is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits, FuckTheAltRight and Politics

  • User LIATG is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits and various other questionable subreddits.

  • User DanglyW is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits, HateSpeechOnTheWeb, EnoughRightSpam and various other subreddits.

  • User siouxsie_siouxv2 is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits, BlackPeopleTwitter and about a million other subreddits.

  • User Br00ce is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits, Trumpgret and various other subreddits.

  • User awkwardtheturtle is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits and various other subreddits which display hatred of the "right".

  • User Quietus42 is a moderator for SPLC, TopMindsOfReddit, AgainstHateSubreddits, FuckTheAltRight, OffensiveSpeech, MarchAgainstNazis and other subreddits.

The bolded subreddits are time and time again seen to attack, not only /r/Conspiracy, it's moderators and users, but The_Donald, and numerous other "right leaning" subreddits.

These users, for whatever reason, belong to a subreddit of an organization that classifies "Conservative groups" as hate groups and extremist groups.

It seems highly suspicious to me that these users, users chosen to run a subreddit dedicated to a organization that targets previously mention groups, also run subreddits that always attack, berate and brigade this subreddit and others.

Seems like a conspiracy in and of itself that SPLC is probably controlling these subreddits to "attack offensive speech on reddit", aka anything coming from someone on the right.


SS: An organization that attacks and targets conservative and right leaning groups seems to have a hold on TMOR and AHS; 2 subredditd which attack this subreddit and others on a daily basis for expressing right leaning views. The post itself is the SS


haha OP of the TMOR post is bitter he got called out

It's always fun to click on a random TMoR thread and see it filled with random previously RES-tagged shitbags from all over Reddit just coincidentally convening to hate "hate speech" (aka politically dissonant points-of-view).

Its funnier when you lock post, and though fits over downvotes.

A little triggered I see? Go take a nap.

Hopefully this post sheds some light on why you, the subreddit and us are consistently attacked by these groups. I hope it gives you further fuel to continue doing what you do for the subreddit.

Post was linked to TMOR and your comment didn’t get downvoted to oblivion?

They must be getting cold feet.

Thanks for what you do, keep up the good fight, they are losing, because we do this out of love, while they can only use paid people and bots, also reality is in our side, lets replace youtube ASAP

Name me one false fact from the report on the donald?

i was just banned from tmor for posting this image: https://i.imgur.com/i2ThMJO.png

Fake news in /r/topmindsofreddit:


They tried to claim a Trump supporter "double posted," which means they forgot to sign into a different account and replied to themselves. This is immediately determined to be a "Russian" on /r/thedonald, but this double poster was actually anti-Trump.

I don't read from that sub very often, so from me almost immediately seeing fake news posted there makes me wonder just how much fakery is there. Probably a lot.

It's not that clear what the user is trying to pull there, seems more like a little 'fake debate' to me.

Straight from the pages of Saul Alinsky's playbook.

SPLC is labeled as a hate group

By whom? Their own definition?

mainly by lunatics who are annoyed at their buddies being called racist by the SPLC

Found one.

Yeah, they out themselves pretty much.

So the shills cleverly hide behind "anti hate groups". This way no legal action can be brought against them, because they are simply guarding the web of hate speech.

He gets it...

I don't understand why you guys think chanting "Saul Alinsky" is supposed to be frightening. Is it the Jewish thing?

"You guys?" Who is that? Who is chanting about him? What does his religious affiliation have to do with his methods? Nice try though.

Why did you bring jews into the discussion?

I think OP (u/lets_get_lowwerr) seriously underestimates Reddit Admin's blind eye toward blatant astroturf by TMOR and their affiliated groups.

Here's an example:


Rules for thee, not for ..

I remember learning about the SPLC in school. They were an organisation fighting for civil rights.

Top Minds of Reddit is a sub that laughs and mocks Racist idiots.

Yesterday we had a post about Hitler's birthday and what a good man he was and lots of comments supportting him.

Now if we combine this; a civil rights group, a sub which mocks racists and this sub which devolves into far right propaganda far to often.

What will we get?

This sub right here or Reddit, in general, is a perfect example of the 80/20 principle. Only a small percentage of what you read will benefit your life. The rest will benefit others.

Wtf? Link please?

To what?

That Hitler post.

Thanks for the posting, really great info many need to know about.

Simplified: Jewish communists.

"these people who are against hate speech are all horrible jews who deserve to die"

And i wonder why they don't like hate speech, i assume you must be innocent and has never directed hate at others, right

  1. You are putting words in my mouth to construct a strawman.

  2. Hate speech doesn't exist, i.e. its in the ear of the beholder. Its 100% interpretative.

The people who come out "against hate" usually blink and say that 100m dead bodies that communism caused was a peaceful attempt at economic reform. Because, of course, killing 100 million isn't hateful.

I don't know why you were downvoted for telling the truth, SPLC is completely operated by Jews.

Its just second ADL. Same agenda, same goal.

The S.P.L.C. also assails left-leaning persons, like alternet.org's Max Blumenthal, until Blumenthal forced the S.P.L.C. to issue a retraction.

I used to respect S.P.L.C., thinking they were doing great work. Now I'm not so sure. Like a lot of groups, they could be compromised by the CIA.

Take a look at an organization called "The Media Consortium" which contributes money to lots of outstanding left-of-center news magazines. The CIA is trying to squirm its way into all of them with varying degrees of success and failure.

I think I found "The Media Consortium's" monetary benefactor list from a Newsbud article:


The Corbett Report has an excellent video about the S.P.L.C. too:


Could the CIA be using "The Media Consortium" to narrow the Overton Window of debate?

Narrowing? They built the window in the first place. And pay for the window cleaners and re-modeling crew, whenever it becomes necessary.


a joke it may be, but I'm 100% serious about the deeper meaning

Oh yeah, the CIA aren't cub scouts.

I am just about dead center and I love Caitlin Johnstone's work. I have linked several of her articles to friends, family, and on Facebook. Her work is simple enough for someone who isn't entirely "in the know" to understand. She's written a lot about the MSM and their deceptions and lies.

I'm happy Corbett covered the SPLC but his video took a very simplistic view of them IMO, he could have done a lot better as he has way more resources than most of us do.

Could the CIA be using "The Media Consortium" to narrow the Overton Window of debate?

Sure, just like they use CNN, YouTube, etc.

In another thread, you wrote, "I love reading about music conspiracies, it's possibly my favorite sub-genre of conspiracy."

Then I think you'll really love John Potash's book called Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA's Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Leftists

There's also a whole lot of information in the book about the CIA's evil MK-Ultra program, the murder of Frank Olson, the CIA's deeply criminal involvement in drug trafficking, etc.

This is a really well-done book that is meticulously annotated. Lots and lots of footnotes. A great, very enjoyable read too. Potash is an excellent writer -- keeps you highly engaged in the material. One of my favorite books.

By the way, for those who may not know, the "SDS" in the book's title is "Students for a Democratic Society," a group that is very opposed to wars, supports progressive ideals, and works to achieve true democracy / Participatory Democracy in the USA.

The SDS was around in the 1960s, AND is back again since 2006. Here's a link to info about the New SDS:


Dude, thanks. I will definitely add this to my to-do list.

The Michael Jackson death conspiracy was my onboarding onto this train. I have a special connection with them :)

The very last sentence of the Wiki article you linked tells me all I need to know:

"On August 19, 2012, Occupy Colleges officially merged with SDS"

Jackson's not mentioned in the book, but Paul Robeson is.

A good post, put your premise is wrong. This sub is not fundamentally a "right-leaning" sub - it is politically non-aligned.

Many users bring their own political viewpoints here, but /r/conspiracy exists to expose the corruption of the elites and the permanent state, challenges the mainstream media and questions the propaganda of agenda-driven "historians" and "scientists".

It just so happens that Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt politicians the United States has ever produced, and Donald Trump's severe personality failings still pale in comparison to hers. This is why she is so despised in /r/conspiracy - nothing to do with her "politics".

Bernie Sanders had as much, if not more support here than Trump did, and the DNC's corrupt nomination process (which ensured Hillary got the Dem nomination) just made her even more hated. If you're in any doubt, this is an important factor in why she lost the election to Trump - large numbers of real, hardcore democrats were so disgusted with the treatment of Bernie Sanders that they abstained, or voted for Trump in protest.

Realistically you're never going to achieve balance on Reddit on politics.

You either lay down for the left wing wallpapering or you maintain a bubble of something different than the rest of Reddit. The "free flow of information" experiment has failed.

Lol who would have guessed that you would be trying tonsuppress left leaning views

Yeah I think you have to problem reversed.

The left-hivemind here of little click subs that group vote, brigade and harass have ruined almost every place on Reddit where a right wing idea was allowed to exist.

You won't see me going to other subs shitting all over everything they do there. Nope, you people are coming here and demanding it be an anti-trump rally even though every MSM news sub is the exact same scrolling Marquee of Trump derangement syndrome.

Awww how cute you can clearly see in my comment history that I'm not the type of user described. But hey. You keep thinking only those types of people see you for what you are.

If you want a conservative sub go to a conservative sub.

If you cant see trump is a permanent state stooge thats on you but people dont just decide to say Jerusalem is recognized as the capital if theyre not owned by the same people that own Clinton. Its almost like your choice isnt really a choice and theyve been gaming the elections for decades.

But hey. You keep thinking that the goverbment is good

Ever heard of a "comma"?

Flytapes alt

If you want a conservative sub go to a conservative sub.

No I want a conspiracy sub, I don't want a CTR gulag.

Conspiracy isn't right or left

Youre trying to make it that way further pushing the false divide. Pretty anti conspiracy of you

No I'm not, I'm trying to make it a conspiracy forum instead of 2 minutes of hate.

Then stop trying to suppress one side.

Realistically you're never going to achieve balance on Reddit on politics.

By design.

My political views would be considered conservative, but then I believe that a woman should be allowed and be funded by the government if they are poor, to have an abortion at any time in the pregnancy, the death penalty should be abolished, same sex marrage is fine by me etc

I don't think a normal rational person can agree with all the beliefs from one side or the other

I agree.. the party politics divide seems totally arbitrary to me.

Yet youre pushing it lol

No I remember clearly how the Republicans didn't want Trump either. I guess they could have rigged their primaries if they had wanted to... I don't know, be the DNC maybe.

Republicans had an entire cast of permanent state stooges ready to go. Like what? 16 of them?

Yep. And every time voting day came up in another state all they could talk about is how Trump is going to lose this one. All the way through the primaries and then on to election night.

Of course their first choice was Clinton trump didnt even want to win. Not his fault people are stupid and believe a billionaire that is nearly all debt and was bailed put by the banks in the 80s would suddenly turn on the very people that literally own his golden toilet.

Not his fault people are stupid

This is what stupid people say to explain away others who don't agree with their dogma.

Attacking one word in a reply is what peoplease do when they have no actual argument



And Trump didn't want to win? Where did you get that, South Park? Have you seen his demeanor? He's LOVIN' it.

I dont know how that word ended up like that lol.

I get it because for one hes president not king which hes not used to. He cant just make money which is all hes ever cared about. He has to deal with laws and silly things like that and hes always getting bad things said about him.

He hates the job and the o ly reason he didnt quit already is because thats how he will be remembered. Hes increadibly vain

Wow, so he went through whole election, which he didn't want to win, and he has to deal with silly things like laws. What, like MULTIPLE trafficking bills?

Show me ONE clip where he hates the job. ONE. He is all smiles. Did you see the video of him signing the online trafficking bill? Here ya go.

I think the people in that room will remember him FAR differently than the what you state.

Why do you think he kept saying such outrageous things and got worse and worse as time went on? He djdnt want to win he wanted to be a candidate. Clinton was supposed to win the whole time no matter who won on the right but the good thing about rigfing the game isnit doesnt matter who wins you still run the show

You didn't watch the video silly goose.

ailed put by the banks in the 80s would suddenly turn on the very people that literally own his golden toilet.

Well said.

You think a woman should be allowed an abortion a day before she is due?

Yeah, it's her body, nothing to do with me.

Lol this is such a robotic (and disgusting) response.

You still have some de-programming left to do.

Give me a logical reason why a woman shouldn't be allowed by the government to have an abortion one day before her due date

It requires the killing of a human life. War and executions are bad enough, but this is the life of a defenseless immature human who was only in the situation of an inconvenience to the one you consider justified to murder them for it.

Some day abortion will rank up there with slavery and war as a stain on man's past.

Right, so I was informed that a fetus could survive if the umbilical cord was cut.

So I now have changed my position.

If a fetus can not survive the umbilical cord being cut, then the woman has every right to get an abortion.

If a fetus can not survive the umbilical cord being cut, then the woman has every right to get an abortion.

I understand why you would feel so, it is a ridiculous requirement to have to provide your body.

It would also be absurd to require a person to have to provide a 20 million dollar mansion for a child. That does not mean a person living in such a place should be allowed to physically remove their child to die on the doorstep because otherwise they are being forced to provide what we agree is a ridiculous requirement.

That is because the requirement isn't the specific burden, it is about how not broken people don't kill the not guilty especially not their offspring.

Interesting how we got from a thread and topic about organized and corporate-sponsored manipulation on reddit to talking about the morals of abortion. Almost like there's some intentional de-railing/forum sliding going on. I actually forgot what the real topic was reading this from a 3rd party app that doesn't show the title of the post.

I doubt it. Abortion has assisted in keeping millions of parents financially stable by minimizing the risk of their living (and aborted) children from growing up in a life of poverty and malnourishment. Vectors for poor education and criminal delinquency.

That is just as practical as cultures which use to feed unwanted or useless kids to the dogs, times were hard.

Do you consider those acts repugnant today? I doubt people will understand reasons such as 'parents having more money' and 'they probably would grow up as dumb criminals' as acceptable to kill innocent humans.

Because one day before her due date there is a living being inside of her womb. Not a "bundle of cells".

Because you're murdering a baby you stupid fuck how is that so hard to understand?

If the umbilical cord was cut and the fetus would have zero chance of survival, would you then agree that a woman has a right to an abortion?

Yes, but at that point it's not classified as abortion anymore even by doctors. You can't even get an abortion after a few months. It has to be done within the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Also, that's an arbitrary thing you didn't even mean when you first brought it up. You're "moving the goalpost" in the most textbook manner here. Not trying to insult you or anything as I get your point, just saying that you can add all sorts of new qualifiers for anything: "I think murder is okay", "no it's not!", "but what if the person being murdered would die 5 minutes later anyway, slipping on a banana peel??".

So this is an interesting position to take. There are certain times that murdering is acceptable in our society. Self defense, for example. Little regard is made for the motives or rationale of perp who gets shot.

So you are opposed to murdering fetuses, but you are (probably) not opposed to murdering through same person if they grow up (unwanted, fatherless, poor role models) and become a small-time burglar and get shot.

I'm curious where you draw that line.

(For myself, I'm pro self-defense and pro-abortion.)

It's not murder if it's self defense... Obviously the distinction is someone who has done something to legally justify them being killed in defense/punishment makes it not murder. A baby is incapable of doing something that justifies it being killed

Please do not attack other users. Only warning.

I apologise. I know I should teach baby murderers with nothing but the utmost respect. Shame on me

Its more that we expect you to focus on the argument, not the person, when debating topics. Cheers.

Oh idk, maybe because that's murder.

Why you seem to have more compassion for convicted murderers than fully formed fetuses is just bizarre.

Your moral relativism is weak.

maybe because that's murder.

I agree, my opinion in light of recent information I have learned literally today after not really thinking about it in great depth, agrees with you.

it's her body

Not if the unborn child is viable, and would survive ex utero in its own right - there are (at least) two humans that have to be considered in this scenario.

At 8/9 months an abortion (essentially chopping the foetus up inside the womb and extracting it in pieces through the vagina) would be no different to delivering the live child by caesarian section, and then chopping it up into pieces in the delivery room. Murder both ways.

Would an 8/9 month fetus survive if the umbilical cord was cut?

I would guess the answer is no and thus the woman has the right to have that cut (as it's her body) and extract the remains.

In many cases yes, and certainly in the final days. As I explained, it's not just "her body" when there is a viable, distinct human being in her womb - it may even have a different blood group or skin colour from hers.

Then maybe I should change my opinion.

If a fetus can not survive the umbilical cord being cut, then the woman has every right to get an abortion.

How about that?

Not one that I agree with, but yes, that's a logical and philosophically defensible position.

A fetus can survive outside the womb around 24-28 weeks. Long before the 8/9 month window. Third trimester abortions have to kill the fetus as it will survive without any intervention.

Where do you think they are harvesting stem cells from? planned parenthood

A fetus can survive outside the womb around 24-28 weeks

Good luck to it then, if the woman chooses to rid it of her body, that is her free will.

But this can not become a monetary burden on the tax payer.

So what is your solution in this respect?

I'm pro abortion but 8/9 months is way too late unless it's an mother or baby dies scenario. There was a clinic near me years ago that did some absolutely barbaric abortions like delivering the baby and then cutting its spinal cord with scissors. Here is the link to the murderer doctor and nurses.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermit_Gosnell

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 173353

At that point that child's body is its body and has nothing to do with her. That's a fucking human being at that point.

What about if the fetus has zero chance of survival if the umbilical cord was cut, would you then agree that an abortion would be acceptable?

Yup absolutely. I'm Not anti abortion I just think the day before the due date of a viable kid is certifiably insane.

Until it does have something to do with you. Then you change your mind. Like anti-abortion people - they don't like it until they find themselves in a situation. This is the toughest debate

Then you change your mind.

I have changed my mind in light of new information.

I believe that if the umbilical cord is cut and the fetus has zero percent chance of survival, then a woman has the choice to terminate it.

I am guessing up to around 8 months, but yeah, not the day before the due date.

Who or how would the cord be cut in this situation?

Who or how would the cord be cut in this situation?

Well, not sure if they exist, but perhaps a physician with an interest in medicine, someone who performs surgical operations, a surgeon I wonder...........

If they cut the cord while the baby is in the womb you are suggesting that letting the baby die is the woman's decision? That is ridiculous. It is like saying the hospital or staff can decide not to finish the surgery on the woman and let her die as well. Humans have rights.

If they cut the cord while the baby is in the womb you are suggesting that letting the baby die is the woman's decision?

If that is the woman's decision, yes.

It is literally her body, a fetus has no rights.

If a heart is beating it is alive. Saying a living being has no rights but animals do or plants and environment should be protested is really stupid. If an owner of an animal abuses it - the pet is rescued. If a person cliff dives and has an accident should the hospital not save them because that person took a risk?

I would never "change my mind" to think that killing a baby is acceptable. Dumbass

That is good to hear.

I'm very far right and I'm going to explain why its a problem for us:

(Note - I'm not trying to get into an argument with you, but I want to explain why we feel the way we do)

but then I believe that a woman should be allowed and be funded by the government if they are poor

ost right wing people have no problem helping someone if they truly are not able. We have a problem with helping people who are able but are lazy. To me, only the blind and the retarded(and maybe a couple of other serious illnesses) are truly unable to do any type of work like taking phone calls.

to have an abortion at any time in the pregnancy

The problem with this idea is that it tends to encourage more pre-martial sex which doesn't agree with Christian/Catholic values and has helped lead to the destruction of the nuclear family, which is the crux of the right.

the death penalty should be abolished

No one on the right wants their tax dollars used to help a criminal live. There's two groups of people that the majority of the population will have very little sympathy for - the rich and the criminals.

same sex marrage is fine by me etc

By our definition of marriage, it can never be between men and men or females and females. I also believe even if you are somehow inclined to be attracted to men, you can always choose not to act on it.

Most right wing people have no problem helping someone if they truly are not able. We have a problem with helping people who are able but are lazy.

I know what you mean, but if we allow poor people to reproduce if they don't want the child anyway, then they are going to be an even bigger burden on tax payers

I were in power, I'd have local boards that give out licenses to get married and have kids.

This goes against right leaning thinking though, in that we want less government control of our lives.

You are describing a subset of right leaning thinkers who believe in religious dogma.

By our definition of marriage, it can never be between men and men or females and females.

Why not though, from a logical viewpoint, it has nothing to do with anyone else, again it comes back to less government control.

Im going to address 2 points here. The others I wont because you have valid positions I just don't agree with.

  1. It costst many time more to execute someone than it does to house them for 30 years.

We have a specific set of legal thresholds that must be cleared before someone can be executed. California studies found as much as 18 times for instance for execution vs life without parole

Mandatory appeals take a long time.

  1. Your definition of marriage doesnt really matter when it comes to state licenses. The state cant discriminate. Period. It especially cant use a specific religion as a basis of it.

However, in situations like rape, interracial kids, retarded kids

People don't hate you because you're right wing, they shit on your opinions because you equate an interracial couple having a child to a being raped or your child having Downs. You act like your opinions represent that of right wing people, but you're actually just a racist fuck.

You can deconstruct his philosophy and his argument without picking on the easy stuff. You think you're the first person to point this out to him? You think you can change his mind or his frame?

Try again. No, seriously, try again.

you're actually just a racist fuck.

Yes, I am racist.

And I'm going to continue to be as racist as I like whether you like it or not.

no one wants balance. both sides want dominance.

(Sorry, but I'm hijacking this comment for visibility)

Q. What sub has 58 readers, 2 regular posters, and 66 moderators?

A. /r/NewJerseyFreakshow - archive: https://archive.is/Shlyh Screen shot: https://i.imgur.com/bxMlzAK.png

Q. How is this relevant to the topic (TMOR the SPLC, the ADL, etc)?

A. The answer is in the mod list and the crossovers. https://i.imgur.com/GvBsbSm.png Recognize anyone?

In the visible part of the sub, the post links to songs and stuff, apparently for the benefit of the 58 subscribers.

The real action is obviously in the Modmail.

Speaking of songs, this reminds me of an old song...

I see you live on Love Street

There's this store where the creatures meet

I wonder what they do in there.... ?

Summer Sunday and a year

I guess I like it fine, so far

The Doors - Love Street

Strange "store" that these "creatures meet" in.

Is it a General Store?

Maybe a Brigadier General Store?

there are lots of connections, but the SPLC one is by far the most important.

the SPLC also has a form you can fill out that reports anyone by name for something they did or said. Basically a kid can report his own dad for making a joke with his neighbor.


Look at the image at the top of the page. I wonder which SPLC Employee spray painted that in order to socially engineer the message there

When the Ultra Progressive Liberals get into power, they are going to have apps/sites/etc where everyone will be reporting anyone who even dares make a joke or irony or anything that triggers anyone, with all sorts of incentives/rewards/points systems.

This is already happening in China. After that, you are not that far away from going to prison for thought crimes (U.K./Germany) and then eventually work camps/death camps

they want white people to be raped and murdered, and will pursue that goal any way they can.

This is weird but what is your point?

Save it. Archive it. Everyone should have that image saved on their hard drive. Just think now that NXIVM stuff is unraveling, sex cults running rampant in entertainment and politics, and we have months of data of these TMOR people essentially working on behalf of the SPLC.

Think about it. We can catch the SPLC shilling for pedophile cults in the act, as they did with their slanders of Ted Gunderson and Bill Cooper.

Again. Think about it. This isn't what SPLC is meant to be. They were not founded for this purpose. At least that's not what we're being told.

sex cult? would that have anything to do with this? https://i.imgur.com/i2ThMJO.png

SPLC systematically covering up sex cults under the guise of "right-wing extremist" watch


Not even slightly surprising

I was added as a mod there a while back, considering I'm one of the only active contributors. Speaking of which, I only post there when I'm completely shitfaced near-blackout drunk. The reason: A while back I was posting random music videos, of songs I was listening to while drunk, and found most of the same music had already been posted by that user (NJFS) repeatedly, so I started posting in that sub and we've managed to get along relatively well since then. This is after years of having an overall unfavorable opinion of him (to put it light) due to his association with TMOR. As I've said here and elsewhere, I want nothing to do with that sub (TMOR), personally. I don't agree with what they do, why they do it, and its existence (to ridicule users here) in general.

That said, I'm kind of personal who can still get along with people even if we have diametrically opposing points of viewviews, on politics, religion, conspiracies, etc. and hence why I accepted the invitation to be a mod there and still post there when I'm drunk. As for the other mods, I honestly have no idea, but if your investigation uncovers mods from TMOR and related subs moderating others that are supposedly neutral, I'd agree it can be a potential conflict of interest.

I was added as a mod there a while back, considering I'm one of the sub's only active contributors. To put it bluntly, I only post there when I'm completely shitfaced near-blackout drunk. The reason: A while back I was posting random music videos, of songs I was listening to while drunk, and found most of the same music had already been posted by that user (NJFS) repeatedly, so I started posting in that sub and we've managed to get along relatively well since. This is after years of having an overall unfavorable opinion of him (to put it light) due to his association with TMOR. As I've said here and elsewhere, I want nothing to do with that sub (TMOR), personally. I don't agree with what they do, why they do it, and its existence (to ridicule users here) in general.

That said, I'm kind of personal who can still get along with people even if we have diametrically opposing points of viewviews, on politics, religion, conspiracies, etc. and hence why I accepted the invitation to be a mod there and still post there when I'm drunk. As for the other mods, I honestly have no idea, but if your investigation uncovers mods from TMOR and related subs moderating others that are supposedly neutral, I'd agree it can be a potential conflict of interest.

This sub is not fundamentally a "right-leaning" sub - it is politically non-aligned.

Conspiracies and such are always right leaning.

because people who would be considered conservative for there beliefs are generally better educated

I believe it's actually the exact opposite.

Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Political Beliefs - Attractive Individuals are more Likely to Report Higher Levels of Political Efficacy, Identify as Conservative, and Identify as Republican

I don't know what that has to do with education but I guess it just proves your point.

better educated

Should really mean indoctrinated. And I don't mean this as a dig against conservatives, but of the notion of being well-educated in this country.

but of the notion of being well-educated in this country

All because of 9/11 imo.

I think the repeated use of quotation marks implies that it is not a right-leaning sub.

A good post, put your premise is wrong. This sub is not fundamentally a "right-leaning" sub - it is politically non-aligned.

It would be nice if moderators actually acted that way then.

Honesty and transparency, for example not having a secret conclave, would go a long way.

The bolded subreddits are known hasbara moderated subs.

Someone make the link for me.

Why is it that people that are regular users on these subreddits almost always have these things in common;

Anti Donald Trump, even on some of his policies that make sense

MuhTM Russia did it!

Want war, want middle east intervention

Want to ban guns

Pushing and/or believing in obvious MSM/government propaganda

Don'r believe in obvious conspiracies like 9/11 was a false flag by the government, but then push idiotic criminal conspiracies like Assad gassing his own people etc

Try and normalize mental illnesses like "transgender" people, suggesting these is nothing wrong with this behavior, whereas if this was done to someone with anorexia, for instance, it would quite rightly be considered cruel

Claiming there are more than two genders or that you can change your gender.

This is neither conservative or liberal thinking, so what on earth is it?

  1. I don't think Trump has had any major policy announcements that matched reality. The NK stuff is interesting but from what has leaked out it had nothing to do with Trump. NK lost a ton of resources when their nuclear facility blew up, and Kim Jong Un has decided to temporarily halt production because of it. They're playing the long game. Again, Trump literally had nothing to do with this.

  2. From the information coming out, it does look very likely Russian government or russian organization are behind some crazy amount of shit in the US, including possibly hacking our elections. There is also a very strong connection between Russians and our current administration, which is very unusual in our history of presidential administrations(usually Israel tops that list.)

  3. I haven't seen a single person in those subs call for war. I have seen a few people call for intervention to stop Assad from gassing people. What type of intervention is heavily debated from sanctions to troops on the ground. The point is that people want to stop other people from suffering. This is a good thing, even if you disagree with methods.

  4. Sensible gun control is a mainstream opinion. 93% of NRA members push for expanding background checks and other things. Very few people want to completely ban all civilian use of firearms. Some people are ok with banning certain types of firearms, and others are not ok with banning any firearms but moving to licensing like a car which can also be a deadly weapon.

  5. What is obvious as propaganda to you, isn't so obvious to others. Our media does good things and bad things. We try to celebrate the good and admonish the bad.

  6. 9/11 false flag is a very fringe idea. The evidence backing it is dubious and downright silly when it rejects physics. Ultimately even if it was a false flag, they got away with it. No one has a single document that proves it, and unless you can prove it in a court of law, it cannot effect us. It's the equivalent of saying their is a 10th planet in our solar system. Research it but until it is proven, it doesn't effect us on a day to day basis.

  7. Transgender people have been a part of societies for about 5,500+ years. We have found clear skeleton remains that point to this. We have written documentation from Egyptian times on up to present day, for many cultures. We have documented this in small tribes around the world(Papua New Guinea, Amazon, Alaskan.) We have brain scans and hormonal tests that seem to directly point to it. We're still researching the 'why' and 'how'. My personal theory is it is an in utero thing, which would explain why it is rare but very normal around the world. Even if you don't personally agree with it, you can treat a transgender person with respect and care.

  8. We've had more genders for thousands of years. Binary genders isn't reality when we have 14 documented sex chromosomal disorders. The science is clear on this one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_chromosome_disorders

From the information coming out, it does look very likely Russian government or russian organization are behind some crazy amount of shit in the US, including possibly hacking our elections.

call for intervention to stop Assad from gassing people

9/11 false flag is a very fringe idea. The evidence backing it is dubious and downright silly

Transgender people have been a part of societies for about 5,500+ years

we have 14 documented sex chromosomal disorders

You are the exact type of person I am talking about and you just so happen to be an active user of another hate subreddit, this being /r/subredditdrama.

What a coincidence!

So instead of going through and detailing how I'm wrong, you're just going to name call... good job civil discussion!

It would be a waste of my time, you failed a basic litmus test, this being that on 9/11, all three of the skyscrapers were demolished via controlled demolition, this is a scientific fact.

Like all the other points I quoted, you believe what the MSM and big government claim, in spite of the evidence.

What news organizations do you rely on for information?

I don't rely on any, that is the difference between you and me.

So wait, how do you even know what is going on if you read no newspapers, watch no news programs, visit no news websites...

how do you even know what is going on if you read no newspapers, watch no news programs, visit no news websites...

I didn't say that, I said I don't rely on any to feed me the news.

CNN, MSNBC, BBC, RT et al are all state sponsored and have political biases, but I am not saying everything they print is wrong, but I am not going to blindly believe everything they print is true by default.

So I ask again, what news organizations do you read and believe at least in part of what they're reporting on? It doesn't have to be MSM. What sources do you trust?

What sources do you trust?

I trust my own rational thinking, for instance, the four MSM news agencies I posted, three of them claim Bashar Assad gassed his own people, one (RT) says he didn't.

So lets's logically think about this, what sense did it make for him to do this? None is the answer.

What sense does it make that it was an orchestrated false flag attack by his opposition? numerous is the answer.

Is there any actual evidence that Bashar Assad gassed his own people? again, no is the answer.

So why are the three MSM that I mentioned trying to tell us all he did.

The answer is obvious, it's propaganda.

So you prove your bias you make a predetermination that one or all is lying so when presented with evidence from all sources you can pick and choose what information to discredit so that it fits with what you already decided.

Well duh!

So to prove your bias you make a predetermination

I don't care one way or the other, I follow the evidence

Where does your rational thinking get information at? Like dude, all you've got to say is "Well I take a look at drudgereport and look for articles" or "I use r/news to see what is happening in the world and then make my own judgement." What sites or reddits do you view that you get information about the world from? Such as Barbara Bush died the other day, where did you learn about that?

Where does your rational thinking get information at?

/End of conversation.

LOL. You still cannot name a single place you get your info from.

........because I do not get my information from a single source, I read the spectrum of information and make logical conclusions and deductions.

This is actually what trained journalists are supposed to do in their reporting

Intellectual cowardice no doubt.

911 being a false flag is a fringe idea? Ideas defy physics? You realize building 7 falling at free fall speed defies physics right? That means zero of the buikding provided resistance to the collapse.

Architects engineers and scientists (yes even physicists) say the official story is wrong. Nist has refused to release what model they used so it can be peer reviewed.

You are exactly the type of person hes talking about.

Fringe? Half of america thinks the government is lying. http://www.scientistsfor911truth.org/introduction.html

I haven't seen a single person in those subs call for war. I have seen a few people call for intervention



you mean regime change, funding proxy armies, and economic warfare? Try your sophistry on someone else

If you are attacked for participating in hate subs to distill your hate, maybeyou should stop doing it

lol found one

Guys, just take a moment to reflect on the fact that the point made my by this post was completely ignored (these anti-hate subs are actually anti-opinions-they-disagree-with subs) in favor of doubling down on the misconception that the subs that these anti-subs stand againts are in no way fueled by hatred.

Then take another moment to just glance at their comment history and how they've spammed this sub with 7 disinformation comments in less than the course of 15 minutes. I love tagging users like this.

Just take a moment to see the comments on this thread about the people on that sub, insulting them in any way possible and saying that "they are evil because they are jews", that's literally hate speech and it happens all the time around this sub and done by people like OP,

That's why the anti hate speech crowd don't like the people around here, because the people here are eager to pretend they are in 1933 germany and use "jew" as an insult to anyone they can

They aren't doing a secret operation to discredit this sub, this sub really has a lot of hate speech and discredit itself with all this blind antisemitism

Literally one comment in this thread that hasn't even been upvoted and you act like somehow that is representative of the community. There's no such thing as hate speech, get the fuck right out of here with this pussy SJW shit, sorry people say things you don't agree with buddy.

Literally one comment in this thread

Right now there is one, others have alreadu been deleted, you can also see simmilar comments in almost every thread in this sub, anything related to the middle east, soros, economy or politics (and yes, i don't think israel or soros are good guys, but they are evil not because they are jewish)

you act like somehow that is representative of the community

One of the most upvoted posts in the last week in this sub was openly antisemitic and was deleted for bein openly antisemitic, then people started calling the mods "jew conspirators" for "censoring" the antisemitic hate speech

Stop pretending this sub don't have an antisemitism problem, that's very obvious, i can't stay here for more than a day without seeing nazis using triple parenthesis and antisemitic conspiracies to distill their hate

There's no such thing as hate speech

Yeah, saying that everyone from a religion is evil (some even call them literally satan soldiers) is in no way a fuel for hate, i guess saying that everyone in this sub is retarded wouldn't be hateful towards the people in this sub right

, sorry people say things you don't agree with buddy

It's not about agreeing, it isn't even about being hateful, i actually don't care if the nazis around here try to be hatrful bastards, i'm just saying that if you like to insult other people don't start getting triggered and complain about "the anti hate speech folk atracking us" when you are attackin people in the first place, the antisemitic ant Sjw folks should stop being such pussies and stop complaining about being treated the way they treat others

don't try to go around and make everyone believe that how you think they should think and act is the only way to properly do so

You said that i should stop being a "pussy sjw shit" and fuck off of this subreddit because i don't agree with you, isn't that also trying to go around and make people act like you want? Isn't that literally being a censoring pussy who wants to curb dissenting opinions and bring a safe space? Lol

Nice troll bait, hey guys, standing against is censorship is censorship REEEE. There, I've equally misconstrued your point of view with much less effort, you see how this is counter-productive?

Nice troll bait, hey guys, standing against is censorship is censorship REEEE. There, I've equally misconstrued your point of view with much less effort, you see how this is counter-productive?

Also, when did SJWs start victim blaming? It's people's fault for expressing their opinion that others are trying to turn their areas of dicussions into safe spaces, or even further outright ban them under the guise of "hate speech" when they are actually just politically dissonant?

What's funny is you're actually referencing people that come from TMoR simply to act anti-semetic just to paint this community in that light in order to justify their "anti-hate" brigades. Complete farce. How about we just let people have their opinions, like my suggestion that you're peddling pussy SJW shit and this community would be better off without it - Simply a suggestion my man. Now when you act like an "anti-hate" sub and actively subvert discourse, that's when we run into an issue.

standing against censorship is censorship

You literally said i should "fuck off" and stop acting as if antisemitism is a problem. Isn't that literally trying to order how i should think? Isn't that a tought police and attept of censorship?


Why do you guys always use this retard "reee" thing? Does that signal when you guys are triggered? That always soind like an aspie thing, are you an aspie?

others are trying to turn their areas of dicussions into safe spaces, or even further outright ban them under the guise of "hate speech" when they are actually just politically dissonant?

You are trying to turn this sub into a safe space, i'm pretty sure you'd do everything within your reach to get me out of /r/conspiracy under the guise of "SJW speak" when i actually just disagree with you. It's always funny how the hate speech assholes always do exactly what they are criticisin others of doing

You're actually referencing people that come from TMoR simply to act anti-semetic

Lol, so is all antisemitism in this sub a false flag done by the SJWs? So ehy are you defending the right of being antisemitic and not agreein that these people should be banned? If there is no real antisemitism around here why not ban all the people who do hate speech for being such obvious trolls?

Complete farce. How about we just let people have their opinions,

What kind of opinions? The antisemitic ones? But i tought that there was no real antisemitism and it was only a total farce, why would they do a farce to ban something that don't actually happens? And if it only happens as a "total farce" why do you think this farce should keep happening? Did you learned what logic means in retard school?

this community would be better off without it - Simply a suggestion my man.

Me too am simply suggesting people should be more hateful, and you disagreed so strongly that you decided to be hateful and insult me, why are you tryin to ban me just for my suggestion? Isn't that tryin to censor dissenting opinions?

I've equally misconstrued your point of view with much less effort,

You seem like you don't know what "misconstrued" means, i'm not gonna waste my time discussing with an aspie who pretends he knows what word means and thinks hate speech is OK, goodbye man, i hope your mother give your chocolate milk back

You literally said i should "fuck off" and stop acting as if antisemitism is a problem.

You couldn't even make it one sentence without misrepresenting what I've put forth, cheers mate.

ok, just please stop trying to censor people and telling them to fuck off because they disagree with you, you are becoming what you hate

ok, just please stop trying to censor

Impressive, did it in less than 5 words this time.

If you stopped trying to censor people a lot less people would flock to the alt right. The leading cause of people doing that is bevause they're censored and their speech is suppressed.

Keep calling everyone anti semetic even though most people against Israel are pro palestine who are also semites.

Keep calling people racist for trying to talk about race issues if they dont paint minorities as being victims

Keep calling people sexist because they didnt vote for Hillary.

Democrats have pushed progressives and independents away with this theatrics. I'm talking real progressives not sjw that is ruining the progressive movement.

All of this stuff pushes people away. People with more independent views will keep going right until someone listens to them. Just like people with left leaning views will keep going left until someone listens to them.

Youre creating what you're fighting. Just like the government does with terrorists.

They're so hilarious, they don't really give a shit about minorities, they just use that as an excuse. They're racist as fuck, just politically correct about it.

How many times do TMOR users come here posting anti-semetic shit with throwaways in order to bait people? They're known agent provocateurs, they pulled that shit in conspiracy undone.

r/conspiracy is a right leaning sub?

No. We are invaded by right and left leaning.

I think it's impossible to not have both but I feel there are definitely more right leaning, at least of posts that get upvoted to the front page. Sometimes I see fringe sites that are basically blog spam that get upvoted to the top and then look at the submissions of that domain and the same submitters to the same subreddits emerge.

Well for awhile the far right took over and top was all far right propaganda and bullshit. But over the last two weeks or so there's been a push from the left to take it back. That's not cool either. It's fine to have an opinion, it's fucken garbage to take over a sub not about politics with the extremes from either platform. Also fuck this dude for being upset about subs against hate going after subs he supports. That's the same bullshit

The problem is that those subs aren't against hate: they are against right wing hate. Meanwhile turning a blind eye to the same vicious rot in their own camp.

That's not fighting hate. That's pernicious partisanship.

I would argue that the current issue in America is far right hatred. But I understand your point, that it too is biased.

The far left has a much bigger following and are very busy eviscerating our right to free speech.

(And if you think someone is far right because they voted for a born-and-bred New York urban real estate developer who has hung out in liberal elite circles his entire life, I have a bridge to sell you. That's part of the problem: silencing speech which is neither fascist nor racist nor anti-Semitic simply because you disagree with their political alignment. That's extremist. That's bad.)

How exactly is the left 'eviscerating' your right to free speech? Please keep in mind that the right to free speech only applies to the government limiting your speech, not private citizens.

The right to free speech applies to all, but only the government has a charter that specifically discusses this.

Your redefinition of the right to speech as something defined by the 1st Amendment is a common fallacy and a great example of what I am talking about.

Lol what? You're just making shit up.

Not even close. Go learn about the basis of human rights from English Common Law. All humans are born with rights. Only some are known so far. Free speech is one of them. Having these rights is totally independent of any government or law.

Great, so by that definition it's impossible for leftists to 'eviscerate' your right to free speech since 'leftist' is a political term and, according to you, having that right is 'totally independent' of any government or law.

You have the right independently of any government, but that doesn't mean people, governments, and corporations don't infringe on it. Which is a human rights violation.

I see. So, along those lines, governments, societies, and corporations are violating my human rights if they allow other citizens to own violent instruments like firearms (which violate my right to life), create any kind of libel laws (like the ones President Trump frequently proposes), or allow any parties to pollute my environment with toxic substances (again, violating my right to life). Have I got it down?

Have I got it down?

Some yes, some no.

own violent instruments like firearms

Explain how someone owning a violent instrument violates your right to life?

create any kind of libel laws

Correct, these would be infringements of the right to speech if they were passed.

allow any parties to pollute my environment with toxic substances (again, violating my right to life)

This also would indeed be a violation of your right to life if it were happening. By the way, the EPA's permitting process that allows corporations to pollute largely indiscriminately so long as they have a permit for it is also a violation of your right to life, but maybe that's a different subject.

R/conspiracy is amalgamation of non-mainstream political opinions that fluctuate with each day.

Well except during business hours it gets flooded with mainstream bullshit masquerading as "conspiracy" material.


psh. Like people who frequent this place can't have their opinions about things without being accused of brigading.

No. We just question the narrative and the narrative tends to be pro left.

If you took the time to read the "hit piece" they did on the donald and also spend some time lurking you'll find almost everything they said is true.

Name me one thing you think was false from that report.


name things that they got right in the report

Oh so much.

My favourite among them is the pedestal placing of black supporters of donald trump, and then the classic "ape and jungle" comments made about black nfl players who refused to take the knee during games.

How about you read the report buddy.

not wasting my time and judging by the examples you provided it would indeed be a waste of time.

Sure mate.

We're not really right or left. We're invaded by that jargon.

Someone forgot to tell him that /r/conspiracy isn't supposed to be the_Donald_2.0.

"This sub is the_donald 2.0" comment # 12673

its almost like that comment is pushing an agenda

You'll need to update your talking points.

Also, whining about 2016 being in the past isn't gonna stop us from talking about it.

It's all you seem to do. And it doesn't even matter to you if it's true or not. The fact that I never spend time at TD (banned for talking about 9/11 over a year ago) doesn't even seem to matter. You're not here to discuss conspiracies. You're not even here to engage in any type of constructive dialog imo. You're here to label and brand people under false pretenses in order to achieve some kind of "persecution " mentality to undermine users on this sub who disagree with you.

I guess your mother didn't tell you not to spend ...


That's not what I call constructive dialog. It's pretty funny tho...you're right about that.

Make sure you don't run out of ink for that TD 2.0 stamp.

Well, I guess it's a good start admitting that your dialog is trash.

i dont understand how a CP can be anything but a nihilist like me.

I've added my edit

um no, conspiracy theorists are typically right leaning. So was this sub, before trump.

Why does one become a conspiracy theorist? Because he has too much time on his hands and society has failed him / he feels oppressed.

Left-leaning people fit perfectly into this consumerist and degenerate society and have no reason to feel left out /like they don't belong or that someone is after them.

Though some paranoid leftists with too much time on their hands might have started feeling like their world is crashing and burning since Trumps election, which might explain this sudden influx of leftists in here.

ehh, I'm probably left of Marx and I've been down with conspiracies since I was like 11? (9/11)

That's cause you're an outcast, you and the far right probably have much more in common than you think.

And I was speaking more in general about this sub specifically but it applies to real life aswell. Under-achieving people dissatisfied with their life tend to look for people or things to blame things on instead of rolling with the flow and beating the system.

From below: Under-achieving people dissatisfied with their life tend to look for people or things to blame things on instead of rolling with the flow and beating the system. “Left-leaning people fit perfectly into this consumerist and degenerate society and have no reason to feel left out /like they don't belong or that someone is after them. *” from his prev comment

Well I used to like the anti fascists here but it has firmly swayed toward neo con apologists. The trump team is here too trying to say that trump isn't doing everything the neo cons started. It's pretty alt right in here

Regardless of what you think of when you read /r/conspiracy, /r/conspiracyundone, or /r/greatawakening, having an entire sub dedicated to mocking users you disagree with is wrong. The amount of brigading topminds does is absolutely ridiculous. I don't advocate censorship and don't think subs should be deleted, but the people on that sub are very sad, sad people that get off on putting others down.

well no shit, all you have to do is take one look at the "politics" sub to see how skewed this website is. The left loves their censorship, as it falls in line with their totalitarian ideals, and the notion that it's acceptable to use force to destroy anything remotely unsettling / existentially threatening

I'm not saying the right is good... and I'm not even sure if the tables were flipped, that the righties wouldn't do the same thing... but it has to be talked about. There 100% is political censorship, and also worryingly, rabid dehumanization of people on the right

All you have to do is take one look at the "politics" sub

Oh you mean the one that bans dissent? Oh wait, that’s TD, Rconservative..etc

Politics may be very very biased but at least they don’t ban users who don’t agree/who ask questions. That’s censorship.

however in this day and age, anything that isn't left is considered right.

Oh lord. This is more divisive, partisan bs.

What is left?


the donald is named "the donald". It's a subreddit that's dedicated to sucking donald trump's dick, and is named thusly. Of course it downvotes people who criticize trump, and pushes a 100% pro trump narrative. That's its raison d'être, and they're very transparent about it

politics is named... politics. You'd think with that name it would be a neutral place. Nope. Pernicious deception. Anything not bashing trump is nuked to oblivion. Countless sites are banned, mainly ones you would consider right wing. If that isn't censorship I don't know what is. They give paltry excuses such as "it's not real news", despite the fact those sites were previously allowed for years

the difference is TD isn't masquerading as something isn't. r/politics is an evil force that potentially brainwashes people who stumble upon it, because they think it's a reliable unbiased source. They end up seeing a false consensus in an allegedly neutral place.

Of course it downvotes people who criticize trump

The word you are looking for is ban, not downvote.

I bet all of those mods are proclaimed proponents of free speech too, I bet they also rail against “leftist safe spaces”. Hypocrisy like a dense, moist cake made of shit.

because they think it's a reliable unbiased source

Who is this they? It’s very obvious in its bias.

Banning =\= downvoting.

The hypocrisy of T_D doesn’t matter. T_D does what it says on the tin. Politics is a deceptively open name for what is simply a propaganda sub for Correct the Record.

Countless sites are banned, mainly ones you would consider right wing.

That's because all right wingers do is lie lie lie lie lie and then lie some more oh look that person is literally Satan and lie some more.

I'm subbed both here and TMOR. I contribute to both.

TMOR used to just be people who found stuff like flat earth conspiracies funny and couldn't understand how anyone would believe that stuff.

The problem is you guys flood /r/conspiracy with pro-Trump bullshit like Pizzagate and 4chan posts from Q. You never back it up with anything and you simply shut down anyone objecting to your lack of evidence.

Coincidentally, TMOR users started posting more bullshit pro-Trump conspiracy theories shortly after this sub became infested with them.

And you know TMOR doesn't doxx people. That's ridiculous.

Can't help but notice you mentioned Pizzagate rather than Pedogate. I find it funny that TMOR always focus on the misrepresented story of Hillary Clinton in the basement of a pizza parlor rather than the actual Pedogate conspiracy involving rich, powerful elites that utilize sex trafficking rings to get their kicks.

Life is a lot better when you stop caring about what a bunch of fat cunts say about you anonymously on the internet.

SPLC attacked my friend for running a White Power group. He is the only member of his 'group.' He is gay and married to an Indian man, and from knowing him over 2 decades, most assuredly not a racist or into white power. They completely misunderstood and misrepresented his politics and artwork, and attacked him and his way of life without mercy. It's not easy to recover from being labelled a Hate Group, particularly if you're not one and your audience would be horrified to support one.

I'm telling Brock on you.

A lot of sensitive snow flaking going on

Some funny stuff in those subreddits.

Like the man said, you catch the most flak when you're directly over the target. When I first just off-handedly mentioned the idea that nukes were used on 9/11, I had 5 TMOR threads spun up just for me within 3 days and massive sudden brigades here in /r/conspiracy. Ironically, THAT was how I knew that I was onto something.

People get called out for Judy Woods' theories as well, are you suddenly both right? If the amount of flak one receives is a measure of truth, then we have 100 competing theories about 9/11 who, by your logic, are all "on to something".

You're chasing a dragon, you're not researching 9/11 by trying to figure out what brought the towers down, you're looking for self gratification, the high of figuring something out that others don't know. The fact that you think you we were brigaded and attacked for casually mentioning nukes is a sign that you might be losing the plot and are deluding yourself. No offense.

You're free to do as you please of course, but in your interest, I'd suggest sticking to disproving the official story, instead of trying to casually inject your own theories. It ultimately has no purpose beyond stroking your ego and has the exact same effect as disinformation, whether your theory is right or not.

Well, in fairness I looked into Judy Wood's stuff too. She has great pictures, and raises a fair point: How did the buildings turn to dust? It got me thinking, anyhow, but nuclear demolition makes a whole lot more sense.

But no, TMOR completely flipped out on me; it was quite a thing to see. I just mentioned something like "Man, I dunno, maybe something bigger like a nuke was involved?"... and They Went Nuts. Immediately, two TMOR posts, followed by a 3rd. Then one more the next day, one the day after. Got my attention real quick!

As for why the demolition mechanism matters: I'm an engineer (by education anyhow), so I want to know how it was done. As with any murder mystery, part of the story is the murder weapon. And there are a slew of very unsettling implications that follow from that, as with 9/11.

And it's not "my" theory. This is widely known by now.

Pretty sure you are TMOR to be honest. Something along those lines anyway. No hard feelings though.

Nope. I worship Truth. I've lost several family members to the deception, from military to medical. Money can't make me do what those assholes do.

You might be telling the truth, but I wonder why you don't acknowledge the fact that you have the same effect as someone who'd deliberately spread disinformation. It's either malice or careless egocentrism.

Not at all. A lot of us want to know what happened. If you don't, I would have to question what you're doing here?

That's exactly the point, you make it about you, I make it about the truth. It's about those who are still in the dark, it's not about you figuring out how deep it goes. As a result, you're spouting off about no planes and nukes without stopping to think about whether that is detrimental to getting the truth out. Like I said earlier, you're here for your own gratification, your own mystery hunt, and if that means putting off ten others in their search for the truth, so be it.

Malcolm X called out organizations like the SPLC way back in the day.

They're run by rich people who use poor people and minorities to line their own pockets and build their careers. I absolutely hate racism but what these guys do is less about protecting civil rights and has more to do with exploiting the people they claim to help.

SPLC is a sham that does more harm than good.

Said much more eloquently than I.

It turns out that people that dislike white supremacy do it in multiple places. Who’da thunk.

Where are these white supremacists I keep hearing about? From which events are you convinced we need thought police? Do tell.

It turns out that people that dislike white supremacy do it in multiple places. Who’da thunk.

This is TMOR's cover for it's deceitful and criminal behavior and routine rule breaking. Under the sacrosanct guise of being an "anti-racism", "pro-diversity", "tongue-in-cheek", "The Onion-style", joke subreddit, they stifle conversation and brigade subs that do not follow the lockstep of mainstream opinion.

In truth, they have very little to do with anti-racism and everything to do with spreading hate and MSM-talking points.

$$$$ efforts

Thanks to this post this sub is going to be a strong topic of discussion for what are basically troll subs.

Yes, morals are terrible things to have, you've seen the light.

Posting this from a throwaway account as I'm sure TMOR, AHS and SPLC will try to doxx me

When has this ever been done?

When has this ever been done?

Look into /u/polkadotgirl She was stalked and harassed and threatened for months from TMOR weirdos.

There are many other examples of r/con mods being harassed. TMOR routinely breaks Reddit's side-wide rules.

Do you have any proof TMOR has brigaded? I haven't

This sub is clearly in the crosshairs.

Streisand Effect. Me and my small group of RL friends literally joined this sub as Organic Info Seekers to counter the growing bot and shill armies, and now we are fairly active.


Imagine being so dark that the only way to cure the pain is to extinguish the light.

you forgot to add that r/conspiracy mods ban.u/totesmessenger so r/conspiracy users dont even know when theyre pinging is anymore

These are they guys who say: Fluoride, BPA/BPS, chemtrails, 5g radiation, thimerosal, etc. is COMPLETELY SAFE!

Hah.. fuck these people.

Power mods are a fucking cancer. Reddit should've restricted moderation to 5-10 subs and put it in their TOS that getting around this with alts is a bannable offense.

Classic conrpiracy.

I fully believe this sub shares mods and users with those other subs, using alts generally, to encourage and promote division and drama. They need an enemy so they'll create one and mold it the way they want so they control the narrative. I'm always skeptical any time I see TMOR brought up and pushed around here.

I'd really appreciate hearing the mods chime in on this. This has been an issue for a long time, and I've never seen it properly addressed. You know this sub gets brigaded. We post about the people who do it too. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say, we'd like to know why it's never been officially addressed, or acknowledged.

Lol this is such a robotic (and disgusting) response.

You still have some de-programming left to do.

it's her body

Not if the unborn child is viable, and would survive ex utero in its own right - there are (at least) two humans that have to be considered in this scenario.

At 8/9 months an abortion (essentially chopping the foetus up inside the womb and extracting it in pieces through the vagina) would be no different to delivering the live child by caesarian section, and then chopping it up into pieces in the delivery room. Murder both ways.

At that point that child's body is its body and has nothing to do with her. That's a fucking human being at that point.

Right, so I was informed that a fetus could survive if the umbilical cord was cut.

So I now have changed my position.

If a fetus can not survive the umbilical cord being cut, then the woman has every right to get an abortion.

Yup absolutely. I'm Not anti abortion I just think the day before the due date of a viable kid is certifiably insane.

If a fetus can not survive the umbilical cord being cut, then the woman has every right to get an abortion.

I understand why you would feel so, it is a ridiculous requirement to have to provide your body.

It would also be absurd to require a person to have to provide a 20 million dollar mansion for a child. That does not mean a person living in such a place should be allowed to physically remove their child to die on the doorstep because otherwise they are being forced to provide what we agree is a ridiculous requirement.

That is because the requirement isn't the specific burden, it is about how not broken people don't kill the not guilty especially not their offspring.

sex cult? would that have anything to do with this? https://i.imgur.com/i2ThMJO.png

Until it does have something to do with you. Then you change your mind. Like anti-abortion people - they don't like it until they find themselves in a situation. This is the toughest debate

Who or how would the cord be cut in this situation?

Could the CIA be using "The Media Consortium" to narrow the Overton Window of debate?

Narrowing? They built the window in the first place. And pay for the window cleaners and re-modeling crew, whenever it becomes necessary.

a joke it may be, but I'm 100% serious about the deeper meaning

ehh, I'm probably left of Marx and I've been down with conspiracies since I was like 11? (9/11)

From below: Under-achieving people dissatisfied with their life tend to look for people or things to blame things on instead of rolling with the flow and beating the system. “Left-leaning people fit perfectly into this consumerist and degenerate society and have no reason to feel left out /like they don't belong or that someone is after them. *” from his prev comment

I am just about dead center and I love Caitlin Johnstone's work. I have linked several of her articles to friends, family, and on Facebook. Her work is simple enough for someone who isn't entirely "in the know" to understand. She's written a lot about the MSM and their deceptions and lies.

I'm happy Corbett covered the SPLC but his video took a very simplistic view of them IMO, he could have done a lot better as he has way more resources than most of us do.

Could the CIA be using "The Media Consortium" to narrow the Overton Window of debate?

Sure, just like they use CNN, YouTube, etc.

I doubt it. Abortion has assisted in keeping millions of parents financially stable by minimizing the risk of their living (and aborted) children from growing up in a life of poverty and malnourishment. Vectors for poor education and criminal delinquency.

The hypocrisy of T_D doesn’t matter. T_D does what it says on the tin. Politics is a deceptively open name for what is simply a propaganda sub for Correct the Record.