Do you believe in the supernatural ?

4  2018-04-21 by Jasique

If so, do you think that the paranormal events are being cover by the government's ?


One mans magic is another mans engineer.

No, I think the supernatural is man's reaction to not understanding real world phenomena. Scientific inquiry is slowly squashing all remaining superstition.

Supernatural in what ways? If you're taking about theurgy and psi-phenomena. Then yes, I do. I recommend checking out Dr Dean Radins new book.

I believe we are still learning about our universe and our own abilities and our relation to everything.

I don't like to use the words supernatural and spiritual because they are loaded with centuries of myths and misunderstandings.

The quantum physicists might be the modern versions of "spiritual leaders," if we want to use that limited and loaded word.

I think we can admit there are physical events that we can't yet explain, that doesn't mean they are separate from our senses of perception and abilities in the way the word "supernatural," suggests.

I am fine with, we don't know much, but that doesn't mean we can't keep learning.

We don't have to ascribe what is not yet understood to a category, that implies, it is never to be understood.

Nope. Not at all. But I won't shit on those who do.

I will. You must be an absolute retard if you believe any of that shit.

Well. That's your choice.

This wise old whiskery fish swims up to three young fish and goes, 'Morning, boys, how's the water?' and swims away; and the three young fish watch him swim away and look at each other and go, 'What the fuck is water?' and swim away.

Same with reptilians and FE.

You need to smoke some dmt

No, he doesn't. You sound like you need to stop as well. You clearly don't understand that these potent drugs are supposed to induce spiritual feelings as opposed to them actually happening. You aren't a shaman for doing a recreational drug a couple times.

Believe me, I've talked to "gods" on plenty of psychs. Came down, knew it was bullshit. This is the kind of mindset that makes people get waaaay into crystal magic and noetics.

You'll figure it out one day

When he gets off his "psychs", that is.

No, psychedelics. Not psych medication.

If you take "psychs" and are babbling in the corner talking to some "god" that is "bullshit", according to you, you hardly seem like the type of person to be taking "psychs".

And then you call it "chilling", even though it's "bullshit". Sorry, none of that makes any sense.

No, it makes complete sense. I saw the same things that other people eventually build delusions around. I known its bullshit. I also understand history well enough to understand why religion, of any kind, is completely ridiculous. People try to rely on science but history explains exactly why we became spiritual in the first place. Also, psychs is just slang for psychedelics. You sound like some sort of theologian that has little to no experience with these substances, as well as an extremely tenuous grasp on this subject in general.

Id be happy to answer any questions, but won't be berated for having done more research than these people who believe taking dmt makes them open their third eye and all of that ridiculous nonsense.

Please, enlighten me.

You just downtalk people in every thread regardless of topic, right?

I correct people who are wrong and commend people who are right. If I can't refute them, they know more than me. I expect them to see it that way too. They usually don't. Usually, they just say I'm too stupid to understand, and when I explain to them how stupid that makes them look, everyone calls me an asshole. Its like arguing with edgy teenagers who don't care about winning, they just want to annoy you. It's not like it works, you're just going to pity the edgy little shit and forget about it.

But refuting people doesn't mean refuting their experiences because you think yours are bullshit. Sorry, that's pretty lame.

You should stop smoking the DMT.

You should try it. Wake yourself up and see reality for what it is

That's your call, but think about how little we actually know about the universe.

We know enough about the universe to know a god is unnecessary.

Do we? What is that claim based off of?

What kind of question is that?

You asked if we do, go see for yourself. Do some research. I'm much better at answering questions than explaining the whole notion in one short go. There are a lot of different aspect that play into this.

A perfectly valid one.

You say society has no need for a god, but refuse to say why/back up your claim. You don't need to explain every little detail. I've done plenty of research over the course of a couple years, and quite frankly, I disagree with that.

Society uses god as a drug to meet certain needs that religion was literally designed to take advantage of. A basic knowledge of history will prove this to be immediately obvious.

I believe in the paranormal and have experienced some weird stuff. I think the gov't knows more than they are telling us but I don't think they actively try to cover anything up with the exception of maybe ufo phenomenon. I think the overwhelming materialism of our culture tends to cover things up much better than the gov't ever could.

I think there's a lot of stuff about nature and reality that we don't understand yet, but I'd hesitate to call that "supernatural". Seems like we need a new term for natural phenomenon that we don't widely understand yet, like "super-scientific". An iPad with wifi would seem supernatural a few hundred years ago.

But then there are other things, like willpower, goodness, evil, love... I don't know that they can ever be really quantified by science.

, like "super-scientific" or "super-technological".

Or "future-natural"

I'm going more the route of "supernatural" meaning "interdimensional".

Yep, and that's as crazy as my conspiracy theories get.

My guess too, for both "ghosts" and "aliens".


I think there is a lot the average person can’t perceive with our limited senses but what those things are exactly, I can’t even venture a guess. I’ll just stick with, “I don’t know” because it’s the only honest answer I have.

That depends on what you mean. Anything that happens has an explanation. I don't believe in "magic" or ghosts as somehow being outside the realm of terrestrial understanding. That said, there is tons of shit we don't know and can't explain because we haven't figured it out yet that may as well be paranormal. Much of what we do today would be magic at different points in history.

Heck, alchemy is real as we can now turn lead into gold with science as a prime example.

Depends on what the definition of paranormal is.
UFOs: Yes, Yes
Ghosts: Maybe, Maybe
"Evil": Yes, if nothing else, some people believe it gives them power, and do things towards "evil" ends, so we must be aware of it. Yes
I think we need a little more direction as to what exactly you mean. The list could be endless depending on what it could encompass.

user profiling (building) or social conditioning !?

Both no and yes, i have experienced enough things to know that what science has learned us in no where near capable of explaining all there is. But what is the word supernatural other than a word for what we haven't already learned? If you went back I time people would call all modern electronics supernatural. We live in a extremely large universe and there is alot of things that would leave even the brighets people speechless.


Aliens, demons, gods, magic; its all real.

I believe in the supernatural. I think the government is actually some supernatural force's unknowing pawn.

As a religious person, I do. Infact, a good friend of mine has gone through some very scary things. Which is why I stay away from anything dealing with the occult and such.

Can you describe some of what your friend went through?

I don't like talking about it. All I'll say is he received a medallion as a gift, then he was tormented for quite a while until he figured it out what was causing it. He didn't believe in demons and such before that. He has no doubt now. And neither do I. I believe that the more you look into these things, the more you invite them into your life.

I believe that the more you look into these things, the more you invite them into your life.

I remember reading in the gospels that people should avoid those topics. Maybe for the same reason you mentioned.

Exactly. I know both from reading it and from experience. Stay away is my advice.

Absolutely not, I prefer to live in the real world and not let my imagination get the better of me.

"the real world" is defined by technologies that were imagined by scientists. Microscopes etc. Just a reminder that those concepts interplay.

I think "paranormal events" are just things we don't understand the science of, atm.

i think given the number of highranking people who end up getting very deeply wrapped up in it, there has to be some grains of truth in their.

i mean if you just look at the circle of people with ties to aleister crowley and where those people are, or their children are now it really makes you wonder....


I didn't before I woke up; now, I'm not one to dismiss much. I'll go on my conspiracy rant:

As a doctor that practices "alternative" cringe medicine, I know for a fact that the AMA tried to sully my profession and others. I know for a fact the FDA, CDC, and most other government agencies don't give a fuck about your health. They train and brainwash people into thinking they are in certain profession acting on altruistic virtues. Modern doctors are so blinded due to pharmaceuticals and money due to the way they are taught; even though we all have the same education minus our "specialities".

It's like a cheating spouse; if I can find one lie, I can find another.

I've served in the army as a medic in the infantry and a few tours in the middle east. I was in basic training when the towers fell. Soldiers have no clue what we are really fighting for, we get brainwashed basically. We hear about Audie Murphy, especially as an NCO, and the others but never an word about Smedley Butler.

False flags all around.

War is a racket.

There's technology we used back then that I see in use today by law enforcement here.

The more I've learned I've realized that I don't know a god damn thing so me personally, I've seen the shit. I've been in the shit. And I've seen the dark forces that the "crazy" ones speak of. I personally don't think Alex Jones is too wrong about shit. The chemicals are kind of making the frogs (and affecting the sexual reproduction of many other animals) gay. His products are actually good for you (depending on the source; bone broth is really good for your gut and immune system). It hurts my soul to admit any of this but I can't dispell interdimensions, aliens/ETs/UFOs (which probably exist and we know, I just can't prove it but it adds up pretty easy to me), or the supernatural.

The same government who told MLK to off himself, that kills and poisons it's own people along with those who speak out against it; president, whomever, or physician (RIP to all of my fellow naturalists), brainwashes the disenfranchised to fight wars to fatten the elites pockets, and allows rampant pedophilia while engaging in it due to some cultish crazy ass ideology....

Nah fam.

"Anything is possiblllllllllllllle" - Kevin Garnett.

I believe that our senses are a limitation and a capability, so naturally there exists phenomena we can't even perceive or think about because we were not built to be capable of that. Like the distance between a tree's intelligence and the intelligence required to consider logic or imagination.

I think the popular denial can be simply explained, and not necessarily by a cover-up.

Mainly due to the culture of 'scientism' and optimization. Governments and businesses are so focused on usefulness that all the supernatural stuff is left to people who 'have too much time on their hands'.

I'm not really a critic of 'scientism', I respect that governments prefer to trust their sources 100% of the time, in order to keep citizens safe and do a good job.

But it follows from it that society takes a path towards 'the more obvious' rather than the mysterious. When everyone are dedicated to this process of betterment of society, it's difficult for individuals to break out and carve their own path of exploration. And these dissidents risk alienation from society and culture, and risk that they will find themselves speaking a strange language after their journey, a language that the government culture does not understand or care to understand.

You should try it. Wake yourself up and see reality for what it is

I believe that the more you look into these things, the more you invite them into your life.

I remember reading in the gospels that people should avoid those topics. Maybe for the same reason you mentioned.