A real conspiracy: Daily Stormer recruiting on /r/conspiracy. A user tries to bring this situation to light, but is unable to. What are they hiding from us?

3  2018-04-21 by ERDERKERDERBS


Here you can see the hidden post. For some reason, this post was removed, and the reason given was that "that post was made by a troll who is now in prison".

I'm not sure how that makes any difference. If Nazi groups like Daily Stormer are recruiting on /r/conspiracy, and perhaps even one of the MODS here are Daily Stormer nazis, then I think that sure as hell is a conspiracy.

"To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?"

  • Kevin Strom, the pedophile Nazi.

Removed. Rule 11.

Here you can see the hidden post. For some reason, this post was removed, and the reason given was that "that post was made by a troll who is now in prison".

I'm not sure how that makes any difference.

Because as u/flytape explained, the person who penned this article is someone who is a known rabble rouser and disseminator of Disinfo, seeking to rile up both sides. That post is nothing but an attempt to smear this sub and its user base.

If Nazi groups like Daily Stormer are recruiting on /r/conspiracy, and perhaps even one of the MODS here are Daily Stormer nazis

Are you seriously calling the mods Nazi's? Like actual, literal Nazi's? LOL. What are you doing here?

The link says a certain mod might be a daily stormer. I'm not going to name names. Read it if you want to see. Everything else in the article checks out. You can call it trolling, but it checks out, so "trolling" could just as well be an excuse.

The link says a certain mod might be a daily stormer. I'm not going to name names. Read it if you want to see. Everything else in the article checks out. You can call it trolling, but it checks out, so "trolling" could just as well be an excuse.

Flytape isn't a mod...so yeah. Also, again, it doesn't give any evidence, it's a fucking libelous article smearing a user as a fucking Nazi. That's a serious fucking accusation dude- and it offers no fucking proof. The whole article is a hit piece on this sub- how do you not see that?

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

You aren't doing any of that- you're pushing an article that offers no proof, written by a disinfo troll, that smears this sub and its user base- and you think flytape is still a mod.

It's pretty easy to compare new mod dates with when Flytape resigned his mod position to determine who his new mod alt is, but I'm not in the business of doxxing people so I'll leave that for you to figure out, bradok.

Removed. Rule 10

Removed. Rule 10

Funny thing is the Daily Stormer is a leftist plant who ever joins are marked .

I agree.


The author of this hit piece, Joshua Goldberg is currently serving a prison sentence at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Medical_Center,_Butner

Why might you ask, is Goldberg serving a prison sentence? And why is Flytape claiming that the daily stormer article by "Michael Slay" was actually a Jewish man named Joshua Goldberg?

"Michael Slay"

Goldberg posted on the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer as "Michael Slay".

One well-known article by this persona regarding how to recruit people from Reddit (particularly the "r/conspiracy" and "r/Europe" subreddits), described as "fertile ground for recruitment" was commented on by Sam Biddle in a Gawker article.[35]

As you can see the OP has been mislead by a Jewish troll who is in federal prison for organizing REAL WORLD acts of terrorism.


Now the only real question here is if the OP of this hit piece /u/boringaverage intentionally trying to mislead you by reincarnation of a troll and terrorist Jewish man or is the OP themselves just ignorant of the truth?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg

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This post is pure shit.

Well, I dont like Nazis due to their socilist policies and historic monstrocities as a 'party' in germany. . .

Yet, since R/news and R/world news has become r/JIDF and r/Israel, Im almost welcoming of Nazi ideology more.

They are not 'good' people, yet, it seems, nor are these Israelis who support genocide all the same - biblical and in recent history of 'self determination'.

So, whose really the 'bad' guys?

I dont see Nazis in 2018 trying to sque the truth about geopolitics, raid EVERY US tax-payer of 68 USD a year, and is activly killing civilians in open-air concentration camps.

So, Nazi on, so long as it's just talk and rhetoric. That is, Unless Israel stops paying their concepts to feed the US and world populations bullshit - then all things are equal and there is no reactive need for the nazi presence in the world, right?

It's not like these fucks exists in a vacuum. They exist for reasons.

Like the day ashki-jews became 'Israelis' and subsequently created the 'Palestinian', the Nazi is an emergence of anti-bulshivikism which has a higher than 'organic' amount of Jews in those early communist and soviet days; is this true, does not matter - factions exist in form of radical reactionaryism. PEriod!

So, in this same respect, when we ALL see israel doing what it does, with duel citizens in the US supporting that cause over the US one, it creates REACTIONARIES.

So, make the game fair, or play against an opponent who does not care about the rules. That's the game.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

White nationalist chuds deserve ridicule and shame. Dont make up lies, the oligarchs would love to depict this place as a den of deplorables aka the donald 2.0. The fact is, partisan hacks dont last long around here. The truth is the powerful want us divided. People of the world must unite across racial, cultural, and class divides. We are all the same species, and you seek to portray me as a racist for being here. I only have love for humanity, and for you. So dont confuse yourself. This is no hate sub. Why do you want to mislead people? Or are you sincerely ignorant? Peace be upon you.

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."

-Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela


See my other post about 'no good angels' existing. So, only dialog should.

To be clear: I agree with what you intend and Mandela said.

Nazis exist not in a vacuum. They are reactionary, and to address their existence is to address their concerns in a level of dialog to clear up incongruity and blatant lies - you know, same as 'therapy'.

IN the same respect, the Israeli conscript who finds it morally acceptable to shoot press agents, around an open-air concentration camps, cant be seen as better than a nazi on reddit.

It's not whataboutism, it's about equal footing of dialog so mediation of philosophies can take place in the LIBERAL public.

Liber = 'free'; we are free to discuss things on equal footing, or the game is not fair so reactionary movements arise.

Reading little about nazis, but watching lots of history channel, which equates to almost nothing of true knowledge on the power-structure of the early nazi regime: it seems in alll cases that their emergence to power was started in the same ostrification and perceived destitution of people not being 'heard' or 'respected'.

Oddly, the same argument for self-determination.

People act crazy and do selfish things against strangers when they think they aught to have better.

The average person who joined that early nazi group did so because they felt the group supported them - not because they inherently hated other people; they clearly did not, historically.

So, from the wisdom of one former 'terrorist' named Mandela, appears as a peace maker to others long after his vilification days - he was victorious in delivering that voice that wanted to be heard.

Just reminds me of what I read about those evil nazies then, and these hopeless reactionaries that call themselves 'nazies' for a sense of meaning, now. .along with the reactionary history of peoples perceptions of 'being heard', which relates to 'ostrification' over 'expression', we are looking at a future of more nazis.

"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against."
Malcolm X

Yes, preach!

Also following u/Apolitical_Corrector 's proof above, there is much more similar info found in this 4chan thread:


Yes there is social engineering happening by various groups of people, Jewish, Muslim, liberals, conservative.

My thing is that we need to keep an eye on the social engineers who have most global power

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.Malcolm X

Yes thank you for that! Glad someone in here agrees.

O hey, the stormer recruitment post, I remember that one. That's a real oldie. The more things change, hey?

So, back to square one, is it? Or just some nostalgic intermission.

It was a blatant attempt to frame the users of this sub as Nazis, which almost none of us are.

Both of which are true. I despise Israel and Zionism. I have nothing against Jewish people. And although I believe the Germans did round up and murder a lot of Jews, there is no't really much evidence to support the '6 million Jews killed claim.

Why does the '6 million jews'™ claim matter?

You believe the Nazis did round up and murder a lot of Jews. So there was a holocaust, right? It's almost as if people try to nitpick on the number to cast doubt onto the whole event.

There was a holocaust of sorts, yes. It just wasn't anywhere near as bad as we've been told. Tens of thousands, possibly as many as a quarter million, sure.

The problem is that an6body who questions the official narrative at all gets labeled a Nazi. I'm not a Nazi, and I detest fascism. That doesn't mean I'm willing to swallow ridiculous propaganda for the sake of political correctness.

Have you ever talked to a WWII veteran who personally visited the camps? Have you seen the pictures? Have you heard the testimony from captured NAZIs who ran the camps?

My grandfather, for what that is worth.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg

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