It's been 16 years since 9/11 and there's an emerging pattern to recent "terrorist" events. [update #2]

7  2018-04-22 by chrisolivertimes

Recent "Terrorist" Events:

Date Delta Event
03/18 2017 5666 days Orly Airport attack
10/01 2017 16y0m19d Las Vegas shooting
10/31 2017 16y1m19d Car attack in Manhattan
12/01 2017 16y2m19d Taliban attack in Pakistan
12/18 2017 16y3m16d ISIS suicide bombing in Kabul
12/21 2017 16y3m19d Car attack in Melbourne
01/23 2018 16y4m11d Marshall County High School shooting
02/14 2018 5999 days Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
03/20 2018 6033 days Great Mills High School shooting
03/23 2018 16y6m11d 'Hostages taken' at French supermarket
--/-- ---- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------
03/28 2018 16y6m16d Saudi Arabia to face U.S. lawsuits over 9/11
03/31 2018 16y6m19d Boko Haram suicide bombers killed two in multiple attacks
04/22 2018 6066 days IS suicide bombing in Kabul

See the line? Everything after it are dates I "predicted" in my original post.

It aint observer bias.

Since I made my original post, there have been no terrorist attacks on any other dates. The closest related event was a few days ago when Kurds detained a German jihadi tied to 9/11 but I suspect that fits into a different pattern.

What are the odds of successfully "predicting" two upcoming dates for terrorist events? Maybe someone more adept at statistics will correct me, but if there's a 1/10 chance of a terrorist attack happening on any given day, then the odds of picking two correct dates and no events occurring on any other dates over a 24 day period would be 1 in ((1/10)2 * (9/10)22) or a 0.00098% chance.

Are you fookin' magic?

Well, yes, but that's not how this is done. We're in a false reality where events happen like clockwork. All I've done is extrapolated on a very basic (albeit nonlinear) pattern.

Step aside turtles, turns out it's numbers all the way down.


1 calling your 3/28 event a terrorist attack is a huge stretch

2 you've included shootings that fit your pattern but ignored several that don't such as the YouTube shooting on April 3

1 calling your 3/28 event a terrorist attack is a huge stretch

I'm not, I'm calling the two suicide bombings terrorist events. What happened on 3/28 was merely *related* and highly-so.

2 you've included shootings that fit your pattern but ignored several that don't such as the YouTube shooting on April 3

There's more than one pattern at play here-- and the "youtube shooting" is hardly a terrorist event.

the "youtube shooting" is hardly a terrorist event.

How is it any more or less of a terrorist event than the great mills shooting

Shooting at youtube: 0 deaths.

If I were trying to include that event as a "terrorist" event, you'd just be bitching that it's not. Thanks for the noise, please go away.

One death but the specific event isn't the point, it's that your criteria seems to be include events which fit your pattern and ignore all others a few more examples

April 1 Somalia bombing, Nigerian suicide bombing

April 2 Pakistan shooting, afghan shooting

April 3 central African republic shooting

April 4 Kabul bombing, iraq shooting

April 5 Saudi Arabia shooting

April 6 Syria car bomb, Somalia car bomb

April 7 Syria car bomb, iraq suicide bomb

I can keep going if you'd like

First, update this comment with links to these events. Let's see some citations.

First, update this comment with links to these events. Let's see some citations.

Second, have you learned nothing from the Mandela Effect? This fabric of this reality is symbolic and that is ultimately the criteria for these events. Do they ft the symbolic theme previously established? Yes, yes they do.

Finally, and I guess I have to say this three times every post, there's more than one pattern at play.


This is essentially gibberish that lets you choose to ignore anything that doesn't fit your 'pattern'.

Well, kettle, it's been loving talking black with you.

Dylan is always right, no matter what. If he isn't, then you are a demon. He is no longer pushing his "demon agenda" so all that's left is that Dylan is always right.

No deaths doesn't mean it wasn't terrorism. Just means it was done by an incompetent woman.



You might want to recheck your Delta math between the 12/01 2017 Taliban attack in Pakistan and the 12/18 2017 ISIS suicide bombing in Kabul. Something seems off there.

12/01 2017
12/18.. well, I'll be.

Good catch, good sir.

Car attack in Melbourne was just some dude with mental problems, not a terrorist.

As was the Las Vegas shooter. Best get used to that line, "mental patients" are going to be the next boogeyman once the terrorist narrative comes to an end.

We don't know anything about the Vegas shooter...

You know the MSM did everything they could to make you think he was just a patsy. They did everything but straight-up tell you.

'cause they want you to feel clever when you "figure it out".

But that still means we don't know anything about it...

You've left out a ton of terrorist attacks, and added things like lawsuits. I think more false pattern than false reality.

My apologies, I'm only tracking major terrorist events.

No, not my own subjective definition of "major". I let sources like r/worldnews and wikipedia decide what's important enough to be posted or have its own wikipage.

And if you can't see how 9/11 lawsuits are directly related to these "terrorist" events, then I just can't help you. Nothing to see here, move along.

Taking a singular suicide bombing in Kabul as a major terrorist event seem disingenuous. Either it's not, or there are a lot more. Why do failed and foiled terrorist events not count? A lawsuit doesn't take place across a single day.

But that still means we don't know anything about it...