Kids who are 16 right now will vote in the next election. Kids who are 12 right now will vote in the election after that. While we're struggling to change the rigid minds of other adults, TPTB are easily programming the malleable minds of our kids via public school & pop media. That's how they win.

15  2018-04-22 by DontJoinTheMilitary

If you're not spending some time on sites & forums where kids & teens hang out (to tactfully undo some of that programming) you're doing exactly what TPTB desperately need you to do; you're helping to maintain a disconnect between you and the next generation and you're pissing away one of the most effective means of actually changing the future.



The Powers That Be.

Thank you, I'm 36 and out of touch, but is this a common thing now? That damn near everything needs to be shortened to a few capitalized letters?

There are so many little things on here I just give my own name for that reason.

Yeah, it's very common. I guess it's just out of convenience to shorten it because it's used so frequently to describe those that helm the shadow government.

Its a handy concept that ecompasses the different branches of "conspiracy" theory. TPTB could be anything from a moneyed loose group of greedy self interested capitalists, to the fabled illuminati, freemasons, jews, crypto-nazis, lizard people etc...

Helps to avoid needless discussion about the WHO of the conspiracy rather than the more interesting questions like the why and how.

I appreciate this response, and sadly believe it true. No one really wants an honest discussion anymore. I'm right, you're wrong is all there is these days.

Why and How are more interesting because you can wildly speculate without providing any proof and with zero chance that your wild speculations can be proven false.

I'm about to be 32 and using short hand on the internet is nothing new

It's not common outside of conspiracy circles, honestly.

TPTB is the Vengeful God that weak-minded people attribute all evil to.

You gave me a mental image of occult-looking people dressed in dark robes, in a dark room chanting "All hail Lord Teepeeteebee!"

To Pimp A The Butterly. Kendrick Lamar album.


Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd-

You new here?

There is an election in November, and those who are 16 now will not vote in it.

Think you're ignoring that the elderly, and the boomers specifically, are much more supportive of TPTB than the youth, whose disgust with the system they are set to inherit is much of the reason the hegemony of its narrative has fallen apart.

Uh, some of us "no longer young" have been out protesting and making personal changes for years. There just haven't been enough of us. So you woke kids: welcome to the fight!

Think you're ignoring that the elderly, and the boomers specifically, are much more supportive of TPTB than the youth

I don't agree but it's not worth arguing since it's off topic. You somehow managed to misinterpret this as a 'youth are the problem' post.

the youth, whose disgust with the system they are set to inherit is much of the reason the hegemony of its narrative has fallen apart.

You're thinking in 2D-chess terms while they're playing 5D chess. The powers-that-be use that disgust, and even intentionally fuel it, to get the youth to be hungry for change. They then deliver that change in the form of the next stage of the police stage expansion & global domination agendas, but cleverly packaged in LGBT-rainbow peace & love gift wrap. The youth think they're voting out the old evil system but they're actually voting in an even more evil system with a better facade.

This is exactly what the TPTB are doing.

  1. Create disgust with corrupt system
  2. Manipulate people into supporting a reformer they control
  3. Puppet reformer creates an even more corrupt system

The youth are falling hook line and sinker for this bullshit. Any change that happens is change that the tptb want to happen.

Real reformers will never get much media attention because TPTB don't want any real reform!

It's actually even more clever than that.

The change we are seeing in youth, is a result of the Ascension process, as well as certain soul groups being born that are more loving and accepting. That is why there is much anti-bullying rhetoric in high schools all of a sudden. Read about Indigo Children, Rainbow Children, Crystal Children, etc.

Just like the late 60's were misdirected with drugs, the Millennials are being misdirection with Marijuana, LGBT, gun control, political correctness, diversity, etc.

A plank walk to police state, transhumanism, and WW3.

I had only known of Indigos which are normally kids/young adults with disabilities who either reject their diagnosis(es) or who's parents do. I only knew one girl who bought into that stuff and she did too many drugs to often.

The funniest part of that was an ad for an indigo colored car. I can expand it to folks already predisposed to new age theories as well as the "acid every weekend" crowd and folks with disabilities. There's a great deal of overlap in those groups, especially among women, and women are more susceptible to this. Both for themselves and as mothers. The way I could see this being a programming scheme is similar to what they were able to pull of with gender. The majority of the rise of LGBT, and non-binary gender people I've met are women. Many women I knew personally would disclose some non-binary crap to me while still acting and being heterosexual women. As for the indigoes, it still feels like they're trying to engineer a social identity movement based on the anxieties created by poorer future outcomes relative to their parents that people in their 20-30s are facing, couched in the rejection of labels ascribed to them by stuffy doctors. Instead of self-identifying as depressed, bipolar, or generalized anxiety, they want people to identify as "indigo" or "X" and believe they are choosing this without being manipulated into doing so. Time will tell, but as of right now, of the many people I've met who are mentally ill or drug users, they still use traditional medical terms and terms related to drug slang as self identifiers.

Stop using your left brain. Start using your right.

the Millennials are being misdirection with Marijuana, LGBT, gun control, political correctness, diversity, etc.

Conservatives have been saying that Marijuana, the gays and communists have been corrupting the youth...since the 60s. lol you're just the latest edition I guess

You nailed it.

Right on.

The youth think they are actually smarter than the older generations, but are actually being played much worse. Confused by their sexuality, gender, etc. The music is much worse, the TV programming and movies are much worse. Anti-children, anti-family, anti-animal, etc. High rates of suicide talk.

How can the "truth culture" appeal to the youth in your opinion?

It only makes sense the elites are going to focus on brainwashing the next generation, so how can we get to them before they do?

Would be great if there was a musician who reflected the concepts of peace and unity in their music, but the elites will not allow for this.

Why are there almost 20k members here? How did we "appeal" to them?

I believe in the Ascension. The bad guys already lost. We're in a new timeline. The kids will wake up over the next few years.

I definitely like your mentality. Keep doing what you can to wake folks up.

Definitely. I graduated college a few years older than the other students and have always had a more diverse friend group in terms of age, race and social status. I was often tarred for beliefs that were not all that different from theirs , but differed in terms of priorities. I put a greater value on freedom than I did safety and acceptance. They were the opposite. The idea of creating a which hunt against students in the name of acceptance is ironic. The courage state of affairs among college students is not to think for themselves or really much at all. I was granted greater freedom of speech within the classroom by foreign professors even though their countries may have hate speech clauses, but they see America for what it is and not in terms of mythology.

No one person or group is in control of this mess, try as they might. More money does equal more influence, but that influence doesn't always pan out in the way they want. Only Gods have the sort of power you imagine these rich folk to have. The whole concept of "the powers that be" and their omnipotence is a religious fantasy.

You're looking too closely. Pull back. The system is failing because they want it to. They are conditioning the youth to usher in a far worse one.

I agree, historically revolutions start on college campuses it seems. Not that they change things for the better, but that seems like a place where people are willing to fight.

If that's the case then it's already over. The creation of a false "Woke vs. Alt-Right" dichotomy makes no sense but misdirected millions of college students over the past couple years.

I agree, it is pretty scary the way things are right now. I have a feeling that humanity has been in this position before though. It reminds me most of the cultural revolution in China, where young people would destroy anything that was outside the party line. I think nowadays they are called a lost generation, but the generations afterwards saw the problem and eventually recovered.

I think there trying to bring it back again with the social credit system over there.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 174220

Just look at the blatant Reddit circle-jerking of frothing-mouthed hate for people who question vaccines.

They are successfully socially engineering a generation that will unanimously vote for state mandated inoculations, obliterating right to Informed Consent and autonomy over our bodies.

It's a scary future ahead.

It's just the pendulum of stupidity swinging harder in both directions (Left = science is gospel, government is righteous. Right = science is myth, government is cancer).

Both sides are equally moronic, neither position is based in fact, and the division is driven by the wedge we call "the media". Eventually America's binary cultural system will split into two equally dangerous totalitarian nightmares.

You can not get vaccinated when your shitty choices don’t effect others. Herd immunity is a thing.

Out of curiosity, do you know the percentage of a population that must be immune in order for herd immunity to kick in?

Do you know the efficacy rate of the measles vaccine?

Do you know the maximum immunization rate when we wiped out smallpox?

(A) >90%

(B) <90%. Even if we successfully immunized everyone, we would not achieve herd immunity for many of our vaccinated illnesses.

(C) <30%. The eradication of smallpox was not accomplished by vaccinating the entire population. This is a common misunderstanding of "herd immunity." Herd immunity is not population immunity.

You should do some reading and learn some facts before you so publicly display your lack of knowledge.

Herd immunity in its current definition has been debunked.

Herd immunity originally referred to immunity developed against diseases that can only be contracted once like measles. Once a sufficient portion of the population was immune for life the herd is protected.

Vaccinations do not convey lifetime immunity, yet we still haven't had any outbreaks. But why take my word for it? I'll quote Dr. Russell Blaylock:

"When I was a medical student almost 40 years ago, it was taught that the tetanus vaccine would last a lifetime," he wrote. "Then 30 years after it had been mandated, we discovered that its protection lasted no more than 10 years. Then, I ask my doubting physician if he or she has ever seen a case of tetanus?

"Most have not. I then tell them to look at the yearly data on tetanus infections – one sees no rise in tetanus cases. The same can be said for measles, mumps, and other childhood infections. It was, and still is, all a myth."

I got my shots and all that and won't reproduce but I can understand some skepticism given "Tuskegee." It isn't brain dead for my friends mom to believe a van going around the city was giving people AIDS nor is it for Somali communities in Minneapolis to believe that the country might try to F them up.

They had a showerthought about conspiracies that only had 76% up votes though. And that's with the thumb on the scale.

The OP literally said that

There's a bit of a gap. The millennial generation (me) is quite disenchanted but the upcoming generation born with no real knowledge of 9/11, Iraq etc. is easily malleable through social issues.

whose disgust with the system they are set to inherit is much of the reason the hegemony of its narrative has fallen apart.

It is not enough to simply be aware of the problems. Karl Marx had an exquisitely sharp understanding of the problems of our corrupt system of capitalism, an understanding that remains perfectly appropriate more than a century later. Yet, his "solution" is one that has slaughtered uncountable millions of innocent people across the globe.

Here's a quick filter: if a youth or elder has a planned solution that involves the use of centralized political power to fix problems, that person is either too ignorant to have an opinion, or a fascist.

You misread something. This isn't about the youth vs the elderly. This is about two things:

  1. For every one adult mind we manage to open, the psychopaths in power can effortlessly program and close a hundred new minds.

  2. How quickly those newly program minds will start having a major effect on the world we all live in.

Anyone who received programming without later having that programming reversed is a problem, whether they're young or old.
The message here is that the new programming that was recently performed on the youth will very soon affect the world we all live in, because the people who received that programming will soon be old enough to vote and assume influential positions in our society.
What new programming am I referring to?
Particularly the programming for forced "vaccination", support of GMO's, worship of "doctors" and the military, belief in the incorruptibility of the mainstream scientific & academic communities and the peer-review process, support for disarming the public, support of speech censorship and acceptance of full government surveillance.

The step after that is to only hire young people for any kind of job and leave the "heathens" to die of hunger and homeless.

A new dark age is upon us, with the kind of controls this one has in place, it might last for a very long time.

The insidious thing isn't that they shape ideas. It's that they shape personalities. Every generation to come out of a public school has been a little less vigilant than the last. They don't teach you to love the nanny state. They make you need it.

6 lessons of schooling

You would enjoy Gatto. I'll warn you though, if you watch his stuff on YouTube, adjust the playback speed to 1.5x or even 2x. He talks slower than molasses on a cold day.

I propose "Meme Monday" on this sub to target youngins :)

Lol, nobody votes at 18 bro. That's a myth.

I did, but I’m afraid you might still have a point. The upcoming generation of voters likely won’t see much influence for like another 30+ years.

Most people go buy cigarettes and a lotto ticket.

Americans spend more on lotto tickets than they do on entertainment. I am not entertained by that fact.

Except most kids don't watch TV

Right. They're on social media, which is exactly why social media is being manipulated. It's a more powerful manipulation tool because they make it appear that your peers believe X, Y, and Z, which means you are more likely to adopt those beliefs. Astroturfing Information Megathread.

If they want the youth vote they should stop running septuagenarian candidates.

And run Kim Kardashian instead!

Don't even joke.

I’m 16 years of age, I’ll vote for anyone who protects my rights given in the constitution, and whoever makes our country the safest

Yeah, I think Generation Z is going to be the wokest, red pilled-est generation we've ever seen. The happy socialist fairy-land unicorn forest of the boomers, genx, and millenials has led to a world with all the stability and permanence of a hurricane. GenZ is rightfully resentful.

Give 'em hell kid.

Well, as a gen z in a mostly progressive area, I have good news; I'm seeing a lot more small government anti SJW folks my age than anything else.

yes it's socialism that's responsible for america's decline the last few decades


Are you from Venezuela?

What are you even talking about? Boomers are shit their pants scared of socialism.

17, and right with you

Safety is one thing. Freedom is more important.

Safety is a perception. You're never truly safe. Something is always trying to kill you. Dont let this vision of "safety" be manipulated against you.

The left will typically tell you that government will keep you safe, the right typically relies on personal liberty for safety. Neither of them are worried about the wealth gap thats destroyed countless other societies.

I’m a right wing activist, promote the second amendment at walkout etc, if the government takes freedom from NRA members, wow that would be a day to remember, or the day the freedom the right has been protecting, will keep us free

That's exactly the rhetoric pushed to keep you loyal to a party that consistently does not work in your best interests. The GOP is notoriously good at siding with corporations, busting unions, and removing regulations that help assure our safety in environment, pharmaceutical, and banking regulations.

The Democrats are right there with them most of the time. They talk a defense when they will settle anyway and cave in. They take the publicity Brownie points and sell out to their own lobbyists anyway. Even the ACA amounted to massive, truly massive handouts to pharma and insurance companies.

The only people publicly recognizing a right to revolt are people on the right side of American politics. That is a significant difference.

That's simply not true at all. Many people in California wish to secede, and even in my own personal sphere there are people to the left of me that think it's time for a separation.

Secede from California or secede from the United States? There's a big difference. There is also a big difference between secession and revolt.


YOU're "rights" and YOU're "perception" are just concepts your brain picks up over time. That is all you know about YOU -feedback from an environment signal such as site, smell, social correction, etc.

My critical question for you is...

Disprove in some form that you are not just a brain in a jar

Where does he mention "safest"?

You have to keep you safe

The government cannot keep you safe

If the government protected you, there wouldn’t be anything to protect you from.

Big businesses

The Constitution doesn't give you rights. It's premised on the idea you have rights by virtue of being human. The Constitution is meant to protect your rights which are endowed by your creator.

“The state can't give you free speech, and the state can't take it away. You're born with it, like your eyes, like your ears. Freedom is something you assume, then you wait for someone to try to take it away. The degree to which you resist is the degree to which you are free...” ― Utah Phillips

Uhh these same kids are literally walking out of class to demand the .gov strip them of their constitutional rights.

Yeah, we are fuckedddd. :’(

True. From the pics I've seen, it seems to be lead by the young women. Followed closely by the boys. We all know what the boys want. As for the young women, they tend not to be the most.. stable of the population.

Hitler. Mao. Pol Pot. They all started with the kids, man. They used the kids to push their gun grabbing agenda because “save the children!!”

that's how what happened in nazi germany at all

yeah no shit they indoctrinated the youth.

they didn't grab guns under the pretense of saving kids. they grabbed a relatively small number of guns (i.e. registered ones) from jews and political opponents. they wanted everyone else to have arms. and plenty of jews held onto guns. a lot of good it did them.

The point was that they used kids to implement a totalitarian agenda. This tactic is being repeated.


You got a sauce for what I said?

Don’t know why this got so downvotes but your 100% right!!!!! Now that u mention it, I do notice it’s mostly girls that lead!!!

Because this sub has been assimilated into the reddit.

Not really. Most those walkouts were organized by school administrators. I doubt any of them were organic and most kids probably were just happy to have a change from the tedium that is day prison.

Yeah, you're wrong. It would be extremely wrong for schools to organize these. I am a teacher and the Friday walkout was 100 percent student led. Try again?

MAYBE a wrestling coach but I challenge you to prove jt.

The few school administrations that even hesitated in participating made the news in a negative light amidst legal threats. Most schools are neoliberal conversion camps. Administrations welcomed this gleefully while limiting the free speech of pro gun students and even suspending students for refusing to participate.

They probably give out anti-gun worksheets these days and watch anti-gun videos on youtube.

Well I can only speak from my perspective. Students were not encouraged or disparaged from either participating in, or sitting out. Some students even counter protested as pro gun rights. As for schools being used as liberal conversion camps, maybe... I mean facts and philosophy and science tend to be liberal. We don't spend much time teaching memes, hate, and oppression...

Your user history suggests otherwise

Makes absolutely no sense...

You have to remember that these walkouts were organized from the top by school administration. There was nothing about this that was "student-led."

Most of those kids marching don't care. The point of this exercise was to frighten lawmakers into passing a new wave of gun control.

Yeah, you're wrong. It would be extremely wrong for schools to organize these. I am a teacher and the Friday walkout was 100 percent student led. Try again?

Students are simply not allowed to walk out of class. It's call "truancy" and if you are a teacher then you should know this.

School administrators across the country allowed this to happen because it was an "approved" protest. The students are convenient figureheads. Tell any school that on day "X" everyone gets a free day out of school and you'll be flooded with "student leaders" to make it happen.

If you think this was organic, you are too caught up in it to see the bigger picture.

They walked out for 20 min and returned. Are you suggesting that this country isn't rooted deeply in people's right to voice their opinion. I'd bet you defend a Nazis right to free speech, but not to a 17 year old because their opinions differ from your own...

You would lose that bet.

But school administrators and protestors actively suppressed 17-year-olds who had dissenting views (pro-gun views). Your right to free speech does NOT NOT NOT include a right to suppress the views of people who disagree with you.

Like I said, at my school, people of all views were allowed their opinions. You're making sweeping generalizations based on a pair of stories. I'm sure you wouldn't want people to generalize you based on people eitb similar beliefs...

It's nice that your school is one that allows people to have unpopular opinions. That doesn't apply to other schools.

In my experience, most schools would allow differing opinions. All honesty.l, we just want our kids to have an opinion, about literally anything other than fortnite and drake.

most schools would allow differing opinions

Interesting that you use the word "most" here, and not "all." Why is that?

Because I'm not ignorant and don't generalize things I don't know. I'm sure there is an article or story or two about how differing opinions weren't acceptable on Friday

Are you familiar with Kyle Kashuv?

Had to look him up. He's a dumb ass honestly. Holding a gun for the first time made him feel love for the constitution? He's an idiot, but one entititle to his opinion... plus I just said there would be some examples. You pointing to them doesn't discredit my voice.

Did you happen to run across his connection with the Parkland shooting, and how he has been treated by the Broward school system as well as the Broward sheriff's department?

I think his tweet is dumb. He claims his instructor helped teach him safety as he holds the weapon over the hand grip and grabs the barrel. It's dumb. I do however think it's wrong how HIS STORY is being portrayed. So far, it's all just his claims.

Without the public school system, flawed as it is, America would be even more vile and disgusting than it currently is.

I agree with on the media though.

I doubt that.

Only teenagers and middle-aged dropouts hate the school system. It's obviously imperfect, and in some ways is used as an indoctrination mill, but you have to consider the alternative.

There are a spectacular number of terrible parents out there, who will literally turn their kids into drug addicted rapists, murderers if given complete control over their upbringing. For there to be lasting order and peace, there has to be an interest on the part of the state in the upbringing of the next generation.

Just because you hated your teachers and "didn't get anything out of it" doesn't mean that we would be better off without it.

6 lessons of achool

We'd be freeer and more self-actualized without it. Not to mention wealthier and farther along technologically. (Just imagine if children were allowed to work and invent and innovate alongside their parents!)

We should be encouraging the young and the capable to enter the system and change it. Since we know that those who are chosen by the dnc and rnc are no good, we need to support the independents and the no names. We should be addicting the youth on how the systems currently work and who the people that make decisions are.

I am a science teacher and I have dedicated my life towards guiding students towards the scientific mindset of arguing base don evidence. This sub serve to justify my life direction. Lots of things on here sound far-fetched and yet there is always a tinge of doubt based on the evidence I have been provided so far. I don't seek to tell the next generation WHAT to think; I seek to change HOW they think. Hopefully a few children have been indirectly enlightened to information wars work. Ya the bots on divisive subreddits are meant to make you exasperatedly give up. That is the point! Give up so that discussion of evidence can't occur. Do so anyways. There are people who sort by controversial and upvote just because you seek to stimulate argument. You may not be at the top of "best" (LOL BEST!) but you will still reach the growing community of people who seek to host a discussion.

The powers that be control "science".


Today we have the best science money can buy. Most grants to scientists and other academics at the university level come from the elite through their control of their foundations (see section on Philanthropy/NGOs). Because of this, the elite steer the direction of research by giving money for certain projects while not funding other avenues of research. All scientists are dependent on these grants and are thus controlled lackeys for the elite. Further, those projects yielding desirable results are snapped up by the elite's private interests and used to extend their control and dominance and further particular aspects of their agenda.

Technology Given to the Public vs. the Real State of Technology

Despite what we've been told by the government and media, namely that we are on the cutting edge of technology, the fact of the matter is that real scientific and technical knowledge is in fact many decades ahead of what the public are given. When we look into recent history we can see this fact demonstrated over and over again. In order to maintain power and control over the masses, the elite tightly control the development and release of advanced technology to the public so that they can control the outcome.

I highly recommend you spend twenty minutes to read Issac Asimov's short story: "The Dead Past." I look forward to hearing your interpretation.

We're from the government and we want to help.

We're helping by monopolizing this fancy seer thing.

Only we can see you. We don't want you seeing each other.

See? We're the good guys.

You're the baddie for wanting this seer in the hands of individuals.

They can't handle that kind of power.

Only the gubment can.

I teach students the sciences from middle school through high school every day. The most asked about question is the fact that we don't have an equation the reconciles the four forces of the universe. I can't answer these questions because everything I have been taught leads me to believe that they can't be reconciled. Yet... this short story made me realize that perhaps one of the things I hold as "obvious" has some counterargument that I haven't heard of. Asimov was a genius...

He was a globalist.

Those aren't mutually exclusive concepts. It's not hard to connect incredible intellectual prowess with a belief that similarly powerful people who are in control could do a better job than people who are democratically elected by easily manipulated average people.

To say if that's right or wrong is a matter for philosophical debate, but there are strong arguments for meritocratic societies to be made.

belief that similarly powerful people who are in control could do a better job than people who are democratically elected by easily manipulated average people.


Social Darwinism / Elitism

The elite believe they are a more advanced form of human. In order to justify their belief they grafted Darwin's theories of biological evolution onto social organization to create Social Darwinism. Over the centuries they have referred to the public variously as cattle, sheep and "its" (as Plato did in The Republic) and Social Darwinism is merely the modern expression of this attitude and their elitist belief system. Under this belief system only those that have proven their worth over many generations of dominance and control are worthy of entrance into high elite circles.

Yeah. Totally different.

Globalist pushing globalist propaganda. Color me surprised.

but there are strong arguments for meritocratic societies to be made

Not really, if smart people decide to screw you over then you are screwed for good (which actually happened recently - world is being run by our "smartest").

While I see your point, I wonder why he would be allowed to print such a provocative short story if he were recognized as such an influential member of the world order.

That being said, I recognize the incredible importance of diversity in human thought. That being stated, what is the problem with having a single governing body in charge of the world? Don't we already have that?

While I see your point, I wonder why he would be allowed to print such a provocative short story if he were recognized as such an influential member of the world order.



IMHO writers write what they think will catch the public's eye, or what they themselves are passionate about. Often this includes terrifying visions of the future, and the more possible/believable the vision is, the more terrifying it is.

As time passes, some of the writings fall away as obviously false, or no longer believable. Some stay, because the writer turned out to be correct (or close) to reality.

It is said that valid arguments (valid reasoning, with true premises) are truth-preserving. I think often the writings that stay are truth-preserving. Their predictions have been validated by the course of history. You will find there are all sorts of books and ideas. I say this as a would-be writer myself.... and yes, the sorts of ideas I've had over the last 15 years have been mostly dystopian, although since there is so much of that I think the time is getting right for utopian stories. Anyway, I don't think most authors are in with elites. One thing that could be interesting though, is to see what some of the larger publishing companies print and what they turn away. I do believe it's based mostly on money.

is to see what some of the larger publishing companies print and what they turn away.

This is one of my biggest curiosities. It's also interesting to take notice of what the local libraries will and will not put on the shelves. Book publishers hold a lot of power. School textbooks come to mind. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say but you last couple of sentences got my mind turning. I'd love to see more publisher related/book conspiracies on this sub, if that makes sense.

what is the problem with having a single governing body

"The New World Order, although it's not really, it's called the New World Order, it's an old, old idea of having a controlled and planned world society that really is a merger of two systems and that was the Soviet system and the Capitalist system. But out of it is to come an efficient planned society. In other words, eventually down the road everyone who's born will be born only if there is a function for them to serve, and that is the key word to serve - and that is to serve the world state. People have been categorized all through their lives from school onwards from generation after generation into a eugenics program where the elite have long ago decided on who were the junk genes - meaning the commoners at the bottom - will there be a future for them? Well, they don't need them so they are going to eradicate them under the guise of overpopulation. And interestingly enough, because they know most people live their whole lives without an original thought (they really don't - thoughts are downloaded into them, opinions are given to them - they adopt opinions), they must have the consent of the public for this agenda including, down the road very very soon in fact, voluntary sterilization to save poor old mother earth and bring the population down. And when you look at what's been taught scientifically, a scientific socialism you might say, what's being taught even in kindergarten onwards today, they're giving them up towards this world where you'll sacrifice yourself if need be for mother earth. It's a religion of sorts - it uses all of the techniques of religion because religion has worked so well in the past. Michael Gorbachev, who is part of this structure for a global society, said 'We are creating a new world religion and it will be based on a form of earth worship'. By that he meant you will literally live to serve mother earth. Of course Mother Earth has a new priesthood, there's always a priesthood, and you find its the experts, a scientific society, who already have declared they are too superior for the rest of us to be around and they have the natural right - they're the natural aristocracy as they call themselves - but in reality all scientists who depend on grants or funding from the wealthy, the already established wealthy elite, they're just the lackeys of those at the top. At the top of this system you have very old families who've held on and acquired more and more power down through many centuries and they've declared they're at the top of the Darwinian tree and beneath them you have the scientific society that makes the weapons for them, including weapons that will eventually control the mind, and they plan to run the whole world as a planned - not just a planned parenthood society - a planned society where every country which will be subservient to a global government." - Alan Watt,

New World Order

As we leave the age of Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius, the elite want to completely change and reorder society. They call it the "New World Order" and later rebranded it to "Globalisation" when the people started asking too many questions about what they meant by a New World Order. The characteristics of their new society are discussed in the sections below.

World Governance not World Government

It's important to understand that the elite do not want world government per se but rather a form of world governance in their personal control. A world government would imply some sort of input and opportunity for participation by the public. They have no intention of allowing this to happen. The United Nations as an unelected and as such unaccountable body has been established to serve this purpose.

Merger of Capitalism and Communism

In order to bring about global governance it is imperative that communism and capitalism be merged into a new system where economic control remains and is concentrated in private hands and social control is based on collectivism. As established by a U.S congressional investigation headed by Senator Norman Dodd into the great foundations back in the 1960's, this was in fact one of the main purposes for which the foundations were created.

Population Reduction

As stated in the section on beliefs, the elite are obsessed with over population and have written about it for centuries. Consequently, as written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6 billion people must die over the coming century starting in 2010.

Return to Feudalism

The elite believe that the world is simply consuming too many resources, resources that belong to them and their descendants and consequently, as outlined in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and Agenda 21, we must return to a form of feudalism and into a post-industrial era.

Scientific Dictatorship

This new society will have different characteristics for different groups of people or classes, run in a scientific manner by a subservient group of technocratic scientific elite. In fact, today we already live in a form of scientific dictatorship where the majority of people are brainwashed from birth through the media and educational system. Ultimately, they want to develop purpose made, genetically engineered humans and only those with a purpose that serves the state will be allowed to be born and never able to understand the truth about the world in which they live.

having a single governing body in charge of the world

Because not only is it possible for a government to be corrupted by power hungry psychopaths, it's common; and in the case of the global government that's currently being built, such corruption won't even be necessary since it is power hungry psychopaths who are building it.
If you don't understand the value of multiple governments, just imagine you were born under the most corrupt and ruthless government on the planet. What would want to do? You'd probably want to escape to a different country. What happens when there are no other countries to escape to?
What happens when a government no longer needs to keep up appearances or make concessions, because the people have no place else to go and no means of organizing & fighting back?

I have dedicated my life towards guiding students towards the scientific mindset of arguing base don evidence.

I am glad to hear this.

Can I ask you, what empirical evidence do you/we have that the sun and/or moon are solid, physical objects?

Well that obviously leads us down a rabbit hole of which evidence you find to be conclusive. Do you approve of wavelength absorption values being proof that objects are made of certain elements? Do you accept the notion that objects are rotating? Do you believe in gravity? There are so many fundamentals that you must accept to continue on with this argument.

fundamentals that you must accept

I just asked for empirical evidence.

People walked on the moon. Oh but wait that doesn’t count because cgi. And they mentioned wavelength absorption and you ignored it so there is no evidence you find satisfactory. You probably wouldn’t even b accept being sent to the moon yourself because they drugged you or some shit.

At some point all of our senses are just chemical reactions and we have no guarantee at all that our perceptions are interacting with some objective reality versus a complicated computer simulation.

People walked on the moon.

You don't really believe that, do you?

Well there are multiple reflectors left on the moon. Those are probably just the goberment fucking with us, they control the steal projection of the moon huh?

Well there are multiple reflectors left on the moon.

lol do you really believe that?

You can do your own experiment in your backyard and reflect of of them. Oh wait the government wait for people to do his then sends lights from the hologram moon.

The only lasers “”powerful enough” are under the exclusive control of a handful of government observatories. Watch the Mythbusters episode where they do this exactly.

There’s no way to independently verify the government’s claim of retroreflectors on the moon.


You can do your own experiment in your backyard and reflect off of them.

lol, no you cannot.

First I think we should start by getting old people not to vote.

You must be joking...

Lol. I agree.

Older peoples votes are usually backed by much more information and experience than someone that was munching on a tide pod last year.

Haha. Here's just a few reasons why old people shouldn't vote. Taken from a article in the Times. Among many many other reasons.

No, old people vote shortsightedly, choosing the least progressive outcome. In surveys in the U.S. and the U.K., people over 65 — compared with people under 30 — were nearly twice as likely to be against gay marriage; twice as likely to be pro-Brexit; half as likely to support legalization of marijuana; nearly five times less likely to want to spend money on education; 60% more likely to vote for Donald Trump; and nearly 50% more likely to say immigrants have a negative impact on society, despite the fact that they are being wheeled around by them. Whether these figures are accurate is irrelevant, since old people are so bad at Googling.

So in summary you believe that we should take away the right to vote from "old" people because they do not vote the way you want them to?

If an idea is not reaching the older voting bracket maybe the idea needs altering to win those votes? Not just pissing and moaning about how right it is and dumb the people who vote against it are?

It's not as black and white as " they don't vote the way I want them too". Honestly Google, why old people shouldn't vote. There's many good reasons why, its not because of being agest or whatever, more they won't have to deal with the consequences of bad ignorant choices. There's a valid point out there, probably not from me tho...

Yeah, younger people need to vote more and complain less if they want to see the changes they want anytime soon. From 2016,

Percentage of total vote:

Age 19-29 - 19%

Age 30-39 - 17%

Age 40- and above - 64%

See and that's piss poor. Most things that change because of voting affects the young and middle aged and yet they vote the least. I know how it feels, I was young once, it seems like a endless sea of lies and bs, the last politicians said this, didn't do that, ect. But the old folk think they know what's going on, and are probably the least informed about new ideas that move us forward as people and a country.

What? So public school teachers have time to control minds now?

But kids make up a small percentage of the voters, at least in the us, the 50+ group is the majority

that is a SUPER DUPER insight. what is culture teaching these days.

  1. gender is fluid

  2. brown people are terrorists

  3. wealth and possessions are the point of life

  4. the family unit is obselete

  5. social media is worth committing suicide over

  6. war is about the man next to you

Regarding #3: you will see “OMG Goalzzz” on a pic of a million dollar home on Twitter

Regarding #4: you will see “OMG Goalzzz” on a pic of a family and baby on Twitter, so this point is false

I'll be sure to remind my sister not to vote, at least for a major party in the national govt.

I am 16 and my pal and i frequent this sub everyday. will make sure i see the truth (:

lol how do you think public grade schools are programming kids? in mine i learned basic math and science and largely apolitical if optimistic history and i read and analyzed a number of solid books and then i did some art, lifted weights, etc. there were flaws including systemic flaws but nothing to do with brainwashing.

Like a fish who can't see the water.

6 lessons of school

wow dude. teachers have authority over their students. kids aren't allowed to just do whatever they want at school, and we need objective measures of their progress. that's deep. we're like totally being programmed, man.

if anything, students are being afforded more and more autonomy with time. schools are experimenting with different grading systems and homework policies. classroom design is such that the kids increasingly face one another rather than focus on the teacher alone. discussion is better balanced with lectures. kids have more say in what they study...i remember being afforded a lot of choice in electives and could even have designed my own "individualized study." plus there was the option to jump ahead to college courses, or transfer to a vocational high school, or take early release for work.

schools prepares us to be functioning members of society, which is sometimes stifling. that's not something that needs deprogramming.

schools prepares us to be functioning members of [an authoritarian] society

The original intent of school was to produce factory workers. They didn't even teach maths at first. Yes, schools have improved since then. They still have lots of room for improvement.

Wrongo! Those kids don't actually vote.

In Canada they are trying to lower the voting age to 16.

I think all age restricted things should be equal. Either 18 to vote, smoke, drink and serve in military or 21 to do the same.

I think extending the vote to people that by and large still do not support themselves, fall below minimum tax brackets, and receive much of their political awareness through the filtre of a government approved curriculum is Gerrymandering.

Kids don’t vote -season 4 of The Wire

nah im a young skeptic and let me you tell you there is fair amount of us .

What are you skeptical about, though?

Most 'skeptics' still believe a tonne of things they have zero empirical evidence to support.

Actually, the way that they win is by making voting irrelevant. After the last election, will never get a candidate that isn't entirely owned by the wealthy.

We're doomed.

Not only that but these assholes will change history faster than we can assimilate it. And I don't mean the evolution of technology and culture, I mean with false flag and other politically sourced events that evoke chaos around the world and keep American's talking about the crisis of the week. So you already have multiple generations of voters who are overwhelmed with fears of Soviets, Cubans, Blacks, etc. etc.

What do you mean brainwash we look at deep fried memes all day

Yup, and tptb are doing a good job. Most highschool kids believe socialism is good. Most of them are protesting the government to take their rights away.

You need to have them actually come out and vote though.

When 18-29 year olds have 46% vote and Silent/Boomers are above 70% you end up losing.

Soft Power

This is fucking stupid. Keep blaming the Jews, you have no proof and yet this is still up.

Let's be real here, most of them won't vote. There's always been a huge amount of people under 30 who just don't do it because the time to take to do it interferes with their day to day lives.

Until a child is a teenager it is pretty easy to instill in them whatever qualities that you wish.

Parents have far more of an affect on a child's outlook on the world than anything else, at least until high school. And by then the important stuff can be set in stone.

If we instill a sense of distrust in our children it will get better each generation, and in fcc it has, regardless of how our govrrnment leans, the population of he us has grown more and more liberal each Generation. Even the conservative friends I know are more liberal in most ways than conservative parties usually are.

I’m a right wing activist, promote the second amendment at walkout etc, if the government takes freedom from NRA members, wow that would be a day to remember, or the day the freedom the right has been protecting, will keep us free