Need some good books
1 2018-04-23 by meLurk_longtime
Looking for some good night time reading material that is conspiracy related. I'm currently half way through "Spies for Hire." It's about the government's black budget and how most our shit is outsourced to contracts and the money isn't tracked (aka lost...hmmm didn't the gov admit that they lost a shit ton of money?)
Anywho...I'm looking for more books that are like this one. Not outsourced budget, but government secrets. Or even stuff not related to government?!
1 zhanli 2018-04-23
Not sure if I'd call it "nighttime reading",
But "The Franklin Coverup" by John Decamp is mesmerizing.
The Franklin coverup was essentially "Pizzagate" of the late 80's and early 90's.
It's pretty cheap on Amazon, too.
1 meLurk_longtime 2018-04-23
Ohhhh, sounds perfect!
Why not nighttime reading?
1 zhanli 2018-04-23
Only because it's a bit of a "downer" topic. You know, the whole pagan elites abusing children angle.
But if you're like me and dgaf, you'll love it dude. Others here will vouch, that book is amazing.
1 meLurk_longtime 2018-04-23
Hmmmm...well if not, I'll read it another time. Thanks for the heads up
1 Adjustify 2018-04-23
Because it's disturbing.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman is another good one.
1 PumpernickelSunset 2018-04-23
Where did the Towers go? by Dr. Judy Wood Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
1 Sendmyabar 2018-04-23
If you got the time check through my post history of about 6 months ago. I posted up a few books reviews in the con2 sub. I have the links to most of them in there, some incredible stuff!
1 bradok 2018-04-23
Here's a couple I'd recommend:
Why The West Rules: For Now- this is a book by Stanford Professor Ian Morris, in which he details the rise of Western and Eastern Civilization and the effects of geography, philosophy, and nature upon this rise, asking questions such as: Why did the industrial revolution occur in Western Europe first? Fantastic book.
A Short History Of Western Civilization- This book by John Harrison traces the development of Western Civilization starting in Mesopotamia then Egypt and through Crete to Greece and eventually Rome and Western Europe. Really helped me to conceptualize the concept of Western Civ.
1 Deaconblues18 2018-04-23
Don Delillo.
1 selfmindcontrol 2018-04-23
Behold a Pale Horse - William “Bill” Cooper
1 NOcomedy 2018-04-23
Take his advice OP
1 Putin_loves_cats 2018-04-23
If you're from the US, I highly suggest: No Treason The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner.
1 op-return 2018-04-23
1 williamsates 2018-04-23
If you are interested in the activities of the intelligence communities and their abuses, both domestically and in the context of foreign policy, I can't recommend the primary documents from both the Church commission, but also the Pikes committee.
Pike committee which was much more damning, and almost caused a constitutional crisis.
Pike reports:
An excerpt from the NSA document:
In this vein, there is project called 'Forgotten Bookshelf' that is attempting to resurrect some really good titles, that were on the margins.
I have not read most of the titles, but can personally recommend the Phoenix Program by Valentine.
1 anunknind 2018-04-23
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.
1 zhanli 2018-04-23
1 RobotVersionOfMe 2018-04-23
I always say “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” in these threads.
The first one not the second
1 SilverbackRibs 2018-04-23
"Secret History of the American Empire" by John Perkins is decent too. Better than 'new confessions'.
1 mw8912a 2018-04-23
Food of the gods - Terence McKenna
1 alxm3 2018-04-23
The lost book of enki.
1 DJ_Dont_Panic 2018-04-23
Jon Ronson's "Them: Adventures with Extremists".
Islamist groups, neo-nazi's, Builderburg, Ruby Ridge, Jon and a young Alex Jones sneaking into Bohemian Grove to catch that famous footage. There's a lot to love, and it's also a great book for getting people into conspiracy related subjects.
1 SilverbackRibs 2018-04-23
"The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. It's about the creation of the Fed and gives a pretty wholesome background on how our country got to be the way it is in regards to monetary policy, economy, and who the power brokers are.
"Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker goes in depth on the Bush dynasty. Focuses on George HW Bush in the CIA and the ties to JFK, etc. Long read.
1 187ninjuh 2018-04-23
The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson
1 HelperBot_ 2018-04-23
Non-Mobile link:!_Trilogy
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1 187ninjuh 2018-04-23
Thanks bro
1 supremesamurai 2018-04-23
Confessions of An Economic Hitman
1 jasenlee 2018-04-23
None Dare Call It Conspiracy
1 meLurk_longtime 2018-04-23
Ohhhh, sounds perfect!
Why not nighttime reading?