Alex Jones says he has high level sources who say ISIS is planning massive attacks on Europe and America. He warned something was coming before Vegas. What do you think?

5  2018-04-23 by rapboi


Do you have the pre Vegas link? I’m sure I could find it just figured I’d cut down some research time

He makes the prediction I mentioned in the OP at the beginning of yesterday's broadcast.

You have to wonder where all that ISIS money and priceless artifacts went... Thy have been awfully quiet the past year or so and it wouldn’t surprise me if they had some big event after we stole their chance at land and a real caliphate.



Don't post Rule 1 memes like these please. This is your final warning.

The imgur gallery you linked isn't there anymore

I think Jones is controlled opposition.

well consider that a failed operation because he's done more for the cause than 99% of people.


no u

No you both

I admit that Jones helped to steer my attention towards the veil...but it didn't take me long to see the ones he distracts people from. That is the risk in controlled opposition. Instead of lying about everything, they will mix lies with truth. They get people to focus on one or a handful of sins to distract people from bigger, more substantial ones. Anyone who doesn't think AJ is controlled opposition should look into how he is funded, what he ignores, what he ridicules and what he doublebacks on. Not to mention his purposeful over the top persona....eeesh.

The dude is a tool through and through....

Well said, he's a disinfo agent and a traitor.

No one knows everything,' he said. 'Did you know,' he said, 'that until almost this very moment nothing would have delighted me more than to prove that you were a spy, to see you shot?'

'No,' I said.

'And do you know why I don't care now if you were a spy or not?' he said. 'You could tell me now that you were a spy, and we would go on talking calmly, just as we're talking now. I would let you wander off to wherever spies go when a war is over. You know why?' he said.

'No,' I said.

'Because you could never have served the enemy as well as you served us,' he said. 'I realized that almost all the ideas that I hold now, that make me unashamed of anything I may have felt or done as a Nazi, came not from Hitler, not from Goebbels, not from Himmler—but from you.' He took my hand. 'You alone kept me from concluding that Germany had gone insane.'

-- Kurt Vonnegut, from "Mother Night."

Isis is continuously planning attacks, no news there.

Supposedly their next attacks will be on leftist organisations like CNN. False flag to tie both make the left look like the victims and to tie alternative media to extremism.

Of course. And who's the real victim in all that? Alex Jones, poor thing. Remember to buy supplements!

Maybe we should post all of MSM’s addresses, you know, to help the out a little.

Why don't you post your own so we can help reddit admin's get you off the site forever? (and into jail for inciting terror)

Why don’t your read the article before you post. It’s called irony. ISIS is going to target MSM and CNN. MSM is a big problem in the world. Just trying to create some levity asshat.

Removed. Rule 4

Do not waste any time on this idiot.

Shill*, not just an idiot.

Alex jones is not a credible source

"Somethings coming" is pretTY vague

Something's always coming, if you're willing to wait a bit.

That's a little vague.

It's better take the advice to heart through, if have some family or friends there is better to suggest they a little vacation

Alex Jones is full of shit, a limited hangout at best, a partisan sensationalist and probable con-artist, with ties to the CIA among others.

In short, he's no Bill Cooper, who predicted the 9/11 attacks and that it would immediately be pinned on OBL months before they happened, and ended up shot dead on his own property by the end of the year, who had also called out AJ as a fraud on multiple occasions as it were.

guys, imo, they will use a major impending natural event as a false flag.

“Be very scared citizens! Even though ISIS has been defeated, they are still planning MAJOR Operations in Europe and America.”

False Flag is likely, that’s about it.

What do You think? Hmmm. I think this is designed to gather information and not really a question.

ISIS is planning attacks? You dont say?

I like Alex Jones fine, but I was listening to his show before he became the meme that he is. As far as false flags go, I think it's a tool that's losing it's use. While the elites and deep state are brazen and arrogant, they're no dummies. Twice now, we've been able to look at holes in a story about Assad and chemical weapons.

If they want to keep playing the false flag game, they'll have a public that ends up believing in nothing, which makes their propaganda machine that much harder to maintain - no matter who you censor and how.

Insightful comment, zero upvotes.... I wonder what this thread is full of.... real people or bots

The ad was brought to you by Bill Hicks, Inc.

TPTB to Jones, "We are going to attack ___." Jones, "I'll tell them ISIS is going to attack ___."

This will be his 4000th warning..better take this one seriously

/jade helm 2015 survivor

Don't post Rule 1 memes like these please. This is your final warning.