Are They Deliberately Destroying Ethnic Whites?

0  2018-04-23 by Thetanster

​The Southern Poverty Law Center admits that ethnic white population replacement has been their plan for some time. They are having a lot of success replacing white people. If they gloat about it, it’s fine. If we talk about it - we are white supremacists.

I am racially Brazilian and Portuguese with some Jewish. I am first generation. Therefore, I myself may be in the US as part of their “program”.

I think it is wrong for one “race” to destroy another race and then call the victims of that destruction campaign “anti semites”.​


This clip shows that the Southern Poverty Law Center is part of a not so secret campaign to basically destroy ethnic whites. Maybe you interpret their words differently than I do.

I read about this over the weekend. Harvard and others have research articles and papers around the focus of white privilege. I'm not sure if SPLC's focus is similar. When looking at the social constructs of white privilege, you find that they are clear in saying they are wanting to dilute and/or displace the white population. If you think about it, based on their approach - how can you successfully get rid of white privilege without diluting/displacing? There are a wide range of elements tied to the social construct. I think they are taking the wrong approach and I also believe it is a very racists program. There has to be better ways.


huh, a video from American Pride, i'm sure it's not some neo-nazi biased crap that takes redicilous leaps to contort what's acutally being said to fit their narrative...oh wait that's exactly what's happening.

get this white supremacist shit out of here

Every time I see a user from chapotraphouse they are either spewing racist shit or acting like they are offended by someone spewing racist shit.

I'm really starting to believe that you guys are playing both sides of this "conflict".

oh ya? spewing racist shit are we? or are you just so inundated from racist shit from t_d you can't see anything but that anymore?

Oh yeah spewing racist shit, playing both sides of it. Trying to stoke the flames and stir up drama.

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i don't understand what you're trying to point out with that link.

that's a link to this very sub spewing racist shit, and i linked it to show how this sub is hotbed for reactionary racists and neo-nazis in the making

And here you are again, another post about whites feeling disenfranchised. Must defend the anti-white!

this is not a video about "whites feeling disenfranchised." this is a video trying to promote the narrative of "white genocide" in order to recruit people to white supremacist ideologies put out but a youtube channel that actively promotes these ideologies.

i am not "defending anti-white" i am calling out neo-nazi bullshit when i see it. but, i can see that you are actively promoting white supremacy here and elsewhere so i get your frustration when someone tries to call it out for what it is.

Bah ha ha ha ha!

There is nothing inherently neo-nazi or Nazi about criticizing the agendas of the SPLC. They are NOT above criticism.

not saying they are, but the way in which this video manipulates what's being said through it's text overlays and ending title card, and the channel that put out directly points to a white supremacist angle to this video and this post.

but again, you're an active white supremacist so you're okay with it.

but again, you're an active white supremacist so you're okay with it.

You don't agree with me! Must be Nazi!

i mean, go through your own posts and prove me wrong.

That's not how this works. You want to call me a Nazi then you provide the evidence. Until then your accusations are just another REEEEE from the left.

firstly, im calling you a white supremacist, so stop trying to shift the narrative to position where you could refute it. i am calling you a white supremacist. also, inb4 you say some "wrong think" bullshit.

anyway, here ya go are some, but i know it's not really worth the time because you'll come back with something about these dont proving anything, you're just some realist, and i can't handle the facts. but, imo, posting this kind of thing, in the way you do, points to me that you are a white supremacist.

besides the posts here, you're a mod of /r/conspiracyright so there's that too.

this nice little rant justify breitbart

None of this makes me a white supremacist. It's just opinions you don't like.

This is why Trump won, and will win again.

lol k

you're right, they are opinions, the opinions of a white supremacist.

You're really desperate to find a white Supremacist.

it's not that hard to find when they post so regularly here

Not really, are you bipolarbear0?

You're right, one reason Trump won was because of this insane persecution complex white conservatives have dreamt up. Thankfully Trump supporters have spent the past year being as obnoxious and toxic as possible, as well as murdering people, meaning Trump is going to lose.

Let's not forget the Jill Stein YouTube shooter and the Bernie Sanders congressional baseball assassination attempt

So not buying into the delusional victim complex that is "white genocide" is racist now? Even if you're white?

Your comment isn't related to mine in any way.

You're claiming that link shows racism, all that link shows is people disparaging the white genocide conspiracy theory.

What other conclusion am I meant to draw except that you think disbelieving in white genocide is racist?

No that's not all that link shows. That link shows this same guy complaining about the he same topic being discussed at yet another time than this one. He is clearly obsessed with white people feeling disenfranchised.

If you concluded that it's racist then maybe it is racist. But if you were to call black people who talk about being disenfranchised "black supremacist" then you would be publicly hounded as a racist yourself so just another example of different rules for different people.

That link shows people laughing at the "white genocide" conspiracy theory. If black people started claiming they were being "genocided" because they saw an interracial couple in an advert we'd all be laughing at them too.

Holy fucknit doesnt show that at all. Its literally a dude standing there talking about the change in this countrys demographics. He didnt say anything like what you said.

Obvious whote supremacist is obvious. This must be one of those guys stormfront uses to recruit here

Yeah, with a of six comments, recruitment must be in full swing.

Do you believe what you say, or just enjoy the feelings you get from saying it?

I enjoy calling out white supremacists. Theyre a blight on this planet

So, do you believe you've reached some white supremacists on this post?

wait, are u saying that im a white supremacist or OP is?

the video is prototypical of white supremacist recruitment material. they take some lecture, overlay it with suuuppper spooopy talking points that brain dead chuds can't discern, then add a slide at the end with completely made up and spurious claims about this being proof that m'uh white genocide is real

Op not you

You mean TMOR brigading your comment?

'hurrdurr not wanting to be demographically genocided makes you a nazi' get the jew propaganda out of your head mate, it's time to grow up.

get the jew propaganda out of your head mate


"I'm not a white supremacist, the Jews are making you think I'm a nazi!!!"

"I'm not a jewish supremacist, the nazis are making you think I'm a jew!"

you are unbelievably stupid

Rule #10

I'm not a white supremacist I just parrot their propaganda

Really makes you think. 🤔

What the hell is a white supremacist anyway? And what is their propaganda? Do you think there is a world congress of white supremacism? A wealthy and politically well connected white supremacist support network? White supremacist lobbies and secret societies with ties to law enforcement and political elites? Do white supremacists own banks and have their agents in high management positions of media, news, entertainment and other industry-leading corporations? Do white supremacists have the political and financial power to rewrite history and lobby for their narrative to be taught in schools? Do white supremacists have the influence to be given privileged status in court? Do white supremacists have the power to throw 'antiwhitesupremacist!' in peoples faces in order to shut down any criticism? Your delusional worldwide-white-supremacist conspiracy is moronic and you're an imbecile for believing in it. Read some real news for once in your life.

Your delusional worldwide-white-supremacist conspiracy is moronic and you're an imbecile for believing in it. Read some real news for once in your life.

The thing is I don't believe in a worldwide-white-supremacist conspiracy. However you do believe in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy, so I guess that means you're the delusional imbecile or moron or whatever other insults you feel like immediately jumping to the second someone disagrees with you.

You're really bad at logical thinking mate. I wish you nothing but the best in life. Gonna be a bumpy ride for you with your level of cognitive skills.

You're really bad at logical thinking mate.

Because I haven't been suckered in by far-right rhetoric that's almost a century old?

I wish you nothing but the best in life. Gonna be a bumpy ride for you with your level of cognitive skills.

More insults as expected. Weak.



And yet somehow, this is not even them most idiotic comment in this post. Not even top 3.

Being white is not an ethnicity. It is an imprecise term for the shade of skin.

Correct it's a mindset. Blacks can be white.

Alternate Headlines from the past

Are they deliberately destroying Ethnic Natives?

Are they deliberately destroying Ethnic Blacks?

Are they deliberately destroying Ethnic Jews?

Are they deliberately destroying Ethnic Arabs?

um it's only bad bc it's white people now - OP probably

The worst part is these types are usually talking about breeding instead of "genocide".

Who knew that after all the wars, genocide and border creating there were still millions of people already in the Americas and it's unacceptable to adopt even a slight shade of their skin color. Only other European or Eastern Europeans if they are white skinned enough are allowed to breed with each other in order to keep the superficial divide and conquer strong.

I like to put words in peoples' mouths - You probably

Are they deliberately destroying Ethnic Natives

The Comanche certainly were.

We? You're not white lmao

Stupid liars can’t even lie right.

Yes. Without a doubt.

No. They're trying to create racists by making people think they're trying to kill off white people.

Or could be both! Two birds with one stone!! BTW, here's what winning looks like. Downvoted perfectly...takes it off "rising" and even though it's at ~50% upvote/downvote...**it is magically not on "controversial". Is that not interesting?

South Africa, and the left in every Western nation is. Yes.

le 14/88 my aryan brother trump 2020

... Dude the video says that they've planned for this to happen for a while, not that they planned to implement actions to make this happen... They're merely looking at trends and acting accordingly. The reason why people call you a white supremacist when you talk about this stuff is cause it doesn't fucking mean anything. Skin color literally doesn't affect us. So it doesn't matter how many people of how many skin color there will be in the future. I could give less of a shit if white people (and I'm white) were a minority in America by 2050.

Yes. They absolutely are.

And here you are again, another post about whites feeling disenfranchised. Must defend the anti-white!

i mean, go through your own posts and prove me wrong.

lol k

you're right, they are opinions, the opinions of a white supremacist.

Not really, are you bipolarbear0?

You're right, one reason Trump won was because of this insane persecution complex white conservatives have dreamt up. Thankfully Trump supporters have spent the past year being as obnoxious and toxic as possible, as well as murdering people, meaning Trump is going to lose.

Your comment isn't related to mine in any way.