I am a conspiracy theorist. I ask questions.

10  2018-04-23 by CelineHagbard

I ask questions.

I find some answers, but I always find more questions with them.

The answers I find and the questions I ask lead me to have beliefs about the world. I don't claim these beliefs as facts, they are just my best guess as to why things are the way they are and how things work. I change my guesses as I ask new questions and find more answers. I have no attachment to my current beliefs.

Asking questions about the nature of governments and institutions is what conspiracy theorists do. Why do states spend so much money on war? Why does the government want so much information about all of us? Whose hands are really on the levers of power if it is not the common people? Can we trust our governments and institutions to tell us the truth and do what is in our best interests?

I am a conspiracy theorist because I ask these questions, and I ask the questions the answers inspire. I don't have all the answers, and I don't even have all the questions, yet I still search for them.

If you are not a conspiracy theorist, do you not ask these questions?


I think you are mistaking conspiracy theorist with a skeptic.

There's a lot of overlap between the two. You're correct, in that it is a skeptic who asks questions and challenges authoritative wisdom, yet there are many skeptics who are not conspiracy theorists.

There are some people who are skeptics in some spheres, yet not consistently skeptical in accepting what their governments and other institutions tell them.

Right, but all of your examples have nothing to do with conspiracy theories and are literally just questions.

are literally just questions.

Hence the post. All a conspiracy theorist is is one who asks these questions but for one reason or another rejects the official answers.

I feel perfectly justified in rejecting these official answers, or at least rejecting the argument that the answers are true based on the authority of governments and institutions, precisely because these very governments have a well-documented history of carrying out conspiracies and misleading the public.

Do you believe our government has ever been corrupt? (Assuming your in the US. If not, you can either answer about the US or your own government.)

That term has been hijacked. Skeptics used to be conspiracy theorists. Now skeptics are people that question the “crazy conspiracy theorists”.

you need them both, or are you just going to accept every theory that counters what most people think

The problem with "skeptics" as an identity is that all of us are skeptics, about some things. Christians are skeptical of arguments for atheism, and atheists are skeptical of arguments for Christianity. Conspiracy theorists are skeptical of governments and institutions, and coincidence theorists are skeptical of conspiracy theories. But "good" conspiracy theorists are also skeptical of conspiracy theories.

There's this concept that's developed over the last 20 years of Skeptics™, whose idols include people such as James Randi and Michael Shermer. They're skeptical of a great many things, many of which we should all rightly be skeptical of, yet they have their own ideological blind spots, which they do not typically question. The institution of Science™ is considered mostly trustworthy, and is usually off-limits. The idea of Good Government™ is similarly regarded as mostly trustworthy, and the skepticism is usually limited to questioning Republicans (or the right wing more broadly), and often for things which do warrant skepticism.

We do need to be consistently skeptical of all ideas and beliefs, but we should not fall into the trap of identifying as Skeptics with a capital S. That is an ideology which, despite the name, is not skeptical of its own axioms and foundational beliefs.

Succinct. In response to much of the narrative defending of late I would add to the final question and ask:

Are you truly a conspiracy theorist if you don't ask questions?

Why would anybody want to identify as a 'conspiracy theorist'?

The masses have been programmed to equate 'conspiracy theory' with incorrect, unsuccessful, and crazy.

If you pay attention for long enough, and put aside your ego, eventually you realise that there is no 'waking up' the masses.

They are completely and utterly hopeless. Sheep in human form.

This is the reality, 'conspiracy theorist' or otherwise.

Why would anybody want to identify as a 'conspiracy theorist'?

I do all the time. It seems to let other people drop their guard and either asked questions or propose their own.

How long have you been with your wife?

12+ years, she's from the Midwest and I'm from the north east... Different cultures for sure imo.

I meant the mindset, not the stereotype that goes along with it. C'mon Jep, we all know about the memo that coined the term. Calling people sheep is no way to appeal to them.

You're speaking with the very ego you criticize. There's a way to accomplish goals where the end result is mutual growth; we can get there :)

'Ego' may mean something different to you and I.

When I talk about 'ego' I am talking about the sense or feeling that one is an intelligent creature who can see what is in front of him.

The more I have learned about the hoaxes, the more I have had to accept my own innate stupidity.

This has led me to challenge more and more of my own fundamental beliefs, and with each step, the ego takes another hit.

I suspect that you are conflating 'ego' with confidence, but these are very different things indeed.

Just anticipated the use of the more common definition of ego. The commonplace definition for ego is one's sense of self importance or self esteem; my mistake in reading it as the wrong definition.

I get what you're saying. The more you learn, the more you realize how wrong your previous views were, granting you the understanding that you very well may continue to be wrong moving forward.

It's important to constantly question what you hold to be 'true', absolutely.

Well-written and on-point.

Hey man, you said it first... :D

I have an attachment to some of my beliefs.

Freedom, non negotiable.

Liberty, non negotiable

Justice, non negotiable.

Add private property, non negotiable. Then you get my vote!


lol, are we in fifth grade history class?

Doesnt mean that private proptery cant be a welcomed and expected consequence of civilized society.

It means that so far it's only caused famine, war, disease and pollution... so, since we can get along very happily without it, I wonder why you are so attached to the idea. I consider myself a custodian of the planet rather than king of an acre plot—it's a more important 'title' anyway, if that's what you're into.

Maybe throw right to privacy in there?

You really only have the right to privacy in regards to your private property.

Good point. Just have to be sure to not use an Alexa, or smart TV, or iPhone, or Smart thermostats, etc...

Buyer beware.

Or fridge or oven or dishwasher. I mean I laugh my like mad to Silicon Valley but only because it's too true. Mike Judge is our truth speaker and a mirror.

Jews don't care about 'right to privacy'; they love fascism.

Add private property

To be defended by the guys with the guns and a monopoly on issuing currency, yeah?


I don’t have a badge... but I have a lot of guns and plenty of multiple different cryptocurrencies not controlled by the Fed.

That’s who I rely on to defend my private property.

How would you go if the feds rocked up with their guns?

Oh well if we’re talking about defending from the government, then my only protection is the Constitution (for what that’s worth these days anyway). I was talking about from other citizens really.

Try to be as brave as the Clive Bundy family

Ever wonder if maybe that story was a hoax?

I would only include private property if public property were equally non-negotiable.


“Privilege implies exclusion from privilege, just as advantage implies disadvantage," Celine went on. "In the same mathematically reciprocal way, profit implies loss. If you and I exchange equal goods, that is trade: neither of us profits and neither of us loses. But if we exchange unequal goods, one of us profits and the other loses. Mathematically. Certainly.

Now, such mathematically unequal exchanges will always occur because some traders will be shrewder than others. But in total freedom—in anarchy—such unequal exchanges will be sporadic and irregular. A phenomenon of unpredictable periodicity, mathematically speaking.

Now look about you, professor—raise your nose from your great books and survey the actual world as it is—and you will not observe such unpredictable functions. You will observe, instead, a mathematically smooth function, a steady profit accruing to one group and an equally steady loss accumulating for all others. Why is this, professor? Because the system is not free or random, any mathematician would tell you a priori.

Well, then, where is the determining function, the factor that controls the other variables? You have named it yourself, or Mr. Adler has: the Great Tradition. Privilege, I prefer to call it. When A meets B in the marketplace, they do not bargain as equals. A bargains from a position of privilege; hence, he always profits and B always loses.

There is no more Free Market here than there is on the other side of the Iron Curtain. The privileges, or Private Laws—the rules of the game, as promulgated by the Politburo and the General Congress of the Communist Party on that side and by the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Board on this side—are slightly different; that's all. And it is this that is threatened by anarchists, and by the repressed anarchist in each of us," he concluded, strongly emphasizing the last clause, staring at Drake, not at the professor.

I hear you on those, and they're non negotiable to me as well. What is negotiable is what those mean, and I think we can only come to a mutual understanding about what they mean as a society through continual dialogue and consistent questioning of our own beliefs.

Open dialogue and questioning of our beliefs is in short supply, on all sides. But there are more and more underhanded and devious tactics being deployed to control the flow and character of the dialogue. And i think it's obvious, that the conversation taking place is being conducted in a dishonest way. That process of dialogue has no future.

That process of dialogue has no future.

I don't think this is the case. I regularly have dialogue with people who disagree with me. We don't always see eye to eye on whatever it is we're discussing, but more often than not, we each come away with a better understanding of how the other truly sees that topic by the end.

That's just the first step, but an important step.

continual dialogue and consistent questioning of our own beliefs.

the important part. sabotaging dialogue, or becoming tribal to the point of doing bad things that you would rightly shame the 'opposition' for doing are not acceptable in your pursuit of your ideals.

surely flytape would agree

Different cultures evaluate these beliefs and weigh them differently. Not all cultures are created equal. Brown people are more comfortable in a totalitarian state because they have no ability to long range plan as it is not part of their genetic makeup...and they love communist wealth redistribution...what's theirs is theirs and what's yours is theirs as well.

You can not have




with a 'multicultural' society because they don't evaluate issues, politics, legal matters or economics in the same way as Ethnic Europeans do...none of the things you listed mean shit to them because they have no genetic or cultural history for valuing them.

Well said.

Brilliant post.

I like to assign “chances of possibility” to newly discovered information, apply that new info to the information that I already have (which I keep running multiple completely separate possibilities) and then use it to recalculate which possibilities I believe to be most probable RIGHT NOW. And yes each new piece of information reveals an exponential amount of new questions. Obviously this process is never ending.

This is an important addition. Any piece of information has a proximate and an ultimate source, and every source along the chain has a particular purpose in passing along the information. What kind of probability of truth (or whole truth) we assign to anyone piece of information has to be considered in the context of where the information came from and how it came to reach you.

I think everyone is a conspiracy theorist in their own way and on their own level. From thinking the bitches two cubicles down have it out for you to reptilian alians have infiltrated the top of society... It's why I laugh at people who use it as a smear. But It's been interesting how society has twisted the term to apply to any one asking questions. Asking questions isn't proposing a theory or insinuating a reason for the things you wonder about, which wouldn't constitute being a CT. None the less, I wear CT as a badge of honor IRL and have no issue introducing myself as such... Infact I like it, it always makes for an interesting conversation.

I would say the media has twisted the term. And the CIA actually invented the term to discredit skeptics of the Warren Report after the JFK assassination.

I would say the media has twisted the term.

Then why don't we take it back?

Maybe so. At the moment the media has poisoned the well a ton. But with all the 'fake news' narrative being spewed from all media 24/7, maybe people will see that as the media trying to reclaim their place/legitimacy of the narrative gatekeepers (worded badly). And look for facts that are not covered by MSM. Mk-ultra, cointel-pro etc.

Sounds better than Clerks 2 porch monkey idea =)

I tell people too. After we hang for awhile. Hubby is sadly not that interested though he claims he can't keep up with me and is amazed at what I come up with and how often it's true or close. He isn't dumb just I think happy to be complacently numb and play video games.

I read a ton too so thats part of it also.

But we are in an age now where science is forgotten for scientism aka religion of decreed "settled science" and "peer reviewed stamps". Anyone asking questions even when presented with the settled answer is now a conspiracy theorist... And not just practicing traditional science.

It goes hand in hand with mesmerizing us to docility. If we accept the theology of climate change and man made drugs and invasive surgery as the only medicine, the agreed upon official stories and history then we are good and normal citizens.

If we ask "Why?" We are misbehaving and crazy or stupid... Heretics really. And we even have Blasphemy laws for the modern age in California, UK, Canada and New York.

its been taken back. theres a ton of conspiracy theories being floated on mainstream cable news right now

conspiracy theory thinking has been weaponized for political use. conspiracy theories are often impossible to prove and especially disprove, now they are used to attack political opponents.

as usual, critical thinking will lead you closer to the truth than an ideology of conspiracy theories OR an acceptance of whatever the govt mouthpiece tells you

conspiracy theory thinking has been weaponized for political use. conspiracy theories are often impossible to prove and especially disprove, now they are used to attack political opponents.

Lol, I was saying this a year ago with regards to Rachel Maddow. Could you imagine the field day she would have digging into Bilderberg members & attendees if she use the same measuring stick she uses with Russia-Gate? Btw, my auto correct just suggested Elsa-gate instead of Russia-gate... Lol, That's funny since I've barely discussed elsa-gate.

Many of the questions you are asking simply don't have an answer. Some things just happen and there's really no explanation, nature or acts of God are just that, unforseen, or innocent, if you like.

You must question everything, yes.

“To seek truth requires one to ask the right questions. Those void of truth never ask about anything because their ego and arrogance prevent them from doing so. Therefore, they will always remain ignorant. Those on the right path to Truth are extremely heart-driven and childlike in their quest, always asking questions, always wanting to understand and know everything — and are not afraid to admit they don't know something. However, every truth seeker does need to breakdown their ego first to see Truth. If the mind is in the way, the heart won't see anything.”

My sentiments exactly. Well put, thank you for voicing this.

It's always been about questions. Questions are dangerous things because they bring things to light that were previously in darkness. The truth is the most important thing we can know. The only way to find the truth, is by asking questions.

Whenever you have a society that either prevents you from asking questions about certain topics or shames you for doing so, it is usually for one of two reasons:

  1. The mere thought that their perception of a situation could be drastically different than what they currently believe scares them.
  2. They are comfortable not knowing the truth since they would rather live in ignorance (Cypher in the Matrix).

The government's goal is to eventually eliminate the Socratic Method, which to this day is still a radical philosophy to follow.

The only scary thing to think about is....when will the ability to ask questions be eliminated?

Just ask questions.

  1. The mere thought that their perception of a situation could be drastically different than what they currently believe scares them.
  2. They are comfortable not knowing the truth since they would rather live in ignorance (Cypher in the Matrix).

This is what a great many of the TMOR users fail to understand, for which of these two (or both) reasons they act as they do. But it's not just TMOR, or those people who are labeled "shills" (often incorrectly); these are the prevailing attitudes throughout humanity.

Very well stated. I question most things, not because I think worst case scenario, but because I have a natural curiosity of the hows and whys. Sometimes those questions lead to more questions & those questions bother some people. I have no shame in my curiosities and my journey to find truth. Anyone who knows me, knows this about me. And oftentimes, I’m the first one they call when they have questions of their own. When others know they will not be judged for their questions, they become more comfortable with their own curiosities. Curiosity and an open mind is nothing to be ashamed. It’s healthy to not blindly follow and shut out any opposing thoughts.

When others know they will not be judged for their questions, they become more comfortable with their own curiosities. Curiosity and an open mind is nothing to be ashamed.

This is critical. No one should ever be shamed for asking an earnest question, but rather those who shame the question askers should be shamed.

Shaming has become acceptable behavior in our society and it is disturbing. Since when is it ok to go around and persecute anyone you feel is deserving of your ridicule? Just because they may have a different opinion or it does not fall into your sense of what is acceptable does not give you the right to place judgement on my thought process. This sense of judgmental arrogance is destroying society.

This guys asking too many questions. Bake em away, toys

This about how you address the posts and comments here in this sub and information in general. Do you take everything as fact and always come to an end result after each post? Do you continually allow your perception of things be defined by other people or do you conscientiously add to your information pool and revise your thoughts and feelings as you go along?

Are you or could you always keep your mind open to new ideas and never let yourself fall easily into that trap of confirmation bias?

After a certain of amount of dissection of information and analysis of patterns we see continually develop here, one may come to some conclusion that skepticism is paramount. Exhausting all questions and follow through become all the more important.

Since we work within a realm of misinformation and disinformation, the very idea of being driven to a socially acceptable end result should be rejected. The purpose of a propaganda campaign and a slowly shrinking acceptable view of the world should drive one to be continually skeptical about all that is presented to him/her.

Or do you try to make the funny comment and let an opportunity slip by?

Can we trust our governments and institutions to tell us the truth and do what is in our best interests?


You know what the problem with being a conspiracy theorist is? That in many cases, it's not a mindset, it's a hobby. It's a thing people do because they enjoy it, and this doesn't lead to searching for truth, but a reflexive contrariness to whatever is a commonly held belief. If 'they' say it's true it must not be true. If 'they' say it's good for you then it must be bad. If 'they' say it's unhealthy then it must be good for you. Why is that event a false flag? Because 'they' said it's real.

Being contrarian is just as rigid and close-minded as being one of the 'sheeple'.

You know what the problem with being a conspiracy theorist is?

The problem with me being a conspiracy theorist is that other people who call themselves conspiracy theorists treat it as a hobby?

There aren't many things I'm certain of. I'm pretty certain about deity and the afterlife because ive seen it with my eyes.

But in this world what you see is not what you get these people play a long game to ensure control for their grandkids. We are looking to the next election bc thats what the media keeps us focuses on

I take medication. I experience some side effects. Sometimes I see myself on the planet "Ogo", and part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on the planet Pluto. Even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?

"12 Monkeys"anyone?? Hello!

I give up

Right, but all of your examples have nothing to do with conspiracy theories and are literally just questions.

Why would anybody want to identify as a 'conspiracy theorist'?

The masses have been programmed to equate 'conspiracy theory' with incorrect, unsuccessful, and crazy.

If you pay attention for long enough, and put aside your ego, eventually you realise that there is no 'waking up' the masses.

They are completely and utterly hopeless. Sheep in human form.

This is the reality, 'conspiracy theorist' or otherwise.

Buyer beware.

Or fridge or oven or dishwasher. I mean I laugh my like mad to Silicon Valley but only because it's too true. Mike Judge is our truth speaker and a mirror.

Shaming has become acceptable behavior in our society and it is disturbing. Since when is it ok to go around and persecute anyone you feel is deserving of your ridicule? Just because they may have a different opinion or it does not fall into your sense of what is acceptable does not give you the right to place judgement on my thought process. This sense of judgmental arrogance is destroying society.

Hey man, you said it first... :D