Which conspiracy theory or theories do you subscribe to, and more importantly, why?

16  2009-04-22 by [deleted]


Oswald may have made one shot. He could not have made three.

Ask any sniper and you be told this: A moving target downhill from the shooter, moving away at an opening angle is not something you hit with three well-aimed shots using a bolt action in that time frame.

I neither know, nor do I care, who else was there or why he was popped. I simply object to the story on it's complete lack of reality.

There is a simulation type game called JFK Reloaded that lets you take the shots as Oswald. Damn near impossible for me to imagine. You really get a feel for how perfectly placed those shots would have to be.

I hadn't heard of that before. I was simply speaking from experience. It's bloody hard to nail a target at distance, especially downhill and moving away at an angle. Three times? It ain't happening with a bolt action. Maybe with an M-1D or M-21. Semi-auto brings it to another level.

Well, the second half of the question is ridiculous. If a person believes a conspiracy theory, then you can be assured that their reason for doing so is because they think there is sufficient evidence of it being true. Here is what I believe is true:

  • JFK was assassinated by Bush Sr. and the CIA
  • 9/11 (and the majority of "terrorist" attacks) was carried out by a shadown CoG government in cooperation with the Mossad and Bush Jr.
  • International bankers are bankrupting nations and bailing them out by demanding perpetual ownership of the country's resources
  • There is a global capitalist plot for the elite to achieve omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence in their rule over humankind as well as total private ownership of all property on planet Earth.
  • The moon landing was faked.

...I'm sure there's more...

You are right - sort of... My reason for the second half of the question was to provoke some of that evidence - and examine whether it is the evidence alone, or a faith in the evidence that maintains the belief in the theory... Like I said, I think it is my desire to believe in ETs that leads me to find myself falling for ET CTs... I am making no sense, am I?

Well, I wouldn't consider that a conspiracy theory. ETs exist. There's no doubt about it. Literally, there's no chance they don't exist. Have they visited planet Earth? That's an entirely different question. I saw a UFO. And I'm not talking about some mysterious light far off in the sky. This thing was 200 feet above my head. And quiet as can be. Flew off faster than any known aircraft can fly. I don't need anyone to believe me. I don't care if they do. I know what I saw. Don't ever believe anything because you want to believe it. But, similarly, don't ever disbelieve something because you want to disbelieve it. More than anything else, the people that do both of those things bug the shit out of me. They don't have any thirst for the truth, whatever it may be. Do things for the right reasons, man.

where did you saw that UFO?

911 hoax, because I don't know of any other way to bring steel framed buildings down at free-fall speed except for controlled demolition.

The Twin Towers didn't fall at "free-fall" speed!

Will whoever down-modded my comment please explain why! The Twin Towers did NOT fall at "free-fall" speed!

Correct, the "free-fall speed" claim is one of the more thoroughly debunked claims.

All you have to do is watch any of the videos of the collapse and you can clearly see that loose debris is falling much faster than the building. Anyone who is still trying to sell that particular piece of nonsense is either lying, deluded or selling something.

WTC 7 DID fall at free-fall speed, and watching any of the videos one can clearly see that all the buildings were the subjects of controlled demolition. Only a fool buys the ridiculous NIST Report. Arguing about whether or not the twin towers fell at precisely free-fall speed is silly given the rest of the evidence that makes it clear to any but the self-deluded that it was an inside job. Wake up already!

Actually, no, it didn't. No doubt you picked that up from your messiah, Alex Jones, but it's completely untrue. If you had done any real research at all you would know that the collapse of the building required some eighteen seconds. What people of your rather limited intellect think of as the collapse of the building is simply the collapse of the North wall of the building. If you look at the photographs of the debris pile, the North wall is laying on top of the pile like a shroud. That could not have happened if the entire building collapsed at once.

As for controlled demolition, I can't help what you think you see but the fact remains that no evidence of explosives of any type have ever been found in the debris of the WTC. And no matter what third rate researchers and shrill tragedy whores would have you believe, there was no evidence of burning agents, either.

I am certain that there was more than one shooter on that fateful day in Texas.

9/11 and JFK. Also government concealment of alien evidence.

Moon landing . . . possible fake, but then, if the whole program were a fake you wouldn't fake a failure with Apollo 13. I think that as time passes and the computers they used back then seem more and more "primitive," the number of people believing it was faked will rise, not fall. After awhile, the idea of "going to the moon in 1969" will seem as ridiculous as going there in 1850.

Any computer regardless of "power" can compute anything that is computable. It's all a matter of what you're trying to compute.

Er . . . who said anything about "power"? You can do simple math on a calculator the size of a credit card. The rules of mathematics are constant, but that doesn't mean that going to the moon in 1969 was a certainty for that reason. The same principles of calculation were available in 1850.

Principles without a machine capable of realizing them are useless. My point is that the notion that computers in the 60s weren't good enough to calculate trajectories and whatnot is wrong. Even primitive computers completely outclass human beings at carrying out complex calculations.

General purpose electronic computers were pretty much developed in the 1940s to calculate ballistics trajectories for artillery firing tables. It is no stretch at all to think that a further 20+ years of intense development would lead to computers capable of calculating trans lunar transfer trajectories.

That's very true. Part of the reason for the belief in a conspiracy is also that we haven't been back to the moon since Apollo, even with vastly superior computers.

You should see the Mythbusters special on the moonlanding.

I haven't seen it, but I'd like to. Not because I believe the moon landings were a hoax (necessarily), but because (as I mentioned above) the best reason that they weren't hoaxed is Apollo 13.

911 was likely carried out by US/Israeli agents.

Widespread media manipulation through selective reporting and editorial influence ensuring the public is kept ignorant, entertained and distracted. This enables the tide of public opinion to be either turned towards support of certain initiatives, or for the national attention to be focusd on trivialities and diverted away from certain events, trends and patterns that could reveal truths that powerful groups do not wish revealed.

Edit: This is also why powerful groups and people such as the Rockefellers are so against the Internet, because it represents a loss of control. Initiatives such as domain filters, Internet-2.0, crackdowns on anonymous file sharing, etc are part of the attempt to regain control.


That is an extremely good document and should be read by everyone with an interest in electronic media and manipulation of public opinion.

And a team of internet slaves who will downvote anyone revealing this information.


None. Unless I literally see something I have to rely on what others say happened, and I tend to believe the stories that make the most sense.

For example, with JFK, the gov't version of events has Oswald using a bolt action rifle and firing off 3 very difficult shots through a tree with next to no time to aim for the 2nd and 3rd shot. So, in my opinion, this version of the events that day is pretty tough to swallow, so I'm willing to listen more reasonable explanations.


We the 'people' are ruled by our own ignorance. We willingly give (register), apply & submit any & all freedom/titles to 'enjoy' the commercial benefits of a fictional society we call citizenship. We live in a matrix dictated by rules of the sea, while 99% of the population don't even know it.

To answer why? Because the 'law of free will' has a vast karmic effect that the elite are quite aware of - so we cannot be forced to do things unless we do so of our own free will...we were warned, just didn't read the fine print. "Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy"

I'm interested, but elaborate on that first paragraph...

Here is the cliffs notes:

  • Government is a corporation listed on Dun & Bradstreet with directors & a president

  • Your parents gave you to the government when they registered your birth (they have controlling interest, giving child services their power to take children away from parents). Birth certificate is also evidence you are a bond holder for this corporation.

  • When you decided it was time to work because you needed money, you applied (begged) and submitted an application for a SIN/SSN card which made you an employee of this corporation.

  • Because you are an employee, commercial law can now apply (Maritime law, UCC, whatever you want to call it).

  • You register your car (Government owns the title) to get a license to drive (commercially) giving police their power to ticket you even though you have an unalienable right to travel.

Watch this video to get you started: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7040453665540929835

Then check out the commonlaw subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/commonlaw

Nice try, <insert government intelligence gathering agency here>.

New World Order, because its coming true in real time!!!!

Ancient civilizations were far more sophisticated than we are led to believe, as evidenced by anomolous archeological finds such as the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical calculator designed to calculate astronomical positions. Remnants of these civilizations continued on as secret societies into the modern age.

Space aliens. They have the tech and knowledge to help the government cover it up.

TARP. My ass this is all about keeping the economy functioning. This is about keeping wealthy people wealthy.

Pop music. Maria Carry.

JFK, Sibel Edmonds, some parts of 9/11 and AIPAC has way more power then most people realize

All and none. I am the universal agnostic and the universal sceptic.

The whole Pam Ewing dream scene was a cover up to protect the identity of the person who actually shot J.R.

None, but I enjoy the psychology of the movement. I also think ones beliefs should be constantly challenged and reevaluated. So reading about CTs and discussing them is a part of that. I used to beleive them all (9/11, NWO, Illuminati etc), because it made me feel smart, like i had some kind of inside information, and knew things other were too dumb to see (sheep). You won't see any current ct believers say that, but you will see most former share that. Like I said, I enjoy the psychology.

I'd be interested in seeing what persuaded you that 9-11 actually happened as the gov't story says. What did you previously believe?

Well previous to 9/11 I was pretty big into conspiracy theories. (I would visit Rense.com like everyday). At that time, I wasn't drinking milk for instance. So in the months after it happened and all the initial theories started to come out, (trans afgan pipeline, hailburton, pretext for war, controlled demolition Listen to Immortal Technique:Cause of death for my midset at the time). So I followed it for a year or so, (in 2001 I was in 2nd year university), then I got really busy with school, girls and partying, so I didn't follow the 9/11 stuff too much anymore. Then I heard about loose change 2nd edition, and watched that. After that my interest was rekindled. I stated posting on fourms about 9/11 and was quickly shown to sites like screw loose change and JREF.

After watching loose change and being completely sold, then seeing screw loose change, and saw witnessing every argument made in that movie proven to be wrong/false/out of context etc; it was a pretty big shock. That was the beginning of the end of my CT ways.

Now its not an issue as many put it "what the govt says happend", but what the evidence and common sense prove happened.

I've also been disillusioned at the credible debunking of much of the 9-11 'theories', but I can't make myself swallow the 'official' one either. Perhaps I'm biased from a 26-year Air Force career. Anyway, thanks for a very intelligent reply.


Some astronomers speculate that we may discover Planet X within the next 5 years. The existence of Planet X would explain the Kuiper cliff in the outer solar system.

I believe that alien beings are circling around Uranus. We need to develop some sort of cosmic Preparation H pronto!!

How did this end up being downvoted?

I know!

You remind me of me.

I know!

I am an avid listener to Alex Jones - because he is comedy gold - not because I actually believe any of the conjecture he puts forward as 'fact'. A sentence that ends "and that's mainstream news folks" usually means it is no such thing, and more likely something that Jones has pulled from his hyperactive, star wars obsessed imagination...


for all the giggles I get from Alex, I still have a hankering for alien life... I would love for us to be not alone - I really wish it were true, and sometimes, just sometime I read a 'conspiracy' piece about military alien autopsies - and I find myself falling for it.

What floats your conspiracy boat, and why...?

Too many people pick on poor Alex, where were you when the usaPatRIOT act was being pushed through? I am not an Alex listener anymore, it's just too tense for me but I am pretty sure he cares deeply about you and your freedom. EDIT: "I am an avid listener to Alex Jones - because he is comedy gold" doubtful, you seem to be on a crusade against him. Why don't you try doing something constructive? I would like to hear a radio show which dredged up info and pointed out possible connections but in a calmer tone.

I am SURE he cares - he sounds very genuine in his passion...

exactly like Glen Beck.


The truth movement is the most dominant force on the Internet. Alex Jones started that movement.

I'm convinced Alex Jones is the real deal.

Glen Beck is a total shill. The agents of the PTB are being forced to co-opt the so-called "Freedom Movement" because so many people are waking up to the truth. Don't be fooled by these turn-coats.

your SURE huh, sounds like you are well on your way to extremism. I ask again, what have you done for freedom?

Well, I had a good laugh at that video, it's fantastic. It is like angry cheese - thanks.

Crusade?? Alex? Is that you???

I get board in between show segments :-D Apparently you don't want to explain what you have done to help the world, am I to understand that you are just another nit picking couch pilot? Gotta hurry up, we're going live in a few seconds. On a more serious note, AJ has some real flaws, but I'm not telling what they are, you'll have to figure them out yourself. BTW: Cute title for your AJ bashing page.

And with that, I lost touch with quite what it is you are getting at...

There is nothing that you can do that is more constructive than pointing out that Alex Jones is a liar, conman and tragedy whore. He's a bully, intellectually devoid and completely disconnected from reality. There's nothing "poor" about Alex as he has made a ton of cash exploiting the ignorance and paranoia of his audience. Alex Jones is a mutt and he doesn't care about a damn thing except lining his pockets.

That's libel moron. Do you have proof to back up your idiocy? No you don't because there isn't any!

Just listen to his show, psycho. Every day it's the same old paranoid fear-mongering that he uses to separate fools like you from your money. If you don't think he's totally full of shit, just give this a listen. I especially like the part when he starts crying and raving about wanting to murder everyone who disagrees with him.


Now shoo, troll.

You go a long way to advertise the Alex Jones Show, Hecklemore.

I'm not SURE that you are wrong, but you seem dead sure that you are correct, I think that mentality is wrong.

Same boat as you, I can't stand Alex Jones but I love hearing about alien evidence/conspiracies.

I haven't seen it, but I'd like to. Not because I believe the moon landings were a hoax (necessarily), but because (as I mentioned above) the best reason that they weren't hoaxed is Apollo 13.

Will whoever down-modded my comment please explain why! The Twin Towers did NOT fall at "free-fall" speed!

All you have to do is watch any of the videos of the collapse and you can clearly see that loose debris is falling much faster than the building. Anyone who is still trying to sell that particular piece of nonsense is either lying, deluded or selling something.

I've also been disillusioned at the credible debunking of much of the 9-11 'theories', but I can't make myself swallow the 'official' one either. Perhaps I'm biased from a 26-year Air Force career. Anyway, thanks for a very intelligent reply.

And a team of internet slaves who will downvote anyone revealing this information.