President George Bush is in the hospital a day after his wife's funeral. Do you think he asks for a confessor?

5  2018-04-24 by aManOfTheNorth

All those delicious secrets President Bush carries.

I dare not imagine the anguish which walks with guilty hearts into the Eternal Way.


For his quarterly virgin blood transfusion?

Ex president.

Or "former president" if you really give a shit... Which you shouldn't.

Don't tell me what to do

Okay, bootlicker.

'Ex' is just wishful thinking on their was probably subconscious.

A former president is always addressed as President.

Sure thing, bootlicker.

Bush is a scumbag, no one cares about pedantic honorifics.

Why is "score hidden" for every commentor here.

It does that for me too. But once the comment hits 1 hour old, then it shows the score to me.

think that always happens. hidden for first hour

Eh I don’t care I hope he burns in hell

same but it would be nice to get some stuff before he goes

Unlike the rest of you, I hope he has turned his life over to God

After 92 years of being a total shitbag, I hope God laughs at him.

Not how it works, and if you think that this is a true statement, I pitty you.

If you think that you get a 'pass' for everything you have done without reparations, I pity you too.

Yea, I don’t buy the “live your life as an evil fuck but get saved right before you die and all is forgiven “ crap

Good, because it is hopelessly unjust and really pathetic. There would be no reason to have 'a final JUDGMENT' if there was no purpose for the Judgment. However, the spawn of the fallen know that they are completely condemned with no hope no matter what they do, so they just do whatever the fuck they want on Earth...and are as evil as they desire.

There is no final judgement. That's just. One of the many corruptions of gods word by man. It was used as a means of controlling the population across political boundries

Doesn't still have to face your own verdict about your own behavior when you 'see clearly'...and I wouldn't want to be one of these parasitic mass murderers if I had a choice. Just because we might call it 'Final Judgment' or not have real words or concepts for what is going to happen, doesn't mean that I would willingly be caught up in the same behavioral patterns that these people engage in day to day.

Plottwist: They'll reincarnate on a planet worse than earth!

Plot twist:

There is no planet worse than Earth...look around you.

I don't know what you are smoking but I am not killing any babies right now, how about you fella?

Can't see the forest for the trees, eh?

you are the one pretending there is no good in the world so maybe start opening your eyes or you will miss the action

I am simply not siding with what is patently evil. That has nothing to do with there being 'no good'...but currently there has been so much evil performed that the vast majority of humanity, if not close to all of them have no idea what it even means to be good it makes little difference that there is 'good' in the world according to your evaluation. If you will not side with what is conducive to LIFE then it doesn't matter if you label something 'good' and are content with yourself or self congratulatory. Is the 'homosexual agenda' good? According to your standards? Clearly to most people the increased gang rape and degradation of the human form are considered 'good' as well as the attempts to drop the 'age of consent' completely and allow all ages to be gang raped without any legal 'repercussions' for their actions. You see this as 'progress' no matter how many of your victims commit suicide or are physically wrecked by the child rapes (they also turn to drug use to kill themselves later in life). So maybe the world would be better off if you closed your eyes...or were blinded so that you could not do so much damage within it with your 'progressive' values.

I did not deny there was evil, it is you denying there is good.

Are you denying the good in yourself is the point of my question which you fail to grasp.

I’m not gay, this has ZERO to do with me; talk about grasping for STRAWS in desperation. Lmao

That's not what I was going for, but if that's what you're thinking then perhaps you can literally not think of anything good in this world. You gotta have love before you can say others don't. I know they don't but I know I do.

There is no such thing as love in this dimension, is a universal principle that is only available in equitable dimensions. Wow this has been a CWOT! Lolz

I know a former jew who is in a relationship with a former neonazi, go figure that one out, you sage.

You can’t be ‘a former jew’ it’s an inherited Criminal Mafia that is literally the most evil force this planet and by extension that the universe has ever seen. They are the agents of destruction with no redeeming qualities at all. They are a Death Cult and the servants of the God of Death. Everything they touch is defiled; that is why they are the number one fans of homosexuality, genocide, cannibalism, genital mutilation etc etc etc. there is nothing redeeming about them.

you mean frankist sabbatean talmudist kabbaliststs

or are you referring to the Torah-Jews who have been sacrificed for the sake of political zionism oh so many times because they didn't fit in the satanist world order?

ALL JEWS...this ain't my first rodeo, there bubba. You see, I say words and you can't fathom the meaning behind them.


There, maybe with all caps you will 'get the message'.

oh so you met them all? Holy falsifiability...

Why would I 'need to meet them'? To verify their evil? It is written in their beliefs, their culture and their morals. They are so bad that they own god divorced them permanently and never looked back. They are wholly and unmitigated EVIL.

Let me ask you something...when the Bolshevik Jews were 'doing their thing' slaughtering 60,000,000 innocent Russian Intelligentsia (A PITIFUL FRACTION OF THE PEOPLE THE JEWS HAVE MURDERED TO 'COVER THEIR CRIMES ON THIS PLANET' as their death cult 'god' instructs them to do) for SPORT like they did during the Bolshevik revolution, do you think that they bothered to 'meet them all' to check and make sure they 'were nice people'...all 60,000,000 were met and verified for 'good behavior' or 'nice personality' before they were slaughtered?

Don't be a fucking fool. The Jews, ALL OF THEM, deserve to be treated EXACTLY as they have treated others...and then some. In the day that we count up the DEAD of Earth at their one will believe the one will be able to count them, because they are as the sands of the sea...uncountable and unnumbered.

You mean people like Jacob Frank and Sabbatai Zevi who denounced Judaism because it just wasn't satanist enough for their liking...

NO...I think you might have a reading comprehension problem. I mean ALL OF THEM. I really don't know how to make it more crystal clear to you than this...ALL OF THEM ARE EVIL; THE MOST EVIL THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO THIS PLANET...not sure why you can't comprehend my words. Just look casually at their believe system. It is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING AND IMMORAL in ever way.

I already told you I know a former Jew who is in a relationship with a former neonazi.

Not my problem if you aren't experienced with either.

If you'd said Judaism then that would be one thing but you miss the test of falsifiability...

Best example would Seth Rich and Andrew Breitbart. What about them, jewhater?

not my problem if you're not being comprehensive because you have nothing to say.

Unlike Seth Rich or Andrew Breitbart.

Note that they are dead because unlike you they actually wanted to make a difference and not just be bitch-ass hater.

You as a people, deserve to be treated as you have treated others.

LMAO all that sitting as a parasite on the entire planet while you devoured it down and slaughtered its people...and now what? They have 'outgrown' you...that average 84 IQ isn't really 'serving you well' at this point now is it? Can't seem to comprehend that someone SEES YOU CLEARLY, can you? Guess what by your own behavior you have boxed yourselves into the Tefillin, and sealed that coffin closed behind you (now you can get your send off to go play house with your Death Cult God in Hell where you belong). I can't wait until the day when the seat of consciousness spreads to the entire globe (outside of you 'aliens' on planet earth [ICU]who have no share in the consciousness of Earth) and there is NO ONE who will shelter you...all peoples will see you as the degenerate contaminated murderous filth and Inherited Criminal Mafia that you REALLY are...I await the day that you will PAY BACK what you have stolen from the Earth...that and MORE will be taken from you and given to the victims of your malfeasance in REPARATIONS for your absolute WICKEDNESS...and your MURDERS...that day can't come soon enough. Anyway, you are actually starting to bore me as you have nothing to say for people since there is nothing that could be said to 'explain away' how you have behaved and what you have done here...LOL

His name was Seth Rich.

except Jesus himself

So there isnt a hell its actually the lower 4th dimension where the negative souls reside.

You can become a regular positive soul again. It requires more than just saying sorry but its possible. Because the real god doesnt punish his creations for eternity only until theyve made themselves better. But it requires being genuine and requores some time before youre actually healing.

The real god loves all his creations and wants all his creations to love. The key to advancement as a soecies is less hate more love

He turned to Satan a long time ago man.

The man who sold the world...

Spoken like a person who has no idea what it's like to turn your life over to God.

even jesus burned for three days... if they can make a pill to extend time HERE, imagine what GOD can do to your perception.

Will he confess anything? No.

If he dies we may expect some hardcore shit coming up which no one could have known like the saville case.

Not as long as Junior is still alive

I dont think jr is as involved as everyone thinks. I think he was used by his dad and dicky and wolfowitz to push their agenda I honestly dont think he really knew much of the details and i feel that's by design. He is definitely complicit because he knew theybwere up to shit and was happy to go along with it.

... and he's a golden retriever. look at the guy. i feel bad for dubya, but... excuse me, ahem,

"Ignorance of the law excuses no man. Not that all men know the law, but because 'tis an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him." -Jurist John Seldon.

remember what he would do to you if the roles were reversed... golden retriever or not, that boy's been trained to heel, and attack.

Yeah right he’s dying knowing his name will practically always be in the history books. His name is immortal basically. I could die happy with that knowledge.

As a traitor and villain. Not the right legacy, buddy.

I don't think it matters to some people.

US Pres it’s a title like King and stuff

One man's trash... I agree with you.

Confessor for what?

"Confessor for what ?"

Because he holds many many secrets for reasons of his many associations and memberships in various administrations. Etcetera ....

Confessor to confirm he started the Iraq war to give the land to Israel.

Enjoy your vanilla ice cream.

People like that, and I use the term loosely, don't feel any guilt over the things they have done.

It's a scheduled Soul transfer.

I thought he was the greatest diplomat and leader of the 20th century, hands down

Please tell me you're joking?

I would kill to have a president that respects the office like he did right about now. And I'm by no means a supporter of the Bush family.

Maybe they can release some more Kennedy files after he dies since he has always denied that he was the “George Bush of the CIA” who was briefed on 11/22/63 about the assassination.


iirc, the bush family is methodists.

methodists, along with most protestant sects, dont do the confession/final rites thing.

but what do members of skull and crossbones do?

good question.


As soon as Satan's Spawn keels over to join his Sou Demoness in the 9th Circle, then Trump can declassify the other-other #JFKFiles that NARA is still sitting on like a Basilisk egg.

Namely, the "3,082 Documents, totaling 217,114 pages" of the real shit revealing who in the CIA smoked JFK and most important why.

His name was George Bush.


Splinter and scatter my friends.

He's probably not going to confess anything. I know there's probably over a hundred UFO/government conspiracies out there, but I seem to recall at least one of them stating he is was one of a very few people in government who has first hand knowledge of extraterrestrial life visiting this planet. So if he did confess anything I would really like for him to spill the beans on that.

But he won't.

Very Strange Bush ends up in hospital the night before the 180 day holding period for the JFK Files. The crazy side of me would rather believe George killed his wife so they couldn't come after her and then checked in to the hospital to die.

she's not innocent in this.

Nothing will come of it. He's got dementia, he'll die with his secrets.

well fuck him... let's keep him alive and pump with sodium pentathol. it's what HE would've done for a traitor.

personally, i pity the sin eater.

You and I think we want to know what secrets he has, we really don't.

A Moment of understanding followed by a lifetime of horror and regret.

Sometimes when I dig and discover a new horror, I just stop, I stop searching, I stop posting, I detox my mind for a week or two, and enjoy life as is.

His mind would be a treasure trove. A completely new history and reality would come from having a glimpse, not necessarily a good one.

He's a company man though, he carries his secrets to his grave.

Spare, truth will set us free or at least on a different path. We adapt, it's what got us this far, no?

Yea, I don’t buy the “live your life as an evil fuck but get saved right before you die and all is forgiven “ crap