Hitler and Napoleon Held Different Principles.

0  2018-04-24 by Thetanster

​I’m not a scholar on Hitler. I hear everyday that history hasn’t treated him fairly. I am under the understanding that occult types celebrate his birthday. This coincides with my general view of Hitler as a dark occultist.

When I hear the name of Napoleon and Hitler joined as if they were two of a kind, I always bristle. I think this comparison is part of the injustice of the people who control media, government and education.​ Then regular people parrot this comparison because they lack access to the Truth.

Basically, the shadowy cabal of tyrants don’t like real heroes. A genuine hero might get in the way of the racket they’re running on the rest of us. ​

This documentary below connects Hitler with famous dark occultist Helena Blavatsky. It says that the swastika is strongly associated with Blavatsky. ​

Put Blavatsky with Hitler, not Napoleon. ​

Napoleon was a complicated guy, overtly spiritual in his own unique way. There is no case, in my opinion, that he was a dark occultist like Blavatsky and Hitler once were.​



Neither were real people so there's that.


All the worlds a stage . That is not an abstract phrase in my opinion.

Careful, now. They may break their neck going down that rabbit hole ;)

From the simpsons episode I seen yesterday:

Dr. Hibbert: Well, only one in two million people has what we call the "evil gene". Hitler had it, Walt Disney had it, and... Freddy Quimby has it.

And we all know how much the simpsons likes telling the truth....


I celebrated his birthday I’m not an occultist. Just a normal person

are you a nazi perhaps? cause normal ppl don't celebrate a birthday of a tyrant.

My opinion is he is worse than un-educated.......

id aasume that worse then uneducated would be illiterate. but he shows signs that he can write and articulate his ideas and thoughts

You assume wrong.....

Am I a Nazi? Yea I guess you could say that I’m a National Socialist. I’m also a human. I don’t care that he was a tyrant, fascist dictatorships are better than democracies if democracies trample on the people they are supposed to serve

What can you tell me about the thule society?

I don’t know dude I have heard about that on a guys YouTube channel called cultured thug where I think they try to explain where people came from, particularly the Aryan race, but I really don’t know much about it. I think it’s kind of whacky

walt disney based his nazism off the thule society...... so here you are admitting walt disney's nazism is kind of whacky.......

I don’t know why you’re trying to drag me down this Thule Society path. I’ll definitely look into it but you’re sort of acting like I’m a hardcore Nazi when I’m not. I know about the JQ. I know about the wars for Israel. I know they lied about the Holocaust. I know things can be better

"I celebrated hitlers birthday".......

The holocaust is questionable I agree.... Who were the burnt offered too?

You refuse to listen to fact though, which is my problem with you, and you are a name that sticks out to me.....

You can't claim to celebrate hitlers birthday while not claiming to be a nazi, I wonder if your post history is supposed to stop me from calling you out, like it has in the past....

Even when I call out the black nobility, it makes this sub look bad, and I am just starting to realise this, because it is a hopeless argument, because our solution to the troubles of this world doesn't start with hanging high level cunts, it starts with educating the low level cunts, or rather us, me and you, cunt and cunt....

This is new to me, I've came a long way since my first days in this sub 2 years ago, I started as a trump worshipper (i'm canadian, but fuck did i ever hate refugees), but now, I understand why there is war..... sure as fuck isn't cuz hitler didn't survive, that I can gaurentee.....

War/poverty/human trafficking/etc all happens because you and I(yes me, I dont' do enough) allow it to happen..... If me and you are going to keep fighting over which cunt in a gold crown is govern-mentus'ing us all, than that is where we will end, arguing.......

I don't fuckin like you whatsoever, your post history makes me belive you aren't what you say you are, but if it's true, I still don't fuckin like you, but I love you, because perhaps one day you'll see, and when you do, I'll open my arms to you......

but this fuckin "i celebrated hitelrs" birthday shit...... you are painting a picture of this sub, taht bottom spooks of reddit uses against us.... and you are literally no fuckin help to humanity in doing that.......

I hope you learn, or I will continue hating and loving you at the same time....... Hitler was a puppet, politics is theatre, history is a hoax....... Please put the time in to actually learn, or you will keep your RES tag......

Oh so you’re one of those black nobility people.

Guess what. I don’t care what other people think of this subreddit. If anyone actually cared about the truth they would actually read my post instead of analyzing it and looking for little things to pick apart so they can then deem the whole post false.

I have been open to the idea that Hitler is a puppet. However I am sick and tired of you people that refuse to use the J word. Jews. If Hitler was a puppet, he was a puppet for the JEWS. Not the Jesuits or the Black Nobility. The Jews and Israel. Perhaps the black nobility is something I should look into, but I have no doubt in my mind that it is just another extension of Jewish power.

And honestly what help is posting on Reddit to humanity anyways? I have thought about making actual change. Reporting Zionist terrorism on the phone. Making flyers and handing them out to people. Flyers that show the absolutely disgusting and perverse language used in Jewish holy books such as the Talmud. Showing pictures of the destruction that has occurred from Israeli imperialism. Pictures of Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, places that have been terrorized by Israel. You know maybe schedule meetings with law enforcement and city council. That is real change, not posting on Reddit.

But honestly I cannot understand for the life of me how you people simply deny Jewish influence in all of this stuff. Seriously? It’s not like they haven’t been accused of a lot of things in the past. They certainly have. You can do a quick google search of the executive boards of Wall Street firms and find way more than 2% being Jews. The role of MOSSAD in 9/11 was large. So many things point to the Jews. And you guys simply act like it isnt true. Oh it must be the Jesuits

Guess what. I don’t care what other people think of this subreddit.

Duly noted sir.......

Also, real change doesn't come from showing(or trying to) people who rules over them, real change comes from working in ones own community to show them how things can be different....

if you wanna blame the jews, and I wanna blame the kings, queens and princes of this world, than that gets us no where, tis no different than blaming trump or hillary...... May I point you towards a thread that offers real solutions?:


Blaming anyone but ourselves is the reason we are in this mess, this is humanitys mess because humanity allows it, change starts with you and I my..... friend......

There are theories raging about Adolf Hitler right now. When people awaken and realize almost everything we’ve been told is lies, naturally everything including the media image created surrounding Hitler is questioned.

As a lifelong Napoleon scholar, it took a long time to separate the media cartoon image of Napoleon that was fed to us from the hero I believe he truly was.

I know Napoleon was not perfect and that he made mistakes and he most certainly had serious regrets. Despite that, unlike the major leaders of today, I believe that Napoleon was actually a man of mostly noble principles.

This documentary examines the dark occult proclivities of Adolf Hitler.

Is it true that Napoleon was ordered around by his wife a lot?

I actual find the work of Blavatsky interesting, what little I've read of it at least. I think it's a shame her ideas have been so thoroughly associated with National Socialism as a lot of what she wrote about is a mishmash of stories and legends that have been told for ages.

Same for Karl Maria Wiligut.

Im not familiar with Wiligut, I'll have to check out his work.

His reference to "historical Irminism" is a very VERY deep rabbit hole that involves a proto-Christ figure named Krist that he dated back to the time of 12,500 bc before the great deluge.

I would put forward a purely structural argument, having to do with the inevitable realities involved in geo-politics in this subject area, that can become unnecessarily loaded with emotional, Public-Relations shaped impressions, such as "Napoleon was a good guy" and "Hitler was a monster" or variants of these caricatures. They both were dictatorial leaders of very dynamic and powerful nation-states.

As we look back through recent modern history, one fundamental urgency dominates statecraft from the Age of Exploration to today: the necessity for nation states to adopt the "standard art" of rational science, as practiced in the best-of-breed nation state, as demonstrated by military, colonial, and industrial success.

We can consider both Hitler and Napoleon, as well as many others, as attempting the difficult task of out-performing the existing "standard art" in their own dynamic, historical and national framework, to rival the British system, along with the related American system, which was the model of hegemonic success. It still is.

Let's look at Napoleon. There is no doubt that he perfected a land army superior to anything the British and allies could build. However, the wars were ultimately dependent on trade, and the British naval superiority decided the conflict, and won a century of global dominance (1814-1914) for the British.

Now let's jump to Hitler. Hitler understood the difficulty and danger of renewing the struggle to take back supremacy from the English-speaking peoples. Hitler's experience in WWI reinforced for him how difficult, but necessary, it would be to challenge the British and American lead yet again. In both wars, Germany challenged at a premature stage in its own refinements, and suffered a disastrous defeat.

In the end, it was the industrial strength of America, and the joint secret-project inventiveness that assisted Allied code breaking and nuclear weapon development that made the difference.

We could fold in the challenge of the USSR during the Cold War - but with the same basic story.

This review and analysis is meant to get people focused. Since the early 1800's the best comprehensive "standard art" for military, economic, and cultural domination has been in the hands of Britain and the USA - demonstrably - by the wars they have won and the portion of the globe under their direct or indirect sway.

Despite the various clever, ruthless dictators like Napoleon and Hitler, who desperately tried to wrest that lead away, these "best-of-breed" technologies have now advanced from wooden warships to nuclear missiles, and their ownership has essentially been retained in the same socio-political entity.

Between Hitler and Napoleon, the latter made a costly mistake: nepotism. Trump follows in his footsteps. Hitler was not a nepotist and was the stronger of the two.

As for the "occult", practically all occult circles which have been firmly established (or at least claim to have their roots in antiquity / the ancient world) reject Hitler. The theosophy under Alice A. Bailey's direction explicitly rejects racial purity (see Externalization of the Hierarchy). As for the theosophy represented by Blavatsky, terminology such as root races, sub-races, etc. have absolutely nothing to do with Hitler's racialism.