Wikipedia is shaping reality again, This time with the White Helmets!

4  2018-04-24 by Mrexreturns

The organisation has been the target of a disinformation campaign by supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Iran-sponsored Mehr News Agency and Russia-sponsored Russia Today (RT), with false claims of close ties with terrorist activities and other conspiracy theories.[5][6][7][8][9][10]

When i read this i realready stopped reading because it sums up the nature of the article by itself.

Never Trust Wikipedia for anything, it's been ran over by Israeli operatives, intelligence agents and ultra-radical neo liberals to be any form of truth.


Wow that’s some blatant lying, I really thought better of Wikipedia


It's the best in anything non-political. For politics use your own brain and judgement because it gets messy.

I know. They are bad but it's how they operate. It gives them the opportunity to re-write history and lie to the public and present it as fact.

The organisation has been the target of a disinformation campaign by supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Iran-sponsored Mehr News Agency and Russia-sponsored Russia Today (RT), with false claims of close ties with terrorist activities and other conspiracy theories

Hey guys! They're literally referring to you here. Up to and including all the comments sure to pop up ITT which continue the Russo-Iranian narrative in support of the Assad regime. Its kind of interesting to watch geopolitical conflict take place in realtime on the internet's battlefield. I'm not even saying the accounts that parrot this propaganda are actually all Russian bots. Those guys found plenty of alt-right saddos in this country to carry on the message for them.

Its so telling that the one defense so many Assad supporters keep coming back to is that Israel must be behind opposition to Syrian regime in power. As if supporting radical Sunni groups in opposition to Assad would pay off so well as to be worth the potential for further chaos next door. But you guys think Israel devised ISIS so there's really no attacking this with logic, is there?

But you guys think Israel devised ISIS so there's really no attacking this with logic, is there?

CIA actually.

No, Mossad not CIA. ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

No, Mossad not CIA. ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

So you mean that there two groups called "ISIS" ? One an Israeli Intelligence agency and one a "terrorist" outfit fighting against Assad in Syria?

No, just the one.

No, he claims to know that ISIS is an Israeli project...

Like was said earlier, don't feed the trolls.

Are you sarcastic or...?

No, Israel is obviously behind ISIS. Not saying that's what it stands for but it's an interesting coincidence nonetheless.

Don't feed the trolls.

Don't feed the trolls.

Thanks. I'll try not to.

It's worked out pretty well so far, ISIS hasn't attacked Israel more than once I'm pretty sure and they apologized for that,

Israel also takes militant islamists from Syria into their hospitals,

Never Trust Wikipedia for anything

Well, actually, Wikipedia is an excellent resource things like TV shows, Movies, Sports, Geography and such. But for current political thing like this, no, don't trust Wikipedia at all.

wikipedia is crawling with disinfo agents nitpicking away any edit that goes against their agenda. Who knows how many admins are plants at this point. that google pushes wiki articles to the top of every search is infuriating

that google pushes wiki articles to the top of every search is infuriating

Only sometimes. It's great id you want a Wikipedia page for something as often I do.

lol you could always just go to wikipedia

Googling is usually faster than navigating from the home page of most websites. I usually Google the name of whatever website and the page im looking for (FAQ, menu, contact info, etc).

true true but typically when i want to reach a particular site via google, i have to add the site name in the search to guarantee the result, for example "is obama the antichrist snopes." Why should wikipedia, a self-admitted unreliable source be given such special treatment, and why would snopes bother doing an article on such a preposterous topic?

I recall in 2003 Wikipedia being compromised by pro Iraq war propaganda as well. If I recall, there were wikipedia edit battles being waged at that time, I think the article "Weapons of mass destruction" was one.

According to the fact-checking organisation these accusations against the White Helmets are unfounded.

Surely snopes wouldn’t lie.

The editors at Snopes should go visit the White Helmets, to enjoy their "humanitarian" work. At least we wouldn't have to hear from Snopes again.

But didn’t you know snopes has fact checked there are actually no flights into Syria. All fact checking done from their cozy offices.

Last year the Guardian had a big piece on how the White Helmets are victims of Russian propaganda. It's pretty surreal...

wikipedia is shaping reality again

Now people are starting to close in on the true source of power.

Can you source something about white helmets and terrorism

Why is it always Israel and liberals who are responsible for the world's woes? Whenever you infuse a theory with your own political biases you instantly loose credibility.

Every second week a conservative is caught with his pants down, yet "pizzagate" was all about the DNC. If you genuinely believe this type of sex abuse goes on, and that all sides aren't involved, then you're delusional. This is why people like me post threads to TMOR. I use to love this sub but the levels people go to, to demonise the left, are ridiculous. It just comes around as biased ramblings

Well to answer your question about about Israelis editing wikipedia, .

When the leader of the organization is refused entry to the US on terrorist grounds it gives you a good understanding of the checkmate situation the US has gotten itself into regarding the white helmets

The funny truth is that there may be small slivers of truth involved with white helmets being an organization that helps out in crazy situations - in fact I’d be disappointed at the propaganda effort if not - however they are western funded to tune of hundreds of millions (openly admitted by uk via Boris Johnson) and it’s painfully obvious that the UK and US want to overthrow Assad at all costs.

They’re (the white helmets) inseparable from terrorists however and no doubt involved in the massive propaganda effort to portray Assad as an evil man.

The fact that the evidence exists for this and is so well known by alternative journalists is worrying. To deny it now means that western journalists must either live exclusively in a bubble of western propaganda or be so thoroughly uninformed and misinformed that it begs the question - how!!?

Wikipedia has been a great place for paid bullies, paid by Murdoch, to spend hours a day editing and manipulating opinion against "WrongThink". Cyber stalking via Wikipedia edits is a very real thing.

Wikipediocracy covers it very well. The harm caused by things like paid trolls for pesticides or various industries like soft drinks, mobile phones, oil and drug companies, it huge. The worst bit is, that when you debate someone online, they can just refer to Wikipedia and ignore all the issues with it. You can ever state that Wikipedia is a known tool for powerful interests who spread doubt, and they'll laugh you off.

It's okay for some topics like physics, maths and general trivia. But modern topics are written carefully by bored people with an agenda.

They lie about history and politics to shape current day political agenda. There are lies everywhere and some of them are so in the open that people don't even question it.

For example, Syrian conflict was labeled as 'Syrian Civil War' right out of the gate. In reality its a foreign proxy armies trying to destroy Syria and its leaders in an attempt to take that land. There is nothing civil war-y about it.

While Wikipedia is easily compromised in terms of having the politically charged aspects of any given entry be a likely target for obfuscation, I've found that it is very reliable if your intention is too find what concepts and other entries are related to (and therefore linked on) your initial entry search. This helps me to quickly discover new topics in relation to my original topic of interest whose deeper meanings and context etc.. I can flesh out elsewhere outside of Wikipedia if I so choose.

I wonder how many shekels were spent modifying that Wikipedia post.


The editors at Snopes should go visit the White Helmets, to enjoy their "humanitarian" work. At least we wouldn't have to hear from Snopes again.