So why it is not okay for Democrats to not be communists? Why do they have to accept Bernie and what his politics bring to the table? Why is this the subject of a "conspiracy"?

0  2018-04-24 by ANTIFARULEZ

Let's not forget how much Republicans and conservatives lie and slander to get their way.

My favorite part is the "tax you at 90%". Such lies from conservative capitalists with money. He really told these people Bernie is going to leave them with only 10% of their pay. I like to think conservatives aren't stupid, so I say they lie!

Had Democrats adopted the Bernie meme. Republicans would have branded them as socialist commie liberals coming to take your guns and tell you they are female. Uh.

Bernie was independent his entire political career until now. Democrats want to remain capitalist and somehow that's the big crime. I highly suspect real Trump supporters and shills use this strategy of virtue signaling constantly. Among lie because they will stop at nothing to win or change the culture instead of letting it evolve.

Yeah there's a lot of socialists in the U.S.A. Lot of people don't even know how socialist/communist they really are. So maybe Bernie would have gotten the 100,000 votes between three states difference. He also might have lost the rural areas because we all know how American they are and how much they hate socialist commies the Republicans are against.

Yeah, I know the easy response is going to be, "Well, they colluded with media". It's pretty clear Fox News is an arm of the Republican party and it's as big or bigger than all the liberal networks put together. It seems like liberals like different networks but Republicans all like to go to the same source so they can all get on the same page with talking points.


Nah, real america hates Hillary more than they do communists.

and somehow that's the big crime.

So you're like a pro capitalism communist? Can't really be anti-fascist and pro-neoLiberalism. Those two positions are diametrically opposed. As much as you're anti-Trump, you should be twice as Anti-Clinton.

"real america" voted for Clinton as she won the popular vote.

With between 800K and 9 million fake votes, she did. You're a phony. A fascist phony.

Well, it seems we found another liar. 9 gorillian votes? Wow.

Wow indeed.

And let's be honest. Popular vote isn't how this nation decides its president. It's entirely an irrelevant argument. Especially considering the fact that without the state of California, Hillary would have lost the popular vote and the electoral college by one of the largest margins in history. California is just home to the largest number of fake leftist neo-fascists in America.

Also, most likely the largest number of fake voters.

Let's be honest. You have no proof of illegal votes and even Trump didn't find any.

Call me a fascist while wanting to discredit people's votes so your guy can win the electoral college and the popular vote because in your delusion other people are the fascists. Funny!

I was a Bernie guy, so my guy can't win because yours already (provably) cheated.

You are a fascist!

Why didn't your guy run as an independent? Why must he have the Democrat party? Is it entitled to you?

Why did your guy have to cheat just to win her party's nomination and thereby get into the election where she lost to the second worst presidential candidate in US history.

Why didn't Bernie run as in independent? What's the matter, I thought you had all this support.

Because this country is run by the political equivalent of two 100% corrupt political cartels, and as a consequence, in order to achieve mainstream exposure one is forced to enter into one of the two major primaries.

In short, because the Democrats are evil cunts.

LOL the unawareness.

Because this country is run by the political equivalent of two 100% corrupt political cartels

two 100% corrupt political cartels


So why didn't he run as Republican then.

Wrong audience. Clearly.

So Bernie is entitled to the Democrats despite never working on behalf of them before.

Fuck the Democrats this is about actual democracy, and the 2 party system IS THE PROBLEM. Not being a slave to the corrupt democrats was arguably Bernie's most appealing quality, and it alone made him more qualified than any other candidate running by a large margin. If they agreed to let him run in their primary, as they did, then yes, HE WAS ABSOLUTELY ENTITLED TO A FAIR CHANCE AT WINNING THE NOMINATION! This is not even an arguable point.

Well, I would have voted for Bernie in the primary if I were a democrat. Are you a registered Democrat that voted for Bernie?

I'm unaffiliated and did vote for Bernie during the primary. I had previously voted Dem in every election since 2004. Will never vote for them again over what they did in 2016. They lost a reliable vote.

Oh really? Your state has open primaries?

I didn't realize independent, democrat and republicans can vote for whoever in whatever parties' primaries in your state.

So why didn't Bernie win the primary?

That's the only way you can actually have a democracy where the final two are even somewhat decided by the people. Closed primaries are for fascists.

Too bad you're just a petty liar

Removed. Rule 10.

I've always wondered why Sanders was allowed to run for the democrats nomination without being a member of the part6.

TBH, even though the media was for Clinton as well as the DNC establishment, I think the votes would have spoke loudly if Bernie had the Democrat support in the primaries. In a lot of states you can't vote in Democrat or Republican primaries without being affiliated with that party. Which makes sense, the party is figuring out who to run.

Clinton barely beat Bernie in California. But still a recorded win. Which gave the democrats the go ahead to stay capitalist. Which is what my post was about.

You know there are videos on youtube of the elections department in multiple districts whiting out & shredding Bernie votes.

They wouldn't allow observers, but people filmed it anyway.

They had security to make sure that people wouldn't get too close.

Didnt work & still didn't make the 'news'.

Removed. Rule 10

Hey man.....we’re a sanctuary state! And since we’re already giving them sanctuary, what’s the big deal if we give them free healthcare and schooling and support their families? Also, they’re going to need a drivers license so they can drive around right? And if we’re already giving them everything an American Citizen gets, why shouldn’t they vote for the people who gave them all the free stuff?


The popular vote is not the contest she was participating in.

Well, obviously. She still got it anyway.

Lots of 5k losers win the first hundred yards. Doesn't make them winners.


"real america" voted for Clinton as she won the popular vote.

She still didn't get a majority of the popular vote, she just got a few million more than Trump. If you add up everyone who voted for someone other than Hillary Clinton then she didn't win the majority.

If you add up everyone who voted for someone other than Hillary Clinton then she didn't win the majority.

LOL well those votes don't automatically go for Trump.

She won the popular vote while being a bad candidate. That's reality.

I didn't say that they do go to Trump. I'm saying that Hillary didn't win a majority of the popular vote.

Again it's not difficult to understand that the popular vote has nothing to do with electing the POTUS. Plenty of boxers have lost a fight where they had more points. And like Hillary's POTUS run, it's because they got knocked the fuck out.

Again it's not difficult to understand that "real america" voted in favor of Clinton as she won the popular vote. Those votes don't get added to Donald Trump.

No, that's not how it works. Obviously or the would be the POTUS.

Sure she did. /s

But if they’re girls?

I just want to know why this is a conspiracy.

Doesn't seem like one. I can understand attacking someone by calling them a satanic pedophile but lashing them for not being communist?

Something doesn't pass the smell test and it's shills who push nonsense which then gets used to derail conspiracy debates.

Should have elected Ron Paul when we had the chance, these other puppets are all the same- maybe not Bernie, but big government sucks and we have decades of proof.

Bernie wants more government. Not the solution.

Agreed, but he doesn’t seem like the same as the rest of the Ds & Rs that are all kind of the same.

He can't even govern a microphone at his own speaking event without being pushed over by special interest groups.

He can't even govern a microphone at his own speaking event without being pushed over by special interest groups.

Nah he diffused the situation where a known shit stirring group wanted to paint him as a racist if he blew up. He knew that & deferred giving them speaking time. Smart move.

Rolling over everyone all the time is a weak strategy for building movements.

He lost a shit ton of votes that day. Rolling over everyone might be a weak strategy but getting rolled over by nobodies is even worse.

He lost a shit ton of votes that day. Rolling over everyone might be a weak strategy but getting rolled over by nobodies is even worse.

Dude you are grasping. You have no way of verifying that. He may have gained just as easy from your 'analysis'.

I'm guessing that's the event in Seattle. Was living there at the time. All the white liberals in the crowd couldn't believe they were being called racist by BLM. =)

Is the solution really less government?

I don't agree with some socialists about free college. While in theory it sounds like an investment of sorts, that would cost entirely too much money. I think medicare for all is doable. Since an insurance company is just a company that takes your money with other people and might some to help get you healthcare.

Unfortunately that's how Bernie hooked the young people. Free college over healthcare or just both.

While in theory it sounds like an investment of sorts, that would cost entirely too much money.

It only costs a ton in the United States because universities are spending massive amounts on marketing,top level admin salaries & stadiums.

How come US students can go to foreign countries & receive a free top education if college 'costs entirely too much money.'?

Most of those countries aren't even bigger than New York state.

Yes, if you did away with the military budget completely you can afford free college for everyone.

So do I get my money back?

Most of those countries aren't even bigger than New York state. Except one thing. It's money raised by percentage of tax base, not by size. Just like every single country on earth.

Yes, if you did away with the military budget completely you can afford free college for everyone.

So you don't think a military welfare budget 10 times the size of our nearest big threat is fkn excessive?

You seem to be a victim of establishment welfare complex brainwashing.

Ron Paul would probably have been a good president. Weird that corporatism couldn't get the Libertarian up there when it's so powerful everywhere else. Oh... because for profit prisons and the drug war. Damn.

More so burying him in the media and painting him as some crazy person when they did cover him.

You elect Ron Paul as president & take away the monopolies of crony capitalism & it's still a race to the bottom trying to compete against slave wage foreign production.

We have devolved into a country of fee chargers.

Will you disavow the use of violence to silence speech you disagree with?

Hey, a few eggs have to be broken in order to make that perfect omelet!

I hope you're kidding.

Just sharing the mentality behind the use of violence to implement the communist utopia where, after all the mass murder to get it, there will be no violence, justice and fairness will prevail and everyone will have all their needs met!

Just sharing the mentality behind the use of violence to implement the communist utopia where,

Dude how do you think they enacted a capitalist state....through poetry & flowers? Gimme a fkn break.

I'm not sure. Pretty sure the 2nd amendment gives me the right to bear arms that a tyrannical Republican controlled government doesn't try to take away my first amendment and replace it with theocracy.

Most of the time people talk about this violence against free speech is because they want to express "white" ethnic nationalism without receiving hate. Well, if you read the first amendment, it stops the government from controlling your speech. Says nothing about other people stopping your speech or a corporation stopping your speech.

I'm not sure.

That's because you're mincing words later in your comment.

Most of the time people talk about this violence against free speech is because they want to express "white" ethnic nationalism

Which is covered by free speech.

without receiving hate.

By hate do you mean physical violence?

Well, if you read the first amendment, it stops the government from controlling your speech. Says nothing about other people stopping your speech or a corporation stopping your speech.

Sounds exactly how Hitler's youth would justify violently intimidating their ideological opposition. Which hilariously enough is exactly what the Nazi movement did in it's early days along with a couple of other abominable political movements.

The late 1920s and early 1930s saw rising tensions between Nazis and leftists. Berlin in particular was the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups.

Those who won't read history are doomed to repeat it.

Have a great day and stop fucking up our freedoms. Thanks MGMT.

Non-Mobile link:

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Wow, that was a desperate spin. Learn the amendments.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So what's the next step? Big bad college didn't let a guy express a murderous ideology. So now the government is going to step in and ensure you get to say that wherever you please? Typical.

Desperate spin, flyguy.

Yeah we have other laws that address violence. It's called assault, battery, attempted murder.

Your don't get to commit violent crimes against people you disagree with. The first amendment ensures that the government doesn't claim to have special authority to do the same.

How about we stop assaulting people or encouraging other people to assault people.

Ah, I see your malfunction. You want me to speak for antifa.

Well, my name is a joke on them being the bullies from Billy Madison. To draw out troglodytes. I'm not even fully socialist.

Your don't get to commit violent crimes against people you disagree with

Uh except people do that everyday in this country. What country do you think you live in?

Funny for a guy so anti-government you sure want them to come by and police other people being violent towards you. Interesting.

I'm not anti-government, I'm anti-shitty-government.

There is a huge difference. And I'm not a troglodyte because I disagree with you. Also I've seen you on here for a while and you openly support using violence against people speaking so I don't believe your shit excuse for your name. Just admit you support violent communist.

The worst thing about Antifa violence is that it is mob rule, dope fiend violence. They won’t attack one on one and they prefer to catch you when you aren’t looking so they can throw a punch and then run away and hide behind black bloc. They are complete cowards and the only reason they get away with it is because the media is complicit.

And they don’t just “punch Nazis”, they knock old ladies to the ground who are waving American flags, they slap peoples phones out of their hands that are just standing on the side watching.

It’s pretty sad when the Nazis they claim to be standing against behave better than they do. Not to mention, there just aren’t that many Nazis in the US so most of the people they are attacking are just regular people.

Why do humans surrender their power and freedom to anyone?

They are already attacking Sanders...FFS it's still 18 months away from the election.

I guess this means they know he is going to run again. Good news. I need to start stockpiling free printers/ink on CL, Paper, sign pickets, and manila envelopes for information packets for the campaign.

We can't let the establishment run our country for another 4 years, or ever again.

Republicans have been attacking Sanders this whole time guy.

-He also might have lost the rural areas because we all know how American they are and how much they hate socialist commies the Republicans are against.

Dude you have no idea do you? In the 1930s-1970's farmers & rural workers almost exclusively made up the Socialist Labor Party because they felt the establishment (bankers & pols) intentionally caused the great depression to bankrupt people & buy their assets for pennies on the dollar.

Up until the Reagan era you had Socialists meetings by the thousands in small backwoods areas for socialist conventions/picnics during the summer time.

I know because my family was all farmers/heavy equipment operator/repairers when I was growing up & I was there.

We have old custom vinyl cut live recordings of thousands of people meeting for massive socialist conventions around the world.

Almost all working people with hard labor jobs from every race & ethnicity.

Bernie went under the Democratic party because he knows the commission in charge of presidential debates will NEVER ALLOW anything except establishment grifters/criminal Dems or Repubs up on the 'debate' stage with all vetted preapproved questions.

You are either naive or at the very top of the food chain if you think the Dems or Repubs are working to help the common person.

Bernie isn't even considered a real socialists by socialists. He just wants a better deal for students & workers instead of them basically being debt slaves,eating shit on job forever & have decent healthcare.

How fucking horrible it would be to have a society like that. /s

Wake the fuck up.

I didn't get free college when I paid out the ass for my degree.

Do I get my money back?

I didn't get free college when I paid out the ass for my degree.

Do I get my money back?

Here is the reason you are naive and grasping.

You are grasping because you only reply to one small portion of my comment & ignoring the main statement of fact.

You are naive because you had a choice to pay for an overpriced degree.

The benefit of free college education is that we end up with a higher median level of education which helps society.

Not all people will take advantage of it, but having a less educated more easily manipulated populace is not the answer.

What are you afraid of that someone will get something you had to pay for in an overpriced unjust glossy university marketplace that places a very small value on actually educating students?

Do I get my freaking money back or naw? If naw, pay for your own college.

I'm not sure.

That's because you're mincing words later in your comment.

Most of the time people talk about this violence against free speech is because they want to express "white" ethnic nationalism

Which is covered by free speech.

without receiving hate.

By hate do you mean physical violence?

Well, if you read the first amendment, it stops the government from controlling your speech. Says nothing about other people stopping your speech or a corporation stopping your speech.

Sounds exactly how Hitler's youth would justify violently intimidating their ideological opposition. Which hilariously enough is exactly what the Nazi movement did in it's early days along with a couple of other abominable political movements.

The late 1920s and early 1930s saw rising tensions between Nazis and leftists. Berlin in particular was the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups.

Those who won't read history are doomed to repeat it.

Have a great day and stop fucking up our freedoms. Thanks MGMT.