Is Alex Jones A Court Jester Of The Elites

1  2018-04-24 by Thetanster

​Maybe the sky is falling, the media lies, and the dark occult tyrants are pushing us into World War 3 as fast as they can because their god Lucifer is hungry but:

At least we can enjoy their court jester Alex Jones.​



There are many conspiracy theories about Alex Jones himself. Was he Bill Hicks? Is he Stratfor Cointelpro? Is he an Israeli Shill? All of these questions will most likely not be answered by this funny video. Enjoy Alex Jones but I would not believe him. What do you think?

Was he Bill Hicks?

Please don't insult the memory of the great Bill Hicks. Alex Jones is an asshole and, no, he is/was not Bill Hicks.

Considering he lives and works in Austin, I'd say Stratfor wouldn't be out of the realm of believable.

Haha that is pretty funny, you may also enjoy this folk song and this video where he won't let other people talk.

I can't enjoy him for the comedy aspects anymore. I truly believe he has had a heavy hand in messing up a lot of good people's head with his lies and noxious agenda. Might have been funny in the days of UFOs but these days he's a mouthpiece of bullshit.

Lol so you don’t think this is funny?

I gave a pretty clear reason why I'm not finding it funny.

I also am really sick of guys talking about their dicks or other's dick or dicks in general. Know what's not cool when you're a grown up? Talking about your dick.

You know what's not cool? Policing speech.

Know what didn't happen? Me policing someone's speech.

Know what did happen? Me giving my opinion of stupid things men and boys talk about.

Your tone definitely implied that speech should be restricted. Passive aggressive statements are used in neuro linguistic programming to influence decision making.

You're just giving an opinion? You are not employing this technique?

Your tone definitely implied that speech should be restricted.

Not true.

Passive aggressive statements are used in neuro linguistic programming to influence decision making.

Now you're being silly.

You're just giving an opinion? You are not employing this technique?

Grow up.

Your tone definitely implied that speech should be restricted.

Not true.

Passive aggressive statements are used in neuro linguistic programming to influence decision making.

Now you're being silly.

You're just giving an opinion? You are not employing this technique?

Grow up.

Ah. Notice the use of "grow up." You are using nlp. That's fucking sketchy.

Yeah, I'm the sketchy one, lol.

You really are Mr karma. Do you have a job besides reddit?

Somebody with nearly 200k karma shouldn't be speaking down to people. You should be an example. Not a cop.

Aw, you're right. I don't realize you looked up to me. I will endeavor to be the model male you need me to be.

Again. More passive aggressive undertones. You really should go have a drink with some friends or go for a bike ride. If this is how you talk to people online it can easily seep into how you react to people in meat space.

You should seriously consider looking at how you talk to people and looking at your personal relationships. There is a correlation.

Get out of the city for a few days. Go outside. There is more to life than reddit.

Agreed wholeheartedly. He was most effective (read: believed by viewers) during the doomsday-prophecy era; post-soviet union nukes, Y2K, 12/12/12 etc. It seems those end of the world stories are dying off, and LARPs are filling the void. The 2016 election seems to be his last hoorah, offering eager distraction from all manner of more important stories emerging from both sides of the playing field.

This is anectodal and may not be appreciated or believed, but a family friend and lifelong healthy-skeptic worked for Jones and was ...less than thrilled ...during his tenure. I don't blindly or implicitly trust the family friend, but I have no reason to distrust them, and comparing their experience with Jones' own words that never seem to come to fruition, I'm more than inclined to write him off as a little more than a professional fear monger.

In my opinion, the true kicker of all of this is that the most accurate story he ran as of late involved atrazine turning male frogs into female frogs. While demonstrable and proven in many instances, this story was memed into oblivion and turned into the "gay frogs" trope we so often encounter today! The irony is biting and hilarious.

While demonstrable and proven in many instances, this story was memed into oblivion and turned into the "gay frogs" trope we so often encounter today! The irony is biting and hilarious.

Mandela Effect!

I was really floored. I checked it out and actually found scholarly sources on the subject. It doesn't say it turns frogs "gay" but rather that they turn male frogs into females.

Atrazine, one of the world’s most widely used pesticides, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, biologists.

The 75 percent that are chemically castrated are essentially “dead” because of their inability to reproduce in the wild, reports UC Berkeley’s Tyrone B. Hayes, professor of integrative biology.

One in ten male frogs turned female, so it's not like it happens to every frog, but offer me those same odds and I'm not going to take the chance. The more common result was chemical castration, but that fact seemed to be all but ignored.

It gets weirder still! The male frogs that turn female can still mate with male frogs, but only produce male offspring.

All verifiable, but that's the story that's memed. The one time the guy picks up a story that's got some serious meat to it, he bungles the whole thing.

My attention was drawn to him late in the game, but it was his handling of this story that proved to me he shouldn't be trusted further than he can be thrown, and that distance decreases daily.

He's become just another cog in the billion dollar right wing smear machine. C'est la vie!

Correct, he's a "disinformation agent". That is to say, he mixes in disinformation and falseness, with legitimate conspiracies.

He definitely has been compromised, or always was compromised to serve the elites and make conspiracy/Truth seekers look wacky and crazy to the general public. He's a shill.

no. if he was an isreal shill why would he be so rabidly anti-syrian-intervention? hes not bill hicks, thats just asinine. and how does stratfor benefit from his message at all? hes the biggest person alive publicly standing against globalization and hes animated. thats why he gets attacked so much, he is effective.

I watch him every now and then, I really don’t take anything or everything he says literally.

I just put him on because it’s hilarious listening to him yell and run out of breath.

Alex Jones inserted himself into the 9-11 truth movement, funneled all the interested people into a dark side of fake conspiracies, and discouraged the rational people from continuing to try to expose 9-11.

Then, Alex Jones turned around and moved to classic Republican talking points about "communists" and "SJWs."

Alex Jones single-handedly ruined the 9-11 truth movement and funneled the most naive truthers into supporting the very party that was behind 9-11.

Nobody has been more harmful to exposing conspiracies than this guy.

This ^

I've noticed now that everybody in the conspiracy community is starting to reject and divorce themselves from him, they seem to be trying to "protect" him by pushing the idea of him just being this harmless, goofy "character".

The truth is, he's a state sanctioned disinformation agent, a tool of the establishment to turn people away from taking the truth seriously. What's so fucking funny about that? He is more sinister than just a wacky "character", he's a big thorn in the side of the truth movement and needs to be pursued and ridiculed as a traitor.

No, he's a COINTELPRO agent, and you should absolutely despise what he's done to the truth movement.

What exactly is funny about AJ screaming like an asshole, making actual conspiracies seem fake and retarded? That's what the elites use him for, sabotaging the truth movement.

The guy is a traitor and needs to be boycotted and held accountable as far as I'm concerned. Fuck that guy.

Alex Jones and all like him are just a way for the rich to ricidule and dismiss the poor.

As in, look at the dumbshits we can hire an actor like Jones or Limbaugh get them to say ridiculous lies and they are believed.

So fuck them they (the fans) are all too dumb to have any say about how we run the country and don't deserve livable wages, good schools, or health care. The fans of Alex Jones are dismissed as total dupes by the rich.