The CIA And The Proof Of Paranormal Abilities.

6  2018-04-25 by no1113

From FOIA-requested CIA document RDP96 - page 9: Under the assurances of these conditions, the results described above completely prove the objects were actually removed from the bottle by the subject using paranormal abilities.

As I mentioned in another OP that I submitted a while back detailing another FOIA-released documented from the CIA indubitably showing the proof of the continuance of personal identity independent of the physical vehicle, here against lies yet another example where we find a document showing the CIA running tests and experiments and absolutely showing that psychic/psionic phenomena absolutely do indeed exist.

Again, this is the CIA we're talking about here - a global corporation, one of the strongest, most powerful influences on the entire planet. They didn’t get that big and powerful chasing dead ends. They aren't wont to waste time pursuing things that aren’t valid, don’t work, and don’t yield actionable results.



Found this after looking more in the website.

It’s the follow up looking for mechanisms like I spoke of below.

Nice! Very good find.

I see, so what do you suggest that we do ?

I want to know more, and I honestly believe that there's way more that the eyes can see, but I don't have any clue of what to do for discovering more.

Clean your body and meditate. Make the conditions so that you can bring out and access these latent abilities within yourself. Then encourage others to do the same.

What latent abilities within yourself have you been able to access using these methods?

My only conjecture is that this would have do somehow be brainwaves interacting with strings to harmonize then and allow the particles and thus atoms made of said strings to pass through one another unobstructed. It’s sounds out there but it’s the only way I can try to make sense while tying in physics and some unknown mental mechanism.

What you’re talking about sounds like resonant frequencies and sympathetic vibrations, but what strings? Which is a fairly well known subject, especially in acoustics and musical instruments, but what’s the context? What strings?

String theory

Morphic fields/Morphic resonance. The idea is that consciousness isn't located solely within the body, but acts as a field around the body. And morphic resonance could be a good explanation for psychic/telepathic phenomena. Check out Rupert Sheldrake! He's got plenty of decent lectures on the topic available to watch on YouTube. He's got one called "the extended mind: Recent Experimental Evidence" which is very good and I'd recommend.

Thanks. I’ll look it up.

I don’t think I’m going that far but a wave is a wave and it has a frequency and a distance. I mean the whole idea of auras has tried to find backing from the idea that your body is emitting electromagnetic waves and other waves. The question is can we measure it at a distance? What’s this guys brain like with EEG nodes on? If everything really is motion or vibrational strings can you impact other strings through a sort or resonance or tuning? Cool thought at least.

Personally, nothing exceptional. Just a much better ability to accurately predict and see outcomes of certain situations (i don't wanna say foresight, though to the outside observer it may appear that way, because I'd rather say it's as a result of a far better understanding both of time, and cause and effect). Also I would say I can "read people" far better from the get go than I used to be able to. This one, in my opinion, does seem rather exceptional with regards to the change in my ability. It's very intuitive and I feel it out, as opposed to attempting logical deduction and reasoning, which results poorly in my experience.
On the extreme end of things, I think it's possible for people to exhibit full-on telepathic/telekinetic/pyrotechnic/clairvoyant/remote viewing abilities, but to achieve these would require years of significant education, training, and exercise under conditions that promote their development. Look at shamans, gurus, and shaolin monks for examples of those extreme abilities.

Boom. ^ This.

✌ much love, my dude!

so what do you suggest that we do ?

First of all, acknowledge the phenomenon as real. Secondly, realize you yourself have these abilities. Thirdly, slowly cultivate them within yourself - patiently, but persistently.

I want to know more, and I honestly believe that there's way more that the eyes can see, but I don't have any clue of what to do for discovering more.

There's a whole slew of information online really. Just look around and investigate. Know that you'll likely find some charlatan/dead end oriented places, but don't let that discourage you, and know that at the end of the day, the phenomenon, again, is absolutely real. Investigate online, look for whatever you can, don't get discouraged with shite sites, just move on past them, and continue educating yourself with regard to the reality of these abilities we have latent within us.

Also try to be as sensitive as possible to the moments in your own life when things might happen that you can't easily or readily explain. You don't necessarily have to immediately jump to a "it must be psi!" conclusion, but don't go to the other end of the spectrum and immediately, unintelligently discard anything that happens as "definitely not being anything but basic, physical mechanisms going on."

Do you have some recommendations ?

What I’m specifically researching at the moment involves president Dwight D. Eisenhower’s signing of the Secret Space Program into law and all the ins and outs regarding what happened there, so I don’t have much information specific to psionic phenomenon. I do know of various figures that have accounts involving psi phenomena, but it’s not anything specific to the subject, as their main subject isn’t directly related to it.

Anything I come across, however, I will come back and link here for you.


Misinformation. The CIA loves to make up shit about “mind powers” and “aliens” to dupe idiots into wasting their time and cover for their real crimes.

Seriously, even though this guy is discouraging research, please lurk here and make up your own mind.

I agree. Go do your own research, that is the most important thing.

Where is any "guy" discouraging research here? Please point out where research is being "discouraged".

I don’t see how declassifying and releasing this is disinformation. It’s 30 years later, which is standard except for matters of national security. How would this being available be beneficial or covering up their real crimes. The real crimes are already covered up. National Security remember? And calling people who take interest or investigate “idiots” is a big claim. What was your dissertation on? Statistically half the population are “idiots”. What’s your Mensa score? Do you know your real percentile? Not to be rude but what you said sounded regurgitated.

The secret services have departments that troll and spread disinformation. They have relentlessly pushed “aliens” and “people with special abilities” so that idiots will discredit the conspiracy community by saying the real crimes can be explained by “aliens” or “mind powers”

You sound like a person that's paid to make sure and discourage others from investigating valid phenomena.

At least I hope you're getting paid and don't actually believe what you just so immediately said here. The kind of unthinking, knee-jerk rejection you just demonstrated to something that's been demonstrated over and over again throughout history is something that only the most ignorant, and frightened individuals would engage in...unless, of course, like I said above, you're getting paid to do what you're doing here.

Who would pay me? I told you this is misinformation by the CIA. They would be paying YOU to spread misinformation.

Valid phenomena? “Special mind powers” lmao good one! I read what you provided and it’s the most obvious BS I have ever seen. Who is the unthinking one? You or me? Please give me more of your “mind powers” valid phenomena sources so I can read and laugh at it.

So then the answer is that you're simply being this mindlessly, unthinkingly hubristic of your own accord.

That means things are much, much worse for you then than I initially imagined.


Ah yes personal attacks. Keep commenting, you will discredit yourself even more! Things are much, much worse for me than you initially imagined! I’m shaking in my boots!

Saying you're mindlessly, unthinkingly hubristic isn't a personal attack if it's true. That you cannot tell the difference between a personal attack and an objective statement shows how degenerated you are.

This speaks very badly of you.

Again, no personal attack here. Just objective assessment.

I can’t tell the difference between a personal attack and an objective statement shows how degenerate I am. LMAO No u

You can't even think straight. Your comments just keep showing this. Stop while you're this far behind. Seriously. Just go away. There's nothing intelligent or constructive about you.

Another projection.

Keep telling yourself that.

Thank you, I will.

LOL! She can't even keep from responding.

This is extremely indicative of just how emotionally immature and devolved you are

Thanks for continuing to prove the point.

So ur saying that whoever responds last will prove to be inferior? Alright, go ahead

If they're trying to distract people from their crimes, this is a really stupid plan to do that

Is it? Look how many people are duped -count the number of views on videos about “aliens”, “spiritual gurus”, “mind powers”, or the hundreds of other vacuous topics. Here are some valid concerns for elite crime. The use of cults-mind and behavior control, trafficking of drugs/weapons/humans, cloning and genetic engineering.

You think the CIA thought "hey, we need to keep people from finding out about mk ultra and our drug running businesses. I know! The best way to do this is wait 30 years and put out some bs documents about psychic powers"

Absolutely. Fake info about these topics have been pushed since WW2 and the creation of these intelligence services. Duping/manipulating/exploiting peoples curiosity is psychological warfare 101

That it could be disinformation didn't cross your mind?

Compile the information here with all the other accounts of psionic phenomena throughout the ages, and anyone would be pretty incorrect to discount what's accounted here regardless of whether it's "disinformation" or not.

This guy believes that you can develop latent psychic powers. Or psi powers. Whatever the bs

Wow. You're trying, so, so hard to keep your little world intact. It's actually amusing and so utterly pitiful and frightening for you all at the same time! Impressive.

It's not really about "jarring" to me but about concrete reproducible proof.

It's known that the Russian "experimented" with it and then the US did too but that says nothing about the quality of the results or that both just did it in the end to screw with the minds of their opponents, aka. disinformation. It would definitely fit into James Angleton's modus operandi.

I don't say these CIA docs aren't interesting but concluding something definitive from them is careless.


If there's a cabal trying to keep the info suppressed, why would I be able to access it through the CIA's website?

Because things are complicated - very complicated, Daniel-san. The cabal is globally powerful - yes, absolutely - but not all powerful.

Additionally, there are actually various globally powerful cabals working. Various groups posses very powerful information and understanding/awareness of a lot of extremely deep truths - truths that turns science fiction into 100% science fact. Problem is, however, that these factions aren’t necessarily chummy chummy with one other, and some of them are actually in direct conflict with one another. Some say “fuck these 99% piece of shit mouth breathing cattle. Let’s just continue using them like the useless eaters they are, continue keeping them in the utter dark about what’s really going on in this world and universe, and keep taking advantage of them.” Some other cabal factions say “We’re causing the species and thereby the planet and thereby OURSELVES harm by continuing to keep them so in the dark. Let’s start trickling a bit of the truth out to them bit by bit.”

And it’s some of those factions that have been disseminating information, little by little.

When it all comes down to it, however, fuck the cabal factions. I and many other humans didn’t need any “cabal go ahead” to have experienced psi and ET phenomena on our own and independent of them. There are many individuals that have simply had first hand experience with what the rest of humanity has been brainwashed into thinking isn’t real - so it doesn’t matter that this cabal faction or that cabal faction or the CIA or whoever has documents proving it. It’s all kind of “Meh.” to me since I’ve always known it’s real. I’m just putting it out for others.

At the end of the day, the cabal(s) control the MSM, and have convinced the majority of a monumental lie. There are, again, various cabals at play, however, and some have been releasing more and more information to the generally gullible masses.

Unfortunately, many will need their “Big Brother Government!” to hold them by the hand and tell them “Yes. ETs and psionic phenomena is all real.” before they go “Ohhhh! Okay. Then I guess it must be true if you say it is!! Thanks!”

Either way, the short answer to your question is essentially that the reason you’re getting info even though it’s secret is because there are various powerful cabal factions pretty much at war with one another and releasing/not-releasing ET and psionic information to the public.

... Do you have any evidence of this? I don't doubt the multiple cabals thing, I mean specifically the part about one of them wanting this released

Look into the many lectures given by people like Marine Captain Randy Cramer, like Tony Rodrigues, like Andrew Basiago, Kevan Trimmell, and the great grand daughter of president Dwight D. Eisenhower - Laura Eisenhower. They all speak extensively about the cabals (especially Captain Cramer) and the influence various factions within it wield.

if stuff like this were real, wouldn't it have been captured on video by now

You underestimate just how powerful the groups that have this planet and this civilization on lockdown are.

Yeah, but look at that link...Seems more like the OP was a setup for the comments. The poster didn't respond to any comments as well to "defend" his viewpoint.

The comments aren't indicative of the validity of the OP statement. Most threads in this website are shitfests anyway. That one turned into nothing less than that, unfortunately.

only if you want your enemies chasing dead ends.

Good post, OP. Keep this stuff coming. To anyone in doubt about the big picture- smoking DMT will convince you of "paranormal abilities" and that the world is not the meaningless materialist thing we've been told. Biggest lie there is.

Thanks much. Upvote. However, I must post this.

I love stuff like this, I want to believe there is more to life than just... this.

If we did more research into stuff like consciousness, the pineal gland and DMT etc, maybe we'd find out some interesting things about ourselves.

I want to believe there is more to life than just... this.

The good news?

There is. There absolutely, zero doubt about it, 100% certainty is a lot more to life than this.

The bad news?

The reason most of us don't know this (and almost none of us have actual experience of it) is because we are currently inmates in a planet sized prison managed by wardens who take orders from bosses that aren't from here.

If you're really interested in diving deeper into this dynamic, the pdf of this book will be helpful.

If we did more research into stuff like consciousness, the pineal gland and DMT etc, maybe we'd find out some interesting things about ourselves.

While not entirely incorrect, I would say be very careful, and stay far, far away from any substances.

Another projection.

Because things are complicated - very complicated, Daniel-san. The cabal is globally powerful - yes, absolutely - but not all powerful.

Additionally, there are actually various globally powerful cabals working. Various groups posses very powerful information and understanding/awareness of a lot of extremely deep truths - truths that turns science fiction into 100% science fact. Problem is, however, that these factions aren’t necessarily chummy chummy with one other, and some of them are actually in direct conflict with one another. Some say “fuck these 99% piece of shit mouth breathing cattle. Let’s just continue using them like the useless eaters they are, continue keeping them in the utter dark about what’s really going on in this world and universe, and keep taking advantage of them.” Some other cabal factions say “We’re causing the species and thereby the planet and thereby OURSELVES harm by continuing to keep them so in the dark. Let’s start trickling a bit of the truth out to them bit by bit.”

And it’s some of those factions that have been disseminating information, little by little.

When it all comes down to it, however, fuck the cabal factions. I and many other humans didn’t need any “cabal go ahead” to have experienced psi and ET phenomena on our own and independent of them. There are many individuals that have simply had first hand experience with what the rest of humanity has been brainwashed into thinking isn’t real - so it doesn’t matter that this cabal faction or that cabal faction or the CIA or whoever has documents proving it. It’s all kind of “Meh.” to me since I’ve always known it’s real. I’m just putting it out for others.

At the end of the day, the cabal(s) control the MSM, and have convinced the majority of a monumental lie. There are, again, various cabals at play, however, and some have been releasing more and more information to the generally gullible masses.

Unfortunately, many will need their “Big Brother Government!” to hold them by the hand and tell them “Yes. ETs and psionic phenomena is all real.” before they go “Ohhhh! Okay. Then I guess it must be true if you say it is!! Thanks!”

Either way, the short answer to your question is essentially that the reason you’re getting info even though it’s secret is because there are various powerful cabal factions pretty much at war with one another and releasing/not-releasing ET and psionic information to the public.