[No Meta] Open Source Investigation: 2018 inter-Korean summit

3  2018-04-27 by CelineHagbard

Read sticky comment before responding. Comments that do not comply will be removed

This is a new type of post I'm trying out, and the details will be explained in the sticky comment. Basically, comments in the main thread (that is, not replies to the sticky comment) will be removed if they have any meta content, as described in the sticky. All meta content must be in replies to the sticky comment.

The purpose of this post is to conduct an open source investigation of the 2018 inter-Korean summit on April 27, 2018 (Reuters). In the main discussion (i.e. everywhere but the sticky thread), users should gather evidence and make arguments about the summit, who all the interested parties are and what each of them hope to get out of these talks. Specifically, what do each of North Korea, South Korea, the US, China, Japan, Russia, the UK, etc. want from the North Korea situation, and what do factions within these and other countries want from it.

Some other useful information might be a history of the Korean Peninsula and its relations within and between foreign nations. The more sources and pieces of evidence we can gather here, the more we can understand the situation.

All sources, positions, and arguments are welcome, but there must be no commentary about this sub, its users, or conspiracy theorists in general in the main threads.


Meta Thread

This is a [No Meta] post, which means that none of the comments in the main discussion can reference anything "meta" to the topic raised by OP. This includes:

  • Any discussion about other users in the thread, the sub, or reddit at large. This also includes any descriptor at all about the person you're talking to.
  • Any discussion about the sub, it's mods, or reddit.
  • Any reference to conspiracy theorists in the second or third person.

The comments will be heavily moderated to this rule, but all meta conversation allowed by our sub-wide rules is permitted in replies to this sticky thread. In addition, shill or troll accusations may be used if and only if evidence can be provided and personal attacks are not used.

One time in this post, you may make a reply in the main discussion which contains only a permalink to a comment in the in this sticky thread, and nothing but the link. Other than that, any discussion of this sticky thread in the main discussion threads will be removed.

"What's the fucking conspiracy shill?"

"Errr ahem, what's the conspiracy my good sir?"

Yep, you got it! This stuff goes here.

This is a great idea to do threads like this. I could actually read through it and get meaningful information without having to sift through a bunch arguing and just general negativity.

Thanks! That's the plan, and expect more to come.

Dude, this 'no meta' flair is a brilliant idea. It seems your ideas alone may yet save this sub :)

Thanks, man. I appreciate it. And appreciate you putting this comment in the meta thread ;)

Do you have any good ideas for topics? I was thinking of making another [No Meta] post today, but I'm not sure what on yet.

Nothing off the top of my head just now, but honestly, pretty much any topic could work with this. Anything that is worthy of discussion, general conspiracies, recent events, recent conspiracies,....is worthy of a 'No Meta' thread.

The greatest magic would happen if people could flair their own threads as 'No meta' and then have a bot make a stickied comment, where the only meta discussion allowed would be replies to this bot (similar to the archive.is automod posts). Any violations would be strictly moderated and removed.

The only real problem I see with this is that it would make the work load of the moderators even bigger. It's probably hard as it is for you guys, this would only mean more moderation. But ultimately that is the case with any rule expansion and desire to make this sub better - it all leads to greater workloads for the mods.

Honestly the mods here should be payed, especially considering many of the shills likely are receiving a paycheck themselves.....

The greatest magic would happen if people could flair their own threads as 'No meta' and then have a bot make a stickied comment, where the only meta discussion allowed would be replies to this bot (similar to the archive.is automod posts).

This is, indeed, my long-term plan. The automod code is easy enough to write, so that's not a big issue.

the work load of the moderators even bigger.

Yes and no. Once we get the specifics of this worked out through more trials, I think actually moderating on a meta/no meta basis is actually easier to do objectively and quickly as compared to our current ruleset. If these threads are modded aggressively in the early stages, users will know what to expect and what is expected of them as we roll it out. Users who repeatedly violate the [no meta] tags will be banned, or what I like even better, just prohibited from posting in the [no meta] threads. \

The other idea I have, maybe as a temporary restriction or maybe indefinitely, is to have any [no meta] post a user makes be immediately removed by automod to await approval or rejection by the mods. We would then have a specific and limited list of reasons we could reject such a post, and all others would have to be approved. Reasons for rejection would include:

  • breaking site-wide or sub-wide rules
  • common repost of something discussed in the last 7 days
  • unnecessarily inflammatory (OP should have a chance to reword)
  • maybe a few others as practice dictates

If the mods can't justify removal based on one of these reasons, it has to be approved. That way, anyone could make their own [no meta] post for whatever discussion they wanted to have, but it would be limited so that they don't clutter the queues.

Honestly the mods here should be payed,

On this you do kind of have a point, and I know you said it at least half in jest, but I wouldn't want that at all. I like to think I can be and mostly am objective when it comes to modding here, but I know any type of financial incentive would cloud that objectivity, both for me and my fellow mods.

My reward will be a sub where people can intelligently and civilly discuss conspiracies and theories thereof, and that would be reward enough.

I do see that, it's just as always, time and energy spent are an issue.

I'm not sure how much time and energy moderating eats up, as I've never been a mod of any subreddit on this site (or any forum whatsoever really), but I'm sure it can be draining dealing with people, some of which are even paid to provoke, for any period of time (and even here I doubt it's just minutes per day).

I'm probably seeing this too much from my personal viewpoint, but to me, contributing, writing, expressing yourself is one thing and an enjoyable one at that (even if you aren't getting paid for it), but being a cyber police officer is quite different.

Of course again, there is always the fact that you are making a huge contribution to the community by being said cyber policeman, as that helps conversations thrive and makes insightful discussions at all possible - which can spur you on to keep doing it, as is the case with any "job" that makes the world a better place in some way. It's just that, as far as I see it, it's far more draining than being a contributor.

Also, as said, there can be a problem with time for some, but then again I have no idea how much time being a moderator takes - it's possible I'm blowing this out of proportion and it doesn't take that much time at all.

I'm probably seeing this too much from my personal viewpoint, but to me, contributing, writing, expressing yourself is one thing and an enjoyable one at that (even if you aren't getting paid for it), but being a cyber police officer is quite different.

Oh, I see it the same way. I love contributing and interacting as a user far more than I do modding. If I could snap my fingers and know this sub would be modded to my liking without me having to do it, I'd take that deal in a heartbeat.

I have no desire to have authority over others, even in the incredibly limited role as a mod of this sub, yet I do feel a certain responsibility for the sub to be well modded so that you and I and others like us can have civil discussion of a certain quality without all the bullshit that is inevitable on an open forum of this size and with this contentious of subject matter. I'm not a mod here because I want to be, but because I see the need for this sub to be well-modded, and I believe I can (and do) do a good job at it.

It's just that, as far as I see it, it's far more draining than being a contributor.

For sure, but I don't let it weigh that heavily. I mostly try to appreciate and focus on the good content here, such as your own, and generally let the filth just wash off of me. It only gets draining when you let it be, and when that did happen, I took a two month break.

it's possible I'm blowing this out of proportion and it doesn't take that much time at all.

and you might be completely right. That's why I'm just taking this one step at a time at this point and seeing where it goes. If nothing else, we'll at least get some good discussions out about this.

Just to be clear, people are allowed to make Shill accusations if they have proof that the user is a shill? I’m not really clear on how someone could gather that proof.

I said "evidence," not necessarily "proof," which is almost impossible to attain.

For example, if a user's history consists of nothing but going to various subs and defending GMOs, another user can make a comment in this sticky thread presenting that as evidence, and suggesting that person might be a shill for Monsanto or others.

Personal attacks and abusive language are still not permitted, but a person can present evidence that a user who has commented in the thread might be a shill or a troll, (that is, you can't just call out someone who hasn't participated in the current thread.)

Once per user per post, a user can reply to a comment in the main discussion with a link to a comment in the sticky thread. So if I made some comment in the main thread, and you thought I was a shill, you could make a reply to a sticky thread calling that out. Let's pretend your current comment is the one calling me out. Then, in the main thread, you could reply to one of my comments with only the link to your comment in the sticky thread. So your reply in the main discussion would be:


And just that link. This way, someone reading through the thread would know that someone is making a meta comment relative to a user or a comment, but would not know anything else about that meta comment unless the reader actively follows the link, or opens the meta thread on their own.

I think I'll try to make an example post which shows this more clearly in action.

I said "evidence," not necessarily "proof,"

Fair - sorry, didn't mean to put words in your mouth. Just misread.

I speak out of concern because, while I agree with a good 40% of the conspiracies I read on the sub, I tend to only comment on the ones I disagree with. So, to be clear, there would not be a scenario where, for example, if I comment on a particular aspect of investigation that I'm critical of and doesn't bear much weight, no one would link to a thread where I spoke ill of a different conspiracy just to say, "He's a skeptic, doesn't believe in anything, he's a shill," right? Whatever evidence people provide has to be related to the subject at hand?

When the Q Anon mentioned this months ago, but it’s still some big “larp”.


Link to all posts mentioning NK

This NK thing has been one of the main topics from Q Anon and it's pretty clear it was right on the money.

Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"

NK is a CIA Blacksite

Strings cut. We took control.

Let's see the shills spin that.

You left out the final line

Iran next

If we see something happen there, I need to start lending credence to Q. Currently I'm just passively listening.

Did you see what Macron said about Iran?

Thanks kit! That sounds promising. Is it bad I'm skeptical of all the good news today?

Is it bad I'm skeptical of all the good news today?

Not at all, I'm skeptical of everything, especially if it's positive. I've never been much of a cheerleader and have been a pessimist from years of disappointment. I hope it's all good, but will keep an eye on it.

That about sums it up

What does he say? I have no sound here.

Why?? North Korea anyone could see coming. Saying Iran next doesn't mean much when it's public knowledge that America has until May to pull out of the Iran deal that Trump doesn't like. It won't be that astonishing if something deal-wise happens with Iran.

Which is a wise way to approach the subject of Q, for me, I've been following the Q business with a very open mind and as time has gone by it is extremely Interesting.

Either way, you have got to Hand it to Trump and his team for this Q business, Trump has earned a very loyal following. The more items that Q predicts or talks about that come forth, the more the Q Phenomenon will expand thus more Trump supporters for the next election.

It has me intrigued to be honest.

This just happened, things are getting interesting.

Please remove the reference to "shills". This is a [no meta] thread. You get a warning because this is a new format. From now on the comment will be removed.

I hate politics but we bullshit a bit at the office about NK. The consensus here seems to be NK is USA. It’s a general “what the fuck, all of the sudden everything is fine”. Not even close to passing the sniff test

I've said this before, no citation. The world loves NK. The bad peiple of the world that oil politics and business love a rouge state. Basically NK has been the world's largest "nail salon" for ages

I made vague predictions using cryptic language about north korea. Does this mean I can be r anon now?

Strings cut. We took control.

March 8th

It’s not a new conspiracy that NK is a CIA blacksite. What was vague about that statement?

Hahahhahahah whatever you say kid. No intelligent person believes anything coming to 4chan is real. Keep larping bra

Good job refuting the source of the argument when you can’t refute the substance of the argument.

I think you just need a nap, you are getting awfully lazy.

So a dude posts some vague ramblings about NK and all of a sudden it's legit now? You sound like the people who buy into Nostradamus.

Interesting thread. I'm intrigued by the South Korean political situation that led to this opportunity (corrupt occultist former prez being deposed, leading to the election of Moon), what the official US position on all this really is (threatening nuclear annihilation as recent as months ago, Pence's turgid Olympics performance, the MIC role in Korea and vis a vis China), and the alleged collapse of the mountain above the NK nuclear test site, which may have necessitated their acquiescence in part.

I forgot all about the occult take down. That was wild. This is all such major changes to both countries, I can't wait to see how it plays out for everyone.

So many questions right now.

This is a fascinating post I saved about the political and occult history of South Korea:


YES! Thank you. I don't remember much of the details on that whole story.

I became intrigued during the ferry disaster. Makes you wonder why NK has dominated the news for so long when so much was going on in SK, doesn't it?

At this point, everything makes me wonder.

Chinese backed coup in south korea was really well done.

Never thought I would see this day.

IKR! I don't think any of us did.

My conspiracy friend and i were talking about the cult in SK and the government corruption and how it ties in with human trafficking and ritual sacrifices...

Our whole planet is in a full on war against these secret societies.

"Our whole planet is in a full on war against these secret societies."

To me, it seems that the planet is in a war to see who can sell out the most to the master of these societies for worldly gain. It will only get worse until God's only son, Jesus Christ, returns to drain the swamp.

Wait, what?

He said, Jesus was a plumber and is going to drain the swamp!

Ohh, that guy! Now it all make sense!

until God's only son, Jesus Christ, returns to drain the swamp.

You're as brainwashed as the other fools.

I love when folks bring God, Jesus and religion into a thread on a Conspiracy forum, the Irony Kills me every time, however, each to their own with all due respect.

It's always been my understanding the Jesus and Christianity we know today is really a psyop courtesy of emperor Constantine. So I to find the irony absolutely hilarious.

This is the most interesting thing that no one outside of /r/conspiracy seems to be mentioning.

I've literally heard the story nowhere but alternative sources ... And even there that story of South Korea isn't very prominent.

There was some cabal of self described witches who were in to occult shit and got caught currying favors from government positions. The cabal refused to leave office despite being caught but the public rallied to some incredible extent to force the issue and won... Or that's how it appeared to me.

This should have been a gigantic story akin to the Arab spring but even more so! I'd love to see a book or documentary made in English from people close to the event.

What the hell was that cabal? How were they caught? How did the public feel about it before during and after the reveal? How much was revealed?

This seems immensely important.

Because the story doesn't have any legs. The evidence presented is conjecture from unreliable sources.

What exactly is conjecture? The previous President of South Korea was involved in a "shamanic" cult that was running things behind the scenes. That story was broken a long time ago, and was major news at the time. The people of South Korea protested, and got them out. New president is in, and not long after, both Korean countries are happy and eager to reconcile. Seems like it might be more than just a coincidence.

All you've done is name two events and claim they're related. And you're upvoted.

No data, no arguments, no citations, just a random mention of two events, saying they're causally related because they both happened. And people upvoted this.

I could just as easily say "hey remember how Kim Jong Un's half-brother was assassinated in broad daylight in an airport by two women using the worst nerve chemical weapon there is? Yeah that must be why they're having peace talks!"

I don't understand your point. The most important part of the "getting rid of the cult" story was the impeachment and imprisonment of Park Geun-hye. Park Geun-hye is the daughter of a former South Korean dictator and was despised by North Korea for that, her political views and her hawkishness on North Korea.

As her replacement, they elected Moon Jae-In; a liberal peacenik who was expelled from university for organizing protests against said dictator. Moon campaigned on improving relations with North Korea and has been dovish on the North for pretty much his whole life. So yes, of course getting rid of the cult in the form of impeaching Park Geun-hye and electing Moon Jae-In led to peace talks. I don't see the conspiratorial angle here.

As someone who has been into the whole North/South Korea situation for a long time, I'm really hopeful. But, the cynic in me really doubts the whole thing. I think the US is not going to support this and is going to sabotage this anyway possible.

I think that China has really pushed North Korea to do this, with the hopes of getting rid of the US military presence on the peninsula. Even if the US military doesn't reduce it's presence immediately, if there is no war with North Korea and South Korea, then there will be public pressure from South Koreans to remove the us military forces and bases.

This makes sense to me. China is telling Kim Jong-Un his time is up, time to change or he's on his own. Its a huge circlejerk that Jung-Un is a manchild but, if I remember correctly, he purged a lot of old leadership when he took power. He's not an idiot and he knows there's no other way if China's calling it quits.

Pretty much. I think China wants to ussurp the US's place in the world, and dealing with the North Korea issue and gettting rid of the US presence near their border is a good start.

It really doesnt do anything though because Japan has a long long history with korea and china. The us will likely double down and tell abe just how big of a threat a unified Korea that's looking at china over the us would be.

It may not change much short term, but I can see how long term, there will be changes that benefit China's long term goals.

Except Abe isn't the president anymore

Whatever the point stands

China is definitely aiming to take a lot of the soft power the US has lost in the past few years.

Yep. From what I understand, they've been expanding military operations across various countries as well, kind of like how the US does.


Uganda, Chad, Congo, and many other African countries have big super highways and super mines built by Chinese

The extent of Chinese occupation in both Africa and South America is something that's not often discussed. But they have entire cities of Chinese workers in those 2 continents working on various infrastructure projects, often with the end goal of extracting a natural resource.

But USA is number 1

In Russia too.

Doubtful they will ever beat the US in soft power. They are behind Japan, Korea, a lot of places. China has no real cool factor outside of their economic success.

He was also educated outside the country (Switzerland) and wad not the projected successor when Kim was gone.

He was always the projected target since is older brother was girly and got caught trying to go to Disneyland.

I get the feeling that KJU's health is much, much worse than even our media is letting on (and they're saying he's pretty damn sick). As much as a piece of shit as the Kim family is, KJU has always been an outlier, growing up in Switzerland essentially, and having a clear penchant for western culture, even though it's not always obvious. His BFF is Dennis Rodman for god's sake.

So this makes me wonder if Kim is trying to at least trying something to build his country back up, but I'm not optimistic at all. It will be a long time before the people of NK see any actual benefits from any of this. If any sanctions get lifted too, that money will not trickle down.

I want to be able to safely vacation in North Korea. They have springs rich in Germanium, which was studied (organic Germanium) for anti-radiation treatment bt Dr Asai. Found in aloe, ginseng, confrey, shiitake and a few other healing foods. Also in the healing waters at Lourdes in France and healing springs in Japan.

It's really a shame that there's a number of countries that we can't vacation at safely that have places like you mention, or would just generally be great vacation spots and be beneficial for those countries. Look at most of the middle east for example, the amount of historical artifacts and structures that can be visited is stunning. Plus, take the Dubai method and start building little resort towns in some of these places and you start building economies. Obviously that is all a very long ways away, but it's worth mentioning that Vietnam is one of the hottest tourist destinations and that's only been possible for the past 20 years.

live freely - yes - and humans I think in general enjoy having respectful guests visit and ask about history, I know I love showing off my home town.

Hahaha. Great catch with the edit. It did sound like that but I didn't think you intended it that way.

I’m glad you caught that western thinking. We all do it from time to time. I know I’m certainly guilty of that more often than I even realize.

While it would be nice to vacation there, it’s really important for the people to be able to live freely and have a good economy that allows for them to move away from starvation and struggle for basic needs to be met( and becoming a vacation spot would certainly help that situation improve).

SK currently has an internal push for this. We frequently had protests in front of our base when I was stationed there.

I am pro human life and for the betterment of human existences on this planet.

What North Korea and South Korea are doing is for the betterment of humanity and the real people that are just like you are me, the innocent North Koreans that have been sanctioned by powerful countries, should now be freed from these horrific conditions they are facing.

I wonder. Your username suggests you have opinions on Clinton visiting NK to release the captured "journalists"

In spite of everything else going on, exactly what you said my friend. The way of life in NK is nothing but horrific, I've done my fair share of reading on the life of NK folks, fucks me up thinking about it to be honest and I don't get emotional often, never, NK always sadden me in how the people lived and are, treated.

I said to my Kids last week before the news broke, that I am happy that there is potential for a better life in the future for these poor people, fuck me sideways, they deserve it. I wonder if the folks of NK even know what is going on? Have they been told?

One other thing, My Facebook feed, several hundred friends, not one fucking mention of this Historic happening this week, not one meme, not anything, shit pisses me of because it's not by accident, it's by design.

I don't think it is that mysterious NK has wanted a formalized peace treaty for decades, with that they can reallocate resources and they hope start tourism similar to Vietnam. They have the potential of being a snow skiing mecca in Asia.

Fuck yea!

The big mover here is the new South Korean president Moon. The people of South Korea revolted against the prior president then voted for Moon who campaigned on making peace with North Korea and stepping away from the influence of the United States.

China is also a main actor and without their cooperation this might not would have happened. A wikileaks cable said that China was ready to abandon North Korea

China has signalled its readiness to accept Korean reunification and is privately distancing itself from the North Korean regime, according to leaked US embassy cables that reveal senior Beijing figures regard their official ally as a "spoiled child". https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/29/wikileaks-cables-china-reunified-korea

And all of that took place after Trump sent people to make it happen. http://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/385339-thanks-to-trump-peace-in-korea-is-eminently-possible

good for him (not in any snarky or sarcastic tone). Usually it takes a lot of people to make peace happen and maybe Trump was one of them.

Yeah, I just saw a tonne of replies in that chain and no mention of the POTUS. It seems his trips around Asia were not in vain.

vomit emoji

Moon wanted to get the US military to have a lesser presence on the peninsula too.

South Korea has been instrumental to forging this. Not only has it been on the political consciousness, it’s seeped into wider SK culture. As someone who closely follows the SK film industry, there has been a substantial number of successful films that have gone to great lengths to promote the idea of reconciliation and to admonish the notion of any kind of judgement towards NK citizens. There’s been a concerted effort to try to ready the people of SK for day when free travel between both is allowed. Can’t help but feel SK has played a huge part in building to this

Nature-wise, NK has to be one of the most untouched places on earth that’s not arctic or desert.

The simple, straightforward answer - NK lost their entire facility and scientists in the mountain collapse. The whole area is irradiated and unrecoverable.

They’re hungry, broke and lost their bargaining chip.

Un went to ‘western’ schools, and isn’t as stubborn as his father. He doesn’t even understand why he’s leading the country or what to do. The country has fallen, and he doesn’t want to go down as the person ‘who destroyed North Korea’.

So this is how he ‘fixes’ it.

It's more than that. Sewol was torpedoed. Hawaii was actually being targeted. Otto Warbler WAS a spy sent from the Z society.

What’s the z society?

It's a fraternity which promotes good for the community at UVA. Many religious and political leaders have been members

This story begun about 10 months ago. people will deny but NK still has relations with Russians.

Whenever a huge story breaks for US in the last couple of months, hasn't NK been doing really well with these kinda news? Bigger the story here, bigger bang over there.


This is the part of the puzzle that I am the most curious about. Did someone working for the US or Chinese intelligence agencies set off one of the NKs nukes inside of the test facility to trigger the collapse?

It really is the most elegant of the solutions. Destroy the facility with their own bomb. Make it know that regardless of how secret things are, someone can get to you/them. It solves the issue of their nuclear program and sends an extremely strong message, all while providing enough plausible deniability that NK cant just start launching missiles.

I found this old article by Charles Stross * interesting. Mr. Stross is a fiction author, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but it was the first thing I thought of when NK suddenly wanted peace.

* tl;dr version is that the CIA fed info on rocket tests to a known Russian mole. In it, they mention an "Ingredient X" to increase power and efficiency. Of course, "Ingredient X" wasn't actually being used, since it was highly dangerous to make and unstable to boot. Russia gets busy experimenting to find out what "Ingredient X" could be, and apparently invents it by irradiating a particularly poisonous form of mercury. Their attempts to manufacture "Ingredient X" may have resulted in a well-known nuclear accident in the 80s. If NK got their hands on the research (or as a turnabout were fed the info by Russia), it's possible that NK not only destroyed their facility, but poisoned an enormous area with a radioactive and extremely potent neurotoxin as well.

I don't think we'll ever really know.

It could have been caused by an external influence, it could have been caused by repeatedly blowing bombs up in an area and not verifying it was still structurally safe.

Sorry guys. I thought I was in r/Korea so I molded down my viewpoints. Here it goes. I'll make a post later. I don't often post here so please do not delete, mods.

  1. Proxy wars make money and if successful are good for business
  2. Just like the Herbalife store or nail salon, money needs to be laundered. Not drug dealer laundered, but corporate laundering. NK was one of the last open countries to accept anyone's money.
  3. Let's not forget that NK was the rightful government to Korea. USA set up the (financially ) successful southern regime.
  4. Assassinations are not uncommon on both sides.
  5. The airplane bombing was just a false flag set up by CIA to make a war. Didn't work.
  6. President Mr. Park was murdered by a general who wanted reunification.
  7. Parks daughter was also president. She did not identify as heterosexual and found comfort in her BFF. This later got exposed as a scandal of shamanism (Korean way of saying non Christian cult) so she was thrown in jail. She was against reunification.
  8. Sewol was torpedoed. Boats do not hit unknown rocks in daily shipping channels.
  9. The island was knowingly bombed a few years prior.
  10. Kim's brother was assassinated. Official story: NK targeted him. Unofficial: CIA flexed
  11. The odd earthquakes lately are not natural at all. NK underground nukes set off a series of tremors down the BaekDu mountain range.
  12. Kim went to china on a train.
  13. CIA director visited Kim in his city.
  14. Black money gets laundered through NK.
  15. NK has mineral resources and Human Resources... cheapest labor in the world. Bangladesh is getting pricier every day.
  16. Reports of NK nuke facility having a catastrophic event with many researchers dying.
  17. The war is not in memory of any ruling person. Nobody really wants this stress.
  18. Pence did not acknowledge NK at the Olympics
  19. Although separated, NK also asserts jurisdiction on the islands off the coast that are disputed by Japan along with SK. With a weakening Japan, Korea is prime to rise up and take back once and for all the outlying islands.
  20. USA wants to surround china. NK has always welcomed unification, but with the condition USA goes. Up until now that wasn't going to happen.
  21. USA is getting pissed at SK business. Samsung and Apple are always suing and GM must close shop because SK can't control the labor unions.
  22. Except china, all East Asian countries were US supported governments.
  23. Otto actually was a spy from the Z society or whatever. The media spun it as drunk frat boy.
  24. US citizens are conditioned to believe NK is evil, stupid, poor, and thoughtless. This is not the case. people in the north are still people. The government is run by very smart, intentional, rich players.
  25. There is a wall
  26. Most SK wanted socialism and still do
  27. THAAD was installed
  28. Hawaii was gonna get bombed but THAAD worked!
  29. The world bank can finally close the NK black market

Read up on Gwangju and Jeju Massacres. USA backed genocides in SK. SK government consists of USA military by constitution.

TLDR; both puppet governments are shills for outside power. The outside powers at turning the tables on this game of chess.

Can you elaborate how money laundering on this scale works? Good write up.

Invest in Arab company. Arab company invests in NK. NK buys luxury goods from another retailer which you supply. I dunno, something like that.

Kim's brother was assassinated. Official story: NK targeted him. Unofficial: CIA flexed

What was the motive behind that one in your opinion, when looking at it from the CIA's perspective?

To show that NK are not safe outside and take out a possible successor.

just a few days before his assassination NK launched missiles.

They should get together a deal where the Un's are declared the Korean royal family forever, All past grievances against them are forgiven, and the country unifies under some sort of elected government with the Un's having a very limited amount of power similar to the situation in England.

Everybody in the region wins. The key word though is region. I highly doubt the USA will want a unified Korea

I highly doubt the USA will want a unified Korea

I think this is key to understanding the situation. The US likes the idea of a rouge state on China's doorstep, because it gives them a reason to have so many military assets in SK and Japan. A unified Korea would diminish the US' sphere of influence in the region.

A unified Korea would allow the USA to locate military bases even closer to China. Which is one of the main reasons China even supports NK- to prevent US bases on their border.

I think this was Un's trump card. He'd been backed into a corner thanks to POTUS, his health, and now destroyed nuclear facility. It's obvious this deal was made when he took the train to China. So the real question for me is was the US involved at all in what went down in China? If not then I'm not sure what to think. I hope Trump had something to do with this otherwise the upcoming meeting between the two(Un and Trump) might be the start of something no one wants to see.

i agree, but i got a little confused when you mentioned 'un's since I think you meant the 'Kims'


exCUUUUuuuuUUUUUUse me!

hehe wrote it late at night of course youre right...but I highly doubt you were confused!

Kim Jr. grew up in Europe loving western sports, music and movies. The stories of him brutally killing North Korean military personal including an uncle are true, but he was purging the military officers who would depose him for reunification/reunification talks. I think British/American agencies have been handling him since he was in high school

I try to tell people about "The Fellowship Foundation") a secretive evangelical network in the halls of government and business. They're described by some as an "underground state department."

They had some role to play in similar things in the past: (Doug Coe was the longtime leader before hs recent death)

“Most of my friends are bad people,” Mr. Coe told the New Yorker in 2010, in one of the few interviews to which he consented. “They all broke the Ten Commandments, as far as I can tell.” But, he remarked, “Jesus even met with the Devil.”

According to Lindsay’s book, the Fellowship was regarded in some circles as an “underground State Department,” playing roles in the 1978 Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel and the brokerage of a peace agreement between Rwanda and Congo in 2002.


Additionally, Sam Brownback (among others) made religious freedom trips to Sudan for years (and other places) before its forming into 2 Sudans and plunging the south into civil war. He is in the Fellowship and now he is the Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, part of the State Dept.

Mike Pence, who won the evangelical vote for Trump and had a huge role in picking cabinet positions, is a member. Now we have the most evangelical cabinet ever . In my opinion, I think it runs worse into [dominionist territory.}(https://theintercept.com/2016/11/15/mike-pence-will-be-the-most-powerful-christian-supremacist-in-us-history/)

Mike Pompeo, like Brownback is from Kansas and largely fits the ideological profile, was the head of the State Department, and is now heading the CIA. He made trips to North Korea. Mike Pence, a member of the Fellowship, made trips to North Korea. Sam Brownback has been working on North Korea for years.

tl;dr The Fellowship Foundation probably had a significant, behind the scenes role in the Korean peace talks. (I don't have any articles implying that, but Trump is tight with the group)

There's more, but it's late and I gotta go to bed. Hopefully this adds to the discussion, which I will return to tomorrow. The Korean peace possibilities are historic.

Came back to say that there's some stuff in Wikileaks, but "the fellowship foundation" and other common terms don't being up anything.

Here are some search results:

Doug Coe One of their old names, International Christian Leadership Their public events the Prayer Breakfast movement. "Sam Brownback" Korea And an arm of The Fellowship that I know way more about than any of this other stuff Prison Fellowship (they're totally working with the WH on faith based justice reform)

Some guy in r/cryptocurrency said Kim has massive amounts of BTC and it's crash in January was related to NK stealing BTC.

Kim has no money

Call me a nut but I'm starting to think nk(and maybe even sk to an extent) is a "controlled" by deep state players and this whole sharade is a play to distract from Syria and the real plan. The same way Isis is pumped up or toned down at times, nk is operated in the same way.

For example: trump uses Moab on Isis to make him seem like a great president, and people praise him. Then they say "trump is winning against Isis" and they goes into the background not to be mentioned. Then they say Assad is using chemical weapons, but ignore that if they attack Assad, then trump is actually helping Isis/rebels.

So with NK to get people off trumps back, they say "oh look what trumps doing in NK, Kim wants to talk! He's doing a great thing" now Syria is in the background. Who know she what's going on there now.

Didn't qanon start some rumors about NK being a soros controlled place? Sounds absurd but what if the entire place is used for political theater?

As a child, when I heard about NK and learned how the country was run, how people lived so on and so forth, my young mind without a second thought said, why would that be? Why would the world stand by and allow such a regime to happen, why is the world not doing anything about this? What the hell is wrong with the powers that be, why are they not intervening?

I seen the Berlin wall come down, I seen the US go into Iraq in 1990 because of Saddam using the chemical weapons against the Kuwaitis and all kinds of captain save a hoe type of shit to help people but they always ignored the plight of the people of NK.

I firmly believe that NK was held hostage by the deep state and used for what ever geopolitical purpose that was required. It sickens me to my core.

I feel similarly about this and wonder if this is the case too. It just seems so odd that NK has gone on so long like this. I also wonder if perhaps (secretly) there is something more that went down that inspired such quick action on KJU’s part, but that’s just the conspiracy theorist in me talking.

Specifically, what do each of North Korea, South Korea, the US, China, Japan, Russia, the UK, etc. want from the North Korea situation

Apart from being friends with our allies what does the UK have to gain or lose in this whole shebang? We don't have any aggro with Best Korea and as far as I know we don't really have an geopolitical influence in that part of Asia.

(before you dismiss this, I ask of you to consider the following) It is curious to see that you guys have finally gotten out a post like this that rules all 'meta' out with heavy moderation, which is an excellent idea--but funnily enough, not on a topic that is as seemingly controversial as where it had gotten to an extent that, for whatever reason, banning of users was required (there is a line before harassment that still allows for indirect blaming/reasonable name-calling, or in other words accusation, if you understand). I understand that even under such a parent idea like this, there may be heavy dispute regarding those who have evidently, objectively, and logically disprovable opinions that they are yet still willing to push (which is what I had seen happen on a recent sticky post), and I see that such a label/rule on a post was enacted (I am new here, I'm not sure if this has happened before, if so, please inform me) on an idea regarding recent news. I can see this going in a direction toward the goal that the subreddit hopes to achieve, and this is only a logical step to take.

On a very recent sticky-post, there had been in it an idea that had generated dispute to the level of name-calling, heavy accusation, and outright conflict. This conflict, however, was happening on both sides of belief regarding the conspiracy theory that the post suggested. Unfortunately, I recall a user who had gone to the extent of applying his sound knowledge of the topic, albeit with some accusations and name-calls directed toward the opposer(but that is to be expected at the level of frustration I can easily imagine that user was at), and he had gone to the point where the opposer had lent toward the accusation that he was simply 'cheating,' 'playing it all out,' or simply lying. We can all at first glance see this as outright unreasonable, considering that the ideas and evidence the user was providing was sound and proven. We must realize that his basis was not to insult, rather it was it refute. Isn't this allowable? Was he banished from the subreddit simply due to the event that the opposer's feelings were probably hurt? I by all means do not wish to allow anywhere the act of harassment or any kind of it, but that was not harassment by any means. All he was doing was the refutation of the opposer's claims by means of objective evidence and plentiful sources for it, which lays unreasonable the fact that he was banned solely for his insults, whom had not at all been the central idea of his comments.

Off-topic, yes, but come on.

(This may get removed, but hey, it'll get my word out for a few moments)

As a conspirator I understand this is far fetched: I think it’s plausible that the US bombed the NK nuke site (the one that supposedly was destroyed by natural disaster) Like I said, far fetched but thoughts?

I'd be somewhat skeptical of an actual "bombing," but I would not be terribly surprised if it were sabotaged. The US (and likely Israel) did something quite similar to Iran's nuclear program with STUXNET, using a computer hack to physically manipulate the centrifuges into destroying themselves.

If it were sabotaged, we'll still need to know who was responsible for the sabotage, and at that point, I don't think it's enough to just say "the US." Which faction in the US, and with the help or knowledge of which allies? I could also see a scenario in which China would sabotage NK's program, because an unified Korea without US troops in it is good for China.

Spitballing here but I wouldnt be surprised if following the DRPKs recent missile hijinx China and the US delivered something amounting to a final ultimatum - sort things out or else.

5 year old post about NK being ran by the CIA/Elites

Has anyone else been thinking this? Does anyone of circumstantial evidence for this, or anything concrete? I'd like to hear some thoughts.

Apparently that Q fella posted a statement about NK being CIA controlled. I don’t follow the Q stuff closely, just saw it mentioned in a comment above with a link to screenshots of posts.

Yea I've seen that as well, was surprised to find a 5 year old post thinking along the same line.

is it possible that China and Russia want stability on the Korean penninsula so that they can focus on developing their new military-economic partnership, which is both intended and perceived as a threat to the US?

The US should take notice of China and Russia's increasingly close military ties, a top Chinese official said Tuesday. Gen. Wei Fenghe, China's new defense minister, gave the remarks in Moscow following a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, according to Russian state news agency TASS.

"I am visiting Russia as a new defense minister of China to show the world a high level of development of our bilateral relations and firm determination of our armed forces to strengthen strategic cooperation," Wei said. "The Chinese side has come (to Moscow) to show Americans the close ties between the armed forces of China and Russia ... we've come to support you."

From: https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/04/asia/china-russia-military-intl/index.html

In the last year, Russia and China have held joint naval drills in the South China Sea and the Baltics, as well as joint missile defense drills, according to the AP.

China and Russia have long supported each other's positions on North Korea and Syria at the United Nations, and Beijing increased its support for Moscow after the West imposed sanctions on Russia for its annexation of Crimea, CNN reported.

From: https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/04/asia/china-russia-military-intl/index.html

The volume of trade between Russia and China has been rapidly growing, with an already 30-percent increase in the first quarter of 2018. The sides aim to boost trade to $200 billion by 2020.

China is Russia’s largest trading partner, accounting for 15 percent of Russian international trade last year.

In January, trade turnover grew to 17.2 percent. It is expected to exceed the $100-billion mark this year, according to the deputy chairman of China’s Ministry of Commerce. In 2017, bilateral trade amounted to $84.1 billion, up by 19 percent year-on-year, he said at a press conference on Friday.

From: https://www.rt.com/business/425376-russia-china-trade-turnover

Europe’s oil refineries are increasingly missing out on Russian crude as the world’s biggest energy producer directs more and more barrels by pipeline to China.

Russia will ship an average of 19 percent less crude through its main ports on the Baltic and Black Seas in the first five months of 2018 compared with a year earlier, according to loading plans obtained by Bloomberg. Meanwhile piped flows to China soared 43 percent in the first three months, the most recent data from state operator Transneft PJSC show.

From: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-30/russia-sends-oil-to-china-at-europe-s-expense-as-trades-upended

“Noting that China and Russia have firmly supported each other in safeguarding their core national interests, and further strengthened political mutual trust, Xi said the two countries are strategic partners that have truly placed trust in each other,” China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported at the time.

Areas of increased co-operation are likely to include the development of a free trade agreement for the Asia Pacific region, as well as increased bilateral trade in the fields of energy, investment, technology, aviation, aerospace and infrastructure.

A closer alignment of security objectives, particularly in promoting so-called cyber sovereignty - to counterbalance to what is seen as increasingly bellicose behaviour from the US, Nato and Japan - is also expected.

From: http://www.theweek.co.uk/92545/russia-china-the-new-world-order

So, yeah. Based on this, I'm increasingly skeptical whether Trump/the US actually had anything to do with NK/SK peace talks. It seems more likely that it was engineered by Russia and China and Trump either a) jumped on the bandwagon to make it look like the US had some role in it, b) participated in talks so that the US could have some skin in the game with Russia & China, or c) both of the above.

Good points! I am of the opinion Trump's role in this is as a Russian supporter for Putin/Oligarchy's business interests.

p.s. thanks for such a thoughtfully worded post. it's refreshing to see the brain trust of this sub invited to step up in a more rigorous way.

The only way I will trust this is if NK has its military dismantled like Japan after WWII, and the U.S. and China together run a team, handling efforts to ensure NK never acquires nuclear weapons. Then they are both equally responsible.

The fact that the drastic improvement in relations between the two Koreas was so sudden is testament to the fact that the media has been at best dishonest about reporting on the situation.

It may not change much short term, but I can see how long term, there will be changes that benefit China's long term goals.

Except Abe isn't the president anymore

Came back to say that there's some stuff in Wikileaks, but "the fellowship foundation" and other common terms don't being up anything.

Here are some search results:

Doug Coe One of their old names, International Christian Leadership Their public events the Prayer Breakfast movement. "Sam Brownback" Korea And an arm of The Fellowship that I know way more about than any of this other stuff Prison Fellowship (they're totally working with the WH on faith based justice reform)