Yeah so, I am finally realizing how fucking controlled our species has been. Color has been used to trap us. Toxins used to starve us. Hours and wages used to enslave us. Our species has been enslaved and I finally realize this, but no longer fear it. The things we used to need are now killing us.

19  2018-04-28 by Loud_Volume

First, let me say, that I have not slept the past 2 days and am not even on drugs. I just ate a little kief, instead of burning it. Alright so let's start.

Honestly, it's been a pretty big cluster fuck so I'll just keep it simple instead.

Our human species has been purposely trapped in a low state of fear and consciousness. While "satan" in the sense of some "mega demon" does not exist, there are lower frequencies of energy that can effect us, rob us, bring us down, drag us down, and trap us in a state of fear which therefore makes us create our reality around us, from a state of fear.

Think about it.

Everywhere around you, you are told, screamed at, pushed, punched, torn up, thrown away, and told you are useless. Why do you allow this to happen to you! Stand up! Stand UP WITH ME! I PUT IN MY TWO WEEKS AT WORK THIS WEEK AND HAVE NOT SLEPT SINCE. I FEEL ALIVE. I FEEL ENERGETIC. I FEEL SO FUCKING LIGHT AND FLUFFY.

I will not stop and the fear will not drag me back into this stupid RAT RACE we have been supporting.

I can support myself.

You know what I am going to do?

I am going to clean the earth, and live by doing that.

If leeches, parasites, negative energy, can drain us of our life force and rape and pillage this planet and our bodies in the name of greed, selfishness, etc and grow and grow and continue to grow until this whole planet is consumed and there is NO FUCKING MONEY LEFT BECAUSE ALL RESOURCES WILL BE GONE JESUS FUCK WAKE THE HELL UP. TECHNOLOGY IS SUPPRESSED. MEDICAL HEALTH AND FREEDOM IS SUPPRESSED. SOCIETAL AND INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS ARE SUPPRESSED IN THE NAME OF PROFITS, POWER, CONTROL, DIVISION, FUCK WHY DID WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES.

Guess what though?

It's changing. And it starts with one. Because we are all one. So if you make the conscious choice to stop taking abuse and take your power back, everyone around you will see what you're doing, see your power, see your confidence, and ultimately SEE YOUR LIGHT LIFE FORCE.


I fucking hate typing in caps lock BUT PLEASE JUST LISTEN. PLEASE.


lemuria and atlantis was enough, and whoever else and whatever societies had to die and collapse and break down. It is time we make this leap as a species once and for all AND OWN IT. And hold each others hands, and not mock that, or attack it. That is weakness. Light is strength. Light is power. Love is love. Love is power. Reclaim that power and stop having a leech such that power out of you.

Reclaim it, grow, heal, AND FIX YOUR DIET. Even our food is controlled, and AVOID CORPORATIONS. AVOID CORPORATE "CHAIN LADDERS" AND "CHAINS OF COMMAND" You are your own command. Stop waiting for someone above you to tell you what to do.

Do it yourself.




This is how we were meant to be.



You sound like the Unabomber.

Hey man, how's your morning been treating you? Do you feel okay? My stomachs been hurting, howbout yours?

I'm feeling good. Sorry you have a stomach ache. Hope you feel better soon. Try to relax and get some sleep.

I can't seem to sleep and keep throwing up/gagging and keep going to the bathroom and only drinking water yet I seem to have no appetite and can't pass out.

I know you're not a "Doctor"

But I am feeling so alive despite this cleansing process.

It shall continue, and so be it.

Thank you for being kind to me in this moment, and have a great weekend!

You should go to the ER and ask for an antiemetic. You should soon stop vomiting.

Going to the ER will amplify my fear and turn me into a downward spiral.

I don't like downward spirals

Personally rather if you werent found dead though.

I'll never die. Only the body does. Our body is a vehicle for consciousness

Just like we use cars/vehicles to transport our body. Which is why we care about our "cars" so much. Because it's an extension of our body/soul

Think about it

you wont be able to do much good without a body though. if you believe in spreading the good word about the cause, it would probably be best if you were alive my friend

This is true.

I just don't want fear anymore man.cit hurts. It makes me run. It makes me do things I don't want to do.

I'm tired of running. I just want to be loved secured and safe. Please

Damn. Your 7 threads you posted looks enlightening. Will take the "leap" and explore this "fear" aka slavery that has kept the human collective down.

Thank you for your service for the human race brother. We all needed it

Sounds like a manic episode...

I just made a note of this. Not only that, but it's out of character with their history. It might be their first break. Look at their postings the past two days versus before that.

There's a change in frequency and coherency. Here they're out there on a topic, but they're also replying random stuff to people in other forums that are complete non-sequitors. I am worried they might hurt themselves or others due to their current idea that "death doesn't exist."*

*Not that I disagree completely, but that's a dangerous belief for someone having a psychotic break.

I hope they have people checking in on them...

I was trying to see if there was info in his posts. He has been posting non-stop the past two days, and it's just been getting worse.

He mentioned previously being suicidal, but I don't see any notion that he is now.

He mentions a girlfriend returning soon, so maybe she will recognize the change in behavior ... or maybe he might behave badly towards her.

I think many have mentioned he should get help in direct or more smartly manipulative ways (won't blow their cover.)

If you have time to look through his posts for info or contact info, that could help.

I will see what I could find...

I used snoopsnoo to see if I could find anything. No leads, but something I ever never seen before.

99% of people have "People" as their most used word on reddit, with the next most frequently used word being used 1/2 to 1/4 as frequently as "People"

OP's most frequently used word is still "People," but they say "time," "world," "earth," "light," "love," and "consciousness" each almost as frequently as "people." I have never seen word usage anything like this.

I think that this person is probably off grid at the moment...they probably dont want to be found. Not to mention that they are seemingly paranoid at the moment. He has posts about looking for land and stuff like that. IDK...

The change was incredibly rapid. He also mentions a girlfriend coming to him. I don't know, but he's in trouble.

Also please teach me about Ireland I had been wanting to know about the true power of light there. What happened. Why are the Irish so targeted?

Not a TI myself my friend, more of a researcher. i like having a wide variety of data on the various conspiracies, and that ones always been interesting to me.

Water is really hard on an empty stomach. Do you have a banana? If you cannot eat the banana, mash it up with some water, and drink/eat it that way. Licorice tea is also helpful depending on your constitution. But really, I recommend you eat a banana. Whatever you do try to consume, have just a little tiny bit, and wait at least a few minutes before you have anymore. With liquids, hold them in your mouth untill they are body temperature. You’re dehydrated, you can take in some liquid through your mucous membranes. Take a bath if you can. I have 40 years of being someone who can throw up straight for three days at the perverbal drop of a hat. Take a bath, eat a banana, get some sleep. I think you’re awesome and right about a lot of stuff. Thanks for being on the planet, try and stay with us long term.

hows your gut flora?

I think I fucked it up with years of fast food abuse, cheap grabs, quick fixes, and empty calories. I fucked it up real good but now I'm feeling.

Right now I'm mostly drinking water and maybe eating like 1 banana a day, seems to be doing the trick

dude. plain greek yogurt. stuff does wonders for for your GI tract.

How is your nervous break down treating you?

Feeling good, feeling whole. Please realize nervousness stems from fear which stems from separation.

You think you Aren't me and I'm not you, but we are connected wether you realize it or not. So please,

Stop sending me hate. I'd appreciate it. I'm sending you love, so why not send me love? I don't send love to receive hate I send love to receive love.

Be open to that

But, giving away money does not mean that you are going to get money.

Giving away food does not mean that you are going to be given food.

Treating your enemies with respect, treating those you hate with respect, that does not mean your enemies will treat you nicely or that people will respect you

If you are going to walk this path, you’d better be prepared to get the thorns

Removed. Rule 4.

Now this here is overstepping a mods responsibility. What are you kidding man? Why did this blow you up so badly you broke your own rules? Banning someone from one specific thread? Seriously? Wow. Just. Wow.

I've talked about it with the user in question, and we've reached an understanding.

And as far as overstepping my authority, I feel plenty justified in banning someone from a particular thread. The user in question broke rule 4 in multiple comments, and I would have been justified in giving them a sub-wide temp ban; banning from this one thread alone was a less forceful mod action than a full ban, not more forceful.

Feel free to take it up in modmail if you have an issue with it.

Cannabis hypermesis

Oh fuck so that's what happens when you combust too much marijuana into your system! It sends it into shock!

I guess everything in moderation but I now prefer vaping, eating, and enjoying cannabis instead of smoking it.

Also I've been sitting on the toilet for the past 2-3 hours? (Not sure how long this has been) and I just noticed I didn't get a hemorrhoid this time.

Wow. I really must have been pushing and straining myself too much

Just chill the fuck out. All that’s happening is you’re coming out of sheltered existence and learning what the world is actually like. No one is out to get you like that, you aren’t special, you don’t have powers, you’re not 32 feet tall, you’re not of Christ’s bloodline, you might be an alien but then so are we.

The point is, it’s not all for you. Once you realize that, you can play the game of life.

What are you on right now? We all have powers I'm sorry your biggest power right now is attacking people and "putting them in their place" on reddit while they speak some truths


Thanks friend. Those that need to see this thread, will.

In love, unity, and respect, I love you brother

Race, culture and origin are important. People of different races, cultures and origins do just about everything differently and naturally are going to have conflict over it. There's no changing that, so the best way is to keep people from different backgrounds away from each other.


so this is the reason for opening borders.

While we should accept each other into each other's countries (such as north and South Korea just did)

We all need our space and cultural tools to help us remember ourselves


Thanks for handing me a missing jigsaw puzzle piece

The borders are open because Hispanics vote 70/30 Democrat, even up to the 2nd generation and have more kids, which means more votes.

And as long as Hispanics continue to have more kids than they can afford, they will continue to be poorer and will continue to have to rely on the government to survive, which only gives the government more power.

In less than 30 years, Hispanics will be the majority in the US. As long as their numbers keep increasing, even if Whites vote 100% for one candidate, we simply will not be able to win any elections. In less than 100 years, Whites have gone from 90% of the population to 68% of the population. The majority of births in the Southwest US are already non-White as well.

Maybe it's a natural progression?

Maybe borders aren't the solution

Maybe respect is.

Maybe if we respected each other and each other's space and belongings, we would live in perfect harmony.

Why aren't we doing this?

Cause it sure as hell ain't the "Hispanics" fault and it sure as hell isnt the "whites fault"

We are one race and you can spit and crunch numbers all day but in the end it's just numbers.

Move into awareness and realize people will do what they need to do to be able to be themselves and open up to life.

I love you

Maybe it's a natural progression?

Do you call this natural?

Why do Hispanics want to come to the US? How does letting in Hispanics correct the issues of why Hispanics want to come in the first place?

I would recommend checking out this video called "Immigration Gumballs":

How can you possibly know and understand what each individual human needs wants or cares for?

And how dare you try to justify that control with statistics and "stats"

You don't know what makes happiness in one person or another. So leave them alone. Let people go where they please, and leave them the fuck alone because they deserve peace, life, and happiness just as you do.

Step aside of the fear and let it pass

How can you possibly know and understand what each individual human needs wants or cares for?

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume every human wants:

  • Safety

  • Food

  • Shelter

  • At the very least, enough money to live on

Why do Hispanics not feel they are getting these things in Mexico and other South American countries? How does them coming to the US address the problems for the rest of the population there who doesn't come?

Money is fake.

We all want safety, food, health, and respect and love.

Money ruined this for us and turned us into savages and animals as if we are trying to climb some false chain with a false luring of security while we hack claw and kick all our brothers and sisters off the ladder that are just wanting the same thing.

We don't need competition, fear, or judging of others.

If a "Hispanic" AKA HUMAN BEING. Wants to live in "America" in the woods, then so, fucking, be, it. You're not the boss of them and neither am I.

Let people live, and you will be able to live. Give up the fear

Money is fake. We all want safety, food, health, and respect and love.

Money buys me safety. I can then buy a gun, buy a bodyguard or buy a house in a safer area, which usually tends to be a richer area.

Money buys me food. Money also buys me land and materials where I could make my own food.

Money buys me health. If I have money, I can get the best healthcare in the world.

Money can buy me respect. I can pay people lots of money to talk about how great I am in the media and online.

Money can buy me love. I have much greater dating options as a rich man than a poor man.

Everything you just listed is an illusion and was born out of fear and lack and separation

My bank account, my house, my lifestyle and my job aren't illusions. They are reality.

Living in other countries and dealing with minorities have only made me more racist.

The facts are that noone could survive without resources. Humans are warlike. We fight over resources. Without money as a conduit we would fight over something else. People in 3d world countries have little to no money so they fight over land and water and food. The US is doing ok because we have agreed as a people to a set of norms to dictacte our conduct. If you want people to step into the "light" that's nice but it's not realistic. How do you get by everyday? How do you keep people from taking what you worked to gather or hunt? How do you get well with nothing to barter with? People do not freely give knowledge. Shamans do not give their healings for free. You have to give them something so they can live on till tomorrow. I'm sorry the sky is falling ... Good luck

Do you call this natural?

Was the Columbian migration natural?

Most mass migration happens due to various events.

And? In the 1400 and 1500s, Europeans discovered consistent trade routes to the Americas, and proceeded to replace the native population, through a combination of war, disease, and out-breeding, eventually controlling all the land.

How is that any more "natural" than Hispanic immigration today? The ancestors of the Hispanics, both the Spanish settlers and the natives, were both in this land before Western and Northern Europeans. If anything, a hispanicization and re-native-ing of America would be the most natural thing.

Race, culture and origin are important. People of different races, cultures and origins do just about everything differently.

Everything? Yeah... no.

Have you travelled much? People love. People laugh. People cry. People kill. People... you get the picture.

Have you travelled much?

Oh, not only that, but I've had girls who were into me from all over the globe.

People love

People love in different ways. Some African countries show their love for someone by raping them. In places like India, arranged marriages are quite common, whereas they are not supported here. I've talked to some Middle Eastern girls who believed their relatives were showing them love by not allowing them to go outside on their own or make their own choices.

People laugh.

People laugh in different ways. Humor is one of the hardest things to translate between different cultures and languages.

People cry.

Why German babies cry differently to Chinese ones

People kill.

People kill for different reasons in other countries, often for reasons we would never support here.

People... you get the picture.

I do and it's that every culture and race is different. Trying to assimilate them all into one mega-race is cultural genocide.

I just read the rest of your comments and while I disagree with with you 99.9999%, you are right about one thing: Hispanics are a problem. How do I know? I am one.

I have been living here for four years and I don't understand why someone would come to America just to live off the government. When I decided to come to this country, the plan was (and still is) to help push the economy train, not to get a free ride on it. Yet all these motherfuckers come, get all their benefits from the government and do not move a finger to improve themselves, let alone society. They just come and pop babies for a welfare check and cheap housing. There is absolutely no drive to progress other than getting everything for free and it bothers me to no end.

So when I see someone being critical of Hispanics I just shut up because they happen to be 100% right. Things would be so much different if Hispanics just came to progress without bothering anyone else.

I'm sorry I elaborate this little, please feel free to ask for any clarification.

I agree with everything you said.

I’m an immigration attorney. I have yet to meet a Hispanic immigrant who isn’t working and paying their bills. Shut up.

I have yet to meet a Hispanic immigrant who isn’t working and paying their bills

Dominicans in NYC would like to have a word with you.

Lol, literally preying on the mentally unstable and pushing white nationalist propaganda into their vulnerable mind. You’re a piece of shit.

Removed. Rule 4.

This kind of thing has happened to me before. It's called an anxiety attack.

Dude real maple syrup tastes so much better than that processed garbage that slows our digestion down and makes us feel heavy.

Good choice on using REAL maple syrup. FROM NATURE. Like it was INTENDED TO BE.

Anyway. Anxiety stems from fear and only comes into your body if you let it.

Maple syrup is not a drug! I think the anxiety you’re having is from the weed

There's multiple types of syrups

Read the labels

Read the ingredients so you know what you're ingesting

Most cheap plastic bottled "syrup" is a fake chemical additive used to save money for the corporation selling you the poison. See the irony?

You get what you pay for.

You ever wonder why real maple syrup costs 15-25$? Because it's healthier for you than that fake garbage they've been selling us

I don’t think an ounce of fake maple syrup once every month or two is going to kill me or my soul. That’s just the opinion of someone who is healthy and 50 years old not living in fear

Ok man, and you are in your power. Good job! And thank you!

For me, sugar and fake syrup destroys my body, I can't do it anymore. I am learning to word things properly so I don't infringe or appear to be attacking others. Apologies if I came across that way

Just my own body can't do the fake stuff anymore with high fructose corn syrup let alone sugar.

Balance is key

And everything within will tell you what your body needs. Trust that inner awareness

I do find in general high carbs strain the system. One candy bar isn’t enough to tip the scales. But, alcohol with beer, high fructose syrup, greasy foods, I noticed it affects my skin first and then the yeast balance.

Having a chocolate chip cookie isn’t going to kill you. But eating a bag of chocolate chips every day followed by a beer with potato chips and french fries is a downhill spiral for sure. I get what you’re saying and unfortunately most people have no idea how To eat moderately or healthy.

You were just saying that the body is an illusion though. That it is an unnecessary part of this equation?

It’s smart to boycott anonymous white powders, be it hard drugs, pharmaceuticals, or sweeteners.

Maple syrup is mostly sugar (sucrose, specifically) and water. So if sugar is bad, as you say, so is maple syrup.

Maple syrup comes from trees. Trees sustain life and give us energy, shade, and love. Maple syrup is a lot more beneficial to my system as a natural sugar instead of actual heavy white refined sugar that fucks with my body and makes me gain empty calorie.

Real maple syrup has substance and is far more healthier for our body friend and can be used a lot more efficiently than white sugar

It's more expensive because it's harvested from tree sap from specific trees which only grow in certain parts of the world and only produce the proper sap in specific climatic conditions. The sap is boiled to 1/40th it's original volume, so you need a lot of trees and labour to make it a viable enterprise

Garbage synthetic stuff can be made in a factory. The "chemicals" are mostly just synthetic flavours that attempt to mimic the naturally occurring compounds in maple sap. They do a terrible job at mimicking the natural stuff because they only bothered to synthesize a tiny percentage of the compounds only found in real maple syrup.

People are cheap or poor and if they live in North America they probably have positive cultural memories regarding maple syrup that they naively believe can be recreated through synthetic garbage.

The cartel doesn't help, either.

According to one poster above, a drug is any substance that has a physiological effect when introduced to the body, so, yeah it is :)

Sugar is an addictive psychoactive substance that happens to have caloric value.

If nature had intended for maple syrup to be a certain way, would it just come out of the tree fully prepared? I mean apples are just the way mother nature wants them right? Making apple juice is unnatural.

I’m also fine with you eating a head of lettuce but only if you eat it as though it were an apple. If Mother nature wanted It to be put on sandwiches and in salads, those salads would already be up there in the tree ready for us to pick and eat.

Maple syrup involves very little preparation. It's a stone-age food.

I suggest you seek a professional psychologist, or doctor. You seem to be suffering from a psychotic episode, or mania. Do you have a family history of bipolar or schizophrenia? I really suggest you bring yourself yo a hospital asap and get eveluated.

You can literally die from like of sleep in 8 days. Your anxiety and fear will get worse.

Here's some systems of control. For sure not even close to a complete list but it's a starter

Cell phone towers

Stop light signals



Fear as a tool




Hard drugs

Hidden attena towers

Gaming systems






Corporate ladders

Chains of command




Wage levels between people

Class warfare

Skin color



Scalar waves


Microwave energy

Energy cell bombardment

Third dimensional technology/tools/fear/oppression


Toxic dumps

Bio waste systems

Gasoline, coals,

Charcoal was where it was at this whole time


Watch monsters incorporate again to get a glimpse

Heights used against us




Floor matts

Nature has been used against us

Cold has been used against us

Chemtrails are real

Weather modification to keep us in a schedule and routine

Routine and schedules

Break free.

Different word spellings.

Torture of the soul by way of insulting the biological senses


Black witchcraft used to take you to the right and into the dark

We are all brothers

We are all related

We are all one

Accessories attachments dongles one use items none recyclable waste

Power lines

Penis breasts and buttocks crude crass and immature comedy that starves the soul, feeds the ego.


Ego mind

We have been taught to fear nature. Control it. Tame it and take it and do what u want with it. No. Fucking stop.









Heavy metals

Cowering in fear

What frequency makes you fearful

Base line

Base line frequency

Agenda 21

Poor and homeless

Poverty and "class structures"


Political leanings

Breaking and wearing down of the soul


Chemical fertilizers



Bacteria from an asteroid/meteor





Negative greetings


Gag reflex

Social conditioning

Digital warfare and algorithms

Routers cables cords. Where do they all go to?

Wirelessly transmitted energy stolen from Nikola Tesla

Inverted awareness. So basically left = right up = down. Locks you in a fourth dimensional hyper cube

"Looking good"

Fear does not look good but beauty does, which is why we say looking good to someone when they are in their power

Corporate suits


Violent oppression

Division between police and public

The fear against total love


Seeds of doubt



Our waste system has been compromised to keep us bogged down and unaware

Crystal meth was used against us

Anything that allows a brief escape but not a full blown experience

Like alcohol


If you ever experience resistance like you just did, that's fear trying to take you back into its system

System dynamics

Thank you

"Comedy" movies that make you identify with pain and hurt and physical humor/mistakes making it a laughing matter. Fucking gross.

Not helping your fellow man

Not lending a hand

Not borrowing or lending or sharing etc it all got shut down by fear

Black flakes in mucus

Being mean to others causes cancer cause you're attacking your fellow brother and killing his life force therefore your own.



Depressants chemical sutchering and avoidance of eyes

Avoiding eye contact means you are in a state of fear. Focusing on the ground and getting to where you need to "go"

Opening of borders

We all need our space

Downward spiral used to connect our fear to our feet thus entombing us in a dense lead case of fear that makes it hard to see the light of awareness of yourself.

Toilet paper

New = scary which is what we have been programmed to believe

Timers starters primers etc

I didn’t bother reading that lengthy post because I noticed you didn’t type anything in all capitals.

Maybe you should eat another marijuana’s

Removed. Rule 4.

You should probably get some sleep

Ehhhh when I'm ready. This is worth the "work" and the "time"

I'd talk to you guys 24/7 in this state

Make some of that rhyme and spit some bars to make it memorable. This is your new mission.

You say control... So who is controlling us then?

I'm ready to join you, but you're probably nowhere near me.

you're probably having a manic episode dude. I'm not hoping to convince you to talk to somebody about your mental well-being, but the things you are saying aren't making a lot of sense

No just was running on little sleep

I'm more than fine. Love ya lots my bro. Thanks for the support

I’m not a pessimist. But dude, that is not how it is going to work. I don’t mean to be the one telling the people who want to change the world, the cant, so I shouldn’t be in their way. It is that if you saw the matrix and want out you are wasting your time, in my opinion.

You can’t just fall of the grid without any training or resources. It will only make your life miserable. Don’t do it.

Too late man, I already did it and am living life so happy

Stop accepting what society has forced down your throat.

You're not a lone wolf

You're one of us, you're in the pack. And that pack is man kind. No one is left out of this pack, and if they are, it's because they chose to be in fear and separation.

The choice is yours, not mine, make it

You are off the grid and on Reddit at the same time 🤷🏼‍♂️

No longer have cell service on my phone. That explains why it's been stuck on "searching"

My girlfriend kept telling me to get it fixed or "upgrade" but honestly I kind of like this

Using Wifi (for now) to post this as I no longer can recieve cell phone calls.

This is better anyway. I hate talking when I don't want to. Like, it's my phone. I'll call you if I need you. So yeah. Everything happens for a reason my brother

Soon (ehhhh, few years at most) I'll be walking the coast of Oregon admiring the beauty with the love of my life.

Take care, friend. You are alive more than you realize

Get off the internet if you want to be off the grid. Otherwise you are just attention seeking

I can be here if I want to. Stop trying to take my power from me dude, the fuck. That's not nice for you to do that. Allow me to live and I'll allow you to live. You don't like what I'm saying? Then leave my space, leave my thread, and go back to where ever you came from because obviously this scares you.

I wonder if you’re just trolling. I’m good a trolling, I’d say. You, not so much but nice try.

I don't like "trolling"

Why would someone want to intentionally hurt/mess/manipulate with someone else's power/mind?

That's just naive and honestly will accrue you negative karma if coming at it from fear and intruding on other peoples space

It takes less than a thousand people to start a town. There are ways to forge a path that still remain available.

My family lived and still live in a rural mountain area where one house is separated from another one for miles and miles and hills. Some times, the people visit the “local” town which is very small too. They don’t buy anything but they do sell why they cultivate and harvest for almost nothing. The children don’t go to school because to them it is a waste of time. They have no access to electricity except in the local town which I’m not sure whether the town has running water or ways to dispose of their waste. People take a shit in the bushes and it is normal to them. They speak a language my parents never taught me but who speak it very well especially when angry. What I’m trying to say is there are places around the world where people live off the grid. When I first visited the town it had maybe 300 people at most or way less. There were other towns on the way leading to the cities and then to the capital. I was amazed to think I could have probably lived there if my parent stayed there. I tried to think I could live there and as vacation it is beautiful. Rivers with plenty fish close by which no one hunts therefore it is plentiful. Animals for hunting to eat only. However, eventually I came back to the United States and while I really think of going back since I’m single. I don’t believe I’ll find a woman who would like to live there. Some women I dated wanted to visit but that all it was to them: a visit. I don’t know much about all of you but i need me a woman to live happy. It is in my genes and watching my parents work hard and happy together.

I enjoyed your post, it's great and natural to desire companionship. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to who crosses your path. Lol good luck.

"I'm not on drugs. I just ate a little kief"

Try it. Stop buying fear because you're afraid to experiment and fail.

Humans failed for a long time because they were worried about failure and you know what worry does? Causes stress which Boggs the system and brings you closer and closer to fear and cell death.

I tried kief today

What have you tried? Your same schedule and routine you're used to? Break free dude.

Hey I'm not criticizing your use of it. I'm just pointing out the fact that you stated you weren't on drugs, and then immediately said that you had consumed drugs. Like I said, you're free to do as you wish, and I've done the same before actually. But you essentially discredited yourself as soon as you started.

How can marijuana possibly be a "drug"

Please, you have been inverted through social conditioning.

Chemical "drugs" are horrible for the body and slow you down

Real cures are found in the world around us and not made by a machine or whatever else profit sucking motive exists to derive pleasure/value out of your essence of being. Wake up from the matrix you're sleep walking in before it becomes a permanent sleep walking as AI and other shit slowly takes over our individual power.

The matrix is a documentary of earth and the course it was headed had we not decided to take the red pill.

We have been red pilled.

So we are waking up to this matrix illusion

See? Some movies can be used to paint pictures of truth regardless of the small presence of fear that it may harbor.

Burning marijuana is a chemical reaction.

Damn Daniel back at it again with the contradictions.

Weed is a drug? In the conspiracy thread? Fuck out a here

Chemicals are needed when they are needed.

Realize how ozone depleting chemicals no longer exist, yet back in the day were common as shoes.

Realize how cannabis was illegal back in the day

And now it's becoming legal

Think for yourself and free yourself come on dude step off the conditioning

I think for myself every second of everyday and the best part is that I am productive and contributing to something larger than myself that I happen to believe in.

Free yourself from the anger as this is a matter of perception, which is not universally defined. Stop shoving your ideals down onto people as if you're the answer, the truth and all mighty.

If you want to be a dirty hippy feel free and I hope you enjoy it, but I personally do not want to be a dirty hippy.

No need for name calling.

Thank you so much for the help and knowing I can trust you. I have felt so along for so alone

All we are is chemical reactions

Are you seriously asking if marijuana is a drug? Don’t be retarded. I have 97% extract here and it kicks your ass like it was a narcotic. It is most certainly a drug

Damn son that's potent. Thanks for the idea. I'll try ingesting cannabis oil now and see what that does to me. Fuxk yeah

I do low temperature Vape with the distillate. Very smooth. I have heard of people dissolving it under the tongue but I have not tried that yet

Probably tastes like dicks stuck in a swamp

No actually just sugary. Not much flavor at all

They should probably pull their penis out of the swamp. The swamp doesn't like that

Thank you micro-naut. Your username alone helps me identify with the help.

I'm going to try the under the tounge method, actually sounds pretty relaxing. Distillate? What's that!!!! I gotta see what this is. But I can't be afraid

deep breath in

Rule 10




a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body."

Just because it isn't artificially produced, that doesn't mean it isn't still a drug.

Thank you for using someone else's definition to try to create your own situation of fear. Stop creating fear and using others. You are your own being

I'm using this definition as a resource, yes. But my own definition of marijuana, and by extension, kief is still a drug. Trust me, I have plenty of experience with it, and it is great as a medicine, don't get me wrong. But it has it's downsides too. Chronic use noticably changed me to become a worse person than I am now that I've quit. It was all that I thought about. When is the next time I'll get to smoke? How much money do I need to set aside to buy more? I'd even have dreams regularly where I would do nothing but smoke. That isn't healthy.

Maybe instead of assuming I'm "the man" trying to tell you what to do and how to live your life, you should listen to me as a fellow human being who has his own experiences in life.

We can all make our own conscious choice. We have been so out of alignment operating from two split halfs of power... Divine feminine and divine masculine. Divine masculine energy was the commandeering power structure on this planet for the longest time... Not anymore.

Anyway what was I going to say.

Something about cannabis. I can't remember. Oh well duck it

By the definition you used, food is a drug, water is a drug. Literally everything that you can put in your body has a physiological effect. So either cannabis and literally everything is a drug, or you need a much more nuanced definition.

Alright, smartass here's one that is apparently the definition used in Federal law:

any substance recognized in the official pharmacopoeia or formulary of the nation.

any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals.

any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals.

any substance intended for use as a component of such a drug, but not a device or a part of a device.

Happy now? Marijuana very clearly meets this definition of drug.

I am. I honestly thought that might be a definition, word-for-word from somewhere, but was too lazy to look it up. I'm very much a believer in the importance and meaning of words, so even though it might seem pedantic, it's too important to ignore, considering how many conspiracies are explained away using double-speak.

Dude see your right but wrong. Definitions are made when a large population agrees that this is what it means.

Guess what some dude decided to name the species dog “dog” if you go around saying fuck that some dude trying to oppress me ima call them hurgadorfs you’ll collectively be seen as an idiot.

Did you just create a situation out of fear?

Or is that a bunch of jargon my brain is attempting to interpret in 3D terms?

Why you trying to trap me in

Name one recreational drug you smoke you don't get high from.

Cannabis because I used the smoke when in reality I should have been using the plant...


We were tricked with smoke tricks and mirrors.

Smoke and mirrors.

What a trip

That still isn't how cannabis works. Your body won't absorb it like a vegetable at that small of an amount. It's placebo at best.

The CBD was helping me, a lot. And while I didn't combust it so I didn't get any THC, it still helped me tremendously

Umm... There are trace amounts of cbd in kief. Like, hardly at all. It's mostly thc. Besides, cbd needs to bind to fat cells over the course of weeks to months. Eating the powder from ground cannabis is not helping your health in any measurable way because any active ingredient is either not being activated (due to not decarboxylating) or in such trace amounts that it wouldn't even be considered a microdose. I use cbd. I use cannabis medicinally. You are not doing it right. That is a fact. Again, this is not me making fun of you, this is you misunderstanding something and me correcting it for YOUR benefit. Please stop being so hostile.

It felt right when I was doing it.micro dosing is fun

There is a name for that. Placebo. Dont waste your stuff, make Rick Simpson oil!

What is Rick Simpson oil?

Do you mind helping me understand it?

If it sounds good, I'll research more about it and get started

Rick Simpson made his oil famous by making a cannabis extract that preserves all of the nutrients of cannabis, and rubbed it on a tumor of his and he became cancer free. Since then it's been used for children with seizures, cancer patients, aids patients, and much more. This is legit stuff.


I own two small businesses. Let me know if you need help starting anything up. I came up with a brilliant idea today actually. We can talk about it in PM. Considering you've put in your two weeks, this may be a step in the right direction for you.

Sleep deprivation might be one of the most powerful drugs.

Christ consciousness is simply activating and helping me cleanse and detox my body. While I'm not sure I should do this for the rest of my "life" because it will cause my body to fall away, I will rest when I need to and want to. But these past 3 days have been a Christ consciousness light body activation so I'm just going through the motions

I wouldn’t stay up past 3 days, sleep is very important to your brains ability to function and solve problems correctly, not bashing you in anyway but if you fuck around too much you could have a psychosis and that would land you in a mental ward eating real “drugs” for the rest of ya days. I’m glad you’re waking up as more and more are these days, I suggest lots of research in hyper normalization because you are correct in saying there is an oppressive force keeping us at bay, but what often gets over looked is the fact that there is an equal force pushing us up and helping those like yourself wake up, you can only see these things when you are yourself ready, as they say “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.”

Oh god someone's been watching spirit science

Yeah dude like a decade ago and somehow it awakened a seed within me ;)

That grew over "time" AKA pain. Thank god I only had to suffer 25 years of pain.

Now I can finally have a birthday in peace and do something I want to do and not to please others or appease "the masses""

Also, by definition, that is NOT what christ consciousness is. You are UNDENIABLY IRREFUTABLY having a psychotic episode. Please, I'm not making fun of you, you need to go get medical attention as soon as possible before you end up worrying your friends and family or hurting yourself.

You are trying to push your world view out onto everyone else...


You are using your experiences, your life, your struggle, and you are squeezing that and trying to grab something from it for substance

There is no substance there

Stop telling me what I'm experiencing because you can't experience what I'm experiencing unless we are in the same body, which isn't possible in the third dimension

So stop trying to force it and jus let it be dude. Five up

What world view have I tried to display? What agenda am I parading?

I don't benefit by fucking with you. I'm telling you what others are telling you.

I understand the vibrational dimensions. I understand it's relation to sacred geometry. I know that love is higher vibration and hate is lower, and to ascend to the higher dimensions we must enlighten ourselves and accept and love each other. However, a part of that is to care for one another. I care about you and your mental health right now. Believe me, I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't work for anyone. I'm not part of the rat race. I understand your spiritual beliefs and can discuss them at length any time you like. However, right now, I am telling you what you need to hear.

Thanks man!

If I had left my house though and "sought help" I would have been picked up by police and locked away in a psych ward...

I didn't want that so I just stayed home

Thank you for the help and the concern

I'm free now and also fully rested. Finally slept a deep sleep

Wait, so you're back to normal now??

Yes... Which is why I stayed home.

Because the past 2 times I did it, I got arrested and locked up in a psych ward because people were afraid of the light they saw in me.

Not sure if this makes any sense

They weren't afraid of the light they saw in you. They saw that your line of logic was flawed beyond your own comprehensibility. Crazy people never think they're crazy, and people who are wrong never think they're wrong. You've been wrong on a lot of things in this thread. If you truly are open minded, you'll take a hard look at what you believe.

I understand what you mean but when you come from a place people don't understand they will fear what you're saying and point to A, B, and C, while trying to help you understand that you're F, when in reality, you're talking about Z the whole time

Make any sense? Language can be limiting

or just go to fucking bed

This man already quit his job over this shit, he's knee deep and sleep won't help.

Amen! I miss being young enough to induce deprivation effects. Now it’s more like body aches, confusion and aphasia come crash the party.

I think it's about alignment. Maybe we could do it for longer as long as if we are in true energy/synergy with the body itself

This is more than seep deprivation. OP he has been like this since he began posting 2 days ago (hasn't stopped.) The sleep deprivation is just aggravating this. It's out of character with his posting history. Something happened.

Ahh. I think (see) you are correct. I still recommen to eat a banana, take a bath, and go to sleep. But I don’t expect he is listening.

Eating kief is not going to do anything for you in terms of having psychoactive effects. Although some studies have shown that it does have some anti inflammatory effects. THC-A is not converted to the psychoactive form (THC) until it is decarboxylated. That requires it to be heated past 220 degrees Fahrenheit (hence why weed is smoked or THC is baked into brownies). So if you were going for any psychoactive effects but aren’t comfortable breathing in any smoke, SWIM would recommend looking into how to make THC edibles.


So it is massive inflammation inside of me that's been slowly pushing my guts out to explode :( good god why

All the carbs? Or sugar? Idk I just don't want toxins in my bodies anymore and am choosing

"Light mayo"

Not sure where I got that from. Must have been in a pile... Somewhere

If you’re having stomach issues I would also look into probiotics and foods that contain high concentrations of polyphenols (cloves, cocoa powder, elderberry, flaxseed, etc.)

You didn't get high from ingesting keif sorry dude.

Why did you decide to put metal into your penis? Sounds painful

Eating kief doesnt do shit unlese you cooked it into a fat first. Correct me if im wrong but he should be sober if he just legit ate some fresh kief.

Eating fresh un-vaped kief is like pouring beer onto your closed mouth. Ain't gonna do shit.

lol not gonna lie, sounds like fun to pour beer on my closed mouth. That shit is nasty and bitter... But the wheat and light beers were great.! But the darker ones require adjusting to. And that's for a reason


Nah, your body will naturally decarboxylate some of it.

source: gotten high after eating a 5g nug raw. Didn't think I was high until I noticed my manner of speaking was sorta weird and I looked at my bloodshot eyes in the mirror.

Honestly, I hope OP took something psychoactive, because if not it sounds like he experiencing a "break."

Sorry, gonna hijack this comment. I know this sounds hypocritical, but in my opinion people should try to refrain from responding to a post similar to this one. Because the impression OP gives is not a very stable one, maybe because of the sleep deprivation. Every post to this thread can give him a reason to stay up longer.

I am not trying to censor anybody. OP should feel free to state his opinions.

"Havent slept in 2 days, not even on drugs" Riiiiiight



"God damnit Leroy"

You’re a blast my man! Keep on doing you my friend and don’t let anyone in this world keep you from that and what makes you whole

Meth is a helluva drug

I've never used meth but I had a good friend get sucked into it. He was on it once and I saw his aura

That was the first time I had ever seen an aura and honestly it kind of scared me.

I had to cut him out of my life as he had toxic behaviors and just wanted to keep using me.

Whatever, I'm free. Never used meth. The worst I got to was "blues" which is an opiate of some kind. Fucked me up badly....... So badly. Scared the hell out of me. Good god. Never again will I abuse my body like that

You sound more trapped by anxiety than most people are

Do you take a daily ADHD medication

I don't. No pills. No medicines. Sometimes I take a multi vitamin but I have to be careful which ones I take because some are absolutely dead wrong on the nutrient values.

I lied when I said no medicines. I've been helping cure myself with marijuana and I finally am ingesting it instead of consuming it.

Thank fuck

All g bro, I was just bugging.

I knew a guy who was tweaked out on that shit and he was messed up. Apparently that shit alters your dopamine output permentaly, like people will never feel as happy ever again after too much use. Fuck that man.

"I saw his aura"

Oh boy...

Not sleeping for 48 hours is not good for you. You need to get some rest and come back later. Sleep deprivation is no joke.

That's the thing... I've been resting this whole 48 hours and feel just fine.

Why do so many people insist on me closing my eyes "and going to sleep"

I've been resting and relaxing when I need to why should I force myself into sleep when I'm not even tired....?

Answer me this riddle and I'll go to bed on your "time"


Dude you are sick. Seriously, you are not okay. You need help immediately.

I already have help... Where else would I possibly go for help besides within?

I can't go to a physical hospital for a spiritual problem dude.

We've been treating spirituality sickness with physical tools of destruction that have no basis in light or love. Just intrusive body procedures that scar and traumatized the soul body mind complex and kind of isolated the connection tether to the divine

You may or may not understand what I'm saying.

What you do with it is up to you.

I'm free. And for once. I'm going to stay at home. Relax. Fuck cleaning, maybe in a few days maybe but not now. Already showered and have some trusty clean coconut juice (pure, unpasteurized)

Gonna enjoy myself now. If I wanna go outside I can but most of the time I don't want to because I love my space and the power I have (cough we all have yet many don't see, but many will see now)

When I'm in my element which is my cocoon.

Which is why that spider lived for over 40 years because he had a safety net and didn't have to leave it in search of food which expends energy.

This whole system of enslabement was one big dance with the darkness and the light is finally filtering and flickering in

Which is why I was finally allowed and gifted the opportunity to finally see a moving UFO free of control and it had its own movement and it shine so much light everywhere it was gorgeous. I saw all I needed to see and then we left in peace. Most amazing moment of my life. Wish you were there wig me, brother

Tell your girlfriend everything you just told me.

I'll tell her if I wish, that's not your power to choose mate.

It's called



No one being should over power another being and make them feel uncomfortable and out of their power/element.

Step out of that fear and step into truth.

You're not alone. We have your back and we won't let you fall.

Unless you choose to fall

So make the choice

Do you let your soul sink, or swim? Make the choice because you need to make it sooner than you realize

Are you afraid to tell her?

Uhhh.. Tell her what exactly?

What can being afraid possibly do for myself other than create more fear

If you can't go to a hospital, then why not a church or temple? That is what priests and monks and such are there for, help with spiritual problems and guidance.

I tried that in the past and then wound up in the psych ward.. With a doctor screaming at me with his arms folded wondering what drugs I was on.

This is why I can't wonder out into the world when I'm like this because people get afraid and think I'm on something or acting crazy or whatever

Priests and monks would have given me a lot of help but if I wondered out of the house I may have gotten lost on my way to find a priest for spiritual help and I could have been picked up by police and forced into the hospital mental health room... I don't want that. So I just stayed home and didn't let the fear take over and then I finally got some much needed rest.

Thanks for the help

You should find a therapist when you are not having an episode so that you can find better help when you are having one.

I feel ya. I, too, have recently started staying up for days at a time with no drugs and no real reason other than I'm not tired. The first time I did this I broke through my creative block and now my creativity just flows out of me. That's a huge deal for me me because I hadn't written anything at all in over 10 years.

It's not just that, but I feel more spiritual and connected to everything. I feel like just a better person overall, and even restarted my home business and it's doing well. I feel the best I've felt in a long time, yet all I hear is that I'm an idiot for not getting enough sleep. I smile anyway.

Some people don't understand that what works for them may not work for everybody. I just happen to be a person that becomes highly functional and more importantly, happier, when I'm awake for days at a time.

I think the takeaway here should be do what makes YOU feel happy. We are all on the same journey but with millions of unique paths.

You summed it up for me in how I see it in myself

Thank you for the gift

I too had not been able to write for years. Often starting then stopping.

Maybe I can write for truth now instead of "freedom"

Not really sure why I brought that through I thought freedom was truth.

I think this is called intuitive writing. Is this what you helped to express creativity? Wish I had opened this door sooner because this is life, and love, not force, which is great.

Sounds like a manic episode to me. Good luck.

That’s what I was thinking but couldn’t remember the phrase. He’s right about some things but this manic delivery isn’t helping anyone’s cause.

Go to bed dude! Sleep on it.

Sleeping on light is better than walking in dark, like a zombie

No wonder I was starting to get so into zombie games

Thanks for love brother.

You too, are loved

I know you just tried weed for the first time but you need to chill out

Bro. I tried weed for the first time at 16 years of age. I'm 25 now.

Chronic use for years, no longer, I'm free of constant bong rips and needing to smoke. Step into a higher light and see that not everything has to be used how it has always been used.

New ways are not fearful. Go eat a nug of weed and see how you feel compared to combusting and killing that life force then inhaling death

You think I'm lying because you feel fear in your stomach

I'm not lying to you.

Try it and see

We are loved and appreciated

You are high son

Sweet. Feels good. Wanna join?

raises hand



I found the "hacker"


Love you bro

Removed. Rule 4.

I am 14 and this is deep

Don't you have to be over 18 to use Reddit brother?

Removed. Rule 10.

There could be many reasons/causes for your mental state: illness, detoxification, sleep deprivation, manic episode, psychotic break, paradigm shift, mystic experience, hallucination, spiritual enlightenment, epiphany, insight, schizophrenia, and some others that don't come to mind. The feeling could fade quickly, or over time, or stay with you for a extended period, or permanently change your mind/thinking. The experience did happen. What value/meaning you take from it is up to you. Generally speaking most people take away a feeling of greater connection to others, empathy, a better sense of self, an interest in trans-formative experiences, mental break-down, or mental illness. My cat is getting old.

He quit his job and is ranting that stoplights are used to control the population......most likely this is a manic episode.

Removed. Rule 4.

I agree with everything you’re saying. Ps. Cannabis is actually quite healthy for your mind despite what we’re programmed to believe. Keep it up dude

Oh my god thank you brother

I see where You're coming from. I've been there. All I can tell You is that You're confused, so am I and pretty much everybody else. Going the spiral You're heading right now, is not going to help You live a better life. I'm not here to teach, but please, don't assume You've got it all figured out

You haven't been where I am right now? So how can you say you've been where I've been? When you have not experienced what I have experienced?

What works for you works for you and may not work for me. Vice Versa is also true. Come on man. You can't possibly understand everyone's wants and needs and you certainly and obviously don't understand mine!

So I'm happy being like this. Don't take my happiness from me. That's not allowed.

Of course, I didn't lived Your experience. I can see the mindset though and it is a familiar one. And You seem far from happy too. The worst thing You can do is to lie to yourself. I've done it for 10 years and only now starting to see it.

You see through the manipulation that is going on, good for You. But don't expect anything from anyone, or You're going to be disappointed.

This is good guy. Your going off the deep end but it's the right idea. Like you must get that the way you are writing could mean that your going to deliver justice by shooting up a mayor's office or something. If you can think of something to do, good luck. The world is fucked but when I get the same ideas it runs out after a week of not being able to rally 10 people to start an organization or something.

Dear god, why didn't I listen to the power of three sooner? I heard it years ago and ran into the darkness like a fool with no clothes on

Stay in the light and in the earths vibration

I am working with this energy now and my god did I wish I had done this sooner. Truly freeing. I'm sorry if I've ever hurt any of you of intruded on your space or opinions. I'm truly sorry. I love you all

Also I am 100% sure Elon Musk is Nikola Tesla reincarnated. Come back in "time" to help free ourselves from fear. Notice how he opposes AI. Smart man, he's been around a while;)

Thanks for the link

Elon Musk is shill elite who hoodwinks leftists into supporting big money.

I met someone who Im so sure was Tesla. The energy seems to be a super close match. She's a woman now.

Also I'm pretty sure we are multi dimensional beings and can exist in multiple bodies at once because time doesn't and never has existed. It was created out of lack and then used as a control mechanism to create routine and schedule thus breaking the role of the female model in this earth energy hybrid

Does that make any sense to you?

Yes. It's more like a matrix of time/space and space/time enmeshed. From the perspective of before birth and after death, we are all simultaneous with all of our lives. But it's not directly controlled as a weapon though, as far as I know. Unless.... well, according to the Books of Enoch, there was a time before there was a moon, before seasons and before the earth's magnetic axis was tilted. And then we get into the whole western hemisphere following solar calendar, and eastern hemisphere following lunar calendar thing.. AND the fact that one of the first popes in the Roman Catholic church changed the calendar.

Yeah, the Divine Feminine is currently way out of balance here on Gaia.

What can I do to bring it into perfect alignment with itself?

As in 50/50


Yin yang

And make sure I don't disturb any balance? Would dislike to infringe upon either side considering they are both the same side of one coin.

Right now, humanity needs to be more connected to the Divine Feminine energy. We have been living with patriarchal distortions for far too long. Brainwashed into thinking Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Well helloooooo that ghost is the ghost of the Divine Feminine. Cuz they killed her lol... My point is that the reality of the Trinity of mind/body/spirit is reflected in Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine, and Unity. (or Father, Mother, Son). This has been deliberately hidden.

What can you do? It begins within the self. Your own masculine and feminine energies must be balanced. You may still carry some distortions from the societal pressures around us. Realize that every man has an inner woman and every woman has an inner man. They are called the Anima, and the Animus, respectfully. Then, get yourself in balance by connecting to your opposite energy. There is a tarot card that may be of use here, the "Lovers" card. This process of the spiritual inner-marriage is an entire process unto itself and cannot be rushed. The love and wholeness you will discover within yourself is the love of the soulmate. It is self-sustaining, and then you can be of greater service to others.

After that, the next step would be to empower the women that we are connected to in our lives, to connect to Gaia's energy body (we all must make this connection eventually. Most of us are literally not plugged in), and to channel the Divine Feminine energy into our societal structure in order to achieve healthy transformation. The unhealthy form of this process is feminism.

It is not an easy task. Humanity is greatly out of balance.

Elon Musk is absolutely not worthy of being compared to Tesla. He is not humanity's savior nor does he have your well-being in his mind. Please do extensive research on this.

Lol. Already did research and found my answer. Didn't you see I just stated my own opinion/answer? So why not respect that instead of telling me to go somewhere else

My booty stink like old nasty puddin!

It's ok Man U worked hard and sometimes that's not necessary

Nikola Tesla created because he loved science and making humanity better off...he wasn’t in it for the billions like Elon. Can’t believe you think you’re awake and think Elon is Nikola.

Wait but Elon just brought the payload down from 47,000$ per KG sent to space, all the way down to like 42$ a kilogram

If he just wanted billions wouldn't he have kept the 47,000 price? Or maybe gone like 30,000?

Idk he seems to have good intentions

We are taught 'reading comprehension' in school, to read the words & sentences and to understand what the words and sentences are saying. I always did poorly in reading comprehension. I had trouble, and still do have trouble, understanding the meaning of the words and sentences. When I read words and sentences I focus on the 'meta' (i.e., what's behind) of it all. I analyze the words and sentences, trying to get my head around the passion or hate of the writer. It isn't that I don't also try to grasp the intent behind the words and sentences, but that I am also searching in them for other things of value in them. One won't find these things in what others write unless one looks for them. One won't find what the writer feels and what the writer fully wishes to convey unless one looks behind (beyond) the words and sentences.

Why is it when people get red pill'd they feel the need to come here and lecture us? Do you really think none of us know this already?

There are many lurkers and possible new readers. He just feels comfortable sharing here.

The optimism is encouraging.

How red pilled are you really if you just live to make cynical remarks about total strangers clear development? Like really? You know so much besides how to not be judgmental? I think you might need to start over on your assessment of yourself.

The same could be said for you assuming what my existence is. Last time i checked i can remark about what ever i want how ever i want.

I love everything about this post. Great job. Hope you can keep yourself going in a good direction. God bless.

Glad you're doing something! Wishing you the best brother

He’s not wrong. Interesting how the top comments are ridiculing him.

Some definite character assassination of the spiritual variety going down. Clear jealousy and fear. Empowerment is the greatest threat to the system. Any signs of it need to be taken down swiftly by those stuck in their loop. Nothing to see here.

Because he havent slept in 2 days thinking he figured the world out. Its some low level panic attack and will wear off. I fully support the message but jeez our bodies need sleep too.

There is nothing wrong with what he said, he has figured the world out conceptually. How to apply that to ones own life is the real struggle which usually takes a bit of time and true effort. Leave the cynical attitudes behind, thats why we fail as a community, we bring people down instead of leaving them be or dare I say raising them up.

Im behind his message a 100% but also know about manic episodes/panic attacks.

Sleep is vital for your mind and body.

You can change the world tomorrow. Slow down instead of fueling the fire. Go to bed for a minute.

I got stressed out by reading his comments.

I enjoyed reading his comments, as someone who suffered from sleep disorders from ages 17-23, I learned a lot about how this world works while hopped up on adderall and sour patch kids. This board led me to healthier spiritual practices to fix my sleep issues, diet, and this board also helped lead me to lucid dreaming which requires regular healthy sleep to be consistently successful in. I would never have found this knowledge without these sleepless nights. We all have different paths to the same truths, one person's quest may not look the same as others is what I am saying, but the end results shouldn't be belittled.

Yeah came here to say this. Stumbled upon an old conspiracy post and checked this guy out, full blown mania right now and I can’t even deny that. Guy hasn’t slept, ATE Kief instead of smoking it like what? And quit his job. Like I’m sorry, I COMPLETELY have been at this place before so I understand, but he needs help.

people don't like the schitzo-laden cup it comes in

This post isn't helping.

Maybe because he is high, and possibly manic.

Or possibly Sober and Awakened

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a manic episode looks like.

What the actual fuck is going on in this thread? This guy is literally exhibiting every symptom of a manic episode. Like there's no question that he's in the midst of one. And people on here are encouraging him? I had to scroll really far down the thread to find the first mention of mania. This guy needs sleep, he needs some food, and he needs to get his mania treated before he does more damage to himself.

*kundalini awakening

Thanks bro

I figured big pharma wasn't really trying to help me with those

Horse tranquilizer s A

Kanye, is that you?

We are all Kanye, on this beautiful day. Also, fun trivia.

It will start in Washington and spread to Oregon and then Montana will catch ablaze

Not sure why I said that but I don't feel fear from speaking it so maybe I'm in my power


I know I'm in my power

Why did I give it up this whole time?

Great post! I will add that in addition to the disappointing harvests of the first and second cycle on Gaia (Lemuria and Atlantis, respectively), we have not experienced satsfying harvests on Maldek and Mars' third density cycles. (Mars experiencing atmospheric dissolution and Maldek experiencing complete planetary destruction)

Almost all of the positive forces in this galaxy are focused on increasing the harvest on Gaia at this time. Who knows what will happen, but my every hope and prayer is that we will see a significant portion of positive graduation, with minimal third density repeats this time around.



damn what's you call



there we go took a moment. Wow. The asteroid belt is maldek?

And Mars lost its atmosphere. Well that explains many things, thank you.

And the findings of nuclear isotopes. Indicating a failed transfer of energy. Damn. Where is this information coming from

Why didn't I trust myself sooner dude!

I will tell you where the information comes from, but I'm hesitant because you really need to be in a sound place mentally and prepared physically. It completely changed my life. People use that statement a lot and don't mean it literally, but oh God I mean it literally. I don't know who I would be today if I never encountered it.

I will send it to you in a DM (after you get some sleep...?)

Yes but please, send it when I'm in true light and not in darkness!!!! I've been sooo heavily surrounded I didn't realize I got myself so close to the heart of the dragon.

This explains many happenings in Spokane and surrounding areas and also why I deleted KHQ app but I did see good there sometimes.

I think you know what I mean

And I'm not afraid anymore.

Thank you so much

How do I prepare "physically" when I'm already in the physical?

Do I anchor light?


How do I stand in vibration

With love?

I feel like I know the answer

This will be a fun journey for once and not one that is controlled searched or uncomfortable

And I'll be safe and in the light because im a light anchor?

As in like

A light warrior? Aka



Man how long have I been lost. Why was I so afraid

Prepare physically by ensuring that your body is ready to take the strains of great mental transformation and many challenges including negative psychic greeting which often comes with awakening to the reality. Getting complete sleep so that you are not vulnerable is an example.

Where do I get to go

I just don't like loud bangs

Howbout just some confetti instead so I don't get so fearful

Bill Clinton? What are you doing here man? Oh

This is the kind of thing that gets dug up after a killing spree.

Hehe. Funny thing is, I've been killing myself this whole time, not others like some people seem to imply? Like wtf dude that's not very nice

OP, are you ok? Like for real. This post is a shit show, it looks like the ramblings if a mad man.

I’m not on drugs, but I ate kief? Why did you eat it? That’s just stupid, it’s a waste lol. “What did you try today?” Oh I ate fucking dirt. What?

You are quitting your job? You haven’t slept in how long? Maybe it’s my “social conditioning” but it sounds like you are spinning it of control.

Talk to someone, you are making some big decisions and it seems like you need to take a step back.

I almost thought the comments were satire, you are all over the place. I truly hope you are in a safe place, just relax and take it slow.

Going insane isn’t going to help anybody.


I don't want to go insane.



By taking my time and being relaxed and "slow" AKA in my pace or in my step of will I side step the fear and disallow it to control my very being.

Don't you understand?

We are more than our bodies and we have let separation from source distract us from this fact.

I just want to relax now.

I've been running around going NONE STOP for over a decade. I need a break. I want a break. I've been working my whole life and I never even made it over $1,000 and I starved my soul to death so much so I almost died on earth. I was inches from a shotgun in my face and I wasn't afraid anymore... I had beaten the darkness

Fuck it makes sense now.

Thank you.

We are all each other's jig saw puzzle pieces and we all have each other's needed part they need to remember who and where they came from

Thanks for helping show me that piece even if your original message was fear

OP, you are clearly in the midst of a psychotic break and a manic episode. You mentioned being close to killing yourself. Please seek help immediately before you harm yourself or others.

A psychotic break doesn't mean you will be insane for good, but you are not in your right mind right now.

It's not just what you are posting, but how different what you are posting is from what you have been posting. I went through your reddit posts, and you can see a clear downward progression over the past two days. You are getting worse, but you can get better.

You can get temporary medication to help you relax and sleep. From there you will have people to talk to. You can learn coping mechanisms.

Please get help and do not hurt yourself or others.

You talk about wanting a break and to relax? You have been going non-stop for the past two days. If you to get help you will actually get help relaxing and calming down.

You should tell this to a doctor. They will understand where you're coming from (doctors are woke) and they will be able to share their unique perspective of off the grid medical care for a young, woke man.

I don't know which doctors to trust I have been isolated for so long and had forgotten how to trust. My girlfriend had to remind me she is coming back home tonight after work it took like 20 mins of convincing why is that

Get multiple opinions and your spirit will guide you.

Is the best choice always the one that doesn't generate fear within my stomach






Eating kief doesn't work and you may be having a psychotic episode. That is all.

The best part?

Everyone's been so insistent on collecting kief and then selling it to be burned and flamed and combusted.

If you're so worried about losing your kief collection try this

Access your kief collection

Find the tool that allows you to pick up 1 molecule of kief/THC

Ingest that 1 molecule



Rest is profit? Right ;)

Take how ever much you want and try it. I had no fear when I did so why does everyone else have so much fear


Big ol planet of fear and darkness and a bunch of scared children. Makes sense. We just all want love yet got lost on the way

Thanks, God and the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ of Nostradamus (not sure what that means but I felt compelled to write the Nostradamus part)

Yeah, this is crazy, seek help. Right now.

I'm alright brother. Just didn't have much sleep

Love and appreciate you. But I'm okay! Finally slept.

Anyway time to eat some food, I'm hungry lol

Wikileaks opened my eyes. Jordan Peterson opened my eyes. The Bible opened my eyes. Pizza gate opened my eyes. Las Vegas opened my eyes. Florida school shooting opened my eyes.

We live in a matrix designed to hide and kill God. It won't be this way forever. Good news friends, Jesus is coming back to deal with the good and the evil.

Which side are you on?

I choose jesus which means I choose my true essence of soul over the false paradigms of 4D fear and 4D false light

I am not stepping into fifth dimensional awareness and accepting the love of Christ that was left here for us as humans when he died and ascended from the cave

Curious on lookers were eager to rush into the cave and see but some did see his soul rising and that was enough

It was enough for this time

Simulation is now ending. God bless what a nightmare it was

Bro your manic go to the psyche ward

I already went there once and I almost died in that tiny cell :(

Do you know how many people have passed away in those rooms, due to complete inhalation of fear?

I didn't even want to count the numbers

It is really hard for me to feel enthusiasm when I see people awake like this. I'm not going to be condescending about it because it is a good thing for them and ultimately humanity and I am grateful if not worried for you, OP.

It reminds me of my first ironically manic episodes of these types of discoveries and how the first thing I needed to do was share it with any person I could and I shared it in a very similar manner, chaotic that is.

It took me many years to realize that sharing this type of knowledge in such a chaotic and animated fashion actually pushes you away from your objective of enlightening others. People just simply don't converse in that manner regardless of how useful or true your information is. You'll eventually (hopefully after you get some sleep) be able to do that or you'll not see the results you are so passionate about.

Time and time again people that awaken have this untouchable confidence that is very susceptible to being crushed, especially when they have no source of income or way to persevere the war on our minds and bodies (do not underestimate the hardships that are coming for you). The discovery of this knowledge has been fashioned in such a way that the more enthusiastic you get about bracing it and sharing it, the more susceptible you are to the negative feelings that will come with the disappointment when you realize that things aren't getting fixed anytime soon, or that you will have to watch loved ones, friends, and family fall to the system, or struggle on every level to just survive outside of the system or to survive within in when every ounce of you is avidly at war with it.

They know this as much as I and others here do and they are waiting for you to buckle under the pressure and you feel untouchable right now but this is only the beginning for you. Buckle up because this ride is going to be the longest, hardest, roughest war you will ever fight and it doesn't end until they do and the stronger and more influential you become in shifting the tide, the more you are noticed and the quicker you will be targeted and news flash, you do not want to be targeted. Chances are you and I and many of us will die before any significant victory is acheived against their regime, so get your long-term strategies in order.

Moving on to what it is to be awakened and in the war, if you will.

Think of it like a game of Mafia in which you are amidst a group of people consisting of two different factions: the innocent and the guilty. I'm going to explain much of the game because how relevant it is and important to your survival should you continue to preach as you are. The game is played in two repeating cycles, day and night. During the day every person from both factions are brought together and none of the innocents are aware of who the other innocents are nor are they aware of who the guilty are whereas the guilty know exactly who the other guilty are and therefore who all of the innocents are. Each day the group of people consisting of both factions try to determine the alignment of each other to find the guilty. At the end of the day, they can vote to hang someone. Sometimes they accidentally hang innocent and sometimes they hang guilty. During the night cycle, the guilty get together to discuss who they want to kill. They get a certain amounts of kills per night based on the amount of guilty alive at that time. When the day cycle begins, if the guilty choose to kill someone, then the town consisting of everyone sees that the mafia chose to kill someone and have to try and determine who had motive for killing that person and why. Now the innocents aren't all weak and powerless, they have what are called power roles among them. Sticking with one version of the game that works for my purpose, there is a cop that on each night can select an individual. After the 2nd night, if this cop is still alive, he will be told if there is a different or same alignment between the first person he selected on night 1 and the second person he selected on night 2. This is obviously very useful information for town so you can imagine that mafia would want to know who the cop is so they can kill them and keep themselves safer. The cop can choose to hold this information until a crucial point of the game when town is either the most united or most split or come out early to try and get early hangs on mafia. What is important to understand is that none of the other innocents know if the cop is indeed the cop. He could be mafia and be trying to falsely persuade the innocents into a direction that is actually beneficial to the guilty. You can see how overwhelming this problem has become in our current society, especially when technology now exists that can fake so much. And that is I believe all I need to explain about the game of Mafia to continue my point.

From here on out since you are informed, you are a power role amongst the innocent. You have knowledge that is very helpful in defeating the guilty and saving the innocent and the more time that passes, the more knowledge you will acquire and the heavier the burden will become.

Now the guilty will not kill you for just sharing the information you or I have here because it is not the information itself that is the threat, it is the reach of influence in swaying the masses to our cause. You and I have very little influence right now, most people do and honestly, that isn't a bad thing. Low influence keeps people alive. The ones with great influence against their agenda never live for long, just look at the history of our species and the great minds which you know to have been on our side. While one person with exceptional influence to the masses is capable of shifting the tides of the war, they are essentially outting to the guilty that they are a power role and will be targeted swiftly and discretely (in most cases). It is far more advantageous for the living power roles of our side to keep their influence at levels that keep them alive and yet push progress forward. In the game of mafia this is done by the power roles trying to pass cues to the other towns that they are a power role whilst appearing weak and powerless to the mafia so they are not killed off, this is impossibly difficult in the game since everything is seen by everyone during the day but much easier in our time if you know how they surveil you and it is quite grand for them right now and we do not have precise knowledge of all their means, some of them we can't even dream to understand I imagine.

It is ironic that subterfuge could be the potential strategy that shifts the tides but it makes complete sense when you consider the concepts of warfare. When an enemy is far stronger and resourceful than you, you generally cannot win in a direct conflict. It shouldn't surprise anybody to hear that we can't win in a direct conflict with our current numbers though I am not suggesting death upon my enemies, that can lead to becoming guilty yourself but I don't want to delve into that philosophy right now. The point is that you are far more likely to survive and make an impact in this very long war if you retain and improve your power for the cause of the innocents whilst keeping yourself at a level of influence that keeps you from being targeted by them (that impossible task I mentioned in Mafia). Posting as you or I have here is very unlikely to put your life in any kind of danger, we are like ants to their current power and influence on the masses. Alone with high targetable influence we may be prevented from making progress by being silenced, united with low untargetable influence eventually makes an impact when the number of ants increases to a level that can't be stopped without mass destruction, and believe me they have those counter-measures in place if their regime is coming to and end and they are very spiteful so try not to be overly too hopeful in success, it is very unlikely but don't give up just because hope can seem lost, I haven't and I have zero faith in humanity. It has taken over ten years for me to see true progress in the fight and sadly I'm numb to the enthusiasm of your likes and others and most of you won't last the hardships that you will have to endure, I barely do myself and I might not be long on this Earth because of it, but I have hopes that things will continue to make progress as you and other people continue to awaken and continue the fight for what humanity should be should I or other experienced people lose our means to fight or have it taken away. Wish you the best of luck, don't get yourself killed and get educated on educating or none of us or our children or their children will see the end of this horrific regime.

Since you are in the mind of loving people, I'll have you know I love you too so take care of your body before we lose you. Manic will kill you if you are not careful, especially with additives.

Well you just explained many, many, many symbols in my life and I thank you for that.

Didn't realize symbols could hold this power for the collective consciousness

I keep hearing 10 years?

Maybe I can last 10 years or so but there's no fear in 10 which is nice.... Dying at 80 90 years old after retiring at 60? That doesn't sound right to me so 10 sounds nice.

I made a choice and I am now in love. Do I keep trusting love and trust it will take me where I need to go and be safe in a cocoon unaway from the "guilty" and preserve my life force? Funny I was typing this to ask you but by typing I have asked for myself.

One last question is who do I know who to bring with me? Not feeling as safe in Washington and Montana will be straight flames and heat here soon, I can feel it coming in fast.

When do I make the move?

When do I drop all notions of "success" and "make a run for the hills" so to speak? Because I feel it growing and there's a lot of fear and negativity around my body (this apartment complex. Always hear screams that question my sanity)

It's dark and heavy and it affects me when I walk out the door in the morning. Tears me apart.

So now that I've seen both dark and light and obviously choose love, how do I get to my destination to keep my body in safety and prevent accidents to my "person" if you're aware of what I mean because I think we have a interesting journey ahead of us that will take us all over the place

But maybe I can finally let go and just live and be in the moment. May I do that in safety while incarnated in third dimension please if I really do need to go another 10 years? I want to be surrounded by plenty of white light.

Funnels are great but so is the feeling of love and knowing I'm safe and I can go where I need to without harm to my person or having to carry a stupid gun with "ammo" how pointless and it kept me locked in fear.

I release fear so I appreciate help

Any responses are thoroughly read for enjoyment rather than work for once.

Symbols are powerful

Thank you

I'm home, almost

Welcome to what Christianity should be all about. Great post, OP. Thanks for sharing such a positive message. People always say 'eh, there's nothing we can do'. Yes, there is. CHANGE YOURSELF, first. Change the way you react to certain situations and you'll realize that YOU are able to shift your life.

Thanks brother from another mother!!

Or should I say, brother from 1992!

Anyway, thank you.

Appreciated and respected is how everyone should be and its a lot more freeing than 4 walls of slavery if you catch my drift

Good luck with all...that.

all that theme song kicks on in full energy

Ba dow ba dow bap a dow bap a dow bap a dow

All emotions are Fear or Love based. Just don't be naive that everyone will love you back.

Oh. Okay, duly noted, thanks friend

Man, if you just quit your job I say go camping and stare at the stars for a few nights. Sounds like your job really sucked, glad you got out of that, I can relate. I quit my sales job, left the city and got a job with one of the Conservation Corps, and got paid to spend my days and nights in the Colorado Rockies. It's not going to be a career (Thats just me, some people do) but it was a really positive change that I really needed.

I cannot wait. I've been sleep walking for a long long long time

Felt like a zombie bumping into things

They don't have to do much to kill us. I'm already pretty close. Today I cut open the side of my neck. I just felt I couldn't do it anymore. I can't keep living like this. Everyone has someone and I don't have anyone. Everyone hates me and I'm alone. Sometimes I don't see the point of living anymore. It's a struggle everyday to keep going.

No one helps me. No one tells me they love me. No one ever did. I don't matter. That's how I feel. But I'm still here so. I'm just gonna keep trying I guess.

We live in a "Flowers in the Attic" existence. As strangely as that sounds, THAT is my bible. Here's something I posted on another comment:

I'd also compared this existence to "Flowers in the Attic". Minus the incest parts. Those kids were swayed into thinking mommy's gonna get close to her daddy again so she can get her inheritance. Hide the kids away. The kids bought into the lie. Those kids were never gonna make it out of the attic. The mother was poisoning them by putting arsenic on the cookies/doughnuts. Cory died. The other three managed to escape. We are those flowers in the attic. We just keep getting conned into believing a bunch of bullshit that makes this existence worth coming to. And we only get poisoned right from the start. It's long gotten to the point where I hate to eat anything these days because everything tastes fake. I had a VERY bad experience with artificial sweetener and have to be on the look out for that. So many poisoned things. And our minds are just as poisoned. Look at the way a lot of people act. So many people LOVE to do cruel things to others. We all hurt when we have to depend on a toxic system to live in and depend on people to do the right and honorable thing and they don't. You always have to look to see if some asshole's gonna stab you in the back.

I admit I'm not into new age woo-woo. I'm not gonna love hateful people or people that have hurt me or try to hurt me. I'm a misanthrope today because of the past. I'm somebody that'd be happy living as a hermit tbh. I'm that sick of people. I want out of this existence because I realize there's just nothing here in "the attic" outside of pain, suffering and poison. I want to be able to leave this place just like the ending to the original "Flowers in the Attic" movie. Cathy, Chris and Carrie joined hands and left Foxworth Hall.

Yes, I know "Flowers in the Attic" is a work of fiction. But I just can't help picturing the parallels between that story and this existence.

OP, please read this and do not take offense.

There is a very significant shift in the content and frequency of the comments you have been posting the past two days. You are very clearly having a manic episode of some sort. I'm not sure if you have any pre-existing mental conditions or not or if you are on medication.

I also don't know your situation, but if you have friends, family, a therapist, or someone you can talk to, I would recommend doing so. Especially if you feel like you might harm yourself or others.

I am not saying this to be mean. I am saying it out of general concern. It is not just the content or frequency of your posts (though both are troubling), but it is that this is a marked shift from your posting habits up until now.

For others on here, please take a moment to review OP's posting history over the past two days compared to before then. Please seriously consider this when responding. I think that OP is in the midst of an acute episode, and we should encourage them to get help for their own safety.

Thanks for the concern and care, fellow friend.

No need to fear. I am fine now. I was nearing body destruction because of almost over 3 days of no sleep.

I finally feel a lot lot better after sleeping so deeply last night. I really needed the rest.

Anyway, I'm all good now.

If I had left the house and wondered into the light I probably would have been arrested by police and sent into a psychiatric hospitL.

I didn't want that to happen again so I stayed home so no one else could hurt me.

Anyway I'm safe and cared for, thanks for the concern

I just want to tell you that I agree with you, we are being kept down and misinformed and poisoned. Don't listen to these people putting you down and diagnosing you and telling you to go to the psych ward, tomorrow they could be talking about how bad it is to go to a place like that and be pumped full of drugs and be locked up. Personally I like your energy.

Hey friend - Congratulations on your awakening. Welcome to life. Once you really see the impeccability of the prison built around us and within us, there's no going back. There's a reason why Thomas Anderson / Neo vomited when he saw the Matrix. If anything, the movie deeply underplayed what's going on.

If you want to know more, and really explore the ways we've all been enslaved not just this century but for generations, I recommend looking up The Template. Start with the book Worldbridger by Juliet and Jiva Carter and see what you think.

Good luck, and I'm happy to be walking together. We are doing this.

Goodness I have vomited a lot and while I haven't really ingested or eaten anything for over 3 days I still kept going to the bathroom and purging and releasing and throwing up whatever fears concerns anger etc was inside of me

I had a lot of negative greetings and by opening up like this on reddit brought negative greetings by hopefully I helped someone, atleast one person.

Thanks for the help brother. I really needed the support

Goodness I have vomited a lot and while I haven't really ingested or eaten anything for over 3 days I still kept going to the bathroom and purging and releasing and throwing up whatever fears concerns anger etc was inside of me

Good! Purge it all out, brother. Be kind to yourself. Drink water. Go easy. Try not to talk too much, as others around you might not understand what you're going through – as obviously many people even here don't. But I do. And I'm proud of you. I'm grateful for you. I know and feel right where you're at, and believe me you're not alone.

You probably did help one person out there. At least. :) Just don't forget the most important person you've got to help: you. If your writing and sharing helped you encapsulate and express what's going on for you, stepping out for perhaps the first (?) time in your life, then you helped the one person you most needed to, the one person you most can help. So don't overlook the blessings you're showering on yourself opening up to yourself and the world the way you are.

And remember, go easy. :)


Man, this is why I decided to sub to this place

You may catch some heat and negative attention for this post, and I am certainly concerned that you haven’t slept for two days, but I see the underlying message of love and getting out of the rat race, and the world certainly does need more of that, so I wish you all the best on your journey.

Thanks for the love and concern brother!

I was getting some negative greetings but I didn't fully give into the fear and let it take over

It was wanting to take me over but I didn't let it and finally I got some deep sleep and feel much better after 3 days no sleep.

Thank you so much my brother thank you thank you thank you for giving me the support I require instead of making fun of me and saying I'm crazy

No one is crazy this planet and fear can jus allow "crazy" things to happen and that fear can take people over and make them do scary things because then their judgement and logic is clouded by a dense layer of fear that takes over

Thanks for helping me thank you and I hope your weekend has been great

I am glad you got some sleep friend

I needed that light sleep!

So much better than a heavy

Dark sleep

If you catch my drift

Loud Volume does incredible research. Anyone who has followed his posts can see he Truly Cares About Humanity. This is sub is a much better place with him in it. :)


Yes :)

Thank you friend

Thanks man. For. While I was still in fear, and sharing some fear but now I can see what fear is, which is false illusion

It keeps trying to creep in but I refuse to allow it now

Money is fake. We all want safety, food, health, and respect and love.

Money buys me safety. I can then buy a gun, buy a bodyguard or buy a house in a safer area, which usually tends to be a richer area.

Money buys me food. Money also buys me land and materials where I could make my own food.

Money buys me health. If I have money, I can get the best healthcare in the world.

Money can buy me respect. I can pay people lots of money to talk about how great I am in the media and online.

Money can buy me love. I have much greater dating options as a rich man than a poor man.

I think for myself every second of everyday and the best part is that I am productive and contributing to something larger than myself that I happen to believe in.

Free yourself from the anger as this is a matter of perception, which is not universally defined. Stop shoving your ideals down onto people as if you're the answer, the truth and all mighty.

If you want to be a dirty hippy feel free and I hope you enjoy it, but I personally do not want to be a dirty hippy.

dude. plain greek yogurt. stuff does wonders for for your GI tract.

Elon Musk is shill elite who hoodwinks leftists into supporting big money.

lol not gonna lie, sounds like fun to pour beer on my closed mouth. That shit is nasty and bitter... But the wheat and light beers were great.! But the darker ones require adjusting to. And that's for a reason

What are you on right now? We all have powers I'm sorry your biggest power right now is attacking people and "putting them in their place" on reddit while they speak some truths

I met someone who Im so sure was Tesla. The energy seems to be a super close match. She's a woman now.

Elon Musk is absolutely not worthy of being compared to Tesla. He is not humanity's savior nor does he have your well-being in his mind. Please do extensive research on this.

My booty stink like old nasty puddin!

It's ok Man U worked hard and sometimes that's not necessary

Nikola Tesla created because he loved science and making humanity better off...he wasn’t in it for the billions like Elon. Can’t believe you think you’re awake and think Elon is Nikola.

I was trying to see if there was info in his posts. He has been posting non-stop the past two days, and it's just been getting worse.

He mentioned previously being suicidal, but I don't see any notion that he is now.

He mentions a girlfriend returning soon, so maybe she will recognize the change in behavior ... or maybe he might behave badly towards her.

I think many have mentioned he should get help in direct or more smartly manipulative ways (won't blow their cover.)

If you have time to look through his posts for info or contact info, that could help.

Removed. Rule 4.