Could you imagine what would come to light if Hillary Clinton was investigated in the same manner as they are going after Trump?

1  2018-05-04 by ragegenx

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I cannot believe how far this investigation pf Trump has gone, while Clinton has gotten off relatively easy. Crazy, crazy world, and the masses are too dumb tp understand...


Yes, it's interesting to me that they are basically trying to CREATE or uncover the crime while investigating Trump. Like what solid reason was there for this to even begin? Whereas with Hillary, just follow the money of donations to the Clinton Foundation and I'm sure you'd turn up questionable items left and right.

Pay no attention to the woman behind the Foundation Curtain...

If anything, watching this play out this way has destroyed any hope of real justice against the political class

Since they can't get rid of him yet, they just want to tie his hands up with this nonsense. Hilldog wouldn't have been investigated for anything had she won the office.


It would be misogynistic, racist and homophobic for even suggesting dredging up her sordid past.

Guilt as charged

If Clinton was in office, we would probably have seen the same level of investigations. But she lost and so the corrupt president is being investigated.


Ill be here all week! Dont forget to tip the wait staff!

If Hillary won we probably would have seen a military coup.

Who said they aren’t? Notice that only one specific FBI investigation seems to be leaking like a broken faucet? Do large RICO cases normally leak details of the investigation on a daily basis?

With April added, sealed indictments are at 29,000.


Is that you?

Which ones leaking? The leaks about Mueller's investigation are coming from people he's interviewed not from his team.

This is how Sessions has always operated. Keeps quiet and works in the background until everything is ready to bring down the hammer. Should be an interesting year.

It just shows how corrupt our government is. We have a one-party system, and this is what happens when an outsider is elected.

Its really interesting to watch this all play out. I think the public is mostly aware of what is going on so their attempted coup is going to be very difficult, if not impossible to pull off.

this is what happens when an outsider is elected

No, this is what happens when the outsider is incredibly corrupt and known for skirting the rules to get what he wants.

Hillary has been investigated her entire life. They've never found sufficient dirt on her. So either shes incredibly careful or maybe she isnt quite the hardened criminal you think she is.

Or maybe....just hear me out here....she wasn't held accountable because we have a corrupt, two-tier justice system.

in general, the justice system is not corrupt. You have been sold the corrupt narrative because some people want you to continue to believe Hilary Clinton is some corrupt murderer, rather than a sloppy politician, and believe that Trump is a sloppy politician rather than a mobster style con man.

in general, the justice system is not corrupt.

Wow, you sure convinced me!

Ask the unarmed minority that was shot by police

incompetence and implicit racism are not the same as corruption

Blue code


Why are the Clintons so rich? How did they amass such a fortune off a gov salary?

They write books, give speeches , serve on corporate boards. How are the Kardashians rich ?

where do they give speeches and what do they get paid?

Bill got $500,000 for a speech in Russia

didn't hillary get about the same with goldmann sachs?

i am not their agent. Big names and famous people get $$$

You can read HRC’s in Wikileaks Podesta emails

some of those speeches are more or less bribes.

no. there are no strings attached. the person shows up, gives a speach, is paid through an agency. it is no more a bribe than a dinner date.

'in general', just like how the gov'ment, the media, the bankers, the food/medicine industries, the education system, etc. all have our best interests at heart 'in general' right? cmon now mate

Actually I believe that most people overall are trying to do the right thing - but people and systems are fallible,l, and sometimes lazy. There is a lot of groupthink that happens .

just curious, what gives you such an optimistic view of things? to me it seems completely misplaced if not extremely naive. if most people are "trying" (not doing, just trying) to do the right thing like you claim, what is preventing their collective effort from coming to fruition? fallible systems (all designed by humans) and laziness aren't really answers btw

I think my optimistic view is both built in (genetic) and based on personal experience. I work in a large institution in a poor neighborhood and have repeatedly (especially 10+ years ago) left my purse in the cafeteria, or my wallet. Every time I got a call to collect it. The people who called me make 1/10 of what I do. I once left my purse on the subway, where it was found by the MTA people. I got a call from them to collect it (before they sent it to lost and found). I have met and cared for (I am a MD) criminals and murderers and found that they are loved by their family, and that they love and care for their children.

I also have observed that even people who i think are doing the wrong thing, are often earnestly trying to do the right thing, within the narrative or social construct they work/live in. This is why the fake news/post truth thing bothers me so much. People end up believing narratives that are far from true. Ie Nazi germany and stereotyping Jews. Or white people believing their problems are because of non-white people.

i'll give you the personal experience part, my own would differ wildly but no point diving into that.

as for what you say about people doing the wrong thing while trying to do the right thing, does good intention make up for undesirable outcome? it doesn't. there is simply just no way that the majority's good-oriented efforts are hampered by social and cultural limitations. i think you're unsucessfully trying reconcile the contradiction between what you think is how people generally behave vs the end result, which does not reflect the efforts you say they try to make

undesirable outcomes happen even when people think they are doing the right thing. It is a rare person who can think beyond the group. Groups can deliberately do the wrong thing when they have a charismatic leader.

"We came. We saw. He died. Ha. Ha. Ha."

Oh yeah. Shes trying real hard.

Only globalists care about guy.

in general, the justice system is not corrupt.

oh for the love of God stop fucking lying.

Yeah tons of people were saying trump was a monster con man for years.

Unlike Hillary who no ones ever said that about until very recently right

Trump’s issues are documented in fact, Mrs Clinton’s are fake news, rumors and innuendo. Donald and Hillary, or Trump and Clinton.

It also helps if your family has the CIA on your side for helping them run cocaine out of Arkansas in the 80's.

We're not even going to bring up all the untimely deaths of people that had potential dirt on the Clintons.

Rember Al Capone, everyone knows he was a mafia boss, but they had to get him on tax evasion because everyone that could have brought him down for more serious crimes was either too scared or dead.

The 911 commission is a prime example.

No one was held accountable for the lies that led us to a still ongoing 15 year war in Iraq. In fact, many were rewarded for helping the MIC forward their goals.

Back scratching instead of military tribunals for the crooks.

Look at Enron, look at the bankers, look at all that and here they are talking about puppets of the masters, as if thosenpuppets ever pay the price.

They are rewarded, bot punished.

Good examples.

Thanks - hope you're having a good one

Immunity for her staff with promises to destroy laptops. Wiping her server with bleach bit...she has floated above the law and has not been punished because she controlled those investigating her.

I get people not liking Trump or embracing their political identity, but to claim Hillary Clinton is spotless, is incredibly ignorant or outrageously dishonest.

Hillary Clinton is a lot of things, but pure snowflake is not one of them.

I dont think shes a pure snowflake. But people pretend like the private server was some treasonous act while not giving a fuck about this kind of thing in the Trump white house. How does Jared Kushner still have a job if he doesn't have a security clearance? People dont care though.

Again, not a fan of Trump or Jared K, but the concern is there was direct evidence of pay to play from leaked emails . Direct evidence of illegal coordenation between the DNC and the Hillary campaign in the leaked emails, direct evidence of journalists working as Clinton operatives, evidence of the DOJ and FBI covering up Clinton's activites, it goes on and on and NOTHING has really been done other than sweeping under the rug.

See this is the problem. People think bad stuff is always illegal. What the DNC did was bad but not illegal in the slightest. They favored Hillary for sure. I'm pretty sure the RNC also didnt want Trump to get the nomination early on because he was super controversial. I would have loved to see their emails too.

The RNC and DNC dont even need to hold elections. They could technically just pick a candidate if they wanted to. So the coordination with the Hillary campaign was super stupid but it's their right to do it.

The pay for play stuff involve the Clinton Foundation was illegal

Go to court then if you got the evidence. Which you don't because all you do is spread propaganda.

It's a little hypocritical to ignore Hillary and Obamas actions that brought us to this point and then in the same breath now demand justice because it suits you. The media was incredibly complicit in hiding information from the average low information voter. Those who worked tirelessly over the last 10 years to expose obama and hillary were mocked and ridiculed by the same people who now want justice because they hate trump.

Too bad he hasnt broken any laws, which is why endless false narratives and over the top drama is needed to sway public opinion. The media has it's own agenda and it's quite clear from reading David Brocks "manifesto" about driving and controlling narratives and talking points through media matters.

They tried to poison peoples minds against trump in favor of hillary. Unlike 2008 when hildog was running against obama. The people wanted real change, not empty words and another useless politican.

Or there is a bunch of corruption..

yah right.

her private fucking unsecured server in her home... real safe.

she is a criminal and she is only free because of a complicit FBI/DOJ.

Oh no a server! The horror!

she was a lawyer what the hell do you expect? just because you’ve never been caught doesn’t mean you’re not guilty.

Or the people being fired or flipped in the FBI, DOJ and state dept were all in deep with corruption, crimes and pedophilia. The top levels of major agencies are being exposed for their biased nature and willingness to obstruct justice when it suits them.

Hillary is not innocent, she was shielded by people just as dirty and crooked. But it's all coming out so there's no need to continue speculating.

Oh please Hillary has been investigated since 1992 and Bill Clinton was impeached.
and the more recent investigations include 4 years of Benghazi and emails.

That included Giuliani claiming he had contacts inside the FBI leaking to him.

And look what happened when he went on television, not only the Daniels statement but

commenting about the possible release of U.S. citizens held in N. Korea. Information that was classified.

And today both Trump and Giuliani are walking those statements backwards.

Something that is not being given much notice.

It’s almost as if all of politics is a complete and utter farce and these politicians are nothing more than false idols paraded across a stage so that we waste our time on bullshit topics like this. We don’t need dems or repubs or anyone seeking to hold power over a populace. Fuck each and every last one of these scum bags that aspire to hold office and rule over us. Fuck em sideways.

And yet the Democrats and establishment Republicans are trying to obsessively destroy Trump who clearly poses a threat to both parties.

I've noticed lots of people here trying to portray Trump as some other sort of different evil because he's rich and knows other important people unlike the people on this subreddit who would never have the balls to do what Trump is doing.

Everyone Trump has ever known or was friendly with is being targeted with financial and career ruin. That isn't a sign of being apart of a swamp or the club.

No- it’s a sign that he is corrupt and all of his cronies are corrupt and he has been treating his presidency as a cash grab for himself, his family and his friends.

That's what the presidency is for.

Oh yeah a real cash grab, losing 100s of millions of dollars in brand value.

It’s a real “sign that he’s corrupt” despite zero actual evidence that he is corrupt being found by this investigation

Wait until the investigation is over to proclaim his innocence- if nothing is being found why have people already plead guilty? If he’s lost 100’s of millions of dollars in brand value it’s because when the spotlight of the Presidency has been shining upon him people realize what he actually is, except his vocal 25% that he knew he had when he said,”I could kill a guy and they’d still love me.”

You still haven’t addressed how it’s a “cash grab”

Then why is he poorer, why is his brand weaker, and why is the Washington Establishment trying to destroy everyone connected to Trump?

He risked his fortune and business doing what he is doing. More than anyone here would ever sacrifice. And because you don’t have an answer to the good things he’s doing, you just put him into a basket of corruption. Here’s a spoiler for you—any person in politics or business is connected. Even you and I are apart of complex groups of friends, colleagues, and family who help each other out. The only people who aren’t apart of some form of lesser swamp are those living on the dole with no job, no family, and no real friends.

I actually have applauded a few things that he’s done but that doesn’t make the hypocrisy and corruption go away- if he is poorer and weaker because now that he’s in the spotlight people see him for what he is- a shill, a conman, a pathological liar whose story changes so much that his press secretary just says, “I told you what I thought was the truth at that time’ everyday for something she said the day before.

interesting isn't it.

apparently r/conspiracy thinks Hillary is A-Ok now lol.

bullshit. this sub has been swarmed.

pro Hillary comments are +30

saying her "investigation" was bullshit -10

not fooling anyone with these stats. fucking bullshit.

Yea like most of Reddit it’s full of bots

This sub was around before Hillary and trump so shut the fuck up numb nuts. This sub has always been about pretty even when it comes to political sides. But if you need a safe space away from different views I think you know where to go.


Removed. Rule 4

Everything against Trump is a conspiracy and my obvious lies and slander aren't being upvoted as much as a year ago

This is you. SAD!

This all just the reminds me of Dave chappelle

I loved it, thanks.

She was ‘investigated’. She got a meeting where it wasn’t under oath, everything she admitted to wouldn’t be used against her if they went to court, and they hey already decided before the meeting they weren’t going to prosecute her. Yea that’s some investigation right there, really out her through the ringer. /s

Congress questioned her for hours and hours and are still investigating her. Don't you see how you have been played. The story line is that Hillary got away with everything, therefore the Crime spree that is the current Administration, is fine.

Everyone knows congressional investigations are a joke.

That is especially true since 2011, when Congress became officially tea party Republican. Attack your political enemies (as told on television by Kevin McCarthy re Hillary, and

Protect your in house criminals, like they have done on the campaign investigation, Pruitt, facebook, etc.

This guy is isn’t just drinking the koolaid hes swimming in it

I was only agreeing with you.

Dozens of murders.

The largest charity fraud in history.

Selling influence for bribes.

Human, child, and organ trafficking.


Ritual abuse, murder, and cannibalism.

Dozens of murders.

Lmao this is a joke, right?



That's a list of people, yes, but no proof. Very circumstantial at best.

Yea, because we live in a system where money and power > justice. Thank you for pointing out the purpose of this post in the first place.

So I can just make up any claim against anyone in power and you'll believe it?

Nope, need some good supporting evidence for your theory (of which there is plenty for the Clintons). No conviction =\= no crime.

Nice strawman though.

So where's the evidence against the Clintons? I mean real evidence, not "they knew this person who died" evidence.

if there were 'real' evidence the clintons would have been in jail a long time ago. sadly when every murder case is ruled a suicide a botched robbery, circumstantial evidence procured from online research and deduction is about as best as we can get

Well then you're just begging the question.

There's no evidence that the Clintons murdered anyone --> they definitely murdered someone --> the evidence must have been hidden

None of this is sensical.

did you even read what i said? there's no 'real' police backed, narrative approved evidence, but there is a shitton of compelling supporting evidence and reasoning linking the clintons to their crimes. and we are not just talking about murder here, some of their other crimes are already out in the open (e.g. clinton foundation activities in haiti) but no one in power will acknowledge it cos it's all a charade at the top

why are you even here tbh? your line of logic can be used to dismiss just about every conspiracy out there.

why are you even here tbh? your line of logic can be used to dismiss just about every conspiracy out there.

That's a sign of bad arguments being made. And I disagree - there's plenty of conspiracies which rely on factual reporting and clear, logical arguments.

Proof is an abstract, and rarely available in real life. There is lots of evidence for all of those things though.


If you're actually interested then do your own research. But you're not, are you?

I've found nothing compelling. Saying "go do your own research" after asserting something is really saying "I believe this thing but I can't substantiate it"

Then you haven't dug enough, or you're stupid. Either way, I don't care much what you "think".

Or maybe it doesn't exist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No, it does. But I'm pretty sure you know that already.

Well you nor anyone else has been able to provide anything other than "uhhh well she knew this person who died, so yeah she killed him"

I'm not trying to prove anything. I don't care what you believe. I'm just trying to let people know that there is evidence out there if they want to look for themselves. In the end, us bitching at each other in this forum isn't going to convince anybody of anything. They'll only believe what they learn for themselves.

If anybody is interested, a good start would be to search for the Clintons on this sub, ddg, and on voat.

Disregard the sensational implications of murder, ritual abuse, and cannibalism (???), and

You are still left with a treasonous, corrupt, felonious elitist.

All of which have been substantiated.

Well she's never been convicted of a crime, despite investigation after investigation after investigation, so I'd say the charges against her have been exaggerated.

Just because your head is in the sand, does not mean what you see is right.

If you don't concern yourself with the DNC leaks/WikiLeaks info, the Clinton Email/Server case, or any other circumstances that demonstrates the criminality of the Clintons, their Foundation and their associates, there really isn't any point considering your point.

So why hasn't she been put away? Yes, she's strong politically, but she has many enemies who have tried and failed to put her away.

None of her enemies have the power or influence to take her down. Even if she was ever properly persecuted, she would take down the whole system. Anyone within the political class would help to keep that from happening.

I mention this not for your benefit, because let's be straight, you are not interested in an honest discussion. I mention this because the reality of the situation is rarely acknowledged aloud.

because let's be straight, you are not interested in an honest discussion

Well that's presumptuous.

It's weird how Hillary Clinton is simultaneously a politically omnipotent figure who wields Washington in her hands and an incompetent fool who could not win an election against Donald Trump. Seems...contradictory.

Well that's presumptuous. Based on this, not really

Never said she was incompete or omnipotent, just corrupt...and I've been consistent on that point.

Hitler was never technically convicted of any crimes... doesn’t make him innocent.

Sure, but the fact that her many enemies have had many, many chances to put her away but have not been able to lends credibility to the idea that she's not criminal.

Oh please, are you trying to refer to her “political enemies”? If so, that just shows how much you have to learn about our charade of a political system.

Also, if her real enemies did release information that could put her away (cough Putin cough), you’d just say that it was fake because it was from her enemies.

Does your neck hurt from being so deep in the sand like that? It’s got to get tiring.

Which is an indictment of the American justice system.

Ritual abuse, murder, and cannibalism.


Where are these people coming from? This is strange. All the downvotes. Look at them.

I find it curious how many Clinton apologists there are here in this sub, that seem to be just waiting and at the ready to come to her defense. Certainly not what you would expect in a sub about conspiracy theories.

Considering how many CT’s have swarmed around both Clintons and their Foundations/Organizations for so many years, yes, it is rather curious.

It's not curious at all. It's transparent as all hell. Legit users of r/conspiracy aren't whitewashing the Clinton crimes. This is fucking laughable.

Look at the points these shitty comments are getting while anything approaching anti-Clinton is votes into oblivion.

Soooo legit. Riiiiight.

Yeah because everything against Trump is the real conspiracy.

The investigation is merely a way to ensure Trump continues the war machine and to keep people from really questioning how the Democrats could possibly lose to such a crass and inexperienced opponent. Also, you have to keep pushing this narrative to further the lie that Russia is responsible for our election outcomes and other political quandrays.

Clinton will never be investigated because she is just another tentacle of the permanent state.

In reality, an actual investigation would find that all of the highest level politicians regularly engage in illegal and unethical behavior at the behest of moneyed interests and the only actual goal of either party is to further that hierarchy so that regular folks can never acheive undue influence in the geopolitical sphere.

Left versus right is largely a philosophical struggle and not reflective of real issues that genuinely impact the general public.

29,000 indictments. One can hope for Mueller to paint with a large brush.

The anti-Trump & anti-Russia hysteria has gotten so out of hand our country is literally damaged. As a nation/people, our ability to rationally assess threats has pretty much gone out the window.

You realize the orange cheeto lies to you about locking her up right?

Orange cheeto ran on a platform of locking her up.

If you're not a Trump fan what's with the whataboutism?

cass things

Trump's failed campaign promises have nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Hillary Clinton. To suggest they do is whataboutism.

If I win I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation – there has never been so many lies and so much deception,” Trump said.

What am I off on?

My point stands whether you acknowledge it or not.

Happy Cinco

I'm still not sure what your point is, so I guess it stands.

I'm still not sure what your specifically don't understand.

Break it down brother.

There are a number of separate issues which exist independent of each other:

  1. Is HRC guilty of one or more offenses against the United States, possibly including charities fraud, pay for play, etc.?
  2. Has Trump fulfilled his campaign promise to prosecute her for those crimes?

1) is an open question, though I would lean towards expecting that she's likely guilty of at least some federal crimes that could lead to hard time. My opinion on that is largely formed by the fact that anyone involved in DC at her level for that amount of time is essentially guaranteed to have committed multiple federal felonies.

2) Pretty clear he hasn't followed through, and I can only speculate as to why.

My point is that these two issues have no real bearing on the truth of the other. Trump could have pursued Clinton even if she were innocent, and Trump not pursuing her does not imply that she is innocent.

Claiming Trump's decision not to prosecute (yet?) has any bearing on HRC's guilt is whataboutism.

Cinco de Cuatro?

We are a year and 5 months in so there’s still plenty of time for that to happen. Not saying it definitely will, just pointing out that we will have to wait until the full term is up to make that call of an actual broken promise.

Yeah, we all know Trump himself cannot prosecute HRC.

Like I said, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. The Clinton Foundation is currently under investigation.

You can call me names if it makes you feel better. It makes you seem very childish and bitter though. But that’s not surprising one bit.

you trumpet trump = trumpette

it's not a name, it's a political ideology

Actually, I didn’t mention Trump in my original comment at all.

So yes, you were name calling. You can try to spin it anyway you want, doesn’t change the facts.

you replied to the wrong user - I was having a conversation about the orange cheeto, not Donald J. Trump

doot doot brave ideological supporter of Donald Trump's administration

This platform??

Well, fuck. That speech is exactly what this sub and genuine account's on here stand for.

Actually, I am anti Establishment, anti globalist, which puts me at odds with both Clinton and Trump. The concern is Hillary is being protected by the political elite.

That's not true.

Oh, whatabout whatabouism?

You're on /r/conspiracy and you believe in the promises a politician makes while campaigning?

What are you talking about? I'm saying all politicians are liars.

Yes Trump promised to lock up Hillary. That was a campaign promise. Campaign promises are notorious for not coming true. It's a cliche.

The old post of mine you grabbed also has nothing to do with the left/right paradigm either.

I am talking about the person who is the current President. I would be criticizing them no matter who they are. Criticizing Trump doesn't make me Pro-Hillary and criticizing Hillary doesn't make me pro-Trump.

Your assumption that by talking about a politician I am automatically for/against them is promoting that very paradigm.

It's wasn't a cliche, it was a lie.

“The saddest thing is because I’m president of the United States, I’m not supposed to be involved in the Justice Department.”

You realize orange Cheeto is the stupidest nickname of all time, and totally unpersuasive?

First off, Cheetos are a delicious food.

Second, the nickname is just trash and makes people who say it sounds lame as fuck

"Snowflake" Trump supporter gets "triggered" by the nickname cheeto. More at 10.

You're right, the new nickname is better. Cheato.

You’ve reached a new height of lameness. One thing trump has infinitely better ability that any democrat is coming up with good insulting nicknames.

Ya’ll suck at that game. Badly.

Off attempts at disparaging nicknames alone y’all already have lost.

Stay triggered.

The left mimicking the bullying language of the right is primo cringe. Keep it in supply!

Don't worry, shit's happening.

Don't let these numbfucks tell you otherwise. ; )

Nobody goes after trump, or the warmonger whore.

Killary and Trump are part of the same cabal.

There are differences between the two but rest assured neither one give a crap about the average American.

Why do you think she let him win? Going on TV visibly ill and not campaigning in important states at important times.

I know the media would be screaming misogyny at the top of their lungs.


My guess would be nothing? Had she won the election, there would be a whole web of people protecting her so they could cash in their pay-for-play chips.

As worthless as she is without power is as valuable as she would be with power.

Umm... whatever's happening to Trump actually happened to Hillary for quite some time. Also happened to Dubya Bush.

Bush had the media in his pocket.

The military industrial complex has the media in its pocket.

Hillary Clinton: smart enough to control a global cartel of criminals but dumb enough to be found out by internet detectives.

If the FBI helps to cover up your crimes, you can get away with anything.

Could you imagine = the new whataboutism

"whataboutism" is the new "you're right, I am being a hypocrite my extreme bias has been shown thanks to your point, but I need to save face so let me try to meme myself out of this"

I think its funny that the Hillary campaign is actually guilty of what they're accusing Trump of doing. Where did Steele get the info for the dossier? From Russian! As far as anybody knows it could have been Putin, himself, as the source for the information.

Donald Trump is part of the satanic pedophile elite.

Could you imagine a world where that woman that lost over a year and a half ago isn't brought up by republicans on a daily basis?

Or maybe....just hear me out here....she wasn't held accountable because we have a corrupt, two-tier justice system.

Immunity for her staff with promises to destroy laptops. Wiping her server with bleach bit...she has floated above the law and has not been punished because she controlled those investigating her.

I get people not liking Trump or embracing their political identity, but to claim Hillary Clinton is spotless, is incredibly ignorant or outrageously dishonest.

Hillary Clinton is a lot of things, but pure snowflake is not one of them.

Well she's never been convicted of a crime, despite investigation after investigation after investigation, so I'd say the charges against her have been exaggerated.

Or there is a bunch of corruption..

Considering how many CT’s have swarmed around both Clintons and their Foundations/Organizations for so many years, yes, it is rather curious.

None of her enemies have the power or influence to take her down. Even if she was ever properly persecuted, she would take down the whole system. Anyone within the political class would help to keep that from happening.

I mention this not for your benefit, because let's be straight, you are not interested in an honest discussion. I mention this because the reality of the situation is rarely acknowledged aloud.

if there were 'real' evidence the clintons would have been in jail a long time ago. sadly when every murder case is ruled a suicide a botched robbery, circumstantial evidence procured from online research and deduction is about as best as we can get

yah right.

her private fucking unsecured server in her home... real safe.

she is a criminal and she is only free because of a complicit FBI/DOJ.

It's not curious at all. It's transparent as all hell. Legit users of r/conspiracy aren't whitewashing the Clinton crimes. This is fucking laughable.

Look at the points these shitty comments are getting while anything approaching anti-Clinton is votes into oblivion.

Soooo legit. Riiiiight.

she was a lawyer what the hell do you expect? just because you’ve never been caught doesn’t mean you’re not guilty.

Or the people being fired or flipped in the FBI, DOJ and state dept were all in deep with corruption, crimes and pedophilia. The top levels of major agencies are being exposed for their biased nature and willingness to obstruct justice when it suits them.

Hillary is not innocent, she was shielded by people just as dirty and crooked. But it's all coming out so there's no need to continue speculating.

just curious, what gives you such an optimistic view of things? to me it seems completely misplaced if not extremely naive. if most people are "trying" (not doing, just trying) to do the right thing like you claim, what is preventing their collective effort from coming to fruition? fallible systems (all designed by humans) and laziness aren't really answers btw

"We came. We saw. He died. Ha. Ha. Ha."

Oh yeah. Shes trying real hard.

"Snowflake" Trump supporter gets "triggered" by the nickname cheeto. More at 10.

Yeah, we all know Trump himself cannot prosecute HRC.

Like I said, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. The Clinton Foundation is currently under investigation.

You can call me names if it makes you feel better. It makes you seem very childish and bitter though. But that’s not surprising one bit.

You're right, the new nickname is better. Cheato.

Yeah because everything against Trump is the real conspiracy.