Redditors of Japan, are you sprayed by Chemtrails?

1  2018-05-06 by oswald__mosley

I feel like it wouldn't work in Japan..people would talk. Similar to how S.Korea overthrew satanic occultist leader, people still have some spirit in Asian nations to act. In4 chemtrails aren't real


I'm from Cyprus and yes we are. It's an inside joke here, because it's like common knowledge but there's still nothing you can do about it.

Thats depressing, such a beautiful view to be destroyed by geoengineering

It's not geoengineering, at least not deliberate geoengineering. But it is still a problem because all the time people talk about chemtrails it lets the real culprits off the hook.

You posted that link last time and ir was weak then too

Is it generally accepted to acknowledge this phenomenon in your country? It's a completely taboo subject of discussion in the U.S.

No it's not. You are discussing it now. Try to be less melodramatic.

Oh, ok - my bad. I'll try to be less dramatic next time.

Yes, it is. You can ask 100 people here about it and 90 will say it's happening. We are a very small country, not even 1 million citizens. So, it's easier for information to travel from mouth to mouth. There is a British army base here, and specifically in my home town, and it's sort of like common fact that they spray the clouds/produce chemtrails. It's almost like a fact to us that the British can manipulate our weather here. And it amazes me to see so many people in America believe that it's just a silly conspiracy theory.

Here's a picture of my country being completely covered in chemtrails:

The people here tried to push for an investigation a few years back but of course, no results came back. So, it's like an inside joke. We know it's happening but we also know the 'high ups' ain't gonna let any information about it or 'prove' that it's indeed happening.

This is fascinating to me. Thanks for replying. So there's a feeling in Cyprus of: Yes we know it's happening but there's not a thing we can do to change it.

Is the British airforce ever compelled to respond to these claims?

Nah, it's always swept under the rug. Here's an article from 2 years ago, when people tried to push for an investigation.

But of course nothing was ever done after that.

The thing with Cyprus is that we're such a small island and such a close community that most people know most people. I know many people who work in the British army base and they will never claim this to be false. of course, there's no factual evidence, as in scientific papers or whatever it takes, but it's common knowledge. Especially with how they can manipulate the weather here and specifically the clouds.

They were nuked, fuked, and remained so calm and civil. No wonder West wanted them and their tech gone.

Hahaha. I can actually tell you alot about this. My friend who I've always generally ranted to went to Japan and stayed at a homestay. He said the woman who ran the homestay with her daughter ranted about chemtrails non stop. Always showing him pictures of trails, taking photos outside, and pinning them to their fridge. So yes, Japan ppl are just as concerned as we are.

Thank you for this honest insight, I hope other users see it.

Japan has the highest rate of autism of all countries. Since learning about the imaging of high concentrations of aluminum in autistic brains, I've been on a hunt for all sources of aluminum. Yes, they are aluminum adjuvants in vaccines but I had trouble accounting for the geographical clustering of autism in California and New Jersey until I looked at reports of chemtrail sightings. Opened up and what do you know? giant chemtrail clusters right over New Jersey and California. Youtube is full of insiders stepping up to confirm aluminum as one of the chief chemicals being used. The fact that Japan is reporting sightings and experience a surge in autism corroborates with my research. This is so messed up.

I live right by Norfolk International Airport. The skies are covered some days. Other days, the planes won't have trails at all. Other days, some will some won't. I try to write it off in my mind as "Oh, must be altitude difference or fuel consumption requirements at different levels, pass me another beer let's jump in the Bay" but it's always there, begging the question: what the fuck? This shit makes sense.

WHAT IF: autism in children is a way to consume the parent's time so that they have to take care of their children non-stop and are too worn down/financially broken to join the "Rebellion" should it, IF IT, ever materializes.

"Some spirit in Asian nations to act.." In what nation in Asia do citizens have the right to bear arms?

I think what he meant was Asian countries focus on communities and when needed for something to change they all act as one cohesive group when protesting.

Exactly what I meant


Definitely not, but an armed citizenry is necessary to keep government and rogue elite elements in check. This is one of the founding principles of the US Constitution. Asians are disarmed and powerless against the state. Their countries can do anything to them, any manner of abuse and mistreatment, and they do.

Contrails happen all over the world. This is the sky over England on a summer day.

You will never see that in South Africa.

I've seen a contrail that lasts more than a few minutes only twice over the last decade or so.

You simply do not see stuff like that in our sky. Ever.

What's your thoughts on this?

Like anything 'Nibiru' related, it's total fantasy. Didn't happen then (or then, or then) and it ain't ever happening.

That's funny, I don't remember asking you? I also remember that you come in and plague every chemtrail, nibiru, geoengineering etc thread. Why so obvious?

So much stupid to deal with; it's hard work keeping up.

"Deal with " ?

I get paid on results buddy. Dimmer skies are safer skies, and all that.

At least you admit you get paid to slide forums

You really are a gullible muppet, aren't you?

Only on the weekends

Okay, let me qualify that. They happen anywhere aircraft are flying overhead at high altitude. Nothing needs to fly over SA because it is not on the route from anywhere to anywhere else. And aircraft are always 20 miles or so from their departure airport before they reach contrail height. If you live in Cape Town I doubt you have ever experienced a persistent contrail.

Chemtrails are real but I think they are not for some nefarious intention like some people think of them.

They are for mild weather control and the aluminum is just the consequence of them being careless. Everyone breathes the same air, I don't think they would agree on being sprayed too.

Fair point, if they werent nefarious or "top secret" or whatever reasoning they give...then why not just explain it publically

Cause aluminum is bad and they know it.

It's like water fluoridation, they do it even knowing european governments banned it from being in the water for being toxic.

Yet USA and Spain still fluoridate their drinking water.

Pineal gland calcification preventing the masses from accessing information from astral/extradimensional entities, which would steer them to a path in conflict with the materialistic and/or manipulated elite of our world. That's what I would do to us if I were trying to control folks and information. Cunning.

It's worldwide. I had wondered this very thing. China, Israel, etc. countries that are thought to be "enemies" or "competitors" all get sprayed. There is a power higher than even these national leaders calling the shots. Question is who?

Sorry, late to the party on this post. Sorry to say but they spray on a regular basis here in Japan. And no, the majority don't notice or won't talk about it. There's a small number of Twitter users who gripe, and maybe one or two YouTubers who post videos with a small number of views.

Thats depressing, such a beautiful view to be destroyed by geoengineering

Is it generally accepted to acknowledge this phenomenon in your country? It's a completely taboo subject of discussion in the U.S.