Are all the recent cracked airplane windows being caused by energy weapons?

1  2018-05-07 by NYC_Subway

We all know that sound could shatter glass, but what about 20,000 ft above ground? I believe there might be energy weapon leakage that is causing these windows to crack.


Windows are made of acrylics, not glass. So, no.

actually you are wrong, they use resonance to fracture diamonds. It gives a more exact cut than laser. Watch this clip to understand the mechanism.

What does that have to do with airplane windows not being made of glass?

Everything has a resonant frequency, is the point he was attempting to make, I believe.

Ah, gotcha.

For someone willing to dismiss this post so quickly, I would assume you have enough sense to ride the logic train to the next stop. Diamond density > acrylic density. He is saying that if they use resonance to shatter diamonds, it can also be used to shatter acrylic.

So you think a single window shattering on a plane was caused by resonance and not a fan blade flying at it at hundreds of miles an hour?

Also, for the second plane the plastic window on the inside of the plane cracked, not the outside window (they are dual pane)

Only familiar with C130 windows but they are glass (Lockheed has the contract and the use water white glass). Usually highly transmissive and anti-reflective coated. They are made to cycle through high temperatures and stresses. I figure commercial aircraft are similar.

I doubt energy weapons would mess with the glass. Maybe they would destroy the AR coatings since they are tuned to the visible wavelength. The weapons are used to target engines and such not windows even if you tried to laze the aircrews eyes the windows would just pass the beam.

True, not all planes use the same materials.

If this is in reference to the jet blue front panels they are probably the same kind of glass. The windows along the cabin would not need to be built to the same requirements and may include acrylic layers.

In my 2500+ flight hours I saw three different window sections shatter. In one case it was a straight up bird strike. In one other during the mx debrief the aircraft suffered a bird strike on a previous flight so we figured it was related. The other was not known and was attributed to lifetime/stress reasons.

energy weapons?

I'm gonna go with 'shitty corporations cutting corners and heavily in regulatory capture for 100, Alex.

you do know that these planes were built around 1980, and not until recently have cracked windows become a common issue. I too believe it may coincide with the sudden rollout of these energy "cell phone" towers.

Common issue? 2 planes out of tens of thousands in the USA...

The real question is were they meant to last 35+ years on flying tin cans that does bend and flex some during flight.

They're supposed to bend, otherwise the plane would tear itself apart.

Planes yes, windows not so much I guess is my point.

You should read Tesla’s writings about resonance.. he said he built a pretty small one and had to shut it down because it was shaking the building next door..

Forget if is was his autobiography or another book.. he goes into some detail about it..

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this wiki should be a post on its own! WTF they also called it "Teslas Earthquake Machine," this means it was common knowledge among those in the know. This will definitely make me question all future/past earthquakes. As cliche as the statement is, imagine what type of earthquake machine they have now when Tesla's was being exhibited at a museum in 1893!!

The government seized all his notes,drawings, ect shortly after he died.. most of his inventions and drawings,schematics and models were in his head... he would see a vision of the machine or whatever... run it, fine tune it and then build it.

If you get some time, he is a pretty fascinating read...

And Donald Trumps Uncle just so happened to be best friends with Tesla...dun dun dun

From what research I’ve done, is he was part of the team that evaluated and classified the seized documents..

does anyone maybe think that he could have died from unnatural causes? i know he was old and all, but the gov was quick to get their beady little hands on all his research and to keep it secret and then passing invention secrecy act less than a decade after his death.

I think he probably died of natural causes...

so the gov just happened to be in the area a few days before he died a hermit in obscurity? for someone so crucial to modern technology i just don’t think it makes complete sense to me it happened the way they said it did. and tesla died in the 40s before all this “exterrarestrial technology” i.e. roswell became embedded in the human hive mind. i dunno, i just think there is so much more to tesla than we know.

Aging airline fleets and greedy airlines not doing proper inspections and putting broken airplanes in the air.

The one where the lady got killed was caused by a subsidiary of GE a French partner who sourced the defective turbine from Chinese subsidiary. Go to Harbor Freight, look at the metallurgy, fit and finish. You go cheap, you get cheap. We'll probably also find windows sourced through a similarly twisted path. Basically shit products from shit manufacturers, managed by conglomerates that don't give a shit run by assholes.

Yeah...and the windows failing days from one another is what Alex?

They're supposed to bend, otherwise the plane would tear itself apart.