Whistleblower Admits Q Is A Psyop.

1  2018-05-10 by Thetanster


Submission Statement:

Q Is Just A Psyop Conspiracy Theory. (A Conspiracy Theory Inside Another Conspiracy Theory)

Nathan at Lift The Veil says he has intel indicating that Q is a psyop. What is Q? Q is an anonymous poster who has been revealing details about the shadow government who has been promising that the bad guys are going to face justice.

I first heard about Q from an Alex Jones clip. Red flag number one. There was a sort of pigman on that show putting out a lot of fake enthusiasm about Q. Red flag number two. All these people were so excited about all the “sealed indictments” all over YouTube. Q was always saying “trust the plan”. Okay - sounded like a way to keep the sheep from straying too far from the plantation.

Then I heard Q said “Elon Musk is a patriot”. I know that for years Elon Musk has been full of crap and he oozes sulfur and he’s always parading around a woman who doesn’t look like quite like a woman so I knew that wasn’t True.

It was hard to see all the people puffing their Q hopium but we’ve all been there. We’ve all wanted to believe a lie that was more pleasant than the Truth. It takes so much courage to face the Truth but it’s the Truth that brings life and freedom. Maybe Nathan’s intel is wrong but Q has obviously been BS for some time. Nathan handles this so delicately that I’m impressed. He’s right, it’s just another step on the journey. We’ll get through this.

Defango has also exposed Q as a Council for National Policy Psyop, hijacking the original Q and continuing the trend.

Shit is finally getting exposed, ugh, thank God.

Didn't Defango also expose Nathan Stolpman?


Indeed he did ;)


When Nathan had 3 subscribers and three videos up he posted to r/conspiracy late one night - his San Bernadino breakdown. It was gag worthy and some of the most painful mindless blather but I thought he was just really new and nervous. We went back and forth a bit but I just figured he was a nerd so I dug and yep his IMDB popped up.

Weird dude, imho.

Who the F*** is defango to the intelligence world?

hijacking the original Q

No one wants to mention this. There were a few legit whistleblowers/leakers in the early days, but they've been co-opted.

As soon as I read, " Trust Potus". I knew it was Super LARP probably imagined by Soros boy toy Kushner.

been promising that the bad guys are going to face justice

this is obviously too early to call and those trying to call it are partisan hacks, or worse, disinfo.

Somehow im willing to bet you dont feel the same way about the Mueller investigation.

The bad guys are not facing justice in the US. Mueller is one of the bad guys. The swamp will not be drained. Trump is also a liar. The Q phenomenon was disinfo.

Different parts of the swamp are at war, obviously. They want us to take one side or the other. Both sides are the bad guys.

I voted for Jill. It could not have been worse.

Somebody needs to get this to the Great Awakening sub. Their shills will surely assure the community, "Oh it's just disinfo to smear Q fellow patriots! Fight on!"

This shit needs to die already, it's such a burden on the truth movement.

This just needs to die already

I agree with this now. At first, I really liked some of the things they were saying. Seemed like they were legitimately working to teach people about conspiracies using a really intriguing questioning method. Then they went full partisan insanity and making unsubstantiated claims about elites being arrested that appear to have been proven false since then.

It will not die.

Its only beginning.

I don't quite see how, after consistently being exposed as a disinformation campaign.

What your posts? I don't see anything but speculation, without sources.

We are watching.

elon musk is quite amazing imo.

Where did Q say Elon was a patriot? That's interesting.

He didnt. That was IW "zack".

Lift the Veil is Disinfo

So wait, the argument is that this supposed person "Q" with insider information is actually a psy op, and we're basing this on another supposed person with insider information?

Isn't it beautiful?


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Where did Q say anything about Elon Musk being a patriot?

100 % agree

What was it? The 'Trust the government' that gave it away?? it's working on the msm normies like charm.

Honestly it was how much promises they gave for this and that , easy solutions to complex problems and trump is the saviour.. haha

Who needs immigration reform and helping Mexico become a more stable and developed nation when we can just "build a wall" and "make it 10 feet higher".

The way it was always "Patriots" did it for me. I was waiting to hear Jack Ryan was on the case the way some of it sounded like a cryptic Tom Clancy book.

I know the moment i saw Q asking for us to trust the government was the moment my scepticism was heightened.

I actually really enjoy how much Nathan questions everything. Dude never picks a side and has his tinfoil hat on tight as fuck 24/7. Borderline schizophrenic level distrust in everything but I love it - Sounds like he's spot in here too

Trusting a schizophrenic...21st century logic.

Never said I trust him it’s more entertaining. Here it’s a matter or believing whether or not this supposed whistleblower is being truthful or not.

I personally believe it because everything that was said is what I thought previously but to each there own

Wasnt this determined a long time ago by the fact that none of the predictions came true?

I mean, you definitely can’t say none have come true. He’s actually gotten enough right to still wonder how many posts were fake psyops and how many were real.

The pro trump shit is dumb but he has called a lot of shit

And a broken clock is right twice a day. Make 800 vague predictions a week and occasionally one hits if you manipulate the facts enough? Must be a literal prophet.

It's hard to deny that he nailed the North Korea situation. He has been hinting at the Trump administration's plan since November and said very clearly on March 8th that peace would be achieved on the Korean peninsula. That's a pretty bold claim which has been wrong for 70 years, and suddenly it seems to be falling into place.

Can I have the source that says on March 8th 2018, peace will be achieved on the Korean Peninsula?

This is just a picture from 2017 and a post made the same day.

Do you think I am a fool?

Stop trolling

"Thank you Kim. Deal made. Clowns out. Strings cut. We took control. Iran next. Q"

Obviously this is what I was referring to. And that "just a picture" appears to be taken from Air Force One during Trump's Asia visit. I'm not trolling.

The strong backlash against it, like you see in this post, give it more credibility IMO. Mention Q anywhere around here and watch the downvotes pour in.

Indeed. On a conspiracy forum you'd think it would be appreciated.

This is how I realized Islam is the correct religion. Everywhere I went, I said "sharia is a good thing," and the backlash I received was so overwhelming that it proved to me that it must be good, if the shills were working that hard to stop me.

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

Just because it's a "psyop" doesn't mean it's false.

Yes it does. The truth doesn't work through psyops.

“Selected information” does not mean false information. Everything else you’ve said is irrelevant to my comment.

That's like watching an advertisement on TV and saying "I like that product, so it's not really advertising." It doesn't work that way. You approving of the message doesn't change whether or not it's a psychological operation. It's clearly a coordinated campaign of some kind, it is a psychological operation no matter what the truth is to it.

Zach and Caitlin getting into it over Q - https://twitter.com/zachhaller/status/994320529581473792

who is Zach & who is Caitlin, and why should i care?

Independent political commentators who have made a name for themselves in this social sphere. Both are writers, both have youtube channels. They seem to have left-leaning opinions on politics, but both are also against the Democratic Party's anti-progressive corruption and bullshit. Basically, I would say that they're a megaphone for voices who like Bernie Sanders but hate the Democrats.

Well you know if everyone on here agrees then there has to be more to it because the $h1LL$ on here downvote everything to hell, but they agree on this.

Exactly hahaha

Good point.

I've not followed Q's posts, but he'd have us believe that Trump is working against the deep state. Well, if that's the case, why wouldn't he just level with all the American people about it? Is he trying to convince the deep state people that he's on their side? I think the main problem with the deep state is the secrecy and lies. They do their own thing for their own reasons. We can't trust anything the government or media says. Even if Trump orchestrated some kind of secret coup within the deep state so that we have new leadership, would we even know it? And would it even matter if the new guys operate with the same kind of cloak and dagger secrecy as the old guys? What even is the point?

I've not followed Q's posts.

That's why you don't understand it.

Care to elaborate even a little bit?

Enlighten us? I try to follow Q but they communicate in such a vague and frustrating way. If he's go something to say, just say it clearly.

I've been saying this Q shit is an intelligence agency psyop for quite some time. It provides false hope to his followers, and injects a partisan/pro trump bias. Some of the goofiest shit I've ever seen, hopefully it's been exposed.

How do we know the whistleblower isnt a psyop? Reddit founder Alexis O was a consultant for Stratfor. You can read his emails on Wikileaks. Now you can watch Alexis on the hit Home Box Office tv show “Being Serena” where he puts a snoo sticker on his apple macbook. Reddit is a psyop. You have no clue if behind any username there is an actual human.

There is far more evidence to show that Q is a psyop (a myriad of false predictions), than there is to support it as legit.

Show us...

lol @ you getting downvotes for asking to backup claims and promoting a source driven community.

The problem with a source driven community when it comes to conspiracy is that you no longer have any room for productive conspiracy theory and research because sources are driven by source holders and the source holders are likely some of the people conspiracy theorists are highly suspicious about. Sources can be manipulated before being published. And much of the time, sources are withheld completely, either by the conspirators, or for financial/legal reasons. So it doesn't make sense at all for a conspiracy sub to be "source driven". That would be pointless.

Finally someone says some actual logic reasoning when it comes to sources. Thank you for pointing this out I wish more ppl understood this.

I've seen a myriad of accurate predictions from Q. And very few (if any) false predictions.

For you to make that cavalier comment tells me that 1) You haven't been falling Q closely or 2) You're a shill.

Probably #1 honestly. Most people just dismissed it as a LARP probably because actual shills were saying that.

We will know soon enough.

Q just posted a picture with a White House seal and a $500 pen

Shit is getting interesting.

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I went to your site, scrolled back to mid april, and didn’t see a single prediction, let alone an accurate prediction. Can you point me to a list of actual predictions?

Good luck, I've been asking for ages and then I never get a reply

There arent any. I was checking out Qs first posts a couple days ago and the dude got his start by predicting Hillary would be arrested in October 2017. So that didnt happen. Hes also said that Obama lawyered up. Hes talked about Hillary and Huma countless times and always suggests something big was about to happen.

Q has left over 1300 long comments and hes basically talked about everything a huge Trump supporter would think or care about. Hes left cryptic questions about everything from North Korea to Epstein island, to Weiners laptop, etc. So if literally anything happens at this point, his followers can say "woaaaah Q mentioned this 3 months ago. Future proves past bro!"

So thats all it takes. I've been following this for months now and I find the whole thing fascinating. It seems that a lot of people drawn to the movement are older and seemingly lonely. I was surprised that the Q livestream on YouTube had so many people over 40. Some are 60-70. All of them are happy to spend up to 12 hours a day talking about Q posts and anything else good for Trump in the news.

I think this is why cults are a thing. Once people find a sense of community, they are able to do serious mental gymnastics to protect that community.

I was surprised that the Q livestream on YouTube had so many people over 40. Some are 60-70. All of them are happy to spend up to 12 hours a day talking about Q posts and anything else good for Trump in the news.

I have also noticed this. This Q thing is false hope for boomers and retards. Nice catch though.

Beep boop, no human here

Most of the people spreading this poorly thrown together theories are already robots, programmed to divide and conquer, and suppress free thought. You hit the nail on the head with this reply!

Was Serena a male dude previously ?

ya, her sister venus too. just lol at those dudes dominating women's tennis for 15 years

You know CBTS was for sure, CBT Stormythat is

I had a hunch that CBTS and Great Awakening were also projects run by shills that reinforced the concept and helped "beef it up". Astroturfing is at THAT level now folks.

I just unsubscribed from r/greatawakening because all of the topics were filled with comments from idiots who seemed to be thirsty for war with Iran. What kind of conspiracy-minded folks could be compelled to cheer on the military industrial complex like that? Gross.

Boomers! They deserve to be mocked and ridiculed for believing in something that's so blatantly obvious to be utter bs.

Q gives a vague statement, Boomers immediately jump to some weird conclusions. They see an analog clock and immediately go "omg it's in q shape".

Most of the things Q has ever said can mean bunch of random shit, but they fucking cling and present it as some enlightened knowledge.

They should've stayed home and stayed out of the internet, they just aren't fit for this.

RemindMe! 24 hours "Check if u/aewass deletes comment in shame"

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Beep boop...

Boomers! They deserve to be mocked and ridiculed for believing in something that's so blatantly obvious to be utter bs.

They should've stayed home and stayed out of the internet, they just aren't fit for this.

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Well if that's true, they screwed themselves bringing everyone together and making an information railway. I disagree with this whole analogy

Dismount that high horse sir.

Remain sceptical, which you should have been this entire time.

I'm not taking some anonymous message sent to a YouTuber as proof of anything, and neither should you.

Yeah people though 4chan is where someone would go to leak actual things vs herding the cattle into controllable conspiracy.

Like seriously. When a real person wants to leak they dont do it on the place that has been nothing but larps for over a decade.

There have been legit 4chan leaks before, like the plot to the new Godzilla movie and literally every detail about the last few Pokemon games.

Yup this is a sophisticated online propaganda operation and has worked to perfection. They have Trump supporters backing policies and actions they were vehemently opposed to a year ago.Their whole movement has basically been Co-opted into an establishment wall street/neoconservative agenda and they are still yelling "trust the plan" to anybody that dares to have independent thoughts.

Welp, glad that's resolved.


It's a joke toastyfart. Don't freak out.

Do you really consider me asking if it was sarcastic would entail me freaking out?

There's a lot of concern trolling so I do apologize if some sarcasm flies over my head.

oh is that what the /s means? sorry I'm not up to date on all the internet lingo. I thought it meant shaking, short for shaking my head. I know who you are, so I don't need any convincing as far as your credentials.

/s = sarcasm so that it doesn't fly over people's heads smh = shake my head ( in disappointment )

Not a familiar user name in this comment section, that isn't in the negative.

Very good observation.

No room for discussion, just outright dismissal because a youtuber who makes money selling tshirts to "conspiracy theorists" gets an email admitting to said random youtuber that Q is fake.

Lol. The fact that this is the "final straw" for people is telling.

We can't know until we know. These "people" are way too overconfident.

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Like Kachina dolls there are nested psyops.

If you are playing the game, you have to doubt your every step.

Is this what they want you to know, or would they rather you didn't know? Do the people that tell you what you want to hear actually want to mislead you? Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy?

If you start down the trail with your hopes and wishes ahead of your doubts and hesitations, you may be sidelined.

But everything that crops up reflects something. Like a dazzling reflection when the sun is half set on a complex lake and shoreline, you have to guess where the shore begins and the water stops.

Shill debunks other shill to get traffic. Shillception. Real whistleblowers don't operate under convenient YouTube videos titled "WHISTLEBLOWER" "INSIDER" "EX-" "FORMER". They get buried and you never hear about them. If you hear about a whistleblower it is because someone wants you to.

Somebody gets it...thank God.

I like how all these YouTube operators/intelligence agents that are "exposing Q" all followed him until his message didn't fit their narrative anymore, and they all come out to claim it's fake. Yet the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency links and "donate" links all seem to be legitimate on these guys channels?!? Click bait? Pay for play? Who's really playing with the minds of hopeful Americans here, just to cash in.

Ohh wait...didn't Q post saying people would come forward to make a profit from this in someway...nahhh that would be a catch 22 and actually prove his prediction's true, which would negate this whole thread.

r/con: listen to some schizophrenic kids rubbish claims vs ignore everything else

The moment I heard of Q and read his material, it was painfully obvious he was a LARP or hypothetically a pysop of one sort or another. I'm not sure I trust the guy in OP's video either. He could be a LARP himself. Just saying: Don't believe everything you read or hear on the Internet.

Source is supposedly text, why post video?

Ohh man, some channel on YouTube with a poorly edited video, telling you Q is fake because a "whistleblower"knows better, is much more convincing then the next rando psychologically weak guy with a poor sourced comment about how Q is fake, because a "whistleblower" said it. All the proof I needed. 😏

Maybe people should be posting this link to investigate the veracity of this blowers comments, and maybe prove this person actually even has access to a proverbial "whistle" to begin blowing.

If you believed early on, but gave up because you couldn't hack the suspense, can you still feel self righteous about your comments bashing people who still do? Weren't you just one of those people? Lol be a real patriot, a real American, and lift someone up who's faith is being tested, in whatever he might believe.

its called "Q" after the character Q famously depicted in star trek implying layers of manipulation over the entranced masses,the question is why would the government what me to think that and what additional psych warfare methods where used in mentioned tv show.

Lol this sub is so shit now.

Q is legit. Trump is literally posting the same shit. He has insider photos. The people discrediting Q are the psyop shits like Corsi and Alex Jones.

An insider.... running a psypop.

Nah. The concerted effort to discredit him and the fact that he’s been right so much leads me to believe not a larp.

. Q is called Q because of JFKs grave. TPTB are fucked.

What "concerted effort"? A couple youtube videos? Couldnt you say that about anything? "The concerted effort to demonize Hillary Clinton is what makes me sure she's an agent of good." See how easy/stupid that is?

You are the concerted effort. See you concentrating and putting effort into denying it. You’re on a conspiracy sub to deny conspiracies. Seems sketchy. We don’t even put this much effort into denying flat earth (probs a bad call on our part, but makes people like you so easy to spot!)

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Well if logging in every few days and spending 10 minutes making a few comments is "effort" then i guess you got me. What a keen keen eye you have.

One guy is going to take down TPTB? The majority of America doesn't even know about this guy's postings. It's just people like us talking about it.

It’s not one person, it’s a group. R/greatawakening. There’s over 1300 posts from over a year. Has predicted many things. All the US congresspeople not running for reeeection are caught in the sting. It’s some 40 repubs and 20 dems atm. 20k sealed indictments and rising.

Noone here has a single thought for themselves anymore or they would do some research to see all of the markers that Q has used to verify his info.

I dont rely on markers. I rely on highly manipulated upvoted comments on Reddit to tell the real story.

Downvoting you because you know the truth.

I will trust the anons from the chans who dedicate their time to research all the stuff over some kind of liberal Reddit kids any day.

Don’t let them divide us up. We the people. Together. Reddit is easier to manipulate because of upvotes and it shows. Hate the manipulators not the manipulated.

Nah, the deniers are shills being paid to prevent real users of the sub from investigating. It’s all there plain as day to anyone who wants to see for themselves. Imo the Chinese island photo from AF1 was the giveaway for me.

Q predicted NK peace, some dudes dads assassination, and more.

Q group are the patriots who never stopped questioning JFKs assassination. While we all went along like sheep they kept fighting and waited for the right time, that time is now. They got greedy and it got too big. Some people with a conscience got caught up in it. WL leaked it all, we figured it out so well they had to shut us down. And now they’re trying to suppress us.

you really wanted to believe

I don't care as long as pedophiles get rounded up

Ugh, this guy is unlistenable. Any other links?

If it is a psyop, which I suspect, it's well done and clearly Trump himself has to be involved. For instance, remember his "top tippy top" condition remark? I often wonder if Q is just "hope porn" and if the stage will ever be set for the arrests and exposure we yearn for.

Whistleblower? Hahahah.

Psyop or not a Psyop? Does it really matter? Look how it has brought people together. Look how it has brought us to using our brains to think and to not believe what they just tell us. Look how it has informed the public to all the corruption around us. Look how it made us go digging for truth and to share it with others. You see, there is some good in everything.

Anyone who's been deep into the Q thing and are starting to shake off that matrix should probably read the Illuminatus! Trilogy. It'll push you to the next level of "woke"... or drive you insane.

I have been saying "Q" is Assange. It was proven that Assange was Pro GOP in this election, it was proven that Assange/Wikileaks servers were in Moscow and there are coincidences that I think show something with him is tied to "Q".

Pro GOP and anti-corruption were the same thing this last election.

Large companies funneling huge amounts of cash into Trump's personal lawyer's shell corporations to buy access to the president??? That's anti-corruption to you?

When the blue goose

Flies at midnight

Angela Merkel’s disjointed cankles

347.72 - 12 = 5

Trump will win

Shiver me timbers

Potato 🥔

Spread this message


who is Zach & who is Caitlin, and why should i care?

Trusting a schizophrenic...21st century logic.