Its beginning to appear that Iran didn't fire at Israel's forward base in Syria. It seems Israel has launched practice missiles at their David's sling air defense to blame on Iran.

1  2018-05-11 by showmeurboobsplznthx

I think we were right about Israel using false flags to step up the situation to manufacturer consent for war. With the embassy in Jerusalem opening on the 14th and ivanka kushner going there, be ready for a major operation false flag against Ivanka and Kushner to force America to fight Israel's. Netanyahu needs a boost for his elections June 25.

Anyone find proof it was Iran?


I don't think there is an upcoming election in Israel. Are you sure about that? The next election is Nov. 2019 and the most recent proposal for early elections was defeated.

netenyahoo was under investigation for bribery and a whole host of other crimes that were poised to have him impeached and possibly even jailed.

I remember hearing that he was recommended for prosecution by the IG, on corruption charges, but they said the same thing happened to him in the 90's and here we are.

This has been Netanyahu's plan and why Israel is forcing Iran to defend itself and its ally. If not for Israel and Saudi, the Persians and baath would not be friends...Netanyahu will call early elections by the 14th

May he will and maybe he won't. I'm not defending Netanyahu's actions and his intentions are surely corrupt. But OP shouldn't be spouting BS about early elections in June, since that tends to cloud the argument. Even if early elections are called soon (and that's a big if), they won't happen in June.

Well. The media said it. So no I don't think we will find proof of Iran doing jack. We might find some of our weapons in terrorist hands tho

Netanyahu is stirring up as much shit as possible before he is jailed on the lingering corruption charges.

It's almost as if he's screaming like a little girl before going to jail.

We don't want to see what happens when Bee-Bee feels it's time to break her toys.

They're not going to arrest Net and Yahoo. They just gave him unlimited war powers last week.

He’ll get a noble peace prize before he goes to jail.

If the US is the only vote required. Yes.

He's calling early elections june 25th so his party can rule the 3 bodies and dismiss his charges bc of a state of war. The likud is good for unethical Zionism but bad for Israel. There is going to be a false flag while kushner and Ivanka are there for the embassy opening... This will force America into war and give Netanyahu unwavering support and power. All a part of Trump Netanyahu collusion. Why would the people who hacked JCPOA democrats work for Cambridge Analytica of it was Russia??? Hmmm

There is going to be a false flag while kushner and Ivanka are there for the embassy opening

If they manage to get Ivanka then Trump will go insane, utterly insane, and everything will be on the table.

A Syrian politician says it was them who fired the missiles in the Golan heights

Check out the sticky on the front page for more info

the early reports i saw, was that they were fired in response to Israeli artillery firing on , or near Damascus.

im not sure if israel has artillery stationed in golan, or if there would even be any way to prove that shots were fired out of the golan, i don't even know if they have anti-artillery radars stationed in the country (those russian s400s are pretty impressive, but unsure if they are capable)

It's a tweet from a Syrian official.

I don't think Israel is controlling him.

Was it the official, or someone pretending to be him?

It was actually him.

wake up


why did you downvote me

Because you said "wake up" with no context and it comes off douchie? Just a guess

I didn't.

Well, that's not new

didn't guys from iran say they did it, or did msm lie to me as usual

Iran has denied it saying they are after Isis and western mercenaries tearing Syria apart...

The Syrian Army took credit for it the day after.

i googled that and not finding the proof, not saying it's a lie but can you help me out?

Find my other posts in this thread. Wall of text, lots of links. Can't miss it

already blocked him he was spreadin disinfo

Oh, well sorry to pester. His reply seemed a shitty way for the exchange to end when a perma link or copy/paste is so easy to do.

I know this is going to be an extremely popular opinion on here but I don't think Israel is the one pulling the strings. I think they are more than welcome to go along with whatever us and Saudi Arabia tell them. Especially when it has to do with Iran and getting something other than Netanyahu Corruption probes out of the news. And this Iran deal really has absolutely nothing to do with Israel, it has to do with Big Oil not wanting the Petro yuan to go through and is us wanting to keep Saudi Arabia as the top dog in the region. Israel will never hold the power that SA does in that area and we need SA more than ever now that Russia and China have aligned with Iran in this oil fight.

Israel is a bigger influence. That's why kushner went to Israel them Saudi before the purge. Then Salman made alliance with Israel and three next day America raised Saudi military aid almost a billion..

I mean, the article kind of backs my point if you ask me. Part of the reason I just don't see Israel with as much power as you think is the way Obama treated Netanyahu and Israel as a whole. He constantly stabbed Netanyahu in policy making, had an awful relationship with him, from his own choosing and was spying on them because they were using back channels to try and kill the Iran deal. I and guarantee that all of the ppl they were talking to were GOP because most GOP are anti Iran. Since Netanyahu/politicians were breaking diplomatic protocol, so did Obama.

And I could say that the reason Kushner went to Israel was to let them know what the Trump admin felt about the UN vote on Israeli settlements, but also what the plan was with SA, the Iran deal, etc... and that we need them to back it. Don't get me wrong, I know Israel has influence over policy making and politicians bc they donate a shit ton of money. I just think that Big Oil, who is joined with SA at the hip, is a bigger factor in global policies.

All valid points. Money is the global good now.

Breaking this deal may shift global alliances in some crazy ways, and have to say that I am worried about it. Us playing hardball with a country like N Korea, who has really been left behind by their allies, is one thing. Playing hard ball with one of the lynch pins in the future of Russia and China's economy is another. I seriously give Trump all the props in the world for getting them to the table. It's just looking at what China has going on, Silk Road, Petro yuan, booming economy, MASSIVE infrastructure projects, developing Africa relations, massive mining projects, I could go on and on, they really don't need shit from NK anymore.

US is counting on their manipulated markets like it'll last forever...

What?! No! Israel would never do such a thing!


Israel occupies a territory and then cries to the US when they are attacked. Is it not enough that we fight endless wars on their behalf?

Why did our government agree to send that little nation $38 Billion of our hard-earned tax dollars to those criminals? WTF are they even doing with all of that and what do we get in return? 9/11? ISIS?

Are there any good videos that go into detail why the US caters to Israel? We give them money, we fight their wars. What's in it for us?

Fewer wars.

Military industrial complex spending. Almost all that money comes back at spending for Northrop Grumman and the like

I wouldn't call it agreeing as much as being forced. If Israel wants something the US has no choice but to hand it over.

Americans have permitted the purchase of their money supply, the news media and their politicians by a distinctly un-American political ideology.

If anyone thinks that the Crusades are a part of history, they only have to look at Israel and the United States to understand that Crusading is still part of humanity.

They all have healthcare and free college because of America and Americans are dying from not affording healthcare. Its insane.

I doubt most people here are interested in finding proof it was Iran when it obviously wasn't

So better not fact check lol what happened to this place

Even if it was Iran, Isreal has been attacking them in Syria; it's not unprovoked, just the normal retaliation.

I thought everyone knew this, but then again, western MSM is at it again. I follow a a couple Syrian reporters and journalists on twitter, and was getting info from them as it happened.

To start from the beginning, a couple of days before Trump backed out of the nuclear deal, Iran said that there would be grave consequences if the US were to back out of the nuclear deal. Something along those lines.

Fast forward to the day Trump did the stupid thing that he did, Israel said it was detecting strange Iranian activity in Syria. An hour later, they announced that they were setting up the bomb shelters. Then they start bombing Syrian, not Iranian, military bases, military airports, and weapons storage buildings.

Syria retaliates with about 10 missiles at Golan Heights. The Syrian side then warns that any further aggression will be met with more retaliation. Of course, Israel didn't stop. Syria used about 50 missiles. They admitted to losing some important tech afterwards. But they also stopped most of the missiles before they hit the ground. Israel on the other hand suffered more losses. The Iron Dome didn't really stop much. There's video footage of the missiles of both sides to support this.

Now, it's pretty clear that Israel did the thing they usually do and set everything up so they could play the victim. Especially with the bomb shelter thing. Israel as an apartheid state has been backed into a corner with Bashar's huge victories against the terrorists and Hezbollah's big win in the Lebanese elections and the only way they know how to deal with it now is to provoke their enemies into a war. But, they kinda know they can't. It's a war that will bring about their end. Just depends on how crazy Netanyahu is, since he can declare war just by consulting one guy now.


Hey I would def be interested in seeing any vids you have

This is the thread that has most, if not all the info I posted. You're free to see his other stuff to decide if he's credible or not. This applies to the other journalists I link or mention. Note that he isn't the only one saying this stuff, Al Mayadeen TV and Muraselon's website covered all these points the following day.

Another source stating that it was the Syrian Army that retaliated

Video of Syrian Army's first retaliatory missiles being launched

Video of Syrian Air Defense destroying Israel's missiles

Another video of Israel's missiles getting destroyed taken from this website

The video title translates to "The Syrian Air Defense destroys Israeli Missiles over Damascus Countryside" just like the title of the article it came from. I can translate the more audible parts of the video too.

Yet another video of Syrian Air Defense in action filmed by a Syrian resident

Video of Israeli Iron Dome failing to intercept a Syrian Missile

Also Muraselon talking about the losses on the Syrian side

Another Syrian journalist confirming the info in an interview

Scroll around these guys' twitter accounts and the website and you'll find a couple more videos taken during all the chaos. Hope this clears up any doubts. I really recommend keeping up with these guys for live Syrian coverage, especially Danny Mekki. Marwa Osman is also good, James Corbett brought her on for an episode. Partisan Girl is so good MSM gave her the russian bot medal. And I'm sure you've all heard of Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett. Just a couple of people to get more angles on Syria related news.

Israel is attacking Syria, and Iran's military presence in Syria. Then, when Syria and Iran try to fight back, Israel acts as if they are victims. Am I missing something?

The Jew cries out as he attacks you.

I don't like that tone.

I believe that this sub predicted a false flag attack fabricated by Israel to justify attacking Syria.

that guy who was saying hes the messiah talked about this. How satanists are experts at baiting people to act first so they can act in self defense. He said they do this to avoid the bad karma associated with the act.

Similar to how many elites undertake the obligation to always tell you what they're going to do before they do it (however obscurely). Then when they fk you over and you protest, they can whip around and say, "Well you were warned. I'm not your guardian angel. You have to look after yourself!"

A rule can be applied here, forever going forward to help with this and every issue: the Israelis always lie. Every time.

I disagree. There are good Israelis who are progressive. My family is this way. The problem is the bad kind of zionist win by lying killing and tricking. W just need to remove the bad conservative Zionist who have screwed the Zionist founders vision of an Israel with all 3 religions practicing and respecting cultures. It was hijacked by a guy named Ha'am that Jewish culture must win and be the only one.

Lol David’s sling. As if Israel is David and Syria is Goliath? This fucking country is something else.

Davids sling is a 3 stage system for far mid and near interaction. The attacks from Syria just so happens to mathematically be in the near mid zone that the system has trouble with. Its what rafael has had extreme trouble with. It was magic wand (crazy for a Jewish state to use sorcery as a name) before and was later ddavids sling after the icbm capability. Iron dome works with davids sling but the ibtegration has had trouble. When israel was working on this in 2008 to 2013, they were testing a lot. That's when a lot of Palestinian rockets hit empty fields. What we found was these rockets were tests from Rafael Raytheon blamed on Palestine as faulty systems are bad for investment. When Pakistan's ISI released this info, they were sanctioned by America until it was removed. By using the isi data and Raytheon data, you can layer the tests, attacks, and times. They are all the same. During this time, Israel built loads of invasion outposts they call settlements.

the early reports i saw, was that they were fired in response to Israeli artillery firing on , or near Damascus.

im not sure if israel has artillery stationed in golan, or if there would even be any way to prove that shots were fired out of the golan, i don't even know if they have anti-artillery radars stationed in the country (those russian s400s are pretty impressive, but unsure if they are capable)