Democracy is Stockholm syndrome.

1  2018-05-11 by RMFN

We are led to believe though state indoctrination that we have a say in how the state functions. This is false. We are led by the Fabian Wolf. We are given a dialectic, two choices chosen by the same hand. Left and right, same body. Representative Democracy such as the one in the united states are instated to appease people into thinking they have a decision making power through discourse and democratic process. This is a facade used by all authoritarian beurocracies thoroughout history. We are the courtiers called to Versallies by Lois. Not so that we may govern more effectively. So that we can be controlled.

Voting for a leader is weak. It only shows that the person with the slimiest tongue can rise to the top. It ensures no true merit. A leader must not be chosen by the people. A leader must be chosen by their deeds. The only divine force that can be seen and easily explained in the material realm is that of victory. The concept of victory houses within it a Calvinist predetermination that echoes of primitivism and superstition. But is that truly the case? I would argue that victory in all forms is in fact divine. (Not to be mistaken with divinely influenced.) A person who is a victor in a competition, for instance arm wrestling, is the winner. In such a situation there is either a winner or a loser. The winner wins. This bestows them with the grace of the goddess Nike. From earliest times contest has determined kingship. We must return to what has always worked. "Modern" methods of selecting sovereigns have allowed money to seep into politics. This is the great fault of our time. What system elevates money from how a leader is chosen?


In Frazier's mandatory reading, The Golden Bough, he describes the legend of the, Rex Nemorensis, or King of the Wood. This person was the high priest of Diana; from Wikipedia, which actually has a phenomenal small segment on this

"The priesthood of Diana at Nemi was held by a person who obtained that honour by slaying the prior incumbent in a trial by combat, and who could remain at the post only so long as he successfully defended his position against all challengers. However, a successful candidate had first to test his mettle by plucking a golden bough from one of the trees in the sacred grove.

The human sacrifice conducted at Nemi was thought to be highly unusual by the ancients. Suetonius mentions it as an example of the moral failings of Caligula. Strabo calls it Scythian, implying that he found it barbaric. The violent character of this singular institution could barely be justified by reference to its great antiquity and mythological sanctity. The ancient sources also appear to concur that an escaped slave who seeks refuge in this uneasy office is likely to be a desperate man."

"Those trees in whose dim shadow

The ghastly priest doth reign

The priest who slew the slayer,

And shall himself be slain"

In this legend any person may rise to the top of that particular priesthood through deed alone, plucking the bough, and slaying the sitting King.

We must transcend our slavery. Anarcho monarchist principals can produce a state in which any individual is equal, even to the king. Every individual has the opportunity to become king. Through the yearly round robin of arm wrestling and competitive slam poetry. We must free ourselves from the Stockholm syndrome of democracy. It is up to us to take control of the future.


We live in a republic not a democracy.

Can you define an anarcho monarchy?

Isn't a republic a representative democracy?

A democracy would be all of us voting on everything.

A democratic republic is us voting for people to vote on our behalf.

Can you explain an anarcho monarchy in any detail?

So I was right in my op? Thanks, I know.

Anarcho monarchism is a system of anarcho monarchy that has a king who oversees judiciary functions to ensure contractual disputes have a central mediator. The central problem in more traditional forms of anarchy is that there is no way to ensure the security kg contracts, property rights, and therefor the state.

The King is chosen through victory, a yearly round robin of arm wrestling and competitive slam poetry.

Oh youre trolling.

Sorry I must be slipping.

Carry on.

Oh youre trolling.

Oh, lol? My political ideology is "trolling". Lol kindly go straw man yourself.

Im pretty sure I could beat you in an arm wrestling contest therefore your opinion is invalid.

That's why the arm wrestling is coupled with slam poetry. Masculine and feminine are valued equally in anarcho monarchism. Someone can lose the arm wrestling and make up their points spitting fire to come out on top.

I can outslam you also, your point is doubly invalid.


You can slam me?

Mother fuck, that's something I'd like to see.

You think you're fine but you're loving rent free on my dime.

Question anarcho monarchism?

Quit spittin that sime!

Anarcho monarchism is my tism.

You think you can best the King monkey?

You got nothing..

We got victories, signified by the apples of Hesperides.

What do you got? No fides. Just malaise.

This is an actual user that the mods value enough to have in their secret conclave where they plan out how they're going to run this sub and who they want to allow in it. This is real life.

You don't like my rhymes??

What silence? You don't have any rhymes? That's what I thought.

Soooo... you're suggesting what, exactly?

Freedom from our Hegelian overlords.

That's an idea, not a course of action. You went on about how voting is bad, but then also said that leaders should be selected through competition. Last time i checked an election is a form of competition.

? Yes election is a "from" of competition. A perverted and degenerated form. What merit must a person have to compete besides the backing of billionaires in a democracy? A true leader and a true competition to choose one would require innate skills of statecraft to succeed. Not just the backing of the "media".

Really if voting is such a bad thing, for individuals why have the conservatives/Republicans spent years denying the voting rights of millions of citizens.

Looks like the oligarchs have only achieved power by denying the idea of self direction.

Voting does not work under conditions where propaganda is legal.

Democracy in theory is the best government it's how it's used that is the problem

Bs. Monarchy on paper is the best. Some monarchies have lasted thousands of years undisturbed. No democracy has ever made it past four hundred.

A lot of people fall blindly for the right and left divide seeing each system as an utopian version of itself but they don't realize just how corrupt the systems are. They barely have anything that looks like a meritocracy in them and like you said, if you have enough money you can make it to the top. Merit should be the biggest determining factor in reaching political power.

Thank you for reading my words and finding truth. So many here are unable to see past their own preconceived vision of the world.

Until we have true leaders we must lead ourselves.

Money, as an abstraction of power, is the evidence of victory.

If you're going to equate victory (in any meaningful sense) with divine right, then you have to face the fact that those with huge amounts of money are, de facto, victorious, and (by the axiom you have set up here) doing the will of God. This is just a form of Calvinism or prosperity theology.

Long ago you and I had a brief discussion about democracy, how it doesn't really exist. I still hold that view: we don't live in a democracy, just the clever facsimile of one.

But if monarchy is the natural and best form of leadership, who is to say that we don't already live in a monarchy, just one that is disguised to relieve the democratic anxieties of the hoi polloi? That all of the political machinations that are studied on this sub (and others you and I read) are simply the operations of a divinely-ordained ruling elite? Just one that you aren't a member of?

What if Leibniz was correct, that we really are living in the best of all possible worlds?

I don't know about you. But I am definitely a member of the ruling elite.

Thank you for reading my words and finding truth. So many here are unable to see past their own preconceived vision of the world.

Until we have true leaders we must lead ourselves.