The UN nuclear leader just quit. I bet he was threatened to find nukes in Iran but didn't want to and didn't want to be killed.

1  2018-05-11 by showmeurboobsplznthx

I bet Trump Putin and Netanyahu colluded to get trump in office. Russia will have sanctions dropped Israel gets a war and the middle east is finalized with Iran and Syria falling. I wonder who threatened this guy, America Israel or Russia? The UN will find nukes in Iran in less than two weeks or a false flag nuke will happen...


Is it really that hard to believe the American people elected Trump? That they were sick of liberal insanity and Obama's weakness? We are probably gonna go to war with Iran and it's about goddam time. Ayatollah is a dangerous dictator who has destroyed his own country and he needs to be taken out.

They only see what they want to see....

Wait so you guys are pro war now?

No, but war is pretty much inevitable at this point and it's best to just cut the head off the snake before it has a chance to strike.

Why is it inevitable? The only thing that has changed is the US backing out of the agreement.

Because now Iran is going to try to build nukes and it's a much different situation than NOKO. The problem would be resolved if Russia cut ties with Iran and joined us in sanctioning the shit out of them. Iran isn't really even the same country it was 50 years ago and it's sad how much it's changed. Iranians are a beautiful people and it's not the residents I hate, it's their Islamic government.

They're not going to stop until their government is dismantled and rebuilt.

Believe me, id love to see Trump make some sweet deal but I doubt it would happen because ayatollahs government is just too evil.

Cool story but everything was fine with no war so why push for it now? You seem to have bought into the neocon lies and it is sad to see, the only country who really wants an iran war is israel, it does not affect the US, yet here you are defending the chance to fight another war on israels behalf.

Everything was fine, if you consider the ticking time bomb of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East to be fine because there’s still 8 years on the clock

Gosh it is almost like the US should have made a deal to monitor and oversee all nuclear activity they were doing. God tou guys are fucking stupid, fall for it every single time, you deserve it, enjoy paying for another pointless war all for your real leader israel

We aren’t going to war with Iran though. We are just going to let Israel bomb their nuclear program into the stone age and sanction them until their government collapses or makes a deal.

You just watched trump so the same thing with North Korea.

Israel can't do shit without the US money and help, keep wishing america won't get dragged in to do the dirty work

Israel has the f 35. Iran can’t touch it.

Even if we have bomb Iran I’m fine with it.

Ofcourse you are, your loyalties lie with israel, not the US' well being

How does preventing Iran, a country who’s parliament chants “death to America”, from getting a nuke, hurt America’s well being?

The F35 lacks the range to get to Iran. I would need refueling by decidedly non stealthy jets. And even then if it is to carry the weapons in an internal stealthy configuration its weapons layout would be extremely limited. They also have only 9 jets.

Moreover, Iran's nuclear program is literally built into mountains and distributed around Iran.

Israel cannot reliably deliver sufficient bunker busters to do significant damage to damage their nuclear capability through conventional means in any meaningful way.

Even the US would struggle to knock out Iran's nuclear program from the air alone.

The whole war with Iran is people asking for a costly clusterfck because clearly Iraq was not enough and we want an even bigger clusterfck because Trump and Bibi are crooked morons.

Israel cannot, on its own, and limiting itself to conventional weapons do real meaningful damage to Iran's nuclear program which is widely scattered throughout Iran in underground mountain bunkers.

Iran is a huge country... and not that close to Israel. Iraq was closer, Osirak was not re-enforced and even that attack did not significantly harm Iraq's program long term...

And yet the US didn't make the deal, if they had it would have been a proper treaty. Not some agreement king Obama and his admin decided was good for all peasants.

It does affect us. They want to nuke us so why would we want to allow them to get their hands on them? They're literally burning US flags in their government buildings chanting death to America. If they get nukes why wouldn't we want to go to war with them?

Do you really think that war with Iran is really going to solve anything at all do did you come here with bad intentions.

wow theyre burning our flags? meanwhile israel has attacked their interests for many years now with our support...

lets keep threatening countries with missle strikes and tactical nukes...thats the perfect way to get countries to lean our way and away from russia...fucking idiots.

what neo con website are you getting your news from?

So are we going to kill Netanyahu or disable the US military? Israel is the serpent in this scenario (and us by proxy).

Lmao trump said we aren't going to war. Pedes sang its about time to let them figure it out themselves. Trump gets us close to war Pedes say its about time trump goes to war. TF.... I thinkbits more that Pedes don't want to except trump is Netanyahu bitch and is a crowd pleaser not a president... Just Google black cube Cambridge Analytica. Israel played Pedes and now y'all support war. Go kekistan.

Trump didnt get us close to war. Ayatollah is the one who is causing it and we will respond accordingly... with fire and fury ;)

Ayatollah is causing it by keeping to the deal which had been working out for everyone with no war thus far? Congrats on being bibis bitch, i'm sure you will be first in line to fight another war on his behalf, be sure to send us some photos in your uniform risking your life for the greater israel project

The Iranian government burned a US flag in their parliament chanting death to America. If they had nukes we would certainly be a target. How is this not a concern?

Maybe they don't want to end up like their neighbors. Freedomized® by American, British, and Israeli business interests. Y'know. The only group in the world that's ever actually nuked a metropolitan civilian population. Twice.

Pakistan does the same shit yet the US is fine, no one is dumb enough to start a nuclear war. It is a deterrent, which is justified considering just how bad some are frothing at the mouth to bomb iran. Anyone who supports a war with iran is a neocon puppet

So we should just let them build nukes and then drop them? Okay.

You seem to be ignoring all logic, iran is not dropping a nuclear bomb on anyone as it would mean mutual destruction. Pakistan has nuclear bombs and they aint doing shit, you are just justifying another war for some ulterior motives.

I don't think Iran care about MAD. That's what makes them so dangerous. They will stop at nothing to destroy the US and Israel.

Iran and Syria are fighting Isis an aq. By attacking Iran and Syria, you are helping isis Al qaeda, The Muslims Pedes hate. Why do you support Isis?

Because Iran wants to Nuke Israel and the US and Iran also sponsors other terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.

Iran doesn't want to nuke Israel. I'm sure sone Iranians do, just as some Israelis want to nuke Iran and America too. You know jews hate Christians and muslims equally right? They believe Christians and muslims follow false prophets, which is punishable by death. Iran knows if they attack Israel, the US and Europe will destroy Iran. Would you kill someone if you know that you and your family would be killed because of it?

Iran is joining the EU and using the Euro. This hurts the US dollar which hurts Saudi and Israel too. Add in Netanyahu about to be removed and that's why This is happening. Iran surpassed Israel in biomed and other tech which is driving investors to them... Israel doesn't like to lose. Also, Israel wants Damascus bc that's where Abraham settled with Isaac and Jacob...

The bedrock of America is freedom of religion, but that governance must be free of religion... By supporting Iran Israel or Saudi, you are doing the most unamerican thing you can do. Kekk thinks you're a weak loser.

I don't think they really even care because they are religiously motivated, maybe even feel it is their religious duty to nuke Israel. All 3 abrahamic religions have always hated each other.

If they are religiously motivated then why not go to war with saudi arabia aswell? They both follow islam, regardless of sect.

Because crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is trying to secularize SA and they don't want to nuke us.

But if it is a religious war then he would surely ally with iran right? Saudi arabia secularised LMAOOOOO you are fucking hilarious. It is about politics, not religion

Wow that would be great if SA became Secular.

I don't think you could derp harder if you tried. You've reached maximum derp.

How can you believe Trump when he says "we aren't going to war", while at the same time believing he is Net and Yahoo's bitch?

I don't think he believed Trump.

Good. I was just thinking : Do we really believe that the conglomerate of international banking institutions that own the Federal Reserve... don't own Trump and Hillary?

That's not how the Federal Reserve works -- they don't own it, you need to own a share to use the Federal Reserve. The share only lets them do business with the Fed. Central banking is really quite interesting, but I can understand how the complexity gives rise to conspiracy theory.

But yeah, Trump is totally the bitch to a bunch of bankers. Pretty sure Hillary has a leather dominatrix outfit though.

The American people elected Trump because they were sick of establishment politicians in general. Combined with how awful Clinton was, it was the perfect recipe for Trump to win. Having said that, are you really that fucking dense? Your reasoning for illegally invading a country is he exact same reasoning that people with similar mindsets cried out with Iraq and Libya, and continue to do so with Syria and Iran. There are few people in the US who actually give a shit about what people like Assad and the Ayatollah are doing to their countries, and are more concerned with aligning with Israel and Saudi Arabia for money, power, and control over the region.

You think you are bigger and better than “liberal insanity”, but you are just as brainwashed as them in regards to wasting our money and time on yet another pointless conflict while many people in this country are suffering from real problems caused by Obama and currently, president Trump.

If Iran had nukes they'd bomb the US and Israel. They are a problem and a huge sponsor if terrorism. The Iranian government is evil and they want to kill us.

Iran knows the real villain is Israel. They wouldn't do shit to the US if Israel was gone.

Your parody account isn’t convincing, it’s way over the top.

If Iran had nukes they'd bomb the US and Israel.

Is that you, Netanyahu?

They are a problem and a huge sponsor if terrorism.

"Terrorism"? What an overused and abused term that is. In practice, it generally means "anything anyone we don't like does", especially if the accused party is acting to resist the abuses of an overwhelmingly more powerful force (i.e., Palestinians using rocks or kitchen utensils against the IDF)

The Iranian government is evil and they want to kill us.

What a simple-minded and melodramatic thing to say. Such bullshit may terrorize Israeli preschoolers, but it isn't going to fly here, kid.

We’re so good at restoring countries to their former glory once we take out their dangerous dictators... oh wait we cripple and destroy them and leave them in chaos.

Damn T_d cunts leaked over here. Iran doesn't want to destroy the US; they already got fucked multiple times by them and have every reason to hate the US. Secondly, the Irananians have seen the shit the US has done in the middle east and north africa. Nukes give you leverage. Third, you're delusional if you think that Iran will fall easily; throughout their entire history they have been formidable foes and while, it is undoubted the US will win, Iran will fuck the US and its allies. A US-Iranian war will end up as a win for China.

Exactly what happened, no doubt. Astute analysis opie.

/s ?

No, I'm dead serious.

I think it's more likely that the CIA or Mossad have some form of "kompromat" on Tero Varjoranta. They saw him as an obstacle that needed removing, and they threatened to expose him if he didn't step down.

You can tell that Bolton is back, last time he threatened to kill the guy’s kids if they didn’t resign. When Bolton wants war he uses the most ruthless tactics known to man to make it happen.

Sorry, when does Bolton not want war?

What is Bolton’s job besides going on tv for interviews?

Bolton is the scariest kind of ideologue... he wants war at all costs... He is the one who would have been with the airforce generals during the cuban missile crises telling Kennedy to nuke Cuba...

Us that Ramsy Bolton?

Russia works with Assad & Assad works with Iran. This debunks the entire fucking theory.

We will see...

Omg your a genius

Except that they are all actors in a circus for the dumb masses.

You really believe Putin calls the shots in Russia? lol

Care to provide proof he doesn't? Or is this just like your opinion man.

The Dude abides.

If Israel false flag nukes themselves does it really matter

That surely doesn't look good.

Interesting theory. Except it's the fucking UN, who are evil incarnate. They don't care about peace, they care about lining their pockets, starting wars, and establishing one world government.

You spelled US wrong, because UN is a coalation of nations that are all arguing whos side is right. Its a clusterfuck that istn getting anything done. Because if it was, syrian false flag chemical attacks would be investigated first, retaliation by US allowed second.

Tell that to the UN led child rape and sex slave gangs in Haiti, I'm sure it will make them feel better.

Do you even know what UN means? Because UN isnt some magic entity, its a coalitions and alliances of nations who argue their side. For a time UN was heavily funded by US and hence US was the world dominant leader. Now things are changing and US isnt the global leader, and its US 1st policy is laughably arrogant. But moreover UN doesnt work atm you're right. If it did syrian false flag attacks would be dealt with an investigation before a launch of missiles. Perhaps its the role of US funding that plays a part in such system, idk.

Since we dont have a world gov, UNs role is purely to do with war, to do wih world security council in order to avoid ww3, and ww2 level of human life loss and destruction across europe, and if we had a world gov then Un would need to oversee global injustices. But that will only come with the age of AI because managing a huge coalition of nations and different races by people is a huge logistical nightmare, prone to oversight, corruption, inefficiencies, essentially a Bureaucratic hell, and one of the reasons why soviet union collapsed.

So asking UN to do what it isnt designed to do is just ignorance. But since UN is still like most of the world just an agreement to sit at a table, it is as corrupt as the rest of the nations who are a part of it who are corrupted. By money, greed, power, etc. But as a coalition of nations, it at the very min has an open forum to discuss shit, and the reason why syria was not allowed to be conquered like iraq (because iraq didnt have a UN security council sitting together discussing it, because it was a one sided engagement as russia wasnt a part of it)

dont even get these people started. one day they cry that the UN is a disfunctional and incompetent entity that. the next day they claim the UN is sophisticated and orginized enough to trick the entire world that the earth is not flat

Everything you typed is true, in a perfect world. In the real world, the UN is a criminal organization that promotes its own. Look up Edmond Mulet, current head of the OPCW, and you can follow his criminal exploits all the way to the top.

Shit's about to go down. Batten down the hatches! We have about 7 days until something big happens I suspect, I'd be shocked if nothing escalates before the end of May.

So russia won syria in opposition to US after not being able to do anything in iraq because they were still a mess from collapse of soviet union in the 90s, and you think they are a part of US israel jewish conspiracy to rule middle east? Wtf kinda logic is that?

Russia iraqn syria and iraq are all dropping USD, iraq is co sidered a failed state, syria was succesful at deterring US invasion, if iran falls syria will fall as then it will be attacked from three fronts, iraq iran and isreal. Since IRAN is a huge nation, with support of Russia and growing global resentment towards US war efforts, I wouldnt be at all surprised that US will run out of steam internally before they have time to get iran.

The conspiracy here is why this type of 'conspiracy' is being posted. Seeing as it doesnt even fit with the reality of global order atm... Missinformation, i bet its the growing trend accross reddit to paint russia as some greater global evil US has to destroy. Because god forbid their 74billion dollar a year millitary and globally located millitary and thousands of bases should just invade everyone. No wait thats US, russian economy can barely support their syrian, afganistan, and now ukranian war efforts.

As for nukes US pulled out of the agreements everytime. Now they pulled out of the iranian one, whilst israel who has nukes gets away with it, because they are "willing to fund the whole thing".

No what I think will truely happen, is USs next election cycle will get a start of a socialist party or some political congress influx of socialists and they will manage to get a start at deconstructing the stronghold the current military industrial complex has over the system. No way Iran with support of syria and russia and possibly turkey will be fall. Not unless US uses their 'small yeild tactical nukes'. But if they or isreal use nukes, be dammed sure most of the world is going to drop USD as well as deem US to be a hostlie threat to soverignity of nations rights to exist. China is already economically supiror as they produce way more than US, and US relies on china for production.

So the world doesnt want to go to ww3, US is playing these covert lie and lie again games with wmds and false flag chemical attacks. But as capitalism in most of the developed world is coming to an end, and it is, usd is also being threatened. Remember US capitalism can only survive by opening new markets to exploit. Since iraq is a failed state, syria is lost, iran is next. They havnt had any success stories like SK, Japan in over 30 years now.

OPs conspiracy isnt one, in fact I strongly believe that the world order is pushing towards global gov, but not the one US elite want. Because in that instance US isnt 'number 1'....perhaps they are trialing UNs ability to over come corruption, and on a level its working, only UK, france and US are in unanimous support of syrian gas attacks before any investogation took place. Meaning, that the three most capitalist most allied nations of capitalism are banding together to save their model of living. Where as the rest of the world is moving towards a slower growth and development fase, amin to russian program becaude russians even in the face of sanctions by USs current world dominant position are still seeing growth and development.

So to sum up, globolisation dream as US wanted it is dead. Middle east is lost to US, russia isnt part of some conspiracy to destroy middle east as they are in support of syria and iran and iraq is asking for russian help not US. World is changing and the loosing side is isreal-US, because if they try to repeat japan to win iran decisively with nukes, the whole world in order to avoid ww3 and nuclear desth will drop US and The othe two allies UK and france pretty quickly.

Because crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman is trying to secularize SA and they don't want to nuke us.