Women Have Different Skeletons Than Men Do. Are The Elites Frequently Raising Their Children As The Opposite Gender?

1  2018-05-12 by Thetanster

Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino is a famous person who I’m told who grew up in the military system. He has known nothing but massive success.


When I saw some bits of his video “This is America”, his shirtless body was screaming out at me that he was born a woman. I didn’t say anything because what do I know? What are they doing to kids on these military bases? It’s been coming out that the government has been doing trauma based mind control on children. I’m going to leave it at that. This content creator Phony Persephone explains all the ways in which Childish Gambino clearly possesses the skeleton of a female.



Gender Inversion Conspiracy Theory Submission Statement: There is a theory that many of the most privileged people also happen to be dark occultists who raise their children up as the opposite gender. Part of that theory is that the media presents the children of these couplings as the most sexy and desirable to trickle down mass gender confusion. The idea is that this gender inversion is done largely to pay homage to the Luciferian goat god Baphomet.

I’m presenting this video as evidence to back up this theory. Childish Gambino was also seen making Luciferian hand symbols and the Met Gala and he wore an all seeing eye on his back similar to the one on the dollar bill. The family who controls and prints US money is also suspected to be a group of secret Luciferians. What do you think?

The idea is that this gender inversion is done largely to pay homage to the Luciferian goat god Baphomet

Okay u crazy. Where is your proof? Anything at all?

Atleast it isn't political, even if the theories are abit out there, these posts are kinda refreshing

Political or not. This is utter bs. The person explaining their ideas the video has a photoshopped edited picture of childish gambino and is spouting out nonsense.

Have you watched the original dance video? It's odd.

I will give you that its odd and that even childish gambino is out there and strange. I could believe that he has gone thru sex change therapy and was once a woman but not for the name of Baphomet or to appease am entity that may or not even exist.

It's "Odd" Because the dancing is minstrel show style and because he affects a jim crow pose. It's fucking art not a military conspiracy. And Glover has known other than "massive success" dude has worked his ass off in nearly every facet of the entertainment industry to secure his own voice and place. DISCLOSURE: I've met the guy, he's a he and a decent person and this theory is some pathetic shit. Also there are videos of him dating back to when he was in college and you can easy find yearbook pictures from his highschool and junior highschool days. Being androgynous and transexual are very different things OP.

You would say the same thing about Jim Morison and the doors but you would be displaying a complete lack of conspiracy knowledge. Just as you are here.

Lmao. Imagine seriously thinking this bull shit sounds believable. Imagine being that deluded

complete lack of conspiracy knowledge

E.g. Having actual knowledge and not insane made up bullshit.

Hadn't heard of Jim Crow pose. Looked it up; thanks for the new lens.

Photoshopped? Proof?

Look at the video. Its very clear. Nobody looks like that unless they have severe skuleosis

The video is photoshopped? Those are screenshots why would I just go watch the Original video to prove you are full of shit.

Go ahead. I never said that he didnt alter them or that he doesnt look like in the video. Im sayin that no woman or man has such a LARGE arch without severe scoliosis or some medical issue. They wouldnt be able to walk as their spine wouldnt be able to support the weight that ur body takes when u move.

Or he's a tranny

Well maybe ur a tranny

So, what you are saying is that he isn't human.

Lmao... yes that’s exactly what they said. Genius

What sub are you on? When did everyone start asking for sources and proof. If there was evidence it wouldn’t be a conspiracy people, not to say this guys right I just don’t get the concept of asking for proof about a conspiracy

What are you talking about? Every conspiracy theory on this subreddit claims to have some form of proof. Much of this proof is flawed, but theorists must provide some sort of evidence in order to be taken seriously. A conspiracy theory without evidence is nothing more than creative writing.

If there was evidence it wouldn’t be a conspiracy people

I mean, do you just imagine random things in your head and then call them "conspiracies"?

Conspiracy t h e o r y

A theory has a ton of supporting evidence, it's the highest standard of scientific inquiry. A hypothesis has less so.

pulling shit out of your ass doesn't qualify for "theory". might be hard for you to understand, but pure speculation is just shooting the shit.

You don’t know what the word theory means lmao. Sad

Bro, there is no family that controls the federal reserve

You've got to start small. They won't believe you if you go for the top right away...I started with showing hundreds of potential hollywood elite trans and all that happened was they picked one star they wanted to defend and discussion on all the others ceased (in this case it was that Harry Potter "chic" Emma Watson)

This is how you open minds on this topic:


What family controls and prints US money

Dj Khaled

You need medicine

Just cause you liked his body don't mean he was a girl

Ad hominem

Yeah or how bout Ad Homoinem? Tsss


Fucking killing it chippah

Hot abdomen

Adobe month

Fallacy fallacy

I'm very much a heterosexual man. But after watching this music video I think I have a better understanding of what they mean when they say sexuality is a spectrum.

doesn't really sound like you're as heterosexual as you think my friend.

No, it does. It doesn't sound like you're comfortable enough with your sexuality to appreciate a good looking man, though.

Everyone is a little gay, some of us just have the strength to admit it.

No guy wants to watch porn with a guy that has a micro dick. We dont want to watch porn with a guy whos floppy the entire time. Guys prefer porn with big hard dicks. We all somewhat prefer that other have guys a big hard dick at some point in out life.

Op is real gay tho.

How dare you imply that I'm "a little gay."
I'm not little.

Big gay

this is fucking retarded, you can acknowledge someone's general attractiveness without being personally attracted to them in any way.

newsflash: you're gayer than most people

Yes you can, and I am not saying there are no straight people, merely that most people are Bisexual in some way and that’s ok.

it's really not most, dude.

I could meet the best looking man on earth and the absolute strongest feeling i would get about him would be: "shit, I wish I looked that good".

How would you react if you met this man? because it sounds like you'd think about fellating him.

dude you flirt with all the guys in /r/drama why are you pretending you're not head over heels into men


Once I was awaked to the illuminati tranny conspiracy, never look at Hollywood (or media) the same again.

I had similar thoughts when I first watched his This is America video, he's got plenty of feminine markers.

Something, something, turning the frogs gay.

I'm sorry but this analysis is bullshit.

There are characteristics of skeletons which on average indicate sex, but the elements talked about are Don Glover's posture at a particular moment in the video, not his skeletal structure.

She speaks with such smug authority while she talks completely out of her ass.

Another sign of late stage civilisation collapse is a ramp up of degeneracy including gender dysphoria, homosexuality and paedophilia.



What are water "supplies" by the way? Crystal lite packets? Bendy straws?

Bottles of water I would imagine.

Removed. Rule 6.

Another sign of late stage civilisation collapse is a ramp up of degeneracy including gender dysphoria, homosexuality and paedophilia.

Want to name one civilisation where this happened?


So in your opinion Macedonia lost the Battle of Corinth because of their degeneracy and not because the Romans were far superior in the battlefield?

Lol clearly those Greeks were overcome by the gay thanks to the Romans' hot bodies, and were unable to fight effectively.

The romans were superior because they had intent. Every victorious battle has been won in the mind before it is won on the battlefield

You did not answer my question.

This could be the quote for this cancerous sub.

And as everyone knows, you can't have intent if you are having sexy thoughts about your fellow man

Consider why they don't have women on the front-lines or why many countries refuse to add women to the front-lines and why homosexuality was banned in the forces for so long.

Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with hating gays.

Spoiler alert, it actually does have a lot to do with hating gays.

No, it has nothing to do with hating gays.

Learn some military strategy and battlefield psychology.

Spoiler alert, I know a bit about both of those things.

Turns out gay people can stab and shoot people just as well as straight people. And that if your society doesn't have a problem with gay people they can find a lot of harmony in a military unit.

Obviously you don't know anything about either.

It has nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with emotions and attraction.

Women are not allowed in a the majority of the top 10 armed forces, with Israel being the only exception Iirc.

If a woman is shot or injured a mans natural reaction is to help or assist. Sure, you can brainwash this reaction out of men, but it still takes them 1/2 a second - 1 second for them to think then rethink their idea. During that split second, you have just lost two more men, your jet is shot out of the sky, your tank rolls over an anti-tank mine.

Homosexuals are attracted to men. If a homosexual sees a man injured or shot, he will have the same reaction a heterosexual man has towards a woman.

It is that simple. It's nothing about hating gays or sexism. War is about killing people. The most efficient killing machines win wars.

There is no time for politics, opinions or feelings on the front line. It is literally kill or be killed, do or die. If you're slow to react, you die.

Spoiler alert, you're wrong.

Guess what buddy, gay people have always served in the military, they've just been closeted. They make up a certain part of the population and that hasn't changed.

If they've always been there and we still won then they're fine in the military.

I think you just don't want to admit that a dude that likes dudes is just as effective at shooting stuff.

And people who were under the legal age of joining still signed up for the Wars. That doesn't mean that allowing every 14 year old to join up is an effective idea.

I don't give a fuck who is stood next to me as long as they have my back, I have theirs. There is a line though. Would you be bothered if you were fighting alongside a guy who once tried coke? Probably not. What if he was a complete coke head though? Or a stereotypical heroin-addict? The chances are you wouldn't.

No doubt women can shoot, gays are effective soldier and some 14 year olds can kick arse.

With war though it's risk vs reward. The risk is you offend some civvies who, let's face it, probably would never sign-up for combat anyway vs reward of knowing you have a competent fighting squad.

I don't even know what point you're trying to make anymore.

/end program

You didn't bother making an argument, just alluding to one you could possibly make at some point

When can I start my job in congress?

And what about Spartans? When they married, their wives wore men's clothes to make it easier for the men to transition to male/female sex because they were sexually active with the men they fought with. They were still famously effective in battle.

And what about Spartans? When they married, their wives wore men's clothes to make it easier for the men to transition to male/female sex because they were sexually active with the men they fought with. They were still famously effective in battle.

Hilarious that you raise this after talking about Ancient Greece, most Spartan soldiers participated in homosexuality from the earliest period of the their military reputation and after centuries of their military dominance they were crushed on the battlefield (and as a political force) by Thebes and their allies, the elite forces of Thebes (the sacred band) were formed entirely of homosexual couples (for the purpose of creating bonds and loyalty) of all the time periods to bring up...

You can have intent to bang your fellow man.

I've know some gay men that were pretty damn intent on hooking up with a willing dude.

Ancient greece was never united, it was multiple state cities that formed alliances occasionally. They had very different ethics (see Sparta vs Athene), but they all fell in a short timespan to external threats: blaming their end on "corruption" is silly.

Silly, but dovetails nicely into the red-hat agenda though, so they'll happily beat that horse to death.

"The chinese have more than a MILLION people in China alone. And they're a comin"


You won't believe what happens next

How does the -129 make you feel?


It's hilarious that you think vote scores mean anything on Reddit.

Outside of the obvious triggered SJWs brigading, only 40% of redditors are Americans and it's like 85% liberals. The opinions/votes are so skewed here that it creates a false since of consensus for liberals. Meanwhile we elected Trump and are continuing to support free speech and actual classic-liberal values.

Whole lotta words just to say you wanna fuck dudes

Wow! how did you guess? You must be a real whizz with peoples minds. I bet that works great on the ladies.

Keep up the good work, champ.

The guess came from your weird diatribe that clearly states you crave hot cum in your mouth senor.

You're really good at guessing. I wish I was as good as you.

Man, going round and guessing peoples deepest darkest secrets. You must get laid all the damned time. I don't know how you find time to post on reddit.

You are a true champ.

Dude it's okay, a guy gave you a boner. I'm not sure why you think you getting turned on by a dude is the end of civilization or some shit, but stop deflecting like this and deal with your inner issues in a constructive manner.

You're giving free advice as well? Praise Jesus and all his Holiness.

I will repent my sins and no more post on internet forums.

You have shown me the light!

I hope so, go forth and gobble cocks as you will my homosexual friend

I will.

Enjoy fantasising about having power over strangers on the internet to make up for your real life short-comings. Let's not mention the very strange obsession with those strangers sexual orientation.

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Okay my friend, hopefully my craziness will not stop you and you will not relapse into weird conspiracy theories about transexual celebs, gay civilization destruction power or other of your weird obsessions.

Please seek help my friend, for your sake.

There's no way a dude confident in his sexuality would have kept replying to you for that long. Definitely wants to slobber some knobs but won't admit it to himself.

There's no way a dude confident in his sexuality would have kept replying to you for that long. Definitely wants to slobber some knobs but won't admit it to himself.

There's no way a dude confident in his sexuality would have kept replying to you for that long. Definitely wants to slobber some knobs but won't admit it to himself.

Society is not doomed just because people don't believe in your dumb fear mongering theory

Equally then, Society is not not doomed just because people believe that everything is Ok

There is no equality in "I want to eat shit" and "I dont want to eat shit"

I agree.

"People don't like what I have to say so that makes them bad. It is in no way a reflection of the idea I put forth." - you

If that many people disagree with you then maybe you need to reflect on your message.

I don't doubt it.

What I do doubt, is the honesty of the majority of the replies.

At best my post was a poorly fleshed out post with a little thread of truth to it.

At worst it was a driveby shitpost.

Does that warrant so many down votes? Besides, what issue to people have with what I said? They, in their own minds, believe I am saying gays = civilisation collapse. That is an over-simplification of a very real fact.

Any, country, nation, empire or civilisation that allows so much to go unchecked, unquestioned and even championed to the point of punishment for not following the narrative (r/conspiracy sure likes to pick and choose when this happens) opens itself up for invasion, coercion from foreign interests and destruction through divide and conquer tactics.

So let us see, what does conspiracy believe?

TPTB are trying to divide us.

Israel has coerced congress to do their bidding.

Migration is a plan to load up countries with cheap labour so that the migrants vote a certain way.

My post would have been accepted if I hadn't, in some peoples minds, called out homosexuality and transsexuality.

Do you not think that is very, very suspect?


I think a shitposted comment got an expected response.

Sorry if that rustles your jims, but that's how reddit rolls.

-300 downvotes and manbabies losing their shit over two lines of text that, lets face it, aren't even edgy or cutting.

That's an expected response?

If I said I fuck little girls on a weekend and I enjoy licking their cum-filled arseholes, I wouldn't have gotten that many down votes.

Obvious agenda is obvious and people are sucked into the fold of 'it's cool to hate'

manbabies losing their shit

This is literally what you're doing.

You realize that don't you?

You are talking about blasting loads in kids' assholes over karma.


Just pump your brakes, cut your losses and move on.

I'm not losing my shit, I can guarantee. I am very interested to get to the root of why an opinion is brigaded against so badly. On top of that, it's an opinion where people have put words into my mouth, then lost their shit over it.

I'm confused, very very confused.

Just hang this one up, brother.

You're done.

I like how you said "I don't care about upvotes or downvotes" but you've now made literally dozens of comments that are mostly just you complaining about your downvotes

Highlighting the downvotes to shine light on how out of balance my comment vs downvotes are.

Tbh, every three - six months I delete my accounts on here and on many other sites and just start again. So the downvotes and karma mean nothing to me. Not that numbers representing nothing on one website of the internet should mean anything. If they do, seek help.

Seriously, if you need numbers on a website to make you feel good, then you need to rewire your brain. It's OK, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but it is on the same line as drug addiction. Drop me a message if you want to know how to sever those ties.

Your comment was completely insane though, of course it got a ton of downvotes lol

Does the insanity of the post = the number of downvotes? (not that I care about the number, just that it's a representational system)

Holy shit dude what the fuck

Where is your evidence for any of this?

The collapse of the Roman empire is often stated as proof but in reality the collapse was the composite result of multiple factors.

Even if we had a definitely true previous example, you can't state that it IS going to happen again because that's induction. Leave induction in mathematics please.

Have you got any trends we can see which are clearly detrimental (not from a personal moral stand point)? At the moment some of the largest economies in the world are the countries supporting these rights. Countries with the highest HDI also correlate with LGBT rights.

Don't get confused between rights of people to be people and the championing of protected classed.

Nobody should be persecuted for their beliefs. Even those who don't agree with how others should live their lives.

However, having a care-free open society shows weakness that other nations or in our modern-world, the corporations, will take advantage of. Once that happens, once that door is left ajar, the floodgates open.

Soon you see every individual wanting the same rights on protection as everybody else. It isn't long after that until a 'Trojan horse' appears (I don't mean it in the literal historical sense).

Easiest way to defeat any army or nation is divide and conquer. Divide the groups up through the championing of behaviours that cause the most stir in that society.

I still don't see the connection between accepting LGBTQ people and being overrun. You know the US still has the strongest military in the world despite the gays, right?

Well that's up for debate.

You might have more armed forces than 90% of other nations but your tactics are...well, shit. You've got some good people in the military, real good people who don't deserve the situations they get put in. Your strategy isn't very good though. It's not your guys fault, you haven't had the experience of thousands of years of conflicts like Europe, mid-east and the Asian pacific.

It's not accepting LGBTQ that's a problem, it should never be a problem to accept people. Championing that group is wrong.

Well that's up for debate.

You might have more armed forces than 90% of other nations but your tactics are...well, shit. You've got some good people in the military, real good people who don't deserve the situations they get put in. Your strategy isn't very good though. It's not your guys fault, you haven't had the experience of thousands of years of conflicts like Europe, mid-east and the Asian pacific

The point isn't about how great the US military is (I don't know enough about militaries in general to have a strong opinion), but that we're not going to be invaded anytime soon

It's not accepting LGBTQ that's a problem, it should never be a problem to accept people. Championing that group is wrong

When does it cross over from accepting to 'championing'?

America isn't getting invaded anytime soon, I agree. I don't think it's your military might that's stopping it though.

How many of your citizens are armed with enough weapons and rounds that they could say, kill a family? Or 10 families? How many communities could take down a small country, if they pooled their arms?

I've said for many many years that the American civilians are the strongest army in the world. Good luck crossing the vast continent of America while wiping out every last man and woman who is opposed to whoever or whomever invades.

Ask the Nazis how their campaigns on the Eastern Front and in France went. La resistance and the small groups of scattered militia in the Eastern bloc made it impossible for Hitler to gain a stranglehold.

When people can't discuss their personal opinions on the matter.

It doesn't have to be gay/trans. It can be black, white, fat, small, hell, any label you want.

How many people on this sub are up in arms because you can't deny or question the holocaust?

Yet, if you question homosexuals it ends up, well, like this. It is very strange. One rule for one, one rule for another.

But how does this relate to degeneracy, homosexuality or gender dysphoria?

You've stated vague ideas but not the mechanisms. How does accepting transgender people create a weak society?

I could potentially see the issue you might have with immigrants, given the risk of bringing people into the country. But as for LGBT rights, it has no impact.

All you're doing is attaching your prejudice about LGBT rights to some unfounded belief that it's destroying society.

The championing of [insert ideology/class of people] over others is wrong. When that championing goes against the traditional values of a country then it is very suspect and is often an indicator of foul play.

You would only champion this ideology if your intent was to destabilise the traditions of that nation and thus conquer it through the divisions the championing creates.

Not to go all 'twas the Russians' but they have stated in their (kalergi, kalgeri?) plan that in order to take over America it must be done through subtle division and not direct brute-force. So, which other nations see the same tactics?

And you think they're doing this through the LGBT movements?

Ever considered it's the opposite? Perhaps the movement exists and they're using the fact people have a traditional distaste towards the movement to push negative propaganda.

When that championing goes against the traditional values of a country then it is very suspect and is often an indicator of foul play.

By this logic we'd never have any progress. Trying to improve the life of those on the fringes of society MUST have some other motive. Black people should never have been given any rights, because that went against traditional values of slavery.

Do you not see the huge flaw in this thinking?

I see the huge flaw if you look at it from that angle.

What i'm saying is; blacks should be seen as equals, because they are, but at the same time their differences should be celebrated and their weaknesses discussed. Not hidden, not shoved into quiet corners never to be spoke about, otherwise how do we have progress?

I just see progress as making a topic so normal that nobody cares. While that subject, either pro or anti, is in the media, then people will care.

Look at the huge let-down that the first gay marriage was. Those on both sides of the event were expecting either huge celebration or huge backlash. Neither happened, because nobody really gave a fuck. That's how it should be, a respectful "cool story bro" and move on.

To see any group put above others sends alarms off in my head. The Aryans were held to a high standard in Germany. In Russia Stalin held up the ideology of Lenin in order to gain power. There are countless tales through history were one group is held to a higher standard than another group leading to war and ultimately destruction of one group.

I am impressed with -296 votes, to say nobody has really asked why I think like this means that there are at least 296 people on this forum with very poor comprehension skills or they lack the ability to think outside themselves for five minutes. Even if I was the most conservative, gay-hating, God-loving Christian ever, you wouldn't even want to entertain my opinion?

People don't care about my dumbass opinions wahhhhhh

Re-read all of it.

You must have missed all of the parts where I said I don't care about down votes. I don't care if people don't care about my opinion. This is the fucking internet, not a job interview.

What I do care about is the blatant brigading of a sub where any wild theory should be discussed or mocked openly. Not down voted into oblivion because 'people' are touchy about what they believe to be an implied insult to homosexuality.

If you can't see a problem with the concept of that, then seek help.

So, you're upset you were downvoted. Got it

$0.25 has been deposited to your account!

Now how about discussing the topic in my post?

No? Not interested? Nahh, keep up the deflecting and drive by shit-posting. That'll fool 'em.

Only a quarter? That's weak, it deserved at least a while dollar

What is there to discuss in your posts? What serious debate am I going to have with someone named 'marywasalizard', who thinks that all social progress is engineered by the Illuminati or whatever crazy shit you believe. I laugh and I move on

So you're not going to debate a point I made because of my username, which to you means I am into crazy shit, or maybe not.

Well that is just a mind fuck in itself

Then you go on to say

"I laugh and move on" is that before or after you post a reply?

So you're not going to debate a point I made because of my username, which to you means I am into crazy shit, or maybe not

Have you actually made any points? All of your arguments are incredibly vague, there's nothing to 'debate'

"I laugh and move on" is that before or after you post a reply?


So you can type while moving on? Do Nasa know about you? Because to me that sounds like you can do stuff in the present while existing in the future. very cool.

I exist in past, present and future, converging towards a single point in time where all of this started

That's a cool title for a thread.

You know the downvote button is there so we can disagree with your opinion without having to write a long winded, contrived argument against yours.

You got downvoted because people disagree with you, not because Reddit is on a hunt for Conservative ideologies, which your doesn't even qualify.

Thinking homosexuality and gender dysphoria is 'degeneracy' and the result of the collapse of our civilization is not a conservative ideal, it's just lunacy

It isn't the result of the collapse. It's an indicator.

As for lunacy, shouldn't it be ignored? After all, the words are that of the insane man who should be paid no mind.

If you want me to display real lunacy then ask this; some civilisations did infact have sex with minors and preteens. No civilisation (that I am aware of) has even descended into bestiality (on a large scale. I've no doubt there's some sick donkey-fuckers out there). Does this mean that after peadophillia people will not stoop lower?

should an opinion, no matter how crazy, be pushed into the dark?

Here's an opinion, you're fucking retarded. Discuss.

Removed. Rule 10


Yup they have been doing this for a 200 years

Dude just admit you wanna fuck a dude its ok

Where is this brigade coming from?

You a giver or reciever there big guy?

Nothin wrong with being gay not sure why you think that I'm some homophobe because I don't think that closeted transsexual entertainers are healthy for society. I mean why must they lie to themselves and their audiences?

Dude I'm just saying it sounds like you really want thick hot boners in your mouth, nothing about you being a homophobe.

Wouldn't want Donald Glover's dick even if I was gey, he looks like a big soft baby.

So your saying you want a rough hairy cock in your mouth?

Maybe you like baby dicks didn't mean to offend you.

Uhhhhhhh no ones talking about those dude....

Don't worry about that cheeseburger guy, his name should give you an idea of his favourite things in life...

He followed me and implied I was gay and a gay hater, while continuously talking about homosexual acts.

Weird guy

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

This is just stupid.

ITT: Gays in denial rationalize their same sex attractions

“If Donald Glover is in fact a man, then how do you explain the erection forming in my pants?”

It's the deep state

Fuckin’ fluoride, man.

And all this time I thought it only affected the frogs...

deep state ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mind erection control

Double agent down under, deep undercover.

Spiders have different exoskeletons than human females, the "woman" in this video is obviously a spider person. She grew up in the post office system (dad was a carrier and mom was a stamp collector). What are they doing to our children?


People can control their bodies in different ways when they learn how to and work hard at it. Do you believe that Jim Carrey is some sort of human/stretch Armstrong hybrid? No...he just has better control over his facial muscles than the average person.

"Moochelle" is a man. Glover is a woman. Seems they have some shame issues with being sexually attracted to people of color.

Get back on your meds you dipshit

Rule 10

Rule 11, y'all should remove this bullshit

Rule 2


I looked at some of his pictures and I don’t see an Adam’s apple at all. So who knows . He might be a chick.

I can't see your Adams apple either. What are you trying to hide, "Missy"shimmy?

Troll much?

Settle down young lady

Settle down little boy.

You into that huh?

No but it’s think you are if your that depraved to think that. Troll much?

I'm sorry madam

Men and women don’t have different skeletons. They have the same bones and number of bones. The difference is the size of a single foramen. How do you know what his pelvic girdle looks like? Are you Superman? Do you have X-ray vision? Sounds like you’re probably working for the deep state if they have you X-ray vision.

I'm laughing so fucking hard now.

"I got a boner watching this - must be a conspiracy"


This is why this sub will never be taken seriously.

This is accurate.

Source: I don’t take this sub seriously.

Yes. THIS is why this sub wont be taken seriously

Definitely not because of conspiracy about pizza

Has anyone ever asked what the coded language was about? Im the Podesta emails, campaign staff were emailing back and fprth about sharing "a single slice of cheese pizza". That is not normal conversation. Yeah, not pedo stuff, but definitley hiding something. My guess is hard drugs.

I see, nothing to see there. Adults often plan days in advance how many are going to share a piece of pizza. Totally normal. Got it.

Hmm yes it makes much more sense there is a pedophile conspiracy good point furthermore faaaaarf

Pineapple is actually a pizza topping, that ain't no conspiracy.

Not this post specifically but shit like this

I'm grateful for this post. One of two things is going on here. It's a troll from that other sub which will remain nameless to make this one look dumb which it doesn't need because it does a great job it does on it's own with toleration of flat earth,moon landing is fake and political shitshow posts designed to just derail this sub in general. The other option for what this is. People can just be plain crazy or dumb. Crazy people see connections that aren't really there all the time and have paranoid delusions. There is the possibility that this and other posts like it can be counted as just a dumb post. A person not comprehending what they are seeing or reading drawing unintelligent and uninformed conclusions from an article or video clip. I know this a huge sub with a lot going on. I just wish mods took care of it better because it used to be a place where good discussions could take place. Now it's all absolute lunacy like this or political squabbling shit shows. I don't know if it's being just overwhelmed by crazies,dumbasses and political cheerleaders real and bot because it's just a huge sub or being intentionally neutered.

Just say no homo bro, it's okay.

It’s sad, they are struggling with reality. You can’t like what your told to hate. Free your mind. It was a great music video, that’s all.

i hope you someday realize how dumb you are

This is why kids need to start taking more responsibility for themselves. You're gay, bro.... Stop blaming everyone else for you problems.

Are all of you people just fucking retarded

Holy fuck this is hilarious.

Locked, as SRD is seemingly incapable of keeping things in their pants.

Troll much?

I will.

Enjoy fantasising about having power over strangers on the internet to make up for your real life short-comings. Let's not mention the very strange obsession with those strangers sexual orientation.

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Yes you can, and I am not saying there are no straight people, merely that most people are Bisexual in some way and that’s ok.