Avoid vaccines!
1 2018-05-13 by Cheesemind1978
Vaccines are designed to create an overactive immune system. They weren't designed to cause autism, but mothers are so immuno-compromised that vaccines are doing more damage than intended, and the dangerousness of them are being revealed at a faster rate than intended.
You being in a constant state of inflammation is the goal and is beneficial to the pharmaceutical mafia because you're always sick and needing their medications. It keeps the money flowing in without actually killing you (no money for them if you die).
They add neurotoxins (adjuvants) to the vaccine, which contains everyday items, such as msg, peanut oil, polysorbate 80, and a host of other substances that people come into contact with every day. This causes your immune system to go into overdrive when it sees those every day items. The idea is that if they can train the immune system to freak out when it sees the disease, it'll fight the disease better. This might be true, but by adding common ingredients to the vaccines, your body also freaks out when it comes into contact with those every day items.
This causes a constant state of inflammation because just about everything you eat will contain one of these items.
That is why so many people find relief when they fast, or eat only whole foods. Because they don't contain these inflammation causing ingredients. Ingredients that weren't inflammation causing before you took the vaccine that made them inflammation causing. The more vaccines you get, the more everything causes you inflammation, the sicker you end up being.
And you don't even realize it was the vaccines making you that way.
1 3attheelephant 2018-05-13
Nice post. Most diseases are caused by being in a state of chronic inflammation. I've been drinking a turmeric and licorice tea in hopes to reduce any inflammation that I have.
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
Even better is to eat whole foods and avoid everything processed. If it's not an animal and it doesn't grow directly from the earth, don't touch it. Just do it for a week and see how you feel.
1 ListenToRush 2018-05-13
Whole foods plant based is the optimal qay for humans to flourish and be healthy, no doubt about that.
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
If it has an ingredient list, avoid it. Doing this will cure 90% of health issues out there. People don't realize that it's what we put into our bodies that makes us sick.
1 ListenToRush 2018-05-13
I absolutely 100% agree. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatigue, and so many other diseases can be completely and wholly avoided by eating whole foods.
1 ConformistCitizen 2018-05-13
We are literally what we eat:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1CZB8UvrwU (4:13)
Hence why global health continues to worsen and chronic health conditions continue to rise.
There's never going to be some pill, regime, shake, magic food, combination, process or any quick fix BS. It's just knowing your source, keeping it simple, natural and nutrient dense and controlling what the fuck you put in your mouth.
Just what the land whales don't want to hear sadly.
1 Rockran 2018-05-13
1 3attheelephant 2018-05-13
Yeah, man, I do. I try to eat only organic, albeit I have a strong habit of eating out.
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
Organic is an iffy topic. You get rid of chemical pesticides by going organic.
Your food isn't irradiated, which can be good or bad. It's good because irradiation destroys enzymes, and possibly introduces radiation into the body. However, irradiation also kills all microbes, so you're less likely to pick up bacteria and such.
A person who doesn't thoroughly wash their vegetables might actually be better off with non-organic, as long as it's not GMO.
I think a person who is healthy can eat out and be fine, as long as they're getting all their nutrients from food by eating plenty of plants (fruits and veggies).
1 StThomasAquina 2018-05-13
Is it working?
1 3attheelephant 2018-05-13
I'm not sure. I've only drank it for a few days now. I think after a month, I should be able to notice any effects from it.
1 procrastinatingornah 2018-05-13
Look man, I'm all for conspiracies, but advising people to not vaccinate is not one I'm cool with. There is tons of research to show how effective vaccines are. I mean, look at measles for an example. Vaccinating also protects others from illness that have a compromised immune system and are unable to be vaccinated themselves. If you're sick all the time, I doubt it is from vaccines.
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
I'm not entirely convinced. When you go back and research the statistics, the diseases were all in sharp decline before the vaccine was ever even introduced.
I know that the vaccine is usually given credit for the decline, but it's just not the case in any case I've researched.
I think it's more likely that water sanitation and cleaner living conditions did more to stop diseases than any vaccine.
1 godlameroso 2018-05-13
You done opened a can of worms. You don't badmouth one of Reddit's cash cows(big pharma) and expect not to get any blowback.
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
Yeah, it's interesting how even the most commonly known conspiracies everywhere else gets massively downvoted on Reddit (in the conspiracy sub no less).
1 CU_next_tuesday 2018-05-13
No one is anti vaccine for real. People are anti junk in vaccines. Like in Kenya where official UN vaccines had infertility drugs in it. They sterilized those people who were just trying to live a better life. Plus the countless stories of people who have documented extremely noticable changes in their child immediately after receiving a vaccine.
It's a little weird that you draw the line at certain conspiracies. There is a strong push to divide the conversation on this topic. That alone should be a red flag.
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
1 dj10show 2018-05-13
Classic Bill Gates
1 SugusMax 2018-05-13
Factually incorrect, it's known a large community of people choose to endarger their children by not vaccinating them. Also, whatever is "junk in vaccines"? The Kenya example aside, there's been no reports of anything "junky" inside vaccines - also, the changes claim is flimsy at best and impossible to prove.
Meanwhile, there's decades of actual research on vaccines, their benefits and components, and how these components react with the body. Literal thousands of separate studies, available online for the most part, where no links have been found between vaccines and any type of sickness or disorders.
I'm all for conspiracy theories. Let's hear about the real perps between 9/11, tell me more about the lizard people and how the moon is a piece of cheese. But when conspiracies turn into stupid parents getting their children sick/killed from diseases which aren't generally contracted since a decade ago, that's where I draw the line, personally.
1 shellfishperson 2018-05-13
We should let the government forcibly strap us down and our children an IV whatever they deem necessary into our veins. This guy is right guys its totally lame and crazy to think you would ever be exploited or endangered by greedy big pharma.
1 SugusMax 2018-05-13
Wow, that was a great counter-argument and really convincing! /s
If you have to resort to try and ridicule and hyperbole my claims, do I take it you simply have nothing to say for your case? I would've thought anti-vaxxers were more... Tenacious than that.
Also, I didn't anywhere say we weren't already exploited by BP. You wanna hear the real conspiracy? Search for antibiotic-resistant viruses and diseases. Doctors knowingly over-prescript antibiotics to help virus mutate into resistant strains, only to then receive billions in govt funding to research new medicines that bacteria aren't resistant to, and then over-prescript those and start all over again. It's a very lucrative model and it's causing a very real and dangerous epidemic.
As I said - I'm all for conspiracies. Just not when they get children killed for the sake of being against the "system".
1 shellfishperson 2018-05-13
Yes so you are for mandatory forced vaccination yes or no? And can this be compelled by force?
1 ShitHitsTheMan 2018-05-13
If the government has the power to determine what you can and can't put in your own body, you truly have no rights and you will end up as unhealthy and dysfunctional as the government.
1 SugusMax 2018-05-13
I'm not in favor of mandatory vaccination, first because it would be in infringement of basic personal rights and secondly because any poorly-tested vaccine could prove catastrophic if the whole population has to apply them. Obviously, then, vaccination shouldn't be enforced legally.
However, I still believe that any non-vaccinated person that doesn't have any medical reasons not to do so is a danger to society and a potential host for dozens of infections. I also believe non-vacc'd people should not be allowed into high risk areas such as hospitals, which are full of immuno-compromised people that could get fatally sick off preventable diseases such as the whopping cough.
Now that I've answered all the questions, maybe you could try to disprove everything I posted previously? Or are you going to keep requestioning/moving the goalpost without ever addressing the holes in anti-vax logic I pointed out earlier? It's scary to know that, had I been pro-mandatory vaccination, you probably would have instantly dismissed everything I said and called me a BP shill. I'm here anytime you wanna have an actual discussion.
1 shellfishperson 2018-05-13
I never claimed to disagree with anything you posted. The argument literally boils down to the first point. You are an anti vaxer by definition. And so are all reasonable people.
1 SugusMax 2018-05-13
I don't really know what you're trying to get at, but I'm definitely not an anti-vaxxer, and neither are "most reasonable people". Or perhaps you have the definitions backward.... Either way, and very luckily, most people do choose to inoculate their children.
Oh, I just realized perhaps you mean mandatory vaccination = = pro vaxxer; that's not the case at all. Pro vaxxers are those who are in favor of vaccination, in general, and anti vaxxers are typically those against every type of vaccines. It's literally in the name, anti vaccines...
1 craigreasons 2018-05-13
No one is responding because it's clear you haven't done any research outside of what is said in the MSM. Since this conspiracy theory has been around for decades, the chances of you doing so, are slim to none. But on the off chance that you posses a critical mind that is open to doing research that goes against the MSM, check out primary sources, read the ingredient lists, and try to stay away from opinion articles on the topic. If an article is telling you that vaccines are 100% safe, it is propaganda. There are many side effects to every vaccine. To help point you in the right direction, here are the lists of the ingredients in vaccines. Many vaccines include toxic ingredients and many others include high levels of aluminum. To date, there has been no study to test the drawbacks of giving multiple vaccines at the same time and no study to test unvaccinated vs vaccinated to get a control on the studies.
That said, I'm pro getting vaccines. There is no question that they have helped humanity greatly. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting more studies done on the topic to relieve real concerns. The vaccine industry doesn't have the same testing requirements as the drug industry, which is why this is such a polarizing issue. That should change.
1 SugusMax 2018-05-13
I am NOT saying vaccines are 100% safe, or that there aren't ill effects caused by them. My argument is simple: if vaccines cause autism, or mysterious allergies, where are them? I never said there's no risk to vaccines, and I totally agree that more testing and safety need to be put in place (both in vaccines and in general pharmacology, they have way too much leniency due to bribes/lobbying), but the whole "vaccines cause diseases" narrative is very hard to buy into when there are no actual noticeable long-term effects.
In regards to the ingredients, I'm well aware of them, but again the question arises; what evil are they causing me that would warrant me exposing my children to diseases just to prevent it? If every vaccined children - hell, if 10% of vaccined children- started showing weird mutations/mass autism weeks after being injected, you'd have a case. Yet, out of every person I've met -all vaccinated- I never encountered such disorders. The only autistic person I know was the cause of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, iirc.
Lastly, I have to point out that we agree: the general population should be vaccinated, at the very least for diseases such as polio which are proven to have worked. What worries me -and why I write you this post- is that some people take stances such as yours, and twist them into saying that no child should be vaccinated. And that's where the problems arise and where I personally draw the line.
1 VanilluhGorilluh 2018-05-13
Gulf war syndrome is the best example.
1 vanishing_point 2018-05-13
Avoiding Russian trolls is far and away better for your health.
1 godlameroso 2018-05-13
The ones that espouse Russian communist ideals?
1 Loose-ends 2018-05-13
The first line of defence is to quite simply be healthy and keep your body in shape by eating the right kind of foods and getting enough proper exercise and rest.
We're far from being as weak and susceptible to diseases or without the natural ability to successfully fight most of them off with no lingering problems as we're constantly being told and inculcated to believe that we are.
1 SugusMax 2018-05-13
This post is as ridiculous and unsupported in it's "facts" it is almost laughable. I'll get called a shill for this, but here goes.
There is literally no meaning behind "you being in a constant state of inflammation is the goal". What do you define "inflammation"? Is it 100% of the people who have been vaccinated that are getting this inflammation "constantly" and supposedly taking meds for it to help Big Pharma? I personally know to not have taken any meds for the past ~3 years, yet have been vacc'd - so where's the sickness?
Further, the claim that BP wants you to grow an allergic reaction is flimsy and unsupported at best. How would they even achieve this? It's not like any doctor can selectively create allergies or other reactions in patients. Also, wouldn't you be in excruciating pain every single time you came into contact with these elements? That's how antibodies work. Yet it would seem kinda obvious to people if every time they touched peanut oil or whatever, they'd instantly grow a rash or other reactions.
And then again, what's the difference between "whole foods" and normal food that somehow magically prevents you from ever getting these apparently gastric-only triggerable allergies, and again, why doesn't anyone literally feel any difference at all? That's like me saying if you only eat pizza your entire life, you won't grow wrinkles. Baseless, sourceless, scienceless.
Also, since we're at that - those ingredients that we all used to be neutral to but that now cause a reaction in us, what are they? How does a polio vaccine for example trigger a seafood allergy? Or is it some kind of "spiritual sickness" that we just can't see? How are we "sicker the more vaccines we take"? Is it exponential, or do you gain a new symptom with every injection?
Lotsa plotholes in this one I do believe. People, please vaccinate your children.
1 throw_trash_ 2018-05-13
1 LGmanerer 2018-05-13
I got every single vaccines as a kid and I am completly healthy (apart from a damaged right knee from soccer). My sister too.
I see no proofe in your posts anyway so It really doesnt matter what you write here
1 SuperCharged2000 2018-05-13
The oldest lady that ever lived smoked daily, she didn't get lung cancer.
Thus, lung cancer cannot be caused by smoking.
1 LGmanerer 2018-05-13
The post is written in a way that suggest that this is happening 100% of the time.
1 SuperCharged2000 2018-05-13
That's your interpretation, which I disagree with after reading it.
1 steveinbuffalo 2018-05-13
yah.. you can just die from preventable diseases like the old day
1 [deleted] 2018-05-13
1 steveinbuffalo 2018-05-13
What fantasy world are you getting your facts from?
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
Research the statistics, they're not hidden.
1 steveinbuffalo 2018-05-13
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
1 steveinbuffalo 2018-05-13
? there are no such data
1 Cheesemind1978 2018-05-13
Even better is to eat whole foods and avoid everything processed. If it's not an animal and it doesn't grow directly from the earth, don't touch it. Just do it for a week and see how you feel.
1 StThomasAquina 2018-05-13
Is it working?
1 3attheelephant 2018-05-13
I'm not sure. I've only drank it for a few days now. I think after a month, I should be able to notice any effects from it.