How Did You React To The Flat Earth Psyop? It May Reveal The Truth About Who You Really Are.

1  2018-05-13 by Thetanster

Many have questions about Russianvids. First of all he starts his name with “Russian”. Is he setting us up to look like traitors to the American Public if we like “Russian” videos? Also Russianvids doesn’t show his real name or face. It seems they found his name and address and he’s well off we hear. Russianvids is also friendly with obvious YouTube “flat earth shills.”

Flat Earth Shills can be secretly transgender with fake unreal internet biographical backgrounds. Though I absolutely could be completely wrong, I would consider Lauren Southern, Patricia Steere and Mark Sargent obvious agents.

The theory would be that Russianvids makes great videos. Because the videos are so engaging you’ll believe him when he slips in his psyop lies about the flat earth. Then the dumb audience member tells his friend the earth may be flat. Then that original person is shunned eternally from all human contact because he ever dared to question the narrative about the earth that they shoved down his throat while they also lied to him about everything else as well.

THEREFORE I am postulating that anyone can be exposed for good or ill by how they react to the Flat Earth Psyop.

These are the potential reactions to be had in reaction to the flat earth psyop.

Immediately accepts it because his friend seems so sure about it. Immediately calls friend “stupid” for questioning something that everyone else says is True. Finds the idea intriguing and explores further. Chooses the side where it is more appropriate to call the other side “retards”, then he uses his five YouTube shows in a row one day to call people “retards” for not aligning with his not very persuasive position. Feels energized by finding a new topic for troll comment posting under imdb movies that haven’t been released yet. Tell people they can’t discuss flat earth in their presence because it might cause “division”. Was told by worship leader that the Bible says the earth is flat. Now “debates” in online forums to explain to people why it’s more “godly” to believe in flat earth than the globe earth.

You’re reaction is who you are. What do you think?

Here below at the link is what someone might consider a Russianvids flat earth disinfo. video.

I think he makes his case.


Flat Earth Conspiracy Theory: Some believe the shadow government beyond party lines devised a plan to trick the subversive dissident “Truther” into looking like an imbecile or as potentially mentally unstable by confessing to “a normie” he’s questioning the basic shape of the planet.

This would ideally cause “normies” (from the perspective lying government) to distance from the “Truther” further isolating the courageous honest person.

This is just a wild far fetched conspiracy theory. The official story is that the government is very good and they really do care really powerful and hard for our wellbeing. We should be grateful for our fantastic sparkling overlords. Isn’t Beyoncé just beautiful? I mean her legs go on for days! Wow, gorgeous, beautiful, pregnant, that Beyoncé. Can’t wait to see the baby pics. Then we get to see Beyoncé’s post baby rock hard abs! Wow Beyoncé can really do everything. Beyoncé!

You mean the people who aren't sure if jets burn jet fuel and who, during their ring laser gyro experiment, determined the Earth is moving 15 degrees per hour?

Those Globebusters?

Wat? I've come to the conclusion that people against FE, talk more about it than FE'rs, same with people who are against Trump. They are obsessed. Shits unhealthy, yo'.

A little louder for the people in the back

The people for Trump are undoubtedly worse.

How so?

Wrong. Everyone is the same.

Freed NOKO prisoners? Booming economy, lowest unemployment since 2000, lowest black unemployment ever, lower taxes. Being a fan of that guy is worse than saying the earth is flat? Wow.

It’s called gate keeping. Same accounts, same tactics.

Is it also gate keeping to keep lying about basic scientific principles like gravity, ballistics, and orbital dynamics?

What psyop?

The psyop is all the lunatics that come out to attack FE when anyone is trying to discuss it.

Surprisingly, I've had a few people message me thanking me for not being a total idiot when I defend certain FE theory components.. But yes, absolutely, most of the FE trolling is done by those attacking it in my experiences

Because there is nothing to discuss

Gtfoh simpleton

Flat earth is a psyop to discredit the truth movement. People are so dumb

Is that #7 on your shit on FE list?

Just the truth man

Okay let’s not talk about FE on a conspiracy sub because mr bridges says so. How ridiculous can you be? Hahaha

Because there is nothing to discuss

If there is nothing to discuss, why are you posting here? Why even enter the discussion?

Why do so many people need to give their opinion on something that is a non issue to them? I don't have an issue with Heavy Metal music. Yet I don't hang around that subreddit posting crap.

Good post. I was reading somewhere that on some flat Earth YouTube account somebody posted over 7000 posts putting down and insulting multiple flat Earth videos someone was uploading.

7000 posts, that's spending some serious time on a subject you're not interested in.

Because it makes everyone else in the conspiracy or truth movement look bad. It's a CIA psyop to deter people from questioning the official narrative.

Asking why GPS signals are frequency shifted makes me a lunatic?

I’ve never spoken with you guy, cut the goofy shit out

I’ve never spoken with you guy, cut the goofy shit out

I never said you had spoken with me. I simply asked you a question. Can you explain why GPS signals are frequency shifted?

This isn’t my post why the fuck would I answer you

This isn’t my post why the fuck would I answer you

Why are you being so rude? The topic of this posting is the flat Earth so I asked you a question about it. Now will you answer the question or do you not have an answer?

Please go away.

All you have to do is either answer my question or stop posting off topic crap to me.

May god bless your soul young man

I think the flat earth people notice something, but aren’t getting the full story.

The mason logo is a compass and a square.

The square makes straight lines. The compass makes circles. When you combine the two, you get 3D

Yeah, I know I did a bad job explaining but what can you do.

Come on man ur smarter than that. Flat earth? It's a big joke man

I agree it’s a big joke. Don’t get me wrong.

In no way do I believe it.

But I also think our reality might be something different than we assume.
What I was getting at 👇

Simulation theory and all. link

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 181696

Ok now this has actual merit and can be debated with scientific facts. Actually one of my favorite new theories on reality and the universe. Perhaps not calling it flat earth would help.

What are your thoughts on this map

"four corners of the earth", the great watery deep must reside in a container. Aside from the curvature it makes the square and compass symbolism make sense.

When I first read it I was thinking what is this crap and laughing. Then I kept reading and researching the links to the Bible. I started thinking could this be true? I realized it was 3 AM and I was starting to agree that the earth is flat. Time to shut the computer down and go to bed! LOL. I think when the Bible says Jesus will be seen by all 4 corners of the earth, it knows we have the technology to deliver that around the world. I don't think it means the world is actually flat. Just my humorous story about my discovery of the flat earth site.

I watched tons of videos and heard tons of opinions from people who believe in the theory and people who don't. As with every conspiracy theory, or every event, I was willing to listen and judge for myself. Although some videos and people who believe in FE made some valid points, that made me question some other things(about NASA, space, our capabilities e.t.c), I still don't believe the Earth is flat. They have a nice collection of ideas, especially about 'the powers that be' and how they can deceive us and throw us off, but they are missing the bigger picture, imo.

It’s a fun rabbit hole for sure either way. We are being lied to on a grand scale by NASA. It’s more than fair to ask why, FE, hollow earth, stealing tax money, hiding tech, etc. Who knows why they lie but I like seeing that your open to the discussion :)


I agree I like watch videos etc on conspiracies and hearing everyones opinion. I don't think the earth is flat either but the core issues that get me are the power players in the world and their manipulation of society. If someone wants they can easily do a go pro on a balloon with GPS and watch the videos themselves.

made some valid points

What valid points have they made?

You can go and look for yourself and you be the judge. Imo, they do raise some interesting questions. Especially about all the shady things about NASA. Moon landing, the fact that we could go to the moon so many years ago but now we can't. If you looked it up and watch a few videos that don't get carried away, they do make some good points that made me go 'hmm'.

I have watched most every video you could possibly name by Jeran, Globebusters, Racist Eric Dubay, Ranty!, and the rest so please point to specific examples.

I already did though? Why can't we go back to the moon?

Why can't we go back to the moon?

Lack of money. Get Congress to give NASA as much money as they did back then and it will not be a problem.

And, as far as I can tell, you haven't linked to a single video...

Lack of money? You CANNOT be serious. Isn't NASA being funded BILLIONS per year? Come on, now. You can do better than that.

Lack of money? You CANNOT be serious. Isn't NASA being funded BILLIONS per year? Come on, now. You can do better than that.

If funding < cost of doing X then X can't be done.

Repeating - And, as far as I can tell, you haven't linked to a single video...

WE can we just don't need to. I'd rather see more Mars exploration and the completion of the James Webb telescope.

Flat Earth is a conspiracy psyop. In this era where scientists became socio-political engineers, the powers needed a wedge issue, a touchstone that all non-scientists would have to pledge allegiance to the scientists, or be labelled as "flat earthers".

There may be other examples, but for me the "counter-constructed conspiracy" is Climate Change as the driver of geo-engineering. In this conspiracy, the true nature of the climate (driven by the Sun not humanity) and the true nature of Chemtrails (as an initial trial run for comprehensive weather control through geo-engineering and geo-weapons) had to be fronted by scientists. Scientists who had to lie to the public.

So now you have the emergence of a conspiracy that makes good scientists (astronomers) into liers (as in Flat Earth) as opposed to a conspiracy that makes bad scientists (UN client specialists) into truth-proclaimers (as in Climate Change).

tldr; we are seeing the manipulation of attitudes towards science.

Surprisingly, I've had a few people message me thanking me for not being a total idiot when I defend certain FE theory components.. But yes, absolutely, most of the FE trolling is done by those attacking it in my experiences

Because there is nothing to discuss

Asking why GPS signals are frequency shifted makes me a lunatic?

Why can't we go back to the moon?

Lack of money. Get Congress to give NASA as much money as they did back then and it will not be a problem.

And, as far as I can tell, you haven't linked to a single video...

Is it also gate keeping to keep lying about basic scientific principles like gravity, ballistics, and orbital dynamics?

WE can we just don't need to. I'd rather see more Mars exploration and the completion of the James Webb telescope.