The moon soul trap machine

1  2018-05-14 by chrysanthemum9

There’s a theory that the moon is an artificial satellite inhabited by aliens and elements of the Fourth Reich. It’s also been said there is a soul trap machine on the moon that catches souls when they die, wipe their memory, and send them back to reincarnate on Earth.

Lately I’ve been thinking about the Dreamworks logo that you see at the beginning of any Dreamworks film. The logo is of a boy sitting on a crescent moon while fishing. I think this represents the moon fishing for souls. I think this topic needs more attention so we can figure out how to evade this lunar soul trapping device.


I've heard don't go in to the light when you die.

I think that’s the best answer we have right now. One would hope it’s that easy. We need to learn more about how this machine works I think.

i like how you took a simple post and made me think about something super deep that resonates with me.. thanks haha

One view is that the light is part of the archon soul/energy trap. They remind you of your life on Earth. Your interest in your loved ones and your interests, and when you go into the light you're reincarnated into the soul trap system.

heard that too, but I'd need more help whether it's advice to take or not.

sounds like going against what everyone in the main stream believes isn't a terrible idea.

I have also heard this. Suggesting the light, meaning good, is a trick.

I've been afflicted by beings that seek to make me feel negative emotions and feel disempowered. I have come to believe they were not only here my whole life, but are most of the chatter we think is our subconscious mind. It doesn't obey our will and keeps our attention away from the now.

What I really want to convey is that these abominations use the theme of benevolent angels/ETs regularly. They are familiar with it. It allows them to fool people that they deserve to be punished. Then they'll feel guilt and fear. These beings feed on that emotional energy drain we experience.

From that deception, they can gain our consent to be tormented in a situation like hell for a time or to agree to reincarnate in poor conditions. The thing is, conflict of self-interests is the root of all evil. They set us up to be a mess inside so we sin again, then they can repeat and get mow energy.

So, going toward the light and many other themes of implied benevolence will be used by these abominations to feed on your emotional energy as a soul. I still fall for it.

The basic model is, you are reminded that you sinned or failed to be the self you know you should be, then you feel guilt. That truth and guilt is used as a segue to the idea of punishment. That punishment nets them some score. They repeat until they cannot. I hope they are terminated and not forgiven for all of this at the end.

Or better yet, avoid dying to evade the device

Unfortunately, no one gets out of life alive...

Dihydrogen monoxide has a 100% mortality rate.

I'm more worried about Oxygen than water ;) The stuff does naturally wear out your lungs...just nothing we can do about it ultimately.

Death finds us all.

Thats ok, in modern times we also get an increased background radiation from historic nuke testing polluting the atmosphere. Plus you've got microplastics, heavy metal waste, acid rain, ocean acidification from higher co2...

Took environmental science, microbiology, anatomy etc and wanted to be a chemist or toxicologist.

Now my job is machining plastic parts and breathing in chlorinated compounds, organotin & heavy metals used as pigments and conditioners for plastic, not to mention old BPA and whatever other endocrine disrupting compounds are not thoroughly tested.

It gets me so pissed because i pay $30 a month from my paycheck for an EPA plastics tax, yet there is no consideration how those plastic chemicals affect human workers, just the environment, and i doubt the money goes to research its just wasted by a currently less than useless EPA.

you should think about a union and a resperator.

molecular o2 is actually quite stable, it's superoxides that set off the chain reactions that damage our bodies.

Not yet

Google Saturn Pacman Moon OP

It’s interesting, but can you explain how exactly it relates to the topic?

This theory connects all the way to Saturn. It's often called the Saturn Moon Matrix. What does Pacman eat?

Very interesting. I’m seeing now how the moon and Saturn are connected. So basically the frequency on Saturn is being amplified through the moon down to Earth to create the false reality? Wonder then how Saturn plays into the soul trap machine.

Oh my god guys ive put the whole conspiracy together! You see, the alien war to create a false reality with the moon was t.... This individual just committed suicide by stuffing himself in a trunk after shooting himself 43 times in the head.

I recently did a post on Saturn and Saturnism. Going to investigate further into this moon theory.

Saturn is also the devil in Greek or Roman mythology

That Saturn is a stargate that emits these soul catcher moons, as is Jupiter. When a planet's souls leave the moons shrink as grapes to raisins. This is why the moons on Mars are all tiny and shriveled up.

I just looked it up (I'm not OP). Very interesting! Guess I'll be up for a while reading and looking into this.


I can't pull up the link. But I know what you are saying/mean. I saw the two moons of Saturn and the heat pictures that look like Pac Man.

The moon is suspicious af.

this video tripped me out

what was that even suppose to be?

If you remember that alien reincarnated boy in Russian. I forgot from where he was but he did said some about some soul things that attract souls and traps them. That they use to do that so the souls won't travel to earth, since they needed more souls to repopulate or something. But he said while they where on war, the soul catcher broke and they got released. Then the souls left and travel to earth.

If you don't know about the Russian boy. Just look him up and look at the interview.

I remember reading about this ruskie but I thought the story was he was from mars and said the sphinx in Egypt would unlock a secret for us. Been a while since I've heard anything about him.

Yeah he said that too

For those interested, here's a video of the kid explaining/talking about all this.

Read 2012 by Whitley Streiber.. I loved that book and its very similar to this cool and terrifying thought.

Sounds like a modern take on gnosticism.

Turns out the alignment of the sun, earth and moon during a lunar eclipse is the best time to attain enlightenment, cause that's when the Reptilian Annunakis' moon based mind control technology, which is powered by the sun, loses its power source and goes down temporarily. Hence a window of opportunity for enlightenment. The Annunaki moon matrix theory is from David Icke.

I love how David's moon matrix theory crosses paths with the ancient Kalachakra Tantra teaching of attaining enlightenment during an eclipse. Here's Sheldon Moore on enlightenment during a lunar eclipse:

Thanks for sharing.

They don't have a backup generator? A battery even? Seems like something they could work on.

It's designed into the narrative to give students a smidgen of a chance of bypassing brainfry. Secretly the Reptilians would love to be outsmarted, I think.

Isn't this one of Max Spiers' revelations in that lecture he gave just before he was poisoned?

I believe so..

Max Spiers mentioned it in a few interviews. John Lear also talked about it.

OP is definitely on hard drugs

This post just made me unsubscribe


Lol i said almost the same to him.

90% sure this is troll


This is basically what Scientology believes. I think it's probably more of less the case.

Essentially they claim Xenu brought aliens to earth, killed him in volcanos, and then captured and programmed their souls to be filled with misery and confusion. Then, the souls possessed early humans, and thus we have pain and human suffering.

Suspicious things about the moon, 1. earth only sees one side of the moon because it orbits around earth at the same speed it orbits itself. 2. It’s too big to orbit earth and modern science cannot explain. 3. It’s so happens that the moon lines up perfectly in between earth and the sun creating an eclipse 4. It has protected earth from almost every major meteor 5. When a satellite crashed into the moon the sound of the impact indicated it was solid hollow solid

In regards to your last point, how could there have been a sound from a moon impact, since there isn't any air?

I not the guy who posted, but I believe it was during one/some of the apollo missions they dropped the spent accent stage modules, and when they hit the surface of the moon they measured, using seismographs, the response, and said it "rung like a bell" as the reverberations went on for 4-6 hours.

In regards to the first point, tidal locking isn't that uncommon when it comes to moons and their orbits around their planets.
What is uncommon though, as you've rightly mentioned, is a planet the size and mass of the Earth having a moon as large and massive as ol Luna, there. Its size is a compete anomaly, and we've never observed any planet with a satellite as big (in terms of ratio) as our moon is to our earth. Also, the fact in lines up for a perfect eclipse on both sides is uncommon too. When it passes between the Earth and Sun we see a solar eclipse, where from our perspective down here on the surface the moon perfectly covers the Sun, and when the Earth is between the Sun and the moon we see a lunar eclipse, where the Earth's shadow perfectly falls across the surface of the moon.

Hmm interesting, why does Venus appear to be tidally locked to the earth? Why isn't mercury tidally locked to the sun? The distance from the sun to mercury given their mass is smaller proportional to the Earth and Moon. Yet only moons are tidally locked, and not all of them.

Venus isn't tidally locked to the earth.
Mercury is tidally locked to the sun.
You answered your own question on that last one. The distance between the Sun and Mercury is proportionally smaller than the distance between Earth and the moon, and the difference in mass is proportionally greater between the Sun and Mercury than between the Earth and the moon, so therefore there's statistically a much higher chance that Mercury would be tidally locked with the Sun than the moon would be with Earth.
It's not that only moons can be tidally locked. That's an incorrect assumption. Any satellite has the potential to tidally lock with the object it's orbiting, be that a moon with its planet, a planet with its sun, or even massive stellar objects like black holes orbiting each other. It's just a case of mass, distance, and time, as to whether/when that will occur.

Venus isn't tidally locked to the earth.


Mercury is tidally locked to the sun.


I don't think you understand what tidal locking is. Your link literally shows that Mercury is tidally locked with the Sun. It's impossible for Venus to be tidally locked with the Earth because Venus and the Earch don't orbit each other.

Radar observations in 1965 demonstrated instead that Mercury has a 3:2 spin–orbit resonance, rotating three times for every two revolutions around the Sun, which results in the same positioning at those observation points.

The atmosphere of Venus is just filled with gas, giving it a featureless appearance. It's going to look the same from any angle, from any planet.

Wow really what else are atmospheres made of lead? rock?

Alright my bad for not going into specifics. What I meant was that the gasses in the atmosphere heat Venus up to a super-heated level, allowing large clouds of Sulfuric Acid to form and block out our view of the surface. Saturn's moon Titan has a similar appearance, though the atmospheric gasses there block both light AND heat.

Ok thank you.

This is an awesome post haha. There's just too much speculation around the moon, and I honestly think this is my favorite I've come across. Not that it's crazy, it's actually kinda plausible I guess. I just can't imagine what kind of technology can do that. Or if it's even technology that can accomplish something to that degree.

that is no moon

It's been said there's a theory that using the passive tense exclusively and citing zero sources is kinda sketchy.

It’s been said there’s a theory that being passive aggressive is kinda annoying.

Ironic that you're being passive-aggressive then, no?

+1 for irony

Are you at all skeptical about the existence of an actual soul?

I’m less skeptical than I used to be. I’m actually more skeptical of the mainstream science view that we are all soulless automatons in a godless universe.

So what role do you think the brain plays? What does a brain without a soul look like? What if a brain without a soul believes the same as you do? Is that person a lying automaton appearing to be human or are they as human as you?

Being less skeptical is bad. What if someone tells you something similar to what you already believe but is lying or wrong? Will you simply believe then over someone who's checked the facts and consistency?

I asked a bunch of questions so I'm not expecting you to answer every single one unless you really want to.

A lot of people can’t seem to handle that were probably insignificant gnats. I know you want to be special but you’re probably not.

through my 25+ year conspiracy journey, it is safe for me to conclude that we are souls in a physical body. At the moment of death, your soul is released from body, but not visible to other humans

What would it take to convince you that the soul isn't real and that we're only our bodies? I ask because if a soul isn't real then this theory is either dead or has to be changed dramatically.

I think that the concept of a soul has good descriptive and metaphorical power but don't think a literal one exists. I also think that once you look into neuroscience and psychology, the brain is far more intriguing and human than a soul would be.

What would it take to convince you that the soul isn't real and that we're only our bodies?

Why do you feel the need to prove that a soul isn't separate from a body? You are thinking within a defined box. The scientific community is corrupted af and is part of the beast system. Of course their "studies" elude that there is no soul.

You will not find any science that allows for any room of anything spiritual or meta physical ... because this current system conditions the human to be believe in the big bang, macro evolution, darwinism, and elevates "science" to god status. This system conditions you that the Bible is a fairy tale book, that Jesus never existed and God is a lie. If only the fools knew that God Himself is the chief scientist.

I'm telling you my friend that we are all part of this world/beast system and the cracks are starting to show. This world is nothing like we thought it was. Aliester Crowley certainly knew about the human soul when he helped form the CIA.

I promise you the highest levels of world government understands the spiritual realm, but they make sure to keep the average person in the dark because once spiritual reality is revealed, the truth starts to rip wide open.

All you have to do is research the spirit cooking that Hillary was invited with, or the real reason the South Korean female president was impeached a couple years ago. The world elite is involved in the occult across the board. Look up Bohemian Grove. And that's not even mentioning the satanic pedophile and child sacrifice ring that is being exposed. Yes they literally are worshipping the Biblical Moloch (god of child sacrifice). Even the mass abortions that are legal in our country is all a form of worship to pagan gods. We have been lied to about everything, from the same Govt entities that fund most "science".

You're dodging the question. I simply asked what it'd take to convince you the soul isn't real, and you didn't answer and said I was thinking in a box. If nothing at all will convince you that a soul isn't real and you don't have hard proof of one existing, then you're close minded. I hate to be rude but that's the truth. If you believe something dogmatically without proof you're by definition close minded. If you care about your ideas being true you'll put them to the test and find hard proof rather than speculation.

The elite no doubt believe in a bunch of weird shit, but I don't think any of it is true. If you think science is a corrupt, why do you choose to use it all the time? You're using electronics right now and you likely have taken medicine before and drive a car. You can't simply make a blanket statement that science is corrupted except for the parts that are proven to be correct all the time in your daily life. You have to give proof or you're only speculating and don't have grounds to be taken seriously.

It's not even that the community is corrupt. The sciences in general are corrupted by ego, ideological possession, thought prisons...

That is why scientists that study the fringe, the impossible artifacts that challenge the narrative are suppressed and ridiculed.

hat is why scientists that study the fringe, the impossible artifacts that challenge the narrative are suppressed and ridiculed.

...and even killed, sadly:

Check out who built the Moon by knight and butler. Excellent resource on this.

Great book. My only hesitation is they accepted the moon landing and the moon landing data. Is the moon 400x smaller and 400x closer or is that a false premise, you know?

Not beyond any shadow of reasonable is still very much a mystery to me TBH. A work in progress.

That’s what the movie a trip to the moon is all about

The moon being some kind of soul trap machine is quite some ridicoulus theory.

As for an explanation why our moon has such "curious" properties etc., that is easy to explain: It seems to be indeed an artificially placed natural satellite of Earth.

Our decendants probably re-engineered this solar system to have the setup it currently has, then the local space-time volume was put inside a closed time-like curve/loop.

Let me put this comment in a way that you can gain some clarity on what you posted:

"The moon is a soul trap? Lol that's a ridiculous tinfoil theory"

"Now let me tell you how the moon is an artificial satellite planted by time-traveling future people engineered for this solar system...."

Well, yes.

The first theory is from the territory of lunacy and does not make sense (how could a floating rock trap souls ?; you need a special technological device for that),

the second theory (mine) is completely possible within the realm of currently known physics.

You made me LOL. Thanks.

This has to be a shitpost, right?

not just that, it's an organized shitpost, there's no way that the 15-20 accounts talking excitedly in this thread are not connected

I know it's a bit of a long watch, but I highly recommend watching this series of videos from an interview with an alien abductee. This guy lives a pretty normal life, but believes he's been abducted by aliens, and he went through hypnosis regression therapy sessions with Budd Hopkins to try and uncover suppressed memories. It ended up revealing pre-birth memories and he talks in one part about his memory of being on the moon and looking at Earth with an alien figure before he incarnated here.
First video is about 50 mins, and the other two are about 20 mins each.

By Fourth Reich you mean 4th dimension or?

He def meant to say Fourth Reich. Read up on Dr Michael Salla. Here’s recent post:

I don't think every thing is rainbows and unicorns in this universe. As easily as we trap ants in ant farm because they are nothing to us, higher dimensional/intelligent beings might do the same. Could even use souls for energy...If souls even exist.

I don't believe that is true. Sorry no.

It's been there for an awfully long time, how exactly do you plan to evade it?

I think this represents the moon fishing for souls. I think this topic needs more attention so we can figure out how to evade this lunar soul trapping device.
Buddhism. Yeah, I don't feel like doing it either.

The Nazis never went to the moon. So how did they create some soul trap? They didnt. Your "theory" is bull and not backed by anything people experience or learn when practicing the mystics.

I think there’s some startling evidence that they did and are currently there as well. I just finished Dr. Michael Salla’s “Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.” Highly recommend it if you get off on the Alien/Reptilian/3rd-4th-5th Reich stuff. It seems a LOT of the UFO “conspiracies” eventually touch base with the topic of Nazis and their early formation stemming from German mysticism.

If op's theory was right the millions that practice the old mystics would have realized this already.

Must watch: this remote viewing team breaks down the Saturn-Moon martrix.

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you should totally look into Phobos, which is one of moons of Mars. Also look up Gnosis, the Demiurge, Archons etc. All potentially relevant stuff to this topic!

Apologies for not providing any links, its a fun rabbit hole to enter yourself :)

Also I don't know if anyone watched season 3 of twin peaks?

The giant from the original 2 seasons resides in in cosmos and received souls which get passed thru a soul machine. It's very creepy.

Also if you do watch season 3, check out episode 8 in particular. Its mind blowing and super weird and may give you some conspiracy wanderlust

the original?


sorry, is s3 the new one? thatd what i meant. gotta rewatch it think i stopped at s2e1

no worries! Yes s3 just came out last year. You should totally finish s2 :)

lol is the only suitable response to this

You're only proof is the Dreamworks intro??????


I'd lay off the weed soaked in PCP if I were you...

Oh my god guys ive put the whole conspiracy together! You see, the alien war to create a false reality with the moon was t.... This individual just committed suicide by stuffing himself in a trunk after shooting himself 43 times in the head.

what was that even suppose to be?

It's designed into the narrative to give students a smidgen of a chance of bypassing brainfry. Secretly the Reptilians would love to be outsmarted, I think.