The US embasdy is going to be bombed soon to blame Iran and start the invasion of Syria and Iran. In guessing Monday or Tuesday while Ivanka is there.

1  2018-05-14 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Trump is an extravagant guy who wants monuments and things with his name on it. So why have the cheapest embassy in Israel? They are going to blow it up, start the war, then build a huge monument extravagant embassy after.


Presidents have been assassinated.

Never their families.

I wonder if this is a 'one-up' from JFK?

I doubt she will. Trump lusts after her and adores her. She will likely be at "a last minute unscheduled meeting"

I see no reason for Iran to bomb the embassy so if it happens I'm going to assume its a false flag. Just like the last supposed gas attack

she'll need to go read my pet goat at an Israeli school

I see no reason for Iran to bomb the embassy so if it happens I'm going to assume its a false flag. Just like the last supposed gas attack

Iran backed Hams bombing of the embassy. Easy enough to find a reason most would believe. Hamas is violent enough and frankly none of my neighbors know jack about Iran and it's regime.

Yeah you can see how Trump adores Ivanka. In all the pics I've seen of them together, he has a very strong paternal link with her.

I could see the death or murder of Ivanka as the switch that would flip Trumps' shit though. I mean, say it was a foreign national that killed her, I could see that country being turned into glass within 24 hours.

The question is would trump turn Israel or Iran to glass? Would killing ivanka cause him to kick off his handlers?

Honestly? I think he would just lose it. Like, lose it lose it.

If it was just Israel and Iran getting glassed the whole world would get off lucky. I'm not trying to make out that Trump is a nuclear holocaust wanting maniac. I just know that everybody has their line...

Id like him to stick to conventional weapons if it happens. But id imagine bibi would end up with a moab on his dome along with the ayatollah

Yeah, maybe he could reign it in enough to not push 'the button' and instead just launch the entire US forces at the mid-east.

Innocent life loss aside, it would be a spectacle of biblical proportion.

Oh shit, that's not what they're trying to do is it? Bring in the end times by pushing Trump into all out destruction?

It still wouldnt be bringing any end times just fooling a bunch of christians and jews.

I cant imagine Israel putting themselves at risk of eating a moab. Israel would be leveled with only a few of those with only people living out of population centers surviving.

My big question is what purpose does fooling people into thinking the end times are happening have. Insuppose that would be a good way to get the one world government going

I don't know to be honest. I see loads of people chanting on about biblical end times in Israel and that's the real plan.

I don't believe in the biblical end times, but I can believe in the insanity of man believing it to be real.

How many serial killers have said "God told me to do it"

Lol, as if it is the POTUS who has his finger on the nuke trigger. You don't really believe that Trump has that power, do you? If you were in a gang of world domineering elite, would you let a fucking idiot like trump tell you what to do? Lol again.

I'm pretty sure the President has some sway, yeah.

You are sadly mistaken.

If Trump has no power, then why are you so salty about him?

Because he's a fucking idiot, of course.

So it's not because he has power?

Did you hate him 10 years ago?

Look, I'm not even American. I don't care what kind of idiots you elect for yourselves. I'm merely trying to point out to you that presidents of countries aren't what they appear to be. Try to focus.

I'm not American

As a passerby to politics what do you mean he adores her? Is that before or after he banged Stormy?

Syria won't be invaded because that would mean a direct conflict with Russia. Only Iran

Russia is supporting Iran....Russia and germany actually are on the side of Iran....

US invading iran would be a huge problem. Like we are talking Nazi Germany fascism level of huge problem. You want the new axis of evil? Let US invade iran and watch as the world turns away from US.

US invaded Iraq so I wouldn't say it's impossible

US invaded iraq at a totally different political global game. Where Russia was still shit from collapse of USSR, Europe was in support of US to a point of helping with iraq war efforts. Now though US only has its main allies in support of it, France and UK. Everyone else is somewhere on the spectrum.

Back then 9/11 helped A LOT, and the dominance of US was so huge that everyone believed there were WMDs....which turned out ot be a lie, and then there were syrian false flag gas attacks, and look US tried, it gave it a good try, but failed.

So you are right its not 'impossible' but gosh golly, I cant wait on how they will try to justify iran..... and be damned sure that russian rise, and now strength on global forum, will be there ready to counter like they countered syrian false flag justification.

US invaded Iraq so I wouldn't say it's impossible

Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Libya (First Barbary War) Canada (War of 1812) Algeria (Second Barbary War) Spain (Acquisition of Florida) Cherokees (Indian Removal Act) Indonesia (Expedition) Ivory Coast (Expedition) Cherokees (Trail of Tears) Mexico (Annexation of Texas) Mexico (Seizing of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, some of Colorado, New Mexico, and the Texan border with the Rio Grande) Sioux (Forced settlement and massacre) Spain (Annexation of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines) Philippines (Reneges on promise of Philippine independence in exchange for Filipino support during the Spanish-American War) Fiji (Expedition) China (Second Opium War) China (Looting China in response to the Boxer Rebellion as part of the Eight-Nation Alliance) Taiwan (Expedition into Taiwan) Korea (Korean Expedition in response to "insults") Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica Republic, Honduras, Mexico (US shenanigans with their military) Germany  (World War 1) Russia (Russian Civil War - Formation of Soviet Union) Germany, Japan, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria (WW2) Korea (Korean War) Vietnam (Vietnam War) Guatemala (CIA overthrows of their government and funds dictator's armies) Iran (CIA overthrows elected Prime Minister) Cuba (Bay of Pigs) Brazil (CIA helps overthrow the government and funds opposition groups) Chile (CIA funds opposition then overthrows the government) Grenada (Overthrow their government) Nicaragua (Helps install a military junta) Libya Panama (Attempt to capture Gen. Manuel Noriega) Honduras (Helps install a military junta) Colombia (Funds and trains death squads) Iraq (Desert Storm) Iraq (Retaliation for alleged assassination plot) Somali Sudan, Afghanistan (Retaliation for terrorist attacks in embassies) Serbia (Kosovo War) Afghanistan (Response to 9/11) Iraq (Bush's policy of war against WMD-developing states) Iran (Stuxxnet - Cyber Warfare) Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq (Drone Attacks) Libya, Syria (No-fly zone and drone attacks)

What is the source for this list? So many years of war... on one big list it's just like damn. Don't forget domestic aggressions. Waco comes to mind

Yes, and add East Timor, also the Navajo longest walk

Vietnam 2.0

“...Invading Iran would be a huge problem.”

Wouldn’t the US invade them just like they’ve already taken over half of Syria? Send in ISIS, only to follow them in under the guise of pursuing and fighting them? Doesn’t that bit of fuckery give the US free reign to do whatever they want?

Funding separatists, and terrorists has been a tactic in covert warfare for a long time now even before 9/11. When Syria buckled and made deals with russia, russia flocked the cash and funded the blitz on isis in syria, meaning they used their military to do what syrian gov that were in disarray and with many regions of its lands unpoliced under a unified gov couldn't. Took on the role of security found targets and eliminated them, dealing a blow to organised efforts of isis. Essnetially taking bulk of it out in a day. That victory essentially facilitated isis defeat going forth months later, and that was last year, and since isis was gone for the most part, US stepped in and tried gas attacks to then try and bomb some stuff, but that wasnt successful either, since they werent covert efforts, everyone knew they were happening and like nobody died.... because they bombed select facilities, and russian made defence stopped the rest (US claims perfect 100percent success, russia and syria report otherwise, so its like wtf is going, war games?).

Iran is bigger, already has support of russia, meaning they are already ready for isis. Russia mentioned that isis was spotted in afghanistan. So I am guessing that tactic is/will be used in more crushed afghanistan where we also know that US has been sending their troops to...even when they mentioned they wouldn't (lie and lie again tactic). Iran is more developed and stronger (politically and military to patrol its borders and land to crush terror aka isis, or whatever else they fund).

So iran is another game, Iraq was easily dont with WMD lies, syria was almost done with isis movement, until russia stepped in. Then false flag lies akin to iraq, which failed. Then US used brute force to try and justify it at UN, and did not succeed. So whatever iran would be, I really hope its something new, I mean they tried to sue iran over 9/11, next they claimined Nuclear deal, and withdrew. So what ever happens next, I hope its good, and not just more false flags. perhaps they WILL sacrifice a real person (or fake it, as they are good at that too), in some international incident in iran. Akin to when german diplomat died and how war started, or how history books tell us it happened. I can even think of a few more scenarios: The Jerusalem fiasco, why is US moving the embassy there, who are they supporting? Jerusalem is like thei epicenter of religious war for hundreds of year, who rules jerusalem rules the world!

Interesting. Well said

Crazy that the best move is to just keep getting brutalized. There's literally no other way to win short of joining the dark side

Every time Israel points their finger...we go! So is it far fetched? Absolutely not. It is very realistic. IDK what type of far False Flag is coming, but it is coming.

How can post such an antisemitic "birthday greeting" on Bulanistan's 70th Birthday?

All hail King Bulan. His descendants has conquered the world. POTUS can testify by performing a fellatio session. ... Live telecast.


They will have some sort of false flag for sure. Syria is lost, iraq is considered failed state wanting russian help instead of US. The LOGICAL thing is to cut the losses and move on, but not to US. persistence is key.

*rape is key

its funny because its true :/

I could also see some sort of false flag involving some "Iranians" being part of that immigrant convoy the MSM has been harping on. Deal a blow to immigration and Iran at the same time.

RemindMe! 3 days

For those interested if you can't find live video of Gaza you can go on Snapchat map and look at the posts from some of the palestinians from a couple hours ago to now.

great idea thanks!

That's alot of loose ends tied up for trump also..

Backs are being scratched to make this happen.

Although this is an interesting theory, given the current political and world atmosphere, I highly doubt the US or anyone will invade IRAN anytime soon. I doubt in our lifetime.

I used to think the same thing about Iraq

Are you willing to place a bet on that notion?

Even though there has not been a successful bombing in years. This might explain why Trump is putting so little money into it.

Source on so little money being spent on it?

I read it about a week ago in this sub.

Ivanka is married to Kushner. Chabad Lubavitsch Kushner. If the embassy gets bombed she will definitely not be there, and if she's there the embassy will definitely not get bombed.

Can you imagine the rage and justification Kushner/Israel could feel if Ivanka were killed at the embassy?

Some Game of Thrones level stuff there

it was bombed 5 mins ago. Dead in the hundreds...


not on the news yet...

How do you know then?

How do you know?

Is war on the horizon? I try to not read any news for the sake of not being depressed but recently every article makes it seem it actually might happen. Just an honest question.

I've been saying this for weeks. They are laying the foundation through preemptive programming for the circumstantial problem- reaction- solution

I have no boobs to show as I'm the wrong sex. I'm a transgender reptilian in case you or anyone else was wondering.

But hey let's keep this really Jewish and have some money on it then eh?

You sound practically convinced. I'm not a Jew, so lucky for you but how's 10-1 sound? I'll let you on for max $10k exposure. Event opens 09.11am Sun and closes 09.11PM Tue local Jew time .

Every single dollar turns into $10 ;)

What is Oded Yinon, and why is it important to understanding geopolitical events in the Middle East?:

They don’t need to. They’ve already infiltrated both. Iran withdrew the petro dollar thus gets invaded . Syria (damascus) is a biblical phrophecy, they’re just going along with the agenda

not on the news yet...