/politics is leaking into /conspiracy

1  2018-05-15 by TDAlabama

about 3/4 of what's being posted isn't 'conspiracy'. It's newslinks to actual shit publicly happening around the world.

get back to posting cool ass cia.gov library links.


IF you are expecting this sub, /r/conspiracy, to, at any time in the future, be void of politics then you are going to be seriously disappointed. I have been hanging out in this sub for nearly 10 years and politics has always been here.

It has never beem this bad before. Apparently you can put anything in your SS and it will be considered conspiracy.

Apparently you can put anything in your SS and it will be considered conspiracy.

This sub has, in general, been considerably more lenient with content than other subs. This is a double edged sword. Yes, it seems ridiculous at times, but it can be useful at other times. You need to take the good with the bad. Starting down the road of censorship never ends well.

lol no, pictures and memes are still allowed by certain users(who happen to be mods).

i've been here for about as long (8yrs & 3 accounts), and you cannot deny that the amount of posts that deal with current events has been increasing. political? of course! conspiracies are a natural side-effect of secrecy and black-ops programs. however, it seems like since the Boston Bombing or Sandy Hook posts exploded, the number of mainstream/current event posts have exploded as well.

perhaps it was due to the lackluster 12/21/2012 or maybe more users are wanting to be the next big internet sleuth. I'm not sure. one thing i know is that the 2016 presidential election didn't help anything at all.

I reckon it's more a reflection of the broader discussion in society....

and frankly.. politics has gotten to he point where it is hard to tell the difference... so it reflects society, not how Reddit works imho

Your missing the point. It's not that there's too much political topics posted.

It's specifically r/politics style Infilitration... Which is radically pro MSM, neoliberal, and pro old gaurd establishment. R/politics is more rabid and delusional than the worst offenders on msnbc... And that shit is increasingly finding it's way here. And it's sad.

One of the biggest conspiracies in American history is going on right now, and you want this sub to ignore it? I love posts about CIA psychics, and secret Nazi soul harvester moon bases, as much as most people here, but to think thats the only thing that belongs here is crazy.

The biggest conspiracy of all is extraterritorial life. This sub ignores that completely despite thousands upon thousands of declassified documents out there for everyone to read. Yet all people worry about is how the government has been screwing them for years like its a new thing. The elites rule and you can do nothing about it even if they try. The next generation of kids will be of no use whatsoever being glued to social media 24/7.

*Biggest conspiracy being reported on

This is more of a conspiracy like Watergate, it's out in the open with very cleat cut evidence so it's reported on by mainstream press

Conspiracies like aliens, and ancient civilisations, have lots of evidence, but even the biggest believers have to admit it's not super solid yet. Because of this it doesn't get as much mainstream attention, even if it's totally true.

What conspiracies that have harmed us as citizens are not based in government and political acts and what conspiracies have been bigger than these very political conspiracies?

Go back a little to Iran/Hostage, Iran Contra/guns/drugs.

Star Wars Defense, (the cover story for the deployment of the massive global data collecting installations).

The first and second Iraq Wars,

The 2000/of and of course the 2014 midterm and 2016 election thefts.

And now of course this push for a war against Iran.

And don't forget the conspiracies that affect you directly, the wage suppression and stripping of our individual rights.

You could say the same thing about other subreddit too but certain people might not like it and decide to do something about it.

ZOMG /r/politics is invading conspiracy! ZOMG /r/the_donald is invading conspiracy!

All conspiracies have a politcal nature.

I think OP means “political” as “partisan”

No he meant r/politics... It's in the title.

The partisanship of it, bro. The problem is people pushing their agendas, not real political conspiracies.

Yeah. He was talking about Infilitration from a specific subreddit. And yes that specific subreddit is partisan.

That’s all good, but please don’t take my comment in a vacuum and see the context in the comment I replied to.

maybe the conspiracy of /conspiracy is overwhelming its readers with newslinks that push an agenda

so meta

/tinfoil hat

It’s not as tinfoily as it sounds, actually, and it’s actually relatively low now, but until about a month or two ago it was like ground zero for r/politics and r/T_D users battling it out.

Read the content of his post. He's not complaining about political content. He's complaining about people just posting news articles.

I read the post. It's three sentences. I stand by what I said.

What you said doesn't pertain to the content of the post.

Has leaked* FTFY since it's been happening for more than 2 years now...


Fixed that for you ;)



Yes, political conspiracies are finding their way to this sub!

Read the content of his post. He's not complaining about political content. He's complaining about people just posting news articles.

Who are you to dictate what kind of conspiracies are acceptable? Political conspiracies are conspiracies.

Read the content of his post. He's not complaining about political content. He's complaining about people just posting news articles.

Yeah why can't he post from zerohedge or yournewswire like a proper person?

Conspiracies are inherently political, so I think your question is wrong.

As if LBJ conspiring with Israel to shoot JFK and same conspiring with Cheney to take down the WTC are obviously acts with tremendous political ramifications.

The belief in the lie is also a form of political control, which is a form of mind control. You are supposed to be trained as a good american to refuse to see or acknowledge even the most obvious conspiracies.

This is why the entire american media is obsessed with collusion, which is the same thing as a conspiracy. They can't admit it, after all this, now all they can do every day is talk about how everything is a big conspiracy of one kind or another.

Meanwhile the military bombs freely on the map in Syria and no american(even the soldiers preparing to be sacrificed i suspect) has any clue what is going on over there whatsoever except her da der 9/11 never agin!

I do not think it is possible to have politics without conspiracy and a conspiracy without a political dimension is actually difficult to imagine. Even mice conspire in some circumstances. Wolves in a pack may conspire.

You are allowed to conspire in a political campaign over what your messaging will be and when you propose legislation in congress. It's' not an absoslute thing.

There is simply a space in human culture and society where people need to think freely and look at the actual connections behind the scenes, which we know very well to be well crafted veneers like the paint job on a Trump construction project.

This should it be shameful, oh you're one of those, or oh you are talking about the conspricy woo woo needs to stop. it's just a part of thinking.

Not all conspiracies are bad, anyone who says there aren't any bad and/or important ones though is trying to control your brain and that is not going to go well for you and yours.

The question is, can you say something intelligent about the problems?

Or just as good, what do you think is the most important issue affected by the worst secret?

Conspiracies are inherently political

Not necessarily.

Conspiracy theory is polarizing nowadays as is Polictics

The bots got annoyed nobody was listening to them in politics and came here...

Still not nearly as annoying as the israel spam.

I, too, am getting extremely frustrated with all of the newslinks that are getting posted. It's been especially bad the last few days.

I've been reporting any non-conspiracy content as spam, but I don't know if that does anything.

the reason is that the stuff that is happening publicly now, is what this sub has been trying to bring to light for the last decade or so.

things we have and are still being called "crazy" over are becoming widely known and accepted because the truth has been dug up.

i mean you are right a lot of it isn't the juicy stuff your looking for, but imho there is some celebratory vibes seeing the things we have known here for decades actually being reported on, and making sure they are discussed here only supports the things we have dug up that are still in the early phases of being exposed.

Maybe it's because the political systems of the world have become so corrupt and nobody is holding any of them accountable for all the shit they are doing. I mean look at this sub, we're screaming about obvious instances of bribes, political corruption because nothing in media is sticking.

I think the phrase you're looking for is that they are all "off the rails" and careening us towards the nearest cliff because they are afraid of losing their captain hat.

Maybe it's because the political systems of the world have become so corrupt and nobody is holding any of them accountable for all the shit they are doing.

Yeah because if we try we get busted for "child porn" and sent to prison or killed.

so much MSM spam on the front page rn and it's all by the same people. There's no way that shits not getting botted rn.

probably right.

If you know the score, you see how it connects to conspiracy

That’s all good, but please don’t take my comment in a vacuum and see the context in the comment I replied to.