The Thanos real life connection

1  2018-05-15 by Emax2018

So if you've heard of avengers which i'm sure you have, you know that Thanos wants to take out half of the universe. Now his reasoning behind this is overpopulation. His ideology is "In perfect balance as all things should be". There are not enough resources in the universe to cater for the amount of beings and he wants to kill half of them for the greater good.

Now i searched on Youtube "is Thanos the good guy", and a couple of videos came up :

Now majority of comments seem to agree with the ideology that Thanos is the good guy with comments such as "Thanos is right. Actual villain in the movie is overpopulation" "After watching the movie I really see Thanos viewpoint and the sacrifice he has to make to save the universe." "Thanos for President"

People are agreeing with the concept that Thanos is the good guy. There are not enough resources in the universe and this will cause more suffering for EVERYONE. Overpopulation is a problem. You have to make sacrifices in life. And unless its not presented in a real life situation, people will agree. again "Thanos for President".

Now i want you to apply this concept in real life. Imagine there was a being out there that has been working for centuries to reduce this planet to 500 million, just as the Georgia stones state:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

This is what is going to happen in real life my fellow friends. The new world order. The Satan worshipping elite are going to reduce this planet to 500 million. Evil = Greater good and unless it doesn't pose a threat to your life you will agree. World war 3, vaccines, weather modification, Gmo etc... Overpopulation is a problem and this is part of the New World Agenda.

And from what i can see in those comments, you agree. It's time to wake up guys.


Thanos was the idea of so called Jesus so was Apocalypse.

That's why he has the jewels in the glove.

Not all of us agree. It only seems like overpopulation because there are too many people in the cities that are already built. But theres is thousands of square feet of miles left of land to be built on and plenty of resources to go around for everyone. All this over-population New World Order crap is just an illusion set upon lies to make people think there is not enough space and resources for everyone when there really is.

And how factual is your statement?

Dont get me wrong, Im not disagreeing with you. Im disagreeing with the idea that The NWO will better this world and the ideology behinds Thanos’s intentions.

And there is still plenty space on earth for the population to double in size once more than. I believe that is when we should really begin worrying. As of right now, it is out industrial human ways that is trashing this planet, not over population.

Space is not the problem, allocation of resources is.

Exactly, but not the amount of resources on this planet.

Global Warming Catastrophe is just another lie.

Air CO2 levels aren't the problem. It's the massive massive amounts of CO2 that the oceans absorbs. This creates oxygen dead spots and acidification. This kills ocean life. When the phytoplankton goes, krill goes and shortly thereafter everything else goes.

The second problem with a warming planet is the enormous methane deposits trapped beneath frozen ground (permafrost). Whatever greenhouse gases we produce now is miniscule compared to the methane that's in process of being released. 400ppm of CO2? That's not the big problem. It's the methane. When it pops, we're gone quick.

It’s not a matter of space it’s a matter of allocation of resources and consumption

Over population is the single greatest threat to humanity’s survival.

You are so wrong it hurts.

Right now the greatest threat to mankind is the declining population of the 1st world because that's where all the knowledge, power, and capital is. As the 2nd and 3rd world modernize they will eventually go through the same cycle and within 100 years a declining world population is going to be a problem.

Are you aware that the reason we use so much land for farming et. al. is because of the machines that are used to harvest? They are grossly large and highly inefficient.
We can grow 300,000 pounds of food a year on an acre.

the greatest threat to mankind is the declining population of the 1st world

I would argue it's pollution

Well at least you didn't say "Climate change"

True, because "climate change" is extremely hard to predict or analyze reliably. Trying to determine the outcome of record-breaking CO2 levels is actually really hard. It is probably bad, but how bad? Scientists disagree.

Turns out it's universally agreeable that dumping non-degradable plastics into the ocean is a bad fuckin idea, so I usually broaden the scope of my argument to include all pollution, solids liquids and gases alike

Yes, pollution seems alarming enough.

Climate change tho? What do you mean with this "1984" ambiguous wording?

There is a lot of speculation about climate change out there. Much of it gets reported as fact by news sources, without the proper context.

Elevated CO2 levels are, will, and MUST cause ocean acidification. This damages coral reefs, inhibits plankton growth, and reduces atmospheric oxygen, which is really bad. It also inhibits fish and other marine life, which we depend on for food.

The temperature aspect of climate change is far less well understood. CO2 does act as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat near Earth. But elevated temperatures will cause global humidity increases, which will cause more clouds to form, reflecting some significant amount of sunlight. This will have a cooling effect.

I don't study climate science for a living, so I don't have the research to confirm or deny global warming. But CO2 emission is undeniably bad

til of thousands of sq ft of miles

Humans cannot handle all of the waste they produce as it is. Population should be curtailed until that can be remedied, at the very least.

So how long does it take a population to double itself? Is he planning on culling the universe every few generations? His plan is stupid.

Hahaha i guess ;"D

Limited resources in an infinite universe? Serious plot hole right there.

This movie isnt about the universe, its about Earth and the people that think they own it and feel justified in reducing the population for the greater good.

This movie is predictive programming. They are trying to get the idea into the collective consciousness that killing billions of people is just fine.

But who wants to live in a world with only sociopaths left in it? I mean, you have to be a sociopath to think murdering billions of people is fine. So if youre chosen to live its because you will have no objections to genocide (because youre a fucking sociopath). So youll live in a world of people just like you; people that think killing other people is fine as long as it can be justified. How do you know know youre not going to be next?

You are all going to be next because all the other sociopaths will be thinking everyone else is a sociopath and ready, willing and able to kill at any time.

So, after the great culling it will only be a matter of a few short years before the "survivors" kill each other off and humans will be extinct.

Absolutely. And who are they to decide who lives and who doesn't. If they so much believe in sacrifice? Why don't they take the first step in the betterment of humanity.

We both know their motivation has nothing to do with the greater good or compassion for humanity. It is driven by greed and selfishness. Nothing more.

Who wants to live in a world with nothing but compassionless, selfish people? Can you imagine? Who will they fuck over and take advantage of? LOL (each other)

What's funny to be is there's literally 400 people that have more wealth than the entire rest of the world....and then people have the gall to say, 'there's too many people'.

It's a resource-allocation issue. There's a tiny sect of people that are hoarding all the resources. Kill them, forcibly re-distribute their resources, and watch as we end world hunger in a single fell swoop.

The heroes we’ve watched for 10 years are going against thanos. That’s not a good way to promote his ideology. If they were trying some of the avengers would have questioned if it was bad and they wouldn’t have made he death scenes the way they did. It all proposed despair.

Yeah lol the movie isn’t “priming” people for a cull he’s the bad guy and he has the power to create any resources he thinks are being drained. killing half of the universe was to please his “mistress” Death

I don’t think they’ll bring up Death in the movies.

I haven’t seen it yet lol my bad I just know a bit from the marvel universe story from the comics

The are near infinite reasources off planet, this whole argument is bunk

"Infinite". You have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Is the FACT that that basis such as oil will run out in approximately 50 years really infinite to you?

there are a billion starts out there generating matter at every moment

There are plenty of energies that we could easily harness to solve our dependance on fossil fuels. Solar is the most obvious but in less than 100 years we will probably have fusion or zero point energy hopefully.

Overpopulation is only a problem in certain areas. The world has far more than enough resources for generations to come. The problem is getting the resources to people. The 1% seem to think it should all be theirs.

Check out the British show Utopia it deals with this and a comic pretty good show

Film full of subliminal messages, anyone see the two black towers where Gomorrah gets sacrificed?

I read Thanos Quest before you were fucking born.

Has nothing to do with overpop.

Yes! Because NWO is a new hipster thing. Get real, mate.

Why are you on every postin this sub being downvoted? Either you catch up to the information or there is no point in giving your misinformed ideas away

When people breed animals for pets, let's take dogs as an example, they look for animals with desired traits (i.e. doesn't bite people, protects it's owner/owners, intelligent, etc) and cull out the rest from the breeding stock so that they don't pass on their undesired traits. If they didn't do that we'd still have dogs ripping babies apart when we turn our backs..

There will always be people around who view things in this manner. A lot of people who are this cold and numbed to humanity seem to be very successful and run major companies, are in our government, are in our military, etc.. I guess what I'm getting at, is try to make sure you have desired traits..

Well, mate. The first this which came to my mind after the movie "I wonder if anyone catches up what was that all about to begin with? And how soon people start praising him?" guess what...

The infinity war came out in 1992. Guess they have been telling us for awhile. Seriously I understand the connections people are making but Marvel didn't happen last year and they change so much in movies. My suggestion is to hit up comic stores and start buying old comics online. You will get a better picture of it.

I think there are people who are just ignorant like Thanos. The videos are a product of that but it's also people wanting to capitalize off the ignorant, and easily misled. Saying he's a good guy in a video title is a clickbait tactic, and you see it all over YouTube when it comes to fiction.

Interesting post my man. Lol, shows how worried I am with pop culture, i thought thanos was somehow associated with that game fortnite

Actually, this concept has been brewing for a while and have been used in movies as a supervillain move. Soylent Green, The Thinning, the first Kingsman, they all allude to some sort of purge to balance the universe.

Heck, when you think about it, the Purge also talks a little about balance, but it's about social justice.

That New World Order sounds ideal, actually. I think if such a thing exists that it's probably more venal and petty, because humans, but I like to think that maybe it's for a greater purpose.

It's a popular motivation amongst villains, it's also the plot of Watchmen.

Predictive programming much? Or is this some kind of gigantic sygil?