Israel hackers and Intel agencies were caught working with Cambridge Analytica and Trump to win the election. Everything Russia is in trouble for, Israel did and is in no trouble. Why are democrats supporting Israel after this? Why can't we hold Russia and Israel equally responsible?

1  2018-05-15 by showmeurboobsplznthx

SS: it blows my mind that there us evidence of both Russia and Israel illegally working with Trump, yet democrats only focus on Russia. Why is this? Why is our government so hypocritical wanting to end foriegn influence and sure up elections while giving Israel access to everything. Both Israel and Russia have massive online armies on american social media to distort us, yet its only wrong for Russia. This had a situation shows us just how aggressive Israel's army is if you go through all the threads. What has Russia got from Trump? What has Israel got?


If you want pretty much any Christian vote (especially in the south) you pretty much have to support Israel no matter what.

That's true but using Israel to hack and manipulate the election is illegal and should be punished. I think mueller was brought in to protect Israel and Saudi. He did it during 9/11 and here he is again... There is undeniable evidence trump and Israel colluded with hackers espionage and blackmail to win, yet mueller is on a Russia hunt. I am against trump and democrats because they never hold Israel or Saudi accountable.

Lots of Democrats have a dual citizenship with Israel:

And Hillary got funded by Radical Saudis to the tune of $10 Million:

Pick your poison, enslaved by Israel or enslaved by Saudi's?

Do you have a list of republicans with dual citizenship?

Working on it. Brb

Looking forward to it.

You ninja edited your comment.

And your wiki list counters what you just said and your previous image list.


Are you not fact checking yourself and reading your own links?

Even some of the democrats in your list are not even in congress anymore.

If you want to include people who are Jewish who used to be in congress, then there would be far more than just two Republican congress members.

Are you not fact checking yourself and reading your own links?

it depends man, I work a full time, while also dealing with a flood, while also reading several books depending on what kind of mood i'm in that day and if there's free time (today was a bit of history on whether or not Jews can really claim Israel as their own, Kriya Yoga, and some Zen), and sometimes I make mistakes.......but fix them, or recant them later...yes we are all human, its ok

Even some of the democrats in your list are not even in congress anymore.

Because its a list from that time

If you want to include people who are Jewish who used to be in congress, then there would be far more than just two Republican congress members.

Of course there would be. I am not for either party so I am not seeking some agendas here. The Democrats are infiltrated and the Repubs are too

And why do you continue to edit your posts instead of just letting your mistakes remain, and correct yourself in a reply to one of my comments?

I posted one thing, while I was till reading and getting my facts straight, changed it 5 minutes later, then got busy with work before I can finish. Human

Ninja edit: Also, why are you only focusing on democrats and not republicans?

I do really? I just made a post about Zognald Trump getting 8 years and after that guessing it will be Hulk Hogan vs The Rock, so that's a shot at ole orange face right there. I'm hoping he proves me wrong and that he negotiated some sort of deal with Israel in exchange for the embassy, like maybe letting them that they better be okay with the Mattis Pentagon Audit which we all know is shilled the F up with kickbacks and dirt going back to Israel and MF's gonna go would hope anyway.

Regardless, Republicans are a dead party and I dont really see Trump as Republican, except in name only. He's been a democrat and has done business with both sides and lived in Democratic NYC for a large portion of his business life. I just see him wrapped in that label and thrown into the fire, and guns pointed to his head from every angle something I have never witnessed with any other republican.

Also I think the bigger threat is the progressive left looking to ban guns, ban free speech, socialize society by taxing the corporations, like just passed in Seattle, creating internet police to censor comments and send fines/police to people who criticize religions and the Gov, filled with hate, and causing a massive rise in the far right., which then causes the alt-left to rise in #'s as well.

It's a no win situation, also I brought up the democrats because of this comment:

If you want pretty much any Christian vote (especially in the south) you pretty much have to support Israel no matter what.

So it was contextual to show both sides are the same

By your logic, the Jewish republicans are still doing Israel's bidding.

of course they are, look at the embassy

Thank you for your reply. I disagree with you on many things, but I can respect different opinions.


The thing is, IDK. I'm entertaining possibilities, ideas, angles, etc.

When it was trump vs hillary, it was welcome to clown world no win situation, but I saw Hillary as he devil versus Trump as a comedian reality sitcom character, however have been surprised by some moves that I was always for even when I used to be a democrat: strict closed borders, reinvest in U.S infrastructure, Audit the Pentagon, renegotiate tariffs, peace talks globally, etc and some of these things are actually happening, and I am shocked.

In terms of Israel, meh, they are going to get what they want, and even though its costing lives (Palestinians) those lives are the price paid to awaken the world against these people and more and more everyday all over the world start to figure things out.

I'm seeing TONS of hate on the left against ISrael, which I never have see in my life come from them. I think if they ever get enough progressives together and get "their" woman/tranny/whatever into the white house, we may see jewish relations come to an end and a purge happen in the U.S. except it'll also be all the guns, speech, tweets, posts, etc.

idk man, long day, and bad one too. My house got partially flooded and I broke my french press which was a gift from a loved one.....sigh

idk man, long day, and bad one too. My house got partially flooded and I broke my french press which was a gift from a loved one.....sigh

Genuniely sorry to hear that. That sucks. My house burnt down years ago, and I lost everything. So I understand how it feels.

t. That sucks. My house burnt down years ago, and I lost everything.

yeah that sux man, I guess my situation is just water under the bridge compared to yours. Hopefully the insurance payout gave you a restart 1up

Yep, it certainly did. I was lucky to have it.

Hope all goes well for you, and the situation improves.

Republican Jewish Members:

  • David Kustoff
  • Lee Zeldin

Oh boi, so I guess the Russia narrative is dead and now we're in the phase "pin everything on Israel"?

I believe I said hold them equal?

You know it's possible to believe in many multiple conspiracies of this nature right? These things don't all happen in a vacuum, and just because there is focus one aspect of a conspiracy of a political leader, does not mean the previous conspiracies go away.

I don't understand why anti-Israel posts do not get more attention on Reddit. OP your post along with credentials are all 100% valid.

Granted, everyone seems pretty pissed off at Israel for the atrocities against the Palestinians.

Yes you're right I should have included that.

Great post and agreed.

People know me because I'm constantly talking about the Russia investigation, but Israel has been shady shit just as well.

Why is everyone afraid to talk about it?

Israel and Russia both did the same thing. Why is it ok for Israel but not Russia? Both shoukd be treated as foriegn states influencing America.

We are in agreement.

I think the biggest difference is that Russia tried to sell the info to Trump Jr in exchange for lifting the sanctions. All this info came out months ago so people eventually connected the dots.

Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is a new development. If there is proof that the move was in exchange for illegal activity by the Israelis during the election then I am sure the media will soon connect the dots as well. Democrats don't like the Jerusalem move anyways.

Why is this?

Because Jews.

But Israel is Arab and Jew.

Sure, the Jews massacre the Arabs.

You must be some kind of anti-semite pedophile to think that! Haven't you been watching the news?? Israel is the good guys!

Elections are run by the news, who is ran by the jews, for which you speak out surely you'll lose.

Its ran by Christians and Jews. But Christians dont know that Jews hate them. They think that since they share the bold testament they have something in common. This current Israeli Jew trouble is reawakening christians as to why Jesus was necessary to get past the Jewish hiccups. I am shepardi and know this... I'm glad as all 3 religions need progressives to update and get along so the hardliners don't force us to fight an unnecessary religion..

What is shepardi?

A Jewish people that left the Levant and went to Spain. They then migrated back to the Levant after Spain exhiled them.

The US has interfered in 81 elections world wide. That doesn't include the countries where we've overthrown governments and bombed. You think HRC wasn't backed by other countries? Read the emails. Check wikileaks. Read all leaks, not just Americas. That's why the world hates us. We're such hypocrites.

Why are democrats supporting Israel

Cos these are also douchebags that suck Netanyahu's dick as hard. Their boss is after all a dual citizen Zionist ... Why do you Obama said "We're all Jews"?

As long the the Israel Lobby is allow to operate, as long as Sheldon Adelson is allowed to conspire with them, as long as Israel demons are allowed to roam free on U.S. soil ... expect the same Fellatio

The DNC put a lot of effort into staging the Russia stuff, so they are rolling with it