Conspiracy: The Endless Contradictions Prove (((They))) Are Throwing Sh*t At The Fan Hoping Something Will Stick

1  2018-05-16 by Xatos1337

As someone who comes here daily, and has been here for years, it's obvious what's going on lately. As we know, and many vets have pointed out in some threads lately, this sub is being brigaded by narrative-pushers. On one hand, they're not winning over any opinions, but it's still relevant because it exposes their desperation. For that reason, I want to have an honest conversation with the vets here about Trump. From what I can tell, the things that made us like him at the onset are still there. In fact, these enormous pushes lately are what I see as signals that the damage Trump is doing to the grip the elites have on us is real.

Look at all of the anti-Israel stuff on this sub lately. Now, Zionism is a real and long-standing conspiracy. However, it's also one that's almost never supported by the left, and yet, out of nowhere, Israeli thread bombs are falling endlessly from the skies, accusing Trump supporters of being morons for not hating Israel. I have to admit, that one's fresh. I believe this is being done because a new method of propaganda is taking place, and possibly some psyops to study your reactions and potential to swing positions based on prior-held beliefs. Basically, they're trying to do the following:

  1. They know a lot of r/conspiracy users believe in the idea of Zionism
  2. If they connect Trump to Zionism (even though they support it), they can potentially make you feel like you've been fooled and over time change the social media landscapes thus influencing favorability and ultimately elections.
  3. This is the plan, and now they're waiting to see the results of the campaign.

Let's take a look at some glaring contradictions which support my theory that shit is literally being thrown at the fan until they find something that sticks.

  • Trump is a Russian puppet. This is propagated daily ad-nauseam, until it disappeared because you weren't falling for it.
  • Except now Trump is an Israeli puppet. If he's a Russian puppet he can't also be a puppet of Israel because it's not possible to deliver for both of these factions. He's one or the other, you can't have it both ways.
  • Why the change? First of all, you didn't buy into the Russia bit. Second, this is being pushed because most/a lot of the users here on r/conspiracy believe in the idea of Zionism ruining the world. Thus, they decided, if we connect Trump to Israel and make him a Zionist, now you have to disavow him because you hate Zionism.
  • Ergo, you now have an endless and inescapable waterfall of in-your-face narrative pushing that Trump is a Zionist.
  • Remember, an overwhelming majority of American Jews are Democrat, yet it's the Democrats who are turning their backs on the Jews all of a sudden.
  • Trump supporters are constantly called Nazi's, yet they're the one's defending Israel.
  • Now Trump supporters are Zionists, because they support Israel. Are they Nazi's, or are they Zionists?
  • Threads are running wild saying the mods are Trump supporters and you can't say anything anti-Trump here, people throwing temper-tantrums over a sticky related to QAnon and Alex Jones, and yet there are over a dozen threads on the front page related to Trump being a Zionist, r/The_Donald hate threads (as if anyone gives a fuck), and even a smear thread on Ivanka. Yeah, Ivanka.

I find it all very desperate and entirely transparent.

What's your opinion?


Great fuckin' post (and definitely needed here - right now), mate. I don't even support Trump (per se), nor do I support Government. But, this shit is blatantly obvious. Nothing is sticking. They are trying this and that. Nothing sticks. It's bizarre as all fuck. Topsy turvy world, yo'.

I'm glad you see it to, friend. I appreciate the kind response.

He moved the fucking American embassy to Jerusalem and declared it the capital of Israel...

wanted to post as an old user as well (much older than this account) that I see what you are saying as well. It's constant. It doesn't work on most. They keep trying to change the dialogue.

Good post.

There's a new narrative almost daily and the overall story doesn't make sense anymore. They're just throwing shit and hoping some will stick like OP said. Trump is now an altright neonazi zionist in the pocket of Russia China Israel. It's getting ridiculous.

Aye, a Constant State of Confusion. Orwell, would be proud and dismayed.

They rig the debates too aggressively, denying a voice to any opposition. No one cares about rigged debates.

  • Best post in a long time I 100% agree, we are living in interesting times.

There is a big world power shift happening IMHO.

I appreciate the kind words. Thank you.

As a side note, that I meant to include --

Consider how most Americans support Israel by default -- it's almost "American" to do because of our Christian heritage. Whether you're Christian or not doesn't really matter, it's part of your heritage as an American. To have an open mind, I concede it's possible Trump could easily be supporting Israel to our own detriment if Zionism is real, but if he is, I don't think it's nefarious or because he's someone's bitch or some kind of puppet; it's because he believes it's the right thing to do like most Americans always feel and believe about Israel.

I just think Trump's view of America includes the ideal that we support Israel, which is basically taught to us. As a businessman in New York he's also been surrounded by Jews his entire life.

Doesn't mean it's nefarious. Trump's ego is too large, he wants to be remembered for achieving things. He wouldn't kiss Bibi's ass at the cost of his own legacy, that's just fucking moronic to consider. He probably actually trusts Israel.

I'm not the most educated on Zionism, but I think it's really that simple. Consider Occam's Razor.

trump IS a zionist.

Prove it.

He moved the fucking American embassy to Jerusalem and declared it the capital of Israel...

This will NOT benefit the USA

How will it not benefit the US? Have you herd what happens to those nations who turn their backs on Israel?... you don’t wanna be apart of that do ya?

Ajit Pai is that you?

So you ignore all the corrupt money dealings and just go with you got that he didn't do nothing

Going to be a long summer, friend

Not sure what you're talking about but we are talking about the push to label Trump a Zionist in a possible conspiracy to sway away support, in addition to the ways each new narrative contradicts the last, suggesting desperation to make something stick.

Spin moves like this will get shot down everytime.

" Trump is a Russian puppet. This is propagated daily ad-nauseam, until it disappeared because you weren't falling for it."

It's not falling apart or disappearing. In fact more and more us being .add public. It's not "a spin move"


You meant “Wall”.

The shit hit the fan a long time ago.

If Trump was a Zionist through and through he would have vowed to support Israel against Iran. But he didn't. He said YOYO Israel, it's isn't our problem.

OP I think you are wrong, zionists are the cause of most of our problems in societies today and they need to be exposed wether its through the palestine massacre or the staged holocaust!

What I mean by staged holocaust is that the elite zionists sacrificed alot of ”normal” jews in order to get the rest of the world to Grant them the palistinian land

This post is definitely one of the more clever pro isreal posts iv seen. They are getting smarter. To say Trump is not pro Israel but rather using it as a way to gain popularity is laughable. Also thinking Trump was not put in office other than winning over the Americas heart is silly. You try to gain credibility by acknowledging that yes there are a lot of paid pro Israel operatives in this sub and then try to discredit the anti Zionist movement that needs to be talked about. Very dangerous stuff we are dealing with guys. I hope the real free thinkers can see through this smoke screen and see the OP for what he really is.

Fucking liberals won't let this silly treason stuff go. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife and Hillary, or should I say Killary, used a private email server. Like dude, big deal... Trump took a couple deals with foreign governments before his election. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Either way, we need to focus on what really matters TRUMP SINGLE-HANDEDLY REUNITED THE KOREAS AND MILLENIALS KILLED TOYS R US! At least Kanye is starting to get it. I just wish he'd stop explaining the things he said. Doesn't he know that he is one of us god-fearing Patriots that is MAGA? He doesn't have to use reasoning or big words to explain what he believes.

Damn bruh, as a new person in this subreddit. It's pretty hard to absorb all these news..

understand this place is much different than what it was as recently as 2015. With the new election and reddit's bump in popularity came a lot of disinformation campaigns.

Look for trollish/dismissive attitudes and attacks - it's very obvious who is here for discussion and who is here to distract after you've seen enough. Good luck and thanks for joining us.

Hell, it's even different from a year or 2 ago. Lately (past 6 months) have been exponentially worse, imo.

I'll watch out, thanks :)

Is funny people still think Presidents take all the decisions by themselves.

It's part of the show, Russia, Israel, Grab'em by the pussy... is just theatrics while they continue their agenda.

They maintain people discussing the public version of events while they continue expanding their power.

Trump got a lot of evangelical voters by faking that he was a Christian. Him moving the the embassy is him throwing red meat to those voters. He allowed Isreali bodyguards to beat the shit out of American protestors and not a bit of remorse for unarmed Palestinians gunned down yesterday . It's pretty obvious he will allow Isreal to get away with a lot of shit because his base thinks it's the holy land.

his base thinks it's the holy land.

Trump supporters are all Zionists?

You're gonna see if that sticks now?

Can you read? I was clearly talking about his evangelical supporters. Nowhere did I say that was all his supporters

These (((((((((brackets)))))))))) are dog whistle racist garbage. Next you'll praise fascist trump and go all white nationalist.

/s ?

Is this a joke?

Trump is a Zionist. The "muh Russia" bullshit was started to distract from the actual groups that have coopted our system, one of which is the Zionist lobby represented by AIPAC.

You are seeing a spike in anti-Israel threads because Israel has been ramping up its propaganda as well as its war effort in a desperate attempt to recover the situation in the Middle East. Trump has completely bent over and taken their cock up his ass. He has done nothing but praise Israel and Netanyahu and continue the war effort in Syria. He is in bed with the Zionists, Neocons, Military Industrial Complex, and the bankers.

If you don't see that, you have been living under a rock.

Am I reading an ad for Trump?

This is how advanced the shills have gotten, be careful. They are trying to muddy the waters by drawing parallels to the completely made up russian narrative. They made that narrative before people realized Trump was a Zionist stooge so that they controlled the story before it was even talked about.

Look at Trumps AIPAC speeches, look at trumps actions in the middle east, look at trumps "what about the babys" cringeworthy performances to justify bombing of Syria. Look at Trumps reactions to his supporters (during his campaign) calling out Isreal.

This is some advanced level shilling and I'm honestly impressed, this is the sort of competence I expect from the elite trying to influence the conspiracy communities.

You are confusing where the divides actually happen, and this is on purpose.

The real divide is between the elites and the 95% of common people.

Trump and Putin and Netanyahu and Clinton are all elites, and they are allied. They create a media circus and on-site crisis such as Syria vs. Israel and use it to confuse and mislead the people.

If you consider the mechanisms of control that have evolved in the last 20-30 years, you can ask yourself "who is this aimed at?"

Cyber-control is not aimed at foreign powers, or even foreign citizens. It is aimed at domestic dissent, which is exactly what I am doing, right now. They will add this tiny bit of accurate dissent to my rather large dossier, and knock on my door if a revolution ever actually breaks out.

What if you found out that founders of Zionism and Israel were all from Eastern Europe(within 8 hour drive of Kiev) and not Middle East?...and that they hated religious jews... that they spoke a made-up language of Yiddish that only uses the Hebrew alep bet, and is not a Semitic language at all, but Indo-European. Perhaps the "jewish identity" has been hijacked by impostors as Rabbi Shapiro and countless others with him say? Perhaps the Russian identity and that of the Jews is bound up in a way that makes them difficult to separate?

Are they Nazis or are they Zionists?.... well they may have the same agenda as with the Haavara agreement

Be careful labels and identities.... they are not always what they claim to be

What really gets me, is all these guys calling you a "shill" because they disagree with your opinion. Most of them probably being here for less than 12 months.

Removed for Rule 6.

Wait, what? How is this a violation of rule 6? At best I capitalized the first letter of every word because it's a TITLE, which is proper English.

How is this a violation of rule 6?

Your post was reported and we discussed it in modmail. If you would like to appeal the removal, message the mods. Your other option is to repost without the brackets in your title.

Aye, a Constant State of Confusion. Orwell, would be proud and dismayed.