Normies telling themselves whatever they need to believe that pro sports aren’t rigged.

1  2018-05-16 by joe_jaywalker

From r/nba:

“Reminder on how the lottery is verified and why it’s not rigged”


This guy’s rationale for asserting that it’s not rigged is twofold:

-There’s billions of dollars involved

-The NBA hires Ernst & Young to arbitrate

Yes because when billions of dollars are involved that’s when you know things are corruption free. And I’m sure E&Y CEO Mark (((Weinberger))) and NBA commissioner Adam (((Silver))) have no vested interests and are totally not buddies.

The NBA doesn't exist, how can you fall for such a stupid psyop?

And I’m sure E&Y CEO Mark (((Weinberger))) and NBA commissioner Adam (((Silver))) have no vested interests and are totally not buddies.

Are you trying to insinuate that because of their last names, the whole process is corrupt and rigged? Seems like you are saying because they both sound like they have jewish last names they must be friends.

Can I ask, besides baseless speculation what evidence do you have for A. This conspiracy and B. That they are friends have vested interests?

Because in that post you linked to the interests of the 2 organizations are clearly explained. The NBA wants a fair and organized lotto system for the Draft, and E&Y want to protect their reputation. Is the conspiracy here that the 6ers sucked ass for years to get those draft picks and now they are good? Idk if you get TV or real news, but the past years two teams have dominated the whole league mainly using veteran players like Curry and LeBron “I shit on everyone” James.

You know that former NBA ref(s) have stated that they were influenced by the league to call the games a certain way and to favor certain teams and/or players?

Hey you know that is literally not what you said at all. You are talking about collusion between the head of the NBA and the head of the accounting firm used to determine the draft. So ironically, nice goal post moving

So you want me to instead prove that? Because i obviously can’t.

So you made a claim and then when asked about evidence you couldn’t produce any?

Then you did an excellent job of making a Jew hating post. Not anti-Zionist (we all know the difference) but anti Jew. Was David stern involved too? Because “stern” doesn’t sound very jew to me and some of the biggest “rigged” scandals were during his tenure. So explain to me, is it the Jews? Is it your shitty opinion? Or is it just you NEED to believe someone is lying to you so this certain OP was an easy target?

TFW when Stern is also Jewish

Indeed he was born Jewish. Never practiced. Now tell me: can you name the two commissioners before stern and their religions or are you a youngin than started hating the evil Jews a year ago?

I would have just put ((())) around Stern's name anyway if we were talking about him.

Jewish is an ethnoreligion; it's more than a religion, it's a race or bloodline.

It’s a race. It’s a bloodline. It’s an ethnoreligion. Correct. Now would you care to answer my questions about the two previous commissioners or are they irrelevant since they weren’t Jewish? I’d love to hear how they don’t fit your narrative. I’d assume it’s related to “well they didn’t make money back then”?

What are you talking about? You're free to believe that the NBA isn't rigged if you want.

Excellent. I believe it’s influenced not rigged. But considering you’re saying it’s rigged the burden of proof is on you and I’ll need something other than “they’re Jewish” so offer it shithead. So offer something other than “you’re free to believe it if you want” if you’re the one offering the counterpoint. As far as I can tell your point is “they’re Jews”. You need more than a Jewish hate. My city councilman is a Jew and he hasn’t stolen my community from me. You need points not “they’re Jews they’re evil” gtfo with that shit coming from a guy that believes Palestine is horrific finally abused and denied its rights to its own country.

Removed. Rule 10

I'm sorry but Football isn't rigged. Neither is Soccer, or Hockey, Or Baseball, or Basketball.

Sometimes bad calls get made, shit happens.

It is rigged lmfao, the sport scenes are way to big not to be controlled, its easily achiveable.

If they were rigged there would be a hell of a lot more people coming out about it. The players wouldn't stand for it.

Bro its rigged by forcing certain plays by the coaches & fake hype

Let me ask, let’s take (American, not sure where you’re from) football. The “powers” force coach A to call play A on offense. The “powers” then force coach B to call play B and hope that player C is in the exact correct spot to intercept ball when it’s thrown to player D? Now if you’re arguing that calls are often questionable I can agree. But it seems you’re arguing the powers control what’s called........that still requires a WR running to the correct spot, a DB being in the correct spot, and a QB throwing it to the correct spot. They would literally have to practice for MONTHS, WITH the other team, to get this quardination down for ONE game......bye Felicia

Team Manager:

Here's 152 million dollars to shut the fuck up.


Nah, man. That'd be wrong. I'm only in it for the love of the game.

Some people have a way of making me feel like P.T. Barnum.

Found the sports fan. Nothing worth this much money both legally and illegally is left to chance, no way in hell.

Since the owners of, let’s take the NFL, can get literally disowned from the team they legally purchased and charged with federal crimes for betting on their sport, and they have FAAAAAAAAR more money to gain from keeping that team in their name.....yeah, there is a way in hell. A lighted pathway to millions a year by playing by the rules. So actually your assertion is the one that’s more amongst the line of “no way in hell”

Lol. You need to get started on your Christmas list, it's good to give Santa plenty of notice.

NFL is so rigged any moron can see it. Women see it. Everybody sees it.

I don't believe all the sports are rigged, but they do bribe players to do certain things to make games get an outcome they want.

This is only because they are changing the odds of a loss. Players all over the world have been accused of bribery and throwing games, because either they have bet high or someone threatened them to do it.

Corruption is everywhere because if there is money, there is corruption, end of.

Muh Real Madrid uses warm balls to get easy draws

Real Madrid didn't get the easy draw in that outcome

They did in 2016's run, but haven't since. There have been some weird coincidences in the champions league though, like when the mock draw was the same as the real one.

IMO. It's rigged and some of the pro players don't even know it. They use hypnotism.

Where ever there is big money involved, greed and corruption comes with it, not a conspiracy.

Hold your horses there sweetie, sports being rigged I think fits perfectly in conspiracy. What is your idea of one if not?

I guess so, don’t call me sweetie though, that’s moist.

Sports rigging is by definition a conspiracy.

Alright, thank you for clarifying that.

2 people organising to go buy a bag of weed on their way to a reggae festival is also a conspiracy so should we also discuss that in this sub ?

You can certainly see how that kind of post would do.

They just need time. Like this guy:

I guess all this bullshit conspiracies are meant to drown Israel conspiracies on the sub, now that’s an interesting conspiracy

Hey you know that is literally not what you said at all. You are talking about collusion between the head of the NBA and the head of the accounting firm used to determine the draft. So ironically, nice goal post moving

So you want me to instead prove that? Because i obviously can’t.