Conspiracy: Endless Contradictions Prove They Are Just Throwing Sh*t At The Fan Hoping Something Will Stick

1  2018-05-16 by Xatos1337

(Previous thread removed due to formatting error/violation)

As someone who comes here daily, and has been here for years, it's obvious what's going on lately. As we know, and many vets have pointed out in some threads lately, this sub is being brigaded by narrative-pushers. On one hand, they're not winning over any opinions, but it's still relevant because it exposes their desperation. For that reason, I want to have an honest conversation with the vets here about Trump. From what I can tell, the things that made us like him at the onset are still there. In fact, these enormous pushes lately are what I see as signals that the damage Trump is doing to the grip the elites have on us is real.

Look at all of the anti-Israel stuff on this sub lately. Now, Zionism is a real and long-standing conspiracy. However, it's also one that's almost never supported by the left, and yet, out of nowhere, Israeli thread bombs are falling endlessly from the skies, accusing Trump supporters of being morons for not hating Israel. I have to admit, that one's fresh. I believe this is being done because a new method of propaganda is taking place, and possibly some psyops to study your reactions and potential to swing positions based on prior-held beliefs. Basically, they're trying to do the following:

They know a lot of r/conspiracy users believe in the idea of Zionism If they connect Trump to Zionism (even though they support it), they can potentially make you feel like you've been fooled and over time change the social media landscapes thus influencing favorability and ultimately elections. This is the plan, and now they're waiting to see the results of the campaign. Let's take a look at some glaring contradictions which support my theory that shit is literally being thrown at the fan until they find something that sticks.

Trump is a Russian puppet. This is propagated daily ad-nauseam, until it disappeared because you weren't falling for it. Except now Trump is an Israeli puppet. If he's a Russian puppet he can't also be a puppet of Israel because it's not possible to deliver for both of these factions. He's one or the other, you can't have it both ways. Why the change? First of all, you didn't buy into the Russia bit. Second, this is being pushed because most/a lot of the users here on r/conspiracy believe in the idea of Zionism ruining the world. Thus, they decided, if we connect Trump to Israel and make him a Zionist, now you have to disavow him because you hate Zionism. Ergo, you now have an endless and inescapable waterfall of in-your-face narrative pushing that Trump is a Zionist. Remember, an overwhelming majority of American Jews are Democrat, yet it's the Democrats who are turning their backs on the Jews all of a sudden. Trump supporters are constantly called Nazi's, yet they're the one's defending Israel. Now Trump supporters are Zionists, because they support Israel. Are they Nazi's, or are they Zionists? Threads are running wild saying the mods are Trump supporters and you can't say anything anti-Trump here, people throwing temper-tantrums over a sticky related to QAnon and Alex Jones, and yet there are over a dozen threads on the front page related to Trump being a Zionist, r/The_Donald hate threads (as if anyone gives a fuck), and even a smear thread on Ivanka. Yeah, Ivanka. I find it all very desperate and entirely transparent.

What's your opinion?


Not everything is about Trump. Israel does shitty stuff regardless who in the US is in power. (That said trump is an israel first dude)

Not everything is about Trump.

Tell that to the front page of half of Reddit and all of the media.

People have tried. They usually get called cucks for their efforts.

I just think Trump will do whatever it takes to improve his ratings and profit margin.

He works with Israel to move the embassy because his insane (imo obviously) evangelical followers are will to overlook any ethical shortcomings if Trump helps Hagee make more money selling end of days sermons. Same goes for abortion policy. He gives two shits for these religious right policies based on past statements. Trump is a opportunist and that’s it. If he saw a ratings boost by shutting down the Israeli embassy it would be closed in a week.

The same need to win advantage during the elections is the main driver for the Russian collusion problem. It’s hard to deny that they were approached and probably obtained help. Wether or not there was real conspiracy to change policy or if there were payments to close deals still remains to be seen. The latest transcript release and Cohen shadow LLC sure point in the direction of straight up pay for play politics.

Beats a president who does anything for the elites and media.

This really makes me laugh. The end results are the same regardless of the media. Personal enrichment and more cash for the 1%. Its the other side of the con-coin.

I prefer the one who allows for a strong economy and lower taxes.

Well the economy was running strong into recovery without his inputs. The trends were established not by anything Obama or Trump did. Free money and loans for the rich were the factor not EOs or regulations.

Lower taxes will only serve to devalue the dollar in the long run due to deficits and actual debit. It happened to Bush Sr who took it in the rear from Reagan’s tax and spend policies and Obama inherited a complete mess due to Bush Jrs deficit and war spending run up too so that’s on the horizon from Trumps 1% giveaway.

Trumps tax cuts will start impacting this year and it’s not surprising that the 8 year rally has stalled. It will continue and probably worsen, hopefully it will not turn into full on stagflation.

I definitely am not betting on anything getting better.

I disagree. Political decisions play a role in the market place. Huge roles

Yes but they are lagging impacts. Tax policy and heavy government spending take years to show their contribution. As I said both Reagan and Bush Jr cut taxes and through government money all over the place and they killed the economies momentum in 6-8 years. What Trump is doing now will have the same result. In all three cases the benefit went straight to the military industrial complex and wall street while the middle classes lost wage/salary gains and personal savings and debit skyrocketed.

Tax, trade, deregulation and less government are key variables to an economy. People put money in the market allowing companies to hire more. It's simple

America, Russia and Israel are all one entity. Also, The Zionists RUN the Nazis, they don't go against them, Hitler kills more germans than jews while the ruling class goes unharmed.

Do you have data that supports any of your claims?

Hitler kills more germans than jews while the ruling class goes unharmed.

Present tense?

Propagandists aren't chosen for their education credentials. shrug

Quick message from hell.

"And the Fuhrer said "Selten so gelacht! Ihr seid doch alle deppert. Wie koennt ihr denn nur so einen Schwachsinn glauben"

aren't Zionists and Nazis pretty much the same thing nowadays?

I guess as long as you're pushing an agenda with contradictory datasets then yeah, they're all the same.

Are you serious?

"Ye shall know them by their fruits." Labels can be misleading but if their methods, tactics and genocidal outcomes are the same, make no mistake, you are dealing with the very same kind of creatures.

My opinion is that when you begin your statement about how people are pushing narratives--and then you push what sounds like a narrative--it becomes hard to see this as any attempt at a 'real' conversation.

My opinion is that when you begin your statement about how people are pushing narratives--and then you push what sounds like a narrative--it becomes hard to see this as any attempt at a 'real' conversation.

You're going to have to explain what part of my post is pushing a narrative. Using your logic, if attempting to expose a conspiracy/narrative is by default the pushing of another narrative, then 100% of everything you read is pushing a narrative. Tough way to live man.

A conversation about the obvious contradictions and apparent push at psyops as outlined in the OP are what the conversation is supposed to be about. I'm sorry you missed it.

Keep trucking man this sub is in dark days.

Narrative is a vague term and people have seized on that to discredit your opinion. MSM narrative or partisan narrative might have been a better term to use to get your point through.

Appreciate the comment and for adding to the discussion. Point taken.

You have just proved that you're here to control a narrative.

Look at all of the anti-Israel stuff on this sub lately. Now, Zionism is a real and long-standing conspiracy. However, it's also one that's almost never supported by the left, and yet, out of nowhere, Israeli thread bombs are falling endlessly from the skies, accusing Trump supporters of being morons for not hating Israel

This statement alone is the only one of yours worth reading because it exposes your lies and how well you've crafted the narrative to be a certain thing. Now all conspiracy theorists must conform to your ideas because those are the real conspiracies.

You have the trademark arguments of a political party unable to cope with nuance.

This statement alone is the only one of yours worth reading because it exposes your lies and how well you've crafted the narrative to be a certain thing.

Translation: I can't desprove the theory you laid out or the obvious discrepancies in the ever-changing narrative twists, but I want to somehow try to water down your message, so I'll focus on a snippet of what you said and try to zero-in on that instead, making it appear as though I'm tackling your entire message although what I'm really doing is ignoring everything you said and attacking you personally as a method to derail legitimate discussion.

You have the trademark arguments of a political party unable to cope with nuance.

This is kindergarten-level smear tactic when you can't logically defend or reject a logical position. When you find a way to discuss what's taking place, I'll engage with you. Until then, you're just exposing yourself as someone who doesn't like the subject being discussed and are afraid of other people hearing it.

Bahahaha! Way to shut that shit down.

Your entire post is nothing but lies. You even got a cute little fan boy.

Connecting Trump to Zionism and Russia is as easy as looking at his own words and his own actions.

It's the Trump cultists who are unwilling to listen to what he's saying.

Trump CAME OUT AND SAID HE WAS ISRAEL'S BEST FRIEND during the campaign! Now suddenly you think it's a revelation people look at things Trump considers good, as bad?

No? That never occured?

Sad you had to bring in the fanboy.

I don't want to continue this slaughter anymore and by slaughter I mean laughter because I could go much farther exposing the lies in your thread.

You are constantly pushing a narrative and anyone who disagrees with you is a liar, Zionist or Nazi. Get off your soap box and be open to opinions.

What opinion do you want me to be open to? Let's talk right now.

Any topic you want, let's go. I'm off today and want music blasting in my ears.

Russia? Israel? The United States of America? Christianity? Judaism? Islam? Luciferianism, maybe?

Pizza? Seth Rich? UFOs? Nazism? Socialism? SJWs? Ancient history?

FBI? CIA? Imperialism? Colonialism? GEOTUS? Killery?

What topic do you want to discuss today. I'm as open as a book to learn something and form an opinion. Something easy. Forming an opinion.

Antifa rulez eh?

The z doesn't scream whimsy to you? Eh?

I agree 100%.

I think another aspect is that the people pushing all of this stuff want to make this sub look like it's full of anti-semites in order to drive legit users away.

Nice contribution. I think that's a reasonable suspicion as well. Good call.

Special interest groups have been trying to make this sub look anti-semetic since long before Trump even announced his candidacy. Your post is naive AF.

There have always been anti-Isreal/anti-zionist posts here, but they have ramped up considerably since Hillary shit the bed in 2016, and I think OP is exactly right as to the reason why.

since Hillary shit the bed in 2016

That's a daily thing now, from what I hear.

I see that as a main tactic.

You hit the nail on the head imo

The "muh joos" shilling these past 2 weeks has been really dumb

The actual users who have strong opinions on Israel/Zionism are generally more eloquent with their thoughts and use the correct terms or try to, they don't go around "hating jews"

I think the word "narrative" should be banned.

Repeat offenders shall be placed in the stocks.

Ajit Pie is that you?

There is way more shills defending the Zionists and Trumps decisions regarding israel. Honestly 95% that are anti Zionists are real users with no backers.

The narrative pushers are coming out of Stratford.

If they connect Trump to Zionism

Done. Next.

Trump is a Russian puppet

No puppet but there was an understanding back in 2013. Trump was pushing his presidency then as well. Taking it upon himself to become the Elephant Hero and attack Barack Obama, with birthism and weak leadership. Muh Clinton meme. And a bit of monetary help doesn't hurt the possibility of trying to relieve sanctions and cover up "hacks".

Except now Trump is an Israeli puppet

It's not hard to become an "Israeli" puppet. Or in the very least, "Sympathizer".

If he's a Russian puppet he can't also be a puppet of Israel because it's not possible to deliver for both of these factions. He's one or the other, you can't have it both ways.

Or can they? Trump supporters claim to not be racist but they throw unite the right rallies uniting general righties and neo-nazis with general confederate dreamers against the minorities and feminists where they kill someone.

Are they nazi's or zionists or zionist nazis?

Just what is Zionism? What is Nazism? You might want to educate yourself on both before you go talking about conflicting views. Nazis WANTED Jews to go back to their homeland. It's well documented. They killed whoever didn't want to leave their homes or the ones in neighboring countries that were not of their "pure" racist view.

Trump supporters are constantly called Nazi's, yet they're the one's defending Israel.

Richard Spencer says that he doesn't mind Israel because at least it is their own ethnostate.

Remember, an overwhelming majority of American Jews are Democrat, yet it's the Democrats who are turning their backs on the Jews all of a sudden.

The horror.....

Trump supporters are constantly called Nazi's, yet they're the one's defending Israel.

Hm... come to find out there is a right wing propaganda group that is vastly more powerful and influential than anything you proclaim is "left".

However, it's also one that's almost never supported by the left, and yet, out of nowhere, Israeli thread bombs are falling endlessly from the skies, accusing Trump supporters of being morons for not hating Israel.

Remember, an overwhelming majority of American Jews are Democrat, yet it's the Democrats who are turning their backs on the Jews all of a sudden.

Your post is predicated on the left loving Israel yet suddenly turning on it when Trump is involved, but that is entirely incorrect.

Democrats in this country have been turning their back on Israel pretty steadily over the years, while Republicans have become more fervent in their support.

Currently, 79% of Republicans say they sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians, compared with just 27% of Democrats. Since 2001, the share of Republicans sympathizing more with Israel than the Palestinians has increased 29 percentage points, from 50% to 79%. Over the same period, the share of Democrats saying this has declined 11 points, from 38% to 27%. [...] The survey finds that while Republicans and Democrats are deeply divided in views of Israel, so too do they differ markedly in opinions about Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister. Nearly three times as many Republicans (52%) as Democrats (18%) have favorable impressions of Israel’s leader.

This isn't a Trump phenomenon, it's an Israel-is-committing-horrors-in-Gaza phenomenon. Trump supporting Israel is just more evidence that he's your standard neocon Republican, despite his more hardcore supporters continuing to claim he's a new breed of politician.

And yet I watched videos of white clothes bodies laid our fie burial as Palestinian Martyrs then one lifts his head ans rubs his nose, another crosses his ankles etc etc.

It seems to me Hamas herds children and disabled in front and swarm the fence throwing incendiaries and letting the children soak up bullets. Then taking video and images of their fake dead and real dead. Man on crutches that starts skipping and running and twirling them etc. Money paid for people who get injured and I guess 72 virgins and money for their families.

Yes I know the Mossad has done terrible things but we are sophisticated enough to realize this isn't a black and white issue.

Good post. Don't expect any positive reactions given that this sub will support any argument, no matter how contradictory, so long as it harms Trump.

This isn't a conspiracy board anymore. It's a hangout for people defending the people they claim are also behind 9/11, JFK, and every other conspiracy in the world. They oddly hate Trump so much that those things are forgotten. I've watched this sub go from talking Blue Beam and Antartica to spewing Iranian/Russian state media talking points, Clinton talking points (who they claim they hate), etc.

This sub claims Trump is working for Putin despite Trump attacking Russian interests multiple times. It claims he works for the Saudis. The Jews and Israelis. The Church. The mob. And on and on.

Didn't you already post this the other day and got shown so many glaring miatakes