Missing flight Malaysia MH370 Conspiracy

1  2018-05-16 by larry7220

In the last few hours, articles have been surfacing offering a possible explanation to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines 370 in 2014. Majority of the articles basically explain it like this:

“The pilot put on an oxygen mask and tampered with the cabin pressure to knock everyone out midflight so they couldn’t call for help or resist. Then he flew right in-between the borders of Malaysia and Thailand so that neither country’s government would detect the plane or do anything about it. Then, he flew right over his hometown of Penang, Malaysia and tilted the plane to the left so he could look out the window and say his last goodbye. Lastly, the pilot performed what the article describes as a “controlled landing” into a remote part of the Indian Ocean where he knew the plane wouldn’t be found.. thus making this whole ordeal a carefully planned and deliberate murder-suicide mission. Experts offer the fact that a flight simulator had been confiscated from the pilot’s house after the disappearance of the flight and the assumption that he had problems with his wife as evidence to support this theory.”

All of this seems definitely possible, but there are a few questions that remain unanswered. 1. The article doesn’t even mention the co-pilot or offer an explanation as to what role he had in this, or what happened to him that he could not try and prevent this if he wasn’t involved. 2. A “controlled landing” into the ocean?Is it really possible that the plane just sunk into the ocean in one piece and nothing was ever found?

What do you guys think?



In regards to a controlled landing on water, look at that plane that landed on the Hudson River in one piece.. it's possible .. but the Indian Ocean is known to be rough, so conditions had to be some what flat or calmer to pull it off

Do You think abduction by UFO is possibility?

Everything is possible

It was about the technology that was eventually sold for $18 Billion. All of the patent holders died except one.

What technology are you talking about? Please explain a little more

OP do a better job researching and studying before posting on this sub. A post should only be made after going through all the materials attributed to it.

The technology is a semi conductor chip.



Fuck off with this entitlement shit. He is bringing it up for discussion sake. Unreal.

If any poster is proposing any theory about some conspiracy that poster is duty bound to research the most prevailing and discussed topic in regards to that topic.

Any assessment made without fully going through all topics is uneventful.

Firsts dates must be a real blast with you guy

Ask females in your family,they will tell you all about the blast.

Dude you are a joke. Get out of your moms basement every once in a while and socialize with society instead of being a keyboard warrior.

Rule 10

You source a Wikipedia article in your post about doing research. Get fucked, clown. You lost any credibility you might have had with that one ya little bitch

Listen motherfucker,either try to talk in good sense or block me but don't act smart while being blind and a fool. Did your motherfucked eyes not see the first link? If adding wiki link is bad add some of your links to either support it or dismiss it.

I did dismiss it you dumb fuck, I'm not the one citing anything. Shut your fucking bitch ass up and stop being a cunt to everyone you fucking keyboard warrior. You still haven't said anything valid so keep it moving you dipshit shill

Rule 10

Not sure what that means but it sounds like censorship. Move along.

Rule 10


Rule 10

Rule 10

the co-pilot tried to make a call while the plane was missing but it was cutoff, could have been attacked by the pilot, or the pilot could have simply locked him out of the cockpit and as he was trying to call for help he lost signal (it would make sense for the pilot to lock him out when he thought they were outside of possible cell service)

The US shot it down in the South China Sea

What makes you think that

They had navy ships there playing war games, there were witnesses, the search was immediately moved from that area and they have done it before...Indonesia helped cover it up

Hmmm interesting

todays military technology is so advanced that I highly doubt they don’t know where it went down or whatever happened to it

MH370 / 17 are probably the same plane. Too much of a coincidence that one plane goes missing and is never found, and the exact same plane and airline ends up being used as an excuse to push for more conflict.

Thats a strong possibility