Predictions for the big distraction tomorrow

1  2018-05-18 by skorponok

So as we all know tomorrow is the big distraction: the royal wedding. With all the attention on that event this presents a good opportunity for movers and shakers to pull something crazy. We should be especially alert and prepared tomorrow just in case something happens.

So I ask to all of you, what are the best bets for happenings that will be overshadowed by this royal wedding?

I have two ideas to get us started: 1-Trump fires Mueller, 2-Israel attacks Iran.

Let’s have some fun with this. Go!


SS: big events such as the royal wedding are a distraction. We should be alert at all times but especially during these types of events as there are potentially crazy happenings that will be overshadowed by tomorrow’s royal wedding.

I am asking for ideas as to what could happen tomorrow that’s I’ll be covered up, and seeking a thought provoking yet fun discussion.

I think number 2 is much more likely than 1. I don't think number 1 will happen anytime soon.

More people probably watch the world cup than a royal wedding.

My guess is the Royal Wedding is going to be bigger news than anticipated. Got a feeling something is going to go wrong. All the odd stuff about Megan’s father not attending due to a ‘heart attack’.

  • her sister in a car crash & hospitalized. And her brother being a nut and begging Harry to call it off.

Maybe an unpopular opinion... It is embarrassing for a Western nation to have a royal family in 2018.

I fully agree


Our Monarchy, while a bunch of elite money-grabbing bastards, have saved our (the people's) necks from corporations and crazy governments. Sure, this might not be 'perfect' but I whole-heartedly support the upkeep of the tradition that has made our country what it is for hundreds of years.

What's embarrassing is that one of our elite Princes' is marrying an American surf. Disgusting. I blame Charles.


Cheers, buddy.

I was half asleep when I did that, I hate that shit, sorry.

No it's cool. Honestly I miss it when the internet Nazis were those who went around correcting grammar.

Ahh, such a better time.

Haha, hilarious observation. It was a simpler time.

The royal family will be wealthy till the end of time. They are the inbred descendants of tyrants that victimized as much of the known world as possible. They are also immune from laws that govern everyone else. It is embarrassing.

And look at what we brought the known world. Technology, medicine a better way of life or in some cases the option of a better way of life. Not to mention unifying squabbling nations and bringing them new trade and allies.

The British Monarchy kept Europe from destroying themselves as well.

Another bug attack from Israel prob.

Im british and had no idea the wedding tomo and i hardly care.

Wow I just found out about a royal wedding on r conspiracy.

If this is meant to distract, it is failing in America. No one cares

The only 'bad' thing to happen, is that every town and city centre in England will be full of piss heads shouting and carrying on about how much they want to fuck Meg.

Shut up, Meg.

maybe im wrong but i dont think nearly anyone in America gives a fuck about the royal wedding

The wedding is news to me.

I didn't know. Is there anything more fraudulent than even the idea of 'Royal' bloodlines?

Tough to think of anything more bogus than that

Actually just wait for Harry's mom to turn up at the wedding and shock the world.

Guess it was a school shooting.. seems very coincidental.

Tsunami annihilating the West Coast and Japan?