Already see the usuals promulgating the meme that a "REAL" shooting has taken place in Texas. Post any and all proof that a real shooting, with real bullets, injuries, and deaths, took place in this thread:

1  2018-05-19 by joe_jaywalker

If you believe a real mass shooting happened, post the video and photographic evidence that can convince someone skeptical of staged terror events that in this case, a real shooting happened.

Otherwise you have no evidence other than it was reported on television.

It's pretty simple. There has to be proof and evidence of extraordinary claims, like that of a school shooting. I will make one of these threads over and over again every time a shooting happens as long as people continue to skip right past the part where we require evidence for the claims of mainstream cable news.


I actually only recognise your username because you don't believe in mass shootings. Seems every one is a hoax to you!

This is a thread for evidence that a real shooting took place in Texas. Try again.

I'm just adding to you calling people out as "the usual suspects".

grabs popcorn

Appropriate for this latest made-for-television movie. :-)

0 points, 50% upvoted, just like all my posts about verboten subjects, in this case the idea that shootings are fake and not just "false flags."

Why downvote this post? Fill it to the brim with ineluctable evidence of a real shooting and sticky it to the front page! You can send doubters like myself there if they express any misgivings about a real shooting taking place!

I don't understand, guys. If there's so much evidence for a real shooting, where is it? How can a mass shooting happen and leave no evidence of anything being shot?

Didn’t you get the memo?

If you gather enough video clips and photos together that individually show no evidence for a shooting, they somehow collectively prove it really happened.

To put it another way, 0 + 0 + 0 = 1.

Yeah, because it's so far out of the realm of possibility that a teen loser would shoot up a school.

Got any ... evidence for “teen losers” shooting up all those schools?

Pretty out of the realm of possibility that there could be a mass shooting with no tangible evidence.

It happened a day ago, is currently being investigated by police, and you want random internet people to provide you physical evidence? Should I fly down and collect shells? Should I break into the hospital at night and take pictures of students' charts? Like what are you expecting...

What sort of evidence do you want? You're demands are unreasonable and poorly thought out. Perhaps that's why folks being are voting against you.

this is a sad argument. you should be also capable of pointing to definitely proof that this was a false flag or a hoax as you seems to think, ALL those things should generate some kind of proof.
BTW: how many people you think are from santa fe TX that can generate the materials that you are asking for here?

It is so, so sad. I’m tearing up just thinking about it.

So... got any of that evidence for a shooting?

We have mountains of evidence for the mother of all false flags, but look at what good that did.

you know, this did not change the fact that we all can't confirm what happened in that school, and that asking to anybody anywhere in the world if they have proofs of the shotting will not bring us closer to the truth, or prove that the event did not happend.
BTW: i personaly believe that the US government is radicalizing those people using internet forums, just like ISIS did, this is my bet. i don't have proof in this case but i will wait for it. the fact that people can't disprove that does not mean to me that i am right.

Why would the government radicalize them? I've heard this theory before but I can't quite see the endgame.

me too. i just can't understand why so many people who committed this type of crime were under state surveillance, it puzzles me.

What is the point of the radicalization?

I dont know, but i believe that the aim is to create a army of gullible people that can be manipulated by using certain arguments that those people would not oppose.

Is this really a point of disagreement in the community?

The claim is that a shooting happened. Last time I checked claims had to have evidence. I’m just looking for reasons to think a shooting happened. So far, none.

You're claiming it didn't happen, so where is your evidence?

Excuse me, where am I claiming that? I’m looking for evidence of a real shooting. If it exists, why not just post it? Seems very weird that no one is doing this.

I have suspicions about the timing of this shooting, right after the Illuminati-promoted "This is America" bullshit music video comes out about shooting people that skyrockets to extraordinary popularity. Right after that guy wore the all-seeing eye to the Met Gala.

Then there's NYT/all mass media glorifying the shooter as usual, telling us what we need to know.... he was an introvert, he was quiet...

This stuff is so utterly disturbing not because there was a 'school shooting' but because it is so easy to see the agendas at play but there is not enough proof of anything... we just have to go along with what Big Brother media tells us. This shit follows the same patterns, and you just *know* something fishy is going on.

I also wonder how he was able to kill 10 people... with a shotgun and revolver... he had to stop and take time to reload, were people just waiting for him to shoot them?

10 killed, 10 wounded... 1 1 snake eyes. "In Texas School Shooting, 10 Dead, 10 Hurt and Many Unsurprised" nice headline NYT. Yes, school shooting are very normal when it is on your agenda to have them every few months and you either mind control the victim to do it or outright make the event up in your media.

don't see any hard evidence in the link, just a bunch of people trying to traumatize us by acting traumatized

And the evidence is where?

This isn’t proof of anything

Great thread and great way to attack the idea that this was real. We need more threads like this (compilation evidence threads and requests for compiled evidence), because in the 5+ years I've been studying these things, I haven't found a single school shooting that I believe was genuine and happened the way it was reported. Most of them I doubt that real bullets were even fired. And yet this perspective remains effectively censored. Thanks for posting. (perfectly reflects how vulnerable the global elite are as they get Crushed at an Elite Dinner. This is a Archetype Entering into the Collective Subconscious)

"this is a show running in a tv channel, what you think is the rationale that maintains it in on air? this is just the byproduct of our data stoled from faceboook, or you think that conspiracy theorists and flustrated people are not viable consumers/targets? that we do don't like to see our fantasies of power (and murder) showed to us?

This is a Archetype Entering into the Collective Subconscious

it is, it is the same that drives many in your country to enter in crowded spaces and shoot people.

4 days ago, -5 votes... and i was right.

because it is the idea, most people direct their frustration over people close to then, there is no way that you can exterminate our elite that way, but if you go to the right point they can make you go Postal.

Anybody else's Spidey-sense tingling over the Chicago "teen gunman zapped by brave school resource police officer" story from a few days before? No good pics, all info a little... I don't know.

(Link provided to news story referenced in comment)

Dixon is 100 miles from Chicago, meaning a lot less media to cover it/get it attention.

Also, the shooter was stopped before he hurt anyone by a school cop. This obviously doesn't fit the "there's nothing we can do but ban guns" narrative national media wants to push currently. It's obvious that only one type of story is going to run on CNN these days.

So you need to get sexual pleasure from the dead bodies?


Eyewitness testimony is all over the place. Circumstantial evidence, i.e. the aftermath, is available. The authorities are not in the business of releasing bloody photographs of victims as it is a privacy issue.

People are sent to jail/prison in this country everyday based upon only eyewitness testimony or circumstantial evidence. It is evidence that is admissible in any court in the country.

prepared testimony of a credible witness under oath is one thing, news crews getting footage is very much another thing

"prepared testimony of a credible witness" just makes you lose whatever impartiality you had. It's clear you have an agenda here. There's thousands of legal cases where a witness' recounting of the events alone are enough circumstantial proof to lock someone up for years, yet a video or photos are instantly discarded simply because a news crew took them?

Nobody is going to whip out their camera and start filming a gunman shooting a gun at them - most rational people actually get the instinct to run the fuck away from there. It's like saying "Hitler never killed any jews! Where's the photos of him personally shooting a jew in the head? There's none so he is innocent". Circumstantial evidence is in most cases the only available evidence, and claiming the shooting is fake simply because there isn't a student's snapchat video of the shooter taking the gun out and personally shooting another student doesn't make it fake. Talk about moving the goalpost.

Who is moving the goalposts here? OP is just asking for ANY credible evidence at all.

If the claim is outlandish - i.e., that a child shot up a school, then it requires evidence. Any type of hard evidence would do - but all we get are people get angry at the people asking for evidence.

All we're asking for is reasonable discussion and hard evidence. I just said courtroom testimony is different from news crew footage and you blatantly attack me, saying I have an agenda etc. Where's the proof? Why get so upset? Your total lack of evidence and inability to remain civil is very telling :)

It's simple: ask for proof which cannot be reasonably provided, then dismiss the whole shooting as fake because there isn't "enough hard evidence" to prove it's real. I said it before - unless the school had cameras that picked up video of him shooting students, there's likely no footage available of the shooting.

There is, however, numerous student's detailed descriptions of thee events; there's also a police officer who was shot and is currently in the hospital (so there were indeed shots fired). We also know that he had explosives placed and with him, along with social media pictures of guns.

So, I ask again - what proof would you need on top of this for the shooting to be "believable"? Almost every single historic event can be "reasonably doubted" by your logic, there's hardly concrete proof of events and even less when we go back to pre-security cameras time. If you say "any type of hard evidence would do", but won't believe people who provide statements or were in the shooting as it happened, you're intentionally sealioning. What do you want, pictures of the bodies spread out across every news outlet? you know they can't do that.

So, OP is asking for "credible evidence", but in fact isn't - he's asking for pictures of either dead bodies or a dead gunman, as that's the only irrefutable proof I can think of, and knows both of these cannot be provided. You also complain about me calling you out on an agenda - yet immediately assume the shooting to be false until proven otherwise? That's completely backwards and thankfully not how things work, ever.

I just said courtroom testimony is different from news crew footage

Yeah, they're different, everyone can go to a courtroom and blatantly lie about things, whereas footage recording is at the very least impartial (unless it's been tampered with, but again, you cannot assume something to be false until proven otherwise without any serious basis on it).

I remain civil, I engage your rethoric, I provide you with the only available proof at this time and that probably will ever be. Where's your source for claiming the shooting is fake? Where's your reasonable doubt? Or are you just outright saying "because one shooting is fake, they're all fake"? There's a difference between conspiracy theories and blatantly making up things/denying evidence just for the sake of building a narrative, and the sub is blurring the line more and more with each passing day. I await your response civilly.

a report of a policeman in the hospital does not mean a policeman has been shot - we still don't have any evidence any guns were involved or fired as far as I'm concerned.

Any kind of proof - I would accept anything that would prove that real guns were used, real danger was present, etc. This all seems like a huge play to me, and no one has presented any evidence to the contrary :)

The reason I don't believe the shooting is real are too multitudinous to count or reasonably list here - this is a conspiracy board, are we supposed to believe everything the news tells us here?

So your justification for claiming the shooting didn't happen is basically "I don't have any evidence that it did, so I'll just believe what I want"? Ok.

I'm all too familiar with MSM lies, and as I am, I'm also familiar with people pushing distortive narratives for their agenda. You say the reasons you don't believe the shooting is real are too many to count - yet are any of them actually verifiable? Or is it unproved theory after theory?

Here's a dumbed-down example so you get my point: "I don't believe lions are real. I've never been to a zoo, and the only pictures I ever saw of lions come from TV and news. We know TV lies, and nobody can provide me any evidence that lions do exist (I'm definitely taking lion skin or teeth mailed to me as proof that they're real), so they don't. Why are people so stupid to believe such a bizarre animal exists when it's obviously fabricated?"

How is this argument different from yours? Also, I should note that there have been shootings recorded on camera or where victims have been photographed being injured. I'd go through the trouble of looking them up, but at this point don't really think you'll believe anything I have to say.

Lastly, don't say that bullshit "I would accept any kind of proof" because you wouldn't, and you know it. You would only accept evidence you deem furthering to your points and dismiss everything else, as you have. Confirmation bias at its finest.

I'm claiming I know it was another media event - all you're doing is attacking my position.

I know that many other past events were hoaxed, so because I've done extensive research that you have apparently NOT done, my claims are going to seem a little outlandish to you.

However, this thread isn't about my perspective, this entire thread is dedicated to the request of actual information. All you're doing is being contrarian here and attempting to convince people that they should accept what the news says without any skepticism or any actual evidence or proof.

This is a terrible idea, is super dangerous, and it's very telling to me that accounts flock to /r/conspiracy to promote this kind of thinking. "Don't worry, don't question the news. Questioning the news means you're crazy."

If you think that merely asking for evidence of an unlikely event in a conspiracy forum is inappropriate I'm not sure what to tell you. I guess I would probably tell you to leave the conspiracy forum.

Sigh. You continue to fail to provide any proof whatsoever. I'm not saying you're crazy for questioning the news (stop putting words in my mouth...), I'm saying your assertations are just as unfounded. It's all too easy to claim "I've done the research, so I know it's true, therefore it's true".

This argument leads nowhere. I've already provided you with every piece of information regarding the shooting that is publicly available for me to gather, and you've dismissed it with a wave of your hand. What else do you want me to do? There is simply no more information on the topic at the moment.

One could argue that this post, knowingly made by someone asking for proof when they know the proof asked isn't available, is an agenda-fueled post on its own right. But sure, I'm just another paid shill thinking critically and attacking poor you.

Also, I've done some extensive research on how Ronald McDonald is actually the Zodiac Killer. Do you have any evidence to prove contrary? I'll be waiting.

This actually started with the OP requesting proof the event was real - I'm not the OP, I'm not sure why you're so fascinated with my beliefs or my research or my past at all.

If you had investigated other events, like say, Sandy Hook, and concluded that was a hoax, it would then become more reasonable to look for other similar hoaxes.

OP is pointing out that all the information coming out is completely devoid of concrete proof - and I'm agreeing with him and supporting his request for evidence. Still no evidence has been provided, either within the official news reports or from other sources.

OP isn't pointing anything out, at the most he's asking for proof and nothing else. Also, there's a difference between certain events or things not adding up, and entire shootings being faked. Would you say the Vegas shooting never took place? Or the Pulse nightclub shooting? Or the Charlottesvile church shooting? Afaik there were photos of injured people for all of these. There is a difference.

We'll have to wait and see more evidence pointing to either side - whether it was real or a hoax. Right now, all evidence available points to the shooting having taken place, but I'm willing to suspend my belief until further proof is issued.

Correct - Pulse, Vegas, Charleston - no one was injured during any of these "attacks." They were media stunts that terrorized the public. Pulse night club had been closed for weeks before the shooting, and there's no way anyone can smuggle an AR15 past a pat-down doorman.

Vegas we have tons of conflicting reports re:multiple shooters, and we also have gunfire being played over loudspeakers at the event itself - I also doubt there were any real casualties there.

I haven't done as much research into the Charleston shooting, but it did appear that almost the entire identity of the "shooter" was falsified. If the shooter wasn't real, how could the events have possibly transpired in the way they told us?

I understand that it's difficult to accept and you certainly shouldn't take my word on it, but as I said before, all of these "mass shooting" events of the past two decades appear to be terrorism not through violence, but through media lies and suggestion.

I'll entertain your theory and double down with a theory of my own. Let's say the shootings were indeed staged -all of them- by a superior group with evil intentions. Why not simply matke the shootings happen? I mean, it's easy enough to give someone a gun and tell them to go shoot up x church or street, right? Why go through the whole ordeal of faking "victims" (which would necessary have to be relocated and disappear from the public eye forever, lest they are seen alive and the whole shooting comes crashing down), fake witnesses (which would have to be paid large sums of money for a long period of time, lest they talk about the operation 10 years down the line), fake news reports and media which would almost accrue to a Hollywood-esque production, when you can just drug someone into doing your bidding, and have them shoot up the places for real?

The theory you propose is interesting but way overly complicated, imo, when it'd be so much more easy to simply pay/force people to carry out the shootings for real. Now, if you say the shootings did take place, but were politically motivated/had some ulterior connected motive behind them, that seems to me like a much more likely (and plausible) theory. I'd be interested in knowing your thoughts on this.

Shhhhh. You can’t use logic that insults the hoaxers and the generally, predictibly, nearly always say “prove it” at which point you continue on the endless circle of “here’s the proof” “that’s not proof”...wash rinse repeat

With a small group of hoaxers, you don't need to pay witnesses - they keep the acting and hoaxery in house and the witnesses are the people that they fooled - that simple. So the witnesses aren't lying, they're just reporting having been hoaxed because they didn't realize it was a hoax - because if you didn't do the research homework, you would never suspect that this type of event was hoaxed.

But that still creates lots of circumstancial actors and persons involved, way too many variables (people in the lockdown seeing stuff they weren't supposed to see, one of the actors turning around on them, someone eventually discovering incriminating evidence) and is still fairly more complicated than simply coercing/drugging someone into shooting up whatever place you wish to. With such big players in the field, surely they would be able to "afford" the human cost of a few dozen deaths at most, and this way they get the public's sympathy but don't have to be covering their asses at every turn in such a complicated conspiracy.

I'm left pondering, with more questions than answers. Surely an interesting exchange.

If people actually died, you risk people actually investigating their deaths. If you just lie about it there are many fewer loose ends.

Anyway cheers and thanks for trying to understand my perspective.

a superior group with evil intentions

What is evil about staging a play? If people are too naive to conclude the ridiculous claims are fake, that’s on them... no?

Just FYI, on your pulse point....common reports are that the security guard outdoors was the first to engage the shooter and was shot so I’m not sure why you’re saying he smuggled an AR past the doorman?

So the doorman engaged the shooter physically then the shooter pulled out his 3' long assault rifle? It's total nonsense my friend. Check into pictures of the club being closed down - it wasn't even open when the shooting is alleged to have occurred. And there's also footage of some "wounded" (that are clearly just wearing makeup) that board a fake ambulance which takes them the opposite direction of the nearest hospital, which is right down the street. I couldn't even make this stuff if I wanted to.

“I would accept any kind of proof”

Ignores all first hand accounts including one from a student was shot himself....does not compute

The students in many cases just say they heard what sounded like gunfire from a room or two away. This is not proof that a shooting occurred. I'm sorry if it seems grisly, but if they're claiming that type of massacre, I'd like to see some sort of physical evidence. I need more than stories to go on.

The article you posted claims in writing that a police officer was shot and has a picture of an upset looking woman. That “proves” a guy was shot? If so, how?

I'll repeat myself: there is simply no proof that can be provided to you which will "convince" you. No shots of the bodies are allowed, afaik, so unless one of the Santa Fe students themselves hops into the sub and posts pics of their friends' bodies online, we're not getting them.

I can point out the opposite, though: how do you know the shooting didn't happen? You made this post when news of the shooting had baerly started being spread, so there's little possibility that the fakeness of the shooting had already been "exposed". Therefore, you must've blindly assumed the shooting to be false without any proof to back this claim either. Am I wrong?

Which eyewitness testimony proves a shooting happened for you?

What standard of proof are we using? Nothing has been presented to this point that would prove the accusations beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty as there have been no statements given under oath and no witnesses have been cross-examined. Unfortunately, this isn't likely to ever take place because the alleged shooter is allegedly dead.

The OP asked for evidence and I merely pointed out that there is quite a bit of evidence.

Quite a bit of evidence like what? You haven’t posted any.

what exact evidence would be sufficient to satisfy you? Ill try and find it.

Presumably, either pictures of the dead students' bodies or video of the gunman actively shooting students. Both things which are very unlikely, if at all possible, to be found online, as sensibility issues prevent reporters and pretty much everyone but the police to release them.

Whatever evidence is sufficient to convince anyone with any God-given judgment that a real shooting happened.

Well, there's student's accounts of the story, police reports, injured officer and students/teachers... Any one of these would separately suffice to conclude that a shooting took place. Or are you saying the officer in hospital shot himself in the arm?

I've said it before and I repeat: where's your evidence that it *didn't* happen? Or is it just speculation and "gut feeling"?

Go ahead and post which one of the litany of evidence you claim there is, should be the most persuasive to establish that a real shooting took place, even if this is just your opinion. Go ahead, post anything that proves a shooting happened, and not a fake shooting:

Post it here:

Post it below, without further equivocation:

The shooting happened only 24 hours ago. It is too early for any important evidence to be found and revealed.

Remind me! in 24 hours

Are you saying that hearsay is enough for assault or murder charges?

Cause it isn't.

You'd be surprised at the number of times a single person's "hearsay" can get another person in jail. Many times, it is enough - for better or worse.

That’s a horrid response that can only be defined by yourself allowing you to say “that’s not evidence”

Be specific. What exactly are you looking for as proof?

Whatever you think is good evidence that someone got shot or anything got shot. Go ahead, literally post anything:

No dude see you’re still saying generic things. “Whatever you think is good evidence” translates to “if I don’t like it I can ignore it” I’m asking SPECIFICALLY!!:

Would you like eyewitness testimony? We both know that can be confusing and misleading in the initial aftermath, though I’m sure you’d accept someone saying “nothing happened” and reject someone saying “I saw my friend get shot in the face” as an actor

Would you like the fact that there are 10 funerals being planned? I’m sure that you’ll say there’s no proof of that (FYI NFL star JJ Watt has volunteered to pay for every funueral of the victims, but I’m sure that now the NFL is in on the false flag too huh?)

Would you like photos of dead kids? I’m sure if they would ever release those you’d screw “photoshop!!!! Look at that cellphone on the side it doesn’t look right it’s all fake!!!” And that’s ignoring the fact that we both know the OBVIOUS reason those photos won’t be released (not some grand conspiracy, but you know, that thing called basic fucking human decency when a parent has just buried their kid after they took a 12 gauge round of shot to their chest)

Would you like security camera footage? Great, likely not to be released for months because releasing crime scene videos isn’t something that happens LESS THAN 48 HOURS AFTER KIDS WERE MURDERED

SO I ask again, what SPECIFICALLY would convince you. And what of that evidence that would convince you would you expect to be released in LESS than 48 hours? Your post is WAY to soon if you want video proof but you know that. But I also have a feeling you wouldn’t accept video proof either. So please please please. Tell me what specifically would convince you other than “whatever you think” (this ain’t about what I think is good evidence. I think having 20ish parents not sending their kid to school on Monday is good evidence). I need you to say whatever YOU think is good evidence sir.

You just wrote 346 words and posted no evidence.


Here I’ll make this easy for you my man. Tell me SPECIFICALLY what would convince you. If I cannot find it within a reasonable amount of time (considering this happened less than 48 hours ago this will take time) then I’ll go ahead and suck your correct cock and walk away with my tail between my legs. But you need to EXPLAIN what YOU consider EVIDENCE. “Whatever is good evidence” is not an explanation of what good evidence it’s just repeating your statement of “show me evidence”

Good heavens, man. I'm starting to think that you're never going to post any evidence that a real shooting took place in Texas.

Good heavens man I’m starting to think you’ll never define what you consider eveidence. Here I’ll post a single thing, you can tell me how it’s not evidence, I can tell you that’s exactly why I’m asking for you to define what evidence you would consider, and we can go from there. How about that? Sound like a deal? Now I’ll need your help here I’m on mobile and I’m not sure how to post a photo. If you can explain that to me I’ll post a photo for you

Do you really need to be instructed how to enter the question “how do I post a picture on reddit” into your favourite search engine?

Look at the upvotes his comment got. 7 people really thought it was “clever” or “worthy of an upvote” that he simply wrote hundreds of words in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that he has no evidence at all to show of a real shooting? I’m starting to think the upvotes here might be manipulated!

You could just help me out and explain how to post a photo from reddit instead of going off about votes....

Lol what are you even talking about??? Link to any photo as you normally would.

Or you can save any image to your phone and upload it using or something like that.

See now that’s all I needed joe that wasn’t so hard, I was unaware of imgtc and it was a saved photo on my phone so I didn’t have a link, you could’ve mentioned this 5 or so comments ago after I kept repeatedly asking

This is an email from the director of YES’ incoming program explaining that the Pakistani girl was killed in the shooting. Now YES is a national program so if you’re still insistent that no shooting happened that would require that for some random reason they decided to include the entire YES program, as well as the Pakistani officials who confirmed her death, in to this hoax as you claim it is. This director, you can look her up, is a legitimate director of a legitimate program that exhcanges students with over 40 countries

Now I’m sure you’ll say this isn’t any form of proof whatsoever, but you asked what I consider good proof. And this comes back to the entire reason I’ve been repeatedly asking you for what YOU would consider proof. So I’ll ask again

What would YOU consider legitimate proof? Is this good enough for you or will you dismiss this entirely? At this early stage this is by far the most convincing proof I have come across and I believe it. So tell me if this isn’t good enough for you and please explain why in addition to explaining what you would consider actual proof.

u/joe_jaywalker you’ve been posting all over reddit within the last couple hours I’ve noticed, but you’ve yet to respond to my posted evidence. Would you care to weigh in on why you haven’t responded, why you won’t accept this as evidence, or what evidence you will consider evidence?

Honestly fuck this dude. Idk why you're giving him the time of day. Like you said, when presented with evidence he'll just scream that it's not the right evidence. Or like in this case he will just ignore you because he's been defeated and knows it. I only just discovered his account today but after scrolling through his history he is either delusional or just trolling.

I can’t seem to find how to do it from mobile without the app. I don’t use the app I use my browser on my phone. Don’t use reddit on my laptop as it’s an eye sore. So if you want to help me out that would still be appreciated. For some reason none of you will explain it to me....

It’s quite simple.

Up to this point you’ve relied on being spoon fed narratives and hand held through trivial challenges your entire life, which is why you believe the things you do, which is why you can’t even figure out how to upload a photo to reddit.

Start thinking (and acting) for yourself instead of depending on others to do it for you, then we can have a conversation on the same level.

So that’s a no you won’t help me out? Fair enough. Good day sir I’m done talking to you

He did the same thing to me yesterday :-)

He’s done it over and over and over again in this thread. I posted some evidence lower down and he’s yet to respond at all too it. I even asked him if he considered it bullshit and he still didn’t respond. He’s just sitting here asking for evidence that he already knows he’d reject as a way to scream “see I told you so!”

He’s full of it. We all know he doesn’t want EVIDENCE he wants EVIDENCE he can scream “no that’s not evidence!!!” too. It’s pathetic, transparent, and sad

"god given judgement"

So you believe in God but you need video evidence to prove to you that this shooting was a complete fake and no1 died?

Post evidence below:

so you don't want to answer my question. You spoke of God as if you were a believer. I was wondering if that was true. If it isn't why are you talking about god given judgement?

Who gives a crap? This is a thread about evidence of a real shooting. Sidetracking by bringing in my views might make someone think you don’t have any evidence to post.

I would just like to understand how someone can believe in the greatest con ever pulled, with zero fucking evidence but needs to actually be inside one of these schools before they will believe a shooting happened.

I have seen you make these threads after every shooting and I have never once seen you accept any evidence at all. (because I assume, you don't take witness statements as evidence. Which is fair enough tbh)

The only thing that would ever make you believe in a mass shooting would be if you were there yourself and took a bullet. But let's face it you wouldn't post about it.

Sorry if you think I am sliding, I guess I was OT. If you would like to answer my question in PM though and have a conversation about how you only need evidence to confirm certain beliefs I would up for that conversation. I'll leave your thread be now.

I was raised in the church, became a nonbeliever in college, called myself an atheist for a couple years, then got into conspiracy theories and my research in those areas has actually led me back into belief in a Creator. Though I'm not deeply religious myself, I go to church to be with my family, specifically my widowed mother, and no longer have the antipathy for religious people I once did.

What helped me away from atheism is finding many problems with the current scientific (actually Scientistic) environment and worldview, where I have now come to see Science as its own religion, most of its followers blindly accepting whatever the authorities say. Specifically, we have been lied to about missions to space, in what I can only conclude is an attempt to lead the population away from the belief that they were intelligently designed.

But enough about me.. you make the straw man argument that no evidence will convince me other than being there myself and seeing a dead body. That's simply not true. If any of these events looked or felt like a real shooting I would have to admit that the evidence is convincing and even overwhelming. But we don't see this do we? We just see a bunch of people making excuses on the internet for why they don't have any evidence and personally attacking the people like me who think that we are being lied to about these events.

So literally 100s of witnesses (spread over all these shootings) Any person that was ever "killed" has to be relocated away from their family. Literally, 100s of personnel to makeup spread and then control the story and everyone that was apparently there.

We are talking about entire schools and their faculty and student body in on this with nothing ever leaking ever.

I am open to them being false flags because let's face it, it would be a million times easier to just shoot up the school and then blame it on a patsy.

This whole it's all a fake story just makes no sense to me. I think it is far more likely that lack of affordable and decent mental health care coupled with hordes of school kids now on fuck tons of medication when a large portion of them probably don't even need it a far more likely culprit than the whole thing is fabricated.

And my argument wasn't in any way a strawman. How many of these threads have you made now? I remember at least three. And when people have asked you "what would you consider acceptable" evidence the only thing I remember you saying is what you just said to me

If any of these events looked or felt like a real shooting I would have to admit that the evidence is convincing and even overwhelming.

What would you consider evidence enough?

Not any eyewitness statements.

Not any LEO statements.

Not statements from the families.

So what would be good enough? Short of being inside a school when it happens what would you consider enough evidence?

Before I go a quick aside into the religion thing again. So because you don't agree with the way the government uses science sometimes(stuff taken out of context, numbers massaged etc etc) and the way some people will listen to anything as long as a "scientist" says it your answer to that was to decide to believe in the Almighty instead?

And if the space missions were all bullshit what is more likely?

They were fabricated to keep ahead in the space race against the Russians.

They wanted to cover up intelligent design.

I know which one I would find much more likely.

Organised religion is the biggest conspiracy the world has ever or will ever know. It is nothing but a tool for controlling people and empowering those at the top.

Without religions holding us back as a species for close to a thousand years I wonder where we would be now. When you look at how far we have come in the last 100 years, hell 50 years I can't imagine what we lost while being kept in the dark ages.

I have no problem with people that wish to believe that is up to them but I do like to talk about it.

It’s a lot easier than you think to invent fake personas and convince people they are real using emotional appeals and repetitive reinforcement. It also requires the co-operation of far fewer people than you may realise.

Nobody double-checks anything, and most people won’t even question the narrative. You can’t rely on anyone else to do that for you, certainly not the media itself — they only disseminate propaganda.

Every past victim I’ve personally researched has had connections or a background that brought their story into serious doubt. The majority appear to be completely fake, with an online presence that abruptly ends, while the few who might be real having some government connection in their immediate family.

so what evidence would convince you? or is the answer none?

Just post the best evidence, in your opinion. We need to make sure this is a real shooting and not just some kind of fake stunt!

It doesn’t matter because you haven’t posted any evidence. I’m thinking you’re not going to.

Death certificates. Hospital records. Visual proof of injury NOT blurred.

Just saying, I would like more journalistic effort put in to stories. Real sick of talking heads.

the problem is OP isn't gonna answer like you did. as can been seen by all his responses.

Yeah fuckwit. I guess the funeral we're attending for my baby cousin's best friend is fake huh?

You people do a lot to disgust me, and for a while I've been able to play it off as not a big deal, but you're all just genuinely horrible people.

any proof that you were actually connected to the victim or the that victim really died and this isn't just a show? Or are you another false witness?

Why would I need to prove anything to you?

cause that's what we're discussing in this thread and you commented claiming you had insider knowledge :D

But you're clearly just here to insult and try to confuse people - not to provide any proof of your claims or to participate in a constructive way :)

1st things first: Why would I doxx myself?

Second: I truly honestly give 0 shits whether a group of paranoid anti semites care whether I'm telling the truth or not

Third: (And this is just for me personally, because if I can be honest, while I'm stressed out of my mind trying to make sure my cousin gets some kind of therapy from this incident. Gotta relieve stress when you can)

Eat the biggest bag of Jewish cocks you can find.

I'm laughing. No proof or evidence - is anyone surprised? More emotional crap. This guy has literally showed up in a thread asking for evidence and proof, claims he has some, but is now refusing to share it. Very typical. Very funny. Very predictable.

Since when? I'm not offering anything. And because I don't care whether you believe me or not I'm not going to offer any. In fact the only reason I've come to this thread is to insult you.

Nevermind, you believe the Earth is flat. You pretty much insult yourself

Thanks for admitting I beat you in argument and you have no way to counter my points other than to try to discredit me in the eyes of other readers. You lost, good game.

Oh this wasn't an argument. I'm literally just going to keep insulting you by laughing at your beliefs and the fact that you take this seriously enough to think that any actual intelligent discussion happens in a conspiracy thread

Exactly - You're here to prevent the discussion from getting too intelligent. No matter how calmly and rationally I explain the situation, you'll just continue to try to drag it down with insults and nonsequiturs.

Which is why it's no longer profitable to continue with you - Again, thanks for admitting you lost, have no proof or arguments, and for showing everyone else that's reading what a total crock of shit this whole shooting was. And for showing up to bear false witness just like OP said would happen.

I appreciate you helping me prove how little merit there is to the entire shooting in general and your specific claims. Thanks :)

Yeah. You caught me, I was sent back in time from the year 2049 by antifa (((globalists))). But you've blown my cover. You're so smart top mind, well played.

what a coincidence!

  1. you post in /r/topmindsofreddit, /r/subredditdrama, and browse /r/conspiracy with the apparent motivation to attack people who actually talk about conspiracies

  2. claim to personally know someone from this shooting, need to help care for them, AND yet you're still on reddit the day of the shooting only hours afterwards

This guy has about as much proof that his friend was at the shooting as I do. And I live in Massachusetts. What a total crock :)

Please keep going though. You're actually dismantling your own claims and making yourself seem totally incredible for me.

I have no claims. At this point I am here for the single purpose of insulting you. Btw the Earth isn't flat

Appreciate all that proof you've offered, good work

So now I'm gonna highjack this thread because I think it'll be controversial enough to get more views:

On a serious note please don't let my actions take away from the very real trauma that the very real victims went through. If you look hard enough through my profile you'll see that I really am from Texas (by way of Houston) and I have family in Santa Fe. My cousin's best friend was shot and killed yesterday. Please don't let these people claim nonsense like it didn't happen, it very much did and we could use all the thoughts love and prayers right now.

what real trauma? what real victims?

Yeah I'm not taking to you anymore. I'm talking to everyone that's going to read this in a few hours from now. You've served your purpose.

and now you're claiming to be using my replies the same way I was using yours. Again, exactly what I would expect :)

You’re not going to prove that connection are you? So it’s meaningless and I don’t believe you.

And somehow I'll manage to sleep at night

This is a joke right?

u/joe_jaywalker has been unwilling to explain to me how to post a photo from mobile. Would any other kind redditor be willing to help me out here? I’ve asked him multiple times for help and he’s ignored me and I’be asked him multiple times for what proof he would accept. So I offered to post a photo with the one request that he help me learn to post a photo from mobile, he unsurprisingly disappeared. If anyone would be kind enough to explain I’d appreciate it :)

I think some are real and inspired by the false flags. I always look at the local governmenr and their ties before jumping to conclusions.

Looks like a drill to me. An hour live clip of police and emergency response walking around and socializing, while empty gurneys getting pushed back and forth across the campus.

Every major news outlet in the Country is reporting on it, but apparently that doesn't count as evidence to you. So consider this, the enrollment at Santa Fe High School is 1,400, how many of these 1,400 students have spoken up and said this is fake? The injured were taken to and treated at University of Texas Medical Branch (11,000 employees) and Clear Lake Regional Medical Center (2,900 employees), have any said this didn't happen? Then you have the police department, EMS and fire department that responded, which ones called this event fake? This doesn't even mention the family members of all the students there, or staff within the school. Does it seem logical to you that an event like this could be faked without a large number of people talking to reporters and saying that it is fake?

Meta thread: post any single piece of evidence from this Texas incident below and explain why you find it convincing or persuasive.

If nothing else I’d like to understand why you believe what you believe.

Read the instructions above and let’s have a civil conversation, one point at a time, cheers.

Appreciate all that proof you've offered, good work

So now I'm gonna highjack this thread because I think it'll be controversial enough to get more views:

On a serious note please don't let my actions take away from the very real trauma that the very real victims went through. If you look hard enough through my profile you'll see that I really am from Texas (by way of Houston) and I have family in Santa Fe. My cousin's best friend was shot and killed yesterday. Please don't let these people claim nonsense like it didn't happen, it very much did and we could use all the thoughts love and prayers right now.

Good heavens man I’m starting to think you’ll never define what you consider eveidence. Here I’ll post a single thing, you can tell me how it’s not evidence, I can tell you that’s exactly why I’m asking for you to define what evidence you would consider, and we can go from there. How about that? Sound like a deal? Now I’ll need your help here I’m on mobile and I’m not sure how to post a photo. If you can explain that to me I’ll post a photo for you

Quite a bit of evidence like what? You haven’t posted any.