Unofficial 60 Minutes Google Megathread

1  2018-05-21 by KingOfBlingBling

SS: 60 Minutes just put GOOG to the fire over potential monopoly practices. COUld this be a signal of a larger attack on big tech?


I'm confused. What happened man?

60 minutes just did a double attack on the silicon valley tech industry with Google and Theranos under the crossfires


I don't suppose /conspiracy has a lot of 60 Minutes viewers.

sht wrong sub, sorry, should I delete?

Sure if that's what you want to do.

60 minutes, which I presume is effectively government controlled propaganda/official state media just did a pretty significant attack on the silicon valley economy by not only exposing Google as a monopoly, but also casting doubt on tech startups by showcasing a major scam edge case.

Nice, good.

But government could have all the incriminating evidence in the world and not do anything about it. That's been their style for quite some time.

Corporate money funds their perpetual re-election campaigns. As long as that buddy system is in place they're going to continue to ignore grievous violations of the law.

Nah man, post what you're thinking. Was it a fair 60 minutes interview?

Believe me man, there's some shitty posts regularly posted here. It'd be genuinely cool to see someone come here looking for a conspiracy.

I am thinking 60 Minutes is a state sponsored media outlet and seeing them emphasize silicon valley/ tech industry in such a negative light is part of some policy games going on...

Op, PBs is and has been since around 2000, controlled by private corporate and conservative think tank and other conservative organization money and the money controls the message. They are now a tax subsidized conservative propaganda outlet and they haven't been liberal since the 80s when they added people like Bill Buckeley and began promoting the globalization of the economy.

In what way is 60 Minutes a state sponsored media outlet?

I think what he meant by state sponsored, is that CBS in general is a corporation in which government, politics, leadership, and issues are portrayed in a certain light designed to benefit some sectors and denigrate others. More of an apparatus of deep state information control rather that a straight up government funded media like the BBC.

So not state sponsored at all, then? He’s claiming there’s some sort of government conspiracy to discredit Google, using its sponsorship/influence on CBS (which we’ve already shown doesn’t exist) as the cudgel? The Trump administration and its intelligence apparatus are using the “liberal media” to try to bring down Google for... some reason?

Seems legit.

My my, did someone pour anties down your panties today?

Read what he wrote again and then go outside for a breath of fresh air to calm yourself down - "effectively a state sponsored media outlet"

Ah nice. Childish insults.

So how is 60 Minutes “effectively a state sponsored media outlet?” Let’s have some actual facts rather than the heaping helping of nothing OP’s presented thus far. Hell, I’ll even settle for a made up narrative that makes logical sense.

albeit indirectly

He’s simply saying they aren’t announcing it overtly, like in a speech from Trump, but indirectly, through the use of a story on 60 Minutes.

There’s no other logical way to interpret that statement.

You're saying it's pretty clear that he thinks the government is directly controlling 60 Minutes, but in his statement he says "effectively announcing, albeit indirectly...".

So I'm just puzzled how you arrived at that conclusion given his statement.

I’ve literally just explained it once in detail. That’s all you get. I’m not your English composition tutor.

Lmao okay bud

If you research the 60 minutes NSA piece with Alexander, you might find out just how willing they are to play ball with the government when it comes to certain issues. Also Operation Mockingbird. The UK govt has a program that cultivates who gets to be a top level tv journalist and even a program that determines what they're not allowed to talk about based on 'national security'. They've been around for decades. These are public knowledge programs. The US just keeps theirs more secret.

Oh Jesus Christ. TV is big brother. All of it.

Wow, just wow. Painting GOOG as the victim. Do you work for them?

They aren't the victim, but they do a lot more for free education than any major tech company.


Hope so

60 minutes just did a double attack on the silicon valley tech industry with Google and Theranos under the crossfires