Meghan Markle May Be A “Woman” With A Little Something Extra - If You Catch My Drift.

1  2018-05-21 by Thetanster


SS: There’s a Conspiracy Theory that a lot of the “hot women” in the public eye are secretly trans. Watch this analysis if you’re prepared to face this reality.

If I post something like this, I’m guaranteed to get abused and attacked over it. I don’t care. People need to wake up. If people are so knee jerk about this then that says something. Crazy people being crazy doesn’t flip people out like this topic does.

My site is

Bring it on.


In my opinion it's more likely that the Prince is gay and this marriage to a bi-racial woman is a way to market the monarchy to the minority community. The royal family is basically just a tourist attraction for England, so creating a black princess will allow them to enter a new market of customers (the rising black American middle class).

If I post something like this, I’m guaranteed to get abused and attacked over it. I don’t care. People need to wake up. If people are so knee jerk about this then that says something. Crazy people being crazy doesn’t flip people out like this topic does.

Little defensive there?

No. As vocal as her half brothers and sisters are, I think they would have spilled the beans about this if it were true. Meghan is a woman.

Meghan is a woman.

Evidence for this?

Well, I don't know her personally, so obviously I can't prove it. But I really do think her half brothers and sisters would have told the world if this was true by now. Especially her half sister, who can't seem to keep her mouth shut and is writing a book.

Well, I don't know her personally, so obviously I can't prove it.

Yes, so why the fuck are you making such claims? You don't know, so don't act like you do. No?

Geez! I no longer have an internet crush on you! Meany!

I don't think you care for me at all. Now I'm sad. 😪

Any reason for being a dick?


Why don't you get a good old cancer and make the gene pool a little bit cleaner?

Don’t be so sad. We can’t all have meaningful relationships with actual human beings

So edgy!

Uhh, if you were being sarky then good on you :) but if the question was well intentioned then I should explain that plc is notorious for being either 110% troll or 110% unhinged

The irony is palpable

how do you survive being this dumb? who cooks your food for you and makes sure you breathe enough?

You got any dick picks? We need some proof to the contrary.

Evidence that she is?

All that video is is just a photo collage and unsupported BS

Why in the world would the royal family try to pull this one off? If Harry were gay they would have him get married then let him bang dudes on small islands where no one can see.

There is zero reason for them to try to do this.

Not only that if anything happens to big bro he is next in line

Can you provide evidence that you aren't a fucking retarded piece of shit?

Hey I'm still waiting for evidence she's not a woman. Otherwise you'd just be a shill who's bad at trolling.

Rule 10


Look at the feet tho...

I looked up her feet. She has a longer second toe. Both men and women can have that.

Wouldn't surprise me, tbh. Royalty marry certain people, but, have babies with others (usually incest). I don't think people truly know, just how fucked up Royals are.

Some are true bloods (ie. marriages and procreation between female/male bloodlines), and some are mocked. Harry is being mocked, because of his status and bloodline.

TL;DR, The Queen is a Royal cunt.

I see the kingly professor is out and about.

sounds like someone is "projecting" their own fetish onto others... sheez

4chaners are obsessed with “traps.” It only makes sense that they hope every woman secretly has a dick.

I’ve heard Q is meant to represent a woman “O” with a dick sticking out of her. Just something I’ve heard. Many people are saying. Many people.

Everyone is saying it.

Believe me'

This tranny conspiracy is the new psyop. The new flat earth

Nah, it's not new, they said it about Michelle Obama too.

This is more organized. It's all over YouTube.

At least that ones believable

Not any more believable than this nonsense, no.

Or the current “first” lady. She’s had so much plastic surgery, I wonder how much ch is human, how much is cyborg/fake.

Not making fun of it. I understand it’s kind of expected from her careers in soft porn and escorting.

For an autidt maybe

It's nuts. "Male spaces" (read: the chans, DR, etc.) like to rag on women on the Internet with "show your tits" and "you're a tranny just look at your x, y, z!" I have broader shoulders and narrow hips, so I guess for all intensive porpoises, on the Interwebs I am actually a man :) I don't know what it is that makes men so quick to see women as men - those that do are the ones I think might have gender issues of their own to deal with, frankly.

Upvoat for “intensive porpoises”.


Hey, that’s not how you sp...



That's some Ricky speak there

I can believe to a certain extent Michelle Obama secretly being Big Mike

yea but no. really, not even.

Such do you get decent benefits w shareblue?


Then I'm gay, because I would.

This feels like a way for feral people to justify why attractive women don't flock to them.

And sometimes we wonder why people don't take conspiracy theorists serioisly?

Who cares if she’s trans. She’s likely not as we’d probably know by now. But even if she was, how is that even a conspiracy? Being trans isn’t a conspiracy it’s just something people are. Yeesh.

Who cares if she’s trans.

she's not trans.

And here is conjecture of Prince Hairy’s being a transgender:

It is a fact that American women’s hips have been narrowing over the past few decades, which has resulted in an increase in C-section births, due to narrowed pelvic capacity in delivering the infant. This is because women with more masculine traits have been promoted as desirable in the Media, which has caused men to mate with such. Look at most fashion models: they look like pretty boys with boobs. They may have round buttocks, but they have slim hips. Their facial features are essentially masculine - strong jaws, cheekbones, and foreheads. Additionally, I have noticed that most of the women who work in the film industry are particularly masculine in appearance and/or affect - if that might account for anything. There are so many “girls-kicking-ass” movies now that it’s become a cliché. What I’m getting at is that this Markle chick, about whom I’d never heard until a week ago, probably was not transgendered as a boy, but is a selected specimen of the Media industry, which has been promoting masculinized, though not outright masculine, women for some time.

Damn dude go outside some more and socialize. You sound lonely and distanced from society

What are you doing here?

So the theory is televised media, which has been around for like 100 years, has causally affected male mating habits to the degree where human female pelvic structure has evolved within 4x generation time? Science is not your friend.

Holy autism batman

“Pedantry” might be more appropriate, but you know what you mean.

Haha I misunderstood and almost thought you were claiming a conspiracy about some irrelevant British duchess being a fake lady.

Dear god, no wonder TMOR makes fun of this sub sometimes, this is ridiculous.

It's obvious that's what it is. So they can highlight the few morons that support it in comments

I don't think my eyes can roll any further back into my head.

These people probably don't seriously believe Meghan Markle is a transvestite. This is 4chan trolls doing what they've always done and trolling. Their ultimate goal is to stir up trouble around elite figures in some kind of attempt to "overthrow the NWO". Hillary is a satanist, Trump is a Russian. All of the entire government is corrupt, except this one secret part of it which will soon be shown to be corrupt as well. The whole world is fucked and it's because of these elites, who are targets by virtue only of the fact that they and their families have been more skillful competitors in the harsh game that is life.

Because the thing is, it's hard to compete. Each of these folks could instead choose to compete as well. If there's a benevolent reason for which they instead choose this, maybe it's that they want to fight for all of those people in the world who actually can't compete. People who are living under actual oppression, people who don't have a voice. The pessimistic view would be that they do what they do because they are maladjusted as members of the first "internet generations" and have found themselves unable to compete, when in reality most of them (americans and most europeans, at least) live in societies where they probably could do something about it and take charge of their own lives.

The elites may be collectively fucking us all, but at this point society has evolved to where individuals of many countries do have the ability and the freedom and the tools to improve their station in life. It isn't easy, but then it probably wasn't easy for all of these elites (and in the case of old money, their ancestors) to do what they did either.